274704 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L Council ���.y�f.y� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. � ( ( 4 � BLUE.� - MAVOR Council Resolution page � of 4 Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date COMMENDING THE McKNIGHT FOUNDATION FOR ITS OFFER TO CREATE A PdINNEAPOLIS- SAINT PAUL FAMILY HOUSING FUND AND DECLARING THE CITY'S SUPPORT OF USING THE FUNDING IN SAINT PAUL. WHEREAS, It has long been the objective of the City of Saint Paul to expand housing opportunities for all its citizens, regardless of their family or economic status; and WHEREAS, The current rapid inflation in the cost of both new and existing housing, high rates of interest and shortages of housing capital require the City of Saint Paul to seek forms of assistance from all potential sources - including foundations - to supplement forms of assistance now available from local, state, and federal governments; and 6VHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is now considering a new element of its Comprehensive Plan entitled Housing Saint Paul, 1980-1990, which has as its central goals the expansion o housing supply and the retention of young families as city residents; and WHEREA5, The recent report of the City' s Housing Task Force has demonstrated the urgent need for new forms of assistance for low- and moderate-income families, particularly in the rental housing area; and WHEREAS, Increasing housing costs have seriously decreased the ability of low- and moderate-income families to afford appropriate rental or owner-occupied housing; and COUNCIL114EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Maddox Showalter � Tedesco Form Appro by City Attor Adopted by Council: Date — - Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy /approved by ;14avor. Date _ App ve by Mayor for iss on,to Council By _ _ _ By - ? Page 2 of 4 ������ WHEREAS, A proposal entitled McKnight-D�inneapolis-Saint Paul Housing Fund, dated February, 80 , has been developed and sub- mitted to the McKnight Foundation by the Mayor of Saint Paul � and the Mayor of A�inneapolis with the support of the Minnesota AFL-CIO; and WHEREAS, The objectives of this proposal are to: - Increase the supply of affordable family housing through new construction; - Improve the utilization of the existing moderate-cost detached housing stock through the construction of alternative housing for one- and two-person households, and improve the condition of existing housing; - Make the purchase of existing housing affordable for moderate- iricome families; - Create effective financing and rental assistance programs; - Encourage innovative housing design, including alternative energy systems, and provision for large family units; and WHEREAS, The McKnight-Minneapolis-Saint Paul Family Housing Fund will assist four district programs: - The construction of new housing for young families; - The construction of new housing for "mature families" ; - The provision of assistance to young families purchasing existing detached housing; - The substantial rehabilitation of existing structures for rental, cooperative, and condominium housing for young families; and WHEREAS, Assistance from the Fund will be distributed equally in dollar terms between the Cities of 1�Zinneapolis and Saint Paul to assist moderate-income families; and WHEREAS, On a program-wide basis, at least 25 percent of the units in developments assisted by the Fund will be available to lou�-income households, at least 55 percent to moderate-income households (those with incomes between 80 and 110 percent of inedian) , and no more than 20 percent to middle-income households (those with incomes be- tween 110 and 130 percent of inedian) ; and WHEREAS, Decisions on which housing developments will be assisted by the Fund will be r.lade by a Board of Trustees constituted as follows: - Three representatives of the Organized Labor Pension Fund Pool, one of which will be an employer representative; - The Niayor of Minneapolis; - The Mayor of Saint Paul; - Two members of the Saint Paul City Council; - Two members of the Minneapolis City Council; - Chair of the Minneapolis Housing and Redevelopment Authority; - Chair of the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority; - Four private sector representatives from the P�inneapolis/ Saint Paul financial and business community, appointed by the Mayors with City Council approvals; r � � ' Page 3 of 4 ��r 1`�{�� - One citizen representing Minneapolis, appointed by the Mayor with City Council approval; - One citizen representing Saint Paul, appointed by the rZayor with City Council approval; and WHEREAS, The Board of Directors of the McKnight Foundation is prepared to make the following commitment: The Board of Directors of the McKnight Foundation has approved a commitment of $15 ,000 ,000 ($10 ,000,000 in program-related investments, and $5 ,000,000 in program grants) to assist the Twin Cities and organ�zed labor to substantially increase, within the next five years, affordable housing opportunities available to moderate- income families residing in the Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul; and WHEREA.S, This commitment is contingent upon obtaining certain rulings from the Internal Revenue Service as they relate to the r�cKnight Minneapolis-Saint Paul Family Housing Fund and upon general compliance with the details of the plan, as outlined in the document P�cKnight-Minneapolis-Saint Paul Family Housing Fund, dated February, 1980, and in supporting memoranda dated March 4 and March 5 , 1980; and WHEREAS, The monies committed by the McKnight Foundation to the ' Fund will be used to assist moderate-income households through Graduated Assistance Plans (GAP) for both renters and owner- occupants; and WHEREAS, The financial assistance to be made available by the Fund will substantially expand the capacity of the City of Saint Paul to use monies available from local, state and federal sources to provide affordable housing opportunities; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI;d 1 PAUL: That the City of Saint Paul commends the McKnight Foundation for its offer to create a McKnight-Minneapolis-Saint Paul Family Housing Fund with the above-stated objectives, programs and structure. That the City of Saint Paul, within established City budgetary, planning and development control policies, regulations and pro- cesses, will seek to obtain--on a project-by-project basis-- local, state and federal forms of financial assistance, as well as development control permits, necessary to the development of hous,ing �inancially assisted by the McKnight-Minneapolis-Saint Paul Family Housing Fund. That, by resolution, the City of Saint Paul from time to time WHITE - C�TV CLERK 2'�4'�Q4 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT , BL'U,E � - MAVOR File �O. Council Resolution Page 4 of 4 Presented By Refer ed To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date will advise the Board of Trustees of the r�icKnight-Minneapolis- Saint Paul Family Housing Fund regarding the use of the Fund' s assistance within the City of Saint Paul, including positions with regard to which sites should be given priority for Graduated Assistance Plan (GAP) and other forms of assistance obtained from the Fund, income mix of housing developed--both on program and project scales--and the City' s citizen participation process appli- cable to the development of specific sites. That the City of Saint Paul urges the Board of Trustees of the McKnight-Minneapolis-Saint Pau1 Family Housing Fund to explore means of providing instances of GAP assistance to families making less than 80 percent of the Metropolitan Area' s median income, thereby expanding the City' s ability to achieve its commitment to low-income families as set forth in the City' s Housing Assistance Plan. That the Department of Planning and Economic Development will be the lead agency in assisting the Fund to implement these programs. That the Mayor' s Office be requested to provide copies of pertinent information to District Planning Councils and other groups upon their request so that they can be informed as to the nature of this effort and so that they can suggest ways in which the Fund' s proposed activities can be successfully implemented. That the Mayor has the support of the City Council in his efforts to further develop this proposal. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas . �,�� aH�N Nays � �� [n Favor Hunt Levine _ 4 __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Ted APR �1980 Ado y Council. Date Q Form Approve y ity Atto n ertifie . ed by C ncil Secr�tary BY B 1 f�pp v by iVlavor: Da _ APR � 4 �� App by Mayor for ss �n�o Council By — By � APR 1 9 1980