274752 WMITE - C�TV CIERK / �y�y���A PINK - FINANCE COUI�CIl o + CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BLUE - MAVOR Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the attached :Agreement between the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Industrial Steel Container Company and the City of St. Paul is approved, and the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement. COUNCILMEN Yeas c AHON Nays / Requested by Department of: _��, � In Favor Hunt —�xroine � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter'+� Tedesco � ��Q� Form /4pproved City At orney Adopted by ncil: Date �pR '� "a2�_ ;x Certif Yasse y Co .il ecretar BY,,' B � ` "` O , Appr by ;Navoc _ �"� �R �- $ ���ppr ved by M for Subm' on to Council sy — By �� APR 2 6 1980 ._.__. ., ,� Members of the Council � Page Two , April 10, �980 � Company. In brief, it provides as follows : 1. Industrial will investigate and remedy soil and ground water containination in the area of the former Industrial Steel � Eagle Street factory building. 2. Industrial will excavate and treat oily soils on the site. 3. Industrial will install, with assistance by MPCA, several - ground water monitoring wells on the site. 4. Industrial will test and monitor these wells to determine if there is any additional contamination beyond that already discovered. 5 . City will agree to allow the site to be used for "land farming"� treatment of oily soils excavated by Industrial. (It is estimated the treatment process will take one growing season to complete. During this time the site will not be useful. ) 6. City will provide a backhoe and operator to assist in investi- �ation of alleged contamination of the Eagle Street site. It is estima.ted this work will take three days. It will not include any excavation or remedial work. ) Statf from the Department of Planning and Economic Development and the Public Works Department, together with the City Attorney' s Office, have reviewed the stipulation and recommend execution. JPM:jr 1 EXHIBIT 1 ������ DISCUSSION OUTLINE OF PROPOSED EAGLE STREET ABATEMENT PLAN Current information indicates that there may be a "perched" body of contaminated water within and immediately adjacent to the foun- dation of the Eagle Street plant that was operated by Industrial Steel Container Company. The extent to which this "perched" body lies within the foundation of the building is not known. The building was built in numerous stages, resulting in a series of foundations that may or may not contain these waters. Phase I - Exploratory Excavations We would propose to do a series of excavations to determine the extent that contaminated water is present in the building foun- dations and adjacent areas. The excavations would define the horizontal extent of the water body. The exploratory excavation would be done by a combination of backhoe excavation and manual digginq in a manner that protects the integrity of the materials perching this water. The explora- tory excavations would be supervised by Industrial Steel Container Company consultants with MPCA staff present. Phase II - Develop Removal System It is our desire to remove the contaminated liquid in this perched body for disposal. For this purpose, a system will be developed to draw the liquid to a pumping area(s ) . The pumping system would be designed on the basis of information obtained during Phase I . Phase III - Contaminated Liquid Disposal Analysis of the "perched" water has been reviewed by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission staff . The staff has approved pumping out the "perch" waters in the municipal sewer system. Either diluted hydrochloric acid and/or water woulc3 be used to treat and/or flush the remaining soils until the collected flush waters reached a pH of 8 .0 to 7 .0. All of the flush waters would also be disposed of by sewers. Phase IV - Residual Soil Investigation During the investigatory or water-related phase of the abatement plan ISCCO shall determine the condition of the soils in the areas containing contaminated water. By thirty days following comple- tion of the contaminated water disposal phase ISCCO shall submit a report to the MPCA regarding remedial action, if necessary, to treat and/or remove these soils. EXHIBIT NO. 2 INVESTIGATION PLAN FOR EAGLE STREET These investigations are intended to be comprised of a series of exploratory excavations for the purpose of defining the extent of contaminated water apparently perched under and within the vicinity of ISCCO' s former factory building. These investigations are not intended to be investigations of the ground water. The building at 184 Eagle Street was constructed by building additions over a period of approximately 50 years. Apparently each addition has separate foundation structures. Information exists which indicates that the contaminated water may be confined within one or more of these foundations. This contaminated water is caustic and contains phenols, metal ions, and oil and grease. Background Soil borings conducted by Soil Exploration Company indicate the plant location is underlain by fill materials placed on top of swamp deposits . Excavation of the most eastern portion of pro- perty revealed layers of fill deposits comprised of such things as cinders and ashes, old bottles , pottery and bones , and household articles. These findings suggest that this portion of the plant property was utilized prior to the plant' s construction for a gar- bage dump. Three of the soil borings that have been placed on the former plant property were developed into wells. Periodic water eleva- tions were taken in these wells by Soil Exploration Company. The , -2- data obtained for these readings indicate that the well next to the plant' s foundation had a level that was over one foot higher than the two others. This information suggested that a pocket of water existed, apparently perched from the ground water in the area. Exploratory excavations by the MPCA within the foundation adjacent to the previous mentioned well, found waters at eleva- tions that further supported the hypothesis that such a perched water body exists. In order to formulate the remedial program required by Paragraph I .C. 3 . of the Amended Stipulation of Settlement, ISCCO shall determine the extent of the apparently perched contaminated water. In order to accomplish this task, trenches shall be dug within at least three foundations west of the building addition formerly housing the caustic submerger tank and on at least three sides of this addition outside of thF- foundation. Investigation Within Foundation The apparently perched water would be expected to be encoun- tered at the same elevation in the foundation adjacent to the caustic submerger addition if it is continuous. Excavations carried out inside the adjacent foundation next to the shared foundation walls would provide a means for determining whether the water is within the adjacent foundation. Since ground water levels within the foundation have been observed to vary by less than two feet, excavations to two feet below the apparently perched level would indicate if the contaminated water is present. -3- The depth of these excavations would be checked by means of tran- sit readings. The waters found in the foundation will also be compared on the basis of pH in the field to confirm whether they were part of the contaminated pocket of water. ISCCO's investigations would therefore be carried out on the principle of determining if water levels and pH values comparable to those of the apparently perched water exist in adjacent foun- dations. MPCA will make visual observations of the fluid. Excavation within the adjacent foundations would be done as close as possible to the shared foundation wall but beyond the width of the foundation or footings. The excavation would be done by backhoe and hand tools. If the excavation does show the presence of the apparently perched water, a sample of the watter will be taken. If the water is part of the apparently perched water, excavation will be initiated in the next adjacent foundations. This investigation will be continued in succeeding foundations until the excavation reveals no apparently perched contaminated water is present. The areas adjacent outside the building to foundations that are demonstrated to contain the apparently perched contaminated water will be investigated. A backhoe would be used for this pur- pose. Excavation will be conducted to a depth of at least two feet below the water elevation in the area of the submerger tank addition. The water will be sampled, tested for pH, and the ele- vation of water recorded. Excavation will be done at a minimum on � . , __._. ... .. ._ _ .. . . . _... _ _. ._ . ; . -4- the three sides of the foundation formerly housing the caustic submerger. Further excavation may also then be undertaken. ISCCO may take and analyze samples, at ISCCO expense, and determine the elevation of the fluid to gather additional infor- mation needed to formulate a remedial program. The MPCA may take and analyze samples, at MPCA expense, and make visual observations and photographs to properly evaluate the ISCCO proposal. The necessity of, and locations of, additional exploratory excavations or soil borings shall be determined by the parties at the time of the exploratory effort. Nothing shall prevent the City or the MPCA Director from investigating soil and water con- ditions in other areas of the site, or in areas near the site. The condition of soils under and in the vicinity of the former ISCCO factory building will not be intensively studied at this time. Rehabilitation or removal of all soils in areas found to contain fluid similar to that fluid near the caustic submerger tank sewer will be addressed in the remedial program required by Paragraph I .C. 3. of the Amended Stipulation of Settlement. Safety equipment including qoggles, rubber gloves, boots, hard hats , and dust masks shall be made available by each party for their workers and utilized when appropriate. Although a need is not anticipated, a self-contained breathing apparatus and pro- tective suit shall be available for use in sampling if needed. ISCCO 's investigations shall take place at a time mutually agreeable to the City, the MPCA, and ISCCO, but before May 1, �• ' � - � : � . � EXI�I B I T NO. 4 PROCEDURES FOR SADSPLING SOILS THAT }iAVE BEEN LANDSPREAD ON TH� A�CCLEAN AND EAGLE STREET PROPERTIES The bicClean Yard and Eagle Street Yard will be treated as separate treatment sites. At each of the treatment sites , a grid pattern will be used for selecting the sampling points. The grid pattern will be comprised of four lines in a north-south direction and four lines in the east- west direction such that si:cteen intersections and t�•enty- five equal size spaces are formecl . The approximate location of such lines will be marked by stakes placed along the four sides of the area under use . The stakes µ�ill. be used for spottin� the intersection of the lines . Samples will be taken from each of the areas that best approximate the intersection of tl�ese lines using the stal.es as reference . Tt�e sarnples sha].1 be taken b5� means of a sho��el . A sample of the layer of spread fill mater•ial equaling a volume of one-half gallor� ���ill be taken from each lacation . All the samnles fror:� one of the treatment sitE:s ��:ill be placed on a single plastic sheet . Each of the sixteen sam�les will then be mixed to�ett�er to produce a sinole composite sample . The eomposites �;ill then be quai•tered . A quarter will theii be selected to be remi:.ed and quartered a�ain . This «�ill resuJt in a sample appro�imatel5• one-lialf gallon volume. The soil will be placed in clean samplin� containei•s that liave been rinsed �ti�ith tap water i'ollo«•ed Uy deionized water. Samples from each of the two sites �vill be Urought to the laborator}• and analyzed there as separate samples . -1- � EXHIBIT NO. 5 LOCATION OF BACKGROUND WELL A background well will be placed on the west corner of the Eagle Street yard. The well shall be no closer than 10 feet but not greater than 20 feet from existing curbing of Eagle Street, approximately one half the distance from the service road to the railroad tracks. If exploratory excavation indicates that this location is a part of the apparently confined pocket of contaminated water, a new location will be chosen agreeable to ISCCO and the MPCA. A piezometer shall be placed in a position to enable accurate trianglution so as to determine groundwater flow direction accura- tely. The MPCA shall secure permission of landowners for place- ment of the piezometer. � -- EXHIBIT NO. 6 SUMMARY OF TECHNICAL PROCEDURES Part A - Specification For The Construction, Development, And Sampling Of Wells To Be Installed WELL CONSTRUCTION The wells shall be constructed of two inch diameter PVC pipe. The screen for the wells shall also be two inch diameter 10 slot PVC. The screen for the wells shall be ten in length. The top of the well case shall be fitted with a locking cap. The borehole shall be backfilled with clean sand, except for the upper one and one half feet. The latter shall be filled with bentonite and cement grout to act as a seal. The bentonite and grout will be mounded around the PVC pipe and approximately three inches high to prevent infiltration. WELL DEVELOPMENT After completion of the above mentioned well construction, the well will be developed by ISCCO. This development will be done using a portable pump. The well will be pumped for a period of one half hour. The water removed from the well will be discharged on the surrounding surface. SAMPLING OF WELLS Prior to sampling, the static water level of the well will be taken. The well will then be bailed until approximately five times the volume of water in the well has been pumped out. The well will then be allowed to stand until the static level in the -2- well returns to stand until the static level in the well returns to within two inches of the static level before pumping. The sample will be drawn from the well using a peristaltic pump. Prior to inserting tubing into the well, the pump shall draw approximately one-half gallon of distilled water through the tubing. The pump will be shut off. The tubing containing distilled water will be placed into the well casing. (The distilled water will remain in the tubing under vacuum and acts as a primer. ) The well will then be pumped to remove one gallon of well water before a sample is taken. METALS ANALYSIS IN WATER SAMPLES (ARSENIC, LEAD, CADMIUM) The sample container shall be a glass bottle, previously washed with detergent and tap water, rinsed with a 1: 1 nitric acid-tap water, 1: 1 hydrochloric acid-tap water, then deionized distilled water. The collected sample shall be filtered as soon as is possible through a eight micron filter. The filtrate shall then be aci- dified with 1: 1 redistilled NHO 3 to a pi� of 2 . The sample shall then be digested and analyzed for total lead, arsenic, and cadmium (according to the total metals and ana- lysis procedure listed in "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes" EPA 60014-79-020 , March 1979 - Metals 4 . 1. 3 . ) . , , _ � ._ . . _ _ _ _ _ __ . _._ . __.�._ _. - -- _ _;< _. . .. . � -3- METALS ANALYSIS (ARSENIC, LEAD, CADMIUM) IN WASTE, FILL AND SOIL The sample container as well as any containers used in sampling shall be a glass bottle, previously washed with detergent and tap water rinsed with 1: 1 nitric acid-tap water, 1: 1 hydroch- loric acid-tap water, then deionized distilled water. The sample shall then be digested and analyzed for total lead, arsenic, and cadmium (according to the total metals analysis procedure listed in "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes" EPA 60014-79-020, March 1979 - Metals 4 . 1.3. ) . PHENOLS (GENERAL) IN WATER, WASTE , FILL AND SOIL The sample container as well as any containers used in sampling shall be a glass two liter bottle prepared by acid rinse. The sample shall be preserved with 1: 1 phosphoric acid and refri- gerated. The phenolic materials present in the samples will be determined using ASTM:D1783-70 which is based on the reaction of phenol with 4-amino antipyridine in the presence of potassium ferricyanide at a pH of 10 to form a stable antipyrine dye. The concentrations are calculated based on phenol as a standard. (Annual Book ASTM Standards, Part 31 , "Water" Standard D: 1783-70 , P: 627 (12 ) . ) OIL AND GREASE IN WATER, WASTE , FILL AND SOIL The sample container as well as any containers used for sampling shall be a one liter bottle prepared by hexane and 1, 1,1- trichloroethylene rinses. The sample shall be acidified to a pH � -4- of two with H2 SO4. Oil and grease levels will be determined gra- vimetrically, through acidification and solvent extraction of the sample in accordance with Standard 502-1, Standard Methods of Analysis for Water and Wastewater, 14th Edition. Extraction of oil and grease from the soil sample shall be done by Soxhlet Extraction for at least four hours . POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS - DDT - PESTICIDES IN WATER, WASTES, FILL AND SOIL The sample container as well as any containers used for sampling shall be glass prepared by acid and methylene chloride rinses. The sample shall be refrigerated until extraction. Extraction shall take place within 24 hours of collection. PCB 's and DDT and its decomposition products will be analyzed using electron capture gas chromatography in accordance with the esta- bished EPA Methodology outlined in NERC 1972 Manual of Analytical Methods. ( "Manual of Analytical Methods, " Pesticides and Toxic Substances Effects Laboratory, NERC, 1972 . ) Total PCB ' s and total DDT shall be reported. PURGEABLE ORGANICS IN WATER, WASTE , FILL AND SOIL The sample container shall be a zero head space glass con- tainer with a teflon cap. Any sampling containers shall be glass . The sample container as well as any containers used for sampling shall be prepared by acid and methylene chloride rinses and oven baking. The sample shall be refrigerated and purging shall take , _-�_��.��.__.__�_ ��--��-�-<...� �_- - _-�-_.----=--- �-- . __ ___ _ _ ,. r , . -5- place within 24 hours of sample collection. The purgeable orga- nics above named will be determined using standard purge and trap techniques as described EPA: 60018-79-006 using flame ionization gas chromatography in place of a G.C. - M.S. Identification and concentrates will be based on comparative retention times and peak areas with commercially prepared priority pollutant standards for the purgeable fraction. ( "An EPA Manual for Organics Analysis using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry", EPA Monitoring and Support Laboratory, EPA: 60018-79-006 , March 1979. ) ACID EXTRACTABLE ORGANICS IN WATER, WASTES, FILL AND SOIL The sample container as well as any containers used in sampling shall be glass prepared by acid and methylene chloride rinses . The sample shall be refrigerated until extraction. Extraction shall take place within 24 hours of sample collection. Pentachlorophenol will be determined through extraction of three liters of sample in accordance with the procedures given in EPA: 60018-79-006 using G.C. - F.I .D. analysis in lieu of G.C. - M.S. The components of interest will be identified and quantified using commercially prepared standards for the analysis of the aci- dic fraction priority pollutants. ( "An EPA Manual for Organic Analysis using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, " EPA Monitoring and Support Laboratory, EPA: 60018-79-006 , March 1979 ) . TOTAL CYANIDES IN WATER, WASTE , FILL AND SOIL The sample container as well as any containers used in -6- sampling shall be glass prepared by an acid rinse. The sample shall be preserved with NaOH. Total cyanides will be analyzed using reflux-distillation and absorption in a scrubber containing sodium hydroxide solution by volumetric titration in accordance with the method outlined in EPA's manual for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes , 1974 . Part C - Documentation And Procedures For Sampling The Contents of Drums, Buried Sludges and Water Adjacent to Buried Sludges. The MPCA will be responsible to document and sample each of the drums that are removed from any excavation. This documen- tation will include numbering each drum in order of its excava- tion, recording the DOT markings and manufacturing numbers, the type of drum, where the bungs , rings, and/or covers were in place , and a general description including color and whether damaged prior to excavation. ISCCO consultants, contractors, and employees shall cooperate with the MPCA so as to enable accomplishment of this task. If the MPCA or ISCCO desires to collect samples from uncovered drums or sludges , they will take representative samples from each drum. This will be done by either mixing the contents of drums that are intact, or by reconstructing the sample. Reconstruction will be done by mixing proportional amounts of liquid and solids in the drum. The pro- portional amounts will be based on the sludge thickness in the drum to the overall length of the drum. Samples will be taken r � _�- using a sampling container that has been cleaned prior to each sampling in the same manner as the sample container. Samples of the liquid and solid portions of sludge may be kept separate pro- vided documentation of their relative proportions in the drum is kept and the analysis is being requested of either the liquid or solid, but not both. The solids taken from drums or sludges excavated will be thoroughly mixed prior to use in reconstructing a composite sample or as an individual sample. Not less than sixteen times the volume of the solid or sludge shall be placed on an appropriately clean surface. The representative solids or sludge will be thoroughly mixed. If necessary, manually breaking the material will be done to facilitate such mixing. The sample will then be quartered, a quarter saved andremoved, and quartered again. The sample will then be placed in appropriate containers as specified for analysis. If buried drums or sludges are discovered pursuant to part III .C. 3.C. or III .C. 3.d of this Agreement, a sample of groundwater from near the buried drums and/or sludge shall be taken by the MPCA in representative manner. The sample shall reflect a homoge- neous mixture of the water. This shall be accomplished by a thorough mixing of the waters and liquids for not less than one minute before sampling. A volume of water in liquid not less than ten times the final sample size shall be mixed for this purpose. -8- A minimum volume of at least two gallons shall be agitated for any water of liquid sample taken from the drums or water adjacent to drums. Sampling containers will be prepared in the manner as sample bottles . These samples shall be preserved and analyzed by ISCCO according to the procedures established in attachment 6 . All samples transported to the laboratory shall be accompanied by a chain of custody. Documentation of the samples will be supplied within ten working days of the end of the excavation. Results of the analysis will be supplied within ten working days of comple- tion of analysis to all parties. s� a, v .a v v�►. o+� w v� �-, ,- �� �o a u � � � ' � � �o a � I c 1 0 u � I I i � � 0 a v U .� i � � �' i � N / o+rn C c N� � i X•7 j W OG � ' �__.- '( l � '----��.� i '> G +� ++ G N G/ 41 ►+ �� U tn Map of the McLean Yard Exhibit No. '9 EXHIBIT NO. 8 PROCEDURE FOR THE REMOVAL OF BURIED DRUMS OR SLUDGE Removal of drums or buried sludge is to be undertaken uti- lizing a backhoe. The backhoe will excavate in the vicinity of drums or buried sludge such that Mr. John Aho of the MPCA, or such other person as may be designated by the MPCA Director, is reaso- nably assured that all of the drums or sludge have been removed. This will be done by excavating north, south, east, and west of the initial discovery area until no more drums or sludge are encountered. The backhoe will be operated in a conscientious manner that minimizes spillage. Should spillage of five gallons or more of the contents of the drums or sludge occur in a concentrated area, absorbent material and effected soils in the immediate vicinity of the spill will be excavated and handled in the same manner as the contents of the drums or the sludge found. The drums, buried sudges, absorbents and contaminated soils shall be placed by the backhoe onto a plastic sheet. Spillages occurring from the drums will be contained by the use of sawdust or other absorbent materials. The excavated material will be kept on the plastic sheets until properlly repackaged. Buried solid industrial wastes that are excavated may be placed on a plastic sheet for manual separation from soils exca- vated with it. Example of such solid industrial wastes would be paint, solids, plastic and polymer solids, and similar materials. -2- Soils separated by this manner may be returned to the excavation hole for backfill. The drums, contents of the drums, buried sludge, and other materials that are clearly not attributable to ISCCO will be placed in recovery drums and temporarily stored on plastic sheets pending determination by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency of the responsible person for proper management of these wastes in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Other drums, contents of the drums, buried sludge will be managed by ISCCO as appropriate in accordance with Federal Department of Transportation regulations and 6 MCAR, Section 4 . 9001 - 4. 9010. ISCCO may have the drums taken from any excava- tion and sent to a drum reconditioner for recycling. Shipping papers documenting delivery of the drums , contents of the drums, buried sludge, and other materials will be provided to the Agency within fifteen days of delivery. . . ,_ _ _: . _ _ . ___ _ _,_ _---- . _ _ ._ . . __ . ._... . . � ---. - - .. __ _ _. . _ � 501L EXPLORa�� , � ' � t I o- � � -!-• � � � \ /� � � � � �� \ I � I � � � � ��� P / Map of High � n 13, Bridge Yard showing location of � - former fence . . � \ � N I . `� � , � , � r�M. f�. ��iz � rpP oF Hr0 � ON sHfPil�PD � � 7/ � 68� � sr, , �S � � --• 0 � , � � � , � � • � � � I � � _ - - [ y/Gyg;���c= � � Location of Well 6 Exhibit No. 9= ..:.:.. ___..:.. _......_,. -'i--. ..�.� ;.��-'_-.....__�.�._w......__�__.. ..:. . . . .. . . . . . . , . ... . . . . � • [', ATTACHMENT 2 �-_) ' , _, � `,� BARR ENGINEERING CO. y CONSULTING ENGINEERS �`�w M� 6p00 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTM JOwN D. dCKfOw MINNEAPOLIS.MINNESOTA SSd�S l �. MOlfl►TMER TELEP►iONE(AREI►61Z)V�OESS AIIAN CE�«ARD 1AWRENCE W. 017��E tEONARO J• IIREMER DENNIS E� 1ALMfR w�Ew w. wwsa+ • February 25, 1980 Mr. Steve Schmidt horthern States Power Company 414 Nicollet Mall Minne�polis, Minnesota 55402 Dear Mr. Schmidt: This letter summarizes the approach that we propose to use to search for the presence of SS gallon drums buried at the High Bridge Plant. Task 1 -- Prepare Exploration Plan As the first step, we will familiarize ourselves with the area and with sources of information that are available to help pinpoint the location of any drums. Since this area has been studied, it is likely that new information will not be located and that NSP has defined the limits of the search area as accurately as can be done. We will review water quality and soil data to define the degree of interference that background conditions could present to the various exploration methods that are available for use. Based on the available data and on the results of the calibration trial, we will develop specific reco�nendations on the explozation and investigation methods that should be used to locate the buried drums. The exploration methods that will be assessed and, as applicable, used in the calibration trial vill include: 1. geophysical magnetometer 2. VLF electromagnetics. The output of this task will be an exploration plan that will lay out the first steps in the exploration work to locate the drums. The likely plan will be a systematic survey of the area using a grid pattern over the seazch area. This plan could be submitted [o the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for �►eir concurrence with the method of approach. Task 2 -- On-Site Exploration We suggest that NSP bury one or more drums so that the various exploza- tion methods can be tested and the geophysical apparatus calibrated undez ihe ambient field conditions. Once the instruments have been calibrated and baseline conditions established, the step-by-step procedure developed in �io .._-=--- -•- -----�= -- - - _ __.:=�_��:: ._,.� _ .. . ... � _.._�_ ,. . ..-.. . .. <� .. . , � t� � • .�. • Mr. Sttve Schmidt k., page 2 Febrwry 25, 1980 Task 1, on-site exploration will be conducted to identify the specific loca- tion(a) of any buried drums. The first atep in the exploration will likely be a syatematic seareh of the eatire area uaing a grid system of baselines and cross-aections. The s�aults of Chis survey vill then be reviewed to determine if excavation of ansmoloua areas appear Warranted, if further exploration vork is needed or if it appeara apparent that no drums are buried in the area. Any further exploration that is deemed necessary will build upon the success or failures of the exploration activities tried in the initial steps of the work. For example, magnetometer methods may show a number of anomalies which could indicate buzied drums. A VLF survey, hoaever, may shov a pattern of anomalies that, whec► superimposed on the results of the magnetometer aurvey, would pinpoint certain search areas. Excavation could then be carried out in the identified search areas. The exploration vork will be aupervioed by Barr Engineering Co. per- sonnel altheugh a subcontractor acceptable to NSP may be used to supply the actual instrumentation. A representative of Bazr Engineering Co. will be on- site during all exploration vozk to ensure that the procedures developed in Task 1 are followed and to identify any modifications needed during the p*o- gress of the study. Memoranda will be prepared to NSP summarizing the results of the various exploration methods and explaining any fine-tuning of the exploration plan that ia needed. Task 3 -- Repozt on Exploration Activities At the completion of the exploration activities, we will summarize t��e data collected by the various geophysical exploration methods and interzupt the data as it relates to the likely location of any buzied drums. This plan will not include excavation procedures, an excavation plan, or a disposal plan. Estimated Cost ` The cost of exploration programs like this are obviously difficult to estimate. We can accurately estimate the cost of preparing the exploration plan in Task 1. We estimate that this exploration plaa can be prepared for about $700. The exploration plan will include a detailed estinate of costs for as much of the exploration work as can be predicted at the tine the plan is prepared. As a first-cut, we estimate that magnetometer and the �LF eleccro- magnetic surveys of the four to five acre area to a depth of eight feet can be carried out for $3,100; however, this cost could increase if the geophysical surveys do not go as anticipated. We estimate the cost of preparing the report in Task 3 to be $2,600. We have allocated S900 for meetings and propose a $1,000 contingency budget. Thus, the total estimated cost is �8,300. If you have any questions about this proposed work plan, please contacc us. The •ubcontractor for the geophysical investigation has had conaiderable experience in the methods to be employed in this study. 'Tt►ey vere involved in the aearch for the drums of arsenic at [he Pine Bend Landfill and are familiar with various methods used on that project. Barr Engineering Co. is experi- enced in ground vater and geotechnical studies. Sincerely, , �1 �- . lan Gebhard _ _ _ . . ..._. . - __ _ . . _ . , . , .. . _ _ _ -._.._. . �"_�..�r.�_...`. r�r. -�/..�.✓L��"v i..�i-.....1�:�'�.�.w�.i�.�. c..i ..... .=. . . �.'� M ~~ STATE OF MINNESOTA SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF RAMSEY DISTRICT COURT ---------------------------------- _.. State of Minnesota by its 1lttorney General, Warren Spannaus, and the Minnesota ,, Pollution Control Agency, Court File No. 434018 Plaintiff, -- and City of St. Paul, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul 6 Pacific Railroad Company, and SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER Northern States Power Company, Intervenors, vs. Industrial Steel Container Company, a Minnesota , corporation, Defendant ---------------------------------- By stipulation, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Industrial Steel Container Company, and the City of St. Paul have consented to the making and entry of this Supplemental Order. The Court has reviewed the issues raised by Plaintiff's Amended Motion for Supplementary Relief dated October 22, 1979, and the Complaint filed by the City and finds that this Order constitutes a reasonable resolution of the issues raised therein: NOW, TBEREFORE, upon the stipulation of the parties, the entire record and files of proceedings herein, and being fully advised in the premises, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED I. This Court has continuing jurisdiction of the subject matter of this action and of the parties hereto. II. The attached stipulation is hereby incorporated herein and all the terms and conditions of the Amended Stipulation of EXHIBIT NO. 11 . � . . . r . . _ _ _ _ .. � _.. . _ .�.._ _. .__� - �..�.- - - - -�..,..._..,w..r.�..�.::...:.�. -,,a_.._ ... .._.. , •--•- --�-- -- - - ---- �� � � -2- Settlement are hereby made a part of this ffnal and binding Order as though set forth in their entirety. The parties shall specifi- cally perform the obligations imposed by the terms of this Order. III. Any motion for an order to require compliance with •this Order shall be promptly set on for hearing before a Special Term Judge. IV. Each party shall bear its own costs and disbursements. LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. Dated: BY THE COURT �: Judge of District Court �A ' ������ • s ► STATE OF MINNESOTA IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF RAMSEY SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ----------------------------------- ) � State of Minnesota by its' Attorney ) General, Warren Spannaus, and the ) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) and ) Court File No. 434018 ) Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and ) Pacific Railroad Company; Northern ) . States Power Company; and City of ) St. Paul, ) ) Plaintiffs-Intervenors, ) ) vs. ) AMENDED STIPULATION ) OF SETTLEMENT Industrial Steel Container Company, ) a Minnesota corporation, ) ) Defendant, ) ) and ) ) George J. Rutman, Donald L. Rutman ) Craig D. Rutman and Yvette Rutman, ) ) Defendants. ) ) ----------------------------------- ) WHEREAS , Plaintiff State of Minnesota, by its Attorney General, Warren Spannaus, and by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (hereinafter "MPCA" ) commenced this action against Defendant Industrial Steel Container Company (hereinafter "ISCC" ) on January 26, 1979; WHEREAS, the Court entered an Order on March 19, 1979, incor- porating a Stipulation of Settlement (hereinafter "Stipulation" ) executed by the MPCA and ISCC; � WHEREAS, paragraph 20 of the Stipulation provided that the MPCA and ISCC by written agreement could amend the Stipulation and that either party could seek Court approval of such amendment; WHEREAS, the MPCA asserted monetary claims in its Amended Motion for Supplementary Relief dated October 22 , 1979, and the MPCA and ISCC desire to and hereby do compromise and settle all such claims through agreement of the payment of money by ISCC r , + � -2- to the Treasury of the State of Minnesota in accordance with and pursuant to conditions set forth in this Amended Stipulation; WHEREAS, the MPCA also asserted claims in its Amended Motion for Supplementary Relief seeking investigation, monitoring, and abatement by ISCC of alleged pollution and pollution threats, and the MPCA and ISCC desire to and hereby do compromise and settle all such claims through agreement to a program of actions as set forth in the following sections of this Amended Stipulation; WHEREAS, the Court ordered joinder as intervenors of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad (hereinafter "Milwaukee Railroad" ) , the Northern States Power Company (hereinater "NSP" ) , and the City of St. Paul (hereinafter "the City" ) on December 4 , 1979; WHEREAS , plaintiff-intervenors, Milwaukee Railroad, NSP and the City have filed their respective Complaints in Intervention against ISCC and George J . , Donald L. , Craig D. and Yvette Rutman. WHEREAS , NSP and Milwaukee Railroad are not parties to this Amended Stipulation; WHEREAS , the City and ISCC desire to and hereby do compromise and settle all claims asserted in the City' s Complaint in Intervention; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by the MPCA, ISCC, and the City that, upon the Court's entry of an Order incorporating this Amended Stipulation, the Amended Stipulation shall supercede the earlier Stipulation approved by the Court on March 19, 1979, and the pleadings of said parties, and shall govern the rights and obligations of the MPCA, ISCC, and the City, as to those matters specifically addressed herein and in said pleadings; and IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED as follows: I . The Eagle Street Site A. Description of the Eagle Street Facility The Eagle Street facility was operated by ISCC at Eagle Street and Shepard Road in St. Paul. The facility included a . � -3- building in which used drums were cleaned and reconditioned and new drums manufactured. The site and all improvements thereon are owned by the City, which has razed and removed all structures on the site. B. Eagle Street Groundwater and Soil Contamination Concerns There are three matters that remain to be resolved at the Eagle Street site. First, the soil and fill and shallow ground- water beneath and around the foundation of the factory building are caustic, and contain heavy metals and some organic compounds. Second, in the northeast portion of the site, along the former path of a conveyor for used drums, the soil and fill is con- taminated with oil and grease and contains many organic and inorganic compounds. Third, the migration and evolution of the potential pollutants at the Eagle Street site are not known. C. Investigation and Remedy of Caustic Contamination Under and In the Vicinity of the Factory Building at the Eagle Street Site 1 . Submittal of Conceptual and Investigation Plans ISCC has submitted a conceptual work plan and an investigation plan addressing the soil and water contaminated by caustics and other substances under and within the vicinity of its former factory building. Both plans have been approved by the Director of the MPCA. The plans are set forth in the attached Exhibits 1 and 2 . 2 . Implementation of Investigatory Work By April 24 , 1980, ISCC shall commence its investigation of soil and water contamination and shall proceed to completion of the task in accor- dance with the schedule set forth in its plan. The MPCA shall provide, at its sole expense, a drill rig and operators at a time mutually agreeable, and the City shall provide, at its sole expense, a backhoe and operator at a time mutually agreeable, � -4- to assist ISCC in taking the borings and performing the investigation required by the plans as described in attached Exhibit No. 2. Sampling and analyses shall be conducted by ISCC according to the procedures listed in attached Exhibit No. 6. ISCC shall provide the MPCA Director and the City's Department of Planning and Economic Development with the results of its sampling and analyses within seven days of ISCC's receipt of the analyses. 3. Submittal of Remedial Program Within 30 days of the completion of the investigation plan, ISCC shall submit to the MPCA Director, the City' s Department of Planning and Economic Development and the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (hereinafter MWCC ) , a remedial program which shall identify the remedial steps proposed by ISCC to resolve the caustic and other soil and water contamination problems under and in the vicinity of the former factory building. The remedial program shall include supporting justifi- cation for the recommended course of action, together with a schedule for the completion of the program. Included in the program shall be a discussion of sampling, excavation, treatment, and disposal of soils from the contaminated area. If the remedial program includes discharge to the sewer system, it shall be submitted to the MWCC for review of its impact on the wastewater collec- tion system and treatment facilities. If the MWCC disapproves the program, ISCC shall have 30 days from receipt of disapproval to modify the program and resubmit it in accordance with the procedures in this paragraph. f ` -5- Within 10 days of receipt of MWCC approval of the program, the MPCA Director and the City shall determine whether the program is acceptable. In evaluating any recommendation or subsequent report from ISCC regarding the residual soils, the MPCA Director may apply the criteria for wastes in MPCA's Hazardous Waste Rules, 6MCAR $S 4.9001 - 4. 9010. If the MPCA Director or the City does not accept the remedial program, ISCC shall have 30 days from receipt of the nonacceptance to modify the program and resubmit it in accordance with pro- cedures in Paragraph XXIV. Nothing in this Amended Stipulation shall relieve ISCC of responsibility for any sewer ser- vice fee or other fees required for discharge to the wastewater collection system. 4 . Implementation of Remedial Program ISCC shall implement such remedial program as is accepted by the MPCA Director and do so in accordance with the schedule set forth in the program. 5. Final Report of Activities Within 30 days of completion of the remedial program required by paragraphs 3 and 4 above, ISCC shall provide the MPCA Director and the City with a written final report summarizing all activities carried out under the program. D. Excavation and Treatment of the Northeast Corner and Conveyor Area Soils at the Eagle Street Site 1. Definition of Area The "northeast corner and conveyor area" shall be that area mapped on the attached Exhibit 3 and generally described as the area extending three feet on both sides of the midline of the conveyor that formerly ran from the northeast corner of the � -6- site westerly to the area of the former "cut out room. " 2. Profile of Area to be Excavated On or before April 15, 1980, the MPCA shall provide to ISCC a three dimensional profile of the soil to be excavated in the northeast corner and conveyor area by ISCC. The MPCA profile shall be consistent with the limitation of 20,000 cubic feet as the maximum combined volume of soil to be exca- vated by ISCC from the northeast corner and con- veyor area and the McLean Yard. The MPCA may con- duct such borings and analyses it deems necessary to establish the profile. 3 . Excavation and Treatment Plan Within 30 days of receipt of the MPCA profile, ISCC shall submit to the MPCA Director and the City' s Department of Planning and Economic Development, a plan to excavate and treat all soils defined in the MPCA profile for the northeas� corner and conveyor area. The plan shall include methods of treatment and a schedule which will assure that all soils to be treated will be in place by July 1, 1980. The plan shall also provide clean dirt or granular fill material for the excavated areas and grading the excavated area to meet the adjacent existing grades. The plan may also consider coordination of soil excavation and treatment in the northeast corner and conveyor area with similar actions in the factory building area of the Eagle Street site and in the McLean yard. The plan may include the Eagle Street Yard or the McLean Yard as treatment sites. The plan may include treatment by means of evenly spreading the soils at a depth of no greater than eight inches, combined with the application of fertilizer and +� -�- lime to the soil, and periodic tilling of the soil. The MPCA Director and the City shall determine within 15 days of receipt of the plan whether the plan is acceptable. If the MPCA Director or the City does not accept the plan, ISCC shall have 30 days from receipt of the nonacceptance to modify the plan and resubmit it in accordance with proce- dures in Paragraph XXIV. 4. Implementation of Plan ISCC shall implement such plan as is approved by the MPCA Director in accordance with the schedule set forth in the plan. During treatment, ISCC shall periodically collect a composite sample of the soil being treated and shall analyze such samples for oil and grease. Sampling and analyses shall be done in accordance with the procedures specified in attached Exhibit 4 . 5 . Termination of Treatment When the level of soil contamination of the composite of the treated soil drops below the 1000 ppm oil and grease level, ISCC may propose in writing to the MPCA Director and the City' s Department of Planning and Economic Development that treatment be terminated. Within 10 days of receipt of such proposal the MPCA Director shall review whether further tests are required to ascer- tain if the 1000 ppm oil and grease level has been attained. If the 1000 ppm oil and grease level has been attained, termination shall be approved. E. Monitoring of Shallow Groundwater for Pollutants Moving from the Eagle Street Site 1. Background Well Installation, Sampling and Analysis a. On or before May 1, 1980, ISCC, with the � t -8- assistance of the MPCA drill rig and operators, which will be furnished at no cost to ISCC, shall install a shallow "background" well and a piezom- eter at a location described in the attached Exhibit 5. Well construction shall be done in accordance with the criteria and procedures described in the attached Exhibit 6. b. ISCC shall determine the direction of ground- water flow, using groundwater elevation data from this "background" well and existing ISCC and MPCA shallow wells. c. At its sole expense, MPCA shall sample the "background" well at the same time ISCC samples the Plume Well pursuant to paragraph I .E. 3a. below, and shall analyze the sample for phenols, arsenic, cad- mium, lead, oil and grease, DDT, and PCB's according to the procedures specified in attached Exhibit No. 6. 2 . Plume Well Installation ISCC shall construct an additional shallow well (hereinafter, the Plume Well) with the assistance of the MPCA drill rig and operators, which will be furnished at no cost to ISCC, within the "plume" of materials migrating from the Eagle Street Yard. A location for the Plume Well will be recommended by ISCC through estimation of groundwater flow direction. Within 10 days of receipt of ISCC 's recommendation, the MPCA Director will determine whether the proposed location is acceptable and so advise ISCC. Well construction shall then be done in accordance with the criteria and procedures described in the attached Exhibit 6. • 3. Plume Well Sampling and Analysis a. Approximately 60 days following completion of % -9- the remedial actions required by Sections I.C. and I .D above, the Plume Well shall be sampled by ISCC and analyzed by ISCC for the following parameters: chlorobenzene, dichloroethane and phenols, Oil and Grease, trichloroethane, PCB, PCP, DDT, trich- loroethylene, lead, arsenic, and cadmium. Sampling, handling, and analysis shall be done according to procedures described in the attached Exhibit 6 . b. The parameter values generated by the analysis of the Plume Well above shall be compared with Table 1 below. Each parameter tested shall be con- sidered separately. ISCC 's subsequent course of action shall be in accord with paragraphs c. and d. below. Table 1 Discontinue Continue Remedial Parameters Monitoring Monitoring Action Phenols 1 ( .4 ppm+background) > ( .4ppm+background) > (4. 0 ppm+background) Lead �. (2. 0 ppm+background) > (2.0 ppm+background) > (20 ppm+background) Cadmium �. (0. 4 ppm+background) > (0. 4 ppm+background) > (4. 0 ppm+background) Arsenic .�. (2. 0 ppm+background ) > (2.0 ppm+background) > (20 ppm+background) Oil & Grease�.(20 ppm+background) > (20 ppm+background) > (200 ppm+background) Chlorobenzene � 0. 80 ppm > 0. 80 ppm > g ppm Dichlorethane � 0. 28 ppm > 0. 28 ppm ? 2. g ppm 1,1.2. � 1. 08 ppm > 1.08 ppm > 10. 8 ppm Trichloro- ethane PCB t (0. 104 ppm+background)�(0. 104 ppm+background) > (1.04 ppm+background Trichloro- � 0. 84 ppm > 0.84 ppm � 8.4 ppm ethylene "' PCP � . 248 ppm > .248 pp�> > 2.48 ppm DDT c (0.16 ppm+background)> (0.16 ppm+background) � (1.6 ppm+background } Discontinue Monitoring c. If any value for a specific parameter is found to � �1�� be within the discontinue monitoring range of Table l, ISCC may discontinue monitoring for that parameter. Continue Monitoring d. If any value for a specific parameter is found to be at or above the continue monitoring threshold, but below the remedial action range, of Table 1, ISCC shall take two additional samples and analyze each sample for that specific parameter according to procedures described in the attached Exhibit No. 6. The MPCA shall select both additional sampling dates within 30 days of receipt of the analyses required by Paragraph I.E. 3. a. , above. No date later than July 1, 1981, shall be cho- sen. These sampling dates will be chosen to investigate the condition of the groundwater following the remedial actions required by Paragraph I.C. and I .D. above. e. If both of the values for any specific parameter, generated by continued monitoring required by paragraph d. above, are below the remedial action threshold for said parameter of Table 1, ISCC may discontinue moni- toring for that parameter. However, if any value generated as a result of the continued monitoring required by paragraph d. above is at or above the "remedial action" threshold of Table 1 , ISCC shall pre- pare a plan as described by paragraph f. below. Remedial Action f . If any value for a specific parameter is found to be above the remedial action threshold of Table 1, ISCC shall within 60 days of receipt of the analysis submit a remedial action plan to the MPCA Director and the City for review. This plan shall delineate a plan of action to further monitor, to mitigate, or to eliminate the migration of identified substances from the site. The remedial action plan shall include estimated costs and an anticipated schedule for completion. The MPCA Director shall, within 45 days after receipt of the reme- � -11- dial action plan submitted by ISCC, determine whether the plan is acceptable, except that the Director may have up to 120 days for her determination if she decides to test additional samples at MPCA expense. If the MPCA Director does not accept the plan, ISCC shall have 30 days from receipt of the nonacceptance to modify the plan and resubmit it in accordance with procedures in Paragraph XXIV. g. ISCC shall implement and complete such remedial action plan as is approved by the MPCA Director in accordance with the schedule set forth in the plan. F. Deep Groundwater Monitoring at the Eagle Street Site On the basis of data now known to the MPCA, the MPCA has determined that monitoring of the deep groundwater at the Eagle Street site is not justified. The need for monitoring the underlying St. Peter aquifer at the Eagle Street site depends upon the degree of hydraulic connection between the St. Peter sandstone and the surficial sediments. The MPCA has made the following conclusions in regard to the degree of hydraulic connection between the St. Peter sandstone and the surficial sediments on the basis of soil boring logs generated by Soil Exploration Company on April 26, 1977, and November 2 , 1979: 1. Shallow groundwater in the surface soil and fill appears to be perched on a continuous layer of swamp deposits consisting of peat, muck and organic silty clay which varies in thickness from nine feet to fourteen feet. 2 . The coefficient of permeability of these swamp deposits is estimated to be from 3 x 10-3 to 3 x 10'5 feet per day. 3. There appears to be a second layer of swamp depo- sits of unknown continuity starting at about 45 + -12- feet below the surface. The swamp deposit is approximately thirteen feet thick and probably has a coefficient of permeability similar to the first layer of swamp deposits. 4. The surface soil and fill appears to have hydraulic characteristics similar to the fill encountered at the High Bridge yard, suggesting that there is significant lateral movement of groundwater through the fill. Based on the foregoing conclusions, the MPCA is now of the opinion that no significant connection exists between the sur- ficial groundwater and the St. Peter aquifer, that the swamp depo- sits act as aquitards and that surficial groundwater flows laterally but not vertically. II . McLean Yard A. McLean Yard Description The McLean Yard is located on the west side of Eagle Street, across from the Eagle Street Yard. It was used by ISCC for the storage of used oil type drums and is outlined in attached Exhibit 7 . B. McLean Yard Groundwater and Soil Contamination Concerns The southeast corner of the McLean Yard contains soils contaminated with oil and grease. C. Excavation and Treatment of Contaminated Soils in the McLean Yard 1. Definition of Contaminated Soils Area An area in the southeast portion of the McLean Yard has soils contaminated with oil and grease. 2. Profile of Area to be Excavated On or before April 15, 1980, the MPCA shall provide to ISCC a three dimensional profile of the soil to be excavated in the McLean Yard by ISCC. The MPCA profile shall be consistent with the limitation of 20,000 cubic feet as the maximum combined volume of soil to be exca- vated by ISCC from the northeast corner and conveyor � � -13- area and the McLean Yard. The MPCA may conduct such borings and analyses it deems necessary to establish the profile. 3. Excavation and Treatment Plan Within 30 days of receipt of the MPCA profile, ISCC shall submit to the MPCA Director and the City Department of Planning and Economic Development a plan to excavate and treat all soils defined in the MPCA pro- file for the McLean Yard. The plan shall include � methods of soil treatment and a schedule to assure that all soils to be treated will be in place by July 1, 1980. The plan shall also provide clean dirt or granular fill material for excavated areas and grading the excavated area to meet the adjacent existing grades. The plan may also consider coordination of soil excavation and treat- ment in the McLean Yard with similar actions in the fac- tory building area and the northeast corner and conveyor area of the Eagle Street site. The plan may include the Eagle Street Yard or the McLean Yard as treatment sites. The plan may include treatment by means of evenly spreading the soils at a depth of no greater than eight inches, combined with the application of fertilizer and lime to the soils and periodic tilling of the soils. The MPCA Director and the City shall determine within 15 days of receipt of the plan whether the plan is accep- table. If the MPCA Director or the City does not accept the plan, ISCC shall have 30 days after receipt of the nonacceptance to modify the plan and resubmit it in accordance with procedures in Paragraph XXIV. 4 . Implementation of Plan ISCC shall implement such plan as is approved by the MPCA Director according to a schedule established therein. During treatment, ISCC shall periodically collect a composite sample of the soil being treated and ► -14- shall analyze such samples for oil and grease. Sampling and analyses shall be done in accordance with the proce- dures specified in attached Exhibit 4. 5. Termination of Treatment When the level of soil contamination of the composite of the treated soil drops below the 1000 ppm oil and grease level, ISCC may propose in writing to the MPCA Director and the City Department of Planning and Economic Development that treatment be terminated. Within 10 days of receipt of such proposal, the MPCA Director shall review whether further tests are required to ascertain if the 1000 ppm oil and grease level has been attained. If the 1000 ppm oil and grease level has been attained, termination shall be approved. III . High Bridge Drum Storage Yard A. High Bridge Area Description The High Bridge Yard is located about one mile west of ISCC's former Eagle Street facility. This yard is owned by Intervenors NSP and Milwaukee Railroad and is adjacent to NSP' s High Bridge electric generating plant. The yard is irregularly shaped and is approxi- mately 1,000 feet long and 150 feet wide covering an area of about 3 acres. ISCC utilized the yard for storage of used drums and a parking area for truck trailers. B. High Bridge Groundwater Pollution and Soil Contamination Concerns On October 25, 1979, ISCC removed 20 drums that had been buried underground in the High Bridge yard. These drums contained sludges and other industrial wastes which may have been leaking or discharging to the groundwater surrounding the drum burial area. There are two matters that remain to be resolved regarding this property. The first matter is the possi- bility that there are additional drums buried in the � -15- High Bridge Yard. The second matter is the unknown pollution impact on the waters of the State from drums and other deposits which were previously removed by ISCC, and from other drums or deposits that may be buried in the area. C. High Bridge Search for Buried Drums 1. Submittal of Search and Exploratory Plan NSP and Milwaukee Railroad have submitted a search plan designed to search or survey the entire High Bridge Yard for buried drums. The primary search devices to be utilized are a detection equipment to define suspected drum burial areas and appropriate excavation equipment to explore such areas. The plan submitted by NSP and Milwaukee Railroad is attached hereto as Exhibit 10 and is approved by the MPCA Director. 2 . Implementation of Search Plan NSP and Milwaukee Railroad intend to commence the search and exploratory program no later than May 1, 1980 and complete the program no later than June 30 , 1980. 3. Required Remedial Action Upon Discovery of Buried Drums a. ISCC Shall Remove Any Buried Drums Discovered ' If buried drums are discovered as a result of completion of the High Bridge search plan, ISCC shall undertake and complete the required remedial action described below: i. ISCC shall take all necessary and rea5onable measures to contain, collect and remove all discovered buried drums, all materials contained in the drums, sludges and other industrial wastes attributable to the drums and surrounding � -16- contaminated soil. The minimum measures required are specifically described in the attached Exhibit 8. ii. ISCC shall remove, transport, and dispose of the discovered drums, any materials contained in the drums, and surrounding contaminated soil attribu- table to such drums in accordance with MPCA's Hazardous Waste Rules, 6 MCAR §§ 4.9001 - 4. 9010. , b. Monitoring Requirements if Buried Drums are Discovered i. MPCA may collect groundwater samples from immediately below or adjacent to any discovered buried drums. The MPCA Director may direct ISCC to analyze the samples or a composite of the samples at ISCC 's expense for EPA priority pollutants. The sampling , handling, and analytical procedures that shall be followed are those described in the attached Exhibit 6. However, if any drums found within a newly discovered burial site are within 20 feet from the perimeter of the burial site excavated on October 25, 1979, no additional sampling or analysis from the October 25 burial site or from within 20 feet of said site shall be required of ISCC. ii. ISCC shall review the parameters generated as a result of the analysis required by paragraph i. , above, for the purposes of determining whether further monitoring or steps to mitigate or -17- remedy the situation should be under- taken. ISCC shall submit a report, pro- viding supporting justification for any recommended action, to the MPCA Director within forty-five days of the receipt of the analysis. Within twenty days of receipt of the report, the MPCA Director shall comment on, and accept or reject the report. In developing the report, ISCC shall take into account groundwater flows, Mississippi River flows, subsur- face soil conditions reported by Soil Exporation Company and water quality cri- teria for freshwater aquatic life and human health published by the United States EPA. If the MPCA Director does not accept the report, ISCC shall have 30 days from receipt of the nonacceptance to modify the report and resubmit it in accordance with procedures in Paragraph XXIV. iii. ISCC shall implement such action in the report as is accepted by the MPCA Director according to a schedule established therein. c. Discovered Significant Incidental Sludges or Other Industrial Waste Deposits , i . ISCC shall provide empty drums at the site of any excavation by NSP or the Milwaukee Railroad to be used for collec- tion of any small deposits of sludge, other waste, or contaminated soils. ISCC shall be responsible for proper disposal of the drummed materials in accordance with MPCA's Hazardous Waste Rules, 6 MCAR � -18- SS 4.9001 -4.9010. In the event NSP and Milwaukee Railroad discover significant deposits of sludge or other industrial wastes, not associated with any buried drums, ISCC shall be responsible for removal and proper disposal of the discovered materials in accordance with MPCA's Hazardous Waste Rules, 6 MCAR ��4. 9001-4. 9010. ii. MPCA may collect a groundwater sample from each area immediately below or adjacent to any significant deposits of sludge or other industrial wastes not associated with any buried drums. The MPCA Director may direct ISCC to analyze the samples collected, or a composite of the samples at ISCC 's expense for United States EPA Priority Pollutants . The sampling, handling, and analytical proce- dures that shall be followed are those described in the attached Exhibit 6. iii. ISCC shall review the parameters generated as a result of the analysis required by paragraph ii. , above, for the purposes of determining whether further monitoring or steps to mitigate or remedy the situation should be under- taken. ISCC shall submit a report, pro- viding supporting justification for any recommended action, to the MPCA Director within forty-five days of the receipt of the analysis. Within twenty days of receipt of the report, the MPCA Director shall comment on, and accept or reject _ _ -19- the report. In developing the report, ISCC shall take into account, groundwater flows, Mississippi River flows, subsur- face soil conditions reported by Soil Exploration Company and water quality criteria for freshwater aquatic life and human health published by the United States EPA. If the MPCA Director does not accept the report, ISCC shall have 30 days from receipt of the nonacceptance to modify the report and resubmit it in accordance with procedures in Paragraph XXIV. iv. ISCC shall implement said plan as is approved by the MPCA Director according to a schedule established therein. d. By the terms of this Amended Stipulation, ISCC has not agreed to remove, sample or ana- lyze any buried drums or other materials if said drums or materials are clearly attribu- table to the activities of others. D. High Bridge Groundwater Monitoring Resulting From Buried Drums Previously Removed by ISCC l. Background Well Installation, Sampling and Analysis a. On or before May 1, 1980, ISCC, with assistance of the MPCA drill rig and opera- tors , which will be furnished at no cost to ISCC, shall install a shallow "background" groundwater well for the High Bridge Yard at a site mutually agreeable to the MPCA, NSP, Milwaukee Railroad and ISCC. The well shall be placed in an area with fill similar to the fill in the High Bridge Yard. Well construc- tion shall be done in accordance with the cri- teria and procedures described in the attached -zo- Exhibit No. 6. � °'� b�- M� l, w'j S�d b. The "background" well shall be sampled ^' bt S��'d�dJ�o b�G andAanalyzed by the MPCA at its sole expense for arsenic, lead, cadium, chloroform, DDT, and PCB's according to the procedures spe- cified in the attached Exhibit No. 6. 2. Plume Well Sampling and Analysis �,Y �l.'�a C a. A sample shall be collected from Well No. 6. (as designated in attached Exhibit 9 ) ee.t � sa,.,� �....� +!� «.6...e. �t�r���b,�eC b��r...�.�(,. a L�c.G( is S•-.�Ie.+C �, {-�..t n1Pe Fl. G �ui4..�1.� �:_�._, _L: _ � a .,> > -- -- �� ' a.�..�.� �► _� s���--�Y�6z�:� � "�.� 3�,�qda Sb�� ISCC s-hall p�ro~vide for the analysis of the sample collected from Well No. 6 to identify the presence and levels of the parameters listed below in Table 2. The sampling, handling and analysis of this sample shall be done according to the procedures spe- cified in the attached Exhibit 6 . c. The parameter values generated by ISCC as a result of the analysis of the sample collected from Well No. 6 shall be compared with Table 2 below to determine the next course of action required by ISCC. Each para- meter shall be considered separately. The subsequent course of action required of ISCC shall be in accord with paragraphs d. and e. below. Table 2 Discontinue Continue Remedial Parameter Monitoring Monitoring Action Arsenic t (5. 5+background)ppm � (S. S+background)ppm � 55 ppm Lead � (5.S+background)ppm � (5. 5+background)ppm � 55 ppm Cadmium � (l.l+background)ppm �, (l.l+background)ppm > 11 ppm Phenol ` 0.11 ppm � 0. 11 ppm > 1. 1 ppm Chloroform�(0.22+background)ppm ,2 (0.22+background)ppm� (2.2+background)ppm - -2i- Discontinue Continue Remedial Parameter Monitoring Monitoring Action PCP G 0.66 ppm � 0.66 ppm � 6.6 ppm DDT G ( .044+background)ppm .Z (0.044+background)ppm 2 (0.440+background)ppm PCB L (0. 285+background)ppm,� (0. 285+background)ppm Z (2.85+background)ppm Discontinue Monitoring d. If any value for a specific parameter is found to be within the discontinue monitoring range of Table 3 , ISCC may discontinue monitoring for that parameter. Continue Monitoring e. If any value for a specific parameter is found to be at or above the continue monitor threshold but below the remedial action range of Table 2, ISCC shall take two additional samples from Well No. 6 and analyze each sample for that speci- fic parameter according to the procedures described in the attached Exhibit No. 6. The MPCA shall select sampling dates which shall be no later than December 31, 1980. f . If both of the values for any specific para- meter, generated by continued monitoring required by paragraph e. above, are below the remedial action threshold of Table 2 , ISCC may discontinue monitoring for that parameter. However, if any value generated as a result of the continued moni- toring required by paragraph e. above is at or above the "remedial action" threshold of Table 2, ISCC shall prepare a plan as described by paragraph g. below. Remedial Action g. If any value for a specific parameter is found to be above the remedial action threshold of Table 3, ISCC shall within 60 days of receipt of . -22- the analysis submit a remedial action plan to the MPCA Director for review. This plan shall deli- neate a plan of action to further monitor, to miti- gate, or to eliminate the migration of identified substances from the site. The remedial action plan shall include estimated costs and an anticipated schedule for completion. The MPCA Director shall within 45 days after receipt of the remedial action - plan submitted by ISCC, determine whether the plan is acceptable, except that the Director may have up to 120 days for her determination if she decides to test additional samples at MPCA expense. If the MPCA Director does not accept the plan, ISCC shall have 30 days from receipt of the nonacceptance to modify the plan and resubmit it in accordance with procedures in Paragraph XXIV. h. ISCC shall implement and complete such remedial action plan as is accepted by the MPCA Director in accordance with the schedule set forth in the plan. 3 . Deep Groundwater Monitoring at the High Bridge Site On the basis of data now known to the MPCA, the MPCA has determined that monitoring of the deep groundwater at the High Bridge site is not justified. The need for monitoring the underlying St. Peter aquifer at the High Bridge site depends upon the degree of hydraulic connec- tion between the St. Peter sandstone and the surficial sediments. The MPCA has made the following conclusions in regard to the degree of hydraulic connection between the St. Peter sandstone and the surficial sediments on the basis of soil boring logs genera�ed by Soil Exploration Company on January 31 , 1980 : l. Shallow groundwater in the surface soil and fill appears to be perched on a layer of swamp deposits consisting of peat, muck and organic clay silt. � -23- The total combined thickness of these sediments is 27 1/2 feet. 2. The coefficients of permeability of these swamp deposits range from 3 x 10'3 to 3 x 10-5 feet per day or less. 3. The surface soil and fill appears to have hydraulic characteristics which result in significant lateral movement of groundwater. Based on the foregoing conclusions, the MPCA is now of the opinion that no significant connection exists bet- ween the surficial groundwater and the St. Peter aquifer, that the swamp deposits act as aquitards and that surficial groundwater flows laterally but not ver- tically. IV. Notice of Activities and Access to Premises The parties shall provide one business day' s advance notice to all parties and NSP and Milwaukee Railroad of any sampling activities and three business days ' advance notice to all parties and NSP and Milwaukee Railroad of any disposal or remedial activi ties. The parties and NSP and Milwaukee Railroad may shorten these notice periods by mutual agreement. In addition, the par- � k��� �o �� ��W�a�o t�es ,agree to provide information and documentation ��,�, at � ' � .�f,k,� o%(l�c,� ^� a�s we 1 as to allow investigations and surveys , so that .a� party may determine whether there has been compliance with the require- ments of this Amended Stipulation and applicable pollution control laws. Furthermore, and the City shall provide any authorized member, employee or agent of ISCC or the MPCA, upon presentation of credentials, if requested, access to the premises subject to this Amended Stipulation. Access shall be provided for the taking of samples, the splitting of samples, and the taking of pho- tographs, as well as for other purposes related to this Amended Stipulation. -24- V. Use of Property at Eagle Street and McLean Yard Sites Subject to the terms and conditions of this Amended Stipulation, the City agrees to allow the Eagle Street, and McLean Yard sites to be used for activities detailed herein, or approved pursuant to this Amended Stipulation, without charge or assessment of any kind to ISCC. VI . Activities at the Eagle Street, McLean Yard and High Bridge Sites are Independent The failure of a party or parties to carry out any obliga- tions arising under this Amended Stipulation at any one site shall not be cause for any party or parties to fail to carry out any other obligations arising under this Amended Stipulation with regard to any other site. The activities at any one site are inde- pendent of activities at any other site. VII . Time Extensions The parties may agree between themselves to extend scheduled dates stated herein in the event that a party or parties demonstrates good cause as a result of factors beyond the control of the party or parties. Any such agreement shall be in writing and submitted to the Court as required by paragraph XIX. In the event that the parties fail to agree to extend a sche- dule, any party may apply to the Court for such extension, pro- vided that any such application for extension is made prior to the expiration of any scheduled date. The burden of proving that any delay is caused by factors beyond the control of a party shall rest with that party. Any time extensions shall be commensurate with the delay involved. VIII . Settlement of Monetar Claims Pursuant to the Plaintiff' s Amen e otion or upp emen ary e ie On or before May 8, 1980, ISCC shall pay Six thousand and 00/100 dollars ($6,000.00 ) to the treasury of the State of Minnesota in full settlement of all monetary claims asserted by the MPCA in Plaintiff 's Amended Motion for Supplementary Relief dated October 22, 1979. -25- IX. Settlement of Existing MPCA Injunctive Claims Recognizing its paramount and continuing responsibility for protection of the land and water resources of this State, the MPCA cannot and will not release any party from liability for pollution presently unknown or for unknown consequences of known pollution. Therefore, an agreement by the MPCA to refrain from further pro- ceedings is limited to the MPCA's current knowledge of the nature and extent of soil contamination and groundwater pollution. Reserving its right to initiate administrative or legal pro- ceedings against ISCC if conditions presently unknown to the MPCA are discovered which are not addressed by this Amended Stipulation and which warrant further investigation or action and its right to enforce obligations arising under this Amended Stipulation, the MPCA agrees not to initiate any proceedings of any kind against ISCC for contamination of soils and pollution of the groundwater alleged in the pleadings in this action and agrees that complete and satisfactory performance by ISCC of all obligations arising under this Amended Stipulation shall constitute full settlement of the injunctive claims asserted against ISCC in the pleadings in this action. X. Plaintiff-Intervenors Have no Further Obli ation for Known Po ution an Contamination A ter a Reme ia Actions Required Under this Amended Stipulation are Completed If ISCC and the City complete their obligations under the terms of this Amended Stipulation, MPCA shall not initi-ate legal or administrative proceedings against the City, for contamination of soils or pollution of the groundwater at the Eagle Street, or McLean Yard sites, or require testing, monitoring, or remedial action in addition to that which ISCC is obligated to perform under th� terms of this Amended Stipulation. This agreement by the MPCA to refrain from further proceedings is limited to the MPCA's current knowledge of the nature and extent of soil con- tamination and groundwater pollution. If conditions presently unknown to the MPCA are discovered which warrant further investi- gation or action, nothing in this Amended Stipulation shall . -26- bar administrative or legal proceedings by the MPCA. XI. Indemnification for Injury or Damage Except as otherwise provided in Paragraph V hereof, ISCC agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City for all loss, damage, or injury to the property of the City, their employees and agents , and to the person or property of any other person or cor- poration, caused by, or resulting from, any act or omission by ISCC, its employees or agents, or any other personnel hired or retained by ISCC to perform work on the property of the City pur- suant to the terms of this Amended Stipulation, while performing such work on the City' s premises. ' XII . Reservation of Rights Nothing herein shall preclude any party from exercising its remedies to require compliance with the terms of this Amended Stipulation, including without limitation the right to seek con- tempt sanctions. Each party agrees to specifically perform the obligations imposed by the terms of this Amended Stipulation. In the event that a party fails to comply with the terms of this Amended Stipulation, the MPCA also reserves its right to do such well construction, sampling, analysis, investigatory and remedial activity as the MPCA deems necessary to remedy the con- tamination problem and pollution conditions addressed in this Amended Stipulation. In the event that the MPCA incurs such costs, the MPCA may petition the Court for an Order against the appropriate party granting reimbursement of the costs. The MPCA specifically reserves its right, pursuant to Minn. Stat. §115.072 (1978 ) , to proceed for recovery of litigation costs and expenses arising from any violations of this Amended Stipulation. The MPCA specifically reserves its right to proceed in accor- dance with Minn. Stat. 5115.071, subd. 3 (a) (1978 ) for compen- sation of future clean up expense incurred by the State and to ' -a�- proceed in accordance with Minn. Stat. 5115.071, subd. 3(b) (1978 ) for compensation of future damages to the State. The MPCA waives its right to proceed for civil penalties against ISCC in accordance with Minn. Stat. S115.072, subd. 3 (1978 ) , as a consequence of any breach of this Amended Stipulation. XIII . Release by the City Upon completion and satisfactory performance by ISCC of all obligations arising from this Amended Stipulation, the City agrees to release and discharge ISCC from liability, claims, and causes of action for investigation, monitoring, and abatement of alleged pollution arising out of its lease, use, and occupancy of the Eagle Street and McLean properties, as alleged in the Complaints of the MPCA and the City or otherwise known to them. The City does not release ISCC from liability for pollution presently unknown or for unknown consequences of known pollution that may be alleged by the MPCA under Paragraphs IX or XII hereof, or by third parties in any other claim or action. XIV. Dismissal of the Rutmans bv the Citv George J. Rutman, Donald L. Rutman, Craig D. Rutman, and Yvette Rutman (hereinafter "the Rutmans" ) are named as individual defendants in the City's Complaint in Intervention, but the par- ties dispute whether the Rutmans are proper parties to this lawsuit. The City agrees to dismiss, and hereby does dismiss, the claims asserted against the Rutmans, without prejudice pursuant to Rule 41 of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure. XV. Emergency Powers Nothing in this Amended Stipulation shall preclude the MPCA from exercising emergency powers under Minn. Stat. S116.11 (1978 ) in the event conditions warranting such action should arise. XVI. Abandonment of Wells ISCC shall give written notice of the proposed abandonment of a well to the MPCA Director and the owner of the property where the well is located. within 10 days of the receipt of said notice, the MPCA Director shall advise ISCC whether it may proceed . . • . - -28- with the well abandonment. The MPCA Director shall also advise the property owner of its determination. Nothing herein shall preclude the property owner from agreeing with ISCC to keep the well open and to assume responsibility for its maintenance and ultimate abandonment. All well abandonment shall be carried out in accordance with the Well Drillers Code, 7 MCAR s1.218 (c) . XVII . Availability of Information The parties agree to make readily available, upon the request of any party to this Amended Stipulation, the results of any record, report, plan or document required by this Amended Stipulation. XVIII . Accuracy of Information No party to this Amended Stipulation shall knowingly make any false statement, representation or certification in any record, report, plan or other document submitted to the MPCA pursuant to this Amended Stipulation. Any party shall immediately upon disco- very report to all parties any errors in such records, reports, plans or other documents. XIX. Successors This Amended Stipulation shall be binding upon all parties and their successors and assigns. XX. Amendment The parties agree that this Amended Stipulation constitutes the entire agreement of the parties, and it shall not be supple- mented, amended, altered, or changed except by written Stipulation of all parties. The MPCA shall inform the Court of any such S tipulation. In the event the parties cannot agree to supplement, amend, alter or change this Amended Stipulation, any party may petition the Court, upon motion and notice, for any such changes to this Amended Stipulation. XXI . Other •Laws The parties to this Amended Stipulation agree that except as provided herein, this Amended Stipulation shall not release the parties from any liability or obligation imposed by Minnesota or federal statutes or rule or local ordinances now in effect or . . • -29- which may hereinafter be adopted, nor shall this Amended Stipulation bar any of the parties from asserting any defense which it may have to such liabilities and obligations. M P�l4 Gf,o�c,a �'+e�t �� XXII . ua s Nothing in this Amended Stipulation is to be deemed a waiver of the sovereign immunity afforded the MPCA under Minn. Stat. 53.736 (1978 ) or the common law. XXIII . Court Order and Jurisdiction The parties to this Amended Stipulation agree that it shall be filed with the Court and the Court may, without further notice or hearing, make and enter its Order in the form of the proposed Order attached as Exhibit 11 hereto. The Order shall be entered as a final and binding Order of the Court, which shall not be sub- ject to collateral attack in any subsequent proceeding. The parties further agree that the Court may retain jurisdic- tion of this matter for the purpose of enforcing the rights and obligations created hereunder. XXIV. MPCA and City Review and Acceptance Wherever this Amended Stipulation provides for review or acceptance by the MPCA or the City, such review or acceptance shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld. Whenever the MPCA or the City shall determine that a proposal or other activity sub- mitted for its acceptance is not satisfactory to accomplish the purposes of this Amended Stipulation, the MPCA or the City shall transmit its determination to the affected party( ies) in writing, including a summary of the reasons therefor. The affected party( ies) shall have thirty days after service of the MPCA or the City's determination to modify the proposal or other activity and resubmit it to the MPCA or the City. The MPCA or the City shall promptly review the resubmission. If the MPCA or the City deter- mine that the resubmission is not satisfactory to accomplish the purposes of this Amended Stipulation, it shall so notify the affected party( ies) . After service of such notification, any party may petition the Court pursuant to Section XXI above for such relief as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of 1 •' }• � � '����y� � -30- this Amended Stipulation. Dated: April 8, 1980 INDUSTRIAL STEEL CONTAINER COMPANY STATE OF MINNESOTA MINNESOTA POLLUTION gy CONTROL AGENCY GEORGE J. RUTMAN, President AN D DONALD L. RUTMAN, Vice President BY ART ENGELBRECHT, Chairman AND BY ITS ATTORNEY: AND TERRY HOFFMAN, Director GEOFFREY P. JARPE WARREN SPANNAUS Attorney General CITY OF ST. PAUL BY gy ELDON G. KAUL GEORGE LATIMER, Mayer Assistant Attorney General AND �D BERNARD CARLSON, Director STEPHEN SHAKMAN of Finance Special Assistant Attorney General AND BY ITS ATTORNEY: JOHN PAUL MARTIN Deputy City Attorney