274708 �NHITE - CITV CLERK �A��Q��
PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council r� `i V
ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10. 07. 4
of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred
the following in the 1980 budget:
From: General Government Accounts
Contingent Reserve - General
09060-536-000 Transfer of Contribution
to Budget Fund ' $12 ,885
TO: Community Services Department
Division of Housing & Bldg. Code Enforcement
Truth-in-Sale of Housing _
03335-111-000 Salaries $12 ,255
03335- 232-000 l�il.eage 630
12 ,885
Approved as to F n 'ng: Approved:
� CQt; ! �: �
Dir. , Dept. "of Finance & gmt. Services B dget Dir ctor
�� 3�r�� �.�3/31�g e
McMAH01V �E� Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
�� In Favor
Levine � __ Against BY
Te co
Adopte y Council: Date AAR 1 0 1960 Form Approv by'�ity ttorney
_ � \
C. rtified Pa- by Co ncil Ctetary BY
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t#pp � b,, ;,�a�o�: at _ APR 1 4 1980 Ap ro ed by Mayor for Su �on to Council
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March 18� 1980
�ir. frank A. StaPPenaon, Secretary-Treasurer
Exsmining 8osrd For Truth-In-Houeing Evaluators
City Hall
Saint Paul, {�innesota 55102
Dear Frank:
Pursuant to the r�solution passed at tiie �ast meeting
af the Examining Board For Truth-In-Nousing Evaluators, ' �
I ask that you proceed With tlie request to ttie City
Counc3.1 For a neW P_ulltime employee.
The position requires an individual Who ia capab].e and
qualiPied ta be an administrator oP ttie Truth-In-Housfng
program. Duties should incl.ude the administrative and
technical tiork necessary to evaluate and coordinate the
program and �o ensure the competency of T�uth-In-Nousing
�-� � � �
.� � .
Thomas�J Delaney
� ��
�- ' ` �4,` ��' ������
March 27, 1980
MEMO T0: Richard Schroeder
Budget Director ,
FROM: Glenn A. Ericks � � �����
Supervisor of C ��eme �
SUBJECT: Request and justification for the position
of Housing Code Specialist
As the function of the Secretary-Treasurer for Truth-in-Sale of Housing lies
within the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement, it is necessary
to provide adequate staff to oversee the provisions of Chapter 54A. (attached) .
The position (Housing Code Specialist) would atso be available for additional
duties as a housing complaint field supervisor. This activity has been
expanded by virtue of Health environmental functions into the Housing Code
Attached is an outline of the duties and responsibilities the Evaluations
Monitor would be required to perform in addition to investigating field
complaints. Also attached is the request from the Board of Examiners, Truth-
in-Sale of Housing for a position similar to that currently existing in the
Minneapolis Building Department.
An income resource to fund this position could be the revenue received from
tests, filing fees, and report filing, now operational . Currently a Clerk II
is charged to this revenue.
Estimated revenue for 1980 is $35,000 - $40,000. The salary for Housing Code
Specialist is approximately $21 ,000.
Attachments: Chapter 54A.
Letter, Board of Examiners, dated 3-18-80
Job Sepcifications for Evaluations Monitor
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The Evaluations Monitor � Truth- in�Sale� �of Housing , does professional
administrative and technical work to evaluate and coordinate the Truth- '
in-Sale of Nousing Program and to ensure the competency of Truth- In-
Sale of Housing Evaluators . This employee prepares the examination
for Evaluators ; investigates and evaluates ail complaints relative to
7ruth- in-Sale of Housing evaluations ; periodicaily checks the work o,f
. .
each Evaluator by going to a dwelling and evaluating the electrical ,
plumbing , heating and structural components to make sure the Evaluator
is doing a proper job; prepares reports of investigations for the
complainant , the Evaluator involved � and the Truth- in-Sale of Housing
Examining Board ; prepares recommendations to the Baard for possible
disciptinary action against individual Evaluators . This employee also
prepares recommendations to the Examining Board for possible changes tn
Truth- in-Sale of Housing Ordinance and forms ; attends a11 meetings of
Housing Evaluators and Truth- in-Sale of Housing Examining Board ; acts
as training officer for Evaluators ; serves as expert witness and -
testifies in' court actions resulting from Truth- in-Sale of Nousing
complaints ; and does related duties as required .
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`- ,-: Oc1de ; April 7, 1980
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T0 : Saint f�au! Ci�y Cour��ii �
�.Ir- �
RUBY HUNT� chaifman, makes tt�e �c�I�ov�ing
repart on C. F. (1.} �x Qrci;n�t�c�
(2) Q Resfllutian
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T1T�� :
1 . The Finance Committee, at i. �.s meeting of April 7 , 1980,
recommend�d approval of the following : �
� . Resolutian transferring $22 , 260 fro�� contingency
reserve to t�e Housing InspectiQn section, to add ; �
�hree �osztians to the staff of �hat section. -�
�../ 2 . Resolution transferring $12 , 885 from eontingent . _
reserve to. Truth in Housing se.ct�on o� th.�; Di.vision �
��' Honsing and Building Code Enforc�ment ta add
another pa�si.tion �o the staff of that _sec-�ion. .
'� o �rdinance amending Chapter 33A af the Admi.nistrative
Code (paricing r.eimbursement for city employees� =-
amended rvording to reflecL that el.�cfied officials
Y�e .excluded. : .. -- -
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