274711 WHITE - �ITV CLERK CO�IIICil ��4� CAN�PINK - -��NANCE CITY OF SAINT PAiTL v - DEPAV7TMENT File NO. �� CITY ATTNY/HRA/SDM • • � , Council Resolution ' `��.�� Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DEDICATION OF PROPERTY BY THE MAYOR ON APPROVAL OF GRANT ASSISTANCE FROM THE URBAN PARK AND RECREATION RECOVERY PROGFtAM - WILDER RECREATION CENTER WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation is applying for grant assistance from the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program (hereinafter "Program") in order to rehabilitate the building and improve the site of the Wilder Recreation Center, owned by the City of St. Paul, pursuant to Council Resolution C.F. 274406 ; and WHEREAS, Section 1010 of the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act (16 USC §2509) requires that property improved or developed with assistance of its Program shall not be converted to other than public recreation uses without the approval of the Secretary of the Department of the Interior. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul, . Minnesota, authorizes the Mayor to dedicate the Wilder Recreation Center more particularly described as Block 12 , Edmund Rices First Addition in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, 5tate of Minnesota, to public recreational purposes upon the approval of the above mentioned grant; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said dediaation when made shall not be revoked or changed without first securing the approval of the Secretary of the Interior according to the terms of Section . 1010 of the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act (16 USC §2509) ; and COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays Corrm�unity Services Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By l#pproved by Mavor. Date _ Appr by Mayor for Submis t il '`� By _ BY � WMITE - GTY CLERK ����� � PINK - F:4MANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council CAN }F- DEPARTMENT BLU� - MAVOR File �O. Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date —2— BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if said grant application is denied by the Department of the Interior that this Resolution shall be null and void and of no effect whatsoever. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas AHQN Nays � �� Community Services �,�z [n Favor Hunt I.evine � __ Against BY Maddox Showalt Te o � � 01980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopt y Counci . Date � C tified Ya- d by C , crc�tary . BY g , IG�� �P d hY ,�a�o�: � _ aPa � 4 �9so Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy _ — sy �11RtlsttfQ APR 1 9 1980 � ...._. __. � l . . ` . . . � . ` . , . � . ti OM O1: Z2/�.975 . . Rsv. : 9/8/76 E��o;_,��r�ccE`' .`+����-�.-� . g _ —z Date: Apri l 2, 1980 � �" `r., � � ' " � '� t , A�r ::, , F,J-�� _� T0; MAYOR GEORGE LAT7� MA�f 4R'S OF�10E �= Thomas Ke11 ey � �= Dedication of Wi1der Recreation. Center for Recreation Purposes _ nc�s�c�s�D: : ' � � Center � Approval of Counc�1 to dedicate W�lder Re�eeatiori/'for public recreation • purposes. � -- . , po�os� Arrc �Trox� FoR ssrs ac�r=orr: - The U.S. Department of Tnter�or requires that park property which is .�improved by UPARR grant assistance be dedica�ed for pubtic recreation purposes and that this use cannot be change� without prior approval by � the Secretary of the Tnterior. This is part of the grant application process. . A2'TAG�ENTS: �