274767 WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. � +��� BLUE - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ` WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10. 07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does hereby certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1980 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1980 Budget: Financing Summary Operation and Maintenance Transfers Transfer from Special Fund (City Hall and CourtHouse Unmatched Funds�Activity 19177 $8'0,`4'46 Appropriation Summary Operation and Maintenance General Government Accounts 09170-299-000 CH and CH Building Improvements $80 ,446 now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul accepts the Mayor' s recommendation and adopts the above additions to the 1980 Budget. Approved as to Funding: Approved: � r Dir. , De t. of Finance & Mgmt. Serv. udget Director �'�i31� C:�-�"'I ��� COUNC[LMEN Yeas McMAHON Nays Requested by Department of: �� � In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine d __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Ted � Adopte y Council: Date �D(� � 7 1980 Form Approvec�Iby�ity At/ rney C tified Pass by ncil , cretar BY I �, , � � �1pp by 17avor: t _�c� � 4 �Q�O Appr ed by r for S b ssion to Council RI" BY — — BY w�t.�st�ED APR 2 6 t980 E S�'S'�� °' .s'f�^r °r 1. '��� < _e� . r: z<"�y 'd a °r� «.� �,,r e ;� � ,'� r �� � , :�. t-� � � -�,.,�,�. ,r.' j� g k T � Z �j ~�#}Y�t��,�-��� �`���. r .�y��/ �, � � . � � n' ` � � � d. . •. ��'r,�' ��/ � �, .�,�t�R I. i � k�# �j" - f � . � 'y . : . , . � � `E�'IyANA�{?�T aF J���tI-��'.�'�1. ' ,', �: ;� R�;�^fYLUTI�,.►'NS�r`� ��_rt3���i��a'��'k��r Y �, ��.. �i � ��::� I � . ► � � �' � ,.a . , ,y � . � ' � � � . f � .. a ,: . ., ,. 1 , w� . . � ,. � .. ' . � , � ."!' r:9 �t^*� �. 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'�� L"i.t,� �t2�d C.ta « � � � �a�r,� � � �,� � �� �s ij���} .�v ob/��ain jt.h� ��� A'� �: ;�.� � 9��4;6� f��..�t�^ � � k1f... �C�: `, �.: �v V �' � V l ir ������V, `I 1 i ���s�f �.�� ���y ��a t��t�'��xa�' �,+ F �� y k� � ��,�_ A,�'i'��'� � � ��e '��d I��1�� 3.r�:-���;��,�l�:� a'�d Ci��t' , a '' � s� �• ,�;, 3 � � N ` fi.? ���. C�i & �. R�SC3�Ut��.tbd1� ,��� � � ��x# �'t't�r f��t�rt �B�tl'��:��3xg St��r����:�t't � �r��, �� ,,� � �-_ . ,. : _ -�. � } � t � � � . � f � r . . A � , � � �-� �,�� ` r ` '� �� � �.�. . . � � . _���_. ��.i � $ � � n _, r . k.�-. . �x. � � a ; �� ., �. � � �'����� a �� .. JOHN F. LANDMARK ROBERT A. OLSON BUILDING SUPERINTENGENT � � q55T. BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT� 298-4207 298-41 31 . 1:L71tL`� C:�II�.t�E MYi�l' ��.Lit�? ��t�l �,l.YY115P� �1.Q1T2T�U - - p�� �ZI12� �TTtTLP'3D� �G TO: Pachard Schraeder - City Budget' Director Jame� Van��udt - County Budget Directox FROM: Dennis J. Kill�:n, Building Superintenden�t DATE: March 20, 198Q RE: Funding requirements for 1980 budget. The Court House & City� Hall Committee has approved $112,000 for 4he mo�ificati.oas planned for the Kellogg and Fourth Street entrances to the building, as well as the recommendations. frc�:n th� St. Paul Asc'�,ztects nffice for the third floor rest rooms to a.ccommoda�e haridi.capped persons. , They have approved caulking for metal spandrels, metal ribs, stone joints, crack�d marble facing, basement starage space, preserving old jail elevatoro electric power service southwest section of City Hall-Court House bth floor and buitding remodeling and regai�rs �.o lOth �loor. Our needs ta camp3.ete these projects exceeds the monies ap�ropriated. See a�.taGhed sheet. I am at this time suggesting both of you meet with the City Council and the Ramsey County� Board so that thi,s xnoney can in ef.fect be appropriate3 for these prajects. .. + ' � � � � FUNr7ING REQUI REUIENTS . � 1980 3UDGET �,� �' COURT HOUSE & CITY He�LL REMODELING �����'� C�l-��N I�FS���S���� Esti.mated Ci�y & Couz�ty Cost 50/ Share Accessibility Modifica-cions CH & CH. Committee Resolution #80--02 Kellogg Street Entrance: gD'da Structur.al Modi.fications 28,�d0 .• Automatic Door Openers 7,000 ' � New Daors & Frames 28,000 gp Da Fourth Street Entrance: � " Structural Modifications 18,000 a Automatic I�oor Openers 7,000 New Doors & Frames 18,000 Third Floor: �D..�a Rest Rooms, Modifications 6,000 112,000 Fina.nced by City & County in 1979 Budget - 18,000 FUi�lI3INC� SHOI�TAGE 94,000 �7,UQO Cau3.king: . �'� Metal Spandre�s. Metal Ribs 40,00� �/��G Stone Jflints 55,OOQ � � �ngineering Fees & Snspections (8%) 8,00� 103,�00 Financed by City & Caunty in 1980 Budget - 50,OQ0 FUNDING SHORTAGF. 53,OQ0 26, 500 ��� ��ii��fl Crack�d Marble Faciaxg (lst floor) 3,��..£3 1,709 �p _ jp Preserving Old Jail. Elevator 30,000 15,OQ0 g�- f7 Electric Power Service - Southwest Section � of City Hal.l & Court House, 6th floor 17, 500 8, 75� �� -�6 Building Remode�ing & Repairs, l0�ch floor 9, 324 4; 562 / ��j- � Basemcnt Storag� �pace �550 425 TOTAL FUNDING SHORTAGES 207,892 103,946 � Resolution No. 80-02 Joint City Hall & Court House Committee ?reaented By Commissioner No�gard Dgte JanLary?l , 19R� lttention� J. Van Houdt, Budget & Accounting Director; B. Carlson, St. Paul Director Finance & Management Serv. Dept. ; R. Schroeder, St. Paul Budget Director; R. Manning, s St. Paul Property Manager; D. Killen, Building Superintendent; G. Erickson, City Architect; RESOLVED, That the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee hereby approves modifications to the Kellogg Street and Fourth Street entrances to the Court House & City Hall Building and modifications to the third floor restrooms to accommodate handicapped persons as recommended by the St. Paul City Architect's Office as follows: BID PACKAGE ESTIMATED SUB NUMBER BID PACKAGE COST TOTALS 1 Kellogg Street Entrance - Structural Modifications $28,000 2 Kellogg Street Entrance - Automatic Door Openers $ 7,000 3 Kellogg Street Entrance - New Doors & Frames $28,000 $ 63,000 4 Fourth Street Entrance - Structural Modifications $18,000 5 Fourth Street Entrance - Automatic Door Openers $ 7,000 6 Fourth Street Entrance - New Doors & Frames $18,000 $ 43,000 7 Third Floor Restrooms - Modifications $ 6,000 $ 6,000 GRAND TOTAL: $112,000 R � .� �, . _ , . ��►+ �ra r ': i � JA N � � igg� MA rOR�g OFF�CE , (� ;,,. .�/ � .,�✓,y�;. -���� '�✓�/ Ey �; JOINT COMMITTEE SECRETARY • . � � � . • •'f{obcrt J. Orth ` � «- � Dist�ict 1 Chairman ��'4���ard of Diane Ahrens Disrricr 4 � • Antl�ony A. Danna ccrose C�or.�zzfr OI"12IZ21SS1012�1'S o;s�,;��, .� .� John T. Finley Dist�icr3 Suite 316 Court House, St. Paui, Minnesota 55102 Hal Norgarci °is""`' Phone (612) 298-4145 Donald E. Salverda D;svicr 2 1�Varren W. Schaber Distiir,t 6 Larry J. Bro�.rvn August 22, 1979 Executive Directn� Larry Brown County Executive Director Peter Hames Director of Management City of St. Paul Dear Sirs: The Joint Court House & City Hall Committee at its meeting on August 20, 1979, dealt with two matters thak were referred to both of you as follows: (From Minutes from August 20, 1979) SAFETY TO LIFE REQUIREMENTS FOR COURT IiOUSE & CITY HALL BLDG. The Joint Committee at this time considered the Ietter of Glenn Erickson, Supervisor of Code Enforcement for the City of St. Paul, addressed to the Joint Committee as the Build- ing Managers of the Court House & City Hall. The letter stated that the Court House & City Hall building was inspected on July 11, 1979, concerning its conformance with Article XIII of the St. Paul Legislative Code which deals with "Safety to Life Requirements for Heretofore Erected Buildings," and listed seven areas that were not in full compliance with the code. After a short discussion, Councilwoman Hunt moved, seconded Uy Commissioner Norgard, that this letter be referred to the City Administration and the County Administrator for study and recommendation on the seven items which are not in full compliance with the code. Roll Call: Ayes - 4. Nays - None. REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS The Joint Committee at this time considered a letter from Glenn Erickson, Supervisor of Code F.nforcement for the City a��;,�,•m� � . � , � �i„i� � � lr Page �ao - Continued of St. Paul, regarding water leaking into the building in several places and indicated that John Landmark submitted a request in the 1980 budget for recaulking of all the existing stone joints for a sum of $50,000. Mr. Erickson said th<1t his department has received an estimate to recaulk all the metal spandrels, metal ribs, etc. , for the sum of $40,000, and if both of these jobs were bid under one contract, it was his belief that a better bid price could be obtained than if the two projects were bid separately. He recommended that tlie Joint Committee take immediate action on these two projects before serious damage is done to the building. Mr. Erickson also submitted an estimated cost breakdown for the complete job totaling $99,000. After a short discussion, Commissioner Schaber moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hunt, that this matter be referred to the City Adminis- tration and the County Administrator for study and recommendation. Rol]. Call: Ayes - 4. Nays - None. When you have arrived at the recommendations on these matters, I will again schedule it for Joint Court House & City Hall Committee action. Yours truly, � � �i�i� `'%�/���r �� - � t% Har E. rlarshall C ef Clerk - County Board HEM/dw Attachments • : ' � � � � MINUTES City Hall and Court House Ad-Hoc Committee Monday, February 11, 1980, 11:30 a.m. The Ad-Hoc committee of the City Hall and Court House Committee met on the above date with the following members present Maddox, Norgard, Schaber - 3. Absent - None. Also Present were Harry Marshall, Committee Secretary; Dennis Killen, Building Superintendent; Tom McDonough and Charles Wollan from Central Services and Richard Gauger, County Building Project Representative. Election of Chairman: Commissioner Norgard nominated Councilman Maddox as Chairman of the Ad-Hoc Committee. Roll Call: Ayes - 3. Nays - None. The Ad-Hoc Committee considered the four following matters referred to it by the Joint City Hall and Court House Comcnittee. (1.) Budget Complement and Salary of Building SuPerintendent. Commissioner Norgard moved to recommend approval of the Budget Complement and the Building Superintendents salary for the year 1980. Roll Call: Ayes - Norgard, Maddox - 2. Nays - Schaber - 1. (2 .) Old Jail Freight Elevator. After some discussion� Commissioner Norgard moved to recommend that the present elevator in the old jail building be preserved to serve the Court House and City Hall building and that after the old jail is demolished, a housing that is aesthetically compatible be constructed around the elevator at costs approximating $20,000 which would be added to demolition costs of the old jail to preserve the elevator and housing and a minimum of $5,000 for construction of new facings on the housing with these additional costs split on a 50/50 basis between the City and County. Roll Call: Ayes - 3. Nays - None. (3. ) Automation of City Hall and Court House Elevators. After some discussion, Commissioner Schaber moved to recommend that bids be taken for a feasability study regarding automation of the passenger elevators taking into account the effect on present City Hall and Court House employees, the provision for an information booth, building security, and an ability to manually operate the elevators. Roll Call: Ayes - 3. Nays - None. (4.) Cracked Marble Facings. After a short discussion on the repair of cracked marble in the building lobby and hallways, Commissioner Norgard moved to recommend that bids be taken for the correction of cracked and damaged marble in the lobby near the Indian statue, and that the Building Superintendent compile a report on other areas where marble damage has occured. Roll Call: Ayes - 3. Nays - None. � Resolution No. 8a-lo � - � Joint City Hall & Court �-�ouse . Committee , Presented By Commissioner Nor�.ard Date _ February 19, 1980 Attention� Jim Van Houdt, Budget & Accounting; B. Carlson, Director, St. Paul I'inance & Mgmt. Services Dept. ; �chroeder, St. Paul Budget Director; G. Erickson, City Architect; Wm. Peter, Purchasing Agent; D. Killen, Building Superintendent; K. Weltzin, Public Works; T.: MeDonough, Central Services; . WHEREAS, The Board of Ramsey County Commissioners has decided to demolish the Old Jail Building which is adjacent to the Court House & City Hall Building; and WHEREAS, The Ad-Hoc Committee of the Joint Committee has recommended that the freight elevator in the Old Jail Building be preserved to service the Court House & City Hall Building; and WHEREAS, The costs of preserving the Old Jail Elevator and its housing will add approximately $25,000 to the cost of demolishing the Old Jail Building because protection will have to be built around the elevator. housing and stairs; Now, � Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee hereby approves . the recommendation of the Ad-Hoc Committee that the Old Jail Elevator and its �, housing be preserved during the demolition of the Old Jail Building and that an aesthetically compatible structure be constructed around the Old Jail Elevator housing at an estimated total cost of $30,000, allocated on a 50/50 basis to the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Architect review this project and submit plans for the construction of a shell building around the old elevaCor shaft that will blend with the Cotirt House & City Hall Building; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the City Architect is requested to work with the Ramsey County Engineering Department Engineer who is in charge of the demolition of the Old Jail Building. ; , �,±, � ,+�_ ,�. : - , �'�. ' � E,, ;� :� '�r ,s r _ :;.� C-t FE� 2 ?1�8Q N,�17�R'S ���IC� ?••.tii-7�����/ . By � / T(1TNT CTl1MMTTT�� CL'/�DL•TAnV � � Resolution No. 80-1� � ����� Joint Cit Hall & Court House . Commi��ee Y Presented By Gouncilwoman Hunt Date �rch 17, 1980 Attention� J. Van Houdt, Budget & Accounting; B. Carlson, St. Paul Finance & Management Services Department Director; R�c�iroeder, St. Paul Budget Director; D. Killen, Building Superintendent; G. Erickson, City Architect; D. McGinn, City Architect's Office; WHEREAS, The existing power service available to the Southwest section of the sixth floor is barely adequate to feed the ten ton air conditioning unit required to cool the seventeen offices which will be remodeled this spring; and WHEREAS, Other requests for additional electrical power on the first six floors of the Court House & City Hall Building are sure to come; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee hereby approves the funding for an alternate bid providing for a new 600 amp service riser through six floors of the Southwest section of the Court House & City Hall Building which will be adequate to carry the sixth floor air conditioner requirements and similar requirements for u nits on the other five floors of the building at an estimated cost of $17,500 to be funded on a SO/50 basis by the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey. (/�� r gy,:._ -�/�� � ��,� . � � JO�NT�OMMITTEE SECRETARY � � ' � R�esolution No. $°-16 Joint City Hall & Court �-Iouse . Committee Presented By Councilwoman Hunt Date March 17 1980 Attention� Jim Van Houdt, Budget & Accounting; B. Carlson, St. Paul Finance & Management Services Department Director; ��chroeder, St. Paul Budget Director; D. Killen, Building Superintendent; . G. Griller, Judicial District Administrator; WHEREAS, Delays in the creation of floor plan designs for the remodeling of the tenth floor space to be used by the Judicial District Administrator have caused the project cost to escalate beyond the $35,000 allocated by the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee in May, 1979; and WHEREAS, An additional $9,124.60 is now needed for completion of the project; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee hereby approves an additional appropriation of $9,124.60 for the remodeling of the tenth floor office space for the Judicial District Administrator to be funded on a S�/50 basis by the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey; and Be It Further RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul Administrator and the Ramsey County Executive Director are hereby requested to negotiate with the St. Paul City Architect's office regarding the bill of the City Architect's office for f�es in regard to the design of this remodeling project which were apparently figured at 12% or $5,037.60. �/J �, �� , Bp� ..�✓�`f� //�L� J JOIN COMMITTEE SECRETARY Y � Resolution No. 80-05 Joint City Hall & Court House . Committee Presented By Commissioner Nor�ard Dflte FebruarX 19� l 98� 4ttention� Jim Van Houdt, Budget & Accounting; R.iSchroeder, St. Paul Budget Director; D. Killen, Building Superintendent; T. McDonough, Central Services; RESOLVED, That the Joint Court House & City Hall Committee hereby approves the request of the Central Services Department to build storage platforms in an uni.mproved basement storage space for the storage of surplus furniture and equip- ment for both the city and county at.a total material cost of not to exceed $850 with the work to be done by Joint Court House & City Hall Committee employees. � � �� ;.. , ir `1� � .. `'� • �, , ? FE� 2 ���� �YOR'S OFFICE l� B,, �-� / JOINT ITTEE ECRETARY ,� CI'��'' t�I+` �A3i�1"T �A�7L ' i� � O�'.FIC� O�' T�iE �ZTY t;OLT�7�CZL : ��,���� � �t. :r �� �..�:�:� � � t.-. '�ntay��sa►.� r�" . . � ����t:�.�" : . � . . -^ i. '`ti�.,_ ` `�� ��fe ; April 14 , 1980 yx� � V � i�f� @��� G � � �` V �� . TO : Saint Paui Ci�y Cauncil ., - �RO�A .= COintT�i�'F2i Ot'1 INANCE , MANAGEMENT � PERSONI�EL . RUBY HUNT , ai�man, mak�s ihe folio�ing - report on C.F. ' _❑ Ordinanc� (9} � �esolu�ion � Qther T 1T�E : The Finance Committee, at its meeting of A.pril I4, 198�,recommended appreval of the following: 1 . Resolution replacing class titles and specs . for Fire Prevention Aide I and I� and Fire Prevention Technirian I �cith titles and specs for Fire Aide I, Fire Aide II and Fire .Technician I , respectively. - I�o changes in grades . (10805-RH) . 2 . Resolution revising class specs for �itles of Fire Prevention Techni- cian II and III and titles of Fire Preventian Inspector and Fire Inv�st- igator. This� change will result in twa elass specs as follows : Fire : . Prevention Technician II/Fire Prevention Inspector, and Fzxe Prevention Technician III/Fire Investigator . {10807-RH) . 3. Resolution establi,shing titles and specs far Fire .Communications C1per- ator I and II , also revising class spees far Fire Al.arm Dispatcher T and II . This change will result in two class specs as follows : Fire Communications Operatvr I/Fire Alarm gispatcherI , and Fire Communicatiar�s.:' Operator II/Fire Alarm Dispatchex II . (10804-RH} . 4 . Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resalut�.on ta �- increase rates of pay for title of Library Aide at this time and again on January 10, 1981 . (10808-RH) . � . This resolution, as required in the agreement between the City and Old Town Restorations , Inc . , will eliminate the loan portion of this project and reallocate those funds to the development portion of the praject. 6. Resolution providing funds for City Hall and Court House remodeling and repairing-- City' s share ($103, 946) to came from two sources : $23 , 5Q0 from the $100, 000 in Community Development funds that was bucigeted for "Handicapped Accessibility to City Buildings/Services" and the balance C:I:'Y HAI..Y SEVENTF? FLOOR SAIN� P:�Ui., A'fI'-ti;�iFSOT:� 55IO2 of $80, 446 from the fund balance in the City Ha11 and Court Hause ,:::��� account . :M jCQNTINUED)