00-848ORIGINAL � Presented By Referred To Committee: Cneen Sheet # �0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RESOLVED, that the Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Seats ntertainment (B), and Cigarette/Tobacco licenses held by Paradise & Lunches, Inc. /a Dakota Baz & Grill (License ID Nuxnber 0027563) for the premises located at 1021 B ana Boulevard East are hereby suspended immediately for delinquent license fees. Sai uspension shall be in effect until such time as all payments for license fees, pursuant to the p ent plan agreed to by the licensee, aze current and written notice of the lifting of said suspe sion has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and Environme al Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above 2000 Notice of Violation letter to the licen: violation. i � \ �� \ �� � O� � � ���� �� � Requested by Department of: ' �/ �,' ��,� Adopted by Counci Adoption Certif ec By: Approved by Mayor: By: Date by Council Secretary based upon the facts contained in the July 31, The licensee did not contest the facts of the Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Date RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # 00 — $y� GREEN SHEET � Virginia Palmer 266-8710 T BE ON COUNqL AGHJQ4 BY (DAiq .SCPtCR1bCi 20� 2��0 - COIISCIlt FOR TOTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES �•: •z,.,; --��':- 00 -,��' No106060 ��� ❑ arv�naucv ❑ arcamc ❑ RUIICI�ll.fqlVlCifOR ❑ n1�I1C1LLaFRV/ICCfa ❑ MYWII�AtiifMR) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution concerning adverse action against All Licenses held by Paradise & Lunches, Inc., dba Dakota Bar & Grill, 1021 Bandana Boulevard East. (iJncontested) PLANNING COMMIS310N qB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �Iyc1.9:FDi�� TRANSACTION INFORMATION (EJ�WN) Hes tl�ic pe�soMrm e+erwancea untlH s movact rormis tlepartmenn VES NO Has Mic O��rtn e�er bcen a dty empbyee7 , YES NO Doec thic Peroaufirm Poaeese a SIdN not nomiaYYG� bY �Y curteM citY emPbYee'7 VES NO Is Mis pemoNfirm e larpeted va�dol! VEu I� dein ell ves amv�c an aemrate sF�eet atM aGxh to crcen sheet COET/REIIENUE BUDOETED (CIRCLE ON� ACiNITY NIIMBER YES NO ✓ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, Mayor September 8, 2000 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CTnyfon M. Robinson, Jn, CityAttorney (�a �rl civit Division 400 City Hn11 Telephone: 651266-8710 ISWeseKel[aggBlyd. Fauimile:651298-5619 Snin[ Paul, Minnesotn 55702 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Lowell Pickett Dakota Bar & Grill 1021 Bandana Boulevard East 60U'.a�L=� r��o.'�c. r��l; StCi�6��' ` ':k�. ki Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108-5113 RE: All licenses held by Paradise & Lunches, Inc. d/b/a Dakota Bar & Grill for the premises at 1021 Bandana Boulevazd East License ID #: 0027563 Deaz Mr. Pickett: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 27, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning the failure to pay license fees pursuant to the payment plan have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your licenses. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. V ery truly yours, � ���� Virgi 'aD.Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Barb Metzger, Community Organizer, District 10 Como Community Council, 1556 Como Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108 UNGONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Oo -b'yY Licensee IVame: Paradise � Lunches, Inc. d/b/a Dakota Bar & Griil Council Date: Violation: �.icense 'iypes: Wednesday, Sepfiember 27, 2000 Failure to make license fee payments pursuant to payment plan Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Seats, Enterfainment (B), Cigarette/Tobacco Licenses Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate suspension of all licenses until all license fee payments, as required by the Payment Plan, are current Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution �. �lotice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Payment Plan 5. Licer�se information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Nfayor 7u1y31, 2000 OFFICE'" THE CITY ATTOIL�IEY Clay�on M. iinson, Jr., Ci7' A�mrney Civi[Division 400 Ciry Hn!! li Wut Kelfogg Blvd Snin[ Paul, Mirtneso�n 5�101 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Loweli Pickett Dakota Bar & Grill 1021 Bandana Boulevazd East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108-5113 O��l � Telephone: 65! 266-87/D Fncsimile: 6�! 19b-56/9 RE: All licenses heid by Paradise & Lunches, Inc. d/b/a Dakota Bar & Grill for the premises at 1021 Bandana Boulevard East License ID #: 0027563 Dear Mr. Pickett: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses held by Paradisa & Lunches, Inc. d/b/a Dakota Ba: & Grill for the premises at 1021 Bandana Boulevard East in Saint Paul. The basis for the adverse action is as follows: On Apri128, 2000 you agreed to a payment plan for payment of your license fees, which required payments of $1,000 each on the 28t of April, Niay, June, July and August of 2000 and a payment of $210 on September 28, 2000, for a total of $ 5,210. The June 28, 2000 payment of $1,000 was returned by the bank for non-sufficient funds. When LIEP informed your manager of the returned sheck, she stated that the payment wou13 be made by July 27, 2000. Payment of the dishonored check has not been made, nor has the July 28, 2000 payment been received. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admitting that they are true. The matter will then be scheduled before the Saint Paul City Council for a hearin� to determine what penalty, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your o�vn behal£ The recommendation from the licensing office is fo: the immediate suspension of all licenses until all payments on the payment plan are current. You may also pay the June and Jaty payments, whick are no�v past due, to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection immediately to take care of this matter. Payments must be made in cash or by cashiers check. Business or personal checks will not be accepted. ✓ - -- Page 2 Lowell Picket July 31, 2000 Oo -t'�t� If you �vish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law jud�e. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contestin� the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearing with the date, time and place far the hearing, the name of the administrative law jud�e, and an explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writin� no later than Thursday, August 10, 2000, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Thursday, August 10, 2000, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts stated above. I wiil then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty �vill be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, C/��" �� - �Lc-�',vu-� V Virginia D. Palmer AssisCant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Barb Metz�er, Community Organizer, District 10 Como Commujity Council, 1556 Como Ave., SI. Paul, MN 55108 oo-ryr STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COIINTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE SY MAIL JOANNE G_ CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 31, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION upon the following named person placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Lowell Pickett Dakota Bar & Grill 1021 Bandana Blvd. East St. Pau1, MN. 55108 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Unj�States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. / \ _ /1 r. - G \ CLEMENTS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31et d�-�pf Jtyly, 2�00. Notary Publ PETER ? PANG80RN /A�TARY W BIJC - MINNESOTq MY CbAApA1SSION EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2005 00 -�Y � m � Q x — M w ' U w � � � I p m,T I�� � I�irn -, U, d �� V � �; ' �� L I Ol J �� � I r � � � �NI ��I O. 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L � a � Nj I N v �i� iNl �I� i m ' I � IM � '�m I� � IM Nj C O'� a� o�, ��I � �� � U I I I I � I � I � � � � N�, I U � �' U I N , N' �' W c �v, ❑ Q] 7-- J LJ.� m Y a U z n. a -� Z ' J m W OO ' I _'J _ � !�I io ; a , W � �h:� �C T � I� V �� I I M ���N ���I � � �ic N i� � I,�,is � � J � � Q U i (1 N y +� �IO T O F �a � � Iai�O �Cji N I V iO J ' 6 , J M � � � N O O l I N II �� -U C 10 U, U , .'". : �y O �� W �i J I m '� I ^ 'a � i ';z , a ' ���v�'i'O �'w�o 'NiZ !y �� a � N l Im o � M � IO � I N ._.J�"' � '_ J J � c9 �� � � z �� a ml0 � �Q ` I� � w S U Z � J � �od m W Z � !ci0 O Q �� l id IL � I� '', ij z �. :U , O r ' m rn I� U � N �_O � E � � Z z �+ � C w Q Q E F O � U U Q � U � � N ,� c _—Q i� �, Ij, �z I�' :O � L ',V N N � � � � C � � m � �� ch F � m N `— M � �I � i I I �; �, C Uj y , ��, W �� o m H m w Q Y z U a o iJ Q � J m W �O o -- J _ a�I�3�Y�li Date: March 28, 2000 I a�ee to the following paymenY plan far the licenses at 1021 Bandaaa Boulevard East: Payment - Apri128,2000 May 28, 2000 T,�e 2s, 2000 - July as, z000 August 28, 2000 September 28, 2000 $1,000.00 `� � 5 � i �� $1,000.00 � �l,000.o0 7i a�l z�oo � $�,000.00 $1,000.00 $210.00 ao-tyr `�� , x �j.w.'Qs . C.� I am also aware that failure to make payments by the 28`� of each month will result in adverse action againsY all ofmy licenses. / Lowe11 Pickett � Paradise & Lunches Inc Dakota Bar & Grill 1021 Bandana Boulevazd East Saint Paul, MN 55108-5113 �/ � 8 D� Date �/� �/��`?� '�'—� ��� GrL��� /'lG17 G�/`/i �f /�'�✓! o � � , � �j Y �, �'/� �.G���' G��'f ��. �/ �"�S �✓� ����� _ _ c" 1 � _ , a ? ��I'��`�� ��� �j° �� ��l�� - � �..� ... °--= � � �� � � � � tF �� �i��� � ��/� .�--,���� �� � � ������ - � /� �'����. � ���j � ��� ���-�- License Group Comments 7ext Licensee: pqRpDISE 8 LUNCHES INC �BA� DAKOTA BAR & GRILL License #: 0027563 07/24/2000 bo-�4�' f}CCQ� !U9 C��QC'�G.S 07/24/2000 To CAO £or adverse acfion. CAR 07/24l2000 KS called licensee and spoke to Cindy, the managedaccovntant. We can possibly expect payment by 07/27l2000. Next payment is due 0?/28/2000. CAR 07/21l2000 $1000 3rd payment retumed from bank for insufficient funds. Owed add'I $15 baii check fee: Per our payment agreement wiYh licensee, to CAO for adverse action. CAR — - 06/30/2000 3rd payment $1,000.00 rcvd and processed. CAA 05/30/2000 $1,000.00 second payment of payment pian received and processed. CAA . 05/23/2000 SenY congratula8ons letter for passing alcohol compliance check. SS OS/03/2000 Passed tobacco compliance check. SS 05/03/2000 $1,000.00 first payment received and processed/remaining due 54,210.00. CAA 04/� 1/2000 passed U of M alcohol compiiance check-DL 04/08/2000 passed UM atcohoi wmpiiance check conducfed by SPPD Polyak/VJachal. SS 04/08/2000 passed DPS alcohol compliance check-Dl, 03/27F2000 Lette�r coQ fi�mi�g payment plan sent: PaymenGS due by 28th of each month beginning in April; April-August S'I.000.00 each month for 5 3/6/2000 - Letter sent re possible payment plan - to be in place by 3N5/2000 - amount due $6655.00/JL 03/Ot/2000 license #0027563 was accidently copied to 20000000669.. LB/CAA 2/11/00 - Paitl 51,000.00 partiat payment toward first half liquor fee - referted to Christine - LAB 12/4/99 passed secottd alcohol comptiance check-DL 11/18/9 passed tobacco compliance check, letter sent 12/O6/99 SS 12/t/99 - Paitl outstanding second half onty (did not pay late fees). Check was for $1,000.00 - LAB 11/09/�999 2nd half was due 6/30/99; Iicensee owes $1,697.00. Licensee also owes $6,2�0.00 for 199940001icense fees by 72/3�/99. 9/28l99 Cited by Liquor Control for buying liquor at retail while on the delinquent list. $200 fine paid to Dept of Public Safery. CAR 9/20/99 Mailed in only $1,000.00 check for half of a 2nd t/2liquor license, total invoice payment along with late charges was supposed C7 C.RG �.l1 IlDll CAM to be 7/23/99 completed required alcohol awareness iraining-DL - 1999-7% Liquor Discount applied to 2nd half - LAB On 3/15/99 Failed check; "unofficial" waming-training due 4/18/99-DL 2/16/99 - Paid 1st half—up to date - LAB 2-4-99,will be in w/tst 1/2 on 2-15-99 KS 1/� 9/98 - Paitl 2nd half Liquor for 1998 - LAB 07/� 6/98 53,490.00 paid for remaining amount due on 97-98 1st haif w/penaities, Second half liquor still due. CAM 06/2)/98 $5,300.00 paid for 96-97 2nd half liquor w/penalties and a portion of 97-98 1st haif liquor. CAM 7/18/96 Patio Service Code Added W/No Fee Paid Per C.ROZek—Lap-Lic 1996-7% Disc Agreement Received—Lap-Lic 1996-7°/, Disc Appl'D To 2nd 1/2—Lap-Lic 6/13/96 Cig Code Added Fd Id #36464—Lap-Lic 1995 - Received 7% Disc On Liq Fee For Alcohoi Awareness Training—Lap-Lic 1/79/94 Renewal Papenvork For �2/31/93 Renewal Given To Kris For Rich To Deliver—Lap-Lic 1/�2/94 Another Letter Releasing Hold On 2/3/93 - � (Need Letfer Re(easing Hold Of 4N2/93�Lap 4/12/93 State Taz Hold Letter Received—Lap-Lic 2/70/93 Release Of Tax Hold Letter Received-Lap 12-7-92 State Tac Hold Letter Received--Lap-Lic 7M �/91—Ph On Appn For New On Sale Liquor-A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant-D & Entertainment3 Lic App'D Under Suspension Of Rules C.F. #91-1302 r� - g4 �l Und License � Licensee � Lic. Types � Property C`� Licensee C� Unofficiai Street #: 021 Street Name: ANDANA � SYreetType� BLVD! Direction: � Untt Ind: ��— Wd #: � Cdy: T PAUL �– State. 1N '. Zip: � DBA �AISOTA BAR & GRILL Insurance � _ Bond _, Requiremerds � - - - - - ' ------ --- ----- � Pro'ect Facil'rtator: ASUNqON, CORWNE ': Ad�erse Action CommeMs Ward: � _ _ .. __ _, ... Dist Council: 10 – Licensee: ARADISE & LUNC DBA: AKOTA BAR 8 G Sales Tax Id: 328673 ? Bus License Group Commems: 7IZ1 t2000 8'1000 3rd paymerR returned from bank tor nsufficient funds. Accordingto agreemeM with icensee, to CAO for adverse actioa CAR (Owes dddional $15 returned check charge.) 6f3072000 paYmer $1,000.00 rcvd andprocessed. � Licensee ' Commerrts: ��� :doorServiceArea(Petio) C 07124/7991 �2131M999 : N Saie - Sunday C 07R4M 991 � 12731/1999 : N 'nbacco R U724t1991 12f31f1999 i N License #�27563 . Sa�e Changes to History t�o-e L ��� .. I . ��. � +' � y � DBA see P AKO�TA BAR & GRILL INC _ _ ' First' _ . _ .. . . ° License Licensee 7h� � l,ia Types� �, Insurance � Bond � Requ'vemerGs � Stre: Licensee Name: ARADISE & LUNCHES INC �,};����;, . SYre i DBA: AF(OTA BAft & GRILL ' Sales Tax Id: 328673 ' ��,�� �*s Stre r � Non-Protd: r Warker's Comp: OlOON000 � AA Corhract Rec'd: ONON000 ; AA Training Redd: ONON000 Dire�'. � 'q AA Fee Collected: ONO�L700� �; DiscauM Rec'd: j` Unit j . Other A enc Licenses Financial Hold Reasons Cfty� 9* ?s+ a v:� f��e � n t��g�, `� ¢e w �p x o �r yp��s n z� � �14��W��'s�l{�,' �n�. la�e. �ap�����d�4�i.�2�, �'.���i:t s�. BUS,� Hom� �6 � -Mail License Tu: — �`-= Mail To Corrtad C? License Address 2-1442 (6� c(�Meil Invoice To: — - j �° Mail To Cor�tact �x�� ( � License Address v �. ioaa�un Background Check Required �" � � 999102t ]Onnf� License #�27563 . Save Changes to History [ license 0o t4Y Address � Licensee Contad � License � Cardholder � Last Nsme: ICKETT ; First Nsme: i Tdle: — --- — 5[reet#: �! � - - - -' Street Name: � Street Type: <qIi> Direction: <NI> � Und #. � ( City <All> Bus Phone #: �� Home Phone #: � 8 LUN(OAKOTA BAR & BAR 8 e 1I�All] ���� no pmt 0724M 991 12t31 fl no pmt 0724J1991 12f3117 no pmt a7124l1991 12731 tl 00 -�yr Address, Licensee Corkad i License� Cardhottler � L Last Name: 1CFLETT � First Name: ` — ._ . . .._ .,.._,.__._ __._,_......._,.__�. ,_ ,_.._..._.._.._,i Tdle: �treet #: �� Street Name: ; StreetType: <All>_._ rv�_..._�..___,_____,__� Diredion: 4� Und # � � Cdy: <.411> Bus Phone x�: ��- Hame Phone #: �� �OW000669 0 PARRDISE8 27563 � PARADISE & �00�0�0669 0 � PARAD�SE & �.980009192 �10278 MARY BETH 8 8 $ e no DOG 991�12731l1 991 �12731ti r�o—ryP Invoice ❑ Check this boz if making any name, maiiing address or phons lf comecSons. Please write the changes on this form. If your business license address is changing, piease requesf a new business ticense application. To: PARADISE 8 LUNCHES INC DAKOTA BAF2 & GRILL CONTACT: LOWELL PICKE'rf" t027 BANDANA BLVD E ST PAUL MN 55108-51�3 HOME PHONE :651-332-3842 8USlNESS PHONE : 651-642-14A2 Transaction Descriptiort @ 1021 Bandana Blvd E Q027563 1998-1999 Late Fees 00275fi3 1999-2000 �irst Half Re�ewai - Expired 12/31li899 CigaretteJTobacco Patlo Service Restaurant (B) - More than 12 Seats Entertainment B Liquor On Sale - Sunday Liq on Saie - Over 100 Seats - 8 0027563 1999-20Q0 Pirst Half Renewal Late Fees 0027583 1999-2000 Second Half Renewal - Due 06l30/2000 liquor Service.l��a BAR, DINING ROOM, PATIO Requirements CITY OF SA(�€T PAUL Office of Lice�se, (nspections & Environmental Proteciion 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 SaintPaul, MN55t02-1510 PHONE: (651)266-9090 EAX; {65'I} 266-9124 lnvoice Dne Date` June 28, 200Q Pay this Amount: 57,000.00 Payment 3 of 6 Transaofion Tota! 697.00 317.00 66.00 450.00 527.00 200.00 2,325.00 778.00 2,325.00 Total Due $7,685.00 02/1tlZOOOPaymentReceived -$1,000.00 03/13/2Q00 98-99 Late Fees Waived -$697.00 03/28l2000 99-00 Late Fees Waived "-$778.00 Please compiete the foftowing information for your Firsf Half renewat (disregard if invoice is for the 2nd half payment):- Company & DBA Names (if different ihan above): Business Phone #s (inctude fax, cel(, & pager if applicab(e : App(ica�t Name, Date of Birth, Home Address, & Phone #'s: Manager Name, Date o£ 8irth, Address & Aho�e #'s: Liquor is served in the foi(owing rooms: Signature & T+tie of Applicant: Are cigaretYes being sold oyer-the-counter? Y or N»if sold by vending machine, how many machines? PLEASE NOTE: If anyone under fhe age of 18 is ailowed in the establisfiment, State of MN (aw fort�ids the sate o� cigarettes via machine sales. All sales must be made over the counter by an empioyee of fhe establishment Submit with First Half payment oniy: *Sfafe renewal certificate *Proof of current Iiquor liability insurance (expiration musi coincide with your license expiration date) e�o — t4Y ORIGINAL � Presented By Referred To Committee: Cneen Sheet # �0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RESOLVED, that the Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Seats ntertainment (B), and Cigarette/Tobacco licenses held by Paradise & Lunches, Inc. /a Dakota Baz & Grill (License ID Nuxnber 0027563) for the premises located at 1021 B ana Boulevard East are hereby suspended immediately for delinquent license fees. Sai uspension shall be in effect until such time as all payments for license fees, pursuant to the p ent plan agreed to by the licensee, aze current and written notice of the lifting of said suspe sion has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and Environme al Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above 2000 Notice of Violation letter to the licen: violation. i � \ �� \ �� � O� � � ���� �� � Requested by Department of: ' �/ �,' ��,� Adopted by Counci Adoption Certif ec By: Approved by Mayor: By: Date by Council Secretary based upon the facts contained in the July 31, The licensee did not contest the facts of the Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Date RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # 00 — $y� GREEN SHEET � Virginia Palmer 266-8710 T BE ON COUNqL AGHJQ4 BY (DAiq .SCPtCR1bCi 20� 2��0 - COIISCIlt FOR TOTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES �•: •z,.,; --��':- 00 -,��' No106060 ��� ❑ arv�naucv ❑ arcamc ❑ RUIICI�ll.fqlVlCifOR ❑ n1�I1C1LLaFRV/ICCfa ❑ MYWII�AtiifMR) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution concerning adverse action against All Licenses held by Paradise & Lunches, Inc., dba Dakota Bar & Grill, 1021 Bandana Boulevard East. (iJncontested) PLANNING COMMIS310N qB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �Iyc1.9:FDi�� TRANSACTION INFORMATION (EJ�WN) Hes tl�ic pe�soMrm e+erwancea untlH s movact rormis tlepartmenn VES NO Has Mic O��rtn e�er bcen a dty empbyee7 , YES NO Doec thic Peroaufirm Poaeese a SIdN not nomiaYYG� bY �Y curteM citY emPbYee'7 VES NO Is Mis pemoNfirm e larpeted va�dol! VEu I� dein ell ves amv�c an aemrate sF�eet atM aGxh to crcen sheet COET/REIIENUE BUDOETED (CIRCLE ON� ACiNITY NIIMBER YES NO ✓ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, Mayor September 8, 2000 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CTnyfon M. Robinson, Jn, CityAttorney (�a �rl civit Division 400 City Hn11 Telephone: 651266-8710 ISWeseKel[aggBlyd. Fauimile:651298-5619 Snin[ Paul, Minnesotn 55702 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Lowell Pickett Dakota Bar & Grill 1021 Bandana Boulevard East 60U'.a�L=� r��o.'�c. r��l; StCi�6��' ` ':k�. ki Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108-5113 RE: All licenses held by Paradise & Lunches, Inc. d/b/a Dakota Bar & Grill for the premises at 1021 Bandana Boulevazd East License ID #: 0027563 Deaz Mr. Pickett: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 27, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning the failure to pay license fees pursuant to the payment plan have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your licenses. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. V ery truly yours, � ���� Virgi 'aD.Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Barb Metzger, Community Organizer, District 10 Como Community Council, 1556 Como Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108 UNGONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Oo -b'yY Licensee IVame: Paradise � Lunches, Inc. d/b/a Dakota Bar & Griil Council Date: Violation: �.icense 'iypes: Wednesday, Sepfiember 27, 2000 Failure to make license fee payments pursuant to payment plan Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Seats, Enterfainment (B), Cigarette/Tobacco Licenses Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate suspension of all licenses until all license fee payments, as required by the Payment Plan, are current Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution �. �lotice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Payment Plan 5. Licer�se information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Nfayor 7u1y31, 2000 OFFICE'" THE CITY ATTOIL�IEY Clay�on M. iinson, Jr., Ci7' A�mrney Civi[Division 400 Ciry Hn!! li Wut Kelfogg Blvd Snin[ Paul, Mirtneso�n 5�101 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Loweli Pickett Dakota Bar & Grill 1021 Bandana Boulevazd East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108-5113 O��l � Telephone: 65! 266-87/D Fncsimile: 6�! 19b-56/9 RE: All licenses heid by Paradise & Lunches, Inc. d/b/a Dakota Bar & Grill for the premises at 1021 Bandana Boulevard East License ID #: 0027563 Dear Mr. Pickett: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses held by Paradisa & Lunches, Inc. d/b/a Dakota Ba: & Grill for the premises at 1021 Bandana Boulevard East in Saint Paul. The basis for the adverse action is as follows: On Apri128, 2000 you agreed to a payment plan for payment of your license fees, which required payments of $1,000 each on the 28t of April, Niay, June, July and August of 2000 and a payment of $210 on September 28, 2000, for a total of $ 5,210. The June 28, 2000 payment of $1,000 was returned by the bank for non-sufficient funds. When LIEP informed your manager of the returned sheck, she stated that the payment wou13 be made by July 27, 2000. Payment of the dishonored check has not been made, nor has the July 28, 2000 payment been received. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admitting that they are true. The matter will then be scheduled before the Saint Paul City Council for a hearin� to determine what penalty, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your o�vn behal£ The recommendation from the licensing office is fo: the immediate suspension of all licenses until all payments on the payment plan are current. You may also pay the June and Jaty payments, whick are no�v past due, to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection immediately to take care of this matter. Payments must be made in cash or by cashiers check. Business or personal checks will not be accepted. ✓ - -- Page 2 Lowell Picket July 31, 2000 Oo -t'�t� If you �vish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law jud�e. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contestin� the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearing with the date, time and place far the hearing, the name of the administrative law jud�e, and an explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writin� no later than Thursday, August 10, 2000, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Thursday, August 10, 2000, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts stated above. I wiil then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty �vill be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, C/��" �� - �Lc-�',vu-� V Virginia D. Palmer AssisCant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Barb Metz�er, Community Organizer, District 10 Como Commujity Council, 1556 Como Ave., SI. Paul, MN 55108 oo-ryr STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COIINTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE SY MAIL JOANNE G_ CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 31, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION upon the following named person placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Lowell Pickett Dakota Bar & Grill 1021 Bandana Blvd. East St. Pau1, MN. 55108 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Unj�States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. / \ _ /1 r. - G \ CLEMENTS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31et d�-�pf Jtyly, 2�00. Notary Publ PETER ? PANG80RN /A�TARY W BIJC - MINNESOTq MY CbAApA1SSION EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2005 00 -�Y � m � Q x — M w ' U w � � � I p m,T I�� � I�irn -, U, d �� V � �; ' �� L I Ol J �� � I r � � � �NI ��I O. 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L � a � Nj I N v �i� iNl �I� i m ' I � IM � '�m I� � IM Nj C O'� a� o�, ��I � �� � U I I I I � I � I � � � � N�, I U � �' U I N , N' �' W c �v, ❑ Q] 7-- J LJ.� m Y a U z n. a -� Z ' J m W OO ' I _'J _ � !�I io ; a , W � �h:� �C T � I� V �� I I M ���N ���I � � �ic N i� � I,�,is � � J � � Q U i (1 N y +� �IO T O F �a � � Iai�O �Cji N I V iO J ' 6 , J M � � � N O O l I N II �� -U C 10 U, U , .'". : �y O �� W �i J I m '� I ^ 'a � i ';z , a ' ���v�'i'O �'w�o 'NiZ !y �� a � N l Im o � M � IO � I N ._.J�"' � '_ J J � c9 �� � � z �� a ml0 � �Q ` I� � w S U Z � J � �od m W Z � !ci0 O Q �� l id IL � I� '', ij z �. :U , O r ' m rn I� U � N �_O � E � � Z z �+ � C w Q Q E F O � U U Q � U � � N ,� c _—Q i� �, Ij, �z I�' :O � L ',V N N � � � � C � � m � �� ch F � m N `— M � �I � i I I �; �, C Uj y , ��, W �� o m H m w Q Y z U a o iJ Q � J m W �O o -- J _ a�I�3�Y�li Date: March 28, 2000 I a�ee to the following paymenY plan far the licenses at 1021 Bandaaa Boulevard East: Payment - Apri128,2000 May 28, 2000 T,�e 2s, 2000 - July as, z000 August 28, 2000 September 28, 2000 $1,000.00 `� � 5 � i �� $1,000.00 � �l,000.o0 7i a�l z�oo � $�,000.00 $1,000.00 $210.00 ao-tyr `�� , x �j.w.'Qs . C.� I am also aware that failure to make payments by the 28`� of each month will result in adverse action againsY all ofmy licenses. / Lowe11 Pickett � Paradise & Lunches Inc Dakota Bar & Grill 1021 Bandana Boulevazd East Saint Paul, MN 55108-5113 �/ � 8 D� Date �/� �/��`?� '�'—� ��� GrL��� /'lG17 G�/`/i �f /�'�✓! o � � , � �j Y �, �'/� �.G���' G��'f ��. �/ �"�S �✓� ����� _ _ c" 1 � _ , a ? ��I'��`�� ��� �j° �� ��l�� - � �..� ... °--= � � �� � � � � tF �� �i��� � ��/� .�--,���� �� � � ������ - � /� �'����. � ���j � ��� ���-�- License Group Comments 7ext Licensee: pqRpDISE 8 LUNCHES INC �BA� DAKOTA BAR & GRILL License #: 0027563 07/24/2000 bo-�4�' f}CCQ� !U9 C��QC'�G.S 07/24/2000 To CAO £or adverse acfion. CAR 07/24l2000 KS called licensee and spoke to Cindy, the managedaccovntant. We can possibly expect payment by 07/27l2000. Next payment is due 0?/28/2000. CAR 07/21l2000 $1000 3rd payment retumed from bank for insufficient funds. Owed add'I $15 baii check fee: Per our payment agreement wiYh licensee, to CAO for adverse action. CAR — - 06/30/2000 3rd payment $1,000.00 rcvd and processed. CAA 05/30/2000 $1,000.00 second payment of payment pian received and processed. CAA . 05/23/2000 SenY congratula8ons letter for passing alcohol compliance check. SS OS/03/2000 Passed tobacco compliance check. SS 05/03/2000 $1,000.00 first payment received and processed/remaining due 54,210.00. CAA 04/� 1/2000 passed U of M alcohol compiiance check-DL 04/08/2000 passed UM atcohoi wmpiiance check conducfed by SPPD Polyak/VJachal. SS 04/08/2000 passed DPS alcohol compliance check-Dl, 03/27F2000 Lette�r coQ fi�mi�g payment plan sent: PaymenGS due by 28th of each month beginning in April; April-August S'I.000.00 each month for 5 3/6/2000 - Letter sent re possible payment plan - to be in place by 3N5/2000 - amount due $6655.00/JL 03/Ot/2000 license #0027563 was accidently copied to 20000000669.. LB/CAA 2/11/00 - Paitl 51,000.00 partiat payment toward first half liquor fee - referted to Christine - LAB 12/4/99 passed secottd alcohol comptiance check-DL 11/18/9 passed tobacco compliance check, letter sent 12/O6/99 SS 12/t/99 - Paitl outstanding second half onty (did not pay late fees). Check was for $1,000.00 - LAB 11/09/�999 2nd half was due 6/30/99; Iicensee owes $1,697.00. Licensee also owes $6,2�0.00 for 199940001icense fees by 72/3�/99. 9/28l99 Cited by Liquor Control for buying liquor at retail while on the delinquent list. $200 fine paid to Dept of Public Safery. CAR 9/20/99 Mailed in only $1,000.00 check for half of a 2nd t/2liquor license, total invoice payment along with late charges was supposed C7 C.RG �.l1 IlDll CAM to be 7/23/99 completed required alcohol awareness iraining-DL - 1999-7% Liquor Discount applied to 2nd half - LAB On 3/15/99 Failed check; "unofficial" waming-training due 4/18/99-DL 2/16/99 - Paid 1st half—up to date - LAB 2-4-99,will be in w/tst 1/2 on 2-15-99 KS 1/� 9/98 - Paitl 2nd half Liquor for 1998 - LAB 07/� 6/98 53,490.00 paid for remaining amount due on 97-98 1st haif w/penaities, Second half liquor still due. CAM 06/2)/98 $5,300.00 paid for 96-97 2nd half liquor w/penalties and a portion of 97-98 1st haif liquor. CAM 7/18/96 Patio Service Code Added W/No Fee Paid Per C.ROZek—Lap-Lic 1996-7% Disc Agreement Received—Lap-Lic 1996-7°/, Disc Appl'D To 2nd 1/2—Lap-Lic 6/13/96 Cig Code Added Fd Id #36464—Lap-Lic 1995 - Received 7% Disc On Liq Fee For Alcohoi Awareness Training—Lap-Lic 1/79/94 Renewal Papenvork For �2/31/93 Renewal Given To Kris For Rich To Deliver—Lap-Lic 1/�2/94 Another Letter Releasing Hold On 2/3/93 - � (Need Letfer Re(easing Hold Of 4N2/93�Lap 4/12/93 State Taz Hold Letter Received—Lap-Lic 2/70/93 Release Of Tax Hold Letter Received-Lap 12-7-92 State Tac Hold Letter Received--Lap-Lic 7M �/91—Ph On Appn For New On Sale Liquor-A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant-D & Entertainment3 Lic App'D Under Suspension Of Rules C.F. #91-1302 r� - g4 �l Und License � Licensee � Lic. Types � Property C`� Licensee C� Unofficiai Street #: 021 Street Name: ANDANA � SYreetType� BLVD! Direction: � Untt Ind: ��— Wd #: � Cdy: T PAUL �– State. 1N '. Zip: � DBA �AISOTA BAR & GRILL Insurance � _ Bond _, Requiremerds � - - - - - ' ------ --- ----- � Pro'ect Facil'rtator: ASUNqON, CORWNE ': Ad�erse Action CommeMs Ward: � _ _ .. __ _, ... Dist Council: 10 – Licensee: ARADISE & LUNC DBA: AKOTA BAR 8 G Sales Tax Id: 328673 ? Bus License Group Commems: 7IZ1 t2000 8'1000 3rd paymerR returned from bank tor nsufficient funds. Accordingto agreemeM with icensee, to CAO for adverse actioa CAR (Owes dddional $15 returned check charge.) 6f3072000 paYmer $1,000.00 rcvd andprocessed. � Licensee ' Commerrts: ��� :doorServiceArea(Petio) C 07124/7991 �2131M999 : N Saie - Sunday C 07R4M 991 � 12731/1999 : N 'nbacco R U724t1991 12f31f1999 i N License #�27563 . Sa�e Changes to History t�o-e L ��� .. I . ��. � +' � y � DBA see P AKO�TA BAR & GRILL INC _ _ ' First' _ . _ .. . . ° License Licensee 7h� � l,ia Types� �, Insurance � Bond � Requ'vemerGs � Stre: Licensee Name: ARADISE & LUNCHES INC �,};����;, . SYre i DBA: AF(OTA BAft & GRILL ' Sales Tax Id: 328673 ' ��,�� �*s Stre r � Non-Protd: r Warker's Comp: OlOON000 � AA Corhract Rec'd: ONON000 ; AA Training Redd: ONON000 Dire�'. � 'q AA Fee Collected: ONO�L700� �; DiscauM Rec'd: j` Unit j . Other A enc Licenses Financial Hold Reasons Cfty� 9* ?s+ a v:� f��e � n t��g�, `� ¢e w �p x o �r yp��s n z� � �14��W��'s�l{�,' �n�. la�e. �ap�����d�4�i.�2�, �'.���i:t s�. BUS,� Hom� �6 � -Mail License Tu: — �`-= Mail To Corrtad C? License Address 2-1442 (6� c(�Meil Invoice To: — - j �° Mail To Cor�tact �x�� ( � License Address v �. ioaa�un Background Check Required �" � � 999102t ]Onnf� License #�27563 . Save Changes to History [ license 0o t4Y Address � Licensee Contad � License � Cardholder � Last Nsme: ICKETT ; First Nsme: i Tdle: — --- — 5[reet#: �! � - - - -' Street Name: � Street Type: <qIi> Direction: <NI> � Und #. � ( City <All> Bus Phone #: �� Home Phone #: � 8 LUN(OAKOTA BAR & BAR 8 e 1I�All] ���� no pmt 0724M 991 12t31 fl no pmt 0724J1991 12f3117 no pmt a7124l1991 12731 tl 00 -�yr Address, Licensee Corkad i License� Cardhottler � L Last Name: 1CFLETT � First Name: ` — ._ . . .._ .,.._,.__._ __._,_......._,.__�. ,_ ,_.._..._.._.._,i Tdle: �treet #: �� Street Name: ; StreetType: <All>_._ rv�_..._�..___,_____,__� Diredion: 4� Und # � � Cdy: <.411> Bus Phone x�: ��- Hame Phone #: �� �OW000669 0 PARRDISE8 27563 � PARADISE & �00�0�0669 0 � PARAD�SE & �.980009192 �10278 MARY BETH 8 8 $ e no DOG 991�12731l1 991 �12731ti r�o—ryP Invoice ❑ Check this boz if making any name, maiiing address or phons lf comecSons. Please write the changes on this form. If your business license address is changing, piease requesf a new business ticense application. To: PARADISE 8 LUNCHES INC DAKOTA BAF2 & GRILL CONTACT: LOWELL PICKE'rf" t027 BANDANA BLVD E ST PAUL MN 55108-51�3 HOME PHONE :651-332-3842 8USlNESS PHONE : 651-642-14A2 Transaction Descriptiort @ 1021 Bandana Blvd E Q027563 1998-1999 Late Fees 00275fi3 1999-2000 �irst Half Re�ewai - Expired 12/31li899 CigaretteJTobacco Patlo Service Restaurant (B) - More than 12 Seats Entertainment B Liquor On Sale - Sunday Liq on Saie - Over 100 Seats - 8 0027563 1999-20Q0 Pirst Half Renewal Late Fees 0027583 1999-2000 Second Half Renewal - Due 06l30/2000 liquor Service.l��a BAR, DINING ROOM, PATIO Requirements CITY OF SA(�€T PAUL Office of Lice�se, (nspections & Environmental Proteciion 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 SaintPaul, MN55t02-1510 PHONE: (651)266-9090 EAX; {65'I} 266-9124 lnvoice Dne Date` June 28, 200Q Pay this Amount: 57,000.00 Payment 3 of 6 Transaofion Tota! 697.00 317.00 66.00 450.00 527.00 200.00 2,325.00 778.00 2,325.00 Total Due $7,685.00 02/1tlZOOOPaymentReceived -$1,000.00 03/13/2Q00 98-99 Late Fees Waived -$697.00 03/28l2000 99-00 Late Fees Waived "-$778.00 Please compiete the foftowing information for your Firsf Half renewat (disregard if invoice is for the 2nd half payment):- Company & DBA Names (if different ihan above): Business Phone #s (inctude fax, cel(, & pager if applicab(e : App(ica�t Name, Date of Birth, Home Address, & Phone #'s: Manager Name, Date o£ 8irth, Address & Aho�e #'s: Liquor is served in the foi(owing rooms: Signature & T+tie of Applicant: Are cigaretYes being sold oyer-the-counter? Y or N»if sold by vending machine, how many machines? PLEASE NOTE: If anyone under fhe age of 18 is ailowed in the establisfiment, State of MN (aw fort�ids the sate o� cigarettes via machine sales. All sales must be made over the counter by an empioyee of fhe establishment Submit with First Half payment oniy: *Sfafe renewal certificate *Proof of current Iiquor liability insurance (expiration musi coincide with your license expiration date) e�o — t4Y ORIGINAL � Presented By Referred To Committee: Cneen Sheet # �0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RESOLVED, that the Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Seats ntertainment (B), and Cigarette/Tobacco licenses held by Paradise & Lunches, Inc. /a Dakota Baz & Grill (License ID Nuxnber 0027563) for the premises located at 1021 B ana Boulevard East are hereby suspended immediately for delinquent license fees. Sai uspension shall be in effect until such time as all payments for license fees, pursuant to the p ent plan agreed to by the licensee, aze current and written notice of the lifting of said suspe sion has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and Environme al Protection. This Resolution and the action taken above 2000 Notice of Violation letter to the licen: violation. i � \ �� \ �� � O� � � ���� �� � Requested by Department of: ' �/ �,' ��,� Adopted by Counci Adoption Certif ec By: Approved by Mayor: By: Date by Council Secretary based upon the facts contained in the July 31, The licensee did not contest the facts of the Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Date RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # 00 — $y� GREEN SHEET � Virginia Palmer 266-8710 T BE ON COUNqL AGHJQ4 BY (DAiq .SCPtCR1bCi 20� 2��0 - COIISCIlt FOR TOTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES �•: •z,.,; --��':- 00 -,��' No106060 ��� ❑ arv�naucv ❑ arcamc ❑ RUIICI�ll.fqlVlCifOR ❑ n1�I1C1LLaFRV/ICCfa ❑ MYWII�AtiifMR) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution concerning adverse action against All Licenses held by Paradise & Lunches, Inc., dba Dakota Bar & Grill, 1021 Bandana Boulevard East. (iJncontested) PLANNING COMMIS310N qB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �Iyc1.9:FDi�� TRANSACTION INFORMATION (EJ�WN) Hes tl�ic pe�soMrm e+erwancea untlH s movact rormis tlepartmenn VES NO Has Mic O��rtn e�er bcen a dty empbyee7 , YES NO Doec thic Peroaufirm Poaeese a SIdN not nomiaYYG� bY �Y curteM citY emPbYee'7 VES NO Is Mis pemoNfirm e larpeted va�dol! VEu I� dein ell ves amv�c an aemrate sF�eet atM aGxh to crcen sheet COET/REIIENUE BUDOETED (CIRCLE ON� ACiNITY NIIMBER YES NO ✓ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemnn, Mayor September 8, 2000 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CTnyfon M. Robinson, Jn, CityAttorney (�a �rl civit Division 400 City Hn11 Telephone: 651266-8710 ISWeseKel[aggBlyd. Fauimile:651298-5619 Snin[ Paul, Minnesotn 55702 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Lowell Pickett Dakota Bar & Grill 1021 Bandana Boulevard East 60U'.a�L=� r��o.'�c. r��l; StCi�6��' ` ':k�. ki Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108-5113 RE: All licenses held by Paradise & Lunches, Inc. d/b/a Dakota Bar & Grill for the premises at 1021 Bandana Boulevazd East License ID #: 0027563 Deaz Mr. Pickett: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 27, 2000 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning the failure to pay license fees pursuant to the payment plan have not been denied. The recommendation of the license office will be for the immediate suspension of your licenses. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. V ery truly yours, � ���� Virgi 'aD.Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Barb Metzger, Community Organizer, District 10 Como Community Council, 1556 Como Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108 UNGONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Oo -b'yY Licensee IVame: Paradise � Lunches, Inc. d/b/a Dakota Bar & Griil Council Date: Violation: �.icense 'iypes: Wednesday, Sepfiember 27, 2000 Failure to make license fee payments pursuant to payment plan Liquor On Sale - Over 100 Seats, Enterfainment (B), Cigarette/Tobacco Licenses Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Immediate suspension of all licenses until all license fee payments, as required by the Payment Plan, are current Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution �. �lotice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. Payment Plan 5. Licer�se information CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Nfayor 7u1y31, 2000 OFFICE'" THE CITY ATTOIL�IEY Clay�on M. iinson, Jr., Ci7' A�mrney Civi[Division 400 Ciry Hn!! li Wut Kelfogg Blvd Snin[ Paul, Mirtneso�n 5�101 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Loweli Pickett Dakota Bar & Grill 1021 Bandana Boulevazd East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108-5113 O��l � Telephone: 65! 266-87/D Fncsimile: 6�! 19b-56/9 RE: All licenses heid by Paradise & Lunches, Inc. d/b/a Dakota Bar & Grill for the premises at 1021 Bandana Boulevard East License ID #: 0027563 Dear Mr. Pickett: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the licenses held by Paradisa & Lunches, Inc. d/b/a Dakota Ba: & Grill for the premises at 1021 Bandana Boulevard East in Saint Paul. The basis for the adverse action is as follows: On Apri128, 2000 you agreed to a payment plan for payment of your license fees, which required payments of $1,000 each on the 28t of April, Niay, June, July and August of 2000 and a payment of $210 on September 28, 2000, for a total of $ 5,210. The June 28, 2000 payment of $1,000 was returned by the bank for non-sufficient funds. When LIEP informed your manager of the returned sheck, she stated that the payment wou13 be made by July 27, 2000. Payment of the dishonored check has not been made, nor has the July 28, 2000 payment been received. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter admitting that they are true. The matter will then be scheduled before the Saint Paul City Council for a hearin� to determine what penalty, if any, is appropriate. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your o�vn behal£ The recommendation from the licensing office is fo: the immediate suspension of all licenses until all payments on the payment plan are current. You may also pay the June and Jaty payments, whick are no�v past due, to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection immediately to take care of this matter. Payments must be made in cash or by cashiers check. Business or personal checks will not be accepted. ✓ - -- Page 2 Lowell Picket July 31, 2000 Oo -t'�t� If you �vish to dispute the facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law jud�e. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send a letter stating that you are contestin� the facts. You will then be sent a notice of hearing with the date, time and place far the hearing, the name of the administrative law jud�e, and an explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writin� no later than Thursday, August 10, 2000, how you wish to proceed. If you have not contacted me by Thursday, August 10, 2000, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts stated above. I wiil then schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty �vill be imposed. If you have questions about these options, please feel free to contact me at 266-8710 to discuss them. Sincerely, C/��" �� - �Lc-�',vu-� V Virginia D. Palmer AssisCant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Barb Metz�er, Community Organizer, District 10 Como Commujity Council, 1556 Como Ave., SI. Paul, MN 55108 oo-ryr STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COIINTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE SY MAIL JOANNE G_ CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on July 31, 2000, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION upon the following named person placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Lowell Pickett Dakota Bar & Grill 1021 Bandana Blvd. East St. Pau1, MN. 55108 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the Unj�States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. / \ _ /1 r. - G \ CLEMENTS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31et d�-�pf Jtyly, 2�00. Notary Publ PETER ? PANG80RN /A�TARY W BIJC - MINNESOTq MY CbAApA1SSION EXPIRES JAN. 31, 2005 00 -�Y � m � Q x — M w ' U w � � � I p m,T I�� � I�irn -, U, d �� V � �; ' �� L I Ol J �� � I r � � � �NI ��I O. 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L � a � Nj I N v �i� iNl �I� i m ' I � IM � '�m I� � IM Nj C O'� a� o�, ��I � �� � U I I I I � I � I � � � � N�, I U � �' U I N , N' �' W c �v, ❑ Q] 7-- J LJ.� m Y a U z n. a -� Z ' J m W OO ' I _'J _ � !�I io ; a , W � �h:� �C T � I� V �� I I M ���N ���I � � �ic N i� � I,�,is � � J � � Q U i (1 N y +� �IO T O F �a � � Iai�O �Cji N I V iO J ' 6 , J M � � � N O O l I N II �� -U C 10 U, U , .'". : �y O �� W �i J I m '� I ^ 'a � i ';z , a ' ���v�'i'O �'w�o 'NiZ !y �� a � N l Im o � M � IO � I N ._.J�"' � '_ J J � c9 �� � � z �� a ml0 � �Q ` I� � w S U Z � J � �od m W Z � !ci0 O Q �� l id IL � I� '', ij z �. :U , O r ' m rn I� U � N �_O � E � � Z z �+ � C w Q Q E F O � U U Q � U � � N ,� c _—Q i� �, Ij, �z I�' :O � L ',V N N � � � � C � � m � �� ch F � m N `— M � �I � i I I �; �, C Uj y , ��, W �� o m H m w Q Y z U a o iJ Q � J m W �O o -- J _ a�I�3�Y�li Date: March 28, 2000 I a�ee to the following paymenY plan far the licenses at 1021 Bandaaa Boulevard East: Payment - Apri128,2000 May 28, 2000 T,�e 2s, 2000 - July as, z000 August 28, 2000 September 28, 2000 $1,000.00 `� � 5 � i �� $1,000.00 � �l,000.o0 7i a�l z�oo � $�,000.00 $1,000.00 $210.00 ao-tyr `�� , x �j.w.'Qs . C.� I am also aware that failure to make payments by the 28`� of each month will result in adverse action againsY all ofmy licenses. / Lowe11 Pickett � Paradise & Lunches Inc Dakota Bar & Grill 1021 Bandana Boulevazd East Saint Paul, MN 55108-5113 �/ � 8 D� Date �/� �/��`?� '�'—� ��� GrL��� /'lG17 G�/`/i �f /�'�✓! o � � , � �j Y �, �'/� �.G���' G��'f ��. �/ �"�S �✓� ����� _ _ c" 1 � _ , a ? ��I'��`�� ��� �j° �� ��l�� - � �..� ... °--= � � �� � � � � tF �� �i��� � ��/� .�--,���� �� � � ������ - � /� �'����. � ���j � ��� ���-�- License Group Comments 7ext Licensee: pqRpDISE 8 LUNCHES INC �BA� DAKOTA BAR & GRILL License #: 0027563 07/24/2000 bo-�4�' f}CCQ� !U9 C��QC'�G.S 07/24/2000 To CAO £or adverse acfion. CAR 07/24l2000 KS called licensee and spoke to Cindy, the managedaccovntant. We can possibly expect payment by 07/27l2000. Next payment is due 0?/28/2000. CAR 07/21l2000 $1000 3rd payment retumed from bank for insufficient funds. Owed add'I $15 baii check fee: Per our payment agreement wiYh licensee, to CAO for adverse action. CAR — - 06/30/2000 3rd payment $1,000.00 rcvd and processed. CAA 05/30/2000 $1,000.00 second payment of payment pian received and processed. CAA . 05/23/2000 SenY congratula8ons letter for passing alcohol compliance check. SS OS/03/2000 Passed tobacco compliance check. SS 05/03/2000 $1,000.00 first payment received and processed/remaining due 54,210.00. CAA 04/� 1/2000 passed U of M alcohol compiiance check-DL 04/08/2000 passed UM atcohoi wmpiiance check conducfed by SPPD Polyak/VJachal. SS 04/08/2000 passed DPS alcohol compliance check-Dl, 03/27F2000 Lette�r coQ fi�mi�g payment plan sent: PaymenGS due by 28th of each month beginning in April; April-August S'I.000.00 each month for 5 3/6/2000 - Letter sent re possible payment plan - to be in place by 3N5/2000 - amount due $6655.00/JL 03/Ot/2000 license #0027563 was accidently copied to 20000000669.. LB/CAA 2/11/00 - Paitl 51,000.00 partiat payment toward first half liquor fee - referted to Christine - LAB 12/4/99 passed secottd alcohol comptiance check-DL 11/18/9 passed tobacco compliance check, letter sent 12/O6/99 SS 12/t/99 - Paitl outstanding second half onty (did not pay late fees). Check was for $1,000.00 - LAB 11/09/�999 2nd half was due 6/30/99; Iicensee owes $1,697.00. Licensee also owes $6,2�0.00 for 199940001icense fees by 72/3�/99. 9/28l99 Cited by Liquor Control for buying liquor at retail while on the delinquent list. $200 fine paid to Dept of Public Safery. CAR 9/20/99 Mailed in only $1,000.00 check for half of a 2nd t/2liquor license, total invoice payment along with late charges was supposed C7 C.RG �.l1 IlDll CAM to be 7/23/99 completed required alcohol awareness iraining-DL - 1999-7% Liquor Discount applied to 2nd half - LAB On 3/15/99 Failed check; "unofficial" waming-training due 4/18/99-DL 2/16/99 - Paid 1st half—up to date - LAB 2-4-99,will be in w/tst 1/2 on 2-15-99 KS 1/� 9/98 - Paitl 2nd half Liquor for 1998 - LAB 07/� 6/98 53,490.00 paid for remaining amount due on 97-98 1st haif w/penaities, Second half liquor still due. CAM 06/2)/98 $5,300.00 paid for 96-97 2nd half liquor w/penalties and a portion of 97-98 1st haif liquor. CAM 7/18/96 Patio Service Code Added W/No Fee Paid Per C.ROZek—Lap-Lic 1996-7% Disc Agreement Received—Lap-Lic 1996-7°/, Disc Appl'D To 2nd 1/2—Lap-Lic 6/13/96 Cig Code Added Fd Id #36464—Lap-Lic 1995 - Received 7% Disc On Liq Fee For Alcohoi Awareness Training—Lap-Lic 1/79/94 Renewal Papenvork For �2/31/93 Renewal Given To Kris For Rich To Deliver—Lap-Lic 1/�2/94 Another Letter Releasing Hold On 2/3/93 - � (Need Letfer Re(easing Hold Of 4N2/93�Lap 4/12/93 State Taz Hold Letter Received—Lap-Lic 2/70/93 Release Of Tax Hold Letter Received-Lap 12-7-92 State Tac Hold Letter Received--Lap-Lic 7M �/91—Ph On Appn For New On Sale Liquor-A, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant-D & Entertainment3 Lic App'D Under Suspension Of Rules C.F. #91-1302 r� - g4 �l Und License � Licensee � Lic. Types � Property C`� Licensee C� Unofficiai Street #: 021 Street Name: ANDANA � SYreetType� BLVD! Direction: � Untt Ind: ��— Wd #: � Cdy: T PAUL �– State. 1N '. Zip: � DBA �AISOTA BAR & GRILL Insurance � _ Bond _, Requiremerds � - - - - - ' ------ --- ----- � Pro'ect Facil'rtator: ASUNqON, CORWNE ': Ad�erse Action CommeMs Ward: � _ _ .. __ _, ... Dist Council: 10 – Licensee: ARADISE & LUNC DBA: AKOTA BAR 8 G Sales Tax Id: 328673 ? Bus License Group Commems: 7IZ1 t2000 8'1000 3rd paymerR returned from bank tor nsufficient funds. Accordingto agreemeM with icensee, to CAO for adverse actioa CAR (Owes dddional $15 returned check charge.) 6f3072000 paYmer $1,000.00 rcvd andprocessed. � Licensee ' Commerrts: ��� :doorServiceArea(Petio) C 07124/7991 �2131M999 : N Saie - Sunday C 07R4M 991 � 12731/1999 : N 'nbacco R U724t1991 12f31f1999 i N License #�27563 . Sa�e Changes to History t�o-e L ��� .. I . ��. � +' � y � DBA see P AKO�TA BAR & GRILL INC _ _ ' First' _ . _ .. . . ° License Licensee 7h� � l,ia Types� �, Insurance � Bond � Requ'vemerGs � Stre: Licensee Name: ARADISE & LUNCHES INC �,};����;, . SYre i DBA: AF(OTA BAft & GRILL ' Sales Tax Id: 328673 ' ��,�� �*s Stre r � Non-Protd: r Warker's Comp: OlOON000 � AA Corhract Rec'd: ONON000 ; AA Training Redd: ONON000 Dire�'. � 'q AA Fee Collected: ONO�L700� �; DiscauM Rec'd: j` Unit j . Other A enc Licenses Financial Hold Reasons Cfty� 9* ?s+ a v:� f��e � n t��g�, `� ¢e w �p x o �r yp��s n z� � �14��W��'s�l{�,' �n�. la�e. �ap�����d�4�i.�2�, �'.���i:t s�. BUS,� Hom� �6 � -Mail License Tu: — �`-= Mail To Corrtad C? License Address 2-1442 (6� c(�Meil Invoice To: — - j �° Mail To Cor�tact �x�� ( � License Address v �. ioaa�un Background Check Required �" � � 999102t ]Onnf� License #�27563 . Save Changes to History [ license 0o t4Y Address � Licensee Contad � License � Cardholder � Last Nsme: ICKETT ; First Nsme: i Tdle: — --- — 5[reet#: �! � - - - -' Street Name: � Street Type: <qIi> Direction: <NI> � Und #. � ( City <All> Bus Phone #: �� Home Phone #: � 8 LUN(OAKOTA BAR & BAR 8 e 1I�All] ���� no pmt 0724M 991 12t31 fl no pmt 0724J1991 12f3117 no pmt a7124l1991 12731 tl 00 -�yr Address, Licensee Corkad i License� Cardhottler � L Last Name: 1CFLETT � First Name: ` — ._ . . .._ .,.._,.__._ __._,_......._,.__�. ,_ ,_.._..._.._.._,i Tdle: �treet #: �� Street Name: ; StreetType: <All>_._ rv�_..._�..___,_____,__� Diredion: 4� Und # � � Cdy: <.411> Bus Phone x�: ��- Hame Phone #: �� �OW000669 0 PARRDISE8 27563 � PARADISE & �00�0�0669 0 � PARAD�SE & �.980009192 �10278 MARY BETH 8 8 $ e no DOG 991�12731l1 991 �12731ti r�o—ryP Invoice ❑ Check this boz if making any name, maiiing address or phons lf comecSons. Please write the changes on this form. If your business license address is changing, piease requesf a new business ticense application. To: PARADISE 8 LUNCHES INC DAKOTA BAF2 & GRILL CONTACT: LOWELL PICKE'rf" t027 BANDANA BLVD E ST PAUL MN 55108-51�3 HOME PHONE :651-332-3842 8USlNESS PHONE : 651-642-14A2 Transaction Descriptiort @ 1021 Bandana Blvd E Q027563 1998-1999 Late Fees 00275fi3 1999-2000 �irst Half Re�ewai - Expired 12/31li899 CigaretteJTobacco Patlo Service Restaurant (B) - More than 12 Seats Entertainment B Liquor On Sale - Sunday Liq on Saie - Over 100 Seats - 8 0027563 1999-20Q0 Pirst Half Renewal Late Fees 0027583 1999-2000 Second Half Renewal - Due 06l30/2000 liquor Service.l��a BAR, DINING ROOM, PATIO Requirements CITY OF SA(�€T PAUL Office of Lice�se, (nspections & Environmental Proteciion 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 SaintPaul, MN55t02-1510 PHONE: (651)266-9090 EAX; {65'I} 266-9124 lnvoice Dne Date` June 28, 200Q Pay this Amount: 57,000.00 Payment 3 of 6 Transaofion Tota! 697.00 317.00 66.00 450.00 527.00 200.00 2,325.00 778.00 2,325.00 Total Due $7,685.00 02/1tlZOOOPaymentReceived -$1,000.00 03/13/2Q00 98-99 Late Fees Waived -$697.00 03/28l2000 99-00 Late Fees Waived "-$778.00 Please compiete the foftowing information for your Firsf Half renewat (disregard if invoice is for the 2nd half payment):- Company & DBA Names (if different ihan above): Business Phone #s (inctude fax, cel(, & pager if applicab(e : App(ica�t Name, Date of Birth, Home Address, & Phone #'s: Manager Name, Date o£ 8irth, Address & Aho�e #'s: Liquor is served in the foi(owing rooms: Signature & T+tie of Applicant: Are cigaretYes being sold oyer-the-counter? Y or N»if sold by vending machine, how many machines? PLEASE NOTE: If anyone under fhe age of 18 is ailowed in the establisfiment, State of MN (aw fort�ids the sate o� cigarettes via machine sales. All sales must be made over the counter by an empioyee of fhe establishment Submit with First Half payment oniy: *Sfafe renewal certificate *Proof of current Iiquor liability insurance (expiration musi coincide with your license expiration date) e�o — t4Y