274660 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIIflCll ����� PINK � - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPAi7TMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resplution , � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Saint Paul City Couneil approved the merger of the Community Corrections Advisory Board and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council in Resolution 273789 on September 27, 1979; and WHEREAS, The Merger was effective October 1 , 1979 but the Agency was not transferred to Ramsey County until January 1 , 1980; and WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul incurred $18,568 of expenditures of the new agency in the months of October, November, and December of 1979; and WHEREAS, The State Crime Control Planning Board has approved an LEAA Grant in the amount of $17,922 for these months to be matched by $646 provided by the City of St. Paul ; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Council hereby approve acceptance of the Grant award titled St. Paul-Ramsey County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council , 03201109880; and, Be It Further RESOLVED, That the proper City officials be authorized to execute such agreement as are necessary to implement the grant; and, Be It Further RESOLVED, That the 16 page grant agreement is made a part hereof by reference and is on file in the office of the St. Paul Department of Finance and Management. COUNCILMEN Requested by Departme f , � � Yeas ���AHaN Nays � ' - "d'�'er In Favor � Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter � �p 1980 For pprove y 't or Adopted hy Council: Date Ari� 1 � �' Certified ssed by Council Secretary BY By t#p v d by 1ilavor: D te _ �D�—�O App o d by Mayor f r b issiRn to Council By — BY pusus��o APR 1 2 1960 . �� �� �, �'��� MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER S A I H T P A U L --- R A M S EY C 0��T� Co-Choirman . CRlMIRAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNCIL COMMISSIONER ROBERT ORTH �422 Clt�/ HdII A11t')QX Co-Chairmon 25 W. Fourth Street ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 KATHRYN ACKLAND �G�2� 295.5652 Coordinator Plarch 21 , 1980 M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: St. Paul City Council Plembers , � FROM: George Splichal , City Finance � Accounting RE: CCPB Grant Award to CJCC I have received and analyzed the expenditures and obliqations of the Coordinating Council for the neriod of October 1 through December 31 , 1979 and aaree that the grant award from the State should be accepted in order to conclude the financial oblinations af the City and to comp�ete the transfer of CJCC to Ramsey County. DAL:jeb c, �.;�7��' � � RUBY fiU , CHAIR •---4-_._„ FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE r' February 25, 1980 10.00 A.M.-Room 707 PR�SIDING: Ruby Hunt, Chair � • �fEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Hozza Councilman McMahon �IEMBERS ABSENT. None . OTHERS PRESEN7: Mark Senn Bernard Carlson Kim Pfoser Gary Nors�trem t�vseph Nannasch Peter HameS Jim Hart John Conne7ly John Martin Gregory J. Haupt Gary Stout Jerry Segal �r� Osterud Doug Ford Kathy Ackland 1. The minutes of February 4, 1980 were approved as submitted. 2. Resolution Regarding the 1981 LEA Entit7ement decision as it App�ies to the Criminal Justice Advisory Board recomnen atio�. Kathy Ackland expl�ined that the Fe�eral Government under authoriza�ion of a new law has created the category of entitl�ment district for cities, eountiQS .and combinations th��reof with populations of IOQ,000 and above. St. Paul is eligib7e to receive $260,000 in criminal justice funds from this program. The recammendation of the Justice Advisory Board is that the City of St. Paul , Ramsey Co. and the suburbs a11 opt for entitlEment status and form a combination planning agency and staff and that the option �o uo'�balarrce of sta�te be left open in case there is a better offer in wr3�:ing frQm the Metropolitan Council . � MOTION: By Councilmar� McMahon, that the proper resolution regarding this �ssue be prepared indicating the position of the administration on the issue. �lOTION CARRIED. 3. Resolution regarding the Urban Renewal Bond Fund Program, Gary Stout, Kim Pfoser and Doug Ford reported on the status of the Urban renewal bond fund program as per the report which was provided to Com- mittee members. The request was made to aliow city to negotiate with HUD to withdraw certain uncompleted projects, to complete others and to have certain other projects completed by other parties with funding from other sources. . MOi'ION: by Councilman Hozza, authorizing Planning and Economie Develop— ment to negotiate with HUD to eliminate certain uncompleted projects in the Urban Renewal 8ond Fund Program, �lOTION CARRIEDe �� 4. BRIfFING ON BOND SALE Bernard Carlson,reported that bids on $10 1/2 m�llion in G.O. bonds will be opened on 2-26-80. The expectation is that no bids will be received. The hope is that the legislature will act on one of twa bills