274578 WHITE - CITV CLERK r P�NK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council ��i��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• BLUE - MAVOR Cou 'l R es tio A Presented By Leonard W. Levine s Referre C a � Out o o mi e Date WHERE , the Twin Cities Metropolitan Transit Commission has sought additional funding fr m the State of Minnesota in order to rr�et unexpected and skyrocketing costs of fuel , maintenance, and transit services ; and WHEREAS, this additional funding will enable the Metropolitan Transit Commission to continue to provide adequate service in the daily and weekend off-peak hours of service; and WHEREAS, the growth and expansion of public transit services are a vital link in national efforts to reduce widespread public reliance on the automobile; so, therefore, be i t RESOLVED, that this Council expresses its full support and endorsement of action taken by the Minnesota House of Representatives ' Appropriations Committee to provide the Metropolitan Transit Commission with an additional $14.6 million over the next two years , their action to provide an additional $1 .5 million for social fares, and their efforts to restore free fares for senior citizens ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Council urges the �letropolitan Transit Commission to pursue every opportunity to streamline its operation and amend fare policies in accordance with rising costs and changing ridership �atterns. ' COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas M�MAHON Nays � �D..E1..v � ` ,��„ � In Favor Hunt L.evine _ v __ Against BY — Maddox —'�tew�a�ter MAR � 3 � Tedesc Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by ouncil: Date Certif d Yasse y Co cil Secretary BY t#ppr ed b Ma r• Dat _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By r/��f/'��/ By �1�tt�D MAR 2 2 1980 WH17E - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By C �^ ����� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee y Date WHEREAS, the legi imate object of government is to do for a community of people what the need to have done, but cannot do in their separate and individual capa ' ties, and WHEREAS, this City Co cil anci the citizens it represents have a serious, firm and long erm commitment to conserving energy in St. Paul, and WHEREAS, the single most s' gnificant energy savings can be realized through increasing public t ansit ridership, and WHEREAS, the Governor' s propo 1 to raise the bus fare 20 cents and cut back operations by $5. 6 millio would virtually eliminate bus service in St. Paul on week-ends and eve ings, and thereby dramatically decrease public transit ridership, and WHEREAS, the proposal is , therefore shortsighted and counterproductive to the welfare of this city, therefo e be it RESOLVED, that the St. Paul City Counc does hereby oppose the Governor's proposal to raise the bus fare 20 cents nd cut back operations by $5.6 million, and be it further RESOLVED, that the St. Paul City Council re ffirms the portion of the St. Paul Legislative package which calls fo an increase in the State's subsidy to the Metropolitan Transit Commissio , and be it finally RESOLVED, that the St. Paul City Council urges he Governor and the legislature to recognize public transit as the v' tal, energy saving service that it is, "and to recognize that it addr sses social goals no less important than other services which are wholl subsidized by the State. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department o Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Maddox • Showalter , Tedesco Form A pprove y City At rney Adopted by Council: Date Cerlified Passed by Council Secretary By Approved by 1+lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii BY - — BY , . _ , � r," ��Z�-�.� ;:,;=, - , ' \ C)E���''1L1: �1:"`.t.'i_t:: �>�'i':y_' G�)i�\t�?.f, L.l �"'( G �� \� �� .,1, - -�� � i� . ��,��1;�� -- � ���.' Do� e : March 13, 1980 . � �'�,-„_-��,'I� `� _•;� 1i� ;�,tt �- S— i7 � '..., � � i � � ((! G C? I`d� �d'f � � 3 �.._. � � �� i�. � � � � � . � i i� : �oini Pciu� Ci ��F Ca�n�►� �`A . � �� � !y3 � +C O tit i7f l�i�' O f"i CITY DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSPORTATI OPJ - Leonard W. Levine ; e�oifman, rr�ct��s tt�e fottc�:iing . � t°eport on �. F. �� Qrc.iinance � � �Zesolu'�ion� � ' � � C1�h pr � �� �-� � Resolution endorsing transit legislation � • The Committee recommends that the attached resolution be substituted for the resolution . referred to Committee. ' • � Attachment ,. •, :>�- ,.� „ i > ..I��' i_'�T.L SE�F...�i"c� 'rf.O,�.. S:�?\"!' F':lli�., `.II��«'�': C%� S:at�� �� � .