274566 City of St.Paul COUNCIL F E 0. �'7�5�� Resalution Approving Assessment By and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Award File No. 18077 s of Damages _ ._ _ ....�� .-_ Inthe matterof �ondemning and taking the following described .easements in connection with ''` tha improvement of Hillwood Court and Wiggins Road: � ' K. An easement in tne land necessary for the siopes, cuts and fi11s, including ' right of r�moval of laterel support from subjec: land or remainder thereof, � '. occasioned by excavations ti�ereof or construction of slopes in the grading of the above streets, said slopes to conform to slope drawir.gs PJo. 2l75 and ` 2277, filed in Slope Drawer �Z in the Department o` Public Works, b � Also, a psrmanent easement for sewer purFoses on, over and across that land described ' as`:fo 11 ows: . � ' - • . �. The south lb' of Lot 5. elk. l, Leonard Oak Hilts and the south 16' of Lot 5, � Leonard Oak Nills No. 2 and the nurth 5' of Lot 6. Leonard Oak Nills No. 2. � � Also, a temporary construction easement on, over �nd across that land described as � 1 foi lor+s: . � w { The north 10' of [he soutti Zb' of Lots 5� Blk. 1, Leonard Oak Hills, the norih , i 10' of ihe sou[h 2b' of Lot 5. 81k. 1, Leonard 0ak Hi11s,No. 2; tht north 6' ' �. of Lot 6, Blk. 1, Leonard Oak Hills, said temporary easemen*_ to remain in €� t effect uneil completion of the Hill�,�oad Court Sanitary �errer Systeea or until ' ' . Januiry 1. 1981, wf�ichever occurs flrst. �' ,._._�._ __ , . , ,_.., . ,. ,. . . _;. .�..,-•--,.� ,._,,. ,.:-•�-�-•- , under Administrative O;rder ° approvecL -- PreliminaryOrder 274133 ' approved December 13� 197A FinalOrder 274267 �� approve� ,jannar� 15i 19Rn The Director of Finance having submitted his',report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and tq whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon�said report and for a confirmation of the award of damages made by the Director of Finance and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 8th ^ day of , Avrj_l 1980 ; at ten o'clock A.M., and that the Director of Finance be and he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. MAR 11 1990 COUNCILMEN - Ad by th Council: Date Yea$ Nays MAR � 3 1980 }�B • Certifie ssed b Council �ecretar Hu�t � Lev i ne In Favor Maddox �} Against M c P:��;:!�o n Mayor Sch�.���:lter Tec�-.,:;o , n�.�sttEO MAR 2 2 1980