274646 � .. �' _..... ,� ��� City of St.Paul . C(�UUNCIb+ IL NO � FINAL ORDER IN �� f � `""�._ CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS ' � File No. � In the Matter of �,��� �.���,,,,,� � � ����, q�,` #� ��s� 0� �;� � � � � �� � � � � � � � ���,#� ��� ��►� �' �i't. a�w! t�'i11�r e�y«�r ���� � ��� � � � � � � � �� � � � ����� � � � �� � � � �- �r► rs� �� � � � � "�'t � �rm�r�r.. � , � �o a . ;x-,, � +� i� �r��i��► t�s �e!` +� t�r� T �� � � �� � +�wl��,�r �!' i�[� �� � � +� � �'; t�■ta�e ,�e��rrst�ar7� ' � � �Mt sM��1�l��r � +p�' � � 7 s ��et e�" �} � '1�► ; � � +p�` "��. under Administrative Order approved � under Preliminary Order ����� approved NAR 4 �gg� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made �,�L�/�,�/ /�.�' �9`'Ls����L�',4�/�� �1 /���✓��1�-�F9'�If�f1���rl��,I��G��'1'�l+��CP,�/!Ylf"���1'�l'��,/LY'_����Y"f��� "9"`��jkf9"A'���7�'��� /�ri��ri F�P��N���/�f1��F1P�����ri����9�����wP!l f� �t�/YY�PY'r����/Y'��'f'P�/Y�9'Y/ FUR,THER RESOLVED, That the Couneil hereby detetmines that the estate requited Cor this improvement be as describ- ed above, and tLat the proper City officers eubmit a repart to the City Counoil tor the pnepoae of the Counoil's making an awa.rd of damages for the interest���q�determination of asaesaments, if any, against the benefited property. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date �p� '� ��� Yeas Nays �� Certifie P ss d by Council Secretary APR 3 �980 Yiunt Levine �In Favor h�a;ldoX t�:�cMahon Against �howalter Mayor �° �SH�� A 1 � 1980 .► � � �: � �• .'r'�� ���_ ���' ,*.�':,.,{�., "'"�� �*'�5,, :� x' '.��, `� ��. v ra s �,�m; .fe �� a. „`.M ��: �7«s• . 7.�.: .�i+ r'.,,� � V,}d�haC 1`., .4.�. , , °" '. :tlRA�'' .. .. � , tl.A � ,veC,.�-- °�'° . �, �,,;, x,. X,'.. ..�a: .. - � .. ;S � �a , ,�; . . . ,. , 4','�.. �. i ;i $ ^ ,�,,� ��n'�N'�' .� .'C.� �..-�y. / . � ' . '� �J CIn OF ST. PAUL K'1 DEPARTMENT OF F1iVANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES • ASSESSh1fNT DIVISION ��L��46 113 CRY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55702 March 14, 1980 File 18101 S Page the Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Aouse (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. on Apri1 I, 1980 on the advisabilitq of: � � � � Acauisition of a right-of-waq for the improvement of the intexsection of Vinth Street and Wabasha Street by condemning and taking an ease- ment for street purposes on, over and across that part of Lot 7, Block 7, Bazil and Gueri.n's Addition lying within the following • described lines: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 7 of said Block 7; , thence northwesterly alon� the southwesterly lot line a dis- , tance of 14 feet from the southwest corner of said Lot 7; thence northeasterly to a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 7 distant 35 feet northeasterly of the southwest corner of said Lot 7; thence southwesterly along the south- easterly line of said Lot 7 a distance of 35 feet to the g�int of beginning. Tne esGimated �otal cost�of this acqu�sition is $5,000.00 and wi�I be financed by Public Works Contingency Funds. . If you wish detailed information regarding this proposed improvement, you are in- vited to meet with the technical advisors in Room 286 City Ha11 from 9:30 A.M. to I0:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. You may also telephone 298-5317 for in- formation regarding the acquisition process. 4�"nile the City Charter requires that we notify you of this hearing, we waat to r�elp you to learn fully about any action that could affect you or your coBSnunity. Therefore, I sincerely hope pou can attend this hearing so that you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DQNOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER .