274687 CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNC�. FILE N�T-�s.--�—.�,�,'.;l�l�� H r a""f d F I N A L O R D E R BY�� ,�...��--'T'���,�;.�",a;,,,,,,� �. xy,: :��10� File No. In the Matter of �t�aet�o� Qwrb NQ �tEt�',� 11dNl��it�� Ot'oi�1MCs� i1�M1N� �i,ghria�. stt�et tnYeti�hia�ts� aQd �►�+�ttiays e�n th�e tollvvio; rtr�rt�r s 1t�t 7th 8true h+a�� 6s�abri�t� ta �urb �w�rns l�ple =tra�t !'rar t�r�sbri�ne �c. to 190 lstt �th�str� o! 7� ftx+�t Riah�awsld Strset laow 7th �t�ca�t to i�t! t�Mrt southwst o! Teh Sts�st Hop� str+�+et fir+� Margarst to 1�Q l�et serth�t ox 7eh �tr+at llat��sr�t itrNt ltca Ho�s �t�r+Ht to Ar�a�t� •tra�� �iawKa Scr�ct fs�. 7th ,��t ca t4d l�st �oaeivasc oi idr 9c�r.sr �Ax'aad� /ttat lrar 700 lait rodtl� o! 11att�atMrt St�cMec to �y ittswt �Cli serut lra� 7th str«c to M�ndeta Serea� 1�dota 8tz�at le�w 3Meeh �ttu� to �T �Cs�t Eorut ftr�t !'ro� �y to i� xfst �otth o! Du�h tts�t Niaet�b�aha �Y�cw � � St�saet �o ybsM� Szrwt R+ymsy 8trs�t !'rco 124 last �reat oi" �ara�d� to Tora�e ltr�t All w k�arn a� thi '''iart i�rraath Strw� t�fi" wad�r� �nbllQ i�oelcs hojiat l-0836. ..._ _._ under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order ���� approved MAR 1 1 1980 . The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City of�cers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the C ncil: Date A PR 8 1980 Yeas Nays Cer ' ed Passed b o cil Secretary pR � p �gg0 � Hunt In Favor Levine Maddox Against Mayor McMahon schowa�}�- r'ti�l.t3� APR 1 9 1980 Te����__�, . _ ,' _..�� _ . CITY OF ST. PAUL DfPARTMENT Of FiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SFRViCES � ASSESSMEtd'T DIVISION ��j/���,` - �v i ��r7��i 713 CITY HALL ST.PAUL.MIN7�lESOTA S519Z March 21, 1980 File 18103 Page - The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public, hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall arid Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. oa Apri1. 8, 1980 about the advisability of proceeding with. the following Citp proje�t: • _ . :' _-� t� . . ;= , -;� Canstructiag curb and gutter, sidewalks, crosswalks, signals, lighting, ' �" street furnishi.ngs, and plaxttings on the followi.ng streets: _ . . - . =�:�� East Seventh Street from Greenbrier Street to Bush Avenue, � . - � Maple Street from Greenbrier Street to 150 feet southeast of Seventh Street, Eicbe�wald Street from Seventh Street to 150 feet southeast of Seventh Street, Hope Street from Margaret Street to 150 feet southeast of Seventh Street, . ' Margaret Street from Hope Street to Arcade Street, � Sinnen Street from Seventh Street to 200 feet southeast of Seventh Street, f' Arcade Street from 70Q feet south of Margaret Street to Reaney Avenue, � .- Beech Street from Seventh Street to Mendota Street, ,,. Mendota Street from Beech Street to Reaney Avenue, _ _ -���_' For�st Street from Reaney Adenue to 150 feet aorth of Bush Avenue., Mianshaha-Avenue from Hope Street to Forest Street, and � Reaney Avenue from �120 feet west of Arcade Street to ForESt Street. - - t� All to °be lrnown as the "East Seventh Street UDAG" under Public Works -_ Project �-0836. _ . - 'The total estimated cost of this project is $650,000.00 and will be financed by an Urban Development Action Grant. . If you wish detailed information regarding this proposed improvement, you are in- vited to meet with the technical advisors in Room 286, Citp Kall at 9:30 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing or you may- telephone 298-5311 for con- struction information. - , -� GThile the City Charter requires that we notify you of this hearing, we want ta help you to learn fully about any improvemeats that could affect you or your com- nunitq. '!'herefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can nake your views about it known to tl�e City Cosncil, wh�ther for or against. J. WILI.IAM DONOVAN VALUATIQN AND ASSESSMENT EYGIIVEER - � - ��7y�� ����� �� �3 ,� ���� �:� .�: �4 ����� � c w, , . � ��A , . k., � ,. � '���^ ` ��'a. �.�k. i '� "� , . �k :I,I�I �' � ,�� . . �� l l � � � � � �� � � .� � ,�a ; `� � , � � �� �. �. `� �:� � �-• ��. A�� aii m�u� , street Pr�]eGt P, t�, ', r , � � �`,�+� � ��� ����� �„� I ��� ���, � �� f. �d°'�;. ,� �; �?� I .�I� i. � i' . � $ r �,,. ; �a:� ��i �+; � ,��L'� , � ��1k; 1 :;��� � ; '��j� .� . �s.'. � . :� B�.a:�t.. � ', , dr-' n�:a{i$ +a?�. k a;,, y .,, . 1 b SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING RECOMMENDATIONS Report Prepared - March 5, 1980 Public Nearing - April 8, 1g80 ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY PROJECT: Curb and gutter, sidewalks, crosswalks� signals, lighting, street furnishings, and plantings on the following streets: East 7th Street from Greenbrier to Bush Maple Street from Greenbrier to 150' S.E. of 7th Street Eichenwald Street from 7th Street to 150' S.E. of 7th Street Nope Street from Margaret to 150' S.E. of 7th Street Margaret Street from Hope Street to Arcade Street Sinnen Street from 7th Street to 200' S.E. of 7th Street Arcade Street from 700' South of Margaret Street to Reaney Street Beach Street from 7th Street to Mendota Street � Mendota Street from Beach Street to Reaney Street Forest Street from Reaney to 150' North of Bush Street Minnehaha Avenue from Hope Street to Forest Street Reaney Street from 120' West of Arcade to Forest Street All to be known as the "East Seventh Street UDAG" under Public Works Project P-0836. INITIATING ACTION: This Project was initiated by the Department of Planning and Economic Development under the Urban Development Action Grant Program as a result of public input. EXISTING CONDITIONS: Most of the existing sidewalks are in poor or hazardous condition. Very few trees exist in the area. Some streets do not have curbing, some have curbing in poor condition. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Sidewalks in poor or hazardous condition will be replaced, curbing will be placed or repiaced as needed. Existing lighting will be converted to e�ergy effecient sodium luminous. Several streets will be converted to one way with angle parking. �Margaret St. _ - East 7th Street to Nope Street - One way Westbound Marqaret St. - East 7th Street to Arcade - One way �astbound Sinnen Street - East 7th Street to Arcade - One way Southbound .Mendota Street - East 7th Street to Beech Street - One way Northbound Beech Street - East 7th Street to Mendota - One way Eastbound Eichenwald Street - Sixth to 7th Street - One way Northwestbound � Advisibility and Desirability - 2 - March 5, 1980 The following streets are proposed for closing: Maple Street - East 7th Street to Greenbrier Street Reaney Street - Mendota Street to Forest Street. Pedestrian nodes will be created at severai locations along 7th Street to improve the area's identity. They will be at Maple, Sinnen� and Forest. They will contain benche� trees, special lighting, bus stops, trash recepticals, and textured pavement. The intersection of Arcade and Reaney is proposed for signalization. POSITIVE BENEFITS: This project will give this area a positive identity, increase pedestrian circulation, a�d improve area retail shopping. ADVERSE EFFECTS: This project will increase future maintenance costs and cause some disruption of area due to construction. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS The East Seventh Street Urban Development Action Grant street and pedestrian improvements project is currently near the end of the preliminary design stage with final design completion preparatory to construction drawings anticipated by March 31 , 1980. The Economic Development and Technical Services staff of the Department of Planning and Economic Development have been working closely with the Public Works staff and the East Seventh Street Business Association through the design development. Presentations of the preliminary design have been made to the East Seventh Street Business Association, the East Seventh Development Program group and the District 4, Dayton's Bluff Planning District Council for purposes of obtaining neighborhood imput. All of these bodies have passed actions to approve the preliminary design concept and directed staff and the consultant to proceed with detailed final design. To date, suitable and agreed to design solutions have been worked out wi�th the neighborhood and the business community to the best of ou� knowledge for all questioned aspects of the initial design with the exception of the advisability of the creation of angle parking bays on designated one way streets. The business community has requested and approved the angle parking concept. The community while not objecting to the concept has raised the question of traffic safety. TIME SCHEDULE: Construction should start on portions of this project in late 1980 with completion in 1981 . � Advisability and Desirability - 3 - March 5, 1980 COST ESTIMATE Contract $544�000 Engineering and Inspection 106,000 Total : $650,000 ESTIMATED FINANCING Urban Development Action Grant $650,000 RECOMMENDATION The Department of Public Works recommends approval of this order subject to the following conditions. 1 . Maintenance of specialty items and winter plowing of one way streets with angle parking shall be the responsibility of the East Seventh Street Business Association: Specialty items include be�ches, special trash containers, pedestrian lighting, and flag poles. 2. The proposed pedestrian peninsula's are concept only and subject to change based on final design. 3. Because Arcade Street and East 7th Street are trunk highways� the portions of the proposal in tf�ose streets are subject ta �he ap- proval of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Respectfully submitted, Donald E. Nygaard Director of Public Works NI 1111 �� � �1�� �11����`� �I���� �� I � �' —,--_ ��,i��i11 ��i��� �♦1111� ;�1 : � � .,- --� �� _ IIIII������� ::�� 111 � �� ���i �����i �i �I .5������������� � �������� � .■�; 1�11�111�11111�1=��IY�III��II�I�IIIIY r ��r �� `1�1111111■ -�..� 11� 111 �11�� �) � ' ���������■ :�. ���iw ��� �� I� : � � � � � � - ♦ � .1_�� . �. �r-�' =__����,�i ��iii = ry--, ��.� ��--•� ■v���r���r�����j j� :�— � �II�II�1 ��I= � ■�� ,A�il � Ill�lll�i • ►11�� ���i������� ���������I��I��111�� �. /1�1������1���� ������..� .1 111■ , , I���11111� 'll!�3::::�11111�1 � ����������:-�1;�������i�.��� �f I�► ���������i����������� i��t��i����►��� ,; � ' ��������������t��n��O�►il��1�� �0 .•�� � • � / ���� ` �a��� ���u���������ii ��t ♦ �� ♦ � � i��ssi �I /11�1 y► �'� ► ♦ ■���r �■�����������i� �r �7 ����. ���� �n����■ �� ■ R�����•►� — �lc�� lii=������������i��������i��►�! ! ���•���.- � �.:���=IY ����►G�����lI���I�I��Ii�i=, ..���, �� ��.•:•:��iii��iii v�� �.....1.���1_.■g■■. �. ����■■■�! 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