274778 WHITE - CITV CLERK �OUnCl� 2,74,��g PINK ' - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby confirm the following appointments made by the Mayor to the Hispanic A�fairs Advisory Committee to serve �or the terms indicated below: Two year term to expire on March 31, 1982: JoAnn de Enos, 149 Exeter Place Bishop Richard Ham, Chancery Office, 226 Summit Rebecca Heelan, 1797 Stanford Avenue Martin Lopez, 123 Cedar, White Bear Lake Bee McFadden, 863 Fremont Avenue Susana Medina, 517 Anita Street Pastor Larry Miller, Zion Lutheran Church, Jackson & Sycamore Adelina Miranda, 143 Bigelow Lane Eduardo Villalon, Box 1370, Woodbury For a term to expire on March 31, 1981: Roberto Acosta, 28b W. Arlington, to fill the unexpired term of Alberto Alcala Judy BeXgman, 612 Lincoln #203 fill the unexpired term of Carmen erca o Judi de Jesus, 1198 Sherburne, to fill the unexpired term of Frank Gallegos Ester Vasquez, 47 E. Delos, to fill the unexpired term of Lori Appleby. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas MCMAHON Nays � +�'� � [n Favor Hozza � Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalt A c� o I�1pR �G+ 2 �� Form Approved by City ttorne Ad ed by Council: Date ertified Vas• ouncil Secre ary By � �1 d by A+lavor. t �—�T� `..�—��� A r ed by Mayo r is 'ort to Council . . B ,�R�,ISHEO MAY 3 i98 . � , . � ����°�¢��T. CITY OF S�INT PAUL - �. �,�.o.n: ,��',�';��Q >. ,, `�° ,,,,� ;, �; �o � OFFICE OF THE MAYOB � � ;�i iiilij�1u11 �y ' � . ,�s ���''+�� �s a. ... �"""•�'"`J 347 CITY I3ALL GEOEGE LATIME.B SAINT PAUL,MI�YNESOTA 53102 bLAYOB (812) 298-4323 a TO: Council President Joanne Showalter and Members of the Saint Paul� City CounciT FROM: Mayor George Latimer DATE: April 11, 1980 SUBJECT: Hispanic Affairs Advisory Con¢nittee Appointments I am attaching for your consideration and approval a Council Resolution naming thirteen persons to serve on the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Com¢nittee. de Enos, Heelan, McFadden, Medina, Miller, Miranda and Villalon are reappointments. I have attached the resumes ' for Lopez, Acosta, Bergman, de Jesu� and Vasquez. Bishop Ham is the assigned Vicar of Hispanic Ministry. We do not have a resume for Bishop Ham; however his title and assignment shoizld identify him. Thank you. GL/lm attachments . �n