00-842council File # 00 � $41 Green sheet # \ O�i g Zq Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of a the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the s Compete Saint Paul Board. 4 s APPOINTMENTS 6 � Jan Unstad s William Fritts 9 Jon Duckstad io Shar Knutson il Mike Hernandez ia Edward LeClair ia Jeff Peterson 14 is Jan Unstad, William Fritts and Jon Duckstad each shall serve a three-year term i6 which will expire on September 1, 2003. Mike Hernandez and Jeff Peterson each i� shall serve a two-year term which will expire on September 1, 2002. Shar Knutson is and Edward LeClair each shall serve a one-year term which will expire on i9 September 1, 2001. zo Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �y_-j._�p O�lc1. T Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B �—�°��� .—�� By: � Approved b yor: Da �� By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: l./� �I �'°`� ���� Mayor's Office Lucia Lebens.6-8533 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGQJOu1 BY Q Sept. 6, 2000 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES : : �� GREEN SHEET 00 -gys- No 106899 ��� ���- � arv�nouax � ❑ ana.wc ❑ woxcw.uRUCCaort ❑ rwucu�wvi�ecrn �wvwroR�an�xp ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointments of Jan Unstad, William Eritts, Jon Duckstad, Shar Rnutson, Mike Hernanadez, Edward LeClair and Jeff Peterson, by Mayor Coleman, to the Compete Saint PAul Board PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED s SOURCE INFORMATON (EJfPWN) Hes thia PareoMum e�rxarked uMer a cant�act forthis UePa�ment? VES NO Flae this P�rm Bver heen a eily empbyee7, res r+o Does this persoMim pwaess e cidll nat narmaliypossessed by eny WrteM city employee? VES NO Iad� peBaufirm n tprgded vendoYt . VES NO COSTAtEVENUE BUDOE7ED (CIRCGE ON� r�a��=,� ��:,y:, i YES NO ✓ 00 - P't �- CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Cin� Hall Norm Co[eman, Ma}or IS Wesr Kelfogg Boulevard Saira Paul, MN 55102 TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter FROM: Lucia Lebens�y��",� Assistant to the Mayor DATE: I•� August 29, 2000 Compete Saint Paul Board ��' iP � ,��;���. Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of Jan Unstad, William Fritts, Jon Duckstad, Shar Knutson, Mike Hernandez, Edward LeClair and Jeff Peterson to serve on the Compete Saint Paul Board. Jan Unstad, William Fritts and Jon Duckstad shall each serve a three-year term which will expire on September 1, 2603. Mike Hernandez and Jeff Peterson shall each sen e a two-year term which expire on September 1, 2002. Shar Knutson and Edward LeClair shall each serve a one-year term which will expire on September i, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Jan Unstad, William Fritts, Jon Duckstad, Shar Knutson, Mike Hernandez, Edward LeClair and Jeff Peterson, copies of their applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 2000. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments Telephone: 612-266-8510 Facsimi[e: 6I2-2668513 �UIBCk� ��22x€.^,it �^;s�:�Y � � • � � . � � �, � .,,... ... �v�� . C�TiEE : CL"�7PEI'E Ccxnpete FOR APPLICATIONS DATID AFTER Ol/Ol/99 0 0 _ gy,- PAGE 1 APPLIC�PP / REFERE[�TCE Cl�NN'�TI'S WARD PI,�TIIQG SENATE APP DATE EPH GII�T DIS DISIRICP DISPRICT (PRIOR) (C7PHER CONg`4ITIEES SII2V�TG ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003690 Batu[�nn, Gary H. O5/11/00 W M 10600 Soliet Ave. N. StillvTater, M[� 55082 Water Department of St. Paul 003552 Duckstad, Jon 2236 Pinehurst Ave., #4 St. Pau1, MI�T 55116 Attorney 003612 Fritts, William D. 2153 Knapp Street St. Paul, MM[�TT 55108 V.P. Govt. Affairs 003048 Hernandez, Michael P. 1037 Thorn Street St. Pau1, M�1 55106 Plant Manager 003698 Hollanitsch, Derek 181 W. Maryland Ave. St. Paul, MDii 55117 Parks and Rec Worker 003684 Kello�g, Anthony Mario 575 Manani.n Ave. #2 Saint Pau1, M[� 55107 Student 3 15 Zoning Boaxd 4 12 7 4 �7 2 3 C� OS/O1/00 W M 04/27/00 U M 06/Ol/00 H M OS/15/00 W M 04/27/00 W M 003577 Knutson, Shar 945 Monterey Cburt North Shoreview, MC�II 55126 Pres/Z`rades & I,�or Assembly 003686 LeClair, Edward Charles 382 Bidwell Street St. Pau1, NIIQ 55107 2 OS/12/00 W F OS/07/00 U M Int'1 Union of Oper, Eng. #35 00 .�y}- 08-28-00 C"UI�M4ITIEE APPLICANTS REFORT PAGE 2 APPLIC'ANTS_RPT Q�MD'IITI�E : CCd�IPETE Cot�ete FC�R APPLIQ�TIONS DATID AFTER Ol/Ol/99 APPLIC7IN'I' / REFEREPICE Ct7PM1Q�7I'S WARD PLANDTII�TG SEC�TE APP DATE ETH GIN DIS DISPRICI' DISPRICT (PRIOR) (OTf�R CCX�'N'ffTTEE'S SERVII�TG ON) --------------------------------- ---- ------- ------- -------- --- --- --- 003696 Moran, Thomas 13604 4th Ave. S. Burnsville, M[�TT 55337 Business Development Ma��ager O5/12/00 W M 003701 Peterson, Jeff 3155 Alden Pond L,ane Eagan, M[�T 55121 003578 LTnstad, Jan 5432 Morgan Avenue S. Minn eapolis, MC�TT 55419 Public Policy Manager OS/17/00 W M 04/27/00 W F 00 -fr y �- �'� � � ✓ 4;�w�'`" OFFIC'E OF THE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALL SAINT PAiTL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 RECEf ;'�7 F�:3 1 � 1�:�9 MAYOR'S OFFICE Name: Jon Duckstad Home Address: 2236 Pinehurst Avenue, �i 4" St. Paul MN 55116 Street City Zip Telephane Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address �Yhat is your occupaiion? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: �ome) 651 699-2901 ork) 651 227-3236 (F'A7{) 651 293-1365 City Council �Vard: 46 E. Fourth 1310 Minnesota B1dQ., St. Pau1, M�iI 55101 Attorney -- - St. Paul, Minnesota 1310 Minnesota Bldg., St. Paul, rL`I --' St. Paul Planning Commission Aeritage Preservation Commission L�� V �Vhat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointmer.t? As a former Assistant St. Pau1 City Attorney, I was assigned to the St. Pau1 PlanninQ Board from 1964 thru 1968 as a legal representative from the City Attorney Office. During � term as an assistant St Paul Cit�Attornev. I represented the City of St. Paul in our Ramsey County District Court and United States District Court on a number of litiQated zoning cases. (see attached) I al"so served as an assistant City Attorney from 1963 thru 1970 durinQ which time I drafted a revised billboard zoninQ code which was enacted and adopted by the then existing City Council and incorporated into the overall zoning code. I have considerable experience in Muncipal law 3ncluding zoning. I'also'represented the Village of Mendota from 1970 thru 1975 as its legal counsel. I have been in private practice in the City of St. Paul since 1970. I have also served as a part-time Ramsey County Public Defender from 1973 to the present time. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) � Rev. 8-5-97 • �- � �- , Name: Joseph 0'Neill oo-YH'r Address:_ _ 1250 Woz1d Trade Centez, 3Q E. Seventh Street> St. Pau1, MN Phone: Name: 51�1 ome) ork) 651 298-8300 Robert Fletcher, Ramsey County Sheriff Address• Adult Detention Center, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., St Paul, M1V 55102 Phone: Name: (F[omel (Work� 651 266-9303 Jim Reiter, Councilman Address: 310 City Hall & Courthouse, 15 W. Ke11oQQ Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55102 Phone: (Rome� (�Vork� 651 266-8510 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: �1) I am interested in the St. Paul Plannine Commission because I have considerable experience in the area of municipal land planning & zoning. I have also a great deal of legal experience in�this area in- cluding representation of the City of St. Paul in numerous zoninQ court cases from 1964 thru 1970. One of these cases involved preventing railroads from constructing three (3) high rise towers (buildings) which would have blocked the view from the Ke11oQg Mall. (2) I am also interested in preserving certain old buildings and landmarks in the City. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? I have had contact previously with the St. Paul Planning Board from 1964 thru 1970. I have not had prior contact with the Aeritage Presezvation Commission. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. X �Vhite (Caucasian) _ B(ack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo x Nfale Femate Disabled: Yes No X If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: O6(04/34 How did you hear aboutthisopening? Mrs. Harold R. Fostch (Judy Fotsch), 2133 Selby Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 (tel: 651 646-6216j ( a g '�;r. . � . � � ,F ;; :�.: �� . � � � L . 3 � , f}FFIC£ OP THE MA.YOIi 390 C1TY RAi T. � SAINT PAUL,IVTIlVNESOTA 5510Z - Phone: (651) 266-SSZS FAX: (651) 266-SS13 Name• t � I '� Home Address: _.Sp.�S.z Street City � 00 —P'�1 �' ,Zip Telephone Number(s): (Inc�uae Area Codes} (s� (�5l—(���`I — (0 5gS (Wl G, (,� -?��a P►anning District Council: ,_,�� City Council Ward: ` Preferred Mailing Address: �` ����� ���'P— _ , ...: _. :. •- • ._ � . _. - . ._..... _. _�.. ... � A _� What is your occupation? �� i C 2 '�J'2-S �� ��0� �,�' ��C ��cX.[n��,��' Committee(s) Applied For. � V S�t I�"�_ Ptace oT Employment: What skills, training or eaperience do you possess for tht cammittee(s) for which you seek appointa�ent: S-2� K.Sv��M.'C' .. f �� Post-iC Fax Note 767t E . '; The �rn�tffoa7nativn �cldz�ea o� r�i�s,mppTi * `a "'n,a� Govtrnmeat Aata Pra�ctiees ?iL~t. �icst a t'�3a�'bt, �3 ��+t t4tease� to �Ehe genersl pubtic. I� i � I (OVER) Rev. 3-31-99 o6i22i99 TtiE 14:25 FA3 651 647 6585 Lorl D. Fritts � 002 oO,P�{ r Retere.aces Lynne Scboen 2096 Fairwnys Lane Rose�ille, MN 55113 651-638-1959 Pat Nelson 2199 Quinn Ave St Louis Pazk, NL�T 612-926-9661 7an Unstad 24I0 C Upland Ave P[ym��th, MN 55447 612-929-4759 Rcason for interest in this commiaee. The vitality of S[. Paut is dependent upon retaining and attracdng homeowners. Our parks and diverse recreational opportunities can play a key role as to whether a family witl choose to make St. Paul their home. 1 am interested in preserving and restoring SG Paul's parks and recreational facilities for cumnt and future use and �o help enhance St. Paut overall No previous corttaa with committee. 06i22i99 TUE 14:25 Fe11 651 647 6585 Lori D- Fritts r���, R.ELI�I►�.STA.R on_�'Hr Management Biography William D. Fritts, Jr. Vice President, Government Relations l�ate of Employment with ReliaStar Finanaal: April 1994 Personai History: Bom in Cranford, �Iew Jersey on November 13, 1950. Graduated from Bun and Buiton Seaninary in Manchester, Vermont in June 1968. He and wife, Lori, live at 2153 Knapp Sueet, St. Paul, Ivfinnesota, 55108 with sons, William D., TII (19�0), James Robertson (1989), Robertson Charles Hawk (1993),and Thomas Bn.ice Robertson(199'7). Educational Background: 'Universitv ot' Vermont 1974 BA Business Career: RetiaStar �nancial Corp. April 1994 Vice President, Govemment to Present Relations Unifed 5tafes Senate 7anuazy 1993 Minnesota Director, Senator to April 1994 Dave Durenberger U.S. Department of Health uad Human Services August 1992 Counsellor to the Depury to 7anuary 1993 Secretary United States Denartment of Commerce May 199� Senior Advisor to the Secretary to August 1992 and I}irectoz, Office of Public tlffairs Director, Office of Security and Cooperntion in Europe Affairs -more- William D. Fritts, 7r. 06/22/99 TUE 14:25 FA% 651 647 6585 Lorl D. Fr1LCS �00� Bio - Page 2 0o-iry 2- Business Career (cont.) United States Deaartment of Commerce (cont.) February 1989 Assistant Secretary for to May 1990 Legi�lative and Intergoveinmental Affairs Health Insurance Association of America September 1985 Director, Political Affairs to February 1989 U.S. Denartment of Health and Human Services February 1985 Senior Assistantto the Commissioner of Social Security July 1984 to February 1985 Philip A'�orris, Inc. October 1982 to July 1984 TTHS May 1981 to October 1482 Senior Advisor to the Seaetary Manager, Federal Government Relations Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation United States Senate January 1979 Executive Atsist./Legislative to May 1981 Director to Senator Robert Dole Joint Reaublican Leadership O�ce August 1975 Assistant Director, Special to January 1979 Assistant to �Touse Minority Leader 7ohn Rhodes -more- William D. Fritts, 7r. 06�22i99 TUE 1�:25 Fd� 651 647 6585 Lori D. FritLS , � 005 Bio - Page 3 Professional Affiliations: Community Involvement: 1Vni' Meeting 1997-present ��l � � Treasurer and Board Member Actively involved in the Republican Party Honors and Awards: Appointcd by President Bush as an Executive Branch Commissioner to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the "Helsinki Commissioz�" November 1989 to 7anuary 1993. Other Activities: Appointed by President Iteagan as a conferee to the White House Conference for a Drug Free America, September 1987 to Iune 1988. Member, Congregational Church and Free and Acceptetl Masons h:bioifriac/sugusii99s MAY-17-2066 15�16 SRINT PRUL RRER CHRMBER . Please Retarn To: Tom Msrver PED 13�` Floor 2� West �ourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone: 651-266�610 Fax: 651-Z28-3261 612 223 5119 P.02iO3 DO-�''t �— � � t�� .5c, ��o� Name• Jeff Pe etson Home Address: 3155 A[den Pond Lane City: Ea�an Zip: 55121 Telephone Number: 651-265-2771 Planning District Conncil: City Counc3l Ward: Preferred Mailing Address: �aint Pant Area Chamber of Commerce 332 Minnesota Street Suite N-20S Rn;nr p8ut MN SS101 What is yoar Occupation: Director af PubtiG Affairs Place of Employment: Committee Applied For: Saint Paul Area Ghamber of Commerce Compete Saint Paul Boaed What sl:ills, training or experience do you possess for the committee for which yoa seek appointment? I have been the Director of Public Affaus fur the Sain Paul Area Chamber of Commerce for the oast l+ree years In this ca.�acitv i have dealt witti a varretv ot Qublic poticy issues within the Citv of Saint PauL Rams�� Countv Saint Paul School District and the Staxg Legi�lature T also served as a memher of the original Comnete Saint Paul Task Force that forwarded on the recommendation to thc Mavor. J�►ave also been involved in �ublic �ali�yr for the past 8�ears The information Inciuded in this application is considered private data accord"mg to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act As a result this information is not released to the genetal public. (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 � MRY-17-2000 15�16 SAINT PRUL RRER CHRMBER 612 223 5119 P.03�03 : . . , � oo-�y�— Name: Ceoff Mich 1 Address: 400 North Robert Street, Saint Pau4 MN 55101 Phone: 651-665-5882 Name• Tim Marx Address: 332 Minnesota Streek. W-2200 Saint Paui_ 55101 Phone: 651-223-649� Nsme: Rick Agui�r Address: 602 Smith Avenue South Saint Pa�+�- MN SSI07 Phone: 651-665-0633 Reasons for intcrest in this particular committee T think serving on the urieiinai task force enables me to bring a un�ue �ersnective ta the committee I a o feel that working for the Cham6er of Commerce who represents nearlv 1700 area businesses enables me tQbrine a business perspecfive to the Yiave you had previous contact witL the committee for wflich you are making an application? If so, when and the citcumstsnces? In an attempt to ensure that eommfttee reptesentation reflects the make up of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This informatFon is stricdy voluntary. X White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pa�c Islander American Indian or Alsakan Eskimo _ 7�_Mate Female Disabled: Ycs Date of Birth: 3/15170 No X If special accommodations are nceded, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? Mailing„ TOTPL P.03 MAY. -12' OOIFRI) 10�24 9 . Ndme: � r ` ];pme Addrasa: City- TRADES & LABOR 'fEL�651 293 1989 PLEA9E RETLIRN TO; TOM NLIAVER P.E.D.13 FI.00R 25 vV�sT FoURT� STRS.ET SAINT PAUI., MINNESOTA 9510Z Phone; (651} 2fib.4610 F:4X: (651) 7.28.3x61 Telephoae Numbez(9): (indude Area Codes) ptynnln� Diet�ictiCauncilc Preferred Mailiug qddrees: What is yaur ocapPxuon' place cf Employinens: Committee(s) A�jplied Ror: '7 s • e 0 in ryy� (yJ I � , city coun�a w�a: (� P. 001/002 bo-d'{i- ����� 1 . �� "C2f � r�ed� ZZ -3��"1 - S�—�4 �� S�I6 2 s cK Lci bo✓ - Tbe inforruation included 1n thie applicatlon is considered private data accnrding to the M�nnesots Government D'sta Prectices Act. As a resnit, this'nforman°a is not reiea9ed to t4e general pubtic• 2Ip: � T�TRL P�02 . ...__ _______ c_..tie ,...,.,.,,;rranlsl fnr wAieh voU seek eppointment? MAY.-12'00(FRI) 10:24 TRA�ES & LABOR TEL:651 293 1989 aFUCn�v � n�.FERUNCBS [Reminder to Inciude Telephone Are2 Codesl � P. 002/002 00 -t�f�- Name: ; t-tYl v�. (/� �J St 0� Address: I GLo �� � �� � � n,. .. .Ynr{cl � � � ` ��. Z ' �� S'�— Phoue: e Name: Address: Phuue: Namc: �S Address � �" ' � ' ' , � tDs � ZLelo - (AO�� — Phones e ReasonE foz your intere9t in thie parGcular t�-bou,�' ��' . � GtC� � �—(,�,� S C GWI t�►�t � Have you had previoiw contact with the cnmmittee tur whlch You are making appGcaKon? Tf sn, wtien, an the circumgtances � � J ` � �� lq an aaempt to ensure that comm�ttec repreeentation reflects tha makeup of o�r commoni� please eMeck the line applics6le ta You• Thie information is atricdy voluntery• `� White (Caucasian) � Hlack (A.frican American} AmerlcaT Indian ur Alaekan B91�o Date oi Birth: _� Hispanic Asian or Pacific ]elandcr Malc Fcmale Dieabted: Yes No tf special accommodations are needed, pleaee speciiy: � �-- liow did you hear ebouE dds opCxiine`' FROM : IUOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. : 612 686 6518 May. BS 2000 11:14RM P2 }�+ PlEASB AET'GRN TO: TOM M�V� p.E.D.13 FT.UOA Z5 W'F9T baURT'S �&F' g10Z SAIh'I PACII., M�N pltone: (651) 25b•fi61� EAX: (651) 228.3161 !Vamc Soate Str� City� Tatnpheae NumKer( ([nduda +�rea codes) Pt�nain� Dl9trictCouricllt preferctd Mailk�g addreee: wnac is your ocej�aY�oa? Place o! �lxpiny4se Cois+enitcee(s) A[�P�ed Fato Ciry Co�mcil W at3+ . m er esperirssee do yau Pas�eea for !he earawiRee(s) Iar wh�:h you s�k uppalnnnent Vdtint s1o7►�, uuP� ' . � � _. . _ _ , �- -- Z+y� �y[p�atio}t inelAded Iri thlA appl�endon [� eoweldned P�r�te dau acea�dtng to thm'•K�naC Gavarnm�at DAsaPneticea Acc. aa e raeulL, this [afarmstloa i� nat eeieaetd tn the genezal pnblic. , 00-1'YY � T=�TRL �,9= FROM : IilOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. : 612 686 6516 •u�i .� ��.��.,�. . ,. ,,,,�<... ., _._... pcu N�, y�r�_ ��tgNCFS [Reminder w Snclude TatapROne?.rea Codesj I � � a j�/Cq t ��_1����/�i-� N ame: �.1+ „ . � , ...,�, r_ r. � C's _ S.r Addre6s: PAnoe: Yame: Addre�s: Pheae: !\ 6Afe_ �ddress ��,�;. i=?- -. � ..� • �� . /�� May. 05 2090 11:14AM P3 DO -��l �' !I [.��1"I►/t..siar� :,..�_.�. .-- �� ' /, � � i .. ►. =; i 1:/ Phan=� - OTC�CUlAr eOtiimlhlC: •,_. �PC � �� Q• �� geaennc per yaur intersit in �his p '`� Ka.•a you had prevlflue conteas wist �e :ammiaee far *Eich you ara enaktag aAPUea�an? l��so, when, and thn ctrcur.+e�ance�' ✓ l jp ait ataemp}!o enBUra tkt�ct casn:t�iaec repceeentatio� ['tflects tRe makeup ef out sWnmunih', please aheck tht lit�e apgtiiwbl� m yon. Thie laformadon is ttriotfy �oivaury ' . � Wh3te (Caaea�ian) giackt�lfriean Americaa) ✓ A�a{c�f Indiait ur Al�►sl�ar Eskimo D of Birth: _--s •• "�""� Dlsabkd� Yen NO � ({ apeeial �esommodaliuus �tre netded plaast spe�FY� _� Riepanic „� A,iao ar Paelflaldandos &talc � F:male Fietr did's9�n hear ahatte sh9�aninC° �� .�'i�vv� L.ir.bor ss �..'�il� . FROM : I,UOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. : 612 686 6518 May. 05 2009 11:15RM P4 �0'��{ � QTJALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE I was employed in the wastewater division of the Metropolitan Council Bnvironmental Services (MCES) Division for 18 yeazs. T have an undergraduate degree in Labor Relations from Metropolitan State University. I hold licenses from the State of Minnesota in both wastewater treatment plant and steam pSant operation. I also hold certificates in wastewater treatment from California State University, Sacramento. I am a member of the Water Environment Federation and the Industrial Relations Reseazch Association. I preseatly am employed as the Business Manager of the Intemational LTmon of Operating E�ineers, Local #35. I served the Operating En�ineers Union in various capacities throughout my employment with MCES — as Shop Stewazd, Chief Steward, Vice President and President of the Local. In recent times, my energies have been focused on help'sng to shape public employee unions' response to the challenges of competition and privatization. � Govemment agencies aze today bein� challe�qed to achieve increased cost-efficiency in the dclivery of public services. To that end, polirical leaders aze promoting new ways to deliver essential services to the public. Reinventin� government, grivatization, managed compeution and pub(ic/private partnerships are ideas that reflect this new approach. At the MCBS the pressure to deliver high-quality services az lower costs began to manifest itself by the mid-1990s. �'he new competitive realities, exacerbated by pressure from lazge private water and wastewater contract operation firms, forced both labor and management at the MCES to reconsider long-held approaches to service delivery. As a labor representative at the MCES, I have assumed a leadership xale in the reengineering efforts that have taken place there over the past few yeazs. In my leadership role I have had the opportunity to be the lead negotiator for all of the unions in the first "privatization" effort at the MCES. The new Blue Lake Solids Facility became the MCES's first major explozation into private operation of wastewater treaiment facility. Whether or not it was publicly acknowledged as such it became the "litmus test" to determine who should deliver these sesyices, public or private. Today, the capital improvement project neazs completion and is slated to begin full-scale ogeraiion early this fall. The MCES's answer to the "privatization" question was t6at a private firm, New England Fertilizer Co., would build and manage a facility that will be stafFed by the MCES's public employees. This unique approach to a public/grivate partnership has enabled the MCES to meet its goal of increased cost-efficiency in delivery of its services while at the same time recognizing the needs and concerns of its reprasented employees. I am quite proud of my role and involvemem in tlus organizational success story. In addition T have represented tabor in developing the Met Council's policies and processes on managed competition. In the Council's Competitive Government Guidebook we developed uniform policies and processes to draw competition into the many coiners oY the organization to encourage more cost-effective service delivery without sacrificing quality. In accompiishing tivs task we were fozced deal with, amongst other things, the difficult issue of fauness to all parties involved in the managed FROM : I,UOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. : 612 686 6518 May. a5 2900 11:16RM PS 0 o-r't a- competition process. I believe we succeeded in creating a"level pIaying field" for all stakeholders in the process. Finally, recognizing that the competitive realities were not going away, I have led many initiatives, within both my union and the MCfiS, that wiIl hopefully ensure the long-term viability of these organizations. Internally within my union I have articulated and ]ed a program for controlled change that atiempts to address both individual and institutional concerns. Within the MCES I have played a leadership role in the continuing attempt to achieve "privafization" leveIs of efficiencies and thereby avoiding the difficult decision oPwhether or not fo g,t've up control ofttris public utility. We have used various "cools" to accomplish this goa� but alI of our efforts were based on a collaborative involvement approach that recognizes the interests of all stakeholders. At the MCES labor and management have jointly developed a strategy for competitive service delivery. Usin� an organizational change process which involved a large percentage of the impacted employees we have designed and begun implemetrti�g a new organizational plan that recognizes the new competitive realities and supports our goal of cost-effective service delivery. FR�M : IUOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. � 612 686 6518 Reasons for my interest in this particulaz committee: May. 05 2000 11�16AM P6 dp•d'�{Y As a life-long residem of St. Paul Z was very concerned over the rhetoric and politics that surrouaded the Compete St Paul Tnitiative this past fall. 'Ihe desire to ensure cost- effective delivery of City Services is legitimate and needs to be supported, however the City of St. Paul has to ea:ercise caution in the execution of any "privatization" or °`maaaged competition" plan. There are numerous issues that need to be examined the development o£ such a plan. I believe that my experience in this area would be of benefit io zhe Compete St. Paul Board. �ar29-99 02:20pm From-PUdLIC FGLICY E12o6379E9 �:-4fi5 P 02/J3 F-870 3 j�� Office of the Mayor 80-�,1�-' 4 / � 390 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 266-8525 Fax:266-8513 Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Name .T�n � �f 11`tYA ( L Home address Telephones E-mail address - 1 ,_J � .JJ OC� �/� Y p 1�1� �a-n57� I = b�-�1< cc11 paQer L 3 y- Planning District Council City Council Ward Preferred mailing address �P � ��j�\�(� i'(,1��1C`. �Jn�1�An iM�.n cicY zip Occupation Place of employment_ � _S . Employmenc address Committee(s) applied f 3ac� , f��is M�J �Sy�o What skills/[raining or expezience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? � The information inciuded in chis applicacion is considered private data, according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act_ qs a result, this information is not released to the general public. page 1 of 2 Mc.;-29-99 02:2�pa From-PUdLIC POLICY Personal References i� ame Addre Telep;,�..�� iv � 0-1 v� �O � I y I Name Addre Telephones Name Addre � �a ��1� Telephones � � ,�U -J� � � Reasons for your interest in this particular commi[tee ����Q�j� jfl �(��*(�� � M .,�.� � ' Q � � l� VY�2�n�` Q,� (� t � iSS c� LS .'�a..�'( c�. ��� �L ST ' R R�v��.�'� �u Mu`'�u.n� Qf��. h�r� �,�a nL ��mX��, ;�h � Have yo❑ have previous concact with the commitcea for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? IV I� C6Y�,`� �C,r��b�1,�t(,� (��l,lCla u� �v W� wiS �?st �u�u In an actempt co ensurc chat commit[ee representa[ion reflects the makeup oP our communicy, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. �Whi�e (Caucasian) ❑ Hispanic ❑Black (African-American) ❑ Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo ❑ Nlale Female � Date of birch �� �� Disabled; ❑ Yes No �, If speciai accommodations are needed, please speci How did you hear abo¢� this op 6126037969 i-4o5 P.G3/03 F-870 6D -�''i ]- t _.�_ ... v� r DE�-29-98 TUE 9�44 �c-zR-issa ii- s /� �� �� V" Nsme: Home Address: City TclepLone Number: HIGH BRI�GE PLAyT � FAX N0, 6122236922 P.G2 SftINT PPUI_ MRYOR'S QFFICE 612 265 6513 P.03/04 OOM �� OFF(CE �F TT� MAXOIZ � f�r .�" 3�--.� q S� 39U CTi'Y Re1I.L SAZNT PAUL, MJ1dMT�SOTA �.5102 • 1'hone:26�ES23 FAX: 2b�8513 Zip r.��� : ►.� • • I:.n PlanningDlstrict Cuuncll: C1L] COUIIC�I WAi'fj: ? PrcferredMailingAddress: �f)� S`i�'/�A�D i?a�I� ► ,5�5�/Z�� What is your ostupation' Place ot Employment: CommSCtee(s) Applied For: � : 1i � i .�/. •� r � . . : : •� • Whnt skills, training or experienca dn you poasess for the commiYtee(s) for which you seek 9ppolntmenY! Tha informniion includcd in fhis application ia considrred private dnta s►crord[ng to tha Minnesota Gavernmeat Dats Pracdces Ari As a ztsult, th9s JnformaYinn Is not rcictaed to the general public, 0 (O��R) Itev. 8-5-9" DEC-29-98 TUE 9:45 HIGH BRIDGE PLANT FRX N0. 6122236922 !��-28 :398 11�49 SAINT PAIR. MAYOR'S DFFICE 622 266 8513 � •.: : �. . Name: Addrcsr. P, 03 P.04/84 Oa -r`'� �" ' � C, u l. �_.,_ �.,�E�S�� Biamc: Atktress: �houe: Name; Addresr Yhone: �ava yau had previons eoniact witL th¢ coma»ttee for wk�th you are mal:ing applicntion? If so, when, und the circumats�inees?� • � In an attempt to easnrt that committee representation retleets the ma&eup oCour community, ptease chetk the 1[nc agplicxble to yon. This iniormation is strictly volunYary. _ White (Caucasian) F3lacTc (African American) American Indian ar Alaskart Eakimv � Male Disabted: Yes Female No � If special accommndations are needed, pitase spteify: _�$isp�nic Asian or Pscif c 7standu paee of Birth: ��� "�sz� How did you hear ahou! Uiis opcain�' ��� o S (� Ff�� TOTAL P.84 !: � � � �. — � • council File # 00 � $41 Green sheet # \ O�i g Zq Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of a the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the s Compete Saint Paul Board. 4 s APPOINTMENTS 6 � Jan Unstad s William Fritts 9 Jon Duckstad io Shar Knutson il Mike Hernandez ia Edward LeClair ia Jeff Peterson 14 is Jan Unstad, William Fritts and Jon Duckstad each shall serve a three-year term i6 which will expire on September 1, 2003. Mike Hernandez and Jeff Peterson each i� shall serve a two-year term which will expire on September 1, 2002. Shar Knutson is and Edward LeClair each shall serve a one-year term which will expire on i9 September 1, 2001. zo Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �y_-j._�p O�lc1. T Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B �—�°��� .—�� By: � Approved b yor: Da �� By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: l./� �I �'°`� ���� Mayor's Office Lucia Lebens.6-8533 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGQJOu1 BY Q Sept. 6, 2000 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES : : �� GREEN SHEET 00 -gys- No 106899 ��� ���- � arv�nouax � ❑ ana.wc ❑ woxcw.uRUCCaort ❑ rwucu�wvi�ecrn �wvwroR�an�xp ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointments of Jan Unstad, William Eritts, Jon Duckstad, Shar Rnutson, Mike Hernanadez, Edward LeClair and Jeff Peterson, by Mayor Coleman, to the Compete Saint PAul Board PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED s SOURCE INFORMATON (EJfPWN) Hes thia PareoMum e�rxarked uMer a cant�act forthis UePa�ment? VES NO Flae this P�rm Bver heen a eily empbyee7, res r+o Does this persoMim pwaess e cidll nat narmaliypossessed by eny WrteM city employee? VES NO Iad� peBaufirm n tprgded vendoYt . VES NO COSTAtEVENUE BUDOE7ED (CIRCGE ON� r�a��=,� ��:,y:, i YES NO ✓ 00 - P't �- CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Cin� Hall Norm Co[eman, Ma}or IS Wesr Kelfogg Boulevard Saira Paul, MN 55102 TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter FROM: Lucia Lebens�y��",� Assistant to the Mayor DATE: I•� August 29, 2000 Compete Saint Paul Board ��' iP � ,��;���. Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of Jan Unstad, William Fritts, Jon Duckstad, Shar Knutson, Mike Hernandez, Edward LeClair and Jeff Peterson to serve on the Compete Saint Paul Board. Jan Unstad, William Fritts and Jon Duckstad shall each serve a three-year term which will expire on September 1, 2603. Mike Hernandez and Jeff Peterson shall each sen e a two-year term which expire on September 1, 2002. Shar Knutson and Edward LeClair shall each serve a one-year term which will expire on September i, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Jan Unstad, William Fritts, Jon Duckstad, Shar Knutson, Mike Hernandez, Edward LeClair and Jeff Peterson, copies of their applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 2000. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments Telephone: 612-266-8510 Facsimi[e: 6I2-2668513 �UIBCk� ��22x€.^,it �^;s�:�Y � � • � � . � � �, � .,,... ... �v�� . C�TiEE : CL"�7PEI'E Ccxnpete FOR APPLICATIONS DATID AFTER Ol/Ol/99 0 0 _ gy,- PAGE 1 APPLIC�PP / REFERE[�TCE Cl�NN'�TI'S WARD PI,�TIIQG SENATE APP DATE EPH GII�T DIS DISIRICP DISPRICT (PRIOR) (C7PHER CONg`4ITIEES SII2V�TG ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003690 Batu[�nn, Gary H. O5/11/00 W M 10600 Soliet Ave. N. StillvTater, M[� 55082 Water Department of St. Paul 003552 Duckstad, Jon 2236 Pinehurst Ave., #4 St. Pau1, MI�T 55116 Attorney 003612 Fritts, William D. 2153 Knapp Street St. Paul, MM[�TT 55108 V.P. Govt. Affairs 003048 Hernandez, Michael P. 1037 Thorn Street St. Pau1, M�1 55106 Plant Manager 003698 Hollanitsch, Derek 181 W. Maryland Ave. St. Paul, MDii 55117 Parks and Rec Worker 003684 Kello�g, Anthony Mario 575 Manani.n Ave. #2 Saint Pau1, M[� 55107 Student 3 15 Zoning Boaxd 4 12 7 4 �7 2 3 C� OS/O1/00 W M 04/27/00 U M 06/Ol/00 H M OS/15/00 W M 04/27/00 W M 003577 Knutson, Shar 945 Monterey Cburt North Shoreview, MC�II 55126 Pres/Z`rades & I,�or Assembly 003686 LeClair, Edward Charles 382 Bidwell Street St. Pau1, NIIQ 55107 2 OS/12/00 W F OS/07/00 U M Int'1 Union of Oper, Eng. #35 00 .�y}- 08-28-00 C"UI�M4ITIEE APPLICANTS REFORT PAGE 2 APPLIC'ANTS_RPT Q�MD'IITI�E : CCd�IPETE Cot�ete FC�R APPLIQ�TIONS DATID AFTER Ol/Ol/99 APPLIC7IN'I' / REFEREPICE Ct7PM1Q�7I'S WARD PLANDTII�TG SEC�TE APP DATE ETH GIN DIS DISPRICI' DISPRICT (PRIOR) (OTf�R CCX�'N'ffTTEE'S SERVII�TG ON) --------------------------------- ---- ------- ------- -------- --- --- --- 003696 Moran, Thomas 13604 4th Ave. S. Burnsville, M[�TT 55337 Business Development Ma��ager O5/12/00 W M 003701 Peterson, Jeff 3155 Alden Pond L,ane Eagan, M[�T 55121 003578 LTnstad, Jan 5432 Morgan Avenue S. Minn eapolis, MC�TT 55419 Public Policy Manager OS/17/00 W M 04/27/00 W F 00 -fr y �- �'� � � ✓ 4;�w�'`" OFFIC'E OF THE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALL SAINT PAiTL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 RECEf ;'�7 F�:3 1 � 1�:�9 MAYOR'S OFFICE Name: Jon Duckstad Home Address: 2236 Pinehurst Avenue, �i 4" St. Paul MN 55116 Street City Zip Telephane Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address �Yhat is your occupaiion? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: �ome) 651 699-2901 ork) 651 227-3236 (F'A7{) 651 293-1365 City Council �Vard: 46 E. Fourth 1310 Minnesota B1dQ., St. Pau1, M�iI 55101 Attorney -- - St. Paul, Minnesota 1310 Minnesota Bldg., St. Paul, rL`I --' St. Paul Planning Commission Aeritage Preservation Commission L�� V �Vhat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointmer.t? As a former Assistant St. Pau1 City Attorney, I was assigned to the St. Pau1 PlanninQ Board from 1964 thru 1968 as a legal representative from the City Attorney Office. During � term as an assistant St Paul Cit�Attornev. I represented the City of St. Paul in our Ramsey County District Court and United States District Court on a number of litiQated zoning cases. (see attached) I al"so served as an assistant City Attorney from 1963 thru 1970 durinQ which time I drafted a revised billboard zoninQ code which was enacted and adopted by the then existing City Council and incorporated into the overall zoning code. I have considerable experience in Muncipal law 3ncluding zoning. I'also'represented the Village of Mendota from 1970 thru 1975 as its legal counsel. I have been in private practice in the City of St. Paul since 1970. I have also served as a part-time Ramsey County Public Defender from 1973 to the present time. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) � Rev. 8-5-97 • �- � �- , Name: Joseph 0'Neill oo-YH'r Address:_ _ 1250 Woz1d Trade Centez, 3Q E. Seventh Street> St. Pau1, MN Phone: Name: 51�1 ome) ork) 651 298-8300 Robert Fletcher, Ramsey County Sheriff Address• Adult Detention Center, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., St Paul, M1V 55102 Phone: Name: (F[omel (Work� 651 266-9303 Jim Reiter, Councilman Address: 310 City Hall & Courthouse, 15 W. Ke11oQQ Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55102 Phone: (Rome� (�Vork� 651 266-8510 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: �1) I am interested in the St. Paul Plannine Commission because I have considerable experience in the area of municipal land planning & zoning. I have also a great deal of legal experience in�this area in- cluding representation of the City of St. Paul in numerous zoninQ court cases from 1964 thru 1970. One of these cases involved preventing railroads from constructing three (3) high rise towers (buildings) which would have blocked the view from the Ke11oQg Mall. (2) I am also interested in preserving certain old buildings and landmarks in the City. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? I have had contact previously with the St. Paul Planning Board from 1964 thru 1970. I have not had prior contact with the Aeritage Presezvation Commission. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. X �Vhite (Caucasian) _ B(ack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo x Nfale Femate Disabled: Yes No X If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: O6(04/34 How did you hear aboutthisopening? Mrs. Harold R. Fostch (Judy Fotsch), 2133 Selby Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 (tel: 651 646-6216j ( a g '�;r. . � . � � ,F ;; :�.: �� . � � � L . 3 � , f}FFIC£ OP THE MA.YOIi 390 C1TY RAi T. � SAINT PAUL,IVTIlVNESOTA 5510Z - Phone: (651) 266-SSZS FAX: (651) 266-SS13 Name• t � I '� Home Address: _.Sp.�S.z Street City � 00 —P'�1 �' ,Zip Telephone Number(s): (Inc�uae Area Codes} (s� (�5l—(���`I — (0 5gS (Wl G, (,� -?��a P►anning District Council: ,_,�� City Council Ward: ` Preferred Mailing Address: �` ����� ���'P— _ , ...: _. :. •- • ._ � . _. - . ._..... _. _�.. ... � A _� What is your occupation? �� i C 2 '�J'2-S �� ��0� �,�' ��C ��cX.[n��,��' Committee(s) Applied For. � V S�t I�"�_ Ptace oT Employment: What skills, training or eaperience do you possess for tht cammittee(s) for which you seek appointa�ent: S-2� K.Sv��M.'C' .. f �� Post-iC Fax Note 767t E . '; The �rn�tffoa7nativn �cldz�ea o� r�i�s,mppTi * `a "'n,a� Govtrnmeat Aata Pra�ctiees ?iL~t. �icst a t'�3a�'bt, �3 ��+t t4tease� to �Ehe genersl pubtic. I� i � I (OVER) Rev. 3-31-99 o6i22i99 TtiE 14:25 FA3 651 647 6585 Lorl D. Fritts � 002 oO,P�{ r Retere.aces Lynne Scboen 2096 Fairwnys Lane Rose�ille, MN 55113 651-638-1959 Pat Nelson 2199 Quinn Ave St Louis Pazk, NL�T 612-926-9661 7an Unstad 24I0 C Upland Ave P[ym��th, MN 55447 612-929-4759 Rcason for interest in this commiaee. The vitality of S[. Paut is dependent upon retaining and attracdng homeowners. Our parks and diverse recreational opportunities can play a key role as to whether a family witl choose to make St. Paul their home. 1 am interested in preserving and restoring SG Paul's parks and recreational facilities for cumnt and future use and �o help enhance St. Paut overall No previous corttaa with committee. 06i22i99 TUE 14:25 Fe11 651 647 6585 Lori D- Fritts r���, R.ELI�I►�.STA.R on_�'Hr Management Biography William D. Fritts, Jr. Vice President, Government Relations l�ate of Employment with ReliaStar Finanaal: April 1994 Personai History: Bom in Cranford, �Iew Jersey on November 13, 1950. Graduated from Bun and Buiton Seaninary in Manchester, Vermont in June 1968. He and wife, Lori, live at 2153 Knapp Sueet, St. Paul, Ivfinnesota, 55108 with sons, William D., TII (19�0), James Robertson (1989), Robertson Charles Hawk (1993),and Thomas Bn.ice Robertson(199'7). Educational Background: 'Universitv ot' Vermont 1974 BA Business Career: RetiaStar �nancial Corp. April 1994 Vice President, Govemment to Present Relations Unifed 5tafes Senate 7anuazy 1993 Minnesota Director, Senator to April 1994 Dave Durenberger U.S. Department of Health uad Human Services August 1992 Counsellor to the Depury to 7anuary 1993 Secretary United States Denartment of Commerce May 199� Senior Advisor to the Secretary to August 1992 and I}irectoz, Office of Public tlffairs Director, Office of Security and Cooperntion in Europe Affairs -more- William D. Fritts, 7r. 06/22/99 TUE 14:25 FA% 651 647 6585 Lorl D. Fr1LCS �00� Bio - Page 2 0o-iry 2- Business Career (cont.) United States Deaartment of Commerce (cont.) February 1989 Assistant Secretary for to May 1990 Legi�lative and Intergoveinmental Affairs Health Insurance Association of America September 1985 Director, Political Affairs to February 1989 U.S. Denartment of Health and Human Services February 1985 Senior Assistantto the Commissioner of Social Security July 1984 to February 1985 Philip A'�orris, Inc. October 1982 to July 1984 TTHS May 1981 to October 1482 Senior Advisor to the Seaetary Manager, Federal Government Relations Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation United States Senate January 1979 Executive Atsist./Legislative to May 1981 Director to Senator Robert Dole Joint Reaublican Leadership O�ce August 1975 Assistant Director, Special to January 1979 Assistant to �Touse Minority Leader 7ohn Rhodes -more- William D. Fritts, 7r. 06�22i99 TUE 1�:25 Fd� 651 647 6585 Lori D. FritLS , � 005 Bio - Page 3 Professional Affiliations: Community Involvement: 1Vni' Meeting 1997-present ��l � � Treasurer and Board Member Actively involved in the Republican Party Honors and Awards: Appointcd by President Bush as an Executive Branch Commissioner to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the "Helsinki Commissioz�" November 1989 to 7anuary 1993. Other Activities: Appointed by President Iteagan as a conferee to the White House Conference for a Drug Free America, September 1987 to Iune 1988. Member, Congregational Church and Free and Acceptetl Masons h:bioifriac/sugusii99s MAY-17-2066 15�16 SRINT PRUL RRER CHRMBER . Please Retarn To: Tom Msrver PED 13�` Floor 2� West �ourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone: 651-266�610 Fax: 651-Z28-3261 612 223 5119 P.02iO3 DO-�''t �— � � t�� .5c, ��o� Name• Jeff Pe etson Home Address: 3155 A[den Pond Lane City: Ea�an Zip: 55121 Telephone Number: 651-265-2771 Planning District Conncil: City Counc3l Ward: Preferred Mailing Address: �aint Pant Area Chamber of Commerce 332 Minnesota Street Suite N-20S Rn;nr p8ut MN SS101 What is yoar Occupation: Director af PubtiG Affairs Place of Employment: Committee Applied For: Saint Paul Area Ghamber of Commerce Compete Saint Paul Boaed What sl:ills, training or experience do you possess for the committee for which yoa seek appointment? I have been the Director of Public Affaus fur the Sain Paul Area Chamber of Commerce for the oast l+ree years In this ca.�acitv i have dealt witti a varretv ot Qublic poticy issues within the Citv of Saint PauL Rams�� Countv Saint Paul School District and the Staxg Legi�lature T also served as a memher of the original Comnete Saint Paul Task Force that forwarded on the recommendation to thc Mavor. J�►ave also been involved in �ublic �ali�yr for the past 8�ears The information Inciuded in this application is considered private data accord"mg to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act As a result this information is not released to the genetal public. (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 � MRY-17-2000 15�16 SAINT PRUL RRER CHRMBER 612 223 5119 P.03�03 : . . , � oo-�y�— Name: Ceoff Mich 1 Address: 400 North Robert Street, Saint Pau4 MN 55101 Phone: 651-665-5882 Name• Tim Marx Address: 332 Minnesota Streek. W-2200 Saint Paui_ 55101 Phone: 651-223-649� Nsme: Rick Agui�r Address: 602 Smith Avenue South Saint Pa�+�- MN SSI07 Phone: 651-665-0633 Reasons for intcrest in this particular committee T think serving on the urieiinai task force enables me to bring a un�ue �ersnective ta the committee I a o feel that working for the Cham6er of Commerce who represents nearlv 1700 area businesses enables me tQbrine a business perspecfive to the Yiave you had previous contact witL the committee for wflich you are making an application? If so, when and the citcumstsnces? In an attempt to ensure that eommfttee reptesentation reflects the make up of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This informatFon is stricdy voluntary. X White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pa�c Islander American Indian or Alsakan Eskimo _ 7�_Mate Female Disabled: Ycs Date of Birth: 3/15170 No X If special accommodations are nceded, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? Mailing„ TOTPL P.03 MAY. -12' OOIFRI) 10�24 9 . Ndme: � r ` ];pme Addrasa: City- TRADES & LABOR 'fEL�651 293 1989 PLEA9E RETLIRN TO; TOM NLIAVER P.E.D.13 FI.00R 25 vV�sT FoURT� STRS.ET SAINT PAUI., MINNESOTA 9510Z Phone; (651} 2fib.4610 F:4X: (651) 7.28.3x61 Telephoae Numbez(9): (indude Area Codes) ptynnln� Diet�ictiCauncilc Preferred Mailiug qddrees: What is yaur ocapPxuon' place cf Employinens: Committee(s) A�jplied Ror: '7 s • e 0 in ryy� (yJ I � , city coun�a w�a: (� P. 001/002 bo-d'{i- ����� 1 . �� "C2f � r�ed� ZZ -3��"1 - S�—�4 �� S�I6 2 s cK Lci bo✓ - Tbe inforruation included 1n thie applicatlon is considered private data accnrding to the M�nnesots Government D'sta Prectices Act. As a resnit, this'nforman°a is not reiea9ed to t4e general pubtic• 2Ip: � T�TRL P�02 . ...__ _______ c_..tie ,...,.,.,,;rranlsl fnr wAieh voU seek eppointment? MAY.-12'00(FRI) 10:24 TRA�ES & LABOR TEL:651 293 1989 aFUCn�v � n�.FERUNCBS [Reminder to Inciude Telephone Are2 Codesl � P. 002/002 00 -t�f�- Name: ; t-tYl v�. (/� �J St 0� Address: I GLo �� � �� � � n,. .. .Ynr{cl � � � ` ��. Z ' �� S'�— Phoue: e Name: Address: Phuue: Namc: �S Address � �" ' � ' ' , � tDs � ZLelo - (AO�� — Phones e ReasonE foz your intere9t in thie parGcular t�-bou,�' ��' . � GtC� � �—(,�,� S C GWI t�►�t � Have you had previoiw contact with the cnmmittee tur whlch You are making appGcaKon? Tf sn, wtien, an the circumgtances � � J ` � �� lq an aaempt to ensure that comm�ttec repreeentation reflects tha makeup of o�r commoni� please eMeck the line applics6le ta You• Thie information is atricdy voluntery• `� White (Caucasian) � Hlack (A.frican American} AmerlcaT Indian ur Alaekan B91�o Date oi Birth: _� Hispanic Asian or Pacific ]elandcr Malc Fcmale Dieabted: Yes No tf special accommodations are needed, pleaee speciiy: � �-- liow did you hear ebouE dds opCxiine`' FROM : IUOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. : 612 686 6518 May. BS 2000 11:14RM P2 }�+ PlEASB AET'GRN TO: TOM M�V� p.E.D.13 FT.UOA Z5 W'F9T baURT'S �&F' g10Z SAIh'I PACII., M�N pltone: (651) 25b•fi61� EAX: (651) 228.3161 !Vamc Soate Str� City� Tatnpheae NumKer( ([nduda +�rea codes) Pt�nain� Dl9trictCouricllt preferctd Mailk�g addreee: wnac is your ocej�aY�oa? Place o! �lxpiny4se Cois+enitcee(s) A[�P�ed Fato Ciry Co�mcil W at3+ . m er esperirssee do yau Pas�eea for !he earawiRee(s) Iar wh�:h you s�k uppalnnnent Vdtint s1o7►�, uuP� ' . � � _. . _ _ , �- -- Z+y� �y[p�atio}t inelAded Iri thlA appl�endon [� eoweldned P�r�te dau acea�dtng to thm'•K�naC Gavarnm�at DAsaPneticea Acc. aa e raeulL, this [afarmstloa i� nat eeieaetd tn the genezal pnblic. , 00-1'YY � T=�TRL �,9= FROM : IilOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. : 612 686 6516 •u�i .� ��.��.,�. . ,. ,,,,�<... ., _._... pcu N�, y�r�_ ��tgNCFS [Reminder w Snclude TatapROne?.rea Codesj I � � a j�/Cq t ��_1����/�i-� N ame: �.1+ „ . � , ...,�, r_ r. � C's _ S.r Addre6s: PAnoe: Yame: Addre�s: Pheae: !\ 6Afe_ �ddress ��,�;. i=?- -. � ..� • �� . /�� May. 05 2090 11:14AM P3 DO -��l �' !I [.��1"I►/t..siar� :,..�_.�. .-- �� ' /, � � i .. ►. =; i 1:/ Phan=� - OTC�CUlAr eOtiimlhlC: •,_. �PC � �� Q• �� geaennc per yaur intersit in �his p '`� Ka.•a you had prevlflue conteas wist �e :ammiaee far *Eich you ara enaktag aAPUea�an? l��so, when, and thn ctrcur.+e�ance�' ✓ l jp ait ataemp}!o enBUra tkt�ct casn:t�iaec repceeentatio� ['tflects tRe makeup ef out sWnmunih', please aheck tht lit�e apgtiiwbl� m yon. Thie laformadon is ttriotfy �oivaury ' . � Wh3te (Caaea�ian) giackt�lfriean Americaa) ✓ A�a{c�f Indiait ur Al�►sl�ar Eskimo D of Birth: _--s •• "�""� Dlsabkd� Yen NO � ({ apeeial �esommodaliuus �tre netded plaast spe�FY� _� Riepanic „� A,iao ar Paelflaldandos &talc � F:male Fietr did's9�n hear ahatte sh9�aninC° �� .�'i�vv� L.ir.bor ss �..'�il� . FROM : I,UOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. : 612 686 6518 May. 05 2009 11:15RM P4 �0'��{ � QTJALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE I was employed in the wastewater division of the Metropolitan Council Bnvironmental Services (MCES) Division for 18 yeazs. T have an undergraduate degree in Labor Relations from Metropolitan State University. I hold licenses from the State of Minnesota in both wastewater treatment plant and steam pSant operation. I also hold certificates in wastewater treatment from California State University, Sacramento. I am a member of the Water Environment Federation and the Industrial Relations Reseazch Association. I preseatly am employed as the Business Manager of the Intemational LTmon of Operating E�ineers, Local #35. I served the Operating En�ineers Union in various capacities throughout my employment with MCES — as Shop Stewazd, Chief Steward, Vice President and President of the Local. In recent times, my energies have been focused on help'sng to shape public employee unions' response to the challenges of competition and privatization. � Govemment agencies aze today bein� challe�qed to achieve increased cost-efficiency in the dclivery of public services. To that end, polirical leaders aze promoting new ways to deliver essential services to the public. Reinventin� government, grivatization, managed compeution and pub(ic/private partnerships are ideas that reflect this new approach. At the MCBS the pressure to deliver high-quality services az lower costs began to manifest itself by the mid-1990s. �'he new competitive realities, exacerbated by pressure from lazge private water and wastewater contract operation firms, forced both labor and management at the MCES to reconsider long-held approaches to service delivery. As a labor representative at the MCES, I have assumed a leadership xale in the reengineering efforts that have taken place there over the past few yeazs. In my leadership role I have had the opportunity to be the lead negotiator for all of the unions in the first "privatization" effort at the MCES. The new Blue Lake Solids Facility became the MCES's first major explozation into private operation of wastewater treaiment facility. Whether or not it was publicly acknowledged as such it became the "litmus test" to determine who should deliver these sesyices, public or private. Today, the capital improvement project neazs completion and is slated to begin full-scale ogeraiion early this fall. The MCES's answer to the "privatization" question was t6at a private firm, New England Fertilizer Co., would build and manage a facility that will be stafFed by the MCES's public employees. This unique approach to a public/grivate partnership has enabled the MCES to meet its goal of increased cost-efficiency in delivery of its services while at the same time recognizing the needs and concerns of its reprasented employees. I am quite proud of my role and involvemem in tlus organizational success story. In addition T have represented tabor in developing the Met Council's policies and processes on managed competition. In the Council's Competitive Government Guidebook we developed uniform policies and processes to draw competition into the many coiners oY the organization to encourage more cost-effective service delivery without sacrificing quality. In accompiishing tivs task we were fozced deal with, amongst other things, the difficult issue of fauness to all parties involved in the managed FROM : I,UOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. : 612 686 6518 May. a5 2900 11:16RM PS 0 o-r't a- competition process. I believe we succeeded in creating a"level pIaying field" for all stakeholders in the process. Finally, recognizing that the competitive realities were not going away, I have led many initiatives, within both my union and the MCfiS, that wiIl hopefully ensure the long-term viability of these organizations. Internally within my union I have articulated and ]ed a program for controlled change that atiempts to address both individual and institutional concerns. Within the MCES I have played a leadership role in the continuing attempt to achieve "privafization" leveIs of efficiencies and thereby avoiding the difficult decision oPwhether or not fo g,t've up control ofttris public utility. We have used various "cools" to accomplish this goa� but alI of our efforts were based on a collaborative involvement approach that recognizes the interests of all stakeholders. At the MCES labor and management have jointly developed a strategy for competitive service delivery. Usin� an organizational change process which involved a large percentage of the impacted employees we have designed and begun implemetrti�g a new organizational plan that recognizes the new competitive realities and supports our goal of cost-effective service delivery. FR�M : IUOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. � 612 686 6518 Reasons for my interest in this particulaz committee: May. 05 2000 11�16AM P6 dp•d'�{Y As a life-long residem of St. Paul Z was very concerned over the rhetoric and politics that surrouaded the Compete St Paul Tnitiative this past fall. 'Ihe desire to ensure cost- effective delivery of City Services is legitimate and needs to be supported, however the City of St. Paul has to ea:ercise caution in the execution of any "privatization" or °`maaaged competition" plan. There are numerous issues that need to be examined the development o£ such a plan. I believe that my experience in this area would be of benefit io zhe Compete St. Paul Board. �ar29-99 02:20pm From-PUdLIC FGLICY E12o6379E9 �:-4fi5 P 02/J3 F-870 3 j�� Office of the Mayor 80-�,1�-' 4 / � 390 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 266-8525 Fax:266-8513 Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Name .T�n � �f 11`tYA ( L Home address Telephones E-mail address - 1 ,_J � .JJ OC� �/� Y p 1�1� �a-n57� I = b�-�1< cc11 paQer L 3 y- Planning District Council City Council Ward Preferred mailing address �P � ��j�\�(� i'(,1��1C`. �Jn�1�An iM�.n cicY zip Occupation Place of employment_ � _S . Employmenc address Committee(s) applied f 3ac� , f��is M�J �Sy�o What skills/[raining or expezience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? � The information inciuded in chis applicacion is considered private data, according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act_ qs a result, this information is not released to the general public. page 1 of 2 Mc.;-29-99 02:2�pa From-PUdLIC POLICY Personal References i� ame Addre Telep;,�..�� iv � 0-1 v� �O � I y I Name Addre Telephones Name Addre � �a ��1� Telephones � � ,�U -J� � � Reasons for your interest in this particular commi[tee ����Q�j� jfl �(��*(�� � M .,�.� � ' Q � � l� VY�2�n�` Q,� (� t � iSS c� LS .'�a..�'( c�. ��� �L ST ' R R�v��.�'� �u Mu`'�u.n� Qf��. h�r� �,�a nL ��mX��, ;�h � Have yo❑ have previous concact with the commitcea for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? IV I� C6Y�,`� �C,r��b�1,�t(,� (��l,lCla u� �v W� wiS �?st �u�u In an actempt co ensurc chat commit[ee representa[ion reflects the makeup oP our communicy, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. �Whi�e (Caucasian) ❑ Hispanic ❑Black (African-American) ❑ Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo ❑ Nlale Female � Date of birch �� �� Disabled; ❑ Yes No �, If speciai accommodations are needed, please speci How did you hear abo¢� this op 6126037969 i-4o5 P.G3/03 F-870 6D -�''i ]- t _.�_ ... v� r DE�-29-98 TUE 9�44 �c-zR-issa ii- s /� �� �� V" Nsme: Home Address: City TclepLone Number: HIGH BRI�GE PLAyT � FAX N0, 6122236922 P.G2 SftINT PPUI_ MRYOR'S QFFICE 612 265 6513 P.03/04 OOM �� OFF(CE �F TT� MAXOIZ � f�r .�" 3�--.� q S� 39U CTi'Y Re1I.L SAZNT PAUL, MJ1dMT�SOTA �.5102 • 1'hone:26�ES23 FAX: 2b�8513 Zip r.��� : ►.� • • I:.n PlanningDlstrict Cuuncll: C1L] COUIIC�I WAi'fj: ? PrcferredMailingAddress: �f)� S`i�'/�A�D i?a�I� ► ,5�5�/Z�� What is your ostupation' Place ot Employment: CommSCtee(s) Applied For: � : 1i � i .�/. •� r � . . : : •� • Whnt skills, training or experienca dn you poasess for the commiYtee(s) for which you seek 9ppolntmenY! Tha informniion includcd in fhis application ia considrred private dnta s►crord[ng to tha Minnesota Gavernmeat Dats Pracdces Ari As a ztsult, th9s JnformaYinn Is not rcictaed to the general public, 0 (O��R) Itev. 8-5-9" DEC-29-98 TUE 9:45 HIGH BRIDGE PLANT FRX N0. 6122236922 !��-28 :398 11�49 SAINT PAIR. MAYOR'S DFFICE 622 266 8513 � •.: : �. . Name: Addrcsr. P, 03 P.04/84 Oa -r`'� �" ' � C, u l. �_.,_ �.,�E�S�� Biamc: Atktress: �houe: Name; Addresr Yhone: �ava yau had previons eoniact witL th¢ coma»ttee for wk�th you are mal:ing applicntion? If so, when, und the circumats�inees?� • � In an attempt to easnrt that committee representation retleets the ma&eup oCour community, ptease chetk the 1[nc agplicxble to yon. This iniormation is strictly volunYary. _ White (Caucasian) F3lacTc (African American) American Indian ar Alaskart Eakimv � Male Disabted: Yes Female No � If special accommndations are needed, pitase spteify: _�$isp�nic Asian or Pscif c 7standu paee of Birth: ��� "�sz� How did you hear ahou! Uiis opcain�' ��� o S (� Ff�� TOTAL P.84 !: � � � �. — � • council File # 00 � $41 Green sheet # \ O�i g Zq Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of a the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the s Compete Saint Paul Board. 4 s APPOINTMENTS 6 � Jan Unstad s William Fritts 9 Jon Duckstad io Shar Knutson il Mike Hernandez ia Edward LeClair ia Jeff Peterson 14 is Jan Unstad, William Fritts and Jon Duckstad each shall serve a three-year term i6 which will expire on September 1, 2003. Mike Hernandez and Jeff Peterson each i� shall serve a two-year term which will expire on September 1, 2002. Shar Knutson is and Edward LeClair each shall serve a one-year term which will expire on i9 September 1, 2001. zo Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �y_-j._�p O�lc1. T Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B �—�°��� .—�� By: � Approved b yor: Da �� By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: l./� �I �'°`� ���� Mayor's Office Lucia Lebens.6-8533 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGQJOu1 BY Q Sept. 6, 2000 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES : : �� GREEN SHEET 00 -gys- No 106899 ��� ���- � arv�nouax � ❑ ana.wc ❑ woxcw.uRUCCaort ❑ rwucu�wvi�ecrn �wvwroR�an�xp ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointments of Jan Unstad, William Eritts, Jon Duckstad, Shar Rnutson, Mike Hernanadez, Edward LeClair and Jeff Peterson, by Mayor Coleman, to the Compete Saint PAul Board PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED s SOURCE INFORMATON (EJfPWN) Hes thia PareoMum e�rxarked uMer a cant�act forthis UePa�ment? VES NO Flae this P�rm Bver heen a eily empbyee7, res r+o Does this persoMim pwaess e cidll nat narmaliypossessed by eny WrteM city employee? VES NO Iad� peBaufirm n tprgded vendoYt . VES NO COSTAtEVENUE BUDOE7ED (CIRCGE ON� r�a��=,� ��:,y:, i YES NO ✓ 00 - P't �- CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Cin� Hall Norm Co[eman, Ma}or IS Wesr Kelfogg Boulevard Saira Paul, MN 55102 TO: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter FROM: Lucia Lebens�y��",� Assistant to the Mayor DATE: I•� August 29, 2000 Compete Saint Paul Board ��' iP � ,��;���. Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of Jan Unstad, William Fritts, Jon Duckstad, Shar Knutson, Mike Hernandez, Edward LeClair and Jeff Peterson to serve on the Compete Saint Paul Board. Jan Unstad, William Fritts and Jon Duckstad shall each serve a three-year term which will expire on September 1, 2603. Mike Hernandez and Jeff Peterson shall each sen e a two-year term which expire on September 1, 2002. Shar Knutson and Edward LeClair shall each serve a one-year term which will expire on September i, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Jan Unstad, William Fritts, Jon Duckstad, Shar Knutson, Mike Hernandez, Edward LeClair and Jeff Peterson, copies of their applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 2000. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments Telephone: 612-266-8510 Facsimi[e: 6I2-2668513 �UIBCk� ��22x€.^,it �^;s�:�Y � � • � � . � � �, � .,,... ... �v�� . C�TiEE : CL"�7PEI'E Ccxnpete FOR APPLICATIONS DATID AFTER Ol/Ol/99 0 0 _ gy,- PAGE 1 APPLIC�PP / REFERE[�TCE Cl�NN'�TI'S WARD PI,�TIIQG SENATE APP DATE EPH GII�T DIS DISIRICP DISPRICT (PRIOR) (C7PHER CONg`4ITIEES SII2V�TG ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003690 Batu[�nn, Gary H. O5/11/00 W M 10600 Soliet Ave. N. StillvTater, M[� 55082 Water Department of St. Paul 003552 Duckstad, Jon 2236 Pinehurst Ave., #4 St. Pau1, MI�T 55116 Attorney 003612 Fritts, William D. 2153 Knapp Street St. Paul, MM[�TT 55108 V.P. Govt. Affairs 003048 Hernandez, Michael P. 1037 Thorn Street St. Pau1, M�1 55106 Plant Manager 003698 Hollanitsch, Derek 181 W. Maryland Ave. St. Paul, MDii 55117 Parks and Rec Worker 003684 Kello�g, Anthony Mario 575 Manani.n Ave. #2 Saint Pau1, M[� 55107 Student 3 15 Zoning Boaxd 4 12 7 4 �7 2 3 C� OS/O1/00 W M 04/27/00 U M 06/Ol/00 H M OS/15/00 W M 04/27/00 W M 003577 Knutson, Shar 945 Monterey Cburt North Shoreview, MC�II 55126 Pres/Z`rades & I,�or Assembly 003686 LeClair, Edward Charles 382 Bidwell Street St. Pau1, NIIQ 55107 2 OS/12/00 W F OS/07/00 U M Int'1 Union of Oper, Eng. #35 00 .�y}- 08-28-00 C"UI�M4ITIEE APPLICANTS REFORT PAGE 2 APPLIC'ANTS_RPT Q�MD'IITI�E : CCd�IPETE Cot�ete FC�R APPLIQ�TIONS DATID AFTER Ol/Ol/99 APPLIC7IN'I' / REFEREPICE Ct7PM1Q�7I'S WARD PLANDTII�TG SEC�TE APP DATE ETH GIN DIS DISPRICI' DISPRICT (PRIOR) (OTf�R CCX�'N'ffTTEE'S SERVII�TG ON) --------------------------------- ---- ------- ------- -------- --- --- --- 003696 Moran, Thomas 13604 4th Ave. S. Burnsville, M[�TT 55337 Business Development Ma��ager O5/12/00 W M 003701 Peterson, Jeff 3155 Alden Pond L,ane Eagan, M[�T 55121 003578 LTnstad, Jan 5432 Morgan Avenue S. Minn eapolis, MC�TT 55419 Public Policy Manager OS/17/00 W M 04/27/00 W F 00 -fr y �- �'� � � ✓ 4;�w�'`" OFFIC'E OF THE MAYOR 390 CTTY HALL SAINT PAiTL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 RECEf ;'�7 F�:3 1 � 1�:�9 MAYOR'S OFFICE Name: Jon Duckstad Home Address: 2236 Pinehurst Avenue, �i 4" St. Paul MN 55116 Street City Zip Telephane Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address �Yhat is your occupaiion? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: �ome) 651 699-2901 ork) 651 227-3236 (F'A7{) 651 293-1365 City Council �Vard: 46 E. Fourth 1310 Minnesota B1dQ., St. Pau1, M�iI 55101 Attorney -- - St. Paul, Minnesota 1310 Minnesota Bldg., St. Paul, rL`I --' St. Paul Planning Commission Aeritage Preservation Commission L�� V �Vhat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointmer.t? As a former Assistant St. Pau1 City Attorney, I was assigned to the St. Pau1 PlanninQ Board from 1964 thru 1968 as a legal representative from the City Attorney Office. During � term as an assistant St Paul Cit�Attornev. I represented the City of St. Paul in our Ramsey County District Court and United States District Court on a number of litiQated zoning cases. (see attached) I al"so served as an assistant City Attorney from 1963 thru 1970 durinQ which time I drafted a revised billboard zoninQ code which was enacted and adopted by the then existing City Council and incorporated into the overall zoning code. I have considerable experience in Muncipal law 3ncluding zoning. I'also'represented the Village of Mendota from 1970 thru 1975 as its legal counsel. I have been in private practice in the City of St. Paul since 1970. I have also served as a part-time Ramsey County Public Defender from 1973 to the present time. The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) � Rev. 8-5-97 • �- � �- , Name: Joseph 0'Neill oo-YH'r Address:_ _ 1250 Woz1d Trade Centez, 3Q E. Seventh Street> St. Pau1, MN Phone: Name: 51�1 ome) ork) 651 298-8300 Robert Fletcher, Ramsey County Sheriff Address• Adult Detention Center, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., St Paul, M1V 55102 Phone: Name: (F[omel (Work� 651 266-9303 Jim Reiter, Councilman Address: 310 City Hall & Courthouse, 15 W. Ke11oQQ Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55102 Phone: (Rome� (�Vork� 651 266-8510 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: �1) I am interested in the St. Paul Plannine Commission because I have considerable experience in the area of municipal land planning & zoning. I have also a great deal of legal experience in�this area in- cluding representation of the City of St. Paul in numerous zoninQ court cases from 1964 thru 1970. One of these cases involved preventing railroads from constructing three (3) high rise towers (buildings) which would have blocked the view from the Ke11oQg Mall. (2) I am also interested in preserving certain old buildings and landmarks in the City. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? I have had contact previously with the St. Paul Planning Board from 1964 thru 1970. I have not had prior contact with the Aeritage Presezvation Commission. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. X �Vhite (Caucasian) _ B(ack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo x Nfale Femate Disabled: Yes No X If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: O6(04/34 How did you hear aboutthisopening? Mrs. Harold R. Fostch (Judy Fotsch), 2133 Selby Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 (tel: 651 646-6216j ( a g '�;r. . � . � � ,F ;; :�.: �� . � � � L . 3 � , f}FFIC£ OP THE MA.YOIi 390 C1TY RAi T. � SAINT PAUL,IVTIlVNESOTA 5510Z - Phone: (651) 266-SSZS FAX: (651) 266-SS13 Name• t � I '� Home Address: _.Sp.�S.z Street City � 00 —P'�1 �' ,Zip Telephone Number(s): (Inc�uae Area Codes} (s� (�5l—(���`I — (0 5gS (Wl G, (,� -?��a P►anning District Council: ,_,�� City Council Ward: ` Preferred Mailing Address: �` ����� ���'P— _ , ...: _. :. •- • ._ � . _. - . ._..... _. _�.. ... � A _� What is your occupation? �� i C 2 '�J'2-S �� ��0� �,�' ��C ��cX.[n��,��' Committee(s) Applied For. � V S�t I�"�_ Ptace oT Employment: What skills, training or eaperience do you possess for tht cammittee(s) for which you seek appointa�ent: S-2� K.Sv��M.'C' .. f �� Post-iC Fax Note 767t E . '; The �rn�tffoa7nativn �cldz�ea o� r�i�s,mppTi * `a "'n,a� Govtrnmeat Aata Pra�ctiees ?iL~t. �icst a t'�3a�'bt, �3 ��+t t4tease� to �Ehe genersl pubtic. I� i � I (OVER) Rev. 3-31-99 o6i22i99 TtiE 14:25 FA3 651 647 6585 Lorl D. Fritts � 002 oO,P�{ r Retere.aces Lynne Scboen 2096 Fairwnys Lane Rose�ille, MN 55113 651-638-1959 Pat Nelson 2199 Quinn Ave St Louis Pazk, NL�T 612-926-9661 7an Unstad 24I0 C Upland Ave P[ym��th, MN 55447 612-929-4759 Rcason for interest in this commiaee. The vitality of S[. Paut is dependent upon retaining and attracdng homeowners. Our parks and diverse recreational opportunities can play a key role as to whether a family witl choose to make St. Paul their home. 1 am interested in preserving and restoring SG Paul's parks and recreational facilities for cumnt and future use and �o help enhance St. Paut overall No previous corttaa with committee. 06i22i99 TUE 14:25 Fe11 651 647 6585 Lori D- Fritts r���, R.ELI�I►�.STA.R on_�'Hr Management Biography William D. Fritts, Jr. Vice President, Government Relations l�ate of Employment with ReliaStar Finanaal: April 1994 Personai History: Bom in Cranford, �Iew Jersey on November 13, 1950. Graduated from Bun and Buiton Seaninary in Manchester, Vermont in June 1968. He and wife, Lori, live at 2153 Knapp Sueet, St. Paul, Ivfinnesota, 55108 with sons, William D., TII (19�0), James Robertson (1989), Robertson Charles Hawk (1993),and Thomas Bn.ice Robertson(199'7). Educational Background: 'Universitv ot' Vermont 1974 BA Business Career: RetiaStar �nancial Corp. April 1994 Vice President, Govemment to Present Relations Unifed 5tafes Senate 7anuazy 1993 Minnesota Director, Senator to April 1994 Dave Durenberger U.S. Department of Health uad Human Services August 1992 Counsellor to the Depury to 7anuary 1993 Secretary United States Denartment of Commerce May 199� Senior Advisor to the Secretary to August 1992 and I}irectoz, Office of Public tlffairs Director, Office of Security and Cooperntion in Europe Affairs -more- William D. Fritts, 7r. 06/22/99 TUE 14:25 FA% 651 647 6585 Lorl D. Fr1LCS �00� Bio - Page 2 0o-iry 2- Business Career (cont.) United States Deaartment of Commerce (cont.) February 1989 Assistant Secretary for to May 1990 Legi�lative and Intergoveinmental Affairs Health Insurance Association of America September 1985 Director, Political Affairs to February 1989 U.S. Denartment of Health and Human Services February 1985 Senior Assistantto the Commissioner of Social Security July 1984 to February 1985 Philip A'�orris, Inc. October 1982 to July 1984 TTHS May 1981 to October 1482 Senior Advisor to the Seaetary Manager, Federal Government Relations Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation United States Senate January 1979 Executive Atsist./Legislative to May 1981 Director to Senator Robert Dole Joint Reaublican Leadership O�ce August 1975 Assistant Director, Special to January 1979 Assistant to �Touse Minority Leader 7ohn Rhodes -more- William D. Fritts, 7r. 06�22i99 TUE 1�:25 Fd� 651 647 6585 Lori D. FritLS , � 005 Bio - Page 3 Professional Affiliations: Community Involvement: 1Vni' Meeting 1997-present ��l � � Treasurer and Board Member Actively involved in the Republican Party Honors and Awards: Appointcd by President Bush as an Executive Branch Commissioner to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the "Helsinki Commissioz�" November 1989 to 7anuary 1993. Other Activities: Appointed by President Iteagan as a conferee to the White House Conference for a Drug Free America, September 1987 to Iune 1988. Member, Congregational Church and Free and Acceptetl Masons h:bioifriac/sugusii99s MAY-17-2066 15�16 SRINT PRUL RRER CHRMBER . Please Retarn To: Tom Msrver PED 13�` Floor 2� West �ourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone: 651-266�610 Fax: 651-Z28-3261 612 223 5119 P.02iO3 DO-�''t �— � � t�� .5c, ��o� Name• Jeff Pe etson Home Address: 3155 A[den Pond Lane City: Ea�an Zip: 55121 Telephone Number: 651-265-2771 Planning District Conncil: City Counc3l Ward: Preferred Mailing Address: �aint Pant Area Chamber of Commerce 332 Minnesota Street Suite N-20S Rn;nr p8ut MN SS101 What is yoar Occupation: Director af PubtiG Affairs Place of Employment: Committee Applied For: Saint Paul Area Ghamber of Commerce Compete Saint Paul Boaed What sl:ills, training or experience do you possess for the committee for which yoa seek appointment? I have been the Director of Public Affaus fur the Sain Paul Area Chamber of Commerce for the oast l+ree years In this ca.�acitv i have dealt witti a varretv ot Qublic poticy issues within the Citv of Saint PauL Rams�� Countv Saint Paul School District and the Staxg Legi�lature T also served as a memher of the original Comnete Saint Paul Task Force that forwarded on the recommendation to thc Mavor. J�►ave also been involved in �ublic �ali�yr for the past 8�ears The information Inciuded in this application is considered private data accord"mg to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act As a result this information is not released to the genetal public. (OVER) Rev. 8-5-97 � MRY-17-2000 15�16 SAINT PRUL RRER CHRMBER 612 223 5119 P.03�03 : . . , � oo-�y�— Name: Ceoff Mich 1 Address: 400 North Robert Street, Saint Pau4 MN 55101 Phone: 651-665-5882 Name• Tim Marx Address: 332 Minnesota Streek. W-2200 Saint Paui_ 55101 Phone: 651-223-649� Nsme: Rick Agui�r Address: 602 Smith Avenue South Saint Pa�+�- MN SSI07 Phone: 651-665-0633 Reasons for intcrest in this particular committee T think serving on the urieiinai task force enables me to bring a un�ue �ersnective ta the committee I a o feel that working for the Cham6er of Commerce who represents nearlv 1700 area businesses enables me tQbrine a business perspecfive to the Yiave you had previous contact witL the committee for wflich you are making an application? If so, when and the citcumstsnces? In an attempt to ensure that eommfttee reptesentation reflects the make up of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This informatFon is stricdy voluntary. X White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pa�c Islander American Indian or Alsakan Eskimo _ 7�_Mate Female Disabled: Ycs Date of Birth: 3/15170 No X If special accommodations are nceded, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? Mailing„ TOTPL P.03 MAY. -12' OOIFRI) 10�24 9 . Ndme: � r ` ];pme Addrasa: City- TRADES & LABOR 'fEL�651 293 1989 PLEA9E RETLIRN TO; TOM NLIAVER P.E.D.13 FI.00R 25 vV�sT FoURT� STRS.ET SAINT PAUI., MINNESOTA 9510Z Phone; (651} 2fib.4610 F:4X: (651) 7.28.3x61 Telephoae Numbez(9): (indude Area Codes) ptynnln� Diet�ictiCauncilc Preferred Mailiug qddrees: What is yaur ocapPxuon' place cf Employinens: Committee(s) A�jplied Ror: '7 s • e 0 in ryy� (yJ I � , city coun�a w�a: (� P. 001/002 bo-d'{i- ����� 1 . �� "C2f � r�ed� ZZ -3��"1 - S�—�4 �� S�I6 2 s cK Lci bo✓ - Tbe inforruation included 1n thie applicatlon is considered private data accnrding to the M�nnesots Government D'sta Prectices Act. As a resnit, this'nforman°a is not reiea9ed to t4e general pubtic• 2Ip: � T�TRL P�02 . ...__ _______ c_..tie ,...,.,.,,;rranlsl fnr wAieh voU seek eppointment? MAY.-12'00(FRI) 10:24 TRA�ES & LABOR TEL:651 293 1989 aFUCn�v � n�.FERUNCBS [Reminder to Inciude Telephone Are2 Codesl � P. 002/002 00 -t�f�- Name: ; t-tYl v�. (/� �J St 0� Address: I GLo �� � �� � � n,. .. .Ynr{cl � � � ` ��. Z ' �� S'�— Phoue: e Name: Address: Phuue: Namc: �S Address � �" ' � ' ' , � tDs � ZLelo - (AO�� — Phones e ReasonE foz your intere9t in thie parGcular t�-bou,�' ��' . � GtC� � �—(,�,� S C GWI t�►�t � Have you had previoiw contact with the cnmmittee tur whlch You are making appGcaKon? Tf sn, wtien, an the circumgtances � � J ` � �� lq an aaempt to ensure that comm�ttec repreeentation reflects tha makeup of o�r commoni� please eMeck the line applics6le ta You• Thie information is atricdy voluntery• `� White (Caucasian) � Hlack (A.frican American} AmerlcaT Indian ur Alaekan B91�o Date oi Birth: _� Hispanic Asian or Pacific ]elandcr Malc Fcmale Dieabted: Yes No tf special accommodations are needed, pleaee speciiy: � �-- liow did you hear ebouE dds opCxiine`' FROM : IUOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. : 612 686 6518 May. BS 2000 11:14RM P2 }�+ PlEASB AET'GRN TO: TOM M�V� p.E.D.13 FT.UOA Z5 W'F9T baURT'S �&F' g10Z SAIh'I PACII., M�N pltone: (651) 25b•fi61� EAX: (651) 228.3161 !Vamc Soate Str� City� Tatnpheae NumKer( ([nduda +�rea codes) Pt�nain� Dl9trictCouricllt preferctd Mailk�g addreee: wnac is your ocej�aY�oa? Place o! �lxpiny4se Cois+enitcee(s) A[�P�ed Fato Ciry Co�mcil W at3+ . m er esperirssee do yau Pas�eea for !he earawiRee(s) Iar wh�:h you s�k uppalnnnent Vdtint s1o7►�, uuP� ' . � � _. . _ _ , �- -- Z+y� �y[p�atio}t inelAded Iri thlA appl�endon [� eoweldned P�r�te dau acea�dtng to thm'•K�naC Gavarnm�at DAsaPneticea Acc. aa e raeulL, this [afarmstloa i� nat eeieaetd tn the genezal pnblic. , 00-1'YY � T=�TRL �,9= FROM : IilOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. : 612 686 6516 •u�i .� ��.��.,�. . ,. ,,,,�<... ., _._... pcu N�, y�r�_ ��tgNCFS [Reminder w Snclude TatapROne?.rea Codesj I � � a j�/Cq t ��_1����/�i-� N ame: �.1+ „ . � , ...,�, r_ r. � C's _ S.r Addre6s: PAnoe: Yame: Addre�s: Pheae: !\ 6Afe_ �ddress ��,�;. i=?- -. � ..� • �� . /�� May. 05 2090 11:14AM P3 DO -��l �' !I [.��1"I►/t..siar� :,..�_.�. .-- �� ' /, � � i .. ►. =; i 1:/ Phan=� - OTC�CUlAr eOtiimlhlC: •,_. �PC � �� Q• �� geaennc per yaur intersit in �his p '`� Ka.•a you had prevlflue conteas wist �e :ammiaee far *Eich you ara enaktag aAPUea�an? l��so, when, and thn ctrcur.+e�ance�' ✓ l jp ait ataemp}!o enBUra tkt�ct casn:t�iaec repceeentatio� ['tflects tRe makeup ef out sWnmunih', please aheck tht lit�e apgtiiwbl� m yon. Thie laformadon is ttriotfy �oivaury ' . � Wh3te (Caaea�ian) giackt�lfriean Americaa) ✓ A�a{c�f Indiait ur Al�►sl�ar Eskimo D of Birth: _--s •• "�""� Dlsabkd� Yen NO � ({ apeeial �esommodaliuus �tre netded plaast spe�FY� _� Riepanic „� A,iao ar Paelflaldandos &talc � F:male Fietr did's9�n hear ahatte sh9�aninC° �� .�'i�vv� L.ir.bor ss �..'�il� . FROM : I,UOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. : 612 686 6518 May. 05 2009 11:15RM P4 �0'��{ � QTJALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE I was employed in the wastewater division of the Metropolitan Council Bnvironmental Services (MCES) Division for 18 yeazs. T have an undergraduate degree in Labor Relations from Metropolitan State University. I hold licenses from the State of Minnesota in both wastewater treatment plant and steam pSant operation. I also hold certificates in wastewater treatment from California State University, Sacramento. I am a member of the Water Environment Federation and the Industrial Relations Reseazch Association. I preseatly am employed as the Business Manager of the Intemational LTmon of Operating E�ineers, Local #35. I served the Operating En�ineers Union in various capacities throughout my employment with MCES — as Shop Stewazd, Chief Steward, Vice President and President of the Local. In recent times, my energies have been focused on help'sng to shape public employee unions' response to the challenges of competition and privatization. � Govemment agencies aze today bein� challe�qed to achieve increased cost-efficiency in the dclivery of public services. To that end, polirical leaders aze promoting new ways to deliver essential services to the public. Reinventin� government, grivatization, managed compeution and pub(ic/private partnerships are ideas that reflect this new approach. At the MCBS the pressure to deliver high-quality services az lower costs began to manifest itself by the mid-1990s. �'he new competitive realities, exacerbated by pressure from lazge private water and wastewater contract operation firms, forced both labor and management at the MCES to reconsider long-held approaches to service delivery. As a labor representative at the MCES, I have assumed a leadership xale in the reengineering efforts that have taken place there over the past few yeazs. In my leadership role I have had the opportunity to be the lead negotiator for all of the unions in the first "privatization" effort at the MCES. The new Blue Lake Solids Facility became the MCES's first major explozation into private operation of wastewater treaiment facility. Whether or not it was publicly acknowledged as such it became the "litmus test" to determine who should deliver these sesyices, public or private. Today, the capital improvement project neazs completion and is slated to begin full-scale ogeraiion early this fall. The MCES's answer to the "privatization" question was t6at a private firm, New England Fertilizer Co., would build and manage a facility that will be stafFed by the MCES's public employees. This unique approach to a public/grivate partnership has enabled the MCES to meet its goal of increased cost-efficiency in delivery of its services while at the same time recognizing the needs and concerns of its reprasented employees. I am quite proud of my role and involvemem in tlus organizational success story. In addition T have represented tabor in developing the Met Council's policies and processes on managed competition. In the Council's Competitive Government Guidebook we developed uniform policies and processes to draw competition into the many coiners oY the organization to encourage more cost-effective service delivery without sacrificing quality. In accompiishing tivs task we were fozced deal with, amongst other things, the difficult issue of fauness to all parties involved in the managed FROM : I,UOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. : 612 686 6518 May. a5 2900 11:16RM PS 0 o-r't a- competition process. I believe we succeeded in creating a"level pIaying field" for all stakeholders in the process. Finally, recognizing that the competitive realities were not going away, I have led many initiatives, within both my union and the MCfiS, that wiIl hopefully ensure the long-term viability of these organizations. Internally within my union I have articulated and ]ed a program for controlled change that atiempts to address both individual and institutional concerns. Within the MCES I have played a leadership role in the continuing attempt to achieve "privafization" leveIs of efficiencies and thereby avoiding the difficult decision oPwhether or not fo g,t've up control ofttris public utility. We have used various "cools" to accomplish this goa� but alI of our efforts were based on a collaborative involvement approach that recognizes the interests of all stakeholders. At the MCES labor and management have jointly developed a strategy for competitive service delivery. Usin� an organizational change process which involved a large percentage of the impacted employees we have designed and begun implemetrti�g a new organizational plan that recognizes the new competitive realities and supports our goal of cost-effective service delivery. FR�M : IUOE, Local 35 PHONE N0. � 612 686 6518 Reasons for my interest in this particulaz committee: May. 05 2000 11�16AM P6 dp•d'�{Y As a life-long residem of St. Paul Z was very concerned over the rhetoric and politics that surrouaded the Compete St Paul Tnitiative this past fall. 'Ihe desire to ensure cost- effective delivery of City Services is legitimate and needs to be supported, however the City of St. Paul has to ea:ercise caution in the execution of any "privatization" or °`maaaged competition" plan. There are numerous issues that need to be examined the development o£ such a plan. I believe that my experience in this area would be of benefit io zhe Compete St. Paul Board. �ar29-99 02:20pm From-PUdLIC FGLICY E12o6379E9 �:-4fi5 P 02/J3 F-870 3 j�� Office of the Mayor 80-�,1�-' 4 / � 390 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 266-8525 Fax:266-8513 Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Name .T�n � �f 11`tYA ( L Home address Telephones E-mail address - 1 ,_J � .JJ OC� �/� Y p 1�1� �a-n57� I = b�-�1< cc11 paQer L 3 y- Planning District Council City Council Ward Preferred mailing address �P � ��j�\�(� i'(,1��1C`. �Jn�1�An iM�.n cicY zip Occupation Place of employment_ � _S . Employmenc address Committee(s) applied f 3ac� , f��is M�J �Sy�o What skills/[raining or expezience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? � The information inciuded in chis applicacion is considered private data, according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act_ qs a result, this information is not released to the general public. page 1 of 2 Mc.;-29-99 02:2�pa From-PUdLIC POLICY Personal References i� ame Addre Telep;,�..�� iv � 0-1 v� �O � I y I Name Addre Telephones Name Addre � �a ��1� Telephones � � ,�U -J� � � Reasons for your interest in this particular commi[tee ����Q�j� jfl �(��*(�� � M .,�.� � ' Q � � l� VY�2�n�` Q,� (� t � iSS c� LS .'�a..�'( c�. ��� �L ST ' R R�v��.�'� �u Mu`'�u.n� Qf��. h�r� �,�a nL ��mX��, ;�h � Have yo❑ have previous concact with the commitcea for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? IV I� C6Y�,`� �C,r��b�1,�t(,� (��l,lCla u� �v W� wiS �?st �u�u In an actempt co ensurc chat commit[ee representa[ion reflects the makeup oP our communicy, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. �Whi�e (Caucasian) ❑ Hispanic ❑Black (African-American) ❑ Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo ❑ Nlale Female � Date of birch �� �� Disabled; ❑ Yes No �, If speciai accommodations are needed, please speci How did you hear abo¢� this op 6126037969 i-4o5 P.G3/03 F-870 6D -�''i ]- t _.�_ ... v� r DE�-29-98 TUE 9�44 �c-zR-issa ii- s /� �� �� V" Nsme: Home Address: City TclepLone Number: HIGH BRI�GE PLAyT � FAX N0, 6122236922 P.G2 SftINT PPUI_ MRYOR'S QFFICE 612 265 6513 P.03/04 OOM �� OFF(CE �F TT� MAXOIZ � f�r .�" 3�--.� q S� 39U CTi'Y Re1I.L SAZNT PAUL, MJ1dMT�SOTA �.5102 • 1'hone:26�ES23 FAX: 2b�8513 Zip r.��� : ►.� • • I:.n PlanningDlstrict Cuuncll: C1L] COUIIC�I WAi'fj: ? PrcferredMailingAddress: �f)� S`i�'/�A�D i?a�I� ► ,5�5�/Z�� What is your ostupation' Place ot Employment: CommSCtee(s) Applied For: � : 1i � i .�/. •� r � . . : : •� • Whnt skills, training or experienca dn you poasess for the commiYtee(s) for which you seek 9ppolntmenY! Tha informniion includcd in fhis application ia considrred private dnta s►crord[ng to tha Minnesota Gavernmeat Dats Pracdces Ari As a ztsult, th9s JnformaYinn Is not rcictaed to the general public, 0 (O��R) Itev. 8-5-9" DEC-29-98 TUE 9:45 HIGH BRIDGE PLANT FRX N0. 6122236922 !��-28 :398 11�49 SAINT PAIR. MAYOR'S DFFICE 622 266 8513 � •.: : �. . Name: Addrcsr. P, 03 P.04/84 Oa -r`'� �" ' � C, u l. �_.,_ �.,�E�S�� Biamc: Atktress: �houe: Name; Addresr Yhone: �ava yau had previons eoniact witL th¢ coma»ttee for wk�th you are mal:ing applicntion? If so, when, und the circumats�inees?� • � In an attempt to easnrt that committee representation retleets the ma&eup oCour community, ptease chetk the 1[nc agplicxble to yon. This iniormation is strictly volunYary. _ White (Caucasian) F3lacTc (African American) American Indian ar Alaskart Eakimv � Male Disabted: Yes Female No � If special accommndations are needed, pitase spteify: _�$isp�nic Asian or Pscif c 7standu paee of Birth: ��� "�sz� How did you hear ahou! Uiis opcain�' ��� o S (� Ff�� TOTAL P.84 !: � � � �. — � •