274733 WHITE —'CITV CLERK � ����� PINK —FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Counci! CAN�iaRV -D'EPARTMENT -Flle NO. BLUE — MAYOR ����'"� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROVING THE PROVISION FOR 178 ADDITIONAL SECTION 8 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS PROGFtAM UNITS AND FOR 30 ADDITIONAL DIRECT ACQUISITION PROGRAM UNTTS OF LOW RENT HOUSING WH�REAS, by its Resolution C.F. 272061 adopted November 24 , 1978, the City Council approved the provision of a low rent housing program for direct acquisition without rehabi].itation of 85 units of single family homes to serve large, low income families; and WHEREAS , by its Resolution C.F. 272062 adopted November 24 , 1978, the City Council approved the provision of Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Program in 1,786 units of privately owned rental housing for low income families; and WHEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (PfiA) has requested City Council approval of 30 additional units for direct acquisition and 178 additional units for the Section 8 low rent housing programs; and WHEREAS, the provision of such additional units is consistent with the City of Saint Paul, Housing Assistance Plan, October 1979 - September 1982. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Public usin A enc of Cit of Saint Paul Hozza [n Favor Hunt L.evine _ __ Against BY Maddox Executive Director Showalter Tedesco Form Appr by City At e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By �. Approved by AAavor: Date _ Appr by Mayor for Submi ion o Council BY - — BY WHITE - CITV CIERK 1 ��A��� PINK - FINANCE COIl/1C11 ��j CAN7IRV �--D�VARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. BLUE - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. NOW TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.465, Subdivision 1, and Laws of Minnesota 1977, Chapter 228, Section 4 (2) , the provision of 30 additional units to be acguired, owned and operated by PHA with Federal financial assistance, and the provision of 178 additional units of privately owned and leased housing with Federal housing assistance rental payments implemented by PHA are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER that applications and contracts for Federal financial assistance, fund expenditure, property purchase, and all other actions by PHA necessary or desirable to implement the provision of these additional units of low rent housing are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas McMAHON Nays Requested by Department of: �r � In Favor Public Housin A enc o -�Ie�� Hunt d �uiue __ Against BY Maddox Executive Director Showalter Tedesco aPR 1 5 1980 Form Ap ed by City At Adopted by Date �-- ' Cer ied Pass y Council Secreta BY . l' t�pp e by IVlavor. _ F�PR � � 19ao App ov by ayor for S ssi o Council By — BY _ �I.ISNED A P R 2 6 198 ' OM O1: 12/1975�" � Rev. : 9/8/76 ` 2'�4'�3� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, . ' �t � C � � VED �faa � 5 �gso Date: March 25, 1980 �Y��� � T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: MARSHALL D. ANDERSON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PHA RE: CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF PHA PROVISION OF ADDITIONAL LOW RENT HOU5ING UNITS ' ACTION REQUESTED: Signature on attached Resolution for introduction , to Council approving PHA provision of these housing programs pursuant to Minn. Stats. Section 462.465 , Subd. 1 and Laws 1977 , Chapter 228, Section 4 (2) . .. . , PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Under the three-.year City of Saint Paul, Housing Assistance Plan 1979-1982, provision of housing to low income families through Section 8 allocations to PHA and PHA acquisition of units for large, low income families . is contemplated. HUD has advised that allocations and funding is now available and that PHA should make application with City Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Letter to the Council President , � �"�DI�"'^i ��r3��� �+d ,�r� � � Y� il rt � �1..'b.� PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL PHA339 Bremer Building�419 North Robert Street,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 •Phone (612) 298-5668 March 24, 1980 Ms. Joanne Showalter Council President Council of the City of Saint Paul c/o City Clerk 386 City Hall and Courthouse St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: City Council Approval of 178 Additional Section 8 (Existing and Moderate Rehabilitation) HAP Units and 30 Direct Acquisition Without Rehab Public Housing Dwelling Units Dear Ms. Showalter: On November 16, 1978, the City Council approved of 445 additional Section 8 existing dwelling units. This 445 unit approval brought the PHA's potential for Section 8 involvement to 1,786 units. Since that date, we have entered into contracts or committments on 1,766 units with HUD. The present Saint Paul Housing Assistance Plan goals for the three years (10-1-79 to 9-30-82) identify a need, in part, for 228 additional existing rental units to be provided through HUD assisted programs. Thirty of the 228 units must be for large families of 5 or more persons. It has been our experience that these larger units can only be provided through public housing to be acquired, owned and operated by the PHA. (The Section 8 programs do not produce large units for St. Paul.) The need for larger housing units for lower income families is evidenced by our public housing waiting list of 145 families for three and four bed- room units. The PHA requests City Council approval for 30 direct acquisition, without rehab, units for public housing in accordance with Laws of Minnesota for 1977, Chapter 228, Section 4(2) . The need for such units is demonstrated by the Housing Assistance Plan. We are also requesting City Council approval for 178 additional Section 8 units. The additional 178 units would bring our Section 8 program potential to 1,964. The projected availability of funding through the HUD area office is ex- tremely limited for the federal fiscal year. The unit availability and funding which might come to the PHA in the next few years is uncertain at best. The PHA would like to be in a position to provide additional housing opportunities for Saint Paul's low income families, within the needs iden- Mary Ann Sudeith Frank Allen Hester Mamie Morgan John J.Galles Peg Fourre' Grant C.West Winnie Estrada Chairperson Vice Chairperson . • �����,� � � �� � � Ms. Joanne Showalter March 24, 1980 Page -2- tified by the Housing Assistance Plan, should HUD be able to provide the Agency with additional program funding. If you have any questions regarding this request, please telephone me at 298-4487. ' cerely, _ "��-._._._�_ Marshall D. Anderson �u Executive Director