274689 2`74689
File No.
In the Matter of re�������$ ���,�� � ��k ineidsntal tl�+sr�tva
Pina�ace aila 1�. Des�liptioa
S 20689 l�aat a►ids ot A�iA'�S �� irc� �t M�t�aolie Ar�aa to
B��E Je�sa�ins Aw�au.
k� 9 10690 Sonth sid: ot' Sa�t Hyaetint"h AQ'BlafJE �t si+db�+ck b�t�ea�n Barl Straae
u�l Fora�t �treet
- S 10691 iie�t side of PA2l�8 A88E1U8 fzos i�Tiat Id�ho ��r�ae Lo I�o�th 82 l�sst,
abuttiag 1b27 and 1f�31 P�ycee A�rannu�
S 1t�92 : Soutb side ai� �ast I�Y ANI�[TE lros Earl Streft to Ease 21�5 �'e�t
S 1Q693 Sc�uth side ai �AST RTACI�T�I AVEL�UE tro� �30 faet i�laat ot 1►orsst 8tr�t
to 443 faet iiest of �arast �treet, ae�d seplaae t�ro tra�-heav�d paaW.s
eu�ch at 916 aad 930 East �tyr�inth Arree�us
3 ItM94 Bo�h sides �t &�,BT IA�WA AYBi+tt)E fro� �fn Str�art ta �ast �t 1618 aad
1b12 (Lota� A ,sad 1Q, �lock 10), �nd i82! (Lot 17. �ock 7) �
---''"- under Administrative Order � approved —
under Prelimina Order ;��•�3�tJ a roved MAR 1 1 1980
ry pp
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and '��" �
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
�APR $ 1980
COLTNCILMEN Adopted e Cou il: Date
Yeas Nays
MOZZa rtified Pa b ouncil Se�retary 1 � �80
Levine In Favor
� �
�`�'�r��x Against
MC:'_':!�Oft Mayor
Sc: « �:alter
Te:�_� :�o APR 1 9 1980
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