274597 y, - WHITE - GTV GLERK COUIICII ���V�� PINK - - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICEIVSE COI�i�TTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R.�SOLV"r�D: That Application Q 13875 for the transfer of Taxi.cab License T�o. 19, issued to Yellowbird, Inc., doin� business as Yellow Cab, at 1759 Selby Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Leonard j�. Sammons, doing business as Yellow Cab, at the same address, covering a 1978 Ford, Serial Pdumber 8X92�.97600, insured to February 19, 1981 by St. Paul F�.re and I�iarine Insurance Company, Policy number "To be assignedrr� COUNCILMEN Yeas N�ON IVays Requested by Department of: Hozza —�— �n Favor Hunt Levine _ d __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco MqR � 9 1980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY gy, Approv �vor: Date '"N� � ��O Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By '� By �LISHED MAR 2 9 t980 ��` � -_�`�ti t�"o;�,,,,, _� ;,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL '� ��= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGfMENT SERVICES :a �wimu �; ;� nu �nn ^� `�• = DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION J�G""im«���pO�` . Room 209,City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR March 19, 1980 i�4adam President and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul� i°linnesota i�iadam President and Honorable :�jembers: Yellowbird, Inc. and Leonard R. Sammons request that Taxicab License T�io. 19 issued to Yellowbird, Inc. at 1759 Selb,y Avenue doing business as Yellow Cab be trans- ferred to Leonard r�. Sammons at the sarie address. He will operate this taxicab personally and it will be Irnown as a Yellow Cab. This application has been reviewed by the License and Perriit l�ivision and the City rttorney's office. The re- commendation is for ap�roval. Very tr y yours, �' Joseph r. Carchedi License Insp ector O CITV CLERK �� A��� P� -1�4JANCE t � COUflClI L� CAN��RV�DEPARTMENT � , GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BLUE .-MAYOR ^ � Ordin� CG Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Section 336.04 of ;the Legislative Code relating to the licen `ing of locations for the sale of cigarett�s. THE COUNCIL O THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES O IN: Section l. That Section 3 6.04 of the Legislat ' e Code is hereby amended to read as follows : 336.04. Appli ation. Eve person desiring to ob- tain such a license or the sa at retail of cigarettes, cigarette paper or ci rette appers shall pay to the �j�������d� the annual 1 'cens fee� a�� ��te���� ^��- . The applicant shall thereupon file �e� receip with an application in writ- ing, with the License Ins e or of said C°ity, which appli- cation must state the tr e n 'of the applieant, the name under which he shall co duct hi business, whether such business is that o� an individua sole trader, firm, part- nership, or corporati n and the a ress where such business is to be conducted. An erson a in for more than one license shall file ith the office o the License Ins ector a list of all loca ions of sale and or the location of each vendin machine f r which license a li tions are bein filed. An chan in the location of la e of sale shall be re orted to e License Ins ctor withi five 5 da s of said chan e. The License Inspector shall resent such COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of. Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt I.evine A gai ns t BY Maddox � Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �) �'.`-�—^ Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Ap e by Mayor for Sub 'ss' r�to Council sy sy P1� S-.FfNA CE RK � � ' COUIICll CANAR� ��EPARTMENT • �ITY OF SAINT PAUL � 4 BLUE -MAYOR , File NO. � ����� � ' • O/ ftiZ/Lf�L/LCG Ordinance NO. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. �� applica ion, together with his report thereon, o the Council, ich body shall grant or deny the a plication. In the even of the granting of the applica on, the License Insp tor shall issue a license in the form approved by th . L�..�,�� - Section 2. This ordinance shall e in force and take effect thirty (30) days from and after its pas age, approva and publication. COU(VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza n Favor Hunt Levine gainst BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date App o e by Mayor for S mi sion to Council � By By WH17E — CI TY CLERK • ' ' �b.y ��� ��� "'�� PINK ��FIMANCE � r COl1I1C11 '�� �S ��` GANARY —DEPAR1MENT , GITY OF SAINT PAUL '° - ��Ns��� BLUE —fAAVOR � _ File N . 1. � � • Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordin nce relating to licensing cig rettes repealing Chapter 380 of the Legisla ve Code and includi g cigarette vending mac nes with � Chapter 336 f the Legislative Cod . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF INT PAUL DOES O AIN: Se tion 1. That Section 336.01 is hereb amend d by adding the following definition: "Ciaarette Vending Machine. ' A machine for vend- ing cigarettes by the insertion o a coin. Sectio 2. That Section 336.02 of the egislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 336.02--License Re 'red. No person hall sell or offer for sale at re il within the cit of St. Paul any cigarette, cigaret paper or cigarette rappers, or in any manner repr ent or hold himself ou as one who sells or offers r sale at retail any cig ettes, cigarette paper or c garette wrappers, or mainta'ns a ci arette vendin chine for the sale of ci aret es without having fir t obtained a license so to do f m the City Council f said city. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor — Hunt L,evine Against B Maddox j Showalter Tedesco Form Appro d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �— Certified Passed by Council Secretary B � ' By Approved by Mayor: Date A ro ed by Mayor o S bm sion to Council By B WHITE - CITV CI.ERK . ' � 1 PINK ='FINANCE ' ' ■!�� COUIIClI CANARV - DEP'qR�MENT • <JITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ������ BLUE �MAVOR . T I�7 ' I Ordindnce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i Out of Committee By Date 3. 336.-A�--6a�e-��ern-�el��e�es.---A��-�e e�e-e�-��t�e� ��ee� e�-t��e�e�-�l�e-�e��ts-e�-6ee��e�-�96 3-�ta�-l�e-��- ee�see�- -se��-e�ga�e��e�-��+er�-sa�e�-�� e�ee�-��t�e�-rxge� �l�e-ag��� a��e�-]9�-�1�e-��ee�aee�-e�a�e �e�-a�-a��t�a�-�}- ee�ee-ae-p *a�e�ee�-�e�-�t��e�-6ee��e� 36:A3�-a�e�-sa�e�- ew�e�-s�a��- e-s�tl9�ee�-�e-a��-e�-� e-�ee���e��e��-a�� �e�tt�a��e�e-e e�ag�e�-336-e�ee�� ��a�-�ke-��e��sea-�e� �l�e-sa�e�-��ee�s -e�a��]�e-a-�te� -�ek.�e�e: 336 07--No Sa from Veh 'cles. No ci arettes ci - arette a er or ci a ette wr ers shall be sold from anv motor vehicle. S tion 7. That Chapter 380 of th Leg slative Code is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section . That this ordinanc shall take ef ct and be in force thirty (30) days from and aft r its passage, a roval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine Against B1"' •D Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �„� r__ Certified Passed by Council Secretary B �� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for S mi to Council By By ' . �` • • • �.��; � �� � 9/���LL��I)� b . .bi� 4v_v` 2. Section 3. That Sectio 336.03 of the Legislative Code i hereby amended to read as follows 336.03--Fee nd Duration. The annual license fee shall be $12.00 e annum for each locati n of sale or each ci arette vendi machine and the 1 cense shall expire e�e-�ea�-a��e� ��s-�estxa�ee on rch 31 of each calendar ear. The an al license fee shall not be ro- rated for licenses in fo ce less than a full ear. �3� �, ` � Sec 'on 4. y That Section 336.05 of the Le ' sl tive Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 336.05--License for Each L c tion or Vendincr Machine. A license shall permit the lic nsee to sell cigarettes, cigarette paper or cigarette rapper at retail at the one location specified in sa' licens and a separate license shall be required fo each loca ion or cigarette vendinct machine. Se ion 5. That Section 336.06 of t e Legislative Code i hereby amended to read as follows: 336.06--Display o License. The license sha 1 be displayed by the lice see in a prominent and consp cuous place at the location or the ci arette vendin mach e so licensed. In the case of a ci arette vendin mach"ne the o erator shall so affix his name address and te - e hone number in a ons icuous lace on each machine. Section 6. � That Section 336.07 of the Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: