274649 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICII ���v PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR . Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolutionto allow increases through Step I. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended by adding at the end of Section I F 1, immediately following subsection (h), the following: "(i) For each 2080 hours an employee has appeared on the payroll in the position of Recreation Center Director after he/she has attained Step C, he/she may be granted an increase in salary of one step up to Step I; and if he/she has received a ten-year increase he/she may be granted the ten-year step, and if he/ she has received a fifteen-year increase he/she may be granted the fifteen-year step. However, i.n no case will a Recreation Center Director be granted Step F until he/she has completed fifteen credit hours in courses pertaining to recreation. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas NICMAHON Nays � ��, PERSONNEL OFFICE �� [n Favor Hunt ' Levine _ � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter A� i �� ��� For Approved by ity rne Adopted by Council: Date C Certified Y-ssed by Council ecretary By y, � A� r ve by \+lavon Dat R 3 �98� Ap ro e by Mayor for S i ion to Council BY — — BY 1 r �!t1�RL1sMED APR 1 2 1980 . , � v.��. _� ti_�: r._.a...�� - - '�i�''-Ir,��� Q���:R.'��:��'.'�r�.. rL't 1..�'; �.:.�l��.ti� ti�lf���7��r . �ff .. /.��.,•- _ `,':� . /� ������ : :,,; .. -.:-� `.'j� _ '��\.� ' y` %_::' Date : blarch 17 , 1980 �, `�, _ -�� , � � ��i ?'�� �i ITi. � fii � � � i � �` - . . _ . � p : �a�n-'r °uui Cs i� �our:cit - ._�p . �y; �j ��,� : Gb;7�ti11�'1'��. fli� t�I:NANCE , MANAGEME�NT AND PERSONNEL � - . . �Q �tJ` • RUBY HLINT 4;ct�vifner�, mc::es. �the TOe �G;�fina � . � r�p�ori° on C. F. :., � ��dir�c�nce - _ . ' - . • (6� � R£:SO�:s f j�r1 • � • . . . , � Q;r.�r . � • _ - . � �lL� : . � ' - ' The Finance Commit�ee, �.t its meeting �of Ma_rch 17, 2980, t�ok action ` recommending approval o_f th.e following : � - � _ 1 .. Resolution extending range for employees assigned to .xecrea�ion cente.r. s , recagniz?,ng essential si�nil�xity of duties., buL maantain= ing proper saTary c}i£ferential be�tw�een ex�eri,enced. performers. and � - . rela.tive b�ginners'. � (10728-RH) � 2 . Resolixtion amending .Sa-la.ry Pla.n and Rates o£ Compensation to allow • . 1 f17?F�_R(-T� �,r�rrra?gag thrr�z�o'{: Ctsrrn, T ��,-• n;e�r class of Recrea�ion Cer..*er fl1x'BC�fl�. � 3 . Resolutioz� enabl�.,ng appointees with degrees �to be appoi.nted. to the. -' � � _ � same �rat� o£ pay �they r��uld now receive if hi:xed .as .a Reereation � � � Leader ITI . (1U72S-RH) , , � ' 4-. �Resolution to - inexease the ra�e of pay for refectoxy •Helper . (urider : . ' 10742-RH) the heading Spec�.al Employmerit) from $2 . 50 an hour to $2 .90 an houx : _ . 5 . Resolution to change m�nimum qualifications for Tractor OperatQr- I, . ' • , .reducing t}iem fr.om 10�G hrs . of training to 40 and from one y.ear nf experience to. sax months . {10727-RH) ' � . '- 6 . Resolution containing budget amendments- to Community Development� � � ' �lock Grant 'Year ' s I , 'IIy III and V Programs . � . � . • � c Sf.�.�'F�;�;'l�: �J.GO;: 5:12:i1� 1'slt;.l., :•�►1tii:5�if.� S�?L3 : . i f,t.. � . Do not d�[ach �his memUrandum from the resotution so that this information will be �/ { available to the City Council. ��, �� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: February 6, 198A � ... . . . Y � � .til � i•IH!. ~� '� �1/'��/'� . /�, TO: MEIYOR GEORGE LATIMER �y�,�,� �,�`}�� FR: Personnel 0£fice RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and aubmission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution amends the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution to allow increases through Step I. � This Resolution pertains to the new class of Recreation Center Director. ATTACHI�tENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk.