274647 F WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT 1 BI.UE - MAVOR � Flle NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By • C Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �2 WHEREAS, The City Council, g�zr �ar� to Chapter � of the Administrative Code, did hold a public hearing on `� � , 1q80, in the City Council Chambers for the purpose of establishing the level of services of Street Maintenance to be performed in the City of St. Paul and the amount of service charges to be levied against benefitted property; naw, therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby determine that the program of Street Maintenance Services to be performed within the City of Saint Paul shall be in the manner as set forth and described in the attached report of the Department of Public Works, and the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to perform the necessary work as set forth in said report and shall, in accordance with said Chapter 21 of the Administrative Code, keep an accurate record of all costs attributable to the program and report such information to the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas�� Nays � Public Works - Streets ' ision +�unt- In Favor ____ Levine /��� Maddox � McMahoei __ Against By � • Showaitef � � /���L�1� �� `'�ed�essn � Form Approved by ttor Adopted by Council: Date —�� Certified P •s d y Counc' ecretary BY B� _ �1pp d by 1�lavoc Da e APR 3 1980 Ap ov by Mayor or Su s i n t �ouncil gy By �1.►St�ED APR 1 � 1�80 . xev. : �/r���� ,� ' , � ' • { EXz."'`LA�Ir�TIC;T ^:^• �D�tI`a1:Si'R�TZ�'E O�ZL�r:FS� . ' RESOI��`:'�:G�iS , ��x;L� OfiDIN��aCES . _ , . . . ��'�'�; . �� . . _ , Late i February 19, 1g8Q � �� � i ��i ;�'�_� !�/ � • : FEB � 71980 'Z'0: MAYOR GEORGE L�TI_•1ER . _ INAYOR'$ p� FR: DEPARTME'NT OF PUBLTC WOf3KS - Operations Division g�.; l. Resolution to set date of Pu.blic Hearing for 1980 I,evel of Street Maintenance � . 2. Resolution authorizing the Department of Public Wo,'rks ta perform the work described. - . - . . . �CTYOh' R�Qli�STLD: ' ' ' • . Approve Resolutions for submittal to City .Couneil. . � � , . � . . FLJRPOGr^. n`:D RATICPa:�LE r^OR THIS ACTION: � 1. Resolution sets date of Public Hearing to consider the level of�Street � Maintena,nce to.be perfor�p.ed .in 1980 and aununt of service chaxges to be : � • assessed�against benefitted property. � ti . 2. Rcsolution authorizing the Department of Public Works to perfoxm_the work described. . . . . � AiT�.Cci?•1E''�i�: . 2 Resolutions. . Notice of Public Hearir�. � y ..�����ltR\ ' ������. � _�,��°'TT °="; � CITY OF SAINT PAUL -�`� ''�' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ° •. ;� wunm ,' �� ���� �� �� '= DONALD E. NYGAARD, DIRECTOR �_ ,�• _ �'"���, '°O� ��'''� 600 City Hal�Annex, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �m����.�..� 612-298-4241 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR February 19, 1980 P�r. Peter H�mes Director of P�Ianagement • Room 3�+7, City Hall Re: 1980 Summer Street P4aintenance Frogram Dea r Peter: titi7e are enclosing the follo�wing documents pert�ining to the 1980 Street and Maintenance Program: 1. A Resvlution establishing a da,te fox the City Council Public Heaxing on the program. 2. A notice of the Public Heaxing, including a description of the work to be performed and the proposed assessment rates and source of financing. 3. A Council Resolution authorizing the Department of Public tidorks to perform the work as described. We axe proposi.ng a 1980 budget of $�+,725,600, which is about seven percent above the 19'j9 figure. The increase for a11. residential property would be four cents, from thi.rty-eight to forty-two cents per front foot. Commercial and industrial property would increase six, eight and thirteen cents, respective],y, for locations on residential, arterial and dawntown street systems. This increase will pro- vide approximately the same level of service. No unusual maintenance procedures axe anticipated for lg80. We plan to finish covering the paved alleys with a rock sealcoat and also plan to sand-seal about one-third of our oiled residential streets or approxi:mately 150 miles. We also plan to schedule a few short sections of asphalt overlay; some special repairs; some joint repairs and, possibly, some short sections of special grinding main- -tenance procedures. �O , . ��`� . � � ! � �� 4: �4 ,r f I.T��� �*,+ ,,�•f�-,uTn T�,,nT,r� . 2���ace is iiereb�- GiVC'I7� ���t � ;?�w�Iic I:e�r��� i�ill oe h213 on the daf ., �,c T'�x�l., 1�v0, a� 10:0� �.;.,. , in the ;ai�� PGul Ci�;� Co•ancil Ci:G.�ber�, City ��a31 �:zd C��� ?T���e, �z�<� i�.::1.,. ?'�r�eso��,, ��he �tL�os� o� t.le pub?ic '.zc�Y'1.11d �ZD'�.i''.�',j 'i.0 CO;1$].�^.,�.�,r ii,i_� ��;�e� O� SnY'V'1Ce Oi uf.?'�Et. i•`_c^.,}I1�e!?2:1C? �.O 'D@ ^�:i0i�;.�^.C3 ��1 �?:� Ci�Y o� �a�-:� .=a�.� �..r� 1;�0 �nd �o cor.sidAr zhe cos� o� �uca service �� �1� ch�;e3 �`;'�ul_E''t, :J�T1A:1.���.'Cl prope��f 2CC01'C:1.T1�; t0 Ordinurce 1:0. 1531.r.� �a�.��il �ile ?;o. 2c0�2c. ��.� ��x•�;ic•,;1^:• s��rice t� ve _r.erfor�ea z.rd the es�i��.ated costs as provosed by $.Ii� ��par��au� o� ��:';,lic t;or':s, �.re G.~.� Sol?a::�: .' �.11�5 T - D�^n�o-�:r_ or I,o� �-treets � �scxir���r_• G1�ss T s°..T�;ic� ;�iL �e �er_or�sci on �11 d����r��o^1n s�reetS z�i�:ti.n the . �ollo:�Tin„ ����..`dwr�.es: '�zllo;;b �oui�;��rd on t:�e ��a�h a�d z;est, Lleven�h Sa�e�� a� :,�e Lo��:, ��d Broaa;ra;; an t?�.e e�s�. _ �'rt3��s�� 3��0 ��v�l or ��_^,r�ce: • T�� c��;��o:r�z s�_eevs :.�Il �e s?�:e�t t:xee �_�es �ne� :,°e'-� ar_d flus�ed fi;re �s�,�s e t:ee�:. �:1? rok�ine -.�a ' ^ iro l�c'.i�_� ars re�a�r- . P � i::�e.ar...e, ir.c?ud -�^ r �+� ; iz� ol s�ree;, su��aces „�ll 'ce �er�o=:�ed on a� Gs-;�e��ed b�sis. ���s�� ,S���S�A_, � . ) 3�. . �.11 i?wss 2 ser-�r�c� .;ill, be assessed at � rate of �1.2o per rr�nt ��ot, 4YY.''_"�"� ..... ` n_,-;,,_,, _ n,.-,..,., • y .. Y . v:i:y�: ! V�,v..�r --- vv:....��"Ci?_ ::._`_'CL .2'VCi-r2� ��reetS �c Sty"'��s'i J�` . � �$5S T� SL'�'�C�' ',._�. �i° �°1^iOT�BG'' O:'1 811. OUv�.�':.i:;g CO::�:'•�?�Ci31 ��C ar�eri�l ' �S'�:i'."'.:.iS �,`2 ��? V?i.;f. y��SA �e �',:1@ ���OT' L.We�1°S i_i T.:i° �.`:.T,� 2%1� :cZVe �Jt�Il 1�£c'�.ZT'�' V:�u"i°5 fl� VE;_C'i�c^.2' c?�iQ T°C;eSi,�7.^:2 +i.r�,.I=�C �:?� r�3Ye Z='er`l.'.°7�i� �us�.;�ess �_ c�W���c`�I T_c�e_�ies ;r�_��i.b o.l i:_?�. �*p�.czZ ez�r.���es „�uld �i$ £3S iJ�7�:.S. Z.?_?1V2=.°,1-�;j ".J212i.2° cr;n�l Zy:1'- :iT�r.ue l.'PSL �@`IL':�^ `"'�' +yl" �S`a' ��'�� 1'' •' „� 1 � ��i o , � i_ ,��_e t,� � ... .._l�_7 ��T'2��? �iCe :.�yee:.� L'c'].J�:� �;VC�=11°� riTCB:'i? S��°��� �LL�"'W:::L� .t�i7 'i.�?:£. :iZ'c�C_ li":�'_'_l�°� �,'�� C�Y�.ers, ii2� Oi i:.'e:@ CZ�SS T ��_ ' � .� � ee�„ are �^cu- �'�3,.'�yT �£�:�.°u O:1 3 .��� c`T�l��J�P_ I OT 'J:H';r'�.'P.� 1T1 "�:1@ ��j�a2^����Z:� Oi '1'L101?C l\��ia�� ri�lV ...i t'�� 1ZG�.11 1'�rl.vi'V�.a• ���I`.��1 �"l V !n Y l.� V�n f?+ V 1.�ti• ' �''�� �`1�ss I�' s�_e�;.G z:o1i?d be cl��:�ee an�ro.:�w.�e?�r 18 tir�es per seaso:. • ti�33 b�Ld��:e�o:� �v„?r�e� -:�cl�w�i�_;; �a�ci��r.�; �.r.::; repairin� o� str�e� svs�a.ces, Gn es-:� eaeci bas s. �'3~�:��sed ?ss�ss:-:er�c� � �Q . � 1�3u�,;.� �ss �?' s�r-r_ce, t::e�,e ��:ill �e.�:,o assess:.�ent rates, �� c:::�nerc�al �L�{ a:ia iC.'S1C:�:'�_�Z. ii.0 CJ;:;;.1G'Z'Cl�� '7Y'� ���"'�� �'.,-;-A T:i�.1. DE.' Y.�� per i�T'D:1�". 7��i• �i^�t '�i,ue r::S1C��^i1c^..Z pro�eri f T'u�e S7i�. be �.�: per fT'�:1� iD��. � ! II ' . rt4V1.1.G 11GQ111L�j ..'. . . - � . - � - - . ' a � � Y ��"R !f CTASS TI:C - All Residenti�:l Stxeets Description: Class III service wot�ld be �erforrned on all residential streets including oiZed streets, paved streats and int:erm�diai;e ty-pe streets. Pro�osed Z9�30 .Level of S�rvice• Residential strePts, includin� oiled, paved and inter�ediate streets would xeceive a thorough cle�nino each sprinb which would i�elude sweepin6 and flushing, Patching ar�d repair work tiroul.d be done on a� as-needed basi�. � �pproximately 1;0 miZes of oiled s�reets would receive a sand sealcoat. Tn the fal_I, �eaves woulc� be pic�ed up from these streets. Yx�oposed Assec„ment: Un.dex Class ITZ service to residen�;ia? streets, zae h�tsao assessnent . ca�•egories. Tne residen�ial o er�y rate would be $.4 • per front �oot anc;. the conurLexcial propexty .6 ` per front foo�. �� CIASS I�r - �11 Oiled and Paved A1.leys � �7 M Descr�.p�;a.on• - Class IV ser-cice wou?d be performed on a11 oiled, paved and intermediate i;y�:e all.eys Vri�hin the City. • rro.asea la�G ��vel o�' Service: . A1�. oiled, �azred and in�ermediate alleys �Tou1d receive a thorot�h cleaning each spr�ng, Eiforts ���ould be made to cormle'c� the c�aning by Ju.�.e 15th. A11 routir�e mair��enance, including �atching and xepair of the alley surface s�rould be per�'�rraed on an as-needed basis. Progosed Assess�;�nt: � Undex Class N service, there would be one assessm� ic ��heth�r it is oiled, paved or intermediate. An assessment of .2 �r fxont ioot is � proposed. • '�1�. - CT�.4SS V - Tlnimproved S�reets ar.d All�ys � Desc.ription: . Class V service i�1i11 be performed or_ unimproved stree�s and alleys. Ry � unimp-roved, �•,e r�ean those streets ancl al:?eys tl��zt have no�; been developed for one reason or another. They axe �la�ted Citf xi�Y�t;-o�-��ra,ys; hor�rever, the abuttin� ��esidentu l:a,ve never pet��ioned for their ir_nrov�ement nor ha�e there been �.r�r assessmen�s l.e;rieci. Bsc�:uwe �hey �re City ri�nt••o:f- ways, the Ci�ty has the resnansibili-�y to perform minic�l r�paixs and � ma.i.ntenance z��ork to reciuce IZa.zarcis. �osed 1980 I,evel of Sez�rice: The main•�en�nce and xepai.r of these s�Lxeets and alleys w31�. consist of i Kv.i.+.4 11�.CbL.Lllg "3�' .. ,. � 2'�4fi�'� � . , patchin�, ::i:no�^ �l:�;iin�,� ��GCl.i�; o� crusY:ed rocic and o�her stabilized - m��er�al in azc?cr �to tr�+.��e t:.�m passable ai:d re�uce :�azards. �2'O�OSe� �fia�::�.�i.riE'72t'i: �'"'�' � Under Class `d se:^vice, z•:e _r.r�ose t2-,e folloTaing two assessments. S3.nce ,tllere wilx be no sz;ee��.i:g a:.0 �lushii:o i-�volved, �he assessment is pased on].y on t:�e -���c�i:�; �:a re��r ,ror� t:�at :�a�r be need��. For streets, we pr��aose �� �u,�essment .of ;�20:^er �ront foot. Under a.11.eys, we �ropose &n �ssess�:e�t of �.12 ^�r ��o.z� foot. These assessme��s will provicie the bare minic�t;:� �'unds necesspr�,; to. tai:e care of these un�aproved s�reets and alleys. . . . . . 1�,'� �;O�O.;�D �u�JS�i ITL^TS �'OR � . STRr^,E1 }�s�iT_='i':��?'.C� - C�?=T�"v h?`iD l�PA� EXPEi��I_1�r'�u Adrainis�l��.�io� �p� ??�:�ata $ �'S �o�.�nv�;;:i �lsw:;i:�; E� Re�air �:,^cpp �b�,G a� Outls?irxzi Cc::��rciril �: Arterial Streets c�g;?�p 9�f �;�`:^� �esi��i�ti�l Cl�er.�::� & Repaix �94;�00?,~�`'���� A�l�ys �j3;540 �v7, �^O U:�xr�we�:�: �+_a��s �: A11eys ' �y,-3pp S'7, ?.�� ' ��x�e� ���a��r� � �ep�zir �q,::i���nt -3�C� t ?a,�p� 'rbt€�I _ �#;q'2 's�`;� ����'S G;o S�URC� 0:' k"�`?Dg � �ids , . - . ��tir.i�a�:�'! �tiate �id • $ 700,500 Trt�.�: :;,��:,•:�y ;'ai�de�?ance �id ' 22$,0�0 C���vy .�,i3 � 3�t�i 000 F�a�rRJ, ��3�us�er �ssist�nce 20,000 To��l ?:�� ��,30�,5c� /�isS�'aS.:rd:'��S • ...._.�.._.�.�..._ , ` $ 3�2,�00 �'taal��'�."il �i�Y'Ee':Wc �,,���fC:Q 0��]�T:�:� �;�::r:�N����. & Artcri�l Streets 1,�'`�� 2c� }�.��200 ' Ii'E:Sa.�Z..'1����+.1 +��t��:�.�S � ��:'j�$OO" �2i.>�J - ��il�� ��.: 3'uZ*rn Y3?�.,'s 1 y`r`�'���aa� �#�;8�J0 t�a3a�.���,�u wtrze:'�s �: 1^11eYs 1 Z b'�o 800 l --�-- .3, �3°10 0 ���1 8;ss�s���:�tis � 3;t��-z��.- $4r7��;v0f3�- '�'���j�� . � � �� � , ,� ;� f., � r � .1 �^x'�+':^fi'�]!' ¢'�A�'(��.,� �, �:.�. . _... ,<X,. . f�:.�. 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