274601 WHITE - CITV CLERK ' PINK - FINANCE G I OF SA I NT PAUL Council JJJ��� ■}�►■� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �+���v� BLUE - MAVOR ncil Resolution . Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Saint Paul-Ramsey Medical Center Commission whereby the County will provide the City with adolescent health services in the Maternal and Infant Care High School Program clinics for a period of one year commencing January 1, 1980; the County to be paid the sum of $35,000 by the City for said services. APPR VED AS TO FUNDIN���v � ��Di ector, Dept. of Finance & Mgmt. Services ����- ���8' COUIVCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Hozza Nays Hunt � Community Services t_evine In Favor R:!addox � McMahon _ __ Against BY � Showalter Tedesco Adopt y Co cil: Date MAR 2 0 1980 For pprove by C' y ctto , i2� - e r t i f i e d P• s e d C o u n c i l S e c r e t y B Y i 61ppr by lVlavor: fe — MAR � 5 19� -- Appr y Mayor for Sub ss to�`Council By _ By� Rue�.�S�iEO MAR 2 9 19$0 . . . ', , - . , • ��'��� A GR��'rT�IE�NT �Tv ArR�FNi�N`I', da��ec� ��his f;�s� day of �Tanua.r}�, 1930, bc�c���cen SI?1P;�t� PAUL-�'ll`�i�7S?�;Y l�iTD l-C!'iT, rE�dTt�,R C�I�ii�SS�.OT�r, I�•�inn�sota, hereiriaite� c�lled "Cor�ni:�io.z" ; and th� CITY 0�' SA�IY'.i' PhUL, I���i_nneso�_�, herein- �_E'ter called "City" ; rela�:in� t� �t,he pr. oti7i�icns af hi Uh �chool ma- tcrn�I �nd i_i��'an� ca:ce ser��ices herc;•in�fte.r rallec� "IdTC/HS" ; �'TI11v�S�S`ETIi: In col��ide.ra�tion o�� ���?e service� o#` �'r:e Comrrzi�=sioiz func�Eion- in� as a ver_do.r �nd coord�.na-rin� center iiz car�n; ?or the r�edical- heal�h needs o:C' ce_ctair. cit i_ze��: of the City and Coun���r, T�-iF' PARTIES �-�RETO :��'JIUALLY AGREF AS TO.LLOT��S : l. The Conamission a�rees 'co p^ovide r�.�ter.na� anc� in�'ant care se�z��icc� i:o ce��tain re:id�n�� o� tne CitST o.i �aint Paul in acco.rd- an�e tivith V.ze appZicable �_at��:� t�nd regula��i.on� and. �pra�esti��nal s��rl�";a�ds oF he�lt}�� del:i_,le�<<r G:. pxovi_d�d 'o�T the state and _federal ;uv e�n�en��:w . 2_ . The Co:ru:lis�ion a�;ree� �fo pr�vide a�� �eaU� 1,071 clinic visii:;� i� t�he hi�;� ::ch��1 cl.ini� p.ro�ra�:, a � the cl�_nic rG•r�:e (ap- prov�-d b��,T P�Zir�ne::c�:: i�edi_c��.. �s;ist�nce� o:�' �32.�;. These vi�.i_ts ��ril_1 ��� :�o� tne pu�ose� oi prenaTal c�r�, i�mi�;;r planninn ser- ti�ices, EaNI_y Per. .i_odic Sc.re�n_i_n; and/o.r c�:i�Ea.se prever.-tic�Yi an� ccnL:coi. Sl�ould the clini.c -ra��� appro��e�. �Sr I�Iin_�esota I�:edical Assi;tance be �_ncreased, the ��u*��r�er of cl:i_rAic T,-�isi�f;s required by �hi� .F,�;ree:neri�i; shal_:L be decre�sed pz�opor�ion��ely sc that tne ma!>iir.um :;or��i:^ion :�'ee �et forth 3.n thisA�eaznen�� wi3=�. not be e:rceed�r�. . � . `������ 3. For speci:['ied ser��ice� rei�de2^C�d9 �che Commissi_on :fee sha11 no� e�:ceed 7'hirt;T-Five '1"riou�and Dollars (>35,000.00� for the p�riod o_� �}zis A;.ree:r��n� . N� othe�� co��.pensat_i.on shal_1. b� n�:i.d . Z,-. Thc �o�:mi:�_ion a�rees to main�ain and furni�h the �i�L�T a quar�crlyr px•o;res� rcp�r�s re�;ardin� th�. rESponsi"r�il:�ta_eti no��ed in ±�?o0 1 above . The �omnii.s�ion s�1all coordina�,e the p�r�ornlance under �this ag.reemen� t�rith �:17e C�_Uy� s Div�sion o.f Public Iiealth, I)C�}�a]_'tmen�; of Comu�nuni�y Servi.ces . 5. The City sliall act a� �he liaison to the Cor,�.mi�sion fo.r such c�ay-to-day adi:�ini��.raticn ati ma�r UE neec':ed and shall be re�po:�:i1�le :,°o .r; �, . Re��iev�ing a,�d �valu2�in�; the pro,:;ram anc� �'i�cal vCi:1Vl't;lE:; O� l:Y1C� ��1Tr`.�i�7 .�'_"O�'_"c^:i]i c�^I�ia Ql^S�T'21T1^c�i:•- :L'"'.; Y'�p0''i:� ���2::"EO"� tiLiC)1 �'EV:LE.ti °=72].Z Y1.0� C-.�- " l;�'�� �� Ol:iler �.'1.Lni p����G�trx C')i�Ct�� q ,3. :E'?°ovidin� tec':r.:ic�7_ astii.s�az;ce �o i:'ze iYilC,�axS Pro;ram a� required wi�hiri retiourc�s availa}.,�le t t1 ' r• l:� L:Z�' �i�.,\, , C. �oord:i_r�a�.;�i.i��� aci:i��a.�ie� co�?:ion �o thc Di�.�isio?� o:f �a';I:ic T�E.al�i� o" �.1�� ;;i�„r �nd �on;n:i��ion ar,d ar—n �rc, �-��e ;-1.i�/��. Pro�;ra��i; D. Pr.ovid:i.?Z� :Co:� uti�_ization i�;;r I��C/tiS Pro�;r�� r�- ti�e Ci��y� � pu.rcha�i.z� �Gci_1.����i_e�� i� appx�opra_a�� and appl_i_c��:;le. �. The Co:�l�i�i_�;io_� a,;.ree^ t:7a t ; I� . Se��v:icer p:�ovic�Ed �a eli;;i_1�1r_• �.nai�,�iduals are -2- �'UT'_1:L�=1.FC. �';1��1lJLli Y'2;J&'"C'1 i;O Y'2.CE9 CO1��"' C="EEQ9 tieX� &"E� I72r'�i^1'i:e'�� �'t;c��llti O:_" Iai7111.� �:LZC' 9 , }3. �ervices �,rte p-�ovide� ti�ritn respec�� for i�zdit�i- dual �ri�.�ac;� and diL.zit,y� a��d C. Services a��e providec �•aithou�� coe�Rc�on and �hall no� be denied on �f�e basis o:i re�'tztial �o Uari:ic�.- pa�c in rescarch projec�s o^ a�.zer activit:i.es oi A�IC or on t:�e '�a�is of abil:ity to pay. 7. The Cor�.mi�sion a�ree� to save ha.rml.ess, inderLnif� and. deT end the City up to the li:;�i�s a� One Hund�°ed Thousa_�� Doll.ars (:';�lOC,000,00� per pe�°son or �l�nree Hun��•ed Tl�ousand Dollars (>300,000.00) per occurrence :frorn an;;r an:� all liabilit�- clai.m� O'•." �c::T13i1C�ti &Y'1S1ri�', OUt O:i: '�1"18 per'�OiITi'o22C2 �\T ��7E' C,`OTi�11�^:S1OY7 C� i_�� perso�nel o� its du�`ies and service� ut�de.r �hi.s �lgree;,lent . � 8. T��.e T��IC/T� Pra�.r.n,:� shall �ub�_r.-��� �o �the Cit�� conprehen- :.�_i�.�e docur��n�a�ian oi ��ze justi_f:ic�t3_oi� fa:r the T�•�IC clinic r-a�e and � ca�n�reher���_ve de�ailin; O:i: f:1P.. se,°��ice� ta �- p_rovided du-�^in` tne �erm v:E' tr�i�: A�xreem�nt on �a}�iva��y 1, 19:�?0, or as :oo�� ��herea.�'ter a� possible. 9. Ti�e I�ii_CiHS Pro�;�am sl�all '_nave avzilaLle relcvant r�c'�,.- �;�ott?�d and qu�li.:�ic�.�ion sum:�a.rie�: oy both regula�l;r er;i?�Io�;red a�d volunte�r sta�':" �co the Ci�tST. , 10, The P��C/tIS P.ro�r�rn as;.rees t7�at aaait;_ons or dele�:ionti :"for,l i�s 1��0 oper�-c�.c��: plan relatin;; w�lely �o this con��^actts pe.r:��ormsnce a� �pp�°ove' by the C:i.ty o_f_ Sa:i.��c Pau]_ t�;�_�_1 l�e tr�ns- ^�7_��-�ced f;o the Ci�:;, o_� }S�ir��i: Paul :i._rs u �timel�,T :Fashion and in � :c��asona�;le m��riner io� �fi��� �,�.�y� s appro,��`!, Such in�'or.mati_on _3_ , . , , shall be b���ore t��e 1'aci: anc� sha1.1 include per�+�ine�l� �ata re.la- ��ivc L� the planned adoii lOn� deletio�, or an;r o�her. modifica- �io�� o� p.rograrils and t'i�e tiu�k�sequ�nt projec �ed bud�etary impact �or �lhe cont.rac� year and tl��e iv,re year� subse�uer_�. 11. T��e P�ffC/HS Pro�ra:t� declares Dr. Lau�a Edt�rards te� be the person responsible for corlplian�e Urith the terms of thi.s AJree- ment, and its Dr. I,aura ��dt�Tard� as �the pe.rson r�sponsible for i.ts medical_ �ervice� . 12. The City declares i�s Director of the Departmen� of Com:nuni��y Sexvices o� such desi�nee as nofed in Urriting by him as �the persoiz respons3_ble for cor�pliancE ;�,Tith �h�.s Agreel,�ent o 13. The Ca:r�mis�ion declares i�s Executive Director or such de�a.gn�e ati noted in v�;ri�•ing by Yiim as the per�on re.pon�ible for compliance iu�ith this Agreer�Ent. 11-; . The Ci�t�T a�r�e�= �o savE l��arinle�s, indemnify and deFend the �,oin�mission up �o the limits a�' One �Iun�r�d T!�otksand Dollar� (�100,000.00) per per�o�. or Th.ree Hundred Thousand Dollar� (��300,000.00) per ocCL1Y'Y'BriC� fr�m any and all �.ia�ility claims o:� dEmandti arising out of the per�or7ancE by the City or it� personnel of i�ts dutie� anu services under this A�reemerit. The C�.ty does no�� as�ume ar.y rEtipo?ZSibiI7.tSr O?" liabi7_ity fo:r any� acts or omi=sions of the officers, employees, or agents oi o-ther_ tran its ova�� employees . 15. Either pa�_Csr r�a;,T terminat� �this A;xeement upon giving thirty (30) days � ti�rri�t�en notice . �narges ttiThic'�? ha��e accxAued for �:ervices rendered shall �urvive any �termination of this A�reeme.l-f_ . ' � �j��?� r (1 n�`1 �.�.,,r� i': � f� j,��,�T �f�.j[i -f' Pl 1�. .Z:i.�_; ..i,.r�.e:�t.., t _ alI . e �o�erne .. ,, the I:, o.� t: � �, -�T- . ��s�.� S��a��e of I�;innesota, �nd conC�titute the e-ntire A�;rEement for fur- �is,�in�, T�iIC/��5 services bett�reeri �he Commission and the Cit�r. I7, No�ching i.n this Agreement s!�all be co�.struea as li�nit- �ing �he ri�ht of indep�rde.�t operat�_ian o:F e;i.t:�zer the Com:nission or the City or the a�'rilia�ion or contrac� w:S_th an�,T ather ins�i- tu'c_i_on or agency wha_le t�e A�;reement :i� in e�'�'ect . 18. An�r alteration�, vari� tions, rnod�ficatio�s, or �rraivers o�' provisions o.f this Agreemen� shall be valid only U�hen the,y h�ve been reduced to ti�rriting, fu11y s:igned, and at�tached to the or_�gina 1 of this Agreemen�t. 19. TTo claim for se.rvices furnished by the Corn?nistiion n.ot speci:fically provided in this A�reement, ti•aill be allowed by the �_�tjr �nless this is app_rovcd in Urri�cir.g by the CitST. Such ap- �roval shall be considered to be a modifica�ion of the Agreemenf; . � 20. Subcontr�actin�a The Comrni.�si_on s;�a]_1 r.ot enter int� ���bcari�raci,� fo.r an�T of the vror}� corzi:Er::p�.ated under this Agree- i:?en� t��ithoat ti�.rit�cn appro?JaI of tne C�yt;T o:i St , Paul. 21_. The i,oYnr:�i�s�io�� agx�ees ��hG� a�� all i,i_nes under t�-�.is �t;rce?�en�, it and its employ�es, a�ents, ar.d volun�eers ar� iz�de�e?�r',ent con�.rac�cor� a� �o ti�e City, Gr.c'. not emp_loJrees o" .� �_i�: C:it• . 22 . The ter�n o�' �his A�;�°eement tiha7_1 be ��om Janua.ry ,1, �-:'^� r � De�e:,�l;e� al �_c �� _ th- ov�,h. ., , �=.�• �....__._ � anc� ma;r be �t�er:�linated upon thirty (.3J) aaysi ��rY•itten no�tice a b;yr on�� pa.rty to t:�e othe.r. :C.�,T ?��ITT�SS i�TIar�?�LcJ�, The pa rt:ie:: ha��e ex�ctzt�d tl��-is Agreemen� ._j_ ` t ^ - \ � ������. and sEt thei:� hands as follo:ati as of tne day and y�ar noted above . ����n� � ���� C?TY OF Sr'1 IT]T PAUI� TK��, SI�IT��T PA JL-��A.T�;SF; i��%�TCA L cLz�lr�olfm����r_��n - . � � �V f �,�- ..� ,/`: � �� _ ,/�';��.-�' ,�c:- � G�'' r , ��; i;a . or � ,Y, V _ ._._ ._—. C i�a i rma z��' �--. :� �%/�f. �" � � �f� f � e �;y ,.,� ? .-.- _ �� �� f, ;.t �:;�. ___.. Sunds arc= Avail�bl� . A.CCOt�Tl'� �,xecu�ive Di�:rector �,TUmbe r B�r Funds arE kvailable . Account Directox, Dep�r�m�nt o�.��1 Number(s) ?�i.nance a�a Tviana�emerztC-�� Serv;ces Accou.lt �y :�p�rot✓ed as to I,arm I3ua �ng anu ccbunt�n� c Ts;r -- `��ys;�:i.��:an�t C1 y . t o_cr.e� Ap�:,�ove as �o _;{'orm , r;�? �V ,,�; �.. � .. r�:;i��~ec�o�; Depar�mt-,x::t: o��' r ��si� -�:�: - ����u .tto��' C�:i��uri�:J Servzc�� . �R��� ;_ }�� 5. .. . ., . . ... �. � , , �.;Z` ....., ' . � • �_ -n--�M � , � OM Ql: ,�. Rev.s - `: . E �24N �F AflMI1�TTtSfiRfkTI�T£ ORUERS� -� � :.. • � tJ1'IONS, �N`� O�INAN , , � ����r � �+.�� F _ � ' � � � �. � � � � : , t� � � � Dat�a; "���,�ry 22, 1980 FE6 2 919� . � . . �YlA�tCR`i �' Tp; I�YtlR GEQRGE LATIMER � 1"R: Th�mas .!. Ke�teX, Di�ector, Deparhnent of Comr�unity Sen►ic�.s , RE: Agremrnsnt befiween the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paui-Ramsey l��tedi`cat . Ce�r►ter G�o�runission .. ,*..:. �CTI� R�4�VESTED: ��� -"�► � � � � ��� � � Exe�utive approval +a�c! signature � , _ . ' � c�''����%'� �� . � . . -. . . , _ . . . . . � � . .. �.i g�s� � �TZO� FoR �rs Ac�r�orr: . � .�.�...r.,�...�,.� .�.�. �....�..�...�..�. . ^ 't��e ','��r'�t+# Paul Nlg�+emd# �cn+d 1�afant Care Project aperote�s clitiics_wi#win cert��n Seint Pcu� . �► a�►aois. Secvices irtctude prenatal care, familY plannir�g, '�t�► p�i�di�c s¢r+eer�in�, - �! d�+ease pr�verrtic�n and cr�tro). This cont�act provides �rwn�ia! wp�c>rt:fa€ this e�for#.