274703 WHITE - CITV CLERK . ���n� PINK - FINANCE COURCII v CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. BI.UE - MAVOR Counci R solut ' Presented By LIC�NS� C�MMITT�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date wH�R�AS: Pnapetc n��'.i.ce h.a.s been nece,i.ved cus �� a chanye ab a�b�.ceh�s �.n Bae-�vavi.s, Inc. , Un Sa.2e L,i.quatc Li.ce.vuseee u,t 4G0 N. Lex,t,v�g�an Avenue, Jetcame �. �van�s ha�s tce�s�,gned a�s V�.ce Pne�s.i,dev� - Sec�ce,tatcy a� �he can�ana�.an a.vi.d he ha�s vca� been he�.2aced, �helr.e�ane, be .i.t R�SOLV�D: 7ha� �he cutvicev�t �b�y�.ce�c av�.d �sv.2e b�acfzha.�detc a� Bve-�va.vv�, Tnc. .i�s Pne�s�.devi,t Raymand 1. Baga�y, be and �he �same -i.s hetceby a�pnaved. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: 'Hera�_ Hunt [n Favor Levine ry M�dox V __ Against BY McMahon �r, Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date — RDD U _�0� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pa �e y Counc' e re BY 1 t#pp ov by lVlavor: Date — ADD A A �nnn Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY I�1Rt.tSKED APR 1 9 i980 . . 2""����� LEVIN t3 ROHLEDER, LTD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 620-621 COMMERCE BLDG. ALBERT D.LEVIN ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 KENNETH 1.ROHLEDER TELEPHONE 224-3341 AB9'�BaN April 1, 1980 RE�E��E� C NGER �►CEN� �� pNISI�T ApM�N�STRA PERM ,� � 1gR� EPARTMEN� �TFSERVIC�. Licensing Division 4ND MANAGEME� City of Saint Paul 3 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 In re: Boe-Evans, Inc. 460 North Lexi.ngton Parkway Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Enclosed please find copies of the following documents which you have requested from the above named corporation: Resignation of Jerome E. Evans Minutes Resolving purchase of Jerome E. Evans Stock Minutes accepting Resignation of Jerome E. Evans. Please contact our office if there is other or further information required. Very truly yours, LEVIN & ROHLEDER, LTD. � Ke n th .I. R hleder KJR/ssb � Enclosures a • ,. 2'74'�0� MINUTF.S OF SPtiCIAL MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF LOI.-F.VANS, INC. A special meeting, duly call_ed by the President o1 the Corporation Raymond J. Bogotty, was held at the office of the corporation, 1462 North Hazel, Sai.nt Paul, Minnesota, on the 27th day of June, 1979, at 2:00 o'clock ''^ P.Di. Present were Raymond J. Bogotty and Jerome E. Evans, bein� the only Directors of said Corporation. The Secretary presented to meeting a Notice of Special Meeting which was sent to both Directors. It was ordered that such Notice of Special Meeting be filed in the record book of the Corporation, together with these minutes to be made a permanet part thereaf. The minutes of t.he Annual �Ieetinb of the Board ot Directors held on Novenber 15, 1978, were read and approved. The President presented to the meeti.ng notice of the intention of Jerome E. Evans to sell all of the sti�ck h�ld by him in Boe-Lvans, Inc. , to the Corporation. Discussion was ttiereafter held as to tlie terms and cctlditions of the purchase of the stock by the Corporation and the funding Lur said purchase. On motion duly made, seconded and unanimuusly approvc�cl, the following Resolutions were aciopted: RESOLVED, That the Corporation ��urchase all of th�, scack issued to Jerome E. Evans, for a total. purchase price of Seven Thousand (7,000) �ul.lars, pay:ible pur.suant fo the terms and conditions of tliat c4rtain Purchase and Sal.e Agre.ement dated June 27, 1979, a copy of which is attached hureto and marked as L'xhibit A. FURTHER RESULVED, That the Corporation siiall borrow Zrom Raymond J. Bogotty the sum of Seven Ttiousand (7,000) dollars to be used for the pur�ose of purchasing said stock Lrom Jerome E. Evans and to pay the outstanding bills, debts and obligations of the Corporation. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Corporation is hereby authorized and directed to enter into the Purcliase and Sale Agreement marked as Exhibit A and attached hereto, and to reci�ve in the Corporation the stock being purchasecl from Jerome E. Evans, and that stock is hereafter to be known as Treasury Stock. � . � �f��'rj �`S ! �� Jerome E. Evans tl;ereafter tendered to the lioard oF Directors his resignation as an officer and Director of said Corporation. On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously approved, the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, That the resi�nation of Jerome E. Evans as Vice- President - Secretary of the Corporation and a Director of the Corporation, be Accepted immediately. r�' FURTHER RESOLVF.D, That the remaining Director, Raymond J. Bogotty, elected to not hold an election for another officer to complete the term of Jerome E. Evans, and that he would remain the sole Director of said Corporation and its only officer. Th� Corporation and Jerome T:. Fvans ther�:after executed the Purchase and Sale Agreement marked as Exhibit A and attached hereto. � —�� _ �' �`_�,�.�� Raymond J. Bogotty ' - 2 - . � ` ������ R E S I G N A T I 0 N � The undersigned does hereby resign effectively .Tune 27, 1979, as the Vice-Presl.dent - Secretary of B0�-�VANS, INC. Dated June 27, 1979. ' .�.c.....,..�,,�_,o._._�.._..�'' -----=_.��,� _.____ Jerome Everett Fvans .- -, � ,,,,,,,,,�, �d''���'�?'� _=�:�`'T* °'�;;--,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� ��= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;, wuum �; %r 1111111i1 A c "�' = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION '�w �... '"imm�..���``��` ROOm 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR April 9, 1980 Madam President and Iionorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Madam President and Honorable Members: A letter has been received showing a change of officers for Boe-Evans, Inc. , President-Treasurer, Raymond J. Bogotty, and Vice-President-Secretary, Jerome E. Evans. Mr. Bogotty and Mr. Evans are the stockholders. Mr. Evans has resigned from the corporation, making Mr. Bogotty the sole officer and stockholder. Mr. Bogotty will operate this business personally and will continue to operate as Lorence Rec at 460 North Lexington Avenue. This application has been reviewed by the License and Permit Division and the City Attor�ey's Office. The recommendation is for approval. Very try�ly yours, 6�,� � JO PH F. CARCHEDI, License Inspector O . . � i � �..����i���i�� ���.��'�� ��``T' �'�''� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�• .�,,, �� i= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %� iii�iii�ii �� �"��' = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ��'G��i ���• C�.`� lm ,,,.•° Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR April 9, 1980 Madam President and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Madam President and Honorable Members: A letter has been received showing a change of officers for Boe-Evans, Inc. , President-Treasurer, Raymond J. Bogotty, and Vice-President-Secretary, Jerome E. Evans. Mr. Bogotty and Mr. Evans are the stockholders. Mr. Evans has resigned from the corporation, making Mr. Bogotty the sole officer and stockholder. Mr. Bogotty will operate this business personally and will continue to operate as Lorence Rec at 460 North Lexington Avenue. This application has been reviewed by the License and Permit Division and the City Attorney's Office. The recommendation is for approval. Very truly yours, JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI, License Inspector �O