274595 WMITE - CITV CLERK COUIICIl � ���'����V � PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PAU L GANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. - ouncil Resolution _ � Presented By - � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and authorize the execution by the proper City officers, an ag�eement between the City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, covering maintenance and electric energy for a temporary traffic control signal on Plato Boulevard at the Trunk Highway No. 3 East Frontage Road and revision of existing traffic control signals on Plato Boulevard at Trunk Highway No. 52 (Robert Street) and at Wabasha Street. A copy of said agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �� � In Favor Pubtic Works H� �.�4, �'��a:� � � Levine `� __ Against BY Maddox Donald E. Nygaard, D � tor (TJE/R jri) Showalter 19g0 � Tedesc � � $ Form Approved by�C ity ttor Adopted by ounci : Date _ _ , : �' Certi d P� � d b ouncil Secret y BY B � v� , � /#pprove 'blavor: Date . -��� Appr ved by yo for Submis i to Council By BY /�°o"{ �Ia1.tSEd€D MAR 2 9 '►9�0 . • , � , , _ >f - . - � . � � � ���5�5 : �. � � t f. , � � � � � MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT ; TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL � k 6 AGREEMENT N0. 599Q1M � BETWEEN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTD:ENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA FOR � � Maintenance ar�d electric energy for a Temporary Traffic ; � , Control Signal on Plato Boulevard at the Trunk Highway No. � 4 3 East Fron�age Road and revision of the existing Traffic � Contro� S�gnals on Plato Boulevard at Trunk Highu�ay No. ! f , 52 (Robert Street) and at t��abasha Street in St. Paul. � � � S.P. 6244-22 � ; F.P. BH 001 -2 (54) €. t Prepared by Traf_fic Engir.eering � � 's + A[�ZOUI�T RECEIVABLE AMOUNT ENCUMBERED ` � None None � . ! r f ' k i 4 • . ! � �f�'�..�.. ._.... .. . 4 f - . - . ,. . . �'��5� 5 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the State of MinnESOta, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State" , and the City of St. Paul, hereinafter referred to as the "City", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS , the State intends to award a construction contract to, among other things ,� provide median barrier and street lights on Trunk Highway No. 3 (Lafayette Freeway) from Trunk Highway No. 94 to Trunk Highway No. 56 (Concord Street) ; and WHEREAS , Plato Boulevard from Trunk Highway No. 3 to Wabasha Street will Ue used to by-pass traffric during said �onstruction; and WHEREAS , it is considered mutually desirable to install a temporary traffic control signal with street lights on Plato Boulevard at the Trunk Highway PJo. 3 East Frontage Road and to revise the existing traffic control signal on Plato Boulevard at Trunk Highway No. 52 (Rob ert Street) and at Wabasha Street in the City; and WHEREAS, the City and State will share in the maintenance and operation of the temporary traffic control signal and revised traffic control signals as hereinafter set forth; 59 90 ir� • - i - . r� NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS : 1 . The State shall prepare the nec�ssary plans, speci€ications and proposals and shall perform the engin- eering and inspection required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth. . 2. The State shall install or cause the in- stallation of a temporary traffic control signal with street lights on Plato Boulevard at the Trunk Highway No. 3 East � Frontage Road and revise or cause the revision of the ex- isting traffic control signal on Plato Boulevard at Trunk � Highway No. 52 (Robert Street) and at Wabasha Street in accordance with the plan and specifications for State Pro- o ject No. 6244-22 made a part hereof by referrence all at � , the cost and expense of the State. g 3. Upon completion of the work provided for in � � t paragraph 2 hereof, the City shall provide electrical power, � maintain the street lights and sha11 maintain and keep in k � repair the traffic control sa.gnals on Plato Boulevard at � � Wabasha Street and at Robert Street at its cost and expense, � and the State shall provide electrical power and shall main- � tain and keep in repair the traffic control signal on Plato � . � Boulevard at the Trunk Highway No. 3 East Frontage Road at � its cost and expense. 59901M � - 2 - . w �.._ � 4 . Any and all persons engaged in t�e aforesaid � � work to be performed by the State shall not be considered employees of the City and any and all claims that may or might arise under the Worker 's Compensation Act of this � State on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or ommission on the part of said e�loyees while so engaged on any of the work contemplated hesein shall not be the obligation and responsibility of the City. The � State shall not be responsible under the Wor��r 's Compen- � sation Act for any employees of the City. 5. Timing of the temporary and revised traffic control signals provided for herein shall be �etermined by the State 's District Traffic Engineer and the City's Traffic Engineer. 6. Except as otherwise provided f�r herein during temporary operation of the revised traffic control signal on Trunk Highway No. 52 (Robert Street� at Plato Boulevard, all terms and conditions contained in Agreement �o. 58381M be- � tween the parties dated December 9 , 1976 shall remain in full force and effect. . � . � 59901M � - 3 - , � <,�� CITY OF ST. PAUL RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By Director of Public Works Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: (City Seal) BY Director of Finance & Management Service City Attorney STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION l RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ��ze� �� gy Dis ict En ine� Assistant Commissioner Field Ope tions Division �Dated APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION: By Dated Assistant Attorney General • State of Minnesota 59901M - 4 - � f�'�.�._ ' . oM Q1 : Iz/1975 � :s Rev:, . 9/8/76 ` � . ' .� � EXPLANATION OF ADMiNISTRATiUE ORDERS, � RESOLUTfONS, AND ORDtNANCES � . : :�45�5 Date: March 5, 1980 . � � � , R- � � �'� � ZZ1�� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �IIA��S ����� FR: Thomas J. Eggum, Public Works Office Engineer �� RE: Traffic signals at Plato Boulevard and Lafayette Freeway East Frontage Road, Plato Boulevard and Robert Street and Plato Boulevard and Wabasha Street. � ACTION REQUESTED: � The agreement between the City and Minnesota D�partment of Transportation (MDOT) would provide for �the installation of a temporary traffic signal at Ptato Boule- vard and East Frontage Road of Lafayette Freeway and for signal revisions in existing signals on Plato Boulevard at Robert Street and Wabasha Street. The MDOT • � will provide any design and construction work at their cost. The C�ty would maintatn signals and provide electricity at the City's cost. Plato Boulevard will be a detour route when Lafayette Bridge over Mississippi River is closed this swnmer and changes in the signalization on Plato will then be needed. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THiS ACTIONs ATTACHMENTS: Copy of Agreement RAH/jri � . • �