274702 NNMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIIL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO.��� BLUE - MAVOR Cou cil R sol io Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R�SULV�D: Tha� .Q.i.ce,vuse.s �an �e�crru,t�s �� c�nduat b�i,nga game�s, ap�.P.t.ed �vn by �he �a.22ow�,ng �nguwi.zafi.�.ovus u,t �he adc�ice��se�s ��cr,ted, �an �he day�s, dcc��s and hawu .i,vi.cli,ecr,ted an �he a��.e,i,ca�;i.�n, be a.vi.d �he �ame cuce he�r.eby gnu.v�ted. �i,i.ngv Ap�n. Canevnc�i,a S�.ng.i,ng Sac.t,e.ty 40� Ma,i.n St. 51 Pd�. 137k3 R�N�GI S�. Chat�2e� Saai.e,ty ��n Li.t.t.2e S.i.s�et�s v� �he P�an 459 Glaba.sha 51 Pd�s. 14037 R�N�UI COU[VCILMEN Yeas _�� Nays � Requested by Department of: Hunt y� Levine � [n Favor Maddox B McManon __ Against Y '3hro.re#er �� Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified V•s y Cou ' Secr ry BY � 1 4 198p Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council App by �Navor: D — BY - – — BY �S�tED APR 1 9 1980 . E � ,,� �� � �. ,....,,,,,,,,., =��``T' °'�''--, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�• .,,,, '� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES _: ui'iii'ii �= ��`%�• "c` DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION J°'���,m,','���°�� Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR A�tc,i.2 9, 19�0 Madam Pne��,dev� and Hananab.�e Membelr.s a� �he C.t,t y Caunc,i.2 Sa,i.v►,t Pau,e, M-i.nne�o�a Madam Prce��.dewt and Honotcab.�e Membet�.s: The Cancc,ncLi,a. Sting�.ng Sac,i.e,ty ma.Fze� a��.2iec�t,i.an �an peJi.rn.v,- �s�,an �a evv�duc.t B.i.nga game� �atc 51 Pe�c,i,ad�s cr,t 40& Mcu.n S�. , beg�.nvi,i.ng Mcvr.ch 14, 1980. The ap�.P.i,ec�fi.ivw ha�s been made by 7ame� F. Gap�a, Pn�s�.dev�t and Ru�h L. Gap�a w� be manag�.ny �he game�s, wh,i.ch w.i,?.e be p.e.ayed an. Frc,i.da.y be�tween �h.e hau� ab 1:30 P.M. and 5:30 P.M. Th,i� a�p.e,�.ca,t,i.ov� ha�s been nev�,ewed 6y �he l.,i.cevuse and Pe�cm.i,t ��.v.i.a�.an and �he C.i�y A�.tanwey'�s U���.ce. The necommenda�.t.a�. .i� �an a�pnava,2. Vetcy �r.u,ey yawus, � o����.�+ Jv�se�h �. Ccvcchedi. Li.cev�e I ws�ee.tan J�C/�.P.t �� � ...,,,.,«,,,,� 2'����2 ''���`'TT °'L''' CITY OF SAINT PAUL _=.•` °.;''-,,, '� '= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� �ii�ii°0 �= ��`��• �� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ''°j,�,�m•••c°`.-`' Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR A�tc,t.Q 9, 19 80 Madam Pne��.dev�t and Hanr�nab.2e Membetv� a� �he C,i:ty C�unai.e Sa,i,wt Pau.2, M.i.nne�a�a Madam Pn�s�.dev►,t and Hav�atca.6.2e Membe�vs� The S�. Chcvr.2e� Sac.i.e.ty �an L.i.t.t2e S�vs�ens a� �he Paan mafze� ap�.e,t.ca�an �an petcm.i�a�,�n �a canduc,t �.i.Kga gam�s �on 51 �eh,i.acUs cc,t 459 waba�ha S�. , beg-i.nvu,ng May 11, 1980. The a��-?,i.ca�'.t.an l�.cr� been made by R,i.chutr.d N. Mcvr�',i.n, Ttcea�utcetc. und Ka�'hy Sv�yde�c. w.i.P:e be manag�.ng �he yame�, wh,i,ch w�i,e.� be p.2ayed an Sunday be,tcveen �he haw�.s a� 3:30 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. 7Gu� a��.P.i,ca�',i.an hab been nev�,ewed b y �he Li.cews e and Pe�r.m.i.t D�,v.v��.an and �he C.c,ty A�tatcney'� U��-i.ce. The necammenda,#'.i,an -i�s �an a��nava,2. V etc y �iu�.�y ya�v�s, ��� ' Jo�e�h �. Canched,i; 1,i;cews e I ws�ec,tan J�C/n?.t �O