D001082CITY OF SAiNT PAUL � u OFFICE QF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADNIIN75TRATIVE ORDER, No: ' - ��g�. Date: � � � ��� � WHEREAS since August i, 1994, H-Marc (aka: Hamiine Midway Area Rehabilitation Corporation) has leased, through Lease Agreement LIB/1, 300 square feet of office space in the Hamline Branch Library; and WHEREAS, the term of the said Lease Agreement LIB/i expired on July 31, 1996; and WHEREAS, it is the intention ofthe parties to the said agreement to e3ctend the lease for an additional year; THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that the proper City oflicials are hereby authorized and directed to execute Addendum I to I,ease Agreement LIB/l, extending the term Yhrough July 31, 1997. APPROVED AS TO FORM ����� Assistant City Attorney ��— /� - �? � ate Department Head Administrative Assistant to Mayor R.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION 'onfad Pe�son and P6om N� r. � e Nelson � 266-; [ast 6e on Com�c7 Agenda by: ` 'OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �C1TON REQUESTED: Date: 11(6l96 Green Sheet Number: 394 � EPAR'SMEN'S DII2ECSOR TLP CAUNCII, �� � 1 IIY ATTORP7EY � / CLER% V i7DGEt DII2F.CTOR .& MGT. SVG DIIL YOR(ORASSISTANn I ESfATEDIVISION ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA To approve Addendum II to Lease Agreement LlB/l, providing office space in the Hamline Branch Library for H-MARC (Hamline-Midway Area Rehabilitation Corporation) which wi►I extend the term of the lease through July 31,1996. Ref: 1. Administrative Order to authorize extension of lease agreement; 2. Copy of Lease Agreement LIB/1; 3. Sampie copy of Addendum II. PLANNIHC COMMISSION STAFF �RSONAL 5ERVICE CONTRACI'S MU5T ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: Has the persoNfum ever worked under a contraM for this deparhnent? $as this persoNfirm ever been a CYty employee? CB COMMIT[EE N'RICH COUNCIL OB.IECCIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL NG PROBLEM, I55UF OPPORTUNII'Y (Who, WLaq When, Where, Why?): The term of Lease Agreement LIB/i expired on July 31, 1996. �CES IF APPROVED: H-MARC will have office space through July 31,1997. , �v �`v;� NTACES IF APPROVED: None `'°��' � � �qg�' NTACES IF NOT APPROVED: H-MARC wiR have to �nd suitable space elsewhere. I �� ��.' . ' �. J � .,_�: t � AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: ,$1�$OO.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCI.EONE} fG SOURCE: N�A ACTIVITY NUMBER: INFORMATION: (E7CPLAII� Does fhis penoNfirm possess a s1uR not normally possessed by any current CSty employee? YES NO YES NO YES NO ������.� � VV