274580 WHITE - CITV CLERK ,���q�A
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLV�D, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant
to Section 10.07.1� of the Charter of the City of Saint
Paul, there is hereby transferred the follovring in the
1q80 budget:
FROI�I: General Government
Contingent P.eserve - General
09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution
to �udget Fund $22=185
T0: General Government
�'�nployee Parking
0994�-237-000 Parking Expense �2z 18�
A�p oved as to Funding: Approved:
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Director, I'inance an M�1 t S rvices dget Director
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COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas ����N Nays �
�� In Favor
Levine _ � __ Against BY —
Ted MqR � 3 19� Form Approved b Cit Attor y
Adopte y Council: Date —
rtified Pas• y uncil Secrc�ary BY
F1ppr ved b , o�: D _ MaR 14 1980 Approv y Mayor f r Su i ' n to Councii
BY - – — BY
�tED MAR 2 2 1960
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G1:OFtC;F. L.\1'IJI�R Se�l2�T Y�L'L,�II\1�SOTA u510�
�L1�OR (61;i 2fl8-4323
January 17, 1980
Mr. John E. Friedmann -
Managing Director
Saint Paul Civic Center
I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Friedmann:
SUBJECT: Proposed Parking Agreement for City Employees Required
to Drive their Personal Cars to Work for Use on City
After receiving Mayor Latimer's December 21, 1979 letter requesting
the development of a Civic Center parking agreement, you asked me
to meet with the representatives of National Garages, Inc. , to .
develop the specifics of how the Mayor' s proposal could be implemented.
The specifics for the Mayor' s proposal is presented for Givic Center
Authority consideration as follows:
Instead of using a monthly parking rate as proposed in the Mayor's
letter, the parking rate will be a daily rate of 64� per car. (22
working days in a month times 64 cents equal the current monthly ,
rate of $14. 00)
The City will provide a "one day parking authorization slip" ta its
employees on the City's mileage plan. When the employee enters the
ramp, he/she will receive a regular Civic Center parking ticket.
When the employee leaves the ramp, he/she will return the parking
ticket to the attendant, along with City's "one day parking authori-
zation slip" , which must be completely filled in by the City employee.
On days in which special events are scheduled� the parking attendant
may collect the authorization slip in advance. If the employee leaves
the ramp during the day and wishes to re-enter the ramp, a second
authorization slip would be used.
At the end of each month, National Garages will bill the City 64 cents
for each ticket used at the Civic Center ramp. All tickets collected
will be returned to the City, along with the monthly bill.
, . .
� Page 2
The monthly bill and the tickets collected should be sent to:
Ms. Toni Sassor
Accounting Division, Finance & Mang. Services
109 City Hall .
Saint Paul, Minnesota
The monthly bill should be charged against the City account:
Employee Parking - Par•king Expense
National Garages monthly bill to the City should be received by
Ms. Sassor within 5 working days from the end of the month: It will
take the City approximately 10 working days to process a check. The
bill should include intormation as to where the City's check should
be mailed.
The City will pay for the printing and distribution of "one day park-
ing authorization slips". An example of the City's authorization
slip is attached. It was agreed that there is no expense to rlational
Garages for implementing this parking program (except for the monthly
billing process which is considered a normal activity) . It was vr.der-
stood that all new revenues received from the City for this program
wi11 show up as profit.
At the end of each year the Civic Center Authority will make a minimurn
payment to the City for debt service on bonds issued to construct the
parking ramp. The minimum annual payment must equal the sum of that
year's monthly payments the City made to National Garages, Inc. for
: Civic Center Ramp parking for City employees on a City mileage pro-
gram. The minimum annual debt service payment for the ramp must be
made by January 31 of the following year.
I am available to attend the January 21, 1980 meeting ta discuss this
proposal if you deem� it appropriate. I will also work wa.th the Ci.ty
Attorney to draw ug any fornal agreement you deem necessary. If you
have any questions, please contact me. :
Thank you for your cooperation.
Respectfully submitted, _
�•�-- // . �^ .��
, �
Gregory Blees
Budget Analyst
cc: Mayor Latimer Bob Trudeau
Peter Hames Paul ricCloskey
Richard Schroeder Gerald Mangle
Bernard Carlson Toni Sassor
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RUBY HUNT � \; chaifman, mc�;es fhe TOI ��:�inc� � .�
reporf on C. F_ � � Ordinance � -
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-The Finance Committee,. at� its meeting of March 10, 1�.80, reeommended _ �
approval of the following: . . _
1 . Resol�ution to transfer $30 ,000 from � con.tingent reserve to . . . '.
� Mayor ' s operation and maintenance to pay for ttie services _ '
of a contract employee.. � ' . . ;
� . 2. Resolutior� to 'transfer $22, 185 from contingent re�erve to . = .
general g.overnmer�t-employee parking to pay for Civic � Center - �
parking expenses of city employees who use their �personal- '
• - 'cars on city business . . � � = -
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