274602 WHITE - C�7V CLERK � PINK - FINANCE OF SAINT � PALTL Council ��''��� CANqRV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the County of Ramsey whereby the City will provide the County with public health laboratory services for a period of one year commencing January 1, 1980; the City to be paid a sum not to exceed $5,600 by the County for said services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hozza Hunt [n Favor Communit $ervices Levine a/ Maddox �,� _ Against BY McMahon - - Showa�ter Tedesco Adopt y Council� Date MaR �� For ppro by Cit At rney � c ertified Pa�- by ouncil Secretar BY Ap v by Mavor: t _�A g80 Ap o d by Mayor fo b ission to Council � By _ By n�w..t�ttE� MAR 2 9 1980 . '� `p��'���� CONTRACT BETt�JFEN RAMSEY COUNTY AND THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, FOR LABORATORY SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this first day of January, 1980, by and between the County of Ramsey, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as Ramsey County, and the City of St. Paul , a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor. WHEREAS, the Contractor has facilities for the testing of food, water, and biological specimens and Ramsey County presently has no such facilities available to it; and it is considered in the best interests of the parties hereto, and in the public welfare to contract for certain services. NOW THEREFORE, the Contractor agrees to provide at its Public Flealth Cer7ter, all materials, equipment, and personnel necessary for the testing of specimens and samples, Ramsey County agrees to reimburse the Contractor in a total sum not to exce�d Five thousand six hundred (�5,60�J) for such services for a period of one year commencing on January 1, 19�0 for such laboratory services under• this Agreement. The cost of services provided shall be identified in Attachment "A" . Laboratory services not identified in Attacl�ment "A" may be provided through additional attachments. The Contractor aqrees to submit to the Ramsey County Community Health Services, 906 American Center Building, 150 East Kellogg Qoulevard, St. Paul , a quar�terly report of services provided, showing the type of laboratory service provided, the date thereof, and identification of costs. Upon receipt of such report, payment will be made by Rams�y Co;�r��y tvithin th�rty (�0) days. � � �0 ���� ST. PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY 1980 Laboratory Fee Schedule TEST TOTAL COST PER TEST Hematocrit $ .8b Hemoglobin $ 1.18 Red Blood Count $ 1.80 �dhite Blo�d Count $ 1.80 Differential $ 2.10 Complete Elood Count $ 4.50 Sedimentation Rate $ 2.10 Vena Puncture $ 1,20 Lead Screen $ 1.00 Urinalysis & Microscopic $ 2.50 Ur-�ne Culture - $ 5.90 Pregnancy Test $ 4.00 Sensitivities $ 5.35 G.C, Smear $ 2.40 Trichomonas (Wet mount) $ 1.05 Fungus (Monilia) $ 1.15 Darkfield $ 5.60 'P.B. Slide & Culture $11.00 Standard Plate Count $ 3. 60 Coliform (for milk worm) $ 1.75 Coliform (for creams & frozen dairy products) $ 2.60 -- �� Antibiotic Detection (M�.lk) $ 3.50 Yeast and Mold Counts (dairy products) $ 3.50 phychrophils $ 2.55 Water - Co:�.iform (MPN) 5 tubes $ 3.40 Water - Coliform (MPN) 9 tubes $ 5.70 Food Analyses Aerobic Plate Count $ 4.80 Coliform Organism (MPN) 9 tu'oes $ 6.40 Staph, coagulase positive $ 3.65 Salmonella $ 5.50 Clostridium perfringens $ 4.00 Yeast and Mol.d 1.20 FOOD ANALYSIS TOTAL $25.55 Throat Cultures $ 1.61 Swimming Pool $ 3.50 Throat culture kit (form, swab, silica gel packet, foil envelope mailing envelone) $ 0.10 each Coliform'Nitrate $ 6.45 Ntirate $ 3.25 I ron $ 2. 15 Cholesterols $ 1.25 Fluorides $ 4. 30 Hardness $ 3.00 , r' , This Agreement may be cancelled by either party at any time, with or without cause, upon giving (30} thirty days notice, in writing delivered by mail or in person. IN WITNESS !JHEREOF, Ramsey County and the Contractor have executed this Agreement as of the day and year below written. DATED: RAMSEY COUNTY CITY OF ST. PAUL by bY Chairman of the Board of Mayor Commissioners by bY Executive Secretary of the Director, Department of Finance Board of Commissioners and Managem�nt Services ._ :�. by Director, Department of Community Services APPROVED AS TO FORM: ��� � This day of. - , 1950. __ _ �t;S�'. o."t7l' �iT�.Qt�E�d£Y i _ _•,__-- � j' f . 'r . ssistant County Attorney �UNDS AR� AVAtLAHt,� ��iC-:>�. t�,;C/�/L' ' �Il��;��, Code �-?��:�. n��/�f'.. �,���,�,�> Bu���'tira� & Accounting , • �, ;, BY ��:�'-,��;�r.��:C-�� , � ; � � � � � k Opi �i: �i�f�.7�F.S * Rev. : � 9/8/76 . ,_ , ; ' � . E7CP TIE�N OF ADMIDtISTRATIVE 0 R�,� : ��. . � LIITI AND 4RD NADtCES ����"'�.: . �� � ���,:�,� �� . FE6 2 A��1980 . _ ��tts�:t February 22, 1980 . . ��"�: . Tfl; MAYOR GFAB�GE LATIII�ER FI�= Thomas J. Kelley, Direclor, Qeparhneht of Community Services i Rg: Con#�ct between the City�,.of.Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey for I�roitory servic�s `� ; ,�'��11:,�.E.STED: : Execuf�'+ve approvwi cnd sig�►a#ure - �' PtI`45E A1�tD RATI+E3� Ft3R `Ti3IS ACT�ON: ' � ; ; _. ,.� ��....��..�......�.....�� ,..�` �..._ This coeitract ena�les the Ramsey Gounty Gommunity Mealth S+�rvice�.l��partm+�a# fio .provide public h�emit#t I�oro#�ory support k>r its medical c�rtd envi�,pnm�n#ai prog� by .p�,rrchasiru� sueh senric,ss from the Division, of Public Healtfi. � ��; A�C��'TS: -, Con#ract docurneM:.- copd� Atta�chmemt - : Courr,ci I 'Resohrtion ;