274759 p
ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul did approve the
Historic Hill Restoration and Rehab Fund as part of the Community Development
Block Grant Year IV Program on January 5, 1978, by Council Resolution No. 270331 ;
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has entered into an agreement with Old Town
Restorations, Inc. for the administration of this project on February 25, 1979;
WHEREAS, Old Town Restoration, Inc. has requested a change in the project
scope of services of this project; and �
WHEREAS, the Agreement between the City and Old Town Restorations, Inc.
requires Council approval of significant changes in the project scope of services;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the
City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the changes in seape of the' Comrnunity
Development Block Grant Year IV project entitled, "Historic Hill Restorat:ion and -
Rehab Fund" as identified in the attached project scope of services.
Yeas Nays Requested.by Department of:
McM�AH�pry PED: Community Development Division
Hozza � In Favor
Hunt (� t
L.evine _ P __ Against BY "''�"'"`' ���
shoWa�ter ApR � 7 1980
Tede Form Appro by City Attorne
Adopted Counc� : Date �
C iEied Pa: - by ouncil Secret By r
I ~
App by Mavor: PR 1 0 �� Appr v d by Mayor for Su is ' n to Council
By - — � � BY � ..
Pt�.ist�FD APR 2 61980
•~�� � I' � � CITY OF S�i;+T PAUL
E1�fiI�3IT A
CDBG Project Scope of Services Form 2�1����
Historic Hill District
1 . Project Name: Restoration and Rehab Fund 2. CD Project No. 4/26
3. Implementing Aqency: Old Town Restoration
3.1 Section (if applicable) :
4. Project Manager (Name, title and telephone number of person responsible for the
implementation of this project) : Christopher Owen�, Executive Director, Old Toc,�i
Restorations, Inc. , 224-3357
5. General Project Description (Attach maps of project area, preliminary land use design
�r construction plans as applicable. IdentiTy location of projects. For
e�.��ir�Gr,:;;ental revie�•� purposes, provide a full description of multi-stage projects
and identify which activities will occur under this year` s funding. ):
The �oal of the E!i.�toric fiill District Restorations ac:d Reilabili�ation Fund i�
to pror�ote the preservatio�z, restoratioii, and rehabilitatioi� of structures that
contribute to ttie character of tt�e Hi�toric Hill District and its environs. Specific
objectives are to save t�ouses tt-,at ini�ht other��i�e be destroyed; to �:ove an� re-
habilitate houses that provide co��patiblc� in-fill structures on lot:� ti•:t�ere buildin��
have be�n raze�; to assist ho;neo��.ers ac:�: potential horneoj.�RZers who ure unable to
borrow ;r:oney corLrercially; t� le v�a�e i!:�.;rley fro�� co��ti�:ercial lec�dinfT ir��titutions
for rehabilitation of hou�e�; a::d to inal<e rehabilitated ��ou�in�; avail����le at the
lowest possible cost to the purcli•��ser wi�ile ���aintainin� th� a:;sets oi tt�e Fu:�d.
�e-R��-t��l�ia�e-�wa �r�— '�.�--�'�s�- is -��-�De�el�p;�en�-F�ic�-; te-�:��Y�-
.�o-Fne�e-�taai�--ta�-f'-�l�a-te�a�--r.�e�-ic� �a.�-�i�-cc�;��?�• This lnoney will be u:;c� to
provide fro►�t-end financin� for projects that Old Town Re�torations underta�:es.
These projects, which are done for resalt, rnay include house �r,oving, renova�ion
of houses after moving or in situ, and conversion and/or reP,abilitatio:� of buildin��
for multi-fai�ily owner-occupancy, The front-end financin;; that the Fuzid will .
provide will be used for Cld To��n.z's sharc of project cost�, ��r�ich �liust be paid .be-
fore bank financin� can be used; the a�nou:�t usu�lly equals 20i� of tt�e total project
cost and includes preparatiori of architectural dra��iil�s, insurance, perr�it fces,
and initial cc�ts of hause ;aovinF; or re:zovation (�uch as ;::OVlll�*, costs, !?F'.w fout�datio��,
basic �turctural repair) . Old To��n�'s pro jects are �,ener�Lly ci�v�lop:d in � ^:anr�er
that er�able tti�ir �ale usin� low-interest pro�;r�:�s, sucl� �.s �;i:FA Aff'orciable Ho�e
t•tort�a�e Prof;r�:�, or lo�r� do��;� payment pro;rra�ns, such a:� Fii�l ar,d CI in;•ured ���!ort�ra�,t�.
In all cases, project:, are �old after aclve:rtisin�; ard aei op��n house. Old Tow:i
tries to as�i�t in arrar�t;ir.�; fi�,ancin�; if reque:�ted to ;>o do.
� -sec:c�:i .�rk-e�f-t,� �+�� �e -I�ec:i�--�i.�u�i-,. �z��:�.�-to-�:��;t;--a�a;��:;-�ak-ao—
�e--���a�la--�o-�o�-r=c�--�:�ac,�- �r��x�].�y..-. "r;e�;c��}--f�r�a:::�t.�:�;-.:�.�::id.�ill�c.�:.:;�d�e t����«�
l�t� €�o-�;-e�::��i.,� 1-�-nc.�ri,_�i-t�t��:fi-s- �t°-�si�°t�r-r� ��l;r:�-t=r►t�'rll--cc;a�-
�wt-�er�-�a ��- i�r����-r��r t-k���4�1� �t�e `�::-;- t;�-:•�i� 1 cx-�=t�-: �r�3�-
��+a�i-t++c�s- ��.i-c�€= ���-�i sEHe�� €e� c�{?�ia�- t�t�t�-;.��a�r !�-C�#-
�o+,x�- s�a-f-€� a� �°t��i c�3-i-�-t-'r� �°�:i �aet��- c:►�;-�o rt=�c=ee p t�-:��y-e�' �
,bsc�e. -�-i��-e�.� t��-be t-k�e�se- �-i�i-t� � �tt- �-st-e�iE- !�-�}--D�r��-
3-� �6-�3� �'36t,1�[T�-E'6'��- c�Ht�'I3C'E.'�'S C.",'EE(.�t,'� ?�1� @� �t7!.''.^'�"r�coc.r�C�S:�-6� fT'.`�t,tY-� li�f,'6:�
6�1��C� �`2e. �Elt�^�'�l�i-���U-�`'9tt�l�� �"'''�Lr�—a�}}�'i�}t.—:;;i'•'"�UC,e'��t�'cftt?'t � t-�iPrSC
�a ted "-�,�ao�-c�r-h'�c.�-cx�-0�#-Te-�z'�-;���u--E��r;=�t�+�rt-� :�1 P-L- (?�-1 i=T-ar�—
�t-e�r�� a� c,'�tT�-l� t�t3-e-i�t-e-tae��*-:- l��,�!c� ir�=e��:��-E-l�i-'-�t,l-�;-�-
€�-�F��-�om�-Ir�c��-frt--r�-:c#--{-tor�a�e-L�-r P�;r�--_r— �"�-�a:�,�:�,�r���t�::;:�i;�--Loy-�--
F�n�s-c�esi-�d-�o--t�dc� �e-hc�.tse�-E�o�=�rrt-e�r ee�r-t-�� `�t�c����er�-rts-t�
ana�e-�ie-e�,�r�-te-��re-mc�t� �:;�- `:-l-}-� �=�':�:;^�ve--r��,�==-b�?-it:-�-ic�- bat-
_ . ;_ ^ _ ^ .____. .__._ ____ _' � --.. � � ____ __._ ___. ____ ___.____ ._._ ^ _.__ _.
� f , .,
6. Staternent of Need or Problem to be Addressed by this Project: (The reason(s) for
undertaking this project should be stated. Please be specific about why this
project is needed and what information has been used to substantiate this need. )
The problec�s to be addre��ed by the i��.;r�d are vacarit lots in ttle t�i�toric E�ill
District that need to be in-filled with canpatible structures, deteriorated and
substandard housin�, probler�s to iinancir�� r�habilitatior� especially of vacant-and-
boarded structures, the continuing need to sip�ificant ar:�ounts of money for housing
investment to maintain the quality of ttie ::ill Di�trict's hou�in� stock, and the
need to explore new ways to providin�; ho:�ie-o�-mership opportutiities in an area ex-
periencing escalatin� price5.
In May1977, a survey �y Old To�•m iderltified 103 vacant buildings in the Efill
area; while same have .:,ince been purchased for rehabilitation, others are still
vacant and available for net•� owners to acquire. h.ore seriously, ho�•:ever, 'the
condition of occupied housin� in the E1i11 District and surrounding areas falls
largely in Improvement Areas I, II, and III as defined by the St. Paul City
Planning Division. These ranl:ings indicate a need to encourage investrnent that will
prevent further deterioration of tt�e hou:�ir�J stock. Further��;orc, ti�e :;a;��e Division
has indicated that "it is particularly ii�;portant that preservation opportunities
be identified and fully con�idered ic� any plannin�; for redevelop�nent." The Fund is
intended to facilitate ti�e realization oi "pre�ervation opportunities."
Fi���lly, ttiere are a number of vacant lots in the fiistoric District that need to
be redeveloped. In ter�os oF both Federal re�ulatio:�s and nei�;hborhood serltin;ent, (soe attc
7. Statement of Project Objectives/Impact: (How will this project meet the need?
Identify what actions will be taken and what effect these actions vrill have on the
target population and the needs expressed in -6. Please specify quantitative
amounts so that progress and completion can be measured. )
Need I Action ETfect �
In-fill housin� Eiou�e �novir.�/t,e��ab/�ale Provicie co:npatible ::�;�r housi;�.��
and iricrease �upply of
Upgrade quality of tiousin�, Loari assistance Increa.se percenta;;e of houses
that r.ieet city standards
�at�i� f-et�-�etr�� -bear�-a���ee -�txi'�e o�ei°s trrm� pe t e�i a�-
�p�e�ae� e��- te--f'�iee-i��e
tc- t-I�i t°-p r�e�c:�t-ie�s
New ways of providin�� t3ou�e movin�/rchab/sale- Enable person� of moderate
home-owner�hip opportu:�- rnulti-family O'.ti11�'C��hip i�ico���e to purci;ase houses or
ltl@S COIIVLC':.:,t10;i�; 10�3113 2"�'fl2J YlOU5e5 UJl(16 "sweat
ecui Y,y"
�i:�e-q�l�y -nat?�b �r�l� �o�s e� :��i-e�� �d 4�=.�� c�-li-�-tj �:�c �-rsu�
�9t��I"'--�0"�-3 S�^�'tl c " Vr�l,1 C: 6-� C6'�lLr 1 c`�c'.C��.'"'E.��
� I
I I �
. •� v rage 3
8. Service Area/Tarqet Population: (Describe tne specific area and/or population
which will be affected by this project. Use maps if necessary. Identify census
tract number(s) . )
The primary area in �•�Y�ictz the Revolvin� Fuizd will operate is the �tate HisLOric
Hill District. &�t-�c#e- tk� l�st,�i-E H�l-B�-tr�;�r.���e�t3-of-�--�}4-, t-�e �x°d �1�-
�aa14a-lea�s�-wi-�a-ix-tt�e-�c�-ir�s €a� ��e�e-ir�ee�u.�-€ar�e�-a9-e�ef�cd-�- ci-�}*-
�a�as�r�g-p�o�ns-on�-fe� het�se�-ra�-�ooc� c�-hi�:c;r�n-8�1c4-�o�-'s-strr�y e�
�eY�ec-��-St�� (�i-� r�i-I�e�i-�y1L' Census Tracts in the District
include 356, 35'l, 358, 355 (part) , 340 (part) , 339 (part) , 3>�+ (part) , and 356
(part) . ��st� T-�e�338-1-�s et�:�#e-�e-�i.�ie�-b�- �tthi�r-tr�r�-pr�ose�
€a� -�c�a-re�r��-lea�s-� aknc�/-k�y� e� ��i-f-��--tic�ts�.�
The tar�et population within the Fiistoric Hill District is the e�:tire population
of the District;-pa��ic-t�-la•� se�iees �i-1�-be-of-�e�rc�-c�-a-�e:�ci-�a�-'r�--
8.1 Consumer or Client Eligibility Require�ents: (if applicable) (Any requirements
which determine eligibility for project services should be identir"ied. If
eligibility varies from activity to activity, please indicate this. )
SYri7'-toa� -�r�# -��.� �v�t�--�o�o�r�-�ec�-�.r�i�r�.r
� t�e ��l�te�i�Ei�l--gi�i-e-�: -�-4-�o�i;�t;c�t�-i��u����-1�-
�t;�p�ec�-fr� ��r�-ec�ttal--�o�°y-�op-t+;ot� e-��ta���;��
6ttts�e.�'r1e-�t-e-�e=�i:.�coc�e-Fiii� D�t;c rc�- �iee:�te--�,�;��c.�- a�-�et�;�rr�.�-
f-ar-e�i t-g-�li�e �=�a�3.i-�st�-�or� ��:� a� �?I���t�;�-at�d-
}.��-p�°�•,-�i-� e�rl.�r-s�c�'�d-�t�ac�ar�:��,��e
The Developri��it Fund'� projects will be ,,old at thA lo�•:���t po:;:�ible �:ost, ei�ablin�-
_ r.;any moderat� inco,ne purchasers to qualify. The e,np'.�a_i� i� ot� proj�cts that meet
require;�e�its for lo�.�-iciterest and lo:� do�.��: pay:ne��t �rorttTa�;e pro�;ra�n:�. Ttie F'u:�d i�,
however, not intended as a subsidy pro�rarn, so actual cost� will vary Tro;n hou�e
to house.
� i 4 y�.
9. Specific Prolect Activities/Services: (Please list and give specific information on
each activity undertaken as part or this pr�ject. Number each separate activity/
service. )
1 . acquisition of 1 substandard home within the ITA, location to be determined; or
2, contract for detailed design of a multi-service center building by a private
. architectural firm; or
3. conduct 2 public meetings with community residents to determine reuse for 1
residential property acquired which is compatible with the neighborhood; or
to walk-in clients.
4. provide necessary counseling services to at least 1 ,000 persons requiring
housing-related information during the program year, either over the phone or
to walk-in clients.
Activities* i Provider Contact
House movin�lrenab/sale Old To�,r.z Re�tor- O��e►1s/Foster
ations, I�zc.
�afe�r�i� e�- �eaH-praur� .-- ��--, — - -B:�I�4'o-��-
-�i-�b�-i t�-/�2�ef-ia� " �s��-
.F3e f.e�.r�-�o-G�ar-r4t- " I -�'=��r I
�ed� c-l�eelF;-la� �eEC�-ir� -�c��i�rr�-
�A3i�6-�e ��'si.E��t1�5 n
�'18� c`iE�a/3�Pi°�-�.:�E,'i°�Fl`E29-- �fj—�Oh"Y� �"�'1`' ,
I i i
� I
� �
*Describe specific tasks and provide quantitat;ve inrormation.
� w J� �
10. Work ProQram Tirneline or Schedule: 9
I J J A S 0 N + D J F M A M
I U U U E C 0 E A E A P A
Activit (refer to 79 �d L G P T V C N B R R Y
House moving/rehab/::ale (Development Fund) � s ar ard ng in;
�^��;-c�-lea�.�re�r�. �-boa+�-�u-ic;-}- "'
-�1 i-�-b�i�- arx�--��ee�.-s- e-� �r�-- --L ' -&-ot�.°o-�-
�ef'�a�-te-�b�- �� "
�ed�t-Eklc�k;—l�ri-�^eec,���-- �� ��
--�oa��s— �� ��
-�eY��rH �kdv�or���a-iee�- " ��
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i � I i ; '
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! ; I � ! i � I � �
� �� . �,�... �
11 . Project Budqet
Estimated Cost for �roject
Cost Cate or CO Funds Other* Total I
$20,000 $20,000
(l ) Personnel Salaries �� ��'�^
(2) Consultant and Contract Services -0-
(3) Acquisition/Relocation/Demolition -0-
(4) Design
(5) Construction I
(6) Equipment ______
(7) Other (specify)
-�a�a-�-��-!�tira�c��-- 'a=�5-i-9��-- =t�`-r;('�AF3- �
$600 $600
:.=�?F� (0:;Z} z►3E}
EZC�11�111t1C10I1 and $150,000 $150,000 I
i:clatcc3 E�penses 3��;htld $"7�,`ed�'—
$20,600 $170,600
TOTAL W 150,n00 �-1 E�28c1- �(+A,�HO—
� *Identify Source
-�t-��-� �:�-�,��
�=eii;er�.:.;a�e�-te--cF�,rc���:r;�-it:�-r�;;:3-�. -�;.—:�tu��-�+o�--i�i�c��t�� �3:�0-� �fet�c�-
Besi-�-�,a��.r� -�=er-�a� �-�ew�-l�;xa+a���i--���-r�u�;-iy��-l�-ba-�a:�ec�-en--
�e-�taHCia�s--fer�-�eka�-.i�at}en--prepa�d� �he--E�.d, -AE�rr��e� �ai--�he-Ir�en}or-
�er--�se-u�er�-�he-�'a�c.�o�- F�tt-e�-19=�=��o�y--���il-�-t�io�-e�'-�::�t��s�rtrEt-�r�e�-
a�d-�ot�ck#�-tiar�s-Ea+np�s�=, ��-�c�r�t�et�or�-wi� -�-e�,�-t�e-�ot�-a�s��a:��-
�=o �m�-i:�r--�hc�re{�a�+t--:�E�ct-k�ui-�c�tif�-�-a�# pr-��c�,--o�r�-�t�c- i-crair
�oEess---9�d-�'c��-�,��-1 �p�eir-�-�--eo��i.t�1-of'-�4»--t'o�rc�- ��r.-�'mJ�,`,tr�>-�+a�--
a� rna� nc� t� t�-ic-{�r�;��-+�;v�-l�rr�F�-::?-t,o�i�r;-�1=:���;:-�y-�o���rr�-�i�kr-
�n���-I�a+�; F�bc-�=�y�r.�=�; -�i-�o�:����.=�wc�. 'rrr:,e����r,�p�-,jeet�;
�ari�s-eit-�-at�d �i:�r^� Cet�r7ci-�-p�-].i-�ic-�- �c����tt=�-;+�:�1��i���r�r�;�
Item 6 Contin::c�
as evicenced by tlie prablem� that arose ov��r the con:.,tructiorl oi' ne�:r condor�iiiiu;�s
at 362-4 Sununit Avenue and new houses in the �:Joodlanci Parl: 'ii�toric District,,
house moving is one way to ensure that �ie�:r houses will be both co;npatible ti•:ith
the character of the Eiistoric District and reasonubly priced.
- ' , '��. � t
�Old Town Restor�atlons Inc atec.�
���� -
a non- profit corporation c��,"
l-���� �:
158 Farrington Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 224-3857 �'�
March 14, 1980 x �� -�
Mr. William Patton ��' ? �� ►�'��
Administrator of Community Development CO�Ah4UtJITY DEVELOPM�t�T
25 W. 4th St. p�vi�inru
St. Paul, rM1 55102
Re: CDBG No. 4/26
Dear Mr. Patton:
I am writing in reference to the above-cited contract between us
and the City of St. Paul. We are requesting that the project activities
described in paragraph 3 of Exhibit A be deleted and funds be transferred
to the activities described in paragraph 2.
The main reason for the request is that is has proven very diffi-
cult to establish a loan program with interest rates at their current
levels. We, of course, are not a banking institution, and we had
wanted to set the program up through a bank, with us guaranteeing
unbankable loans. We were not intending to offer interest subsidies or
to pay bank loan costs. The costs of borrowing, however, make it
rather ludicrous to help people get loans; those who need help are
simply not able to afford the interest rates charged, and those who
can afford the interest do not need help getting loans.
On the other hand, the part of the money we have been using for
development has been successfl�l. Combining the no-interest C. D.
money with a construction loan, we are presently working on 5 units to
be priced $50-65,000. Al1 of the units are being offered with BMHR
mortgages. We are presently considerin$ another project for which we .
may be able to receive [�iFA "Energy Mortgages" (a program I don't
believe they have yet announced publicly) for low and moderate income,
energy-efficient housing.
What it really comes down to is efficiency and ability to accomplish
the overall goals of the project. Our one proposed loan for $25,000
has fallen through; the $75,000 we have invested in projects has re-
sulted in $495,000 of construction in progress at an average selling
price somewhere in the range of $54,300-$56,800 a unit. And in the
process we have used the C. D. money to strengthen the'residentj.al
character of part of Selby Avenue (the Selby-Kent in�ersection) and to
prevent a major block of Ashland Avenue from becoming a parking lot in
the midst of a residential neighborhood. �
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Matt Walton, president Mrs. Walter W. Fricke, Vice President Mrs. Hamilton Ross, Secretary
Jeffrey Pearaon,�y-eaaurer Joe.nna Baymiller Mervyn Hough Ellen O'Connor Johnson Tom Jonea Je.mea Beenan Craig Kercheval
James 8. Lynden Hugh Morgan (3eoffrey Morton Ellea Rsad Arthur Shanabrook Mra. (i. Richard Slede Louis Sudheimer
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Chrint.onher Owenn '
page 2
It is important to note that we are not requestin� any additional
fl�nds, nor in our opinion are we modifying the overall goals of the
project, only the methods for achieving those goals.
Sincerely yours,
, 'i
� ,� .
Chris�opher Owens
, � . , .
`�0 �i 1 t��
A G R E E D1 E P3 T
THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this Z�� day of ���� ,
19 ���� , by and between the CITY OF SAIP�T PAUL, a municipal corporation
of the State o£ P+Iinnesota, hereinafter designated "City" , and
OLD TOtiVN RESTORATIOidS, IrdCORPORATED, a Minnesota non-profit corpora-
tion, hereinafter designated as "Subgrantee".
WHEREAS, in compliance with the Federal Housing and Community
Development Act of 1974 (Public La�o 93-383) and Rules and Regula-
tions adopted pursuant th�reto, the City has duly made application
to the U. S. Department of Housinq and Urban Development for
Community Development Block Grant Program; and
WHEREAS, the City has been awarded a grant for Community
Development Year IV for the purpose of carrying out on the program
approved by the City Council and submitted to the U. S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development; and
Y+h�EREAS, tn.e City and Subgrantee desire to enter into thi}s
Agreement for the purpose of setting forth their r�spective
responsibilities in carrying out to a successful conclusion the
City's approved Community Development Grant Program in accordance
with all applicable Federal, State and local laws.
1. Term of Agreement. This Agreement and activities
authorized hereunder shall take effect and be in force from
and after the lst day of January, 1979 , and shall be in force
• ' ` � - 2 -
and effect through the 31st day of December 1979, and as may be
extended by the consent of both parties.
2. Scope of Service. The Subgrantee shall perform all
those activities set forth in the attached Exhibit A relating
to the Historic Hill District Restoration and Rehab Fund, and
shall be undertaken by the Subgrantee in accordance with the
provisions contained in the City' s Federally-approved Community
Development Grant Program. In carrying out its activities under
this Agreement, the Subgrantee shall report as required in
Paragraph 6, hereof, to the City' s Community Development Coordinator
on the status of the programs.
The Subgrantee shall obtain an independent audit by
a certified public accountant within a reasonable time following
expiration of the term of this Agreement, and provide copies of
such audit to the City. The Subgrantee further agrees to provide
the City with monthly financial reports involving the Loan Fund
in such form as agreed to by both parties.
3 . Funding. Al1 funds required for those programs undertaken
by the Subgrantee shall be provided by the City with funds derived
from its Federally-approved Community Develooment Program Grant.
The Subgrantee shall be entitled to receive reimbursement of
funds on a monthly basis in accordance with such regulations and
procedures as may be imposed from time to time by the City' s
Department of Finance and Management Services. The Subgrantee
shall submit itemized statements in such detail as may be
required by the City to comply with all Federal , State and local
requirements. All requests for funds shall conform to the items
contained in the Budget attached to this Agreement, marked
'r .
' ' -3-
� Exhibit A.
4. Flexibility in Budget. Subqrantee shall make expend-
itures according to the line items as set forth in the attached
Budget. Al1 proposed amendments to the nudget must be submi.tted
to the City for review.
a) Subgrantee may amend the Budget line items without
City 's written approval under the following circum-
stances :
i) The revision of a line item does not constitute
a substantial change in program objectives; and
ii) The revision of a line item, including transfer
to and from another line item, does not consti-
tute a change of more than 10$ of either line
item or 5$ of the total Budget
b) Subgrantee may amend the Budget as follows only upon
tlie prior written approval of tlie Community Develop-
ment Coordinator:
i) The revision does not constitute a substantial
change in program objectives; and
ii) The revision of a line item, including trans}er
to and from another line item, constitutes a
change of more than 10$ of either line item or
raore than 5� of the total Budget.
c) lhe following amenclments require a Contract amendment
and written approval of the Saint Paul City Council:
i) The proposed revision constitutes a substantial
change in the prograi� objectives , the scope of
services set forth in this Agreement and/or the
work �rogram; or
ii) Any change whicli would cause the total amount
of the I3udget to be exceeded.
, • . �. . '.
5. Independent Contractor. For the purpose of this Agree-
ment, the Subgrantee shall be deemed to be an independent contractor,
and not an employee of the City. Any and all employees of the
Sul.�grantee or other persons , other than City employees , while
engaged in the performance of any work or services required by
Subgrantee under this Ac�reement, shall not be considered employees
of the City; and any and all claims that may or might arise under
the Worlcrien 's Compensation Act of Diinnesota on behalf of said
employees or other persons while so engaged, hosoitalization
insurance coverages, social security and pension payments and
benefits, other employee obligations and benefits, and any and all
claims made by any t,`�ird party as a consequence of any act or
omission on the part of the Subgrantee, the eMployee or other
persons while so engaged on any of the work or services to be
rendered, shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of
tlie City. The Subgrantee shall pay as, they become due all just
claims for work, tools, machinery, skill, materials, insurance
premiums, equipment anci supplies, personnel and all other contract-
ual obligations entered into pursuant to and in the perforr.iance
of this Agreement.
G. Non-Discrimination. The Subgrantee shall be deemed
a contractor for the application of all provisions hereof and
ordinances and other laws against unlawful discrimination on
account of race, creed, sex, age, disability, sexual preference,
or color.
. - • - S -
This Agreement is subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964 (Public Law 88-352) and the rules and regulations
issued pursuant thereto, and the Subgrantee shall comply with
Executive Order No. 11246 entitled, "Equal Employment Opportunity" , ___
as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (4 CFR, Part
60) .
The Subgrantee agrees to comply with all the terms and
conditions set forth in Chapter 238 , Laws of Minnesota for 1941.
The Subgrantee further agrees to comply with all the terms
and conditions of Chapter 74 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to non-discrimination, and, specifically Section 74 . 03A
thereof, pertaining to affirmative action. The provisions of
Chapter 74 are hereby incorporated herein by reference.
7. Regular Reporting. The Subgrantee shall submit to the
City's Community Development Coordinator on a quarterly basis a
full account of the status of the work outlined in the work
program beginning April 15, 1979 . This status report shall
record the activities of the previous reporting period, as well
as the cumulative work and activities performed, and shall be
submitted using such format as the Community Development Coordinator
may prescribe.
8 . Other Requirements; Community Development. The Subgrantee
shall comply with all requirements imposed upon the City pursuant
to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-383)
and Rules and Regulations adopted, and as may be amended from
time to time, pursuant to said Act by the Department of Housing
and Urban Development, and published in Title 24 , Code of Federal
. , . ". - 6 -
Regulations , Part 570. The following Regulations shall specifically
govern the activities of the Subgrantee as the same may be applicable:
(a) Section 570. 200 - Eligible Activities.
(b) Section 570. 201 - Ineligible Activities.
(c) Section 570. 506 - "Program Income" . All program income
earned or lost through its High Risk Revolving Loan Fund
shall be accumulated by the Subgrantee and redistributed
in the form of loans or grants as set forth in the
attached Scope of Services until such time as the
Corporation ceases to operate the Revolving Loan Fund
or the City determines by audit that the services set
forth are no longer being properly performed by the
Subgrantee. By this agreement the City exercises its
option of adding such prograM income to the Subgrantee,
an approved Community Development Program, in accordance
with the authority contained in Section 570 . 506,
subject to proper performance by the Subgrantee of this
(d) Section 570. 509 - Audit.
(e) Section 570. 510 - Retention of Records .
(f) Section 570. 601 - Nondiscrimination.
(g) Section 570. 602 - Relocation and Acquisition.
(h) Section 570 . 604 - Historic Preservation.
(i) Section 570 . 605 - Labor Standards, which makes
applicable the Davis-Bacon Act to all laborers and
:nechanics employed by contractors or subcontractors
on construction work assisted with �unds received
from the Housing and Community Development Act of
1974 .
' . - - � -
(j ) Section 570 . 608 - Hatch Act.
9 . Historic Preservation. Subgrantee shall comply with
all requirements imposed by Federal, State and local law respecting
historic preservation and appropriate regulations promulgated
by an appropriate Federal Department, the Minnesota Historical
Society, and the Heritage Preservation Commission of the City of
Saint Paul. Subgrantee shall comply with the provisions of the
Exhibit A Memorandum dated December 5 , 1978 , respecting submission,
review and approval of activity applications to and by the State
Historic Preservation Officer.
10. Termination or Reduction of Payments. The Secretary
of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is
empowered by Section 111 , Title I, P. L. 93-383 , to terminate
or reduce payments to the City, or to limit availability of
payments to the City should the Secretary find, after reasonable
notice and opportunity for hearing, that the City has failed
to comply substantially with any provision of Title I of the
Act. The City agrees not to do anything which will cause the �
Secretary to take such action, and the Subgrantee shall be
notified of any proposed action by the Secretary, and the
Subgrantee shall be given opportunity to be represented at all
such hearings. The City' s obligation to provide funds to the
Subgrantee is deemed dependent upon the City' s receiving funding
from the Secretary, and all obligations of the City hereunder
shall either terminate or be reduced or limited in the event
the Secretary should take such actions as authorized by said
Section 111. The City reserves the right to suspend or terminate
this Agreement in the event the Subgrantee is determined by the
,• , . . . - 8 -
City to not be in compliance with the terms and conditions of
this Agreement, or in the event the Subgrantee fails to perform
the activities set forth in the program description contained
in the attached Exhibit A.
11. Indemnification. The Subgrantee shall indemnify,
save harmless, protect and defend the City, its officers,
employees or agents, from all suits, actions or claims of any
character brought for or on account of any person alleging
damages or injury to person or property and arising out of any
act or omission on the part of the Subgrantee, its officers,
agents or employees in carrying out the terms of this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WFiLREOF, The parties have caused this Agreement
to be executed the day and year first above written .
�� By
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A S stant City Attorney
}3Y " '�%� _ �''-2�
Its Direct r, Department of �`
j�y� S-�'�� Finance an Management Services
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By � �a� � ���"'�- �--1)
Its Directo , Department of Planning �r, ^
and Economic Development
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C � � �f� �� t � � � � � � �r�. � .
TO : Saint Poul Cifiy Councii
RUBY HUNT , � �i�'man, makes the f�llowinc�
repo�t on C.F. [� t)rdinance
(9) [x� ResoluYion
� Other
T1Tl.E :
The Finance Committee, at its meeting of April 14, 1980,recommended appraval
of the following:
1 . Resolution replacing class titles and specs . for Fire Prevention Aide T
and II a.id Fire Prevention Technician I with t'i�les , and specs for Pire .
Aide I , Fire Aide II and Fire Technician I , respectively. -1No changes
in grades . (10805-RH) .
2 . Resolution revising class specs for titles of Fire Prevention Techni-
cian II and III and titles of Fire Prevention Inspectox and Fire Fnvest-
igator. This change will result in two cla�s . specs as follo�vs : Fire
Prevention Technician II/Fire Prevention Inspec�or, and Fire PreventiQn
- Technician III/Fire Investigator. (10807-RH) .
3. Resolution establishing titles and specs for Fire Communications Oper-
ator I and II , also revising cla$s specs for Fire Alarm Dispatcher I
and II . This change will resul.t in two class specs as £ollows : Fire
Communications Operator I/Fire Alarm DispatchexI , and Fire CommunicatiQris;':
Operator II/Fire Alarm Dispatcher II . (10804-RH) .
4 . Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution to '
increase rates of pay for title of Library Aide at this time and aga�:n
on January 10, 1981 . (1C808-RH) .
5 . This resolution, as required in the agreement between the City and OId
Town Restorations , Inc . , will eliminate . the loan portion of this project.
and reallocate those funds to the development portion of the project .
6. Resolution providir.g funds for City .Hall and Court House remodeling and
repairing-- City ' s share ($10�, 946) to come from ttiao sources : $23, SQ0
from the $100, 000 in Community Development funds that was budgeted for
"Handicapped Accessibility to City Buildings/Services" and the balance
of $80, 446 from the fund balance in the City Hall and Court House
account . ����`°��'
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