274760 WH17E - CITV CLERK Community ������ PINK - FINANCE Development CQ�jjlCll CANI�RV �+.EPARTMENT C I TY O�F SA I NT PAU L 8��� -.._a�oR File NO. uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA APPROVTNG AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR A FEDERAL LOAN GUARANTEE UNDER SECTION 108 OF THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974 WHEREAS, there is a need to augmen� the available funding for Saint Paul 's Neighborhood Business Revitalization (NBR) Program, and WHEREAS, the City is eligible for a federal loan guarantee for the NBR Program under Section 108 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, now, therefore, be i t RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, and with the advice of the Capital Improvement Budget Committee,,the Council of the City of Saint Paul does •hereby approve the filing of an application for a $5 million federal loan guarantee for � commercial revitalization activities according to the provisions of Section 108 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mayor George Latimer, as Chief Executive Officer of the City of Saint Paul is hereby authorized and directed to submit said application for a federal loan guarantee which includes a formal amendment to the City's approved Community Development Block Grant Year V Program, to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in such form as preseribed by the regulations of said department, and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor or his designated r,epresentative is further authorized to execute and submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development any assurances, certifications, or additional information that may be required by said COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor PED: Communit De elo m Division Hozza � Hunt � � �p,�,� Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Appr , City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY � By- `� t�pproved by iNavor. Date _ App v by Mayor for Su is ion to Council By - — — By WMITE - CITV CLERK COI1flC1I � " ���+0 B��g _ M�oR E GITY OF SAINT PALTL CAN RV,- DrtPARTMENT File NO. Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Comr�ittee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - Department during their review of the City's application for a Section 108 federal loan guarantee. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: ernard J. Ca 1 on, Director chard E. chroeder Department of nance and Management Services B dget Director COUNC[LMEN Yeas McMAHON Nays Requested by Department of: �� �_ [n Favor PED: Comnunit Develo ment Division Hozza Hunt (�/ "7//!'f�1 oF. �2� Levine __ Against BY ' Maddox Showalter Te Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte y Coun � . Date IIDD �1 � 1980 � C tified Y• :ed Couqcil Se etary BY � . App by Mavor. t _��p � $ ���U _ Appr v Mayor for Sub ' sio Council t� By _ _ — By �.��tED A P R 2 6 t980 , � 0 ��[�'�ll Form Approved OMB No.63-R1619 U.S.OEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 1. NAME OF APPLICANT � ANNUAL COMMUNITV DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM C�t of Sai nt Paul Mi nnesota 2. APPLICATION/GRANT NUMBEfl � PROJECTSUMMARY B-79-MC-Z�-OOOJ 3. PERIOD OF APPLICABILITY . 4. � ORIGINAL(each year) � FROM T� � REVISION,OATED June l� 1979 May 31� 19V� � AMENDMENT,DATED April 7� 19�0 6. NAME OF PROJECT 6.PROJECT NUMBER 7.ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW STATUS � Nei hborhood Business Revitalization 5/28 Certification 8. ENTITY WITH RESPONSIBILITV FOR CARRYING OUT THE PROJECT 9. TELEPHONE NUMBER Economic Develo ment Division - A. Emory 612-292-6150 , 10. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Neighborhood Business Revitalization (NBR) Program is designed and instituted to rejuvenate the old neighborhood commercial centers or "commercial strips that serve many of Saint Paul 's low and moderate income neighborhoods. $500,000 in CD Year V funds will be designated as the required default reserve to obtain $5,000,000 in financing from the Federal Finance Bank under the provisions of Section 108 loan guarantee program. The 108 funds will be used together with other private and public monies to provide long term low interest financing for the acquisition, expansion, or renovation of existing small businesses (both commercial and industrial ) located on or G(7 Check if continued on additiona!page(s1 and atiach. 11. CENSUS TRACTIS)/ENUMERATION DISTRICTIS) CT #'s 301, 5, 8, 10, 13-15, 17, 19-22, 25-32, 34-36, 38-40, 54, 55, 59-61, 12, ANTICIPATEDACCOMPLISHMENTS 67_69' �� p �Z. Ol Provide 25 long term loans to small businesses by 11/81. Provide 75 new jobs for low and moderate income people by 10/81. � ❑ Check if continued on addrtiona/page(s)and attach. 13. CDBG COMPONENT ACTIVITIES PROGRAM YEAR FUNDS(in thousands of$1 ' (List component ectivities using names of activities shown CDBG OTHER ' inPanA, COSTSUMMARY, formHUD-7067.1 �ow/nnOD oTHER � AMOUNT SOURCE BENEFIT BENEFIT � (a1 Ibl (cl ldl (el ' 13a. Ac uisition for Economic $ $ $. ____ 5584 5000 Private , ta. Tota�s $ 5584 $ $ 15. Totai Costs To Be Paid With Community Development Block Grant Funds(Sum of Columns b and cJ $ 5,584,��� � Replacet Form HUD•7015.1,which is Obsolete Page of pages HUD-7066(6-78) PROJECT SU�MARY CONTINUATION HUD For,m�7066 #10 Continued � adjacent to the co � er ' ri lis e below. Loans will be provided only to businesses that serve one or more of the City's low and moderate income neighborhoods. In addition, the NBR Program will provide direct employment opportunities for permanent jobs, the majority of which will be for low and moderate income people. The 108 funds will be used in conjunction with other public and private funds - to provide no more than 50% of any given loan. This procedure will allow the City to provide loans at attractive interest rates that will meet the needs of small businesses. Loans utilizing Section 108 and other funds will be provided on a long term (up to 20 years) basis to qualified small businesses located in or adjacent to certain commercial areas of the City. Loans will be made for the acquisition, expansion, modernization, or renovation of fixed assets only. Fixed assets include land and buildings. The portion of any loan attributed to 108 funds will only be used for acquisition and acquisition-related expenses. Funds for the rehabilitation, expansion and renovation of the businesses will be provided from private lending sources. All loans provided under the Neighborhood Business Revitalization (NBR) Program will be self-amortizing. No risky start-up businesses nor ones seeking working capital will qualify. Therefore, only established existing profitable companies will be eligible for assistance. The Neighborhood Business Revitalization Program will operate in the following commercial strip areas: Payne-Arcade-East Seventh Commercial Area Payne Avenue (East Seventh Street to Ivy Avenue) • Arcade Street (East Seventh Street to Ivy Avenue) East Seventh Street (Payne to Johnson Parkway) North Rice Street Commercial Area r Rice Street (Acker to Larpenteur Avenue) Rice-University Commercial Area University Avenue (Rice Street to Lexington Parkway) Rice Street (University Avenue to Acker Street) West Seventh Street Commercial Area West Seventh (Kellogg Boulevard to Shepard Road) Selby Avenue Commercial Area Selby Avenue (Lexington Parkway to Summit Avenue) Namline, Snelling, University Commercial Area University Avenue (Cleveland Avenue to Lexington Parkway) Snelling Avenue (I-94 to Englewood Avenue) West University Commercial Area University Avenue (Emerald Street to Cleveland Avenue) Snelling-Selby Commercial Area Snelling (I-94 to Portland Avenue) Selby Avenue (Fairview Avenue to Pascal Street) - ; _ CI'��' o�` ,�AZ�,''� �'.A.uL ," �� ,�: OFFIC� OF �'iI�. CZTY �OU�7�CZL �d ��V►�'j < '�y ;, T ���� :� p.�,� a ♦ � 1�.�L(a� - .Y '�r-s-'�-'�'� :_ . . . �-- >�, D a t e , ``4• "`-� April 14, i980 CO � �� ���� � � � � � �� TO : �oi�fi Pau! Ci�ty Council _ �'�OM � Comnrrit�t�ee on � , chai�man, makes tt're foltowing reporl' an C.F. [� flrciire�n�e [� Resolufion � Jther TtTLE : � (CONTINUED FROM OTHER PAGE) 7. --Resolution to transfer $100, 000 from G.eneral Revenue Fund Bala�ce -- Unressrved-Undesignated to Existing Obligations to the P . I..R. Fund to provide �inancing for City Hall Annex . _ � 8 . Resolution authorizing submission of application for -Feder�l Loan Guarantee for Commercial Revitalization activities . 9. Resolution increasing compensation paid each member of the Givil Service Commission from Thirty-five Dollars ($35 . 00) to Fi_fty. Dollars ($50. 00) for each meeting. or hearing that member shall attend. CiTY 1-�AI.L SEVENTH FLOOR SAI?r'T PAUL, I�fINNE50iA 55102 ;��;�✓ ,"+� � � _ �t�+t"�,#f: ���":��+ �i � � � a �e�►.' �,���'1'�i ,: t � _ �� . �� j EXPLAlVATIQI� U� �!4INISTRATIYE QfE�?�RS, � � � � � � � L I� ,�� ��� .. � .. �.' . . K . . . . '� . ���� ti � e .' .. . � � .' . .. . .' , .' . �' � .� 0 F .. . . ' ' �. '. . . .. - . , ., „ .. f , , '�st-�: i�p�*fil J, �3.�0 . �`� .��� � E. Q � �.``�, `: : � ��� ; . A , . �. � .. . .. �. ! . � � '. � . �.�/'��� ��;�� � � �� ✓ . �: � '. . . . ... ��� '��'�' m.� ����. ; : —� ;�t): M�►YOR GEOitG� LATIh1�R ,�, , � �: � �r, ,� '.� �i�, � � ; �: �F���:IAM` Q ATfQN �; �" � �� ��, °} & -�: AF�.�C�lT����QR F�D�RRt. Lt}At� �UARA�ITEE '` �, , ; � � , - .�: v � . .i .. ' I �- :... .� . �.� ' ' �' . . �' � � �� � -'` ��s _t - ... .. 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