274731 WHITE - G�TV CLERK ������
� Council Resolution
Presented By ���� ��TT�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESE)LVID: That licenses for permit to conduct bingo games, applied for by tlye following
organizations at the addresses stated, �or the days, dates and hours indicated
on the application, be and the same are hereby granted.
Missionary Sisters of St. Peter
Claver 1770 E. 3rd St. Bingo 1 pd. 13885 N�
Randolph Heights P.T.A. 348 S. Hamline Ave. Bingo 1 Pd. 13957 ��
COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Hunt In Favor
--6ev�ine. �
Maadox __ Against BY —
Adopted oun il: Date APR �. 5 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney
Cer ' ied Pas• d by Council Secretary BY
Ap r by Mavor: D _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY — — BY
PlI�LtS�NED A P R 2 6 1980
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rf° � � �a�h '80
Form DPT 229 ��
6�� (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e)
To the County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County,
and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota:
County of Ramsey
City, Village or Town Saint Paul
Robert T. simon being duly sworn
deposes and says that hez�ssi;d�esx�c�� h Adm'nis raror - Real Fstate� �f th Nn �sing anC1
Redevelopment Authoritv of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota , andthat
� and that said Authoritv is a public bQdy, cornorate and politic, dulv or�anized and
existin� under Ghapter 487� Iaws of 1947, aG amended; that on .T�ne 28, 1979� the
Authority acquired title to the followinQ described real propertv located in the City
of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit:
for redevelopment as part of the Thoma.s-Dale District No. 7; that title to said
pronertv passed on Tune 28, 1979, by a warranty �eed, filed as Document No. 20�24
on July 12 1979• that the Authoritv has held said pronertv in the Public Use,
exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to Minnesota Statutee, S�ction
272.68, Subceivisions (1) and (2) , between June 28, 1979 and the present.
�hereEore applicant prays that all real estate taxes and assessments assessed,
levied and accrued against the aforesaid property payable in the year 1980 be f ully
C . � -' < , _- ._ APPlicant
. c�min�s �ra �or�n Re 1 Estate
Subscribed and sworn to before me this lst ay of �e�ruar A. D. 19 80
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