274774 WHITE - C�TY CLERK COl1I1C11 2'���`�4� � PINK ' - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL . CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��At�y' � uncil Resolution PE —9 Ann B Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED that upon application of Ric�ard K. Parr on behalf of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority ef the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and upon recommendation of the Department of Taxation, Ramsey County, the City Council does hereby approve the abatement of 1979 taxes payable 1980 and special assessments against the real property described in Application For Relief, Abatement No. 97513. RESOLVED FURTHER that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this r�solution to the Department of Taxation, Ramsey Co.unty. ' � . COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas � ANON Nays , � Hozza [n Eavor � Levine _ a __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tede n 1980 Form Appr City Att ey Adopted b ouncil: Date �R � � � Certi d Yasse Counci ,ec ry BY V t� b 1�lavor: D � 9aQ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY l�q6USHED MAY 3 198�J • . �����# �'� ,.,.,,.,,.,�: � =�.�'" "', CITY OF SAINT PAUL �I i Y pF Jfii �� � ��� >; � y=; OFFICE OF THf CITY ATTORNEY y.� t1E1'1���7I11 �-' . . . . . < ,, EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,e,. ,. 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 "�° 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR April 14, 1980 To: Rose Mix From: Jim Har Re: Application For Abatement No. 97513 Per your April 9 , 1980 request, enclosed is a draft resolution for submission for City Council consideration. 'v � ` ����°�^��� • CITY OF SAINT PAUL -•`��T* ��!�'� -� -= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� ;e a; %� ni�iim� ,� ;,,�+ „�� BUREAU OF RECORDS '`'a,,,,lm!..•or.�°`� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR R��EIVED - APR 1119� CiTY ATT��RNEY April 9, 1980 Mr. Ed Starr City Attorney Room 647, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Deax Sir: Will you please prepaxe for Council consideration a resolution approvin� the Application for Abatment submitted on behalf of the Housin� & Redevelopment Authority as described in File No. 97513 of the County Department of Property Taxation. Very truly yours, y2�it�( Rose Mix City Clerk� Attach. ABO:la O r ' DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House $t. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Di�ecio/ April 7, �.98� Robert J. Ellis ROGER VIK Property Valuation Assistant Directo� William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Lond Records Rose Mix City Clerk Room 386 Court House Attn: Albert B. Olson Council Recorder Re: Application for abatement submitted by Richard K. Parr, on behalf of: Housing & Redevelopment Authority Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed is a copy of the following abatement: 97513 There is an assessment levied against this parcel that is to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: District Assessment Year Str. Ma.int. �k32 8 1979 $14.76 Please initiate the necessary action. Yours very truly, Lou McKe Director Dep ent o Property � B upv. Appraisal ervices RKP:ay Enc. 56 • i Abatement No. 97513 R��'(�ftT UF ASSESSOR, KAMSEY COUNTY Assessment District: St. Paul t�larch 14� 19 g� :,egal Description• Lewis Second Addn. � . aROPER7Y IDENTIFICATION Weter Oietrict Plal Percel SheO Property Coded As: 08 44200 060 11-0 Address of Property: 905 �doodbridge St. Applicant: Richard K. Parr for: Housing & Redevelopment Authority :Vlailing Address: 25 �•7. 4th St. 55102 Applicant's Market Value: Land $ Imp. $ Total $ Insurance $ :ssessed as follows: lication for Exem tion ...;h�� �I ESTIMATEO MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VAWES ASSESSEO :str tt A YEAR Total Clasa % Valu6 C Land Bldg/Ol�er Totel land Bldg/Other �25 U 79 1650 20930 22580 1595 16455 18050 � � EXEMPT NO.OF PERCENT EXCEPTION Z CODES RESD UWNEO LiMITED MARKET CODE a S E UNITS (HSTD) ' VALUE — FIRST " A �,°, S T A N � ACRE LAND ONLY AS p N E N A p T ; R G E G G SMT �p R E E Y Y i F �.1 7 0 :yssessor's Recommendation: U EST�MATED MARKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED •cho01 A YEAR � �'�strict C Lend Bldg/Other Totel Land Bldg/Ot�e� Total Class % Value )5 U 79 1650 20930 22580 1595 16455 18050 ,EX 40 7220 ! . � onl 4 i ';.eportof Invest;gation: . Applicant acquired above property on 8/13/79 and was entitled to exempt classification by statute. � `��, i� , �G�� �x. Appr. Steno �,p RKP jw Authorized Signature . - � _ .. . ' ����' '�.C�'�`' '���''� �Q' . � �����V��"j���" ��j s ' �Form DPT 229 � �" APPLICI�.TIOI�1 F(J�.t RELIEF—General Fo � « (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e) To the County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State o!Minnesota: STATE OF MINNESOTA, - County of Ramsey p�3-J�.�2�0-06Q-1]_ ss. City, Village or Town S'-� . pPjR' Applicant• '�icra.rd K. Parr On berGlf of:� - —�e9�Y�3-8�: 1�'�' ��T��l 7 , yt .Rr''' T`�i F�?� t ��r u �,;�, ,i 7� _)z..S 2'V , and that Tne Housi.n� and_ Rec�eti-elo�mer_t Av.thoritv acqui.red. title on above c�c�e� nrnn�rt�- �'i'-c�� l �� 1v,�,7q P�rnrnin�• tn t�T � ^ T�r�� �77 �,A� C�overnmental Subdiv;sion accizir�in� p.ropertieL p.rior ;o Oct . 16 cf n r ,ry . c.'r' � ` n�� ".�n.. . 1.n ��_ �� �� . rrivc, yc�.i e �_mr, �nE: �, �n i;��,, t-.i_c�:z t.he 7_1_oU n� . ,,F'^1'• Applicant requests: The ta�e� as�essec� 1°79 p��T�b1e 1960 be full.,y abatec: T and this property be placed �.n trie exempt cate�orv. . � Applicant DATE � - ��� � A.D. 19� i � 1 � � . � . � -� CERT�FICAT•�-L�� 'ECOMMENDATION . � BY COUNTY BOARD , '�D COSJNTY AUDITOR 2'�4'�'�� K�. ' I, the undarsi�ned. County Au�tor of tha within named Couc , do he-,eby certity that a careful ezamination into the alleaations and staLements ��t [orth !n the withln apDlicaUon has been made by the County Board of said Couaty and by myxlf and that Izom sald ezamlaation wm are convinced and verlly belleve that said alle4ation� ¢nd stttamenG ue true - � °-.,,� -:,�, � - *; . I lurther certily that, at a meeUnY dulY hald �, ' " '�-�19~�'����e'"�. ,.said County`Board, by ofifclal , action upon moLion duly adoDted ¢nd entered upon the minutes of ita'r2�cae�haS�e} Du$#�recoiri'y ahowin�the iumes pt the taYDayera 1 4 and other Danons concerned and the amounu involved,made the following rec'lSm�endaUon,wherein I hereby concur,upon�atd apD�cation: TLat the wessed value of said proD�Y be zoduced tu and Sxad at � I hereby certify the result of said recommendation is as follows; and if the 4axes have been paid thet pcoporhonal refund- ment be authorized: Assessed Debt Tax General Tax Less Hornestead Speciel Totat Values C�edit Asaess. Pa able ORIGIN AL REDUCTION NEW Reducuon of Penalty Tax Re[e �*+ills " Reduction of Interest Ftaxnsey Couaty Audltot Witness my hand end official seal � 1?-- BY - Deputy County Auditor. ---- � v v m v d � � �� o°a,°c �A'e"�, a � � � a a±vn ' � IA � > aai o C d� r �� a. d p, ia l � « V � > a � .� d A I a � � � :a.95 v � ' .� � `b � e a Q _ a � � Ix c � a '- rn u.� �.0 3 � o � o, a a,a � �" a. ° U o o ° m �c$ m o _� � C � C � � M � � �"� C I I ,C 3,Q y Y O Q Z .� t O � � g ���., �' I C I � °1 N N'� .J F- W '3 � � 3� x 7 � a � I� � 3 �'C u o ` � v u Q p w v ... o'C H w °' .o � '°c � r "��O � �E I t °� � vv o 2 � � � U �'� c :c °u ci I ... � � 67j � U Z LL O �' �p O p � ie •�•A � 1 � y A � u,V' � 0 C � w F'U y � u T � I p � m v �..t f,. � � G E�'O �, N .�. W ( : .�. 0! N IL Z t0 � w � b C C ^ � m F"'C pvr, �" 7 m O W � v v� �,p [� a ti � G � � " O � � �+ d ( �t °1 �' � F. N `'7 �y w.�. O �'� J C q � 6! 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