274637 wHiTE — cirv CLE�7K COUf1C1I �� PINI( ' — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL s CAN V — DEPARTMENT File NO. BLU� — MAVOR RETURN COPY TO VA ZON BURFA cil Resolution a Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, 'That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and authorize the conveyance of permanent sewer easements and construction easements for One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission for the Riverview Siphon Sewer over the follow- ing described prope�ty: PARCEL � Permanent Easement A 40 foot perpetual easement for sanitary sewer purposes under and across the following described land in Ramsey County: Government Lot 7, Section 6, Township 28, Range 22 and Lot 1, Block H, Robertson's Addition to St. Paul. The c�nter line of said easement is described as follows : Beginning at a point having grid coordinates X=2,235 ,759.23, Y�708,985. 78 of the South Zone of the Minnesota S tate Plan Coordinate System; thence North 51 degrees 36 minutes 43 seconds West {base being grid meridia�. of said zone) 5O feet to a point having grid coordinates X=2 ,235, 720.04 , Y=709 ,016. 83 of said zone; thence North 51 degrees 36 minutes 43 seconds West 306.24 feet to a point having grid coordinates X=2 ,235,480.00, Y=709 ,207.00 of said zone and there terminating; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department oE: Butler Fi and ement Services Hozza [n Favor � Hunt Director Levine __ Against Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Ap r ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date X��Z.C/ Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t#pproved by lNavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY . • • . ' ' � 2�4�3'7 2. PARCEL TWO Permanent Easement A 20 foot perpetual easement for sanitary sewer purposes under and across the following described land in Ramsey County: Government Lot 9 , Section 6, Township 28, Range 22 , also known as Navy Island. The center line of said easement is described as follows: Beginning at a point having grid coordinates X=2 ,235, 720. 04 , Y=709 ,616. 83 of the South Zone of the Minnesota State Plan Coordinate System; thence North 51 degrees 36 minutes 43 seconds West (base being grid meridian of said zone) 306.24 feet to a point having grid coordinates X=2 ,235 ,480. 00, Y=709 .207. 00 of said zone; thence North 27 degrees 57 minutes 38 seconds West 752. 88 feet to a point having grid coordinates X=2 ,235,127. 00, Y=709 ,872. 00 of said zone and there terminating; Construction Easement That part of Government Lot 9 , Section 6, Township 28 , Range 22 , also known as Navy Island, which lies northeasterly of the most north- easterly edge of the Navy Island Bridge extended; PARCELS THREE AND FOUR Permanent Easement A 20 foot perpetual easement for sanitary sewer purposes under and across the following described land in Ramsey County: That part of Government Lot 2 , Section 6, Township 28, Range 22 , and that part of Block 36, City of Saint Paul lying southerly of the Shepard Road right-of-way; an d That part of Blocks 34 arid 36, City of Saint Paul (except for Second Street and Kellogg Boulevard) which lies northerly of the land owned by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Paci�ic Railroad Company and lies southwesterly of the center line of the existing siphon sanitary sewer. • . ������ 3. The cen ter line of said easement is described as follows: Beginning at a point having grid coordinates X=2 ,235,480. 00, X=709 ,207. 00 of the South Zone of the Minnesota State Plan Coordinate System; thence North 27 degrees 57 minutes 38 seconds West (base being grid meridian of said zone) 752. 88 feet to a point having grid coordinates X=2,235 ,127. 00, Y=709 , 872. 00 of said zone; thence North 7 degrees 47 minutes 33 seconds West 151.20 feet to a point having grid coordinates X=2 ,235 ,106.50, Y=710,021. 80 of said zone and there terminating; Construction Easement A 40 foot temporary easement for sanitary sewer purposes under and across the following described land in Ramsey County: That part of Government Lot 2, Section 6, Township 28, Range 22 , and that part of Block 36, City of Saint Paul lying Southerly of the Shepard Road right-of-way; an d That part of Blocks 34 and 36, City of Saint Paul (except for Second Street and Kellogg Boulevard) which Zies northerly of the land owned by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company and lies southwesterly of the center line of the existing siphon sanitary sewer. The center line of said easement is described as follows : Beginning at a point having grid coordinates X=2 ,235,480. 00 , Y=709 ,207. 00 of the South Zone of the Minnesota State Plan Coordinate System; thence North 27 degrees 57 minutes 38 seconds West (base being grid meridian of said zone) 752. 88 feet to a point having grid conrdinates X=2,235 ,127. 00 , Y=709,872. 00 of said zone; thence North 7 degrees 47 minutes 33 seconds West 151.20 feet to a point having grid coordinates X=2 ,235,106. 50, Y=710,021. 80 of said zone and there terminating; WhiITE - CITV CLERK ,�('�� �f1� PINK� - FINANCE '� 0�'�� CANF�V - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICIl �c,, ��i , BLUE - MAYOR T� ���V File N 0. RETURN COPY TO VALUATION BURE'AtJ Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4. and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute Easement Agreements on behalf of the City of Saint Paul conveying said easements. COUNCILMEN Yeas ��MpNON Nays Requested by Department of: �� � [n Favor i ce a d e ' es Hozza � Hunt (J 'rector Levine _ __ Against ��ad�'��"' Showalter T��� Form Approved by City rney Adopte uncil: Date —�r�. C� C ified ssed by Council c etary BY B � A�pp e by Ulavor: te � _ MAR 2 7 t980 Appro ed by M o or Su ission to Council BY - — BY ru�us�� APR 5 1960 ._ . � , E ttNMM Ol: 12/1975 : Rev. • 9/8/76 ���V� EXPLANATiON OF ADMINIS��ITIVE 0 £RS, • N � : �ECE1�l� � MAR 2 m 19� Date: Maxch 20, 1g80 MAYOR'S � T0: MAYOR 6EOR6E LATIMER . FR: J. Wm. Donovan, Valus�.tion & Assessment Engineer, Fxt. 5317, Department of Fi�.nce and I�nagement Services /,r,�,r ,�,��1 R�� Metropolitan Waste Control Cmmnis�on 8� er�Easement. , ACTiON RERtiEST�D• Apprvval for sub�nissian to City Council of attached resolution. PlSRPt�SE AWD RATIQNALE fQR THIS ACTION: The 1�TCC needs certain easements fram the City across City property on Navy Island and at neaxby looations on the north and. �azth banks of the Mississippi River for the construction of the Riverview Siphon. , ATTACHME�iTS: l. Proposed Resolution .