274598 N�H17E - CITV CLERK 1 ����( //��(�. PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAl} L COUACll '���,`:-�(,x . �fANARV - DEAARTMEN 1 ( ) BLUE - MAVOR � � Flle NO. 1 ~v � � O/ f�l�Z/Lf�L/LCG Ordinance NO. �,.��.�C� I Presented By Referrec� To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinan�e relating to licensing cigarettes repealing Chapter 380 of the Legislative Code and including cigarette vending machines with Chapter 336 of the Legislative Code, and deleting cigarette paper or cigarette wrappers from Chapter 336. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 336.01 is hereby amended by adding the following definition: "Ciqarette Vendinct Machine." A machine for vend- ,ing cigarettes by the insertion of a coin. Section 2. That Section 336.02 of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 336.02--License Required. No person shall sell or offer for sale at retail within the city of St. Paul any cigarette, e�e�a�e��e-,}�a�e�-e�-e��a�e��e v�rappe�s= or in any manner represent or hold himself out as one who sells or offers for sale at retail any cigarettesr e��a�e��e-ga�ae�-e�-e��a�e��e-w�a��e�sT ,� maintains a ciaarette vendinct machine for the sale of COU(VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: [n Favor — Against BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By • Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ((�{`7 . ��' a. ciaarettes without having first obtained a license so to do from the City Council of said city. Section 3. That Section 336.03 of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 336.03--Fee and Duration. The annual license fee shall be $12.00 per annum for each location of sale or each cicrarette vendinct machine and the license shall expire er�e-pee�-afte�-�ts-�ssttar�ee on March 31 of each calendar vear. The annual li�ense fee shall not be pro- rated for licenses in force less than a full vear. Section 4. That Section 336.04 of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows : 336.04. Application. Every person desiring to obtain such a license for the sale at retail of cigar- ettesT-e}ga�e��e-ga�e�-e�-e�ga�e��e-��egge�e shall pay to the 6}�p-E�e�� License Division the annual license fee a�e�-��e-�}��*-6�e�3�-sl�a��-}set�e-a-�eee}g�-��ae�e�e�. ;The applicant shall thereupon file a�ie� receipt, with an application in writing, with the License Inspector of said City, which application must state the true name of the applicant, the name under which he shall conduct his business, whether such business is that of an individual, sole trader, firm, partnership, or cor- poration and the address where such business is to be conducted. Any person applying for more than one li- cense shall file with the office of the License Inspector a list of all locations of sale and/or the location of each vendina machine for which license applications are beinq filed. Anv chancre in the location of place of �r-��-�4 I ' ������ 3. sale shall be reported to the License Inspector within five (5) davs of said chancre. The License Inspector shall present such application, together with his report thereon, to the Council, which body shall grant or deny the application. In the event of the granting of the application, the License Inspector shall issue a license in the form approved by the 6e��ee�e�e�-e�-�t19�}e-8a�'e��* License Inspector. Section 5. That Section 336.05 of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows : 336.05--License for Each Location or Vendina Machine. A license shall permit the licensee to sell cigarettes= e�ga�e��e-ga�e�-e�-e�ga�e��e-*►a�a��e�s at retail at the one location specified in said license, and a separate license shall be required for each location or ciaarette vendina machine. Section 6. That Section 336.06 of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 336.06--Display of License. The license shall be displayed by the licensee in a prominent and conspicuous place at the location or the cicrarette vendincr machine so licensed. In the case of a ciaarette vendina machine the operator shall also affix his name, address and tele- phone number in a conspicuous place on each machine. Section 7. That Section 336.07 of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows : WHITE - CITV CLERK � � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council i}'�M CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �'�v�� BLUE - MAYOR .� ♦ Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. ���ny� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4. 336.07--8a�e-€�e�-�e��e�ee:--A��-�ek�e�e-e�+-��txe3� ��ee�aee�-tx�e�e�-��e-�e��ts-e�-See��e�-�96:93-�►a�-l9e-��eer�eee� �e-�e��-e�ga�e��ee-��e�n-sa�e�-��ee�see�-��t�e�-t��e�-��e-a}�- � �a��ea��e�79�-��e-��ee�eee�-ew�e�-�e�-a�-a��txa�-��ee�se-ae �a�e��e�ee�-�e�-t��e�e�-6ee��e�-336:A3�-a�e�-se�d-e*n�e�-e�a�� ]9e-e�tl9�ee�-�e-a��-e€-�l�e-�ee���e�}e�s-a�e�-�ee�t��a��e�e-e� 6}�ag�e�-336-e�eeg�-��a�-��e-g�eat�see-�e�-��e-ea�e�-��ee�se s�a��]9e-a-�te�e�-�el��e�e: Sales Prohibited. No Aerson s all sell or dis ense ci arette a er or ci arette wra - pers from a vendina machine or a motor vehicle No, per son shall sell or dis ense ci arettes from a motor vehicle d That Chapter 380 of the Legi� a iv in its entirety. � Section 9. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �_ Nays Nunt � In Favor Levine � Maddox Q McMahon A gai n s t BY Showal esco Ad ted by Coun � . Date APR 1 O ��v0 Form A ved by C'ty Attorne ertified P ed by il $ecreta BY ,/ Ap r by Mayor: at' roved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �� AP R 'l 9 1980 -- ����.��^� CITY OF SAINT YAUL ������ w�'�= OFFICF. OF THE CITY COIINCIL :eeoe saeereao� ��� RON MADDOX KARL NEID, JR. Councilman Legislative Aide March 17 , 1980 TO: City Counc' Members FROM: Ron Maddo Councilma RE: Attached ordinance Attached please find a copy of the ordinance that addresses the licensing of cigarette vending machines, their locations, and cigarette papers in those machines. Originally three ordinances were drafted, considered, and combined and approved by the Legislation Committee. The matter will be on the City Council agenda Tuesday, March 18 , 1980 . RM:das CITY HALL SEVBNTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4475 �::;�,�.: i ��7�� � `������""'` �rY���� CITY OF SAINT PAUL r,: `\`..��`tiY p�ilr - 8 =R� ;���i� '"" OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �O ./`"i i�i r;.� iiii�i'i�ii c= < ,� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �es. � 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ,,�•.,�,:,....�.���", 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR March 12, 1980 M E M 0 R A N D U M T0: Councilman Ron Maddox Chairman, Legislation Committee FROM: John Paul Mart "A Deputy City Atto ey RE: Attached Per your request of Tuesday, Ma.rch 11, 1980, attached is an ordinance which consolidates the three ordinances considered by the Legislation Committee. JP�[:j r Attachment ,�, i"ti. l'�'.''J = < -� �i I'�.'Y O�+' �.t1 X�T'A' .�.-'A.�7 T� � ' f �;j..�� :� K - � ��y. 7 r r% � !��,. 1 OFT'I�E OF '�H� CIT�Y CO�I7�C?'T�. �����: -- "�1::; . �:' ` - : - `, ?!,�' nate . Maxch 11, 1980 ,� �� �,. .-.. .��;=-�� -t.-,� � � �� ��� �� � � � � � � � � � � Q : Sain� Pdul G�#� CQ�nc�t _ . . �=Ra � = co�rni3r�� �� LEGZSr���c�� - � RO1V MADDOX ; et�oirsnan, �qkes fhe fotta��iinq - �e port on �.F. �X� Ardii��r►ce� ' � Resotu�tor� � . . � Uttrec - � ���.�. : Ameriding Chapter 33Ei ot the Legislative Gade � ta prohibit the sale of .cigarette paper and - � cigar.ette wrappers in vending machines. - The Committee appr.oved the cc��,cept af thi.s: " arc�inance. It will be rewritten as dire�ted - at the me�ting of March 11 and submitt.ec� to . th� City Cauncil on March 18. . Please remove from the list of committee . assigxrments. � , ^ C.IIY Z-?��LL SEVE\T'rt F�.00EZ S_�I1T PAlit, :�lI\'::ESC1Tt1 SSt�' � � ' ` �•:J � � . . .:� . ... .. � . . . .. . . . . ... . _ . . ' . ." . ' . . . . . �...,.o....�......_,:.......,.....,.�_.._..r..-.o.»»:.� ..._.».�...,,.--....,.�.....,.�r��+.�..ri+.+. ==_�:�;,:. c CITY O�+'' �'.�1X�'r�' .�'1'�.TJT.� F� ������- �_ . ' . ��. � � L°`�� � oF��ier o�e zt��: cz�x cou�c7x. � f ..��:;;1 � �� �::;�• �:i t�. tf � , � " ` �j� \C' / � �`t j.�` ' . `ti�� � 1f Dafe , March 11, 198� .�' � �� ���;==� GU �� �� �`fi � �. F� � � � � � � O : �ainr Pc�u1 Gi�� �ounctl ��' C� � ° �OTtftll�7'��' aC1 LEGTSI,A7'I:ON =- RON MADDO� ; ct�oirman9maf�es the fatto���in� x r�porY on C.F. [� Ordinance " _ � Resalution � - � orr�Q�- � . �" �"�` L� � Amending Section 336 . 04 of the Legislative Code relating to the licensing of lo.cations - for the sale o� c.igare��es: __,____ �h� Ccairi.mittee approved the concegt o�f friis _ ordinar�ce. It will. bE rewritten as di.rected at the meetin.g of March ll and subinitted to � the G�,�y Counc�l at the meeting held March 18. - Pl�ase r�move from the list af coznmittee � �s�igr�ments. CIT�' ;�_�T,i SEti'r:tiT�i �I.00R S:1I�T PAL:L, *,II�;\�5:1'i'1'� S�1J2 �. '� .�'. � ' � . . � ` � . . . , �. � . .. �. , . � . . . . . . .. '� r '` ' ° - - � ' ' � .. . , , . . , , � . .\ _ , � , , :�' - : � . . � . . _ : ' . " • ., _ , ' � t • / , .. ,r+ �_ � ' � -� � ' � `.� . ` � ' _ . t • �, , • . _ I , , , � t, J . , . ' �� .' ` . ,A`i♦ Y ��r�' . . ..�- � �`� ' , � h . : . 1 r . � . . . . _�`� . ' •_I�., i . � . . .' S� •. ` . �' ' `. � � . - � ' � . . . . , . ; . i . . . \- / . ,�� • . _ 1 . . 1 . , . . . ..� . . . �. - . � . -. , . . _ , ' . . � . ` . • . . . . . � � � . . \ ' . . ' . �\ . . . _r ' . , . ♦ � . : , , • J� �rl� , . . / . `. � � . . � . . � . N ;\ . ' - ' . • . . . . . ` . .. � . � . ' Councilman Ron Madaox �� - : � . ' Chairman, Legislation Committee ';. •.x? r � _ . - a � _Room '�04, City Hal.l T . . - . , , . �- , , . � � St. Paul, M1nri. , ' : . ' � '1 �. . - , .--,,: '.i • � . . , ;:� , �. � , s � Dear •Couneilman Mnddost. : . R •• _ . . - . I , , ` The City Council �reterred to the 7.egislatioa Committee for. . -� consideration �nd recomm�ndstioa tbe folloving ordinaacei: � , , . , . _ . �. , 1 - C.F. No. 274328 • Aii ordiannce relating to licensing � � , cigarettes, repealing Chapter_ 380 of the Legislativ�e . Code and iacludiag cigarett� v�ending machines Mith � Chap�er 336 of the Legislativ�e Code. � , � . , � - 2 • C.F. �I�o. 2'�+329 - A •resolution an�ending Sectfon 336:04 • ` . of the I,egislative Code reldting to the licensing � � • of locations� for the,sale of cigarettee. - ,' . T � . � ' . , , Yery tru]y your�, - � � . � ' . , ` � , � ` - , . ` ',. � , . . Rose'Mix . , ' . _� � _ City Cler.c f . , _ -, ' �21a � i . � cc: City Attorney . " - . Licenee Inspector � _ , . , _ � � , . _ � t � . � , ;. . . - , . J ' - . , , + . . \ � � � � - � , � . . r .,�.t-a - r � . �� Y: j ��'��1�`� �f+' �'F'�Z; �i���l CiQ=J��'i7� � r�{� ` '.��;.;i � t ��� ���.� L.V �� '� ; �, _ :� �, :i . �/' �`� .��,�, _ f;�� Date . March 11, 1.980 �. �� :��� �,�;�� CO ��� ��� � � ! � �. � �. PC� � � � O a �ain�- Pa�t Gif� ���ncil . . �� 4 �� � Coi�t�i�'i�� o� r��zsr.��zoN : . . � . - RdN MA.DDO� . ; chcrirman, makes fihe fo[lo�rring � �. r�eport� on G.�_ � 4rdinoi�rc� _. � �2�sotu�iUn . � � - � Ofir��r � - �' : `�`�� � Rel.a�ing to licEnsing cigareets re�e�l�.ng� Chagter 280 ot the Legislative Cade and - includiilg ci.c�arette venc�ing machi.nes with Ch�pte� 336 of �.he Legzslat�.ve Ccade. The Legisl.ation. Committee ap�sxaved tYie � � concept c�f this orc�inance. It will-be �ewri.tt�� a� dixeCted at t.he mee�ing . � of Ma�ch 11 a�d sulamitted ta the Ga_t� � � �ounc�.1 at teh� m�eting held ri�rcri 1�8. - �l�ase r�zr�v� �xom the a_ist of Gornmit�:c�� � �ssignm�z��.s. _ � � � � , CiT`i' i-�•1i_L. SEYE;�I7d FI.arJR S:lI\T I'ALJ�..j bII\��..Sv^ih. S�lU_', - .�. .'J . . . � ��1+. r.vw'�. . � . . .. .� ... .. -_ _.-_ .... ��� ._ / . 9 ., . .. . �. , .ir � .• �. . .. . . . . , �'{ ' Y' f �:y , - ,. �., . . , � , , , . � . , . , �. - ' . , . a .. , . . . ,. ' . � � ..� . • - .\ ' �i. . . . . - . , r t . ` . . . . , . � . . . . _ _ . ,�. � , . .. . . �:t . �. � .. . . . . � . .. . . . � . - �. ' ��� . . _ � . . .. . � . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . � , . . . . , . .. -, . , �.. .. _ . . . . . . � .�. . . . � .' . . ..� . . . . . . _ � . . . . t�� , _ .. . . . . �-. . � . � � �' . ;�-, _ , . . . .. . . . .' .. 1. .. � • .:...� .� . " . . • � � � �. . . � . , _ . . �. . . . . ... _ , . . . . . _. ,.. ,�. . , . � � . . . ' ' � � _ .. . . . . .. ,. . . . . . ' ; _ '�: . . . . - . .. . .i . . ' � ' � � . � . . .� . . . .. � . �� , �. .. ' � � �. . , .. . . ,_ . . � � . .. � � �� .' �L . . ' .-,'.. ... ; . . � �,.� . . ,. -. ' . ' . .. . \.� .. � .. . . . . . i�. . . . . , , e. . . .. � . . . . s � . . -- ) . . - . � . � � . C � . -� • � • � . , ' / � . . . . . � � � �. :�� � , . ' . ' . �. � . . . � . ' _� . .. . . � . . � � . . � �. . .� � . � ., t�' . � , � . ,- � � � . � . : . .. � .t . . � , , . .. _ . �. . . . , . . . ,. . . . , � :� . . \ - , . . . . . , .: . � . � . . : . . � . � I� � - . � - � . . . . � � .. ,♦ , � _ �. . � . . ,�.' . � • . . � ��' Jl s � . 1 , ,:;: • , , , . • � . '" t'�OR1�l�It11.RCI�i 1�If�X ' _ , . • - _ ; . �ti��i, 3rlg�,sll�tiwn tl�itfi.�s � � ,'' � ��_Cifw�►' � � . , c � , , �t.���` �. ' ' �: ,: ^ - . _ ; , . . . �" . ]�saa��fi�tto�ttt lll�da�t� � • , , : � : �,: t!!ty► Oo�a31•raterx+�d to tJ� I�tgi� +��t'1�a�t �. � •'' �d�+a��;�i rsoo�ad+atLa� tl� tc�lt�iog o�d�at . , � , ;, . . , , i - C�!'� �. 2'�4328 . �ky o�Mie�e z�sl�►�pg '�a► ��o��og ' _ � ; e�gia�'�1r�lta r�p�ralin8 G�r.'�84 0�' t�M.�is3�►�i� , , , ciga:►���t v,w�� �hin�� '��'th . 1 t�d. � t,�l�diaa� � , t�g�ir 33� or �t�r I.ssi�ale►ti�,• t�. t . � � , ; ; , ' .- , , - ; �.. " . 2 • C�?. �-�f4. ��9.• A :resoluticm ��B �eat#�o� ��� � of t.bs l:t�gial,e�tivyt Code rel��f�tig:to 1�r �t.�s�s�e& - •�of lc►�at?»oa,E� !� �,sa�s of ri��s. � ` : � . � . . .. : , , � Y!�`J► � Jr'att�+1� , , • _ � . ,. � �`� {, , �C�i+�Y. �lr�� . - . . ; , - . , r _ , =.: � _ , . '_ . � ' . > f �, ��t� , . , i '� '� <SQ� ���'�+D1' ' I , , , s � . , . , � ; ' � . � • y . , .. _ ' . - � _ � . ,. � � , I'. . . . � . �' . . � �. � ` . . - . . . .. .. . . .. � ' . . � ' �. , � . � . ... . . ,.: .� . . , . . . . , . . .. � .. . � ' .J . � .. . .- . .. _� .;. .. � . i ' � i - .. ' • V � I . ; ' � ,y; ' !, �. . , , , , � , �, � + . _ . . �- ` �. . , �. � ( ' ',, . - � , ,., 3 � � 11 -��--�-� � � �� 2nd �- lst` _. � � �� C.1 I\_ ) ` Adopted / / 3rd � / � � / • Nays Yeas HOZZA HUNT LEVINE ��;I�S�� I � r�DOx ,J McT'1AHON TIDESCO pRESIDENT (SHOWALTER)