274600 WMITE — CITV CLERK COUi1C11 ���VL PINK — FINANCE ry�� y� } CANP�RV — D1,�ARTMENT (COIIIIIIU111 l.y G I TY OF SA I 1�TT PAIT L BI.UE — MAVOR File �O. a��� Development) Council Resolution PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the following amendments to the Community Development Block Grant Year's I, II, III, and V programs: YEAR I Current Increase Revised Project Title Bud et (Decrease) Budget Phalen ITA Acquisitions--1/002A�` 212,878 2,000 214,878 West Seventh ITA Acquisitions--1/002H r� 580,992 (500) 580,492 (HRA Contract only) Acquisition, Disposition, Closeout-- � 1/099 11 ,133 1 ,500) 9,633 �_ TOTALS 805,003 -0- 805,003 YEAR I I _ ; :_ H�adstart--2/17 � 566,000 1 ,000 567,000 Acquisition, Relocation in Four ITA's--2/50 � 286,490 6,750 293,240 Unearmarked Contingency--2/95 "' 27,850 (7,750) 20,100 TOTALS 880,340 -0- 880,340 . � . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: sutler PED: Corr�nunity Development Division Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY . — Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approve City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY '� By Approved by ;Navor. Date _ Approve y Mayor for Submission to Council BY - - — BY WMITE - C�7V CIERK COU�ICll ��:�� PINK - FINANCE CO111111U111� CAN.ORV - D�PARTMENT ( y GITY OF SAINT PAUL �� BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. Development) Co�ncil Resolution PAGE 2 OF 2 PAGES Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date YEAR III Current Increase Revised Project Title Budget (Decrease) Bud et CHC House Recycling--3/18 '`� 80,000 40,000 120,000 Unspecified Contingency--3/99 '� 104,810 40,000) 64,810 TOTALS 184,810 -0- 184,810 YEAR V Neighborhood Housing Repair--5,110 � 10,000 (4,000) 6,000 People's Park Development--5/O1 ^� 37,000 12,000 49,000 Unspecified Contingency--5/34 � 295,599 8,000) 287,599 TOTALS 342,599 -0- 342,599 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the contract between the City of Saint Paul and the _ Housing and Redevelopment Authority for implementation of a portion of the Comnunity Development Year's I, II, III, and V Programs is hereby revised in accordance with the preceding transfers. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: �PPROVED: �,j3,�n I Be d J. Carlson, Director� ichard E. Schroeder, Budget Dep tment of Finance & Management irector COUNCILMEN Yeas McMAHON Nays Requested by Department of: � ,�„ PED: Community Development Division�� � Hozza —� �n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY _ Maddox Sho ter esco MAR 2 0 1qR0 Form Approved by City Attorney A ed by Cou il: Date — ' • ��' Certs ssed b ouncil Secret BY Y t Q �1pp e by iVlavor: e,+ — �IAR Z 5 `�v Appr e ayor for Submi ion to Council ( BY — — BY Mi�t.�SF�ED MAR 2 9 1980 . -" �l.i� �� t/�L` l�_i�..a..t� ._ '- _ .��i--i��� . '' • � L �' _ �'; '' T- -`�_ . . . �,' �..� �:::��` o,��.�..r• o�• ����.��: c ..� ,. c��f� �.. . - !."':.`_ ':l�':li -�� � , ;; -t J::,� . �r"��'� �:`_?`�• _ °- i-�:::, D c7 t e : M a r c h 17, Z 9 8 0 �� -��,% . �- , ,.-_ _ _ .� r' 'R �� ^ ' i-•i i .� L.� � 1 � � ��, ��� , i � � i� � . � . . � y . . . - � - � � - . '� ✓ . . . - ' . « . -. . � p : �r�in-'r °U�I ���� � �ou�cil . � _ �� �'} �`''� r �fl:�3ii'!#���-''�. �7 �j INANCE , MANAGEMENT AND PF.RS()NNEL - ' _ .. �Q� . � rtusY HuN'� � cnairr�en� m��es �'he tatir:aiRC - - . r�pe�rt on C.F. . . .:� Orclic��nGe - ` � . . � . � . �� . cb) �C� F2esc,:i.;'ri�n -. - : . _ _ - ' . - - � . • � C�►?:^�' - " : _ ` t i 1��.� ; � . � _ T�e Finance Committee , at its meetang �of March 17, I.98d, toak aGtion � recommending apnrova.l o.f �he following : � � - . . . � . _ . . ..,_ __ - 1 .. Resolution extending range for employees assig:ncd ta .recrea�ion . cente,�s , recognizi_ng essential similarity �f dut�e�-,. but maz�tai�� ing proper salary �.i�ferentiaJ. between experienced gerfarmers, and - - . � ��lative beginnexs'. . (10728-RH) � � � � . Res.oluti.on amea�din� .Sa•lary Plan a.nd Rates of Compensation ta allow. - . . 107-26-RH) increases through Step I for' new class o£ Recreativn �Center DireGta�.. - 3a Resolutiorr enabl�,ng appoint�es with degrses �to be appoi»tec� to the -' •. ' �ame �rat�' o� pay -they ►�A�ulc� now xeceive i£ hired .as .� Re�reation � � ` deader IIIe (10725-RH) _ � � . - " ' 4': �Resolution to � increase the rate of pay f�r refect"c�ry •Helper,_ (uridez: _ ' 107��2-RH} the heading 5pecial Employmerit) from $Z . SO an hour to �2.�tQ �n haur: . . 5a Resolu��.on ta change m�nimum qualifications far T�a:cxor OperatQr- I , _ ' • , .�ed�acing ttiem �rom 30�0 hrs . of trai.ning to� 40 and £rom one y.ear n£' experience ta. s�x month� , (I0727-RH} ' � �b . Resolution eontaining. budget amendments- to Community I?evelopment �- - ° �lock �xant �ear ° s I , �TI , III and V Programs . � . ' . - • � r SF.:I'f�;ti'1'�: F�J.C;):: �:1i:�C� Y�l[1.E., :!�:ti��:SJ E'.t SaLi2: . i(f�� . 4� - t�t 41.: 7�f��►�� .� . . 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