274629 WHITE - CITV CLERK ���� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT F�A LT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. RETURN COPY TO VAT�TA oN v o cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF3�2FAS, it is City policy to subsidize new sidewa,lk construction costs in residential areas by establishing a fixed assessment rate to be levied aga.inst residential properties; and WHEREAS, since 1973 the City has kept the assessment rate at $4.00 per lineas foot for new construction of five foot wide si.dewalks i.n residential axea.s, despite rising construction costs; naar, therefore be it RESOLVE�, that assessment rate for new construction of five f'oot wide side�wa.lks abutting residential properties be increased from $�+.00 per linear foot to $5.00 per linear foot with this assessment rate prorated for sidewalks of different widths� beginning with fina.l orders passed after Maxch 1, 1980. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Mc���N Nays Finance and Management Services Hozza [n Favor Hunt `Director� L.evine_ �_ Against BY �_ 3—6— Showalter MAR r� �. ���0 Form Approved by City Attorney Ado by Cou il: Date –F+-.�--t3a ertified P- • ed Council Se etar ° �. .3�'� Y � /� e by iNavor: e MAR 2 7 1980 Ap ov by Mayor for Sub i ouncil By — BY K1Ri�tSNEO APR 5 1980 , OM dl: I2/��7b . . � � = . Rev. :, � 9/8/76 ��� ` �,j�, � ,�.l�ri'"�"4 EXP�ANATIQN OF ADMIHISTRA7iVE ORDERS, • ES S, R NCS R � `. � A; °Y � � ; - i�A�'�►`- ��9Q , � MA�f�'�!R'� C�iCE Qate: Febrv�ar�r 27, 1980 T0: MAYOR GEQRGE� LATIMER ��I`� �; ER: a._wii3.j:a,� �cu�ova.m, v�lu�tion & Asse�sment En�i.aeer, :�x.t. 5317, I1a�pe�rtaenr� vf' . � Finance & �nrag�ent 3ervices � RE: �id��ralk coastruetio� A�sessment Rates far 1980 � ACTI01� REQtIESTE�: . ��. . AP�'eyve P�'�ed Resolution fc� Submission to Ccraneil. ' . ,_ .: : , . PURPOSE AND RA7IONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � - � See Attaehed Repart A i�tRC't(M£NTS: . . . . 1� PropoBed Gouncil Resolutic�a 2 Copy o� Re�pc►r�� . ���s�s CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS To: Ma.yor George Latimer From: J. William Donovan Valuation and Assessments Engineer Date: February 27, 1980 Subject: Proposed 1980 Assessment Rates for Sidewalks It Y�s been the City's policy to assess a fixed. amount agai.nst residential proper- ties for new sidewalk construction. Residential properties are defined as follaHrs; Improved property: One, two and three family dwellings Unimproved: Pa.rcels zoned R-1, R-2, R-3, R-�+ & RT-1 Since 1g73, the City has been assessing residential properties $�+.00 per linear foot for a five foot wide sidewa.l.k; the assessment is prorated for sidewalks of different widths. The �4.00 figure was arrived at by attempting to recover 80% of actual construction cost. Since 1973, construction costs have risen to the point tY�t it is estimated that the actual cost of a five foot wide walk in 1980 will be $8.00 per linea.r foot. I recommend that a new assessment rate of $5.00 per linear foot for a five foot wide walk be established for new sidewalks constructed in residential areas af�er March l, 1980, with the assessment rate prorated for sidew�alks of different widths. JWD:MJE:dm AP17R0 . 3 �G�pD � ,�',�1GDirector of Finance & Man�agement Services Telephone61L298-5317 286 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102