274648 WHITE - C�TV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR ,�, Council Resolution �, � Presented By ��-t^�`'-^-?,r��� �; , Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules concerning appointees �o the title of Recreation Center Director. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 28. B by adding a new Subsection 10, so that said Subsection shall read as follows: "10 Appointees to Recreation Center Director with a Bachelor�s Degree in the designated fields shall be paid Step D; appointees t4 Recreation Center Director with a Masterts Degree in the designated field shall be paid Step F. Approved: Chairman Civil Service Co issio COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas MeMAHON Nays � .�� FERSONNEL OF�ICE ,�� [n Favor � � Hunt r Levine _ � __ Against BY --- ' Maddox Showalter ��� 1980 Form roved by ' y rne Adopted by Council: Date �R--� � Certified Y�ssed by Counc' Secretary BY ' B � AP� �980 App v d by Mayor for Sub ' si n to Council tappr v A�lavor. Date , By — — BY ptt�L�SH�O APR 1 � 1g�Q � �. - ,-:i-_-``,� � �1. , �_ .. �. . . - =I �_- �� :\ pV��`�:'�("�: O�' r.i�i f.l.: C v iL�.�r �;n�j1�=T T.� �� � . 1. ..�. • �� - �; l�. `\�. :\ �1 ` ,-':� ",�� i• ,j� ' _ ���tJ �\• � .' ` %�''` natQ e March 17 , Z980 � `\� \'` - -��. , � S 3 � �� � � i"•i i �� � �i t C � ��, '�� , i � � _.� � . � p : �ain� °uul Cii� �a�r�c�I �i= _ �'n ��'i�] : C{��ii���7'��. �1l INANCE , MANAGEb1E-NT' AND PERSONNEL ' . . � �� � RUBY HUNT Y;�chaiFmen, mc�es �th� �att�.�in� � � _^ rLpor� on C.F� . :.� � Ordinc�nce • - " ' . .. (6) � Reso;:;'ri�n . � � - - ' -. � - • � C1;7:�r � � . i � l f...� : . � ' _ � The Finance .Cominittee, at its meeting �of March 17, 1980 , took action ` re :ommending approval. o.f �he following : � - . � 1 .. Resolution extending range for employees assigned to .rECrea�ion cente.rs, recogni�ing essential simil.arity af duties., but maintair�= ing proper salary differentia.l between experienced performers , and . - _ � relative beginnei°s'. . (10728-RH) . � � 2 . Resolution amending: .Sa-la.ry Plan and Rate� of Compensation to a11aw • . ; 10726-RH) in;creases through Step I for� new class of Recreation 'Center Direc�Cor. - . � �3 . Resolution enabl�,ng appointe�s with degrees �to be appointed ta the. -' •_ same rat�' of pay -they ��uld now receive if hired .as .a Recreatioit � � � Leader� III . (1,0725-RH) .. , � ' 4�. �Resolution to � increase the� rate of pay, for refectQry �Helpex . (ur�der : _ ' ; 10742-RH) t'he heading Special Employment) from $2 . 50 an hour to $2 .90 an Ycour : _ . 5 . Resol�ution to change m�.nimum .qualifications for Txactor Operatqx. IF ' • , .reducing tfiem fram i0�0 hrs . of training tG 40 and f.rom one y.ear af : experience to. s�x months . (10727-RH) ° � . 6 . Kesolution containing budget amendments ° �to Community Development� - � " $lock Grant �earfs I., 'II , IIT and V Programs . - _ " . - ; : . FE,'.�.� SF:t'F::�'I�: FI.C:):� S:1t:11' l'_1[G.F�, ::�ti�i:�'if t 55'_V: � Do not detach this mem�randum from the resolution so that this information will be availab!e to the City Council. ����� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ., , . - �i: ;: . � � � !Vtr�:. �., � ;`�r�j, Date: February 6, 1980 1�►i.'< GR'� �'���C�{F T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � ' FR: Personnel 0€fice RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution will enable appointees with degrees to be appointed to the same rate of pay they would now receive if hired as a Recreation Leader III. ATTACHI�ENTS: � Resolution and copy for City Clerk.