274712 M/HITE - UTV CLERK `��+���
ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes , Section 161� 142 ,
the Commissioner of Transportation be appointed as Agent of the
City of St. Paul to accept as its agent, federal aid funds which
may be made avaitable for participation in eligible construction
engineering costs for S.P. 164-234-02, be it further
RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized
and directed, for and on behalf of the City Council , to execute
and enter into an agreement with the Corronissioner of Transporta-
tion prescribing the terms and condPtions of said federal aid
participation as setforth and contained in an agreement caption-
ed, "Minnesota Department of Transportation Agency Agreement with
the City of St. Paul , for Federal Participation in Construction
Engineering on S.P. 164-234-02, GR 5018(6) ," a copy of which said
agreement was before the City Council and which is made a part
hereof by reference.
Yeas McMANON Nays Requested by Department of:
�� � Publ i c Works
��, In Favor
Levine d __ Against B
Maddox onald E y d, Di rector
Tedes p � n 'npn Form Approved 'ty Att e
Adopted Council: Date ��`J_iL_L�S�
C itied Pas- y Cou ci cret�y BY
/�pp by i4lavor. D te
APR i � 19�— App v d by Mayor for Su s o Council
By - BY
�,t�ustiEO APR 1 9 91 8 d i 1 "
oM O 1 : � 1 z/1975
� - Rev: 9/8/76
. • ����'�
Date: March 25, 1g80 "' � �' " "ti� � �
� � �� � �
ap� � � ����
FR: Thomas J. Eggum, Public Works, Office Engineer
RE: � Chi lds Road, Rarr� and Bridge � .
ACTION REQUESTED: This agreement between the City and Minnesota Department of
ransportation would authorize the Commissioner of Transportation to
act as the City's agent to obta�in federal aid participation in the con-
structlon engineering costs for the Childs Road Ramp and Bridge proJect,
now under construction.
PURPOSE AND RATIOtdALE FOR THIS ACTION: Total costs�of constructton engineering
are es ma e o e o t contract cost (contract cost $1 ,542,366.00)
for a total of $77,118.30. Federal Aid share to be obtained through the
state is 76.73� �$59,172.87) end the ctty's share is 23.27� ($17,945.43) . .
Publ �c Works ProJect B-1o49.
Copy of Ag reemen t �
Copy of Resotutton
• • � • • . . �
, !
. ����:� �
MIti;�I:�OT� DI:P�1fiT�ti:NT Or TRl�".SP�P.TATION . �.
� �i;�.
AGE�dCY �'1GRI'l:.fi:ti"T �ti'I'l'H TI?L CITl' OF ST. PAUL �
ON S.P. 164-234-02, GR 5018(6)
Tliis agreement �ade and entered into by and between the City af
St. Paul, hereii►after reLe=_'red to as the "City" and the Commissioner of
Transpartati.on of the State of *iinnesota, hereina.fter referred to the "Gom- �
missioner", [,�ITNF.SSETH: �
c�trr.EAS, riIl�'N. STAT. SEC. 161. 142 (1978) pertaining to the Great �
River Road provides that the Con.�nissioner may act as agent for any political_ i
subdivision of the state in accepting federal aid in their behalf; and F
WHER�AS, The City is proposing to implement the construction of a �
• Great River Road project �:no�,m as the Childs Road Ramp and Sridge project at i
Warner Road; and . • �
tdHER�,1S, Said project i.s identi.fied in the records of the nepartment
of Transportation as S.P. 1G4-234-02 and in the records of the reder.al Highway
. Administrati.on a� Ptinnesota Project GF 5018(6} ; and
WHER�AS, The Cii:y desires to oUtain f.ederal aid participatior► in the
necessar.y construction en�ineering costs in connection �aith said praject.
_ ] _
' That pt�rsuant to ��inn. Stat. Sec. 161. 14'L (1975) the City clocs �
tiereby �proi�tt tlle Commi.ssioner its a�ent to accept and recezve all fe�ier.al
funds macle available for construction ��ngineering costs on S.P. 1G4-234-02.
Y�F;e Nc�. l. , •
� . . , . • . . , ,
. - 2 _ .
FLIGIL':ILTTY. The reasonabl� cost and exp�nse of the field anc� of.fice
c��orl: nec�ssary for the praper supervi:.ion, in:.pection, materials testin�.,
staking and documentation of project activities after the contract lettin�, i.n
accordance with applicable federal lacas and r.egulations shall be elig�ble for
federal aj.d participation. Said suPervisioi�, insl�ection, materials t=esting,
staking and documentation shall be done in accordance c•rit�h the contr.act spec:i-
fications and recognized and accepted practices and procedures as those set
forth in the various Minnesota Department of Transportakion :lanuals i.'n order
to be eligi_ble for federal ai.d. Any portion of the above work wtiicl-► tias bec�r:
perforrned prior. to specific writteii authorization frora the Office of State
Aid, will not be eligible for federa� aid partir_.-Lpation. The City �,ill assi�;n
super.visor}* responsibility f�r all work to be perforned under the ter.ms of
, this ugreement to the City Engineer.
, - 3 -
LIAISUN, AUDIT�, EVALUATIO'; A.:D ,iONIT�.Z1i,G. The Cammissii�aer stiall
make the necessary requests to the Federal Hi�h�•.ay Admiriistration for auth��r:i_zation
of federal pa;. ticipation in construction engir�ering and reim�ursemc�nts ttierefor
• under the terms of this agreemenC. To insure compliance by the City with aIl
apPlicable federal regulations and la���s, the ComL�issioner, or his r�presentat����e,
sh411 have the right to audit, evaluate and monitor, as deemed necessary, the
worlc to Ue performed under this agr.eement. .
- - 4 -
' PA�P1�`T. It is anticipatect ti�at 76. 73% of the eli�ible cost of said
construction engineerin� is t� be paid from fun�s i��-�de available b;� r.t�e 3�ccler�:.l
}Ii�h�aay AdminisCration by way of fedc�al aid an� tliaC th� rema.inin; 23. 27%
i.s to be borne by the City. Eligible costs of consl-ruct3_a:: enF,i.neering
��'3 t?,�, ��. �i'
(d) �xpencliture.s £or materials, suppl.ies, mecL,it�:i_cal data processin�
and equipment rental limited to t.he actual expet�ditures for the
, pur.pases of Lhi.s agreement. '
Exgenditures for �nain�enance, general administration, supervision
and other overiicad of the Ci�y shall not be eli.�i.ble for federal par.r.:icipation.
Partiai payments ��ill Y�e made to the City not� more often than once
each thirty (30) days, and shall be for. services performed during otie (1) or
mcre calendar months. At the close of each calendar montil or calendar quarter, �
the City shall submit ro the Conimissioner invoices in qui.ntuplicate, for
services rendered an3 for reimbursable expenses incurred during that period.
These invoices shall be submitted within twenty (20) days followi.n�; the end of �
the period covered by the account. As an alternate procedtire, the City may
submit all such invoicPS at the time it submits tlie final contract estimate.
_ �
These invoices or suppleme�its thereto, shall contain whatever details that may
be necessary for a proper audit. Such details shall consi.st of at least the
following: �
(a) A breakdoc�m of labor by individu�l, classifi.cation, datcs and
hours worked tirnes the applicab].e rate to arrive at a total
dollar amouut for each individual..
(.b) The laUor additive shal.l be applied to total laUor dollars.
" (c) The equipr.ient charges sliall b� U�-ol.en do�an b}� type of eyuipment
times the applicable rate and dates used to arr.ive at. t_ot�il
equipment charges. ,
(cl) Th�� Urellccio�an of. outside servi.ces used slzall Ue detai.led arid
sup��ortin� invoices sha7.1 be stibmitted al.on< <aitli thc l�illin�.
' 1'a�;e No. 4 �
- £ �ni� `a`�l[�
� '�\IZi,1'IffIlS `8 t?de_z�LZSd jo suotsrnozd �ua��az�e
au3 0� -l�aCqns se z�pun�.zai� �zo.+� ai{� 30 ��uc��zo�zad �o� sa�.zo3
apzs�no 30 �u�;:iSo7du►� aii� uz �C�t� au� .Cq pa�.zn�uL lsoa ai�,i, (�)
'�SOJ '[E�1�,E S�,t�L� c'�1�� 30 �:�Ta�aT3aa S7�E3 �L'
`.z�punazaq pa;u.zo3zad aq o� xzoM aq� uo �C�i� azt� .tq p�stl saj�Y�{an �
pau�+lo aa�CoZdica �03. sa�.���{� a�eajT� puE �t�t� at{� .tq pasn �ua�a
-dznba�pai�r�o n�T� �03 sa�zEq� Ze�uaz �ua�dL��ba aTqa�ijdd�.� ac�y (q)
•spao�az ' -
a��nbape �Sq pa�.zoddns uaqr� pas�nq�Taz aq TTz:� �ua�uSoZdL�a �oqsT �
o� TE�uapz�ui s�so� .zeTiaizs pue. sa�zEu� au�t� �so1 �a�ue�nsu�
.��zTzqiEtT pus uoi�ESUad�o� �saxE� �ua�::{ojd�uaun �uozsuad
. ��uamazz�az �aneaT x�zs `u�-c�s���� t�Csd .Cepzjo�{ �o �ui�sisuo�
. „sani�zpp� aoqEl�� �o i��z� au� oZ� s�so� •sa3zeq� .zoqsl pzes o�
aZqs�iTdds ��sanz�zppe aoqel« �o a.zeqs e��zo.zd aq� apnj�u; TjEus �
sa�.z�q� .zoq$Z ptsg •�apunaaau �C�z� a�{� .Cq pam�o�.�ad aq o�
x.zor� ay� ui pa�s�ua aq jTsi�s saa:(otdma pz�s �sq; aut� acl� .zo�
�C�i� aq� �o saa�oTdu�a jjs pus q�ea uo sa�.z�q� �oqEt ��a.ztp ayy •(�)
:�uir�oTT�3 au� 3� �szsuo� Tj��s asu3dxa pus �so� aTqz�iT�
•ssalm�r.q .zauoiss tt::;�o� au� pus a�osauuzj� �o a�E�S a�{�
anas u� saa��E �s�ua.�a 1�2 ut pu� �a�ss ai�� ded �ou saop �u�iLUZano� �g.zapa3
aq� �Eq� auana aq� ut a�aCo�d �zns .zo3 -taT ��s,z�uo� �Cus� zapun xaoM ac�� 30 .
� a�ueutao�iad a�{� o� Ts�uapi�uZ xo �o �no �u;sz�e s�zsT� -�n3r�Ej TZe pu� �Cus �C�d o�
saa�3e .za�{�an� �C�i� aqy •ames a�{a :�sd o� saat�e �C�i� aq� '�uana '�L'L(� u� pue
uat�� ���aCoxd pies �o asuadxa zo aso� au� 30 ��Bd ,Cue �Ced o� sjt�3 uoi�ez�s�
-uiu�pV n�:����iH Teza�a3 a�� uos�:�z �ue ao3 3I -uoi��rl�7suo� �o sZso� �Tq��tja
ay] 3u /S�� o� pa�te�tT aq ITeqs pu� s�so� pa�u�wn�op j�na�a uo p�seq aq TTsqs
• , �
. ' - �
� i
(e) �eLr.i3_ for ;rateri.alS, su�?���.�t� �!�}d ���}E.� iL���& �i�ai� �e �?rA��i.ded �
so zi�e descr-iprion, unit_> �Ad ia��t {�;3.�>�=�: a�c �uc���i�d �.� �l�e �
. __ �.. ..__ _ . - �
_., _ }
�.}�,;uiEe, If r�aterials oi- §u�{�iias ��e {:li�sha��d ��A�a a� c�utsz�ie i
&nurc�, a copy of that i}}�8;-�� �i:aujd i�e �u�iudcd; .
(f) T}�e invoices shall ii�cl:��i� ��0� @� ����;�?iE ��}a�g�§ a�piisal�3� �
. �
to tl�e �roj�cC so that tl��: ��o���a &�}a��. aE €�d��ai �a� ��t�
�artiEipaeion can be a,j>i��d L� �}�� €g��i �g§�s;
: �
No pa}�:�-t1t shall. be due until ��� ��s@�€?� ��§ ���� ��?����� ��� �
approved bu �ui} ..:;���rized representat}�,�§ �� �i}� �@=a-�i�&&�estQ�; �
--. ----- _ - i
���.�a::;mi��ion�:r �cill trans;�i� ���Q�.s�� ���:;�itt.�d ��: ���i� ei�� �@� ;
services ���€o�n�d vr�d�r the terms of ti}�§ �g�����R� �@ ��� ������� ����z"3�
Administra��s:�, #�?e�a��i-��nt c�£ Transport���@�} €�� ��d����- ����?�iu�&��?��; ��Q� �
receipt o,f f��erai funds by �he CoMmis������ �@€ §$�� �����s�&� ���� ��������@�e�
taill malce ���t�i��� �Q ti�e Git,*. ;
- - . - �
- 5 - .
, ��i$�'z E,. .,,:.. �.:�:D DOCL?f�r;�: �#?� ����r3���epe� �i}aii� �� �i� :
_ E=P7_ :_ Or ;;�..�:
times cicr��x� t��is a��'�e.�nt, �nd for tl3��e ��� �i�?�§ ���� ��e ���� �€ ��}}�i
pa}Tment o�= �����ai fi�:ds Lo the State {ti��i� �g§��s� �@ ��!� ��@�e€�: �� ���@��`�
proper fa�_�.i���e� f��' i�as�ectioF� of tl�� {;@��, �}��E����� a�� §{}��� �� ai� ���?es
have acc��� �� �1a� �?;ex:ises, to ail bo���; ���@���� @�}=z°g��9��Qa6e3 �{}���}}�t�o<;�
receipCs� uquEli��s, ;�e.:�randa af ever} ���s�i�?���u �3���?3.u��}� �@ :��}a ��}@�j`
hercunder; ��}�' �'�ds:.ral i?i�;i:�;ay Adnini�fi��t�.�a �}�aii i��z-b ��}� &�r;e =��i}� @€
inspectio� a� a�ti��-;�e� t?���. Co:-.:n:issio��e� }}�����:
- 6 -
• ��;F(�I.i�S. �'he (;it} sha1Z. nai}�Ea�ri at} ad�i�;=3�� �a��#,�u}?��}� ��s��r} ��
all costs };ac��;�r��ci i:1 cc;n�:ction witlt ���;� �u#�3��t ��f �ia}� a����-?�:}--�� $?��
�'���'t: i;i�; �
shall produce for sxaminati�n books of account, bills, invoices and other
� voucliers, or certified cupies thereof if originals be lost, at such reasonable
time and place as raay be desig,nated by the Federal Highway Adr.iinistration, or
by the Commissicner or his duly authorized representatives and shall permit
' extracts and copiss thereof to be raade.
- 7 -
COMPLIANCE S�ITFi LAT1S. The City shall co�ply with all Federal, State
and local laws, together with all ordinances and regulations applicable to the
- 8 -
SUI3LETTZi�G. The services of the City to be performed hereunder
sha11 not be assigned, sublet or transferred unless written authority to do so
is gzanted Uy the Commissioner. This written consent shall in no way reZieve
the Czty from its primary responsibility for performance of the work. It is
undersiood that materials testing nay be performed by an independent testing
laboratory under contract taith the City.
- 9 -
STATT �i�fPT.OYEES. The City shall not engage, on a full or parttime
or other basis during the period of this agreement, any professional or technical
personnel who are or have been at any time during the period of this agree�ent
in tt�e employ of the State, except regularly retired employees, without written
consent nf .the S�a�e.
- 10 -
CITY Ei�iPLOYEES. E1ny and alI employees of the City or other persons
wh�le engaged in the per£ormance of any work or services required by the City
under this a�;reement shall not be considered employees of the State, and any
and all claims that may or Mip,ht arise under the 4Jorl:er's Compensation Act
Page No. 6
. ' � 1 ����"�r
of �Sinnesota on hehalf of sa�d employces or other persons while so engabed,
and any and al_1 claims made by aczy third party as a consequence of any act or
omission on the part of tlie City's emrloyees or ather employees or other
persons cahile so Fngaged on any of the e,•ork or services to be rendered shall
in no way be the obligation or respoilsibi.lity of ttie State. �
- 11 - �
LIMITATIO?�S OF LS��d. Al1 provisions of this agreement shall be
� subject to limitations provided in the State of �iinnesota and Federal Laws. : �
- 12 - - �
NOI�TDISCP.IP•1INATIO\ I:EGULATIO�:S. During the performance of this
agreement, the City, itself, its assignees and successo�s in interest agrees
' • to comply with Title VI of thz Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Ac-
cordingly, 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 21 throuoh ���en�ix H and 23 CFR
710.405 (b) are made a, part hereof by reference with the same force and
effect as though fully set forth herein.
- 13 - , �
ACT: The Cit}� stipulates Chat any facility to be utiliced in performance
unJer or to benefit from this agreement is not listed on the• Environmental
1'rotection A�;ency (1:PA) List of Violating Facil.ities issued pursuant to the
requi'rements of the Clean Air Act, as amended, and the Federal �dater Pollution
Conrroi Acr, as amended.
T�ie Ci t� further agrees to camply caitli all of tlie requiremeuts of �
section 114 oi the' Clear Ai.r Act and section 303 of tlie Federal �Jater. Pollution .
Control. AcC, aud all rcgul.ations and �;uidelines issued tfiereunder.
Fa�e t�o. 7 .
� � r, - ' � �
The City stipulates that as a 'condition of fedexal aid piirsuant to
this agreement it' shall_ notify the Commissioner of the receipt of any ad�*ice
indicating that a f.acilily to be utilized ixz performance under or to benefit
from this agreement is undcr consideration to be listed oiz the F,PA List of
Violating Facilities. �
� - 14 - .
CONSTFUCTION OF PP.OJECT. Letting of the project and payment for
the project construction sha11 be under an ageilc3� agree��ent entered into by
the City and the Commissioner for that purpose and in force at the time of
the opening of bids for the project.
�- - 15 -
APPROVAL: Before this agreement shaZl become binding and effective,
it shall be approved by resolution of the City Covncil and shall also receive .
the approval of such s�t�te officers as the law may provide in adciit.ion to the .
Commissioner of Transportation. . '
- 16 -
ACCF.PTANCE: That the Commissioner accepts this said appointment as
Agent of the City and �grees to act in accordance herewith.
I'.i€;e No. �
C I TY OF ST. PRtlL ������
Di rector, Pub1 i c ldorks Mayor � '�
Assistant City Attorney Director, Finance � �1anageme�t Services�
Approved as to form and execution
Qate - Spec. Asst. Attorney �eneral Date - Gommissioner of Trans�ortation �
Date - Director, Office of State Aid
Pac�n t�la. y