00-825ORlGi"�AL council File # b0� l�wlS Resolution # Green Sheet # ��7►O$.'1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Presented By RESOLUTION GlN OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA '?, Referred To � CommitteE: DatE Final Plat Approva] for Newbridge WAEREAS, Dennis Gupril has submitted for City Council approval the attached revised final plat, w}rich adds 31ou to the previously approved plat, for subdivision of property along Fifth Sheet beriveen Clarence S4eet and Ema Street into 35 residenrial lots and 4 outlots, along with a request for a variance of minimum lot width and azea requirements; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City deparhnents have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the iecommended conditions, that it meets the requirements of Chaptet 67 of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, no6ce of a public hearing before the City Council was duly published in the official newspaper of the Ciry and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property including all property situated within 350 feet of the subject property; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed plat on August 9, 2000, whece all interested parties wete given the opportunity to be heard and the Council considered all the facts and iecommendarions concerning the p1at; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached final plat for Newbridge alon� Fifth Street beriveen Clazence Sueet and just east of Ema Street, including approval of the applicanYs request for a variance of minimum lot azea and width requuements to allow lots that are 32 feet wide and 3360 sq. feet in area, subject to the following condirions: City Council approval of the necessary vacation of portions of Fifrh S4eet, Ema Sheet and the alley south of FiRh Street; and 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolurion approving the plat with the Ramsey County 8ecorder's Office. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: 1 \�� �- �--�� Approved by Mayor 7 Date �� g J4.�i✓iis/ j�v19'J h � / `%, � ✓ Approved by Mayor for Submission Co Council B �, : �C / l%� W�'� Adopted by Council: Date ��- �_' Tab�, V DEPART!NEnT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIA7"ED GREEN SHEET NO.: lO2OSZ PED Zoning 08/15(00 Oo-��'S CO�T�CC PERSO\ & PHONE: - [NIT WATE INLT(A[JDATE Allan Tarstenson 266-6579 � 2 DEPARTMENT s c�� covrrcu. �fUST BE O1� COl71�CIL AGENDA BX (DAY"E) �SIGN 3 CITY A7TY. � _ CITY CLERK NUMBER FINANCIAL SER FINANCIAI. SERW �iT��,�.�_ FOR 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) 7 PLANNING ADMINj�TSr� ROiJTAG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[IRE) ,�crio� xeQuESTEn: Adopt resolurion to approye final plat for Newbridge along Fifth Street between Clarence Street and just east of Etna Street. The City Council held a public hearing and voted to approve the plat on August 9, 2000. RECOAIM$NDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Hu this person/firm ever worked under a conVact fot [his depar[ment? CIB COMMIITEE Yes No CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/fiim ever been a ciry employee? _A_ Staff Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes NO Explain all yes answers on separate she¢t and attacL to green sheet I\ITIATING PROBLE.M, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTI'Y(Whq Whay When, Where, Why): Finalize council approval of plat to create 35 residential lots and four outlots, along with a variance of minimum lot area and width requirements to allow lots that are 32 feet wide and 3360 sq. feet in area, to provide far construction of a 34-unit housing development including two twinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhomes. ADVAATAGES IF APPROVED: Construction of.this housing project, which has financing already approved by the FII2A and a STAR loan and grant already approved by the City Council, would be ahle to move ahead. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ��' ��'' V E D None. AUG 18 2U00 DISABVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: C ITY ATTO � 1�! E d 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION; $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTNITY NUMBER: 6nRAIF;t9 re�. c,-s`a(CI�4 C8!1t2C FI'V.St�'CIAL INFORA7ATION: (EXPLATN) AU6 2 3 2060 K�Sbared�TORS]"ENS�ZOHING\GnSht.00-133-OSl.wpd 4 V 00 • t"as � � � a� '' � di ��i��� Ihl . ��;� ` ' ' i I !,!';� "I:I liS i I�'lil�i o � z e � ��o a �� ��� � `s ��u � F ��� �: f �ff8 a�� � �a ��� ��a e s� ��� Eh�o i �� {'6 � �= _ �s �a�o �' p o �e <m_ z� • o Y Q �---j---� � _ . � I �� ` ° k I i � I 3 (, Z �� '.� !F '. v L�`_(__J� > � � 1 ` � � I I I "� ' � e.�... n" S. � `�'. � w� �yi �os � oyr � � g 3i�tu5 Y �tw 4 � q �{8 �� ti g d , ,��; iii n _- � � -------� �� � ,:� _ � i`�----- � ._ I � � �° 1 ��3r ^� _ � °�r.n i - r ` � - „�<.M, � I a :-: �TM�.r ' _;� ..:�� _ � u<aav v.y y { � y � 7 ',•:� � � _ _ _ _ _ J ^ _ _ _ — _ Y ^ ' ' -----_. -° i ------+ ..._ 1 :. z4 ---- �'1 `"� ��`. -----��� � �. .. 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L s �; g . �% g e i'A e�6 ^32 pca g� . $ae :os 0�3 ae} ss. 8�- na' -E A eR ESa ��� ge e}$ P8: �a�€7a $ � 9 9 i 2 e . � = P � Q � ` Y : [ 6� � I ; p H J C � � I S S � �4 c iy :.'�9 E a ' o� I z3 a �P f �= � S� 3 �. s a' � S i� a � � '' � y � � P � A g � � 4 se' ; i a : s F s ti JUL-25-200H 14�13 PED 14TH FLOOR CTTY OF SAIN"I' PAUL NOrm Cn[emon, Mayor July 25, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Couneil Room 310 City Ha�l Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �'� Revised Final Ptat for Newbridge Zoning File # 00-133057 City Council Hearing; August 9, 2000 6512283220 •• .•• • • �.MVVLYV & ECONOMIC OEVFI.OPA�ENT Brian Sweeoey fuerlm Di,ertor P.02i02 oo_Y�S 33 25WtaFFntertltSrrcet 7riepbrmr.•61Y2b665G5 Suiai Prsu4 MN 55f 02 Fac,rimile: G/2-228d314 •FIRSTRUN�- „ . NOTICE OF POBIdC HEARIIiQ� The Saint-Pa�al CSty Council will conduct a public hearingon Wednesday, A g, zppp, at 5:30 p.m. in the.�ry Crnmcil-Ch� 19vrd FYoor City Hall. 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd. Salnt Paiil: NIN to mnsider the appliretion of Denni.s GupN for-appmvai of a revised Snal plat for Newbridge (adding 31ots) forsubd9vision ofprop- eriY along F7ftn s�eet. tetweea clareace srie�c and east oT FXna Sheet into 35 residentia( lots � and 4 ouilots, with a requesC for avariance of th¢ mh�imum lot_widtff andar'e.a._reqa4'ements Uo pmvlde for 34 �new housing iixllts inc7uding two iwinliome structures and 30 single famtl�y detached fownliomes.. . - . . Dated.Fnty26,"2000- � � � � - . � � -' NANCY'.t1NDERSON "Aas;stant CiL.yCuuncit secretary t,z�y z� , ===sa: r.un, L� r.�nc� _-�'-_- _' 020F0182 ' -, - - Pnrpose: To consider a revised final p)at request by Dennis Gupti] to add 3 lots to the previousiy approved plat to create 32 residential lots and 4 outlots, with variAnces for lot width and area, to provide for a total of 34 new housing unies including two twinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhouses. STAFFRECO2vIMENDATION: APPROVAL Dear Ms. Anderson; Dennis Guptii, has submitted an apptication for approval of a revised fiinal plat for subdivision of property �]ong FiRh Street between Ctarence and east of Etna into 35 residentisl lots and 4 oudots, with a request for a variance of minimum lot width and area requirements, to provided for 34 new honsing units incJuding two twinhome struchues und 30 single family detached townhomes. Since the origina] plat for thzs project was approved by the City Couneil on April 19, 2000 the applicant has purchased an adjacent parcel, and now proposes to add that parcel to the plat before filing it with the County. 7he gublic hearina is sehedulec! for Aagust 9, 2000, 5:30 p.m. at Ciey Council. I understand that you wil] publish nodce of the hearing in the Saint Pau1 [.egal Ledger. Please ca]] me at 266-6583 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � r �.�-�--� Paul Dubruiel Zoning Aide cc: City Council member5 TOTAI. P.02 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN7 Brian Sweeney, Irsterim Director CTI`I' OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 1, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #00-133-057: oo-a-as Telephone: 651-166-6700 Fauimile: 657-228-3210 25 Wut Founh Sveet Saiet Paul, MN 35102 DENiVIS GUPTII, Revision of Final Plat for Newbridge Fifth Street between Clarence and Etna City Council meeting: August 9, 2000, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers � , PURPOSE: To consider a revised final plat request by Dennis Gupril to add 3 lots to the previously approved plat to create 32 residential lots and 4 outlots, with vatiances for lot width and area, to provide for a tota] of 3A new housing units including rivo twinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhouses. Dear Ms. Anderson: Dennis Guptil has submitted an application for approval of a revised final plat for subdivision af properiy along Fifth 5treet between Clarence and east of Etna into 35 residential lots and 4 outlots, with a request for a variance of minimum lot width and azea requirements, to provide for 34 new housing units including two rivinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhomes. Since the originai plat for this project was approved by the City Council on April 19, 2000, the applicant has pwchased an adjacent parcel, and now proposes to add that parcel to the plat before filing it with the County. Attached are the staff report and the final plat for your consideration. Sub,}ect to City Council approva] of the requested variances and vacation of portions of Fifth St., Etna St., and the alley south of Etna, this application meeis all subdivision requirements and staff recommends approval of the fmal piat. This item is scheduled to be considered by the Saant Paul City Council on August 9, 2000. Please call me at 266-6579 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ! � Allan Torstenson V Senior Planner Attachments c: City Council Members, Larry Soderholm, Dennis Guptil ao -8'as � PLAT REVIEW: STAFF REPORT ROR CITY COLINCIL FII.E # 00-133-457 � � 1. APPLICAl\TT: Dennis Guptil DAT'E OF MEETIlVG: 8/09/00 2. � CLASSIFICATION: Subdivision Review - Revised Final Plat LOCATTON: Fifth St. between Cluence and Etna LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: See File 5. PLANNiNG DISTRICT: 4 PRESENT ZONING: R-3 and R-4 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.301, 67.406, 67.703 7. STAF'F INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 7/12/00 BY: Allan Torstenson 8. DATE RECEIVED: 06/21l00 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 08f20/00 A. PL7RPOSE: Revision of final plat to add 3 lots to a previously approved plat for 32 new residential lots and 4 outlots, with variances for lot with and lot area, to provide for 34 new housing units including two twinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhomes. B. C. D. PARCEL 5IZE: 202,055 square feet ( 4.639 acres EXISTING LAND USE: One single-family house. Si7RROUNDING LAND USE: North: Single-family residential in an R-4 zone East: Open space in an R-3 zone, used by the City for stormwater management South: Single-family residential and open space/ponding area in an R-4 zone West: Single-family residential in an R-4 zone E. ZOlVING CODE CITATION: Section 67.301 states that platting is required when a subdivision creates five or more lots. Section 67.406 gives criteria for the review of subdivision applications. These criteria are covered below undet "Required Findings." Section 67.703 provides for the City Council to grant variances to the subdivision regularions. F. AISTORYIDISCUSSION: As one of a number of difficult to develop sites, this property was included within the New Housing and Blighted land Development Project Taac Increment Aistrict by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Board in 1981. On November 3, 1999, the City Council approved a$400,000 STAR loan and $100,000 STAR grant towazd construction financing. The proposal was the highest nted STAR applicarion. Qn December 3, 1999, the Planning Commission approved a special condition use permit for a four-unit cluster development as part of the project, as well as side and front yard setback variances for the grojeat. 2oning File 00-133-057 July 22, 2000 Page 2 The original plat for this project was approved by the City Councit on April 19, 2000. Since then, the applicant has purchased an adjacent pazcel, and now proposes to add that parcei to the plat before filing it with the County. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMII�NDATION: None received. H. REQUIRED FINDINGS: � l. Ali the appiicable provisfons of the Legislative Code are being complied with. A petition has been submitted for vacation of portions of Fifth St., Etna St., and the alley south of Fifth St. necessary for this plat. The applicant is mquesring a variance of minimum lot width and area requiremenis as part of this plat approval, to altow lots that 32 feet wide and 3360 sq. ft. in azea. §66.101 of the Zoning Code requires a minimum width of 40 feet and a minimum azea of 5000 sq. ft. for lou in the R-4 portion of the site; it requires a minimum width of 50 feet and a minnnum azea of 600d sq. ft. for lou in the R-3 portion of the site. Subject to City Cotmcil approval of the vacation of the necessary portions of Fifth St., Etna St., and the alley south of Eina St., and subject to the City Council granting a variance of minimum lot azea and width requirements as part of approvat of this ptat, the proposed plat is in compliance with all applicable provisions of the Legislative Code. � 2. The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land ases. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the surrounding single-family homes, and will not be detrimental to present and future use of adjacent vacant land for stormwater management ponding and as a linear greenway/open space amenity. 3. The area surrounding the subdivision can be pIanned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision. The area swrounding the proposed plat is akeady developed with single-family homes, and remaining sunounding vacant land wili be maintained as a starmwater management ponding azea and as a lineaz greenway/open space amenity. 4. The subdivision is in conformanee with the Comprehensive Plan. This condition is met. T'he City's land use plan idenrifies this as a housing development site. This development supports the goais of "building new housing to meet growing demand for mazket rate townhouses." This design of this project serves the urban village principles cited in the 3and use plan for "compact and pedestrian-friendly developmenY' and "architecture and Iandscaping physically defining the streets an@ public spaces" through the design features aoted under #5 below. This project supports transportation plan objectives by adding 32 housing units close to a bus route. The proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Housing Plan, which calls for increasing housing supply and ensuring availabiliry of a full range of housing choices Yo � meet the needs of a full range of household types and income levels, This project wiil add a new needed housing type to this area, with three- and four-bedroom units ranging 00 -t'�sr � Zoning File 00-133-057 7uly 12, 2000 Page 3 in size from 1340 sq. ft. to I500 sq. ft. arranged in a zero-lot- line fashion to oprimize use of space on smalier lots. There is an eight foot spacing between each structure. Lots will be in individual ownership. Maintenance of lots, structure exteriors, common azeas, streets, aileys and sidewalks will be done through the townhouse association. 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important natnrai features, whenever possible. The appiicant has worked with the neighborhood and City offices to design this site featiuing traditional neighborhood design elements, including smaller lots, garages to the rear, narrow private street, sidewaiks, front porches, common spaces and landscaping. The narrow private street, smaller front yards setbacks, and zero lot line anangement serve to oprimize development on this difficult site. The proposal maintains the natural features and vegetation of the common area on the south side of the development, and stabilizes the slopes along the northem edge of the properry. 6. Ail land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering residents by peril from flood, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other menace. The site and grading are being designed to meet this requarement. 7. The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services. The subdivision can be served with public facilities and services from Fifth Street especially economically because of the narrower lot widths. I. VARIANCE FINDINGS: Section 67.703 states that the City Council may grant a variance to the subdivision regulations when compiiance would create an unusual hardship to the development of the land, based on findings required findings: The intent of this chapter is met. The variances would further the intent of this chapter to promote affordable housing to persons and families of all income levels, and to provide more economical public services and facilities. 2. The granring of the variance will not be detrimental to the pnbiic safety, heaith or welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neigLhorhood in which the pruperty is located. This finding is met. See findings H.1 and H.6 above. 3. The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique to the property for which the variance is sought and are generally not applicable to other property. This finding is met. Despite its long-standing identification as a potenrial housing site, the site constraints have to date preciuded economic developmen� The topographic issues combined with ihe desire to have development fit with the urban neighborhood character have led to a creative design incorporating pedestrian friendly � streets and small-lot, traditional home design. Zoning File 00-233-057 3uly IZ, 2000 Pa$e 4 4. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this cfiapter wouid deprive fhe applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoaing disfrict. This finding is met. See finding I.3 above. 5. The special coaditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. This finding is met See finding I3 above. 6. Because of the particnlar natural surroundings, shape or topographical coaditions of the spec�c property invoived, unuSual hardship to the owner would resnit, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of these regularions were carried oat The request for variance is related to the parficnlaz surroundings and topographicai conditions of the property. See finding I3 above. � STAFF RECOMNIENDATION: Based on required fmdings 1 through 7 and vaziance fmdings 1 through 6 above, staff recommeads approval of the final plat for Newbridge alang Fifth Street � between Clarence Street and Etna Street, including approval of the applicants request for a variance of minimum Iot area and width requirements to atlow tots that aze 32 feet wide and 3360 sq. feet in azea, subject to the following conditions: City Council approval of the necessary vacation of portions of Fifth Street, Etna Street and the ailey south of Fifth Street, and 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with the Ramsey Counry Recorder's Office. Attachments: Application Final Plat (reduction) Topographic and Site Locarion Maps � � SUBQNiSION REVIEIAf APNLtCATiON {�� Departmertt oJPlanning and Economic Developmenf � IF...l1 Zoning Section � 1100 City Hal! Annez �• 15 Wesr Fourrh Srreet Saint Pa¢!, MN SSI01 266-6589 ►1���[�L•T`�i PROPERTY LOCATfON � � City MA. �. o- St. '.b Zip S l Daytime phone c�h__�,3-sw� tJame ot owner (if different) �y�,�n�... �c;-�eac �L Contact person (if different) �ca.i.c_ Phone AddressiLocation �=_ ��h�� Legai description: S.� �.cr�GaE� (attach additional sheet if TYPE OF SUBDIY{SlON: ❑ Lot Split ❑ Prelimim ❑ Lot Split �Final �'( ❑ Reg. Land Survey ❑ Combined Ptat �s _,1!��.ril I�I���I����,�I . . iI� � �'"�a': �;�' �i� � ��� I � � . .. � . � = a ' _ ��s o �€ a�g � �b� � s ��_ �s � _ �g� aa � �^ ��� �� �� z� � g _ � a �=�i d �i "a�: .o F a �---i---� � _ . �� � � �! �� � � ;� ,� * I� .,. U L`f` !__J� > - I ' ( I � � I ' � ..m..� . n.. a3�;. . , � 1 «.. ` ::..,� J `.eac � ay ws � .�"�:». � S�so''ae ._.r Y �s k + 4�C �, 3 I�} w �i3� � ��-------� � + � 13 = � I` �-- ------ i 1 � = � � ` I �` 1 I y � d' � "r a. m. ' t I l �".„`^""' I :' "" '' d �a e. r.` c. � — � — -3 .. 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AYNE—AHALEN 6.MORTH END 7.7NOMAS—DALE 8.SUMMIT—UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVEN7H lO.COMO 71.HAMlINE—MIDWAY 12.ST. ANTHOraY 73.MERRIAM AK.—LEXING70N NAMLINE 14. GROVELAhID—h1ACALESTER 15. H IGHLADtD - 16.SUt4MI7 HIIL 17. �041P1T04ttI � CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DTSTRfCTS � � � ��9'����d� �d�� ! 0 __` - =� �AYTON'S BLUFF DISTRICT 4 ON � ° ,��=°°°,� .°°° _�°" IS tt �t rr � ro IS A+I�bY �Z 9 zZ- i :< . 1 ; � •s' i --- 1 � � I 1 w M)_� n �r�rs�.t1+�14t�llz \ .�� _ �,v � � 4 � Z �yp. :� ' ;.. ;� „.�.,� . r., "' r : �qP.�Q A� 2dNING Fti.E 00-l33-os - �; i � � i �'; i � i i t 2 ' 21 �? 2 1_ � ' 1 GW i �'^J i � � � r t t1 10 �. Il " �,� n� � " tw � �' �� i ' ty '`iv' f� !� , aia � � .,� 6ce) i 8 7 6 S t 3� ^ � ��� D 7 s 3 � , ( 2�y • ~ , 1 � ��.. � t0 . 2� u:; _, � - �T u R6 I!l f( H x •/i �7 14 � � (a ( 'w ..rs, hn L+i i u» e+n b.i C•f J � F7 � rs Cw it,� � {s » a nv a� .. . . ,. ., „ . . . . �� E. 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D(ST ____-�___— F.1FP z� S � Z 3 � on= tani; • .. n ,-..,.,...- , c..�. , . _� .E r= a�0' � w° �°u q r�,� r: -u�, <.... i^.��.:�.... , :��h �., Q mu!:. ��..,., , v • :�- ORlGi"�AL council File # b0� l�wlS Resolution # Green Sheet # ��7►O$.'1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Presented By RESOLUTION GlN OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA '?, Referred To � CommitteE: DatE Final Plat Approva] for Newbridge WAEREAS, Dennis Gupril has submitted for City Council approval the attached revised final plat, w}rich adds 31ou to the previously approved plat, for subdivision of property along Fifth Sheet beriveen Clarence S4eet and Ema Street into 35 residenrial lots and 4 outlots, along with a request for a variance of minimum lot width and azea requirements; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City deparhnents have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the iecommended conditions, that it meets the requirements of Chaptet 67 of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, no6ce of a public hearing before the City Council was duly published in the official newspaper of the Ciry and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property including all property situated within 350 feet of the subject property; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed plat on August 9, 2000, whece all interested parties wete given the opportunity to be heard and the Council considered all the facts and iecommendarions concerning the p1at; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached final plat for Newbridge alon� Fifth Street beriveen Clazence Sueet and just east of Ema Street, including approval of the applicanYs request for a variance of minimum lot azea and width requuements to allow lots that are 32 feet wide and 3360 sq. feet in area, subject to the following condirions: City Council approval of the necessary vacation of portions of Fifrh S4eet, Ema Sheet and the alley south of FiRh Street; and 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolurion approving the plat with the Ramsey County 8ecorder's Office. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: 1 \�� �- �--�� Approved by Mayor 7 Date �� g J4.�i✓iis/ j�v19'J h � / `%, � ✓ Approved by Mayor for Submission Co Council B �, : �C / l%� W�'� Adopted by Council: Date ��- �_' Tab�, V DEPART!NEnT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIA7"ED GREEN SHEET NO.: lO2OSZ PED Zoning 08/15(00 Oo-��'S CO�T�CC PERSO\ & PHONE: - [NIT WATE INLT(A[JDATE Allan Tarstenson 266-6579 � 2 DEPARTMENT s c�� covrrcu. �fUST BE O1� COl71�CIL AGENDA BX (DAY"E) �SIGN 3 CITY A7TY. � _ CITY CLERK NUMBER FINANCIAL SER FINANCIAI. SERW �iT��,�.�_ FOR 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) 7 PLANNING ADMINj�TSr� ROiJTAG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[IRE) ,�crio� xeQuESTEn: Adopt resolurion to approye final plat for Newbridge along Fifth Street between Clarence Street and just east of Etna Street. The City Council held a public hearing and voted to approve the plat on August 9, 2000. RECOAIM$NDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Hu this person/firm ever worked under a conVact fot [his depar[ment? CIB COMMIITEE Yes No CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/fiim ever been a ciry employee? _A_ Staff Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes NO Explain all yes answers on separate she¢t and attacL to green sheet I\ITIATING PROBLE.M, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTI'Y(Whq Whay When, Where, Why): Finalize council approval of plat to create 35 residential lots and four outlots, along with a variance of minimum lot area and width requirements to allow lots that are 32 feet wide and 3360 sq. feet in area, to provide far construction of a 34-unit housing development including two twinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhomes. ADVAATAGES IF APPROVED: Construction of.this housing project, which has financing already approved by the FII2A and a STAR loan and grant already approved by the City Council, would be ahle to move ahead. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ��' ��'' V E D None. AUG 18 2U00 DISABVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: C ITY ATTO � 1�! E d 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION; $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTNITY NUMBER: 6nRAIF;t9 re�. c,-s`a(CI�4 C8!1t2C FI'V.St�'CIAL INFORA7ATION: (EXPLATN) AU6 2 3 2060 K�Sbared�TORS]"ENS�ZOHING\GnSht.00-133-OSl.wpd 4 V 00 • t"as � � � a� '' � di ��i��� Ihl . ��;� ` ' ' i I !,!';� "I:I liS i I�'lil�i o � z e � ��o a �� ��� � `s ��u � F ��� �: f �ff8 a�� � �a ��� ��a e s� ��� Eh�o i �� {'6 � �= _ �s �a�o �' p o �e <m_ z� • o Y Q �---j---� � _ . � I �� ` ° k I i � I 3 (, Z �� '.� !F '. v L�`_(__J� > � � 1 ` � � I I I "� ' � e.�... n" S. � `�'. � w� �yi �os � oyr � � g 3i�tu5 Y �tw 4 � q �{8 �� ti g d , ,��; iii n _- � � -------� �� � ,:� _ � i`�----- � ._ I � � �° 1 ��3r ^� _ � °�r.n i - r ` � - „�<.M, � I a :-: �TM�.r ' _;� ..:�� _ � u<aav v.y y { � y � 7 ',•:� � � _ _ _ _ _ J ^ _ _ _ — _ Y ^ ' ' -----_. -° i ------+ ..._ 1 :. z4 ---- �'1 `"� ��`. -----��� � �. .. 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I .r-------1 iI � • =I — I L_—_._---J Y �`;=a _�,:`-, i _ � I � I � r � i I a€ �[ �� tR � Y 6d Bd F 8 � � a i � E a t ! s a � 9' � 9 � I : 6�:: Y � aa I �a ,°y6 .Z v o� ¢ :z A Z eo a I .a3 � i: • �'s ar ci �G e= SG � :S ^ �8 IY �� C � e Ye� apm E�e°O 's� € Y� & � � Y' ' d a g3 6e E 2? A' oi5 �e� � c' I � C � e : i � S $ �e e E Q ex g � e 0 �s � � M 0 y c �f' � > � !FS E� �� e €" �S e :'e 3� .°. - aP o �3 t. 2 Y� � r Gy �� g °� S . L s �; g . �% g e i'A e�6 ^32 pca g� . $ae :os 0�3 ae} ss. 8�- na' -E A eR ESa ��� ge e}$ P8: �a�€7a $ � 9 9 i 2 e . � = P � Q � ` Y : [ 6� � I ; p H J C � � I S S � �4 c iy :.'�9 E a ' o� I z3 a �P f �= � S� 3 �. s a' � S i� a � � '' � y � � P � A g � � 4 se' ; i a : s F s ti JUL-25-200H 14�13 PED 14TH FLOOR CTTY OF SAIN"I' PAUL NOrm Cn[emon, Mayor July 25, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Couneil Room 310 City Ha�l Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �'� Revised Final Ptat for Newbridge Zoning File # 00-133057 City Council Hearing; August 9, 2000 6512283220 •• .•• • • �.MVVLYV & ECONOMIC OEVFI.OPA�ENT Brian Sweeoey fuerlm Di,ertor P.02i02 oo_Y�S 33 25WtaFFntertltSrrcet 7riepbrmr.•61Y2b665G5 Suiai Prsu4 MN 55f 02 Fac,rimile: G/2-228d314 •FIRSTRUN�- „ . NOTICE OF POBIdC HEARIIiQ� The Saint-Pa�al CSty Council will conduct a public hearingon Wednesday, A g, zppp, at 5:30 p.m. in the.�ry Crnmcil-Ch� 19vrd FYoor City Hall. 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd. Salnt Paiil: NIN to mnsider the appliretion of Denni.s GupN for-appmvai of a revised Snal plat for Newbridge (adding 31ots) forsubd9vision ofprop- eriY along F7ftn s�eet. tetweea clareace srie�c and east oT FXna Sheet into 35 residentia( lots � and 4 ouilots, with a requesC for avariance of th¢ mh�imum lot_widtff andar'e.a._reqa4'ements Uo pmvlde for 34 �new housing iixllts inc7uding two iwinliome structures and 30 single famtl�y detached fownliomes.. . - . . Dated.Fnty26,"2000- � � � � - . � � -' NANCY'.t1NDERSON "Aas;stant CiL.yCuuncit secretary t,z�y z� , ===sa: r.un, L� r.�nc� _-�'-_- _' 020F0182 ' -, - - Pnrpose: To consider a revised final p)at request by Dennis Gupti] to add 3 lots to the previousiy approved plat to create 32 residential lots and 4 outlots, with variAnces for lot width and area, to provide for a total of 34 new housing unies including two twinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhouses. STAFFRECO2vIMENDATION: APPROVAL Dear Ms. Anderson; Dennis Guptii, has submitted an apptication for approval of a revised fiinal plat for subdivision of property �]ong FiRh Street between Ctarence and east of Etna into 35 residentisl lots and 4 oudots, with a request for a variance of minimum lot width and area requirements, to provided for 34 new honsing units incJuding two twinhome struchues und 30 single family detached townhomes. Since the origina] plat for thzs project was approved by the City Couneil on April 19, 2000 the applicant has purchased an adjacent parcel, and now proposes to add that parcel to the plat before filing it with the County. 7he gublic hearina is sehedulec! for Aagust 9, 2000, 5:30 p.m. at Ciey Council. I understand that you wil] publish nodce of the hearing in the Saint Pau1 [.egal Ledger. Please ca]] me at 266-6583 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � r �.�-�--� Paul Dubruiel Zoning Aide cc: City Council member5 TOTAI. P.02 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN7 Brian Sweeney, Irsterim Director CTI`I' OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 1, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #00-133-057: oo-a-as Telephone: 651-166-6700 Fauimile: 657-228-3210 25 Wut Founh Sveet Saiet Paul, MN 35102 DENiVIS GUPTII, Revision of Final Plat for Newbridge Fifth Street between Clarence and Etna City Council meeting: August 9, 2000, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers � , PURPOSE: To consider a revised final plat request by Dennis Gupril to add 3 lots to the previously approved plat to create 32 residential lots and 4 outlots, with vatiances for lot width and area, to provide for a tota] of 3A new housing units including rivo twinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhouses. Dear Ms. Anderson: Dennis Guptil has submitted an application for approval of a revised final plat for subdivision af properiy along Fifth 5treet between Clarence and east of Etna into 35 residential lots and 4 outlots, with a request for a variance of minimum lot width and azea requirements, to provide for 34 new housing units including two rivinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhomes. Since the originai plat for this project was approved by the City Council on April 19, 2000, the applicant has pwchased an adjacent parcel, and now proposes to add that parcel to the plat before filing it with the County. Attached are the staff report and the final plat for your consideration. Sub,}ect to City Council approva] of the requested variances and vacation of portions of Fifth St., Etna St., and the alley south of Etna, this application meeis all subdivision requirements and staff recommends approval of the fmal piat. This item is scheduled to be considered by the Saant Paul City Council on August 9, 2000. Please call me at 266-6579 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ! � Allan Torstenson V Senior Planner Attachments c: City Council Members, Larry Soderholm, Dennis Guptil ao -8'as � PLAT REVIEW: STAFF REPORT ROR CITY COLINCIL FII.E # 00-133-457 � � 1. APPLICAl\TT: Dennis Guptil DAT'E OF MEETIlVG: 8/09/00 2. � CLASSIFICATION: Subdivision Review - Revised Final Plat LOCATTON: Fifth St. between Cluence and Etna LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: See File 5. PLANNiNG DISTRICT: 4 PRESENT ZONING: R-3 and R-4 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.301, 67.406, 67.703 7. STAF'F INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 7/12/00 BY: Allan Torstenson 8. DATE RECEIVED: 06/21l00 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 08f20/00 A. PL7RPOSE: Revision of final plat to add 3 lots to a previously approved plat for 32 new residential lots and 4 outlots, with variances for lot with and lot area, to provide for 34 new housing units including two twinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhomes. B. C. D. PARCEL 5IZE: 202,055 square feet ( 4.639 acres EXISTING LAND USE: One single-family house. Si7RROUNDING LAND USE: North: Single-family residential in an R-4 zone East: Open space in an R-3 zone, used by the City for stormwater management South: Single-family residential and open space/ponding area in an R-4 zone West: Single-family residential in an R-4 zone E. ZOlVING CODE CITATION: Section 67.301 states that platting is required when a subdivision creates five or more lots. Section 67.406 gives criteria for the review of subdivision applications. These criteria are covered below undet "Required Findings." Section 67.703 provides for the City Council to grant variances to the subdivision regularions. F. AISTORYIDISCUSSION: As one of a number of difficult to develop sites, this property was included within the New Housing and Blighted land Development Project Taac Increment Aistrict by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Board in 1981. On November 3, 1999, the City Council approved a$400,000 STAR loan and $100,000 STAR grant towazd construction financing. The proposal was the highest nted STAR applicarion. Qn December 3, 1999, the Planning Commission approved a special condition use permit for a four-unit cluster development as part of the project, as well as side and front yard setback variances for the grojeat. 2oning File 00-133-057 July 22, 2000 Page 2 The original plat for this project was approved by the City Councit on April 19, 2000. Since then, the applicant has purchased an adjacent pazcel, and now proposes to add that parcei to the plat before filing it with the County. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMII�NDATION: None received. H. REQUIRED FINDINGS: � l. Ali the appiicable provisfons of the Legislative Code are being complied with. A petition has been submitted for vacation of portions of Fifth St., Etna St., and the alley south of Fifth St. necessary for this plat. The applicant is mquesring a variance of minimum lot width and area requiremenis as part of this plat approval, to altow lots that 32 feet wide and 3360 sq. ft. in azea. §66.101 of the Zoning Code requires a minimum width of 40 feet and a minimum azea of 5000 sq. ft. for lou in the R-4 portion of the site; it requires a minimum width of 50 feet and a minnnum azea of 600d sq. ft. for lou in the R-3 portion of the site. Subject to City Cotmcil approval of the vacation of the necessary portions of Fifth St., Etna St., and the alley south of Eina St., and subject to the City Council granting a variance of minimum lot azea and width requirements as part of approvat of this ptat, the proposed plat is in compliance with all applicable provisions of the Legislative Code. � 2. The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land ases. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the surrounding single-family homes, and will not be detrimental to present and future use of adjacent vacant land for stormwater management ponding and as a linear greenway/open space amenity. 3. The area surrounding the subdivision can be pIanned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision. The area swrounding the proposed plat is akeady developed with single-family homes, and remaining sunounding vacant land wili be maintained as a starmwater management ponding azea and as a lineaz greenway/open space amenity. 4. The subdivision is in conformanee with the Comprehensive Plan. This condition is met. T'he City's land use plan idenrifies this as a housing development site. This development supports the goais of "building new housing to meet growing demand for mazket rate townhouses." This design of this project serves the urban village principles cited in the 3and use plan for "compact and pedestrian-friendly developmenY' and "architecture and Iandscaping physically defining the streets an@ public spaces" through the design features aoted under #5 below. This project supports transportation plan objectives by adding 32 housing units close to a bus route. The proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Housing Plan, which calls for increasing housing supply and ensuring availabiliry of a full range of housing choices Yo � meet the needs of a full range of household types and income levels, This project wiil add a new needed housing type to this area, with three- and four-bedroom units ranging 00 -t'�sr � Zoning File 00-133-057 7uly 12, 2000 Page 3 in size from 1340 sq. ft. to I500 sq. ft. arranged in a zero-lot- line fashion to oprimize use of space on smalier lots. There is an eight foot spacing between each structure. Lots will be in individual ownership. Maintenance of lots, structure exteriors, common azeas, streets, aileys and sidewalks will be done through the townhouse association. 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important natnrai features, whenever possible. The appiicant has worked with the neighborhood and City offices to design this site featiuing traditional neighborhood design elements, including smaller lots, garages to the rear, narrow private street, sidewaiks, front porches, common spaces and landscaping. The narrow private street, smaller front yards setbacks, and zero lot line anangement serve to oprimize development on this difficult site. The proposal maintains the natural features and vegetation of the common area on the south side of the development, and stabilizes the slopes along the northem edge of the properry. 6. Ail land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering residents by peril from flood, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other menace. The site and grading are being designed to meet this requarement. 7. The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services. The subdivision can be served with public facilities and services from Fifth Street especially economically because of the narrower lot widths. I. VARIANCE FINDINGS: Section 67.703 states that the City Council may grant a variance to the subdivision regulations when compiiance would create an unusual hardship to the development of the land, based on findings required findings: The intent of this chapter is met. The variances would further the intent of this chapter to promote affordable housing to persons and families of all income levels, and to provide more economical public services and facilities. 2. The granring of the variance will not be detrimental to the pnbiic safety, heaith or welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neigLhorhood in which the pruperty is located. This finding is met. See findings H.1 and H.6 above. 3. The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique to the property for which the variance is sought and are generally not applicable to other property. This finding is met. Despite its long-standing identification as a potenrial housing site, the site constraints have to date preciuded economic developmen� The topographic issues combined with ihe desire to have development fit with the urban neighborhood character have led to a creative design incorporating pedestrian friendly � streets and small-lot, traditional home design. Zoning File 00-233-057 3uly IZ, 2000 Pa$e 4 4. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this cfiapter wouid deprive fhe applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoaing disfrict. This finding is met. See finding I.3 above. 5. The special coaditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. This finding is met See finding I3 above. 6. Because of the particnlar natural surroundings, shape or topographical coaditions of the spec�c property invoived, unuSual hardship to the owner would resnit, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of these regularions were carried oat The request for variance is related to the parficnlaz surroundings and topographicai conditions of the property. See finding I3 above. � STAFF RECOMNIENDATION: Based on required fmdings 1 through 7 and vaziance fmdings 1 through 6 above, staff recommeads approval of the final plat for Newbridge alang Fifth Street � between Clarence Street and Etna Street, including approval of the applicants request for a variance of minimum Iot area and width requirements to atlow tots that aze 32 feet wide and 3360 sq. feet in azea, subject to the following conditions: City Council approval of the necessary vacation of portions of Fifth Street, Etna Street and the ailey south of Fifth Street, and 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with the Ramsey Counry Recorder's Office. Attachments: Application Final Plat (reduction) Topographic and Site Locarion Maps � � SUBQNiSION REVIEIAf APNLtCATiON {�� Departmertt oJPlanning and Economic Developmenf � IF...l1 Zoning Section � 1100 City Hal! Annez �• 15 Wesr Fourrh Srreet Saint Pa¢!, MN SSI01 266-6589 ►1���[�L•T`�i PROPERTY LOCATfON � � City MA. �. o- St. '.b Zip S l Daytime phone c�h__�,3-sw� tJame ot owner (if different) �y�,�n�... �c;-�eac �L Contact person (if different) �ca.i.c_ Phone AddressiLocation �=_ ��h�� Legai description: S.� �.cr�GaE� (attach additional sheet if TYPE OF SUBDIY{SlON: ❑ Lot Split ❑ Prelimim ❑ Lot Split �Final �'( ❑ Reg. Land Survey ❑ Combined Ptat �s _,1!��.ril I�I���I����,�I . . iI� � �'"�a': �;�' �i� � ��� I � � . .. � . � = a ' _ ��s o �€ a�g � �b� � s ��_ �s � _ �g� aa � �^ ��� �� �� z� � g _ � a �=�i d �i "a�: .o F a �---i---� � _ . �� � � �! �� � � ;� ,� * I� .,. U L`f` !__J� > - I ' ( I � � I ' � ..m..� . n.. a3�;. . , � 1 «.. ` ::..,� J `.eac � ay ws � .�"�:». � S�so''ae ._.r Y �s k + 4�C �, 3 I�} w �i3� � ��-------� � + � 13 = � I` �-- ------ i 1 � = � � ` I �` 1 I y � d' � "r a. m. ' t I l �".„`^""' I :' "" '' d �a e. r.` c. � — � — -3 .. 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D(ST ____-�___— F.1FP z� S � Z 3 � on= tani; • .. n ,-..,.,...- , c..�. , . _� .E r= a�0' � w° �°u q r�,� r: -u�, <.... i^.��.:�.... , :��h �., Q mu!:. ��..,., , v • :�- ORlGi"�AL council File # b0� l�wlS Resolution # Green Sheet # ��7►O$.'1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Presented By RESOLUTION GlN OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA '?, Referred To � CommitteE: DatE Final Plat Approva] for Newbridge WAEREAS, Dennis Gupril has submitted for City Council approval the attached revised final plat, w}rich adds 31ou to the previously approved plat, for subdivision of property along Fifth Sheet beriveen Clarence S4eet and Ema Street into 35 residenrial lots and 4 outlots, along with a request for a variance of minimum lot width and azea requirements; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City deparhnents have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the iecommended conditions, that it meets the requirements of Chaptet 67 of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, no6ce of a public hearing before the City Council was duly published in the official newspaper of the Ciry and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property including all property situated within 350 feet of the subject property; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed plat on August 9, 2000, whece all interested parties wete given the opportunity to be heard and the Council considered all the facts and iecommendarions concerning the p1at; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached final plat for Newbridge alon� Fifth Street beriveen Clazence Sueet and just east of Ema Street, including approval of the applicanYs request for a variance of minimum lot azea and width requuements to allow lots that are 32 feet wide and 3360 sq. feet in area, subject to the following condirions: City Council approval of the necessary vacation of portions of Fifrh S4eet, Ema Sheet and the alley south of FiRh Street; and 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolurion approving the plat with the Ramsey County 8ecorder's Office. Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: 1 \�� �- �--�� Approved by Mayor 7 Date �� g J4.�i✓iis/ j�v19'J h � / `%, � ✓ Approved by Mayor for Submission Co Council B �, : �C / l%� W�'� Adopted by Council: Date ��- �_' Tab�, V DEPART!NEnT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIA7"ED GREEN SHEET NO.: lO2OSZ PED Zoning 08/15(00 Oo-��'S CO�T�CC PERSO\ & PHONE: - [NIT WATE INLT(A[JDATE Allan Tarstenson 266-6579 � 2 DEPARTMENT s c�� covrrcu. �fUST BE O1� COl71�CIL AGENDA BX (DAY"E) �SIGN 3 CITY A7TY. � _ CITY CLERK NUMBER FINANCIAL SER FINANCIAI. SERW �iT��,�.�_ FOR 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) 7 PLANNING ADMINj�TSr� ROiJTAG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[IRE) ,�crio� xeQuESTEn: Adopt resolurion to approye final plat for Newbridge along Fifth Street between Clarence Street and just east of Etna Street. The City Council held a public hearing and voted to approve the plat on August 9, 2000. RECOAIM$NDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Hu this person/firm ever worked under a conVact fot [his depar[ment? CIB COMMIITEE Yes No CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/fiim ever been a ciry employee? _A_ Staff Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes NO Explain all yes answers on separate she¢t and attacL to green sheet I\ITIATING PROBLE.M, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTI'Y(Whq Whay When, Where, Why): Finalize council approval of plat to create 35 residential lots and four outlots, along with a variance of minimum lot area and width requirements to allow lots that are 32 feet wide and 3360 sq. feet in area, to provide far construction of a 34-unit housing development including two twinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhomes. ADVAATAGES IF APPROVED: Construction of.this housing project, which has financing already approved by the FII2A and a STAR loan and grant already approved by the City Council, would be ahle to move ahead. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ��' ��'' V E D None. AUG 18 2U00 DISABVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: C ITY ATTO � 1�! E d 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION; $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTNITY NUMBER: 6nRAIF;t9 re�. c,-s`a(CI�4 C8!1t2C FI'V.St�'CIAL INFORA7ATION: (EXPLATN) AU6 2 3 2060 K�Sbared�TORS]"ENS�ZOHING\GnSht.00-133-OSl.wpd 4 V 00 • t"as � � � a� '' � di ��i��� Ihl . ��;� ` ' ' i I !,!';� "I:I liS i I�'lil�i o � z e � ��o a �� ��� � `s ��u � F ��� �: f �ff8 a�� � �a ��� ��a e s� ��� Eh�o i �� {'6 � �= _ �s �a�o �' p o �e <m_ z� • o Y Q �---j---� � _ . � I �� ` ° k I i � I 3 (, Z �� '.� !F '. v L�`_(__J� > � � 1 ` � � I I I "� ' � e.�... n" S. � `�'. � w� �yi �os � oyr � � g 3i�tu5 Y �tw 4 � q �{8 �� ti g d , ,��; iii n _- � � -------� �� � ,:� _ � i`�----- � ._ I � � �° 1 ��3r ^� _ � °�r.n i - r ` � - „�<.M, � I a :-: �TM�.r ' _;� ..:�� _ � u<aav v.y y { � y � 7 ',•:� � � _ _ _ _ _ J ^ _ _ _ — _ Y ^ ' ' -----_. -° i ------+ ..._ 1 :. z4 ---- �'1 `"� ��`. -----��� � �. .. 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L s �; g . �% g e i'A e�6 ^32 pca g� . $ae :os 0�3 ae} ss. 8�- na' -E A eR ESa ��� ge e}$ P8: �a�€7a $ � 9 9 i 2 e . � = P � Q � ` Y : [ 6� � I ; p H J C � � I S S � �4 c iy :.'�9 E a ' o� I z3 a �P f �= � S� 3 �. s a' � S i� a � � '' � y � � P � A g � � 4 se' ; i a : s F s ti JUL-25-200H 14�13 PED 14TH FLOOR CTTY OF SAIN"I' PAUL NOrm Cn[emon, Mayor July 25, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Couneil Room 310 City Ha�l Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �'� Revised Final Ptat for Newbridge Zoning File # 00-133057 City Council Hearing; August 9, 2000 6512283220 •• .•• • • �.MVVLYV & ECONOMIC OEVFI.OPA�ENT Brian Sweeoey fuerlm Di,ertor P.02i02 oo_Y�S 33 25WtaFFntertltSrrcet 7riepbrmr.•61Y2b665G5 Suiai Prsu4 MN 55f 02 Fac,rimile: G/2-228d314 •FIRSTRUN�- „ . NOTICE OF POBIdC HEARIIiQ� The Saint-Pa�al CSty Council will conduct a public hearingon Wednesday, A g, zppp, at 5:30 p.m. in the.�ry Crnmcil-Ch� 19vrd FYoor City Hall. 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd. Salnt Paiil: NIN to mnsider the appliretion of Denni.s GupN for-appmvai of a revised Snal plat for Newbridge (adding 31ots) forsubd9vision ofprop- eriY along F7ftn s�eet. tetweea clareace srie�c and east oT FXna Sheet into 35 residentia( lots � and 4 ouilots, with a requesC for avariance of th¢ mh�imum lot_widtff andar'e.a._reqa4'ements Uo pmvlde for 34 �new housing iixllts inc7uding two iwinliome structures and 30 single famtl�y detached fownliomes.. . - . . Dated.Fnty26,"2000- � � � � - . � � -' NANCY'.t1NDERSON "Aas;stant CiL.yCuuncit secretary t,z�y z� , ===sa: r.un, L� r.�nc� _-�'-_- _' 020F0182 ' -, - - Pnrpose: To consider a revised final p)at request by Dennis Gupti] to add 3 lots to the previousiy approved plat to create 32 residential lots and 4 outlots, with variAnces for lot width and area, to provide for a total of 34 new housing unies including two twinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhouses. STAFFRECO2vIMENDATION: APPROVAL Dear Ms. Anderson; Dennis Guptii, has submitted an apptication for approval of a revised fiinal plat for subdivision of property �]ong FiRh Street between Ctarence and east of Etna into 35 residentisl lots and 4 oudots, with a request for a variance of minimum lot width and area requirements, to provided for 34 new honsing units incJuding two twinhome struchues und 30 single family detached townhomes. Since the origina] plat for thzs project was approved by the City Couneil on April 19, 2000 the applicant has purchased an adjacent parcel, and now proposes to add that parcel to the plat before filing it with the County. 7he gublic hearina is sehedulec! for Aagust 9, 2000, 5:30 p.m. at Ciey Council. I understand that you wil] publish nodce of the hearing in the Saint Pau1 [.egal Ledger. Please ca]] me at 266-6583 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � r �.�-�--� Paul Dubruiel Zoning Aide cc: City Council member5 TOTAI. P.02 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN7 Brian Sweeney, Irsterim Director CTI`I' OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 1, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #00-133-057: oo-a-as Telephone: 651-166-6700 Fauimile: 657-228-3210 25 Wut Founh Sveet Saiet Paul, MN 35102 DENiVIS GUPTII, Revision of Final Plat for Newbridge Fifth Street between Clarence and Etna City Council meeting: August 9, 2000, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers � , PURPOSE: To consider a revised final plat request by Dennis Gupril to add 3 lots to the previously approved plat to create 32 residential lots and 4 outlots, with vatiances for lot width and area, to provide for a tota] of 3A new housing units including rivo twinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhouses. Dear Ms. Anderson: Dennis Guptil has submitted an application for approval of a revised final plat for subdivision af properiy along Fifth 5treet between Clarence and east of Etna into 35 residential lots and 4 outlots, with a request for a variance of minimum lot width and azea requirements, to provide for 34 new housing units including two rivinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhomes. Since the originai plat for this project was approved by the City Council on April 19, 2000, the applicant has pwchased an adjacent parcel, and now proposes to add that parcel to the plat before filing it with the County. Attached are the staff report and the final plat for your consideration. Sub,}ect to City Council approva] of the requested variances and vacation of portions of Fifth St., Etna St., and the alley south of Etna, this application meeis all subdivision requirements and staff recommends approval of the fmal piat. This item is scheduled to be considered by the Saant Paul City Council on August 9, 2000. Please call me at 266-6579 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ! � Allan Torstenson V Senior Planner Attachments c: City Council Members, Larry Soderholm, Dennis Guptil ao -8'as � PLAT REVIEW: STAFF REPORT ROR CITY COLINCIL FII.E # 00-133-457 � � 1. APPLICAl\TT: Dennis Guptil DAT'E OF MEETIlVG: 8/09/00 2. � CLASSIFICATION: Subdivision Review - Revised Final Plat LOCATTON: Fifth St. between Cluence and Etna LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: See File 5. PLANNiNG DISTRICT: 4 PRESENT ZONING: R-3 and R-4 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.301, 67.406, 67.703 7. STAF'F INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 7/12/00 BY: Allan Torstenson 8. DATE RECEIVED: 06/21l00 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 08f20/00 A. PL7RPOSE: Revision of final plat to add 3 lots to a previously approved plat for 32 new residential lots and 4 outlots, with variances for lot with and lot area, to provide for 34 new housing units including two twinhome structures and 30 single family detached townhomes. B. C. D. PARCEL 5IZE: 202,055 square feet ( 4.639 acres EXISTING LAND USE: One single-family house. Si7RROUNDING LAND USE: North: Single-family residential in an R-4 zone East: Open space in an R-3 zone, used by the City for stormwater management South: Single-family residential and open space/ponding area in an R-4 zone West: Single-family residential in an R-4 zone E. ZOlVING CODE CITATION: Section 67.301 states that platting is required when a subdivision creates five or more lots. Section 67.406 gives criteria for the review of subdivision applications. These criteria are covered below undet "Required Findings." Section 67.703 provides for the City Council to grant variances to the subdivision regularions. F. AISTORYIDISCUSSION: As one of a number of difficult to develop sites, this property was included within the New Housing and Blighted land Development Project Taac Increment Aistrict by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Board in 1981. On November 3, 1999, the City Council approved a$400,000 STAR loan and $100,000 STAR grant towazd construction financing. The proposal was the highest nted STAR applicarion. Qn December 3, 1999, the Planning Commission approved a special condition use permit for a four-unit cluster development as part of the project, as well as side and front yard setback variances for the grojeat. 2oning File 00-133-057 July 22, 2000 Page 2 The original plat for this project was approved by the City Councit on April 19, 2000. Since then, the applicant has purchased an adjacent pazcel, and now proposes to add that parcei to the plat before filing it with the County. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMII�NDATION: None received. H. REQUIRED FINDINGS: � l. Ali the appiicable provisfons of the Legislative Code are being complied with. A petition has been submitted for vacation of portions of Fifth St., Etna St., and the alley south of Fifth St. necessary for this plat. The applicant is mquesring a variance of minimum lot width and area requiremenis as part of this plat approval, to altow lots that 32 feet wide and 3360 sq. ft. in azea. §66.101 of the Zoning Code requires a minimum width of 40 feet and a minimum azea of 5000 sq. ft. for lou in the R-4 portion of the site; it requires a minimum width of 50 feet and a minnnum azea of 600d sq. ft. for lou in the R-3 portion of the site. Subject to City Cotmcil approval of the vacation of the necessary portions of Fifth St., Etna St., and the alley south of Eina St., and subject to the City Council granting a variance of minimum lot azea and width requirements as part of approvat of this ptat, the proposed plat is in compliance with all applicable provisions of the Legislative Code. � 2. The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land ases. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the surrounding single-family homes, and will not be detrimental to present and future use of adjacent vacant land for stormwater management ponding and as a linear greenway/open space amenity. 3. The area surrounding the subdivision can be pIanned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision. The area swrounding the proposed plat is akeady developed with single-family homes, and remaining sunounding vacant land wili be maintained as a starmwater management ponding azea and as a lineaz greenway/open space amenity. 4. The subdivision is in conformanee with the Comprehensive Plan. This condition is met. T'he City's land use plan idenrifies this as a housing development site. This development supports the goais of "building new housing to meet growing demand for mazket rate townhouses." This design of this project serves the urban village principles cited in the 3and use plan for "compact and pedestrian-friendly developmenY' and "architecture and Iandscaping physically defining the streets an@ public spaces" through the design features aoted under #5 below. This project supports transportation plan objectives by adding 32 housing units close to a bus route. The proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Housing Plan, which calls for increasing housing supply and ensuring availabiliry of a full range of housing choices Yo � meet the needs of a full range of household types and income levels, This project wiil add a new needed housing type to this area, with three- and four-bedroom units ranging 00 -t'�sr � Zoning File 00-133-057 7uly 12, 2000 Page 3 in size from 1340 sq. ft. to I500 sq. ft. arranged in a zero-lot- line fashion to oprimize use of space on smalier lots. There is an eight foot spacing between each structure. Lots will be in individual ownership. Maintenance of lots, structure exteriors, common azeas, streets, aileys and sidewalks will be done through the townhouse association. 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important natnrai features, whenever possible. The appiicant has worked with the neighborhood and City offices to design this site featiuing traditional neighborhood design elements, including smaller lots, garages to the rear, narrow private street, sidewaiks, front porches, common spaces and landscaping. The narrow private street, smaller front yards setbacks, and zero lot line anangement serve to oprimize development on this difficult site. The proposal maintains the natural features and vegetation of the common area on the south side of the development, and stabilizes the slopes along the northem edge of the properry. 6. Ail land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering residents by peril from flood, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other menace. The site and grading are being designed to meet this requarement. 7. The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services. The subdivision can be served with public facilities and services from Fifth Street especially economically because of the narrower lot widths. I. VARIANCE FINDINGS: Section 67.703 states that the City Council may grant a variance to the subdivision regulations when compiiance would create an unusual hardship to the development of the land, based on findings required findings: The intent of this chapter is met. The variances would further the intent of this chapter to promote affordable housing to persons and families of all income levels, and to provide more economical public services and facilities. 2. The granring of the variance will not be detrimental to the pnbiic safety, heaith or welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neigLhorhood in which the pruperty is located. This finding is met. See findings H.1 and H.6 above. 3. The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique to the property for which the variance is sought and are generally not applicable to other property. This finding is met. Despite its long-standing identification as a potenrial housing site, the site constraints have to date preciuded economic developmen� The topographic issues combined with ihe desire to have development fit with the urban neighborhood character have led to a creative design incorporating pedestrian friendly � streets and small-lot, traditional home design. Zoning File 00-233-057 3uly IZ, 2000 Pa$e 4 4. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this cfiapter wouid deprive fhe applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoaing disfrict. This finding is met. See finding I.3 above. 5. The special coaditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. This finding is met See finding I3 above. 6. Because of the particnlar natural surroundings, shape or topographical coaditions of the spec�c property invoived, unuSual hardship to the owner would resnit, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of these regularions were carried oat The request for variance is related to the parficnlaz surroundings and topographicai conditions of the property. See finding I3 above. � STAFF RECOMNIENDATION: Based on required fmdings 1 through 7 and vaziance fmdings 1 through 6 above, staff recommeads approval of the final plat for Newbridge alang Fifth Street � between Clarence Street and Etna Street, including approval of the applicants request for a variance of minimum Iot area and width requirements to atlow tots that aze 32 feet wide and 3360 sq. feet in azea, subject to the following conditions: City Council approval of the necessary vacation of portions of Fifth Street, Etna Street and the ailey south of Fifth Street, and 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with the Ramsey Counry Recorder's Office. Attachments: Application Final Plat (reduction) Topographic and Site Locarion Maps � � SUBQNiSION REVIEIAf APNLtCATiON {�� Departmertt oJPlanning and Economic Developmenf � IF...l1 Zoning Section � 1100 City Hal! Annez �• 15 Wesr Fourrh Srreet Saint Pa¢!, MN SSI01 266-6589 ►1���[�L•T`�i PROPERTY LOCATfON � � City MA. �. o- St. '.b Zip S l Daytime phone c�h__�,3-sw� tJame ot owner (if different) �y�,�n�... �c;-�eac �L Contact person (if different) �ca.i.c_ Phone AddressiLocation �=_ ��h�� Legai description: S.� �.cr�GaE� (attach additional sheet if TYPE OF SUBDIY{SlON: ❑ Lot Split ❑ Prelimim ❑ Lot Split �Final �'( ❑ Reg. Land Survey ❑ Combined Ptat �s _,1!��.ril I�I���I����,�I . . iI� � �'"�a': �;�' �i� � ��� I � � . .. � . � = a ' _ ��s o �€ a�g � �b� � s ��_ �s � _ �g� aa � �^ ��� �� �� z� � g _ � a �=�i d �i "a�: .o F a �---i---� � _ . �� � � �! �� � � ;� ,� * I� .,. U L`f` !__J� > - I ' ( I � � I ' � ..m..� . n.. a3�;. . , � 1 «.. ` ::..,� J `.eac � ay ws � .�"�:». � S�so''ae ._.r Y �s k + 4�C �, 3 I�} w �i3� � ��-------� � + � 13 = � I` �-- ------ i 1 � = � � ` I �` 1 I y � d' � "r a. m. ' t I l �".„`^""' I :' "" '' d �a e. r.` c. � — � — -3 .. 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