274793 N�HITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council w' / ►•�yJ CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. � ■ � ■ �� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By �CEI�SE COP�uffTTE-� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESt�LVED: ^lhat Application Q 13776 for the transfer of Qn Sale Liquor License T1o. 9712, AND Application Q 13777 for the transfer of the Sunday Un Sa1e Liquor License, AI1D Appli- cation Q 13778 for the transfer of the Class C2-l�estaurant, �f�f-f;�e r°'^_ ��:,��egc and Cigarette License, all expiring January 31, 1981, issued to Beaver Lounge, Inc. (George J. Haines, President) at 756 Jackson Street, be and the same are hereby trans- ferred to Beaver Lounge, Inc. (Grace �1. �raid, Vice President) at the same address� doing business as Beaver's Lounge. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � HDZZa Hunt [n Favor Levine Maddox a __ Against BY McMahon S howa►ter, ^n Ted HrR 2 3 � �� Form Approved by City Attorney A ed by Coun � . Date Certifie .sed ounc.il,l'i cr ar BY t#p o e by ;Vlavor: D __� - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By PuQUSt��D MAY 3 1980 �,����`+�.�;� �,� .a..�������n�n -.�`'T' ',�',,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _,�e ;'�., �� ~= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ',,� iii�tiiii �� `�' _= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ''�,,'iT•••°`�.`' Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR April 23, 1980 � P•Tadam President and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, i•iinnesota Niadam President and �ionorable iiembers: Beaver Lounge, Inc. (George J. Ha.ines, President) and Beaver Lounge, Inc. (Grace k. Braid, Vice President) request that the On 5ale Liquor License, Sunday On Sa1e T�iquor License, Class C2-Restaurant, Off 5ale iialt Beverage ar�d Cigarette Licenses presently issued to Beaver Lounge, Inc. (George J. Iiaines, President) at 75b Jackson Street be transferred to Beaver Lounge, lnc. (Grace A. Braid, Vice �'resident) at the same address. The officers of this corporation are Thomas �rJ. Braid, Presi- dent, Secretary and Treasurer, and Grace l�. Braid, Vice President. The stock is held by Grace A. Braid. Thomas W. Braid will aperate the business and it will con- tinue to be rrnown as Beaver's Lounge. ihis application has been reviewed by the License and Per- mit Division and trie City Attorney's office. The recommendation is f or app roval. Very t yours� Joseph F. Carchedi License lnspector �O �t , ; . . , : � . .. .:Y� . � � �� t�' �,14.� '�1'� . . . ' . .� , �� .�.�I .t� . . . • �. ,. . .� ' . � ' � i � �: � � �,����� ; , . �, � �� . .,..� �.e . ' ��.. ' , , . . �„ .. , ,�� ^: i�t. 6 Plzn�in�; (l�uncil � � � ril. I. I9P.� , ` �'h� r�nident. of t,h� Jnck�on-Ack�r nrr.n nr� �kinp AiwtriAt 6 Pl+anninp, Counoil �a ql�prqr� �nd forw�r�� L� thr City Council a�nd th� T�iQ�nn* Aur��.0 th� followinR reaommerldatioA�• 'rhe etion eoncnrn� th� two b��ro Ior,lt�d on �T,�r,k�Rn nn�I Ack�r '�tr�!Rto. Rewi��a ?�r�r Hea�er T,ouetq� 7�: Jr�ckeon Btrret �56 J'ackson RtrRet �-`r�s. - Jim Thomrie � Owaer - (3eor�e Ae,ines , " l'ic� Pr�:� - Hownrd Rohwnann � To b� �raasferred to ' (lrace Hr�id _. Thw r•�mo�al oft th� off-a�l•; rn�lt liquor licenee of both b�rs ae the e,�__pepke are UeinR conewaed by kida ne .vounp_as IU venrs of_�. � RACial probleme oeanr frequ�nL1V _ �s blr�cke and chicanoe comn to BowiR'A to bu�y aix t�cka r�id CheV ar� verbrxlly ruld often ntiveicnllv r���useed bv vounp, white;�. Th�i� cr�r4 are also dfun�ed when they tgrk. Thia l�ads t� mini qAr►,v, fip,hta which endan�;r.r trie livea and probertv of the eurrounding res. idential area. . , � 2. +�^ would like to have striet enforc�ment of th^ 1:40 a.m. cloaing times on we�M �n.ve Rnd the l�ral 12t00 mirini�,ht closinp on �indsys; aleo enforca tbe r+liaday onenin� of 12:00 noon. BoLh bare violr�t� theae closinp rind otie�nin�; ti n�es. They lo�k doore r;nd turn out lip,hte� �but h��ve t�atronA on the premise:s until 2:00 a.m. These legal infrac- tione �,re a �*rent conc�rn to ner�r by residents ae these t�ntrone r�re noisey. ebueive. d�etructire and immor�l wh�n th�o leave. 3. A1r owners ahould b� h�ld r�a onsible for actilone on their parking lote� euch ae ` b��r. dove end e�x nartiee with loud mueic. Abueiv� and filthy 1r�n�ur��;R dleturh�Ap, the Rr�a residents �d th�ir youn�; children. �• p,�ieQ �h�uld pqtrol th�s� areAe r�nd(r�o� t,�d•n,�es of comnlaiasat�. as the,y fersr retaliation from th� rou�hRr bAr patronA. Polic� $hould deror�nd entraace to theae hRr4 at 150� a.m. �nd sn� tha,t r�ll nAtrons ZrRYA. '1'h� �rdinra.ace of th� City of �t.raul �rohibits n�tron^ from remainin� on the nr�mis�s 3ft�r th� 1:�� �,.m. cloeire� houro. Aceordin� to A9siatnnt �ity Attornev T�rr,�nc.+ G�rverv. th�r� 1A no l��way. end poli�e cqanot i�;nore this law aA lon�; as r�sidente of the ar�R lo�p,� cor.mra,irtta. . 5. Prohibit children from enterin� th��e b,�rs ��nleas acc�muanied bp vareats• Th�re are s�verr�l stor�s �,nd th� DAirv Qu�en fn Lh� ar�A wher� children can bWr por. ca►ndy� chius -u�►d po�r.orn. If th�y cr�n�t �et tn th�v won't haar., around. Boyri��s Ba,�'�� especially has 8 wid�epread reputaion of er�tering to teen�ere. Si�n�turea available if th�,y can be kept confidential � . . . . . � 7 y7 district six planni council ���� April 8, 1980 Joseph Carchedi, Licenae Inapector Dept. ot' Finance and Management Services Divieion o� ?�icense and Permit Adminiatration Room 209, City Hall � St. Paul, 1�1 55102 Dear Mr. Carchedi, The Dietrict Six Planuing Couxicil met April 1et to discues • the trane�er or an on-sale liquor licenae and miacellaneous other licenses from the current owner o� Beaver Zounge Inc. , George Hainee� to Grace Braid. Members o� the neighborhood and both the license holder and applicant were preeent at t�he meet- ing. Many ueighborhood pxoblems were discuaaed. (aee �ttached aheet) � The Dietrict Counci7. recommenda that the on-sale liquor license ot Beaver Lounge be tranefered to Grace Braid. The Dietrict Council requests that the other iseuea ae cited on the attached .memorandum be addressed by the appropriate City depart- ment$. It is further recommended and requeated that a meeting be held amongst the license iuepector, a member o� the Diatrict Council, George Mc MaY�on and Ron Maddox of the I�icense Committee, � Grace Braid, and other appropriate indiv�duale to�_�resolve ��.-�• � the iteme ot concern lieted by the reaidente oY the Jackeon/ Acker area. The District Counail anticipatee eatiefactory ' reaolution of theae problemB. Thank you for your assistance in thie matter and the opportunity �or the Dietxict Council to preeent their concerne. � Sincerely, . � � . � � Dick Goebel, Chair Distriot 6 Planning Council cc: Members of the License Committee Lt. Diok Eckwald . �