274650 WMITE - CITV GLERK ���,i��.� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ; CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO• � _ o�ncil Resolution Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administration Resolution changing the title and class specification for Recreation Leader III to Recreation Center Director in the Civil Se rvice Rule s. RE50LVED, that the Civil 5ervice Rules be amended in Section 3. L (Technical Group) by placing a star (�) before the title of Recreation Leader II in Grade 24, and by adding at the bottom of the page the following statement: "This title is abolished except as to present incumbents. "; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. L (Technical Group) by striking out the title of Recreation Leader III from Grade 30 and by substituting in lieu thereof, the title of Recreation Center Director in Grade 28 E; and be it �. FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by striking out the class specifications for Recreation Leader II and Recreation Leader III and by substituting in lieu thereof, i.n proper alpha- betical order, the attached class specification for Recreation Center Director. Approved: Chairman, Civil erv' e Com ission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas McM�HON Nays pERSONNEL OFFICE �� _� In Favor �e�a � . Levine �__ Against BY Maddox � Sh—�coer APR �. . 1980 _ For pproved b rne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified sse by Cou �1 Sec etar B B� � t�p o by Mavor: Date � A� 3 �98� Ap ro d by Mayor for S mi ion to Council By _ — B — R�LtStiED AP R 1 2 1980 Title of class: , � �� RECREATION CENTER DIRECTOR . DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible work involving the planning, organizing and implementing of a coummunity recreation and athletic program; and performs related duties as required. Su ervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative supervision of a recreational supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit close technical and admin- istrative supervision directly over lower level recreational workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID 1'he listed examples ma.y not include all duties performed by alI positions in this class. Plans, organizes and directs a diversified program of recreational and athletic activities. Instructs participants in rules and procedures of recreational activities. Recruits, instructs and directs community volunteers to act as recreational leaders or athletic coaches. Inspects and determines that buildings, apparatus, equipment and facilities are maintained in a clean, safe and functional condition. Organizes and directs special activities including field trips, dances, hay- rides, social and youth clubs. Maintains order and discipline and enforces facility rules and regulations. Administers emergency first aid trea�ent to participants until medical assistance is available. Attends neighborhood group and agency meetings to develop or explain pro- grams and projects; plans and directs the raising of local funds for recreational or athletic activities. Orders and receives recreational and athletic equipment and supplies. Prepares required attendance, activity, accident, time and inventory reports. � Opens and closes recreational or athletic facilities. KNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of first aid supplies and procedures. Considerable knowledge of recreational and athletic activities, rules aad procedures. Considerable knowledge of arts and crafts materials and activities. Considerable skill in teaching and directing recreational and athletic activities. Considerable skill in operating recreational equipment. l�orking ability to deal tactfully and efficiently with the general public especially youngex people. Working ability to plan, organize and delegate work. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in recreation or physical education; or two years� experience as a Recreation Leader I or equivalent. - Do not dvta��h this m�morandum from �h� resolution so that #his information wii! be ��1���� availab'e to the City Council. • EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE.ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: February 6, 1980 . T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED , We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This classification will provide an extended range for employees assigned to.recreation centers, recognizing the essential similarity of duties but maintaining a proper salary differential between experiencedp.erformers and relative beginners. The salary schedule below is a combination of the present ranges for Recreation Leader II and Recreation Leader III. It does not provide a salary increase for employees currently working as Recreation Leader IIIis. A B C D E F G H I 45�6 47�7 497.�7 520.99 544. 84 569. 22 597. 84 625.93 655. 61 Start 6 mos. 1-year 2-years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years ? years $11, 919 , �10 y,r�s. 15- rs. �20�-Yr.s.. 25 yrs. � 676. 63 93. 24 ?- 06. 24 719. 24 �� �. $18, 764 . ATTACI�IENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk. ' +� .i t.i�4: _ _�. _'"_ _ - . . I-__-`�\ . ... . •.. , • • .. . . . . :''.' ���'•' 0:��`J��'�:I': O� '"Ji'i t.l•: C:..��':Y.' �%O�f1��=7• . �'':.- ('"��.1`��:► - ' '������ _ ��'�', � ' ` �%�;:'` ) Dat� . March 17, I980 �'•���-�- _ _.�� - :� � V !di t��f ��� � a.''.�_ _�.. �i � .� � ��'i. 4t � _ , . . � p ; �a�n-'r °�Ut Ci i� �ourcit _�= _ _ �o ����'� : C������}�f�'� O r1 �INANCE , MANAGEMEN'I' AND PERSONNEL � " ^ - . ��T . � RUBY HUNT , ct�atrmen, m�kes ,�the fo! !o:•finr � . ��por� ort .C. �_ . � � � �rctinc�nce - - _ � (6) �� RfdSO;:i'tta711 _ " ! � ° �. ��r�r - _ . ' " � �iL� : . - - _ ' The Pinance .Committee, at its meeti.ng of March 17 , 1980, toak actian ` ecommending a.pprova_l. o.f �he follawing : � - - . _ 1 .. Resolution extending range for employees assigned to .recrea�ion . cente:rs , recognizi.ng essential similarity of duties-, bt:t maintain= ing proper salary dzfferential between experienced perfa►rmers. and _ � - . � relative beginners'. (10728-RH) . � � 2 . Res.oluti.on a.mending .Sa�la.ry Plan and Rates of Compensation to a11ow • . � 10726-RH) increases through Step I for� new class of Recreation 'Center DirecLcix . - � 3 . Resolutiorr enabl�,ng appointees with degre�s to be appointed to the. -' •. _ same �rat�' af pay -they v�ould now receive i£ hired .as _a Reereatioi► - ` � � L�ader II1. . (1.0725-RH) _ . ' 4'. �I�esolution to � increase the rate of pay for xe.fectgry •Helper. ; (uridex _ . ' �10742-RH) the heading Special Employment) from $2 . 50 an hour to $2 .90 an houx : _ . S . Resol�ution ta change m�nimum qualifications for Txactor Qpera.tQr_ I , ; ' • . .reducing t}iem from 10-0 hrs . of traini.ng to 40 and from ane y.eax af. . experience to. sax months . (10727-RH) � � . . - , 6 . Resolution containing budget amendments- to Community De�elarment - - ° �lock Grant '�ear ' s I_, 'II , III and V Programs . • . - . � r Sf.:�'F�;ti�l�: F1.GC>:: 5:11:�1' I:\G.L, :I�1`iS`JG� S}'.u3 . , i(1`. . Do no� dLtach this memorandum from the resolution so that this information will be � available to the City Council. s������ EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, �� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES � ,., . . .. . . � .� ,:� � ,. • ^"- c� - ;�':�;. , Date: February 6, 1980 ��+� • III������r� ���l� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submiss�on of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This classification will provide an extended range for employees assigned to recreation centers, recognizing the essential similarity of duties but maintaining a proper salary differential between experiencedperformers and relative beginners. The salary schedule below is a combination of the present ranges for Recreation Leader II and Recreation Leader III. It does not provide a salary increase for employees currently working as Recreation Leader III�s. A B C D E F G H I 45�6 47�7 497�7 520. 9g 544. 84 569. 22 597. 84 625. 93 655. �1 Start 6 mos. 1-year 2-years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years $11, 919 �1��0 �rs. 15- rs. 20- rs. 25 yrs. ' 676. 63 93. 24 70 . 24 719. 24 $18,764 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk.