274638 . WM17E - CITV CLERK .J!:���� Council �� ����v PINK - FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � � u il Resolution Presented By c Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, in order to put into effect a continuous and publicly owned and maintained river-oriented park, as contemplated in the Saint Paul Mississippi R�,ver Corridor Plan, as developed by the Department of Planning and Economic Development of the City of Saint Paul, it is essential that the Port Authority of the City. of Saint Paul co�vey to the City of Saint Paul, an d the City of Saint Paul accept title to the following described property: Lots 1, 2, and 3, Fort Snelling View Addition to the City of Saint Paul according to the records on file with the Register of Deeds and WHEREAS, the Port Authority has agreed to convey said property to the City; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to accept on behalf of the City of Saint Paul a properly executed deed of conveyance of the above described property in a manner and form acceptable to the City Attorney. FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon approval of same, the proper City officials are directed to immediately file said deed with the appropriate office of recordation in and for the County of Ramsey. COUNC�L,��EN Requested by Department of: Yeas McMA �� Nays � [n Favor C UNITY S R Hozza Hunt �+) Levine v_ Against D�fedde�� Showalter —�AR�J Form Approved by City Attorney Adop by Cou il: Date /i -�— ertified _sed by Cou�icil cretary 3 ���� F�1ppro by Mavor: — ���' � � 1J°�— A by Mayor for S i sioci�to Council BY -- �sM� APR 5 1980 ' ....,,,,-.,,,. � • _,.°�"�IT• a`�:U,,, � CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�s ;,,,,, ��� .��� :; .� �:, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �:�, iiii�N�ii ii �' � s EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �e�. , 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ,• 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR . February 26, 1980 Mr. Robert Piram Parks & Recreation Division 557 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Conveyance of Svoboda Boat Works Dear Mr. Piram: Enclosed please find a copy of Resolution 1614 adopted by the Port Authority on 19 February, 1980. I have prepared a deed for the conveyance of title to the City of Saint Paul. Please contact me or Terry Garvey of our office regarding this matter. I presume a resolution accepting the property will have to be drafted for the City Council. Yours truly, �� . G OR M. BISTRAM Assistant City Attorney Legal Counsel for Port Authority 298-5695 GMB:er Encl. cc:Richard Gierdal, Port Authority ���'��J `'���• � , � , - ' • R�esolution No. 1E14 , � • . . � .' . ; � � � - . ' , , ������ . • RESOLUTION . . OF THE PORT AUTHORITY OF � CI•TY OF SAINT PAUL � WHEREAS,' The Board of Commissioners .of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul ("Port Authority") by Resolution No. 1536, - author�ized staff and legal counsel to commence condemnatica pro- ceedings. on the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto ("Property"} for the purpose of utilizing Property as open space -- park or recreational use; . and .• � •' _ iv�RFAS, A Petition in Condemnation was thereafter filed ir. Ramsey County District Court (Fi3e No. c41006) and a hearing was . scheduled for February 29, 1980, . wherea� commissioners will be- �. appointed to preside at a hearing to determine the ainount of dam- ages due as a result of the taking of the Pzoperty;� and. . . , , j�'I�REAS, A Stipulation for Closing and Payment dated January 21, 1980, was entered. into by and between the Port .Authority and . Gary M. Svoboda whereby the appraised value of the Property was � paid to Svoboda and a warranty deed regarding sa�id Property and - bill of sale was conveyed to the Port Authority;� and . WHEREAS, Said Stipulation requi�es Gary Svob�da to surre:�de� possession of the Property within 12a days of January 21,� I980; and • �WI�REAS, The Property, the title of which is 'now held by the Port Authority, provides an essential connecting link between Hidden Falls Park and Crosby Farm Floodplain Park in providing a continuous pvb licly-owned and maintained river-oriented, park as contemplated in the St.° Paul Mississippi River Corr�idor P1an de_ veloped by the Department of Planning and Economic Development of the City of Saint Paul; and .. WHEREAS, The Port Authority. has investigated the possibility of use of the Property, including its relationship to .the Port District of Saint Paul, River Corridor Plan and business ar.3 facil- ities of the Port Authority in general; and Y►'fLREAS, The Port Authority has determined that it is ?n the best interests of the Port District of Saint Paul and the people . . . . , • . . ' � • ' • , . • . � . ' . ����� • ' . • '2. , . thereof to deed title to -the Property-�-from'the� Port Authority to the City of Saint Paul so as to provicle uniformity of. ownership of contiguous_. land; _ _ _ . . ' . , 1��OW, THEREFORE; BE _.IT �RESOLVED BY THE PORT AUTHORITY OF vTF� CITY OF SAINT PAUL: _ _ - . . - - 1. That it hereby finds, determines, �and dec.lares that � it . ' is in the best in�erest of the Port��Di�strict of Saint Paul and the people thereof_that the Property be �eeded by quit-claim deed to the City of Saint Paul; �*:� . _ . : � � � 2. That staff and legal cour��l of the Port Authority are _ hereby authorized to negotiate �:�o tr�n�ter- of title for the �� Property to the City of Saint Paul;, and . � . . 3. That the transfer of title is specifically limited to ' _ rEal estate and not to any improvements or items of personalty . which the Port Authority acquired as part of _the, Stipulatio.n dated January 21, 1980. - - -- .. • , - - � Adopted: /9, i Q�o ,_ _ __- : -_ � - - ��s _ . . _ . , ` . ; _ _ : - . _ - _ - . President • . _ Port .A liority ..of�, the City of . � � . _ _ � Saint Paul • - - --" ?�t�est: - � � - � . �°�• retary . . . . . __ - _ __ . . . . M � , ,ry � .. • .� ' • � . . � � • ' . ����� EXHSBIT A - -. . DESCRIPTION OF •PROPERTY � � - ' � . - - A tract of land located in Ramsey ' • - County, Minnesota, together with all easements and rights appurtenant thereto and all personal- property included there- � � with, described as fol3,ows:- - � . Lots 1, 2 �and 3, =ort Snelling . . • • View Addition. ' . . � . " .' , . - - • �� . . . . . - � . , . � � , � � . . , A-1. . . , , , , ' ' ' OM Ol: Z2/Z:i73 . Rev. : 9/8/76 E��I�AN�TION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, d� [��� �SOLIITIONS, AND ORDSNA�.VCES A�r�i,��61tJV � R► 1�. � C . ��' ED Data: March 6, 1980 . . �IA� 1 �1980 IVPW�'OR'S O�FFICE TO: MAYOR GEGRGE LA�IM�R . F�; Thomas J. Kel l e ' Rr: Conveyance of Svoboda Boat Works as des�ribed in attached Council Resolution .'�'ION AwQU�STED a � Approval to accept deed of conveyance of property �described in Council � • Resolution � -- , PIIRPO� AND RATIONALE FOR THIS r�CTION: - To put into effect a continuous and publicly owned and maintained river- � o'riented park. � , �, ATTAC�iTS: Council Resolution Correspondence from Ass�istant City Attorney . , . Copy of Port Authority Resolution