274588 WHITE - CITV CIERK .('w45�8 PINK - FINANCE f �* CANARY - DEPARTMENT ITY OF SAINT PAITL COl1I1C11 . 6EVE wMAVOR � � - File N . OrGLZIZCLIZCP. Ordinance N O.�F�Qy C� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, $462.357 and �64.210 r of the Legislative Code, Peter S. Sybrandt duly petitioned to rezone Lot 11, Block 2, Point Douglas Addition, located on the north side of Burns Avenue between English Street and Point Douglas Road, from R-4 to B-2 for the purpose of expansion of gas station and driveway for a car wash, the petition having been certified by the Department of Finance and Management Services on October l, 1979 as having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further, having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the same owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The current planning committee on November 15 and December 6, 1979 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and, pursuant to Section 107. 03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on December 14, 1979 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor — Hunt L.evine A gai ns t BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved ity t rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by yo or Submission to Council By By WMITE - C�TV CLERK t �►��5�8 PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 C�NARV -DEAARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � B�.UE =MAYOR File �0. � Ordin�nce Ordinance N�.���C� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date newspaper of the City on February 16, 1980 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A public hearing bEfore the City Council, having been conducted on March 4, 1980 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 23, as incorporated by reference in Section 60. 401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located on the north side of Burns Avenue between English Street and point Douglas Roa�, being more particularly described as Lot 11, Block 2, Point Douglas Addition, be and is hereby rezoned from R-4 to B-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 2. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas �HON NaSs Hozza � �n Favor Hunt Levine � Against BY Maddox Showalter Te 1980 Adopt y Coun il: Date �PR 8 Form Approved y ' y Attorn rtified ed by Co '1 Sec�retary BY ` APR � 0 1980 Approved by ay for Submission to Council Appr ve y Mayor: By By �ED APR 1 9 1980 • . ,Z A � .v�y.� . ,����. ' C ITY �`SA N�PA U L - � 5,�0 � �e � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT a �=ii�i 1�u � �%�' "� DIVISION OF PLANNING •� 0 i�a� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR „`t'F� '^ ,V ..��� t�+ � .,... .... ... February 27 , 1980 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Peter S. Sybrandt, Zoning File #8539 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the petition of Peter Sybrandt to rezone from R-4 (Single Family Residential ) to B-2 (Corrmunity Business) property located at the northwest corner of Burns and PT. Douglas Road for the purpose of constructing a driveway for a car wash facility to be located within the applicant's service station. The Current Planning and Zoning Committee held two public hearings on this matter - the first on November 15, 1979, and the second on December 6, 1979. This matter was laid over in order to ascertain if the applicant could construct the proposed driveway on a B-2 instead of the higher B-3 zone. The Zoning Administrator's letter of Nove►nber 20, 1979, documents that the B-2 is sufficient for the proposed use. Although there was considerable opposition to the B-3 rezoning, there was not to the B-2 rezoning. At the request of the immediate neighbor, Mr. Sybrandt agreed to put in a 6' 6" fence instead of the required 4'6" fence. The Current Planning and Zoning Committee, on a vote of 6 to 0, voted to recommend approval of the rezoning based on findings that the rezoning would represent an extension of an existing B-2 zone and would be compatible with adjacent land uses. On December 14, 1979, the Planning Comnission upheld that recorrmendation on a vote of 15 to 0. This matter is scheduled to be heard by City Council on March 4, 1980. Sincerely, C��,�,u.u. Wl�.a Donna McNeally City Planner DM/cc Enc. �O � h1INUTES OF THE CURRENT PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE MEETING IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, QN DECEMBER 6, 1979 PRESENT: Mme. Summers; Messrs. Bryan, Hanggi , Lane�ran, Levy and Pangal of the Current Planning and Zoning Committee; Mr. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Wendy Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; P�mes. P�cNeally and Qeseman of the Planning Division Staff. ABSEP�T: Mme. Karns The meeting was chaired b,y James Bryan, Chairman. PETER SYBRANDT (#8539) : A request to rezone from R-4 to B-2 property located at the northwest corner of Burns and Point Douglas Road in order to construct a driveway for a car wash. The petiticner was present. The!,e was opposition present at the hearing. Ms. McPJeally showed slides of the site and reviewed her staff report. She explained that at the last meeting Mr. Sybrandt's petition for a rezonin� and for a Special Condition Use for a car tivash was laid over in order that the Zoning Administrator could ma'<:? a determination on whether or not the car wash tvould be a permitted use in a B-2 zone. A letter was received from Glenn Erickson stating that the proposed car wash would be an accessory use to the gas station owned by t�r. Sybrandt. The adjoing lot, which is the one under consideration for rezoning, if used as an accessory, ���ould have to be zoned 3-2. She reported that the Special Condition Use for the car �rash was no longer needed for the lot to serve as a driveway. The revised plan for the car wash shows an entrance from Burns and exit onto Point Douglas Road. Staff reco►»mendation rer�ains as it was for the B-3 which is to recommend uer�iul . Peter Sybrandt, 263 Johnson Parkway, repor�ed that the direction of traffic flow has be?n changed to stack the cars on the lot. It would alTow stacking space for 6-8 cars off of Burns Avenue, which he felt would alleviate any traffic congestion problem. Ms. Sumrners asked how v�ride the green space would be and was told by the petitioner that it would be 17 feet. Mr. Pangal asked the petitioner if he was withdrawinn his application for a Special Condition Use. Peter Sybrandt said he was withdrawing it because,as stated in the letter from h1r. Erickson, the property was zoned properly for an accessory business. Robert Johnson, 1317 Burns , testified that it would be ver,y qood for the neighborhood to have a filling station and the property was well maintained. Keith Vinje, 260 English , said his opposition was in detail of the proposal . He requested that the 4'6" fence that is shown on the plan be increased to 6 feet in order that cars and operators on the back side of the lot are not visible from adjacent residential lots. , �T�,,-.�,��.v_� • • . a�� � `��� ' PETER SYBRANDT (#8539) PAGE 2 There was discussion among the Board as to the maximum heiqht of a fence in the Zoning Ordinance. The petitioner stated that he would be willing to make the fence 6'6" if it were permissible. Mr. Pangal informed the Board that at the District 4 Community Council meeting on Monday evening, December 3, 1979, the Council continued to oppose a rezoning to a B-3 and continued to oppose a Special Condition Use permit. The President of the Council advised them of the possibility of the petitioner requesting a B-2 and asked if the Council would elect to take a position on a B-2. The Council elected not to take a position on this , and that the neighbors who were at the hearing a month ago and who �estified in opposition to the B-3 and Special Condition Use verbally stated that they found no problems with the new rezoning petition and with this p1an. Mr. Pangel made a motion to recommend approval of the rezoning to B-2 on findings that this would be an extension of an existing B-2 zone and would be compatibi� to adjacent land uses. Mr. Levy seconded the motion. The motion to approve '. le rezoning was passed on a roll call vote of 6 to 0. Submi tted by: Appraved) b,y: �,t �_ ,A ,,� • � ��t�{� . 4(� ._ ...___. .-,�r ? �,� � ,t Donna F. McNeally Jar�re's Bryan, irman /', /' , . . , e�'�'���� `'�� �° C1TY O� SAINT PAUL ��' : � �` �'�' a DEPARTMENT OF C�JMMUNfTY SERVtCES < 'k"'-'-�� i "'s ^� DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFf�RCEMENT City Hall,Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer 612-298-4212 Mayor November 20, 1979 Current Planning �, Zoning Co�mnittee llth Floor - Annex Saint Paul, 1�linnesota 55102 Re: Case nS5�9 Peter Sybrandt Burns/Pt. Douglas Road Convni_ttee ��Iembers: �t }'our November 15th meeting, some confusion was raised regarding the reauired zoning for the referenced property. It i� our opinion that the proposed car �ti�ash would be an accessory use to the g;is stati.on oti�ned by l�ir. Syhralldt inasmuch as it occupies 20 percent of the f_ioor arca on the I.ots currently zoned B-2 (Lots 9 � 10, Block 2, Point llouglas Add.) . :1�t}1ou;h tl�e ;�as statioil is on a nonconforming lot, the al.tcr��t:i.on of- the l�uilciing to zcco��nod<.tc� the car �va�h does not constitute expansi on oF a nor�conforn►i_ng tise. T7ie adj oinin�; lot (Lot 11, Bl ock 2, Point Doualas Adcl.) if used as access, would ha;-e to be zonecl B-2. f�incerely, it • � , ��,t/w� , �i4�?-tf„_+ Gler�n �1. Erickson Zor:in� Admin:istrator GAF/tVL/eh cc: Peter Sybrandt �a v� t _ _ _._ HON OR n�3LE MAY OR 1VT OVEMBER 1� 1979 � CITY COU�CIL AND S�INT PAUI� BOARD OF ZONING . I �N`_ R�,Qt7ESTII�TG A REZONING TO B--3 OF T _r, LOT I NOrd 0'rJN KNOWN AS LOT 1.1. � ELOCK 2 POINT DOUGLAS ADDITION , IT zs nTow ZONFD R-4. I 1�7ISH TO USE THIS LOT FOR THE MAIN ENTRANCE GOINCr NORTH FROM BUR�1S AVE TO A CAR :�)ASH I PROPOSE TO InTSTALL IN MY EXISTING 5ERVICE STATION BUILDII�TG , II'd ADD:IT:ION TO THF LOT BFING USED AS A ENTRANCE TT WILL ALSO PROVIDF A G�:NERdU� AREA 0�' N:Y PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR CAR LINE UPS �•JHICH ���IILL AVOID ANY POS�IBLE TRAFFIC CON:�ESTION ON BURNS AVE . CARS EXITING THE BUILDING TO TI� EAST WILL �IJRN_.�R„���T ON?Y ON I�'Y PRTVP�TF DRIVr�'��lAY AND EXIT TO THE 50UTH BACK �UT OAT TO BITRNS A�.� THE ARRANGEMENT I PROPOSE SHOULD PROVIDE � WELL GONTROLLED TRAF'F'IC FLO'r1 USING MAIi�?LY I�Y PRTVATE PRQPEHTY . I HA�IT� DOi�tE EXTEi�?SIVE REMODELTNG ON I�.� PIIII�DII�G THIS L�ST `i�AR A�:'� H�?IE IT LIPGRAJr:'D F'ROrt A NFSGHBORHOOD EYES�RE TO A P1EW BUIIDING STATI3S, T'riIS H;�S MADE '�'� �',";`.�I��' Ni�:�IGHLORH00D VERY HAPPY-ESPECIATT:Y THE MOU^tD.� PARK HOS?T�'Ar, IdNICH IS CLOSE BY , I HAVE GOOU RELATTONS WITH T� ENTIRE NEIGHBGRHOQ� ('.d�:ER:!�: I AI.SO LIVE) ArID ri05T OF Th�', PEOPLE KNCti�J OF I�iY PLANS AND ARE VEP,Y RECF;P�1V� TO THF'�N. FROM TfiEIR EXPERIENCE WIiH ME THEY Kl'�OtiJ I AN A RE�LTABLE RESPCi�i�IBLE BtJSINESS P�`AN A?�rD SOME O�d� THFY Cr�N TRL'SZ` TQ DO RIGHT BY THT?M AND 7'i� �'E'�.��G�i�C�;HQOD t�NJ THAT I AM A PERSOI�? �•�1N0 '�.�JOt1L?�� USE SOI�ID JUDGFP��Ei�T I�J � An1Y1 rTI`;G I '�{IGULD PROPOSE . I NO`rl PROV:IDu, GAS SALES � CAR REPAIR AND A D:�IRY STORE-OPETI � DAYS PER :�1EI'.Ko I AT` S f_ �i;ATEJ Ii�' ONLY A 2 CC�Rr3ER EUSII�IESS DISTRICT Ti�T�r'� IS OI�I_Y Pf�'S!�LI' �iT�U C��BS F;.y:� !'�CCROS:� TI Y!� STRI:E'i , BOTH BtJSII�fFSSES HAVE BFEid A�i0Ui�1D SII�;C�' T�-I�� LI�,TE I�jTP�E1T'::���: T`�JEIV`.iYJ. GJItH ON1,Y 2 OF t1S LC�`�ATED HFRE IT ':�!�t11_D INDICATE TI��� P��.SIi�??'�riIAI. AF�EA l-dTII, BE PROTECTED AND FRFSERVED. TY�, " �'.r� `.':,SH tn1:ILI: n� COT�P:�TABT.;� '���ITTH A?Y PR.��£�:�'�" OPERATSOV AND 1�dxT_L �'".��;r7D�' Ft �? N?:;'D:�il SE:��V�:�r� FOR T� PUF3I,IC . I FFEL IT tnlOULD BE BFTTER TO FU`i' TII� C��3. �53,�SFI I�i T�-�E E�';'TY POR'CiON G�+' N`Y COM��ERCIAL BUIL�SNG AND HAV��� CONTROZ3� OF �T :�1Y_SELF TH4N '�0 REiVT TH9T SPACE OUT AND HAVE A TEIVA?�iT L�IHOM I u10ULD HaVE LIMT�l'�;D CORTTRC. OVF;R . I HAVE BEEN ON THE FAST SIDE OF SAINT PAUL SERVING PEOPLE FOR T�: PAST TWEiVTY YE�.R S . RESPECTFULI�Y SUFMITTED, �� � � � ���"�,�r-�''�-°'"�;���,�-'''f':.!���,'%'`�� _- ET�;R S SY��`� �'.- � l �� p- lst �� -- 2nd � _' �.� G' Q 3rd ��-= Adopted � 'g I�O 4- � y,� Yeas �'" J Nays HOZZA ' HUNT LEVINE MADD OX ���'`��� McMAHON TIDESCO PRESIDENT (SHOWALTER) ; � . • - � .. .. . ___ _ ,_ _... _ ._._. __ __.. . . _ . . . ....,.._ � . . ._:_,,,__.._� - .___._.�__... __ . ... _. � -- , ^ � , . . . i •.,•.. `_ -- . � ..� �. �,_.. _ - - Fa_ ��-- U" y- ` - � . F ' , `< .I � Gu k: •.G:��t l�:f�k , ,� �;;�.:i..'�': �- '. . ,�•�v 1 e�� ; �: ;�:�":�� �3 i'� ' �.� ,' I� CIIY YIHJ�:..:i i:U'l;;il ` ,� . . ,1,`�. ..�.' , � `� . v:cti.u�..e... .�_ -_. . t. �'i. rrl r c � `r '�t.�. � .� ' _ -, i• : . � '. ' ,'!,..� ;. ' � � _ J � , r�� . ���:�-s.�� � _ _ {� : .� : _, _ �.:; . 1 r. ;; IU , . ' ; � . � '�., � / � 1?� . - � - � n !��• �1.2,. ? "' T ,�',t-' m . . � r� - ,y.., -� :i �t� - �~ "�� . � �' . --— �_.__-�--�- � .``� . ��-___� � i � .,j �- � s,, _ . � ��.....st ���- - . • f . ; :u`*x� —- �t�a --�- -%_ - ..--_.-"�— . 1 �', � ,. . +' LJr '�_ __ ,: C ��„ st �' '� _ _ �� —_---- _ I:. c;,-�� ��' ; �.�� � fl.' ; ♦� ��, _ J� . V _ f'� ' I , iir, ' L ' G �: , i �, ' - t�r� .,, �`rt ` - c � t'• ---�-- ' 1) e-� ° t� _. _ '��. �= r - � ��,A S � � •�i �� t '.�.�.� � � -1 . �� - : ;; �� �;�: � ; y ? . .�;•'.;�1 = � ��;>:": ��_ _� " �� . '��';,j;�;, i I�, �� �: ,�: � �,>���'� i' _ C �, - ; '' :': : .; �:. ���� ������ � - . ,:',: ,,'' ';,:; �;: ;�:;;� � . ��, --- ( r ';�' �,�� r � ,. �''� } � � --- I; ; ��� � ,+;�:;� • c, :�;�,' ;•;.� �` f�,��` 'r';:.c; �, -c ( ��f�� � , �.I �.,.., • I. ,r�- { 1 r��'r��; I`, � - {,; .:,'' ! ,�� ;)•,�. � , � �t::,�' � •1'''�' . � . ;' � .'," I,�i` ' - -------- --- � - . I'. I ' ij , .. ;�• i �' ;a . rT� '''. , r�' _:�+•`• � _:; ..i, � ; . ' d�ti''' `,i.f _ . __. ! . . _._:_.._____.. .---.____ . S --- - . .`n t - �------�--..1 . � . _�, ,� . - ` , _. f' ' ~ • . . .... . . .. ..... . . ... . .. .._., . r�c�s �v� ����17�C" � 8�3� . l�v` � �5 3� 5 , � � , YONING 'STAFF REPORT _ . . 8538 l . APPLICANT: PETER SYBRANDT DATE OF HEARING Nov. 15, 1979 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRFNT PLP.NNING & ZONING COMMITTEF BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Rezoning � Variance ❑ Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review ❑ Deterrnination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ Other ❑ 3. LOCATION: Ns Burns (English/Clarence) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 11 , Block 2 Point Douglas Addition ; 5. PRESENT ZONING: R-4 ZONING CODE REFEREPdCE: I 6. STAFF INUESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE Nov. 6, 1979 BY Donna McNeally ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. SUFFICIENCY: Application to rezone was filed on a consent petition, subscribed and sworn to before a notary public on September 11 , 1979; declared suffici.ent by financ-e on October 1 , 1979; and received by the Planning Office on October 16, 1979. Nine parcels were eligible; six parcels were required; and six parcels were signed. The pEtition stated proposed use as automatic car wash and gas pumps. B. PURPOS�: The applicant proposes to construct a driveway for an automatic car wash to be installed in the northern portion of his existing building located adjacent to the east of the subject site. He inter�ds to install automatic gas pumps withi►� this drive- way. - C. FRONTAGE & AREA: The site has a frontage of 40' on Burns Avenue and a depth of 130' for an approxirnate area of 5200 sq. ft. D. SITE & _AREA CONDITIONS: The subject site is vacant and is currently used for some random parking by the occupants of the house which is adjacent to the west. There is alley access to the site. Peripheral land uses inclu�i� single family homes to the north anc! west, fronting on Point Douglas Road and Burns, and a garage adjaeent to the east; there is a milk store located in the south�vest corner of the garage building. � t�lounds Park abuts the site to the south. E. FINDINGS: 1 . ThC s�te v��s pr�vi uusly zoned �t�si d�r�ti al . 2. The 1963 Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates the site as Low Density, Residential . 3. The 1975 Zoning Ordinance designated the site as R-4 reflecting existing single family uses to the north and west. 4. Permit�ced uses in the B-3 include: offices , retail businesses , day ca�e centers private clubs, theaters, restaurants, auto repair stations and contractor yards. Special Condition Uses in the 6-3 include: fast food restaurants , and used car sales lots. Some of these uses as well as the proposed car wash with gas pumps could have a detrimental effect on adjacent residential property. 5. The District 4 Plan states as a land use objective that vacant land should be developed in a manner that is compatible with adjacent Tand uses. In this case, the 6-3 zone does not seem compatible with the adjacent R-4 zone nor does it seem compatible with the p�rk land to the south. 6. The intersection of Point Douglas Road and Burns Avenue is a dangerous one. Rezoning of th� site to B-3 would encourage increased traffic at this .intersection. 7. The B-3 zone is intended to provide sites for more diversified types of businesses than those in the B-1 and B-2 districts. It is intended for location alang major traffic arteries or adjacent to th� community husiness districts. In this case, the site is located on a collector street, Burns Avenue, and is nat adjacent to a community business district. 8. Assuming that the proposed used as a automatic car wash, gas pumps is constructed it would require that the f'lanning C�mn�ission grant a Special Condition Usc under Sectic� 60.492(f) Auto Service Stac;ons and S�r,tion 60.501 (h) Au�o Laundry. 9. It v�ould appear that the site in questian could be developed in cempliance with the Zoning Code as a single family lot. ------- , � - � . . � _ • _;___.__.._ � _ __u'_"+�`r'_ ,;-;-- ---�-- _ . . - C - -_ - -- '._- �:--- -_-- _-� __------� `�------ ---- -- ------ . __._._.:�—`-- � � � � � . n ;, Tvl � � � � �� _ 7 — -- rt . 000 _ O O 00 O C� O �.� .,.. >� _ � . � T. . � � `1 ' 3� . ¢ 000 00 p � • � O O O O ' ._ O a..,. — ,; I--; , �� � � o � � .�� � _- _ �.�� .�Y �� �"�� / 'r�' � i O O_ � -- O C� �OOO 4 v �i � � � O -� C Q � -- � `j ���k � �ni� ��� • • . . 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S. � 8';\�•,?�, i� 1.� 1. 1�. � + IS ' � 4 S � ! � '� �'1 L ti .i'�:�:r . i �:A rfF�t L 'r � �rC.� .,.Z . � . �:�. 1 . . .:� . . - a, ;f� �... . . � , � ... �,..�,. , 'y�'; . . �., i1.�;t.;'!.. ic'S� ..�'. t. . r ��i�.`:'� ?,.. � �'� , . .ti!;: � - � . . . . �. � � . �� . . � �. � .'�a�,"�.. �;�( �f �` � � �'��� ("� ����, 1. 4� .k�.ii,f. . . � ' t:.� dl y�;.�;�",,,e� ,.,,; y . . . ::Afy'.�;.;•-.. s`"s:'j'- . � � � CITY O� SAINT PAUL ;;;;-,;-u _;`���rr p�s.,' . '1�,:-C'•�. °�' � ='�, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :`:;:o`.�. �4 '�: �O , '�% V„�. ;� ,iuiu utn ;= y,;.yu;;. ` '!!!',"'�" �� BUREAU OF RECORDS -�:''':`'�=% ;+, , �..• . ` 386 City Hall,Saini Paul,Minnesota 55102 ;S"%�;'`;s � '�:¢�:.r._r?c� �� - 612-Z98-4231 �`;�'�k,•. �::i�;.:�. GEORGF LATIMER =r:;;!`.;�s. MAl'OR � � �` - �� ` �` �r -� ° � �•. October !�, 1979 � �i , .� . .. . . � � �.1K!i:y: /�': ..�:�.. , (J.� �'; �n,_�. '�� Plannin� Staff, Zonin; Section ?2;;:'<� llth Floor, Ci ty Hall Annex ����'a St. Paul, Minnesota ��;�--="� ��.:`: :::�:: Dea.r Sirs: �d;:.'`� ,..� The City Council refex•red to the Plannin� Co:nmission for ;�� recommendatiorl the attach�d petition of Pet�r Sybrandt to � rezone Lot 11, Block 2, Point Dout;las Addx�ti�r.. .-�. Ver3� truly yours, � ;} �� ' ?-- ��� � �� �.� . ..� ,-, ; ; _ . �, .� � Ros� �•i5_:� � � ?�� Ci Uy Ci erk : �� r , St,Fa�h, - - AI30:]a �.._.. `� , • � � , ,_,,,r,f' . . ���r ���-,, .� �� � ���� �'. . ........... �...._....>�..._,.. . � i �.... � .,.• 1r .•�SS / ... .................__.�,�_.. _ f i ' 1 a ,� r. R - �,' • STATE OF MINNESOTA ) _ ) COUN1'Y OF P.AMSEY ) ss. ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) �e./� S s� �� T�' . �. �� , being f irst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the owner of the property to be rezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the progerty to be rezoned, which is described as follows: ���-� _ '?.� �/ ��� r---�, �� ) � �y �D � // ��p G� � ° J //�,�� ����� �'�r �.`LC�:�/ �!d� _ — _ ---- - —_. — — — ------- _. F-,---� that affiant does not have any legal or equitable interest in, is not in the act of purchasing, nor has he purchased or sold within one (1) year preceding the date of the attached petition any land contiguous tQ the property sought to be rezoned as described above, except (NONE) (SEE ATTACHED) ; that affiant understands the word "contiguous" as used herein to mean parcels of property sharing a common boundary at any point without regard to the gresence of public thoroughfares. ''J �� , � ,, ,� � , �:. , � _ . �;( �\ // �,t� ,w , �.t ,��,/. /�4,.?�,, ,� � _. � - .� � �-e-�-�.- ��-.--�-�-�-:-� , .*:.;._. N0�'ARY PUBLIC, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINN.� Q(,(,!/�/C°,� �\� �R Q �'�'`�� / y � ,.,��. � `. �,,� � � ! ,.`, .,. . � . ,f.,.,� � �� ��'' �� t� a :a ; ;�` ` t ,*+ti... , , s,.,i� ft t � ' . , r ` 3 � 14 � �� � �':; $ i` ' �' >i .f` -t�7: ii�. �.i � ,'C;'4 F - * �au.�.r .: . r" r � � _.�" Jr1} �f.�l��_ �' ,,� Nt 1( �' I�lh ' ....:.�...._......�,+,,..��... � � .-, _a ,. . �.::.��.,..:%.:r ,. ,, :.��,�� ,� � ` -- _. �. ,� �-� � 'r . _ ..� . : r tl ��' ':..� .� � � � ��;� i , ��I t. , y . . � I l • . I�♦ / �.l ` I` ° '�����`"" CITY OF SAiNT PAUL `:= ��lTf p.�'�� -�tir` �Y� �'''�� . :; a; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :, ����� ;= ,.� ,niiil��li, ^: ` • - BUREAU OF RECORDS . . . i�e• �..� . . 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota �5102 GEORGF LATIMER 612-298-4231 MAYOK September 18, 197g Mr. Bernard Carlson Director, Finance & Mana�ement Services Rooro 113, City Ha.1.1 St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir : The Council referred to yau for check as �o sufficiency the a+tached p�tition to rezone Lot 11, Block 2, Po�int L�ou�las �',:ldition. ' °}' , Very truly yours, �.i : .,, -..,�.,_- , � �:, i . �r. � Q� -(�.�_.i(��1,.�7 , �.1 .°J�,���'..;w j_,;-•.:�`', . .. � � ' POSt* T'i2X Cit,y Clerk �4 Attach. ABO:la �.��;I�',� ��a� t S�� i � ���� � ;C:.t N i �r(%�''� {'`SS� � iC�T OY ;�� qr.�Lf"_ �EPAF�tt� (?VICES �:�.�(: �!iAi�lA.GFM�Nl S4- _} ~� °� , ,..�� ; �„� ��,:.- ! 6�;; .._. ,. .. <: • ..�.4• , . _..... .... . ,,� � �<;k-;;' . . ._:,_ W- _ . .. , : , �..�, -� _ry < . - - . .. .� .,. �Qr'Jy� / �'k!"'s�i�.� � _ . �_ _ , . ,, . _ . . . . . , . . � � . ::�. � I°�'o �,�r�-� �'��i�,�,o _ � �� -� �� - - - - _ - /�o �!ds 1��,��g,v�c,� v . � �S'e,evrc� si��Te � � ���c�i',,� CITY OF SAZNT PAU1., tiIMlESOTA k� S D. �, � U PETITION TO A!{gN0 CFiAPTF..RS 60 thru 64 OF TFiE LSGISLATZVE (ZO'VING) CODE ���� '�� / C' X � O No[e: Before [he petitioner's proposal for rezoning wi:l be considered by the Ci[y of Sain� Paul, property ownera must consent [o the proposed change. Before aigning the petition vhich ie a sta[ement tu thst effect� the eigner should be auare of usee per_ mitted under the neu clasaifi�ation. For further information +abou[ the rezoni�g of , property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning �ffic�. 298-k154. 70 THE NONORAHLE HAYOR AidD CITY COUt7CIL ' ��"vl�fI /��� c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Ftall �t�' ��-�i� City of Saint Paul� Minneaota Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states tha[ 67X of property ovnera c�i.tl�in the area [o be con.sidexed must consent to the proposed rezonfng. Section 462.351(S} of Hinnesotn. Statutes atatea tha[ 2J3 of prop�:rty oGm era vithin 100 feet of [he land propoAed fox rezonirtg mt,st give wxitten consen[ befo�e the ciey sha1.1 con9ider the prop�sal. Nowever, r�h�:r;� thF. ovner of said property has oured for nny time in the paat year additional real eatate con[iguoc� to the land propoaed for rezoning� 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet af thic�. larg�r package of property must give wcitten consent. Pursuant [o Section 64.210 of the St. Paul 2oning Ordinance and Section 4b2.357(5} of Minneso[a S[a[utes� we� the undersigned, o�r� property N1[hin 100 feet of the petitioner'e land And hereby petition your Nonorable> Body [a ._-� rezone [he Eollouing descri� d property: (legal descriptipn 6 etreet address) ���',t;�-/t���,,.1 / 1� �^ �2 � r_��/,f __��0 GJ�a7�-- �/1/�7�G�(/y��,.�J �",�i.:.i/o�/'tf/1� 'TJ�'/.c� trom ^ �-- /�3Q0 ,B.C11G� �/�/ d�l,�'r'/y'.f' �i El�'. DietrSct to ,(�"`� Distri t, :Eor thc, purpose of in�ta1,li.nq, cvnstructing And/or op�rating thc followinq� Ide�czibe bricsfly thc propo�s�c1 fecili ty) �"�r�-y? ��� ♦e 1 ��O/Y/r9�'�/G '__ �-�� ��r`d.�;,��.1'���r %L� ftECORT.1 OWNER SYCNATUFL� I.�'P SI�3CK 1U�UIT20N __. _ . Subject Propertyi -"— - --�--��------�- � ._ '�,c�r� `�c�� _ }� —�.____. __R _ �"�_-.� "��,.'�.\ �,�.�,�,r ,�� f Y`.:' �_]��l� ,-t�='-x= ---._,_ r:?'/�v'�.,�'"�. ��' '"" I C C'/ ��� --- . / ! ?,Ly�4'1.��4 ��i/� � I /� G�� �/h� Yy� ~���)��5�1.1� . -%�/ ��r�"--�f.�' �-►�.,� _ __ ., _ ,.^_ _____. _ _. ,�' ,:' L. ,�-r'o.�L e �a �- � _... _� _._ _. ;��/��.L_ l�!G�r.!.� � ;;�; �FC'�'�_,��+��<-`� � �, „ . s- �, �--- L `''i. 1 6!N� �C.�J�J �. S l,('� :�t�� /_`'�i�=rf,S' f�v L� �" � --=..�-c.S 1;� � --- ��._.�J�'�� ' i�i��y.�a..�_ � �._ ` C/ e�ir������.�P��jr+}:�C�:r in��C?.G,T�'_sJie.�� Stilte of M1Tlnt8Uttij�____.___.._..�-----,.._....�...._..___.._:._..... .._......_--- � �� Cour.ty of Ram3�X ) � ��'�'`� � ��,U it,,°l�'C✓� bein f ir � � 9 3t duly ��rn, de�+oces and statcs that he is the �parson uho circulated tho within petition consisti.ng a� ages; that the parties doscribed abova aro khe owners zespec�ively of the 2ot� placed ir,vnediately following e,ach ��1me� that e�ch o� tho parties descx�ibeci above: is the owner of pro�erty Which ia t+ithin 100 feet frcxn nny proF�erey owned by affiant or sold by a££inn� within one (?) �car prrcrding the ciate of thig petiti.on whir_h i� cc,nti�t��a;is to t}�e propcxty �bc;ve describr_d� that none oL the p�uties describcd a�ove has purch.zsed or �s puxchasing property Irom affiant conti.q�xau� to the abc.v� de�cr�b�c' property within ono (1) year of the date of thin petitionJ that this pLtilian �,r�s siqrted by eacti of said ownerb !.n Ltzi presencc of thia xffian�, bnd thnt the signat�res abova are the truc nnd correct Fic�natur.rs of ench• a.nd nll of the parties so deacxJ�bed. �..!_ .._.� _ 1,- �' /, ��f� �������� �% � '/' ..: ..��.. --,.-_. '�,: .�,� s � P�;�--� Subscrib�d and eaozn to befozo mo AJdres���`fz�l,��'��".�Git/��l� -�`�"•!"��1x/ ,. �1 '4 :-.� �< Telephon^ t3o.'� / /i �j'` thi��� dn f of i � / 7�'�� �'S, 7,b-Td`?��,E��%���'��Q�' �'� ' . Appz�oved ae; to Form 10-27-7•b �.:_ • OEfice ��C the Cit.y l.tto_•ncy r_��'..���.% �X..�?'.'�-i---- --- , _ �: t1ot�=y P�bliC, TL�.mnev Cuun�.;, M{rn. c �� t r°` �y Com�,�:ssion expf.rs�� � � v ' •.•` x� . ?k � ? �� �� r° 3 : ��,.,. �,,�' ,�,..>. �.w.� �,,.,,._ � , ..: , ,,� . _. , ..:,,.. , , _.. _.. . ...... . � R�.... . .....,..,..� . � . . �� . , _ . _ . . �i ,1-t,� • I , , w �/G-� E�`.?-{ � _'�C/���..��l�{//l.3 . . � , : . ._. , /� ;fNO.�" �i9'�_��,J/.G,� c�%� _ . _- - . - . .. . - - - - . - �g� J'e�v�c�ST�e � CI'T'Y OF SAINT pAUL, HZNiIESOTh t'ETITZON TO AMENO CtiAFTEfLS 60 thru 64 OF Tl1E LL'GYS[ATIV� (ZO:JING) COD� � � Note: Before the petitione='s proposal for rezoning �ai;.l ba conaidereci by the City of Sain[ �'aul, proper[y ovnera must consent to the proposed chunge. Refore afgning [he petition Which ia a etatement to thnt effect� the eigner should be ausre of. uhen per- micted under the neu classification. For further information r�bout the rezon3ci� of , propezty� call the Zonin� Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154. 70 THE HONOItA$LE MAYOR AND CITY COUtiCIL p�t� �,,y����`�`C.v� /I /G��� c/o the City Clerk� Roocn 3f16 City Hall � City of Saltit Paul� Minneaota SPCtion 64.210 of St. Paul'e Zoning Ordinance statea that 677. of praperty nwnera withi� the area to be considered must conaent to [he propoaed rezoning, SecCi.nn Gf�2.357(5) of. Min,iesoLa Sta[utes states that 2/3 of property owYlera Wi[hin 100 feet of the land propot+�d for r�xpning IIl1SC give �rritten consent before the City ah�ll con9ider khe proposnl. Houevzr. when tP�e auner of snid property hae ocrt�ed for nny time in the pa8t ycar addiCionat renl eataCe contiguoc� to the land proposed foz rezoning� 2/3 of the property owncrs uiti�in 1Q0 feet of thict l�rber package of property must give written con�ent. Pursuant to Seetion 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordlnance and Section G62.357(5) of Minneso[a Statutes� we, the unuerHigned , ou,� property aithin 100 feet of the petitioner's land nnd hereby petition your }ionorablc B;��y to rezone the follo�uing described property• (1egs1 de:;cription 6 s[r e addresa) �%`�'�:.�''"�� ,�:� 7r �/ —�3L DC�' �--�' �-�- ��nr7--' ,���t/C L�}S t�I�a�tI -'"�-tl-,-".%� o�/ f� /3ov r�L�'�� rraa+ /`, y Diat:rict to � ""� Di�tr et, for thw ��fvs purpose of insta�ling, constructinq tu�d/or operating thQ fol;.o�+�ngs �-!Jt (descrit� brie�ly thn proposed £�cility) C'�..�.� l��f���'� �}UlUr',';.��� ---� -, -�, �-'.�! � �S� /�' ��,... _..,G ..� RECOR� OWNE}t r�..�.._ SIGA7A'I't1R� " �� �1� � tAT< �I�LC)CK AGT7ZTION . - _.�.. ----- __.____._ --- -�-- �Sub�cc t Prope x s /�' ..� -------- ___i �.�}�-� ' h�•C,' ,�j� E / D D 3 � � /� �,�' " / '_ i / ' �"� � ^ �/ / � �� �s 7 _/� V!�� �� /�- _ �L__��-f.��'4'Y�-.-•.i ! Q.-�/„�.��-��r'�+.e.;;'-�a=° /'7' �s�'�, � — — — -.__...� . ,,c____` �..__�. _�—___ .._:�,..r.... -,_:.�.�.. .... --��sfi:.ma�xs.:� � —_,_�-•��__ Jr�� � ��P'�'`' o�`' f .,� / ��l✓�, ��-�e h ��r�`�'���c.-e_.-� � '=�,.. ,�,; �,;�,�'�-��°�., �a," ___._.___ - .��7�r�v^�I�.�_ f}�,��. . _ - � �.__;'� [J � _ __- __-__.__.__ .__......::�w�rw . ` '� " �5 " "[,,,.r,,". .l .... ...........,__.._. ---_..�._.�.�_y„ r,.. . �..__,,.�..._ � __ ____ ______ ��.'S��� ,�-,�✓f/?,�s ,� � .-),' . . � !� ��,�� �i���a,v ��� �D,o. - :.�`� r - ,� , _ -- ._._._.�_.__� � � � �\ f _ "-=�.�_, ��; � ;... . . �__.__ Statn af Minn�sota) I' � � �� � �.� ) s�• Caunty o� Ftamsey ) � '..,,,,.,.... i �--�'��t�„ �• ���eL�1�i'"���beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that h$ is tho person utio cfz�culxted tha within petftion ransisting o� � ,�ages; that the parties dasrzibr�d above aro the owners zespectively of tho lot�: plrced immediately folloWinc� caeh h�'�me1 thnt �ach of th� partiea described abc�ve ia the owner of pr.aperty Nhich is Wiilhin 100 fcet from nny proper[y owned by afPiant or. �otd by affiant within one (1} yc�r preceding the date of this petition �.�hich i� r.oniiguou� to the pzoperty abe�e d�scribe�t that :znne of the pnrties descrj.bec'S a5ove t-�as purch�is�d or ;Es �l1YCfle35111�j proi�erty from nl�i�nt contiyuou� to th� ahove clescrihr:d praperty arithin ono (1) year of. the datc� of th�n petitiont that this p�titicr.�ua� si�qned hy e�ch o� said o�r:�crs in tize �resence of this affi�znt, and thst the signatures �tibovr• ure thc true and correcr si�n�ture� of euch• and all of thr. pa�:cie9 so de9�riF7cd, . �-� � � , , f � ,: , � �1 i- ,,�.___ fta.� .. ` .�..I._ _.�/Sl�����.:" .� �. z.�. �F�l�� S�:bsczl.be.i nnd �worn to before mo ��dress : �^'"����� �-''�/ .�-�� J a�J/NSn R! /��- ~�-'�� (1 � �i•elephon� No.��'.C, ���/,,,:�O'�^'1/ ,�,f�- ,�w/-3�G"J t h i s � d�y o f��y���___�9____ r '� p / /— �'^' �� � �/j f, A p p r a v e d a.. t o E v,.r-m 1 0-2 7-7 6 ,�!/2�:°-�.r.�.--_1������;,i_____�____ Cfficc �f the City T�ttorncy . .. E�otn�y Fubllc, RamBey Courit�'; .Mir�n. . �,�� :y Coru-ni��lo:i er.,�ire� , . . •':i' �'i �a ,, �� ` p�, � '; rY� ��'� e °?� e`�.t.+� �k.,i� ��a.,,,�'', . %�., ('on _ - ;..: . . ,.,,, . �,:.._ � _ . r : �"' f'>,�Q f�Ee�i7-Y {Sr°IT/�YC6'�l�i - . , �. . � � . . . . ' � �D�/Y.DS%�i9'��-�'U/G� .�'T . . _ . _. . : _ - _ �,�}-- se�r�/ce �`��-�o N �- CITY OF SAZNT PAU1., MINt1ESOTA p£T'ITION TO RMENO CNAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF T}IE LBGISI.�TiVE (ZOV I[YG) COOE � �� � Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning �oi:.l be considered by the Ci[y of Sa1nt Paul, property ownern mus[ consent to the proposed chnnge. Before aigning [tie petition which is a etaCement to that effect� the eigner stiould bo auare of ur�eo per- mitted under the ne� clasaification. For further informntion abou[ the rezoning of , property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office. 298-4154. TO TFIE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CIiY COUt3CIL c/o the City Clerk� Room 386 City Hall �t�` yp ��`�Z�� /��� City of Saint Paul, Minneeata Section 64.210 of S[. Paul's 7.oning Ordinance ata[ea [ha[ 677. of property oarnere WiChin [he area to be considered must consent to [he propoaec� rezoning. S�ctfon-462.357(5) of 11i:�nesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property ownera within 100 feet of the lnnd prapoaed for rexoning �ust �rive written consent before the Ci[y shall consider tt►e proposa�. llowever. when the owrier of said property haa oaned fur t�ny time in the pAat year additio:�sl real eState cor►tiguoc� [o ttie land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the properry owners within 100 feet of thi,, l.��rger gackage of property must give written consent. F'ursuant to Section 64.210 oE the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 4G2.3S7(S) of Minnesota 5tatutes, we, the underaigned. �wn prc�per(y wlthin lU0 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Flonora le Fiody t� rezo�e the follouing described pr�. tty: (legal descri. tion 6 ,etreet address)��,_�'`�-;?.�'T-� �o7'�r -13�o��a- �o N'r-��u�G�s��l��Ti"��/- 3 �, �i�'�;; �,. / oo �cc.�o�v l..��:,;��s r�U�. flom -- Dietrick to �_.� District, tor the, purpose of instal�ing, cons�ructing and/or operatinq tho fo1J.oNing: � (descrite briQfly the pzoposed fecil,ity) �"�-� � _ �� ��--��� ,�/-`�Y.1� �,�7 S' �ir7 -�S' _�_ f2f:COFtT) OWNER SzGNATVP.:�; LCYr BLOCK N3DITI�N ,Sub ect�Pro rty: � /_ ! '�---~ —' ��'/y� /`�. • �/� � � ' � \� d�v����� M--i.� 1� � �D I.�,I��0!.f�L.j-�'-.��� - � ' - -� -- , • c7 .�/��! 1 .S � �7, r . .... �tiT �� ��`}I��.�O/l� /�'M� � , -_v'� �.�-- ,-f U-�--�,�'-a�� �X c r-)T N' i /� f�i��. �' C•"T'��'A�� �` / . �'-n✓ T �.f7'� -r"C,.�!/ ��-"%° , t l. ('.�_,`1 v� -�r,. ,..,�,� �./.u� 'a �i.' � �' �T? ...,� �.� _— ' �- - _ �I ; .c-"� % /�Q/N D o�cl�j't� S �-cl r1�'-�/d � - �e.y d/iV�L�d U �.�.C`�,c� X _ - - — �7 O " 1'J'• `:� SG E LC^>,`k: -:�'G '��r . .� �'iP. L- i� J 7 �fo/rj P_!._ S� W��/V�rC-i `'r-, • �,r��&�.'_=���}� '_.� � l3�M D Fl-t.L � L_n7_' 8 F��-�`�? � Po rN ~.�r '� �a�!,U�L_ S f3' CS j"�7 d r*� `.��.-�•��n� <?��t t-��� � ___�_ Stata of Minneauta) � �n Caunty of Ramsey j ;"i� 1°� �� �,� �Y���}"ly/=�el.ng fi.rst duly s�+ozn, deF+os�s �uid ctutrs ttuct he is tha ��erBOn Who rirculnted tha aithin Qetition consisting of �� �aqes; th.it the parties described nbove ara thn owners respectively oi the lots placed immediately f�I.lowing cnch narnet that eZrh of tt�o part.��a descz�bed above is the o�+ner of praperty �+hich i� Nithin 100 feet from eny pro�erty o�med by affiant or eold by affiant within one (1) year prrceding the date of thiy petition which is contiquous to the property abc�ve drscribed� that none of the perties d�scribed above has purch�zs�c3 or i� �n:rchasinq pzoperty from a�fiant contiguous ta the above described prope:ty within one (T�) yeaz of th� datc of thie petition� that this petition�was si.qned by each of said owners in thc presence o� this affiant, or,� thet the siynature3 ab��ve are the true and cozrect r:i.�natures ot each•and tc�l af the parties so d�scribed. . _ -7 �_ - � , , . __� __ .- , �,- ;�,; _ -.,.. .;. ,/_ � 5ubac.zibed and evrorn to befor�. e,e \ ''\ � . _Y ~~.", �'.�4' "�� ; ' � �r e�s� : G.(•a � �O �1•.f 0/t� f�(.0� "SI,�(���1� Te2ephog� No. ��p ? �:hi�� day ot �n,i, � / 97 �I �.r �� U �"� �''�77 t1 �. � v � ��Q.� � �`� �. ,Jj Approvcd as to focm 10-27-76 •�/��!'-��^•,�-�5.;'_ y' ' � i„ __�� UEfice oi the City I.tto_'nc�+ ,�otnry Piiblic,, iti+mn�y Caunty, hitrn. , i,° `.T ""-3 '•'.y corrn;�ssi�n ex.pirc� "� . �t..,, ,- ° - ,: ; ..; � ,..�� � •:.: rk. _: , -� :. .f . �`.�«,w>r'� ��'�•�' �' ....r-� " ,,. '«} 5'"` a . • . � ~ . , �� w' P�eo �T'� �e,�i��o � - � , � ds .f�-,e� �vtc7�� . V �� � d , � � � f} �'rev�ce. �'i�Tie i✓� � CZTY OF SAINT PJ►UL MIMIESO?A ��,���� ����� - �JSa.o � pETITION TO AHEN� ClIIIPTERS 60 thtu 6d OE' 'PHE LEGISUTIVE (ZONTNG) CODE 9��`3� ��t—✓ � Z-�� � � _���"""""`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'TT °-:-�, -`e ''''' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �4 4: :O . �: %�� 1111'11'II c c �,,. = BUREAU OF RECORDS ���''��ma���P���� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4231 MAYOR September 18, 1979 Mr. Bernard Carlson Director, Finance & Management Services Room 113, City Hall . St. Paul, Minnesota Deax Sir: The Council referred to you for check as to sufficiency the attached petition to rezone Lot 11, Block 2, Point Dou�las Addition. Very truly yours, f . � � � S ��-�r��-- • �, - �',�`'�'�.- ' �''"'h� w��v� `" X Rose Mix City Clerk � I Attach. ABO:la �����'�� ��,C SEP Z 1 1979 p,SSESSMENj ���T�ON .�MENT OF FINANCE �p MANAGEMENT SEF�VlCE5 A� � � �f" ��.���R�!♦'!' !,�',�� �,. , ' , , � � �� o _g,� - _.._._ � - � � � � � ;:...,��;�.. � -- t Notary Publi ey Qb��) M�ert � �;�i, Y . �'�� COIM11S5�0� ' g N(. Ak, uElt, • ;, , , � ��i�n,:E`' �,.;� ,� � � ,. ��. - �..� . �y Com � -� � � ,.,, _ W�v.��4.�krnn:Knhr *,�*`' ��N'� � �. . . - - G �-��� � , , ^ . � � �i�Q 6�,/ ��:d�,A'771�5" � ' .' ' � , ' � /��ivd.r ��t,e�._�Nlc,� � ; . � , �Cl J•ei�v/c P��-�.r�''f",�`��� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIMIESOTA P£TITION TO l►t1EN0 CFIApTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LLGISLATIVE (ZONLNGj CODE � � Note: Before the petitionet's proposal for rezoning ��i�l ba conaidered by the Ci[y of Saint Paul� property ovnera n�ust consent to the proposed change. Before signing the pe[ition Which is a statemen[ to that effect, the signer should be avare of �aee pnr- mitted under the nev clasaification. For further informntion about the rezoning of , property. call the Zoning Section of the City Planning �ffice. 29�4154. .� � . . .. . . �.• . , STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss. ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) �/� S' s,� n/� T� � �� , being first I duly sworn, deposes and states that he, is the owner of the property to be rezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the property to be rezoned, which is described as follows: .y/ ��-�.� � � �o T� i/ �L o � �2 - o in���a�u L i�S o�i(ro�l ' that affiant does not have any legal or equitable interest in, is not in the act of purchasing, nor has he purchased or sold within one (1) year preceding the date of the attached petition any land contiguous to the property sought to be rezoned as described above, except (NONE) (SEE ATTACHED); that affiant understands the word "contiguous" as used herein to mean parcels of property sharing a common boundary at any point without regard to the presence of public thoroughfares. f� , GZi'���� � 5 NO Y PUBLIC, x�r�s� cour�rY, rrirlrr. Q(,�N e� D � P� i / � s � PATRICIA D. BECK =� NOTARY PUBLIC • MIhNESOTA � RAMSEY COUNTY . My Commisaion Expires Mar.21,1984 . � ., _ g�3 � �����i� �-���� _..� . �. _ ' . . . r ~ . • ` � � �i�d p��P T ,De�°�N'ea�-t°� , . • - ���A�.� �i1�' ��t//G�, .�r . - � ,� .����� sT�-To N CZTY O!' SJIZNT P11UL, MIMIBSOTA PETITION TO ]1MEN0 CHAPTERS 60 thtu 6d OF TNE LLGISLJ►TIVE (ZOyING) COOE � �J Note: eefore the petitioner's proposal for tezoning wi:l be conaidered by the Cicy of Saint Paul� property owner• �ust consent [o the proposed chaege. Before signing the petition which is a .[atemen[ to that effect. the oigner should ba avare of usee pnr- mi[ted under the nev claseification. For furtfier information about the rezoni�g of , property, call the Zoning Section of the Cit�► Planning Office. 298-4154. ?0 ?HE HONOItABLE 1�iAllOR AND CITY COUNCIL �t�� ���� /�7Cj c/o the City C�eYk, Room 386 City Hall / ./ City of Saint Paul. Hinnesot• 5ec[ion 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance state• that 67x of proper[y ovner� vithin the area to be considered must consent to [he propoeed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Ninnesota Statutes states that 2/3 of property owrnere within 100 feet of the land proposed foY rezoning must give written consent before the City shall conaider the proposal. However, vhen the ovner of said property has ovned for any time in the past year additional real estate coatiguou to the land proposed for rezoning, 2j3 of the property oWr►era vithin 100 feet of this larger package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357(S) of Minnesota S[a[utea, we, the underaigned. own property Within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honora le Body t�, rezone the folloain described pr ty: (legal descri tion b .stree[ address)� �it�— LoT�r �Loc.�a- o•�rj-d,�u4t,�s�(oliTi�ni- 3 � ���✓' / oQ � •C��v su,e�'�le lrom �— � District to ,B "� District, tor the purpo�e oi installinq; con�tructinq and/or operatinq thc following: (descrire brielly the p�oposed facil.,ity) G'�-� � �✓ i3 Torhr�-Tic. �-�y.D .l,'rp s ��n RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE I�OT BLOCK ADDITION ,�/Sub ctD Pro zty:� q � �\� /C • /"� I �/N��O�!/C�L/�' �� o �N'!�'L 1 S r�f �?: � . �a e�T F. �.r��e so iv �r�e o--,-� _Fx �T N• . � � �. Q�-- r�-v o /fe�G T ,�S'o�/ � .cv, o �r. o t �l'7 Q�� � � x /N De�cl�'� S i4e�cGtTi D o�J��• e. ci Tl7eU L G a � e >f`• /c e L� c . a T. 0 7' . /!7i iq e L. s'� cv+4�n�e,e �` • 19�M D /�L L D L oT 8 $�-� �L/ . n/ d �. s x `Pa i �i a y� s rT/e�/ State ot Minneoota) ) �• County ot Ramsay ) �' (�' [ ,(�,�., ��� J . ��O�G�'/vCyi/ being tirst Quly s�►orn, depoaes and states that he ia tha parson who cizculated the within petition consiating ot � pagest that the partie� described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed inunediately following each namet that each oi the parties described above is the o�+ner of property which is within 100 feet fro�a� any property oti+ned by affiant or �old by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition whicb is contiquous to the property above described� thst none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasinq property from affinnt contiguoua �o the above described property aithin one (1) year oF the date of this petition� that this petition�was siqned by each of aaid oMrners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signaturea above are the true and correct eic�natures of each•and all of the pertie' so described. -� , � Subsczibed and sMOtn to befoz ess: Z m ,(.ON ��5/ —`�r( �j'�f� � Te 1 ephory9 No 77 ,/�,���.�� 370� thi� day ot 6F-GKZB� /��Q, �''`J'` � C� P �,R�P c •�' L 2� j9��4� �►pproved as to form 10-27-76 OEfice �t the City Atto:•�cy R iss`pP NOtar .M� ounty, Mirn. . :!� co ' ��n ire� � � '`- _ _..�...,, ,--- __--- � . . � • � .' . �: �$r . , _ i%i�i`��" . t�.�:-,+..�. , ' ' . . - y� . , r ' • . _ � CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES - ASSESSMENT DIVISION 173 CITY HAII ST.PAUI,MINNESOTA 55102 February 15, 1980 City Clerk 386 City �Ia11 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 File X 2398 Page 1 Zoning File 8538 The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Aall and Court Aouse (third floor) at 10:00 A.M.. on March 4, 1980 on the: Petition of Peter Sybrandt to rezone from an R--4 district to a 3-3 district the property on the north side of Burns Avenue between En�lish Street and Point Douglas Road being legally described as: Lot 11, Block 2, Point Douglas Addition. Intent of petitioner is to use property for an automatic car wash and �as pumps. �, Zf you would like further information about this hearing, contact the CurrenC Planning Section of the Planning Board, Room 1202 City Hall Annex -- 298-41_54. Wi►ile the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any improvement that could affect you or your coimnunity. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, sa that . you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER , , � ��Z� o � 3-3-80 ,�� �%�` , ; '�EAR '�I R: v � WE DISAPPROVE OF THE CAR WASH BEING INSTAI.LED ON THE NORTH SIDE t OF BURNS AVE. BETWEEN ENGLISH � POINT DOUGLAS ROAD� TNIS IS A RESIDENTIAL AREA, AND WE HAVE A GREAT NUMBER OF CHILDREN PI.AYING IN THE AREA , WITH ADDITIONA� TRAFFIC, COUI.D PROBABLY CAUSE ONE OR MORE CNI �D TO BE INJURED. POINT DOUGLAS IS A VERY NARROW AROUND THE CURVE;WHICH CAN NOT BE'AR ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC, WHICH A CAR WASH WOULD BRING, WHEN CARS ARFPARKED ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET, IN FRONT OF HOMES-TWO lANES ARE BARELY AVAILABLE. SINCERELY, 4 ^ � ^� / ) �/ �Y �v //�/�R� ���,th� C^: • . ,:a� -'; _.. Cn-�: � ,r,� _. .,. _i.� ' •'� T C.��.-� .... � �� ���. �� �` rn ..�;: ►-'' � �r� _. :Y��.� � _,-t ___.. C� .' � ,..J � .r p- � `— / � t� �/ 2nd � —ys— OC� � 1s� � 3rd �� —� �—' �cU Adopted // 17 ��� �— 1 `� - ��` ,� Nays � 1 Yeas HOZZA . � � '�� � HUNT �.�' f�� � ! r �f I � ��j�� �.r � :�v /�',� �,�� LEVINE l �j`_ r` C � MADDOX � ;�IcMA��ON � TIDESCO PRESIDENT (SHOWALTER)