PINK - FINANCE r� ' t`�
.- rdindnce Ordinance W�.� ���^ T
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the
St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to
� zoning for the City of Saint Paul and
the zoning maps thereof.
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, � 462. 357 and
� 64.210 of the Legislative Code, Rollie Brown duly petitioned
to rezone Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, Co11Ege Park, located on the
south side of Carroll between Snelling and Fry Avenue from RT-1
to I-1 for the purpose of expanding Coope�ative Plating, the
petition having been certified by the D�partment of Finance and
Management Services on September 19, 1979, as having been con-
sented to by at least 67� of thE owner5 of the area of the property
to be rezoned, and further, having bEen eonsented �o by at least
two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet
of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the
same owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property
within one year preceding the date,-of the p��ition; and
. .._.:,
WHEREA�, the current plan�,,�a:g committee on Nflvemlaer 1,- 1979,
conducted a public hearing �for the purpose of con'si-ek�ring the re-
zoning petition, and, pursuant to Section 107. 03 of the Administra-
tive Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission; *"�
and .�: ,
WHEREAS , the Planning Commission considered the rezoning
petition at its meeting held on November 16, 1979, and submitted
its recommendation to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council
on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official
newspaper of the City on December 26, 1979, and notices were duly
mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler In Favor
Levine Against BY
Tedesco Form Approv by i Attor
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by ayor r Submission to Council
By By
, Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. 1 �(ill/T �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 2.
wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be
rezoned; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council, having
been conducted on February 7, 1980 and February 21, 1980, where
all interested persons were heard, and the Council having con-
sidered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition;
now, therefore,
Section 1.
That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 18,
as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:
That property located on the south side of Carroll
between Snelling and Fry Avenue, being more particu-
larly described as Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, College
Park, be and is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to I-l.
Section 2 .
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas McMAHON Nays
� � In Favor
Levine � Against BY
�� APR 1 1980 Form Approved c� corn
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified P Cou il Secretar BY
BY p � •
App by Mayor:
` �`I�R App d�e by Ma for Sub ' sion t il
By B
Pi,�US}!ED APR 1 2 1980
. ,_��WH1�'E - CITV CLERK ' -�
PIPIIZ'� - FINANCE ��.y �r
BLUfi -MAVOR File �O. /'e ■ ��CD�1
� •
ZC Ordinance N 0.
Presented By Leonard W. Levine � +
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the
St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to
zoning for the City of Saint Paul and
e zoning maps thereof.
WHEREAS, Pursu t to Minnesota Statutes, § 462.357 and
� 64. 210 of the Legis ative Code, Rollie Brown duly petitioned
to rezone Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, College Park, located on the
south side of Carroll be ween Snelling and Macalester Avenue
from RT-1 to I-1 for the rpose of expanding Cooperative Plating,
the petition having been ce tified by the Department of Finance
and Management Services on S tember 19, 1979, as having been con-
sented to by at least 67% of e owners of the area of the property
to be rezoned, and further, hav g been consented to by at least
two-thirds of the owners of the operty situated within 100 feet ,
of the total contiguous descriptio s of real estate held by the
same owner or any party purchasing y such contiguous property
within one year preceding the date o the petition; and
WHEREAS, the current planning comm tee on November 1, 1979,
conducted a public hearing for the purpos of considering the re-
zoning petition, and, pursuant to Section 7.03 of the Administra-
tive Code, submitted its recommendation to t�ie Planning Commission
that the petition be granted; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning
petition at its meeting held on November 16, 1979� and recommended
that the City Council approve the petition; and
WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the ity Council
on the said rezoning petition was duly published in t e official
newspaper of the City on December 26, 1979, and notice were duly
ma.iled to each owner of affected property and property s uated
COUl�1CILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Butler In Favor
Levine Against BY
Tedesco Form Approved y C' Atto ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by ay for Submission to Council
gy By
Or indnce Ordinance N 0.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 2.
wholly d� partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be
rezoned; �.d
WHEREAS�, a public hearing before the City Council, having
been conducte on February 7, 1980 and February 21, 1980, where
all interested ersons were heard, and the Council having con-
sidered all the cts and recommendations concerning the petition;
now, theref ore,
` Section 1.
That the zoning ma.p of ._the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 18,
as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:
That property located on the south side of Garroll
between Snelling and Ma.calester Avenue, being more
particularly described as Lots 8 and 9, Block 5,
College Park, be and is hereby rezoned from RT-1
to I-1.
Section 2.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30)
days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department f:
Yeas Nays
Butler In Favor
Hunt ��`
Levine Against BY
Tedesco Form Approved b ity A torn
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by or r Submission to Council
By By
� , . '�, �
1st ��/ ` � 2nd ti� /�; �
� Adopted �� �< � /
3rd '� /` � ���
Yeas Nays
MADDOX � ���"�
m �iii'iiu� ;�
�• ^ [�,F�}�,y�[''° DIVISION OF PLANNING
,�'Rt�� isa• °,S" I t w iM1�.�
¢:�y ,�,�e,;s,.,.25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151
February 1 , 1980
Rose Mix, City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
RE: Zoning File No. 8526 - Rollie Brown
Dear Madam:
This letter is written in response to the petition of Rollie Brown to rezone
from RT-1 (One and Two-Family Residential ) to I-1 (Light Industrial ) property
located at 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue for the purpose of expanding Cooperative
On November 1 , 1979, the Current Planning and Zoning Committee conducted a
public hearing on this matter. Twelve letters from property owners within
350 ft. and a letter from District 13 were received in opposition; three
persons spoke in opposition. Major concerns were increased noise, traffic,
pollution; destruction of two houses; decreased property values; and encroach-
ment of industry. The Committee recommended denial on a vote of 5-0 based on
findings that the Comprehensive Plan and District 13 Plan designate the site
as residential ; expanded industrial use would generate additional traffic on
residential streets; permitted uses in the I-1 would be detrimental to
adjacent residential use; the proposed rezoning could be considered spot
zoning; the size of the site would require variances for development; and
two existing single family homes would be destroyed.
On November 16, 1979, the Planning Commission upheld the Committee's
recommendation on a vote of 14-0.
This matter is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on February 7, 1980.
The Zoning Office has received thirty letters in opposition in anticipation
of the Council hearing.
�`�'�u.,u.a� Wl,�sia'
Donna McNeally
City Planner
. ' ``�C�nOP • I
� � ��y �
�r uii'ii"i � {� �''' �• �
` ���� �3.��r4..t_
��''�II- 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151
December 31 , 1979
Rose Mix, City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Re: Zoning File No. 8526 - Rollie Brown
Dear Madam:
This letter is written in response to the petition of Rollie Brown to rezone
from RT-1 (One and two-family Residential ) to I-1 (Light industrial) property
located at 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue for the purpose of expanding Cooperation
On November l , 1979, the Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee conducted a
public hearing on this matter. Twelve letters from property owners within
350 ft. and a letter from District 13 were received in opposi-tion; three
persons spoke in opposition. Major concerns were increased noise, traffic,
pollution; destruction of two houses; decreased property values; and encroach-
ment of industry. The Committee recommended denial on a vote of 5-0 based on
findings that the Comprehensive Plan and District 13 Plan designate the site
as residential ; expanded industrial use would generate additional traffic on
residential streets; permitted uses in the I-1 would be detrimental to
adjacent residential use; the proposed rezoning could be considered spot
zoning; the size of the site would require variances for development; and two
existing single family homes would be destroyed.
On November 16, 1979, the Planning Comnission upheld the Committee's recomnendation
on a vote of 14-0.
This matter is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on January 10, 1980.
Donna McNeally
City Planner
� '� �Q� �
� . —.5
rR04 �
� Itl�ll�� o .
� ....
25 West Fourth Street,Seint Paul,Minnesota,55102
GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151
February 19, 1980
Rose Mli x, Ci ty C1 erk
Room 386, City Hall
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
RE: Zoning File No. 8526 - Rollie Brown
Dear Madam:
This letter is written in response to the petition of Rollie Brown to rezone
from RT-1 (One and Two-Family Residential ) to I-1 (Light Industrial )
property located at 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue for the purpose of expanding
Cooperative Plating.
On November 1 , 1979, the Current Planning and Zoning Committee conducted a
public hearing on this matter. Twelve letters from property owners within
350 feet and a letter from District 13 were received in opposition; three
persons spoke in opposition. Major concerns were increased noise, traffic,
pollution; destriction of two houses; decreased property values; and encroach-
ment of industry. The Committee recomnended denial on a vote of 5-0 based on
findings that the Comprehensive Plan and District 13 Plan designate the site
as residential ; expanded industrial use would generate additional traffic
on residential streets; permitted uses in the I-1 would be detrimental to
adjacent residential use; the proposed rezoning could be considered spot
zoning; the size of the site would require variances for development; and
two existing single family homes would be destroyed.
On November 16, 1979, the Planning Commission upheld the Comnittee's
recommendation on a vote of 14-0.
This matter was first heard by the City Council on February 7, 1980 and was
laid over until February 21 ,1980.
Donna McNeally
City Planner
� � ��C� � �
��.....,,� .,.
Cj OMMUNITY � '"�,,
Cj OUNCIL '°"'"„
113 No. Ssratope. 8t. Paul, 68104 444-1085
October 29, 1979 . .
Current Planning & Zoning Committee _ . _
25 West Fouxth Street
St. Paul, NIDT 55102
Re: Zoning File No. 8526
Zoning File Name Rollie Brown
Property Location: 1602 & 1606 Carrol
This property is located in a small residential area, which in the
DISTRICT 13PL�N, Septernber, 1977, is refered to as the"Creative lighting"
area. This area is bounded by I-94 on the North, Snelling Avenue on the
East, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul raiiroad on the South and West.
There are only about 40 residential structures in this area, which occupy
a bit more than half of the area of the above mentioned triangle. The
remainder is occupied by light Industrial and businesses. This residential
area has it5 share of trouble, mostly with I-94 cutting it off from other
residential areas, but also with business expansion along Snelling Ave. ,
I-94, and Iglehart, Pierce, and Fry. Currently , there remains a fairly
strong, well kept two and two third blocks of residential area. I fedr
that if further Cutting away is done to this neighborhood, it won't be
long before it eeases to exist. This is a tizne when energy costs make
living in areas like the"creative lighting" area, more desireable. And
it is also a time of home and rental shortages. In deciding this zoning
issue, please look at the area as a whole, because this could certainly
become a turning point for the remainder of the residential pro�erty.
Thank yo
'', ���`��--.\
��� �L�� `
R. Carl Wolter
Vice Chair
� � � ��e C�� �
� un�.ounr ♦.• r � .
t"'�AMLINE : _
Cj OMMUNiTY ; °?o,,
Cj OUNCIL '""""'�
113 No. 8�r�topa, St. Paut, b6f04 " 84�-1085
October 29, 1979 . , '� �.� - .- -
Current Planning & Zoning Committee ` � ; -
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul, MDT 55102
Re: Zoning File No. 8526
Zoning File Name Rollie Brown
Property Location: 1602 & 1606 Carrol
This property is located in a small residential area, which in the
DISTRICT 13PLAN, September, 1977, is refered to as the"Creative lighting"
area. This area is bounded by I-94 on the North, Snelling Avenue on the
East, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul raiiroad on the South and West.
There are only about 40 residentiai structures in this area, which occupy
a bit more than half of the area of the above mentioned triangle. The
remainder is occupied by light Industrial and businesses. This residential
area has its share of trouble, mostly with I-94 cutting it off from other
residential areas, but also with business expansion along Snelling Ave. ,
I-94, and Iglehart, Pierce, and Fry. Currently , there remains a fairly
strong, well kept two and two third blocks of residential area. I iear
that if further Cutting away is done to this neighborhood, it won't be
long before it ceases to exist. This is a time when energy costs make
living in areas like the"creative lighting" area, more desireable. And
it is also a time of home and rental shortages. In deciding this zoning
issue, please look at the area as a whole, because this could certainly
become a turning point for the remainder of the residential pro�erty.
Thank Xo�,
�.���.�,��,�';l ��
R. Carl Wolter
Vice Chair
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1 . APPLICANT: Rollie Brown DATE OF HEARING ��-1-79
2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rezoning � Variance ❑ •
Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review ❑
Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑
Change of Nonconforming Use ❑
Other ❑
3. LOCATION: 1602 and 1606 Carroll (near the southwest corner of Snelling and Carroll�
4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, College Park Addition.
6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 10-24-79 gy D.F. McNeally ��
A. SUFFICIENCY: The application to rezone was filed on a consent petition subscribed and
sworn to before a Notary P'ublic on 9-10-79; declared sufficient by the Finance Department
on 9-19-79; and received in the Planning Office on 9-27-79. 22 parcels were eligible;
13 parcels were required; 15 were obtained. The petition stated the zoning categories
RT-1 to I-1 , but did not state a purpose. . .
B. PURPOSE: The applicant intends to rezone from RT-1 (1 and 2 family) to I-1 (light
industrial ) in order to construct an addition to the existing Cooperative Plating Company
located to the south across the alley.
C. FRONTAGE AND AREA: This rectangular site is composed of two lots with a total of
80 foot frontage on Carroll and a depth of 122 feet.
D. SITE AND AREA CONDITIONS: The site is occupied by two single family homes in good repair.
Adjacent to the west and north are other single family homes fronting on Carroll . Rdjacent
to the east is a building housing Local 2047 which is zoned B-3 as are those uses fronting
on Snelling. To the south abutting across an alley is the existing Cooperative Plating
Company which fronts on Iglehart. Snelling Avenue, a major thoroughfare, is one-half
block to the east. The two lots in question comprise two of a total of 7 residentially
zoned lots on the south side of Carroll Avenue.
1. The 1963 Comprehensive La.n,c Use Plan des�gnated this site as a medium density .
residential .
2. The site was previously zoned light industrial . Under the 1922 code, houses could be
constructed in industrial zones.
3. The 1975 zoning ordinance designated the site as RT-1 , recognizing existing uses.
4. The District 13 Plan, adopted by the City Council , identifies this site as part of
one of eight small residential areas in the district. These small resident�al areas
are typically more easily penetrated than larger neighbarhoods by business expansion
and parking lots; however, they serve an important function by providing both homeowner
and rental housing at moderate cost. The District 13 Plan further states that "in
order to conserve these small residential areas, special attention should be paid in
zoning cases to creating stable residential edges." It would appear that this
proposed industrial expansion would create an unstable situation on the south side
of Carroll between Snelling and Fry. It would appear that this proposed rezoning
represents a "nibbling away" effect.
5. The District 13 Plan also identifies this site as "block initiative areas" for the
neighborhood Housing Services program. This means that if residents organize a
concentration of rehab projects on a particular block, the Neighborhood Ho�sing
Services would play a strong supporting role.
6. Carroll is not a truck route and expansion of this industrial use could generate
more commercial traffic alo�;y this residential street.
. ,
STAFF REPORT Rollie Brown #8526
7. Discussions with Public Works relative to a vacation of a portion of the alley
between the existing Plating Company and these two lots in question in order for the
applicant to expand his building acr�ss the existing alley have revealed that
Public Works would not support such a vacation. Vacation of the entire alley from
Snelling to Fry would result in an alley which is half industrial and half residential ,
preventing use by the industrial corporation.
8. Discussions relative to a vacation of a portion of Iglehart in order for expansion
of the Plating Company to the south have occurred and the district planner and
Public Works agree that this would be the better solution to the expansion needs.
The intersection of Iglehart, the railroad,and Fry Street is one of the most
dangerous in the district and this vacation could result in an alleviation of that
danger. Ho�ever, the applicant has stated that he is interested in proceeding wit�
the rezoning of the two lots on Carroll rather than the vacation of Iglehart.
. r
9. There are a number of restrictions placed on irr�lustriaT property abutting residential
property. These include a required side yard: setback equal to one and one-half
times the height of the industrial building. Therefore, a typical 16 foot building
would result in a required setback of 24 fee�. In this case the applicant would
be restricted to a 32 foot building unless. he applied for an obtained a variance.
The applicant must also meet the front yard setback of the blocic which is 25 feet or
the average of the block. Off-street parking and loading is not permitted in these
required yards. Off-street parking would also have to be provided.
10. Other permitted uses in the I-1 district include all the B-3 uses, automo5ile body
shops and repair facilities and contractors yards. . Give�i the size of the parcel
and its adjacent location to residential use it would appear that some of these
permitted uses as well as the Plating Company could result in increased traffic,
nc�ise and be generally detrimental to the residential qualit.y of Carroll .
11. The proposed reaoning could be considered spot zoning: it is not in accord with the
Comprehensive Plan or the adopted District 13 Plan; there are na changing conditions
in the area or apparent mistakes in the original zon7ng which warrant a change
in the zoning; the area to be rezoned is small , two lots; the nermitted uses of the
proposed I-1 are substantially different from the nrevailing residential uses
fronting on Carroll ; the change to a less restricted district appears to be more
to the advantage of a specific developer in this case than to the surrounding
F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 11 above, staft recommends aenial
of the rezoning request.
, ,
. ._
1 . APPLICANT: Rollie Brown DATE OF HEARING�1_1_79
2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rezoning � Variance ❑
Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review ❑
Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑
Change of Nonconforming Use ❑
Other ❑
3. LOCATION: 1602 and 1606 Carroll (near the southwest corner of Snelling and Carroll )
4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, College Park Addition.
A. SUFFICIENCY: The application to rezone was filed on a consent petition subscribed and
sworn to before a Notary Public on 9-10-79; declared sufficient by the Finance Department
on 9-19-79; and received in the Planning Office on 9-27-79. 22 parcels were eligible;
13 parcels were required; 15 were obtained. The petition stated the zoning categories
RT-1 to I-1 , but did not state a purpose.
B. PURPOSE: The applicant intends to rezone from RT-1 (1 and 2 family) to I-1 (light
industrial ) in order to construct an addition to the existing Cooperative Plating Company
located to the south across the alley.
C. FRONTAGE AND AREA: This rectangular site is composed of two lots with a to�al of
80 foot frontage on Carroll and a depth of 122 feet.
D. SITE AND AREA CONDITIONS: The site is occupied by two single family homes in good repair.
Adjacent to the west and north are ather single family homes fronting on Carroll . Adjacent
to the east is a building housing Local 2047 which is zoned B-3 as are those uses fronting
on Snelling. To the south abutting across an alley is the existing Cooperative Plating
Company which fronts on Iglehart. Snelling Avenue, a major thoroughfare, is one-half
block to the east. The two lots in question comprise two of a total of 7 residentially
zoned lots on the south side of Carroll Avenue.
', . The 1963 ��mpreriensive Land Use p'.an dAei�nated this site as a medium �ensitu
residential .
2. The site was previously zoned light industrial . Under the 1922 code, houses could be.
constructed in industrial zones.
3. The 1975 zoning ordinance designated the site as RT-1 , recognizing existing uses.
4. The District 13 Plan, adopted by the City Council , identifies this site as part of
one of eight small residential areas in the district. These small residential areas
are typically more easily penetrated than larger neighborhoods by business expansion
and parking lots; however, they serve an important function by pr�viding both homeowner
and rental housing at moderate cost. The District 13 Plan further states that "in
order to conserve these small residential areas, special attention should be paid in
zoning cases to creating stable residential edges." It would appear that this
proposed industrial expansion would create an unstable situation on the south side
of Carroll between Snelling and Fry. It would appear that this proposed rezoning
represents a "nibbling away" effect.
5. The District 13 Plan also identifies this site as "block initiative areas" for the
neighborhood Housing Services program. This means that if residents organize a
concentration of r�hab projects cn a �art;culu� �';ock, the ^l��grborhood iio�sir�g
Serviees would play a strong supporting role.
6. Carroll is not a truck route and expansion of this indiastriai use could generate -
more commercial traffic alonq this residential stre�t,
/�_ _
�TAFF REPORT Rollie Brouln �8526
7. �1SCUSS�O�i.°, :.Ji�lh D�FJI�.• I,�..�LS Y'O�dtl��° tn a y��atinn nf 4 r�v�ti�n n�F th� d��C�jt
between the existing Plating Company and these two lots in question in order far the '
applicant to expand his builu�ing acrnss the existing alley have revealed that
Public Works would not support such a vacation. Vacation of the entire a11ey from
Snelling t� Fry would result in an alley which is half industrial and half resider,tial ,
preventing use by the industrial cor���ration.
8. Discussions relative to a vacation of a portion of Iglehart in order fc�r expansion
of the Plating Company to the south have occurred and the district planner and
Public t.Jorks agree that this would be the better solution to the expansion needs.
The intersection of Iglehart, the railroad,and Fry Street is one of the most
dangerous in the district and this vacation could result in an alleviation of that
danger. However, the applicant has stated that he is interested in pr�ceeding with
the rezoning of the two lots on Carroll rather than the vacatiun of Iglehart.
9. There are a number of restrictions placed on industrial property abutting residential
property. These include a reqGired side yard setback equal to one and one-ha.lf
times the height of the industrial building. Therefore, a typical 16 faot bui�ding
would result in a required setback of 24 feet. In this case the applicant would
be restricted to a 32 foot building unless he apnlied for an obtained a variance.
The applicant must also meet the front yard setback of the block which is 25 feet ar
the average of the block. Off-street parking and loading is not permitted in these
required yards. Off-street parking would also have to be provided.
10. Other permitted uses in the I-1 district include all the B-3 uses , a�tomo�ile body
shops and repair faciiitZe� and contractors yards. aiven the size of the parcel
and its adjacent location to residential use it would appear that some of these.
permitted uses as well as the Plating Comnany could result in increased traffic,
nc�ise and be gener�lly detrimental to the residential quality of Carrall.
11 . The proposed rezoning could be considered spot zoning: it is not in accord with the
Comprehensive Plan or the adc�pted District 13 Plan; there are nn changinq conditions
in the area or apparent mistakes in the original zoning which warrant a change
in the zoning; the area to be rezoned is small , two 1ots ; the permitted uses of the
proposed I-1 are substantially different from the prevailing residential uses
fronting on Carroll ; the change to a less restricted district appears to be more
to the advantage of a specific developer in this case than to the surroundtng
community. �
F. STAFF Rr.COP1MEiVGAi'IGN: 6ased on finaings 1 °crrcug�� 11 above, staff �•ecomi��ends denial
of the rezoning request.
f ' � �� . i �� `f-� #� �
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_: � �t. � �
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Np , - -�-^��ng ai�1 be considered by the City of 5sint
. °^r^�'� si�ning t�12
T PRE-- SENT-= hh�eS• Ka rns and su����p�rs , ' MINNESOTA, ON P�OVEP1GER � , �y�g
� Pianning and Zoning Comrnittee• ' Messrs. Bryan, Lev
� Ms. Wendy Lane and Mr, ' Mr• �erome Se Y and Par�yal c,f the Current
Enforcement; Mmes. R�chard An1e of 9a> > Assista►�t City Attc�rney;
, McNeally and Hanson of e Divisi�n of Housing and Quildir�
AB'S�_ the Planning Divisioi�. 9 Code
Mrs. McGinley and Mr. Lanegran.
The meeting was chaired by James Bryan, Cha�r
ROLLIE BROWN (#8526 : man.
and 1606 � A petitTOn to rezone from RT-� tu I_�
Carroll for the expansion of Cooperativ
e Pl�ting. Property at ]602
The petittoner was present. There was op osi �
Ms. McNeally shawed slides of th� p t�on present at the hearing.
denial of the rezor�ing request. S�te and reviewed the staff report re
One letter was received from the commending
opPosition. Snelling_Hamline Community Council stat '
Twelve letters were received from residents W� �n9 their
opposition to the rezoning request. ��h1n 350 feet also statin
Rollie Brown 9 their
this � owner of the propert
t�dt pt�hadtbeenschanged�taer�id y' Stated that before
not realize until he wentetu9se11 (�h���9p�r`��nance,
sldential. � rop�r�y
David Brown of T151 Park Ave.
zoned industrial and there ' Mahtomedi
were no ' eXp�a1ned that this area was
not create any more additional Problems. He felt that this rezonin
to expand. PerhapS the neiyhboPhoodeneeds ��r area, pr�viously
Platin The cit g WUU1d
g about what the e inforrnation fromhCood a>>0w businesses
Y intend to do in the area.
Victor Rosenbloom P�rative
put up a sma) � bu�1dana9er of Cooper�ative Platirj
Any trucks wou)d use jg °n the site, comp]etel g' eXp�a�ned that the
glehart. Y separate from their y pian to
Mrs. present building.
Hueller of 1601 Carrol )
in the area and also tear � stated she felt that trucks
on the alley line and thisuPreates taeet w�uld create rnore noise
also was concerned about Pavement. The present buildin
biind corner at Carroll and Igleharts �ocated
Property values going down.
Florence Felix of She
in the area. 1613 Carroll stated her
concern about truck traffic and noise
Mrs. Don Haman of 1625 Carrol) stated the hous
and they could be resold for sin le famil
9 es on the site are in good conditi�n
Hearin no f Y residences.
9 urther testimony, P1r. Bryan closed the publi
Mr. Levy made a motion to den � hearir�g,
11 of the staff report. Mrs,y �he rezoning request based on findin S �
the rezoning Was Summers seconded the motiun. � �r�rough
passed with a ro) 1 ca11 vote of �
The motion to deny
Submitted by; 5 to 0.
a-�- �/`, Approved by:
onna F. McNea,�y �__ ,�
Notary Pubia.c, ..s....--. y,��? Z ��—"�� - -
� E.'$ Rr� �n� r�.
Srly cotnmission expires ������,,,°1 � f ` ' "r�i�n
",,�, •
LJ ��.: L�� _
� , ' , .
Note: Before the petitioner's proposal for rezoning Wi�I. be considered by the City of Sai�t
Paul, property owners must consent to the proposed change. Before signing the
petition which is a statement to thot ef�ect, the signer should be aware ef u��a ger-
mitted under the. new classificatfon. For further information about the rezoning c�f
property, call the Zoning Section of the City Planning Office, 298-4154.
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Saint Paul, Minaesota ,
Section 64.210 of St. Paul's Zoning Ordinance states that 67y of property owners within tne
area to be considered must consent to the proposed rezoning. Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota
Statutes states that 2/3 of property owners within 100 feet of the land proposed for rezoning
must give written consent before the City shall consider the proposal. However, when the
owner of said property has owned for any time in the past year additional real estate contiguou=
to the land proposed for rezoning, 2/3 of the property owners within 100 feet of this larger
package of property must give written consent. Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul
Zo�ing Ord�nance and Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statutes, we, the undersigned, own
property within 100 feet of the petitioner's land and hereby petition your Honorable Body to
rezone the following described property: (legal description & street address) J.,�-f-S `�� `t,
r,,i��l: Si Co l��R� l��'-r 1� � �L�da Carroll °F 1 6p fa La rro /�
fzam��J Distri�t to .1 � District, for the
pu��pOSe of i*�stalling, canstructing and/or aperatiag the followinq:
(descxibe briefly the proposed faci.lity)
Subject roperty:
/� /� ��Pa�. I�✓�, ,� s" C'vI/� � �,-
�- ' �� �s ,�
'/ � a ,. ✓�. �
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State of Mirulesota) '
� �s �
County af Ramsey ) :
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Note: T�e signer should appris� himself of the usps �ermitted under the new classi--
fication before signing this petiiion. For further informatian about tne
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151.
(Please type or print}
c/o� the City Clerk, Room 386 City .Hall
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code an$ Minnesota` Statute 462.357(5) , we,
the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate
situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate helu by
the owner of the real estate to b� re2onEd or by any party who has pu�chased o� is
piirchasing any such contiguous property within one il� year preceding the date of. this
oetition, such property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acquiesc'�; ar:d
we, tY►e owners of 50$ or more of the £rontage to be reclassified, petition ,your �r�narable
�,,� Bc�.3y to rezone the f llowing des ibed property: (legal description and street addrsss)
d�°�v`fi �:2e� �' ° ����. ��D� �-tQ /�o� ��c���
from ,��%/ District to � > District, for th�
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(descrire briefly the proposed facility)
Sub'ect ropert�: , .
�'�t' t-s � .l ' � c3— �
l� o � �r, . �,� �- �� •, ,.
,, `� /g s << .. ,,
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e o inneso a
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County of Ramsey )
�v �. L /�E .�RoG�tl/�/ being first duly sworn, deposes and stat�s that he is i.he
psrson who circulated the within petition consisting o ages; that the pa�ties
described above are the owners respectively of the lots a immediat�ly following
each narae; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner of property which is
within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold �y affiant withi.n one {1�
year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above
described; fihat none of the parties described a'�ove has purchased or is purchasing
property from af:iiant'cantiguous to the above described property within one il) year of
the date of this petition; that this petition was siqned �hy each of said owners in the
presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct
signatuYes of each ar.d all of the parties so described,
Subscribed and sworn to before me Adc'tress: /G D G ��, �.WQ1
Telephone No.. ( %�/ t� or b�Jr
this��Y of / r1' 7 �
_ Approz*ed as to form 5-27-73
' �� ��`bjcfice o£ the City Attorney
�.'7 �
.�otary Public, Ramsey Coiin�ty, ,Mi,izzx. '. ' �
riy commission expires � , �„ -�'' `
. l: . .... .r.. .. ..`�..��V-JVVZ2
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'�,,p ,��� ;
�1^����""OC``` 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4231
J�Y 31, 1979
Mr. Bernard Carlson
�irector, Finance & Managemeat Services
Room 113, City Ha11
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dear Sir:
The Couttcil referred to you for check a$ to sufficiency, the
attach�d petition to rezone Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, College Park
Addition a� 16�2 and 1606 Carroll Av�enue.
Very truly yours,
� �'T
Rose Mix
City CZerk �
� R��EI�EO
q�G_ -�
�. � � OFF�CE 2 19�g
O. I
A��MENT S�R���
\� / � rc�S
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, • ..
���/�� � �f Gj/�/ , being first
duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the owner of the property �o be
rezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the property to be
� rezoned, which is described as follows:
� � OT $ � ��OG�(' coll�G� ���
that affiant does not have any legal or equitable interest in, is not in the
act of purchasing, nor has he purchased or sold within one (1) yeaz preceding
the date of the attached petition any :Land contiguous t:, t:�e p�oper�y �cu6::t
to be rezoned as described above, except (NONE) (SEE ATTACHED); that affiant
i '
� understands the word "contiguous" as used herein to mean parcels of property
sharing a co�on boundary at any point without regard to the presence of public
i ���� �
� thoroughfares. �
"!/-���� vl '
� ��r,7i+, <
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s i�o��� 5 1535. �
• ���� . . �N.^Mh/'•`�M!`M/•
Juf y���, ��'��
. �
• ,
+ � r '`� - CITY OF ST. PAUL
August 13, 1979
To the Council
City of St. Paul
I have checked the attached petition of Rollie Brown filed in the
matter of rezoning,
Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, College Park Addition,
from an RT-1 to an I-1 district and find that said petition is
Yours very truly,
� �
Bernard J. Carlson - Director
Re: X2365
cc: Building Department
Zoning Board
Parcels eligible - 22
Parcels needed - 15
Parcels signed - 7
� . . ,
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. , . �
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' R�t Peti��;oa x.o reabne Lo#a 8 �nd 9, Col.l�gi Park :AdsL�. , ; �
Dear SS�r s \ : �. ,. �
. : �
The �ba'w«r�fe.r�►d xec� �rrt�cl �QSnffi.o�.effit by � Dirto'�c�r � , ,
, � oP �'imanc� 8a Mcuea�e.a�er�t 5otrrlo�a Dept. :
� � . 1. � . . . . . . . , , 4
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Faul''s C3.�tg.:�lartz aP�'i�i :bt�t.�86�,;�ty Hail. . ` _
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, DFP�R3,4S���1]' OF �I�IAN�� A\D �ti1A�AG�MEtiT SxPV10E5
� t►ssfsstiiE,�r�ivisiov
, 113 CtiY HAII Si.P�UI,h11.VNE50?A ii10? �
December 21, 197�3 .
.�. . -
City Clerk �
386 City Hall File X2365 Page 1
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Zoning File 8526 -
iEee Council of the City of St. Pau1 will hold a publ.ic hearing in Lhe
Cou-�cil Cha.-�bers of the City Hall and CQurt �Zouse (third floor) �t � �
10-00 a_ri. on January 10,� 1}80 on the:
Petition of Rollie Brown to rezone from an RT-1 :district to an I-1 . • - ` -
district the property at 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue. This property . � ,
is located on the south side of Carroll Avenue between Snelling and '
Macalester Avenues, and is legally described at: Lots 8 and 9, ' �
Block 5, College Park. �
If }ou �,-ould like further infor�ation about this hearing, coatact the Curre�
Ylau:iiao Section of the Planning Board, Rm: 1202 Citp �:all A�:ie:c=298-415�.
�."aile the City Chaxter xequixes that we notify, yoa of the hearing, we t,�ant to �
he].p Sou to leaxn fully about any icaprovenent that could affect you oz your
co�tr_i*�j. Therefore, I sincerely Y�ope.you can attend this tiear?ng, so thz� .. . ;_
you can r•lake your views about it kno��m to the City Co�ncil, whether ror or - .
�oairtst_ � � � - �
, , � 4
; ,
, '
, ��. . ' CITY OF ST. PAUL
September 19, 1979
To the Council
City of St. Paul
I have rechecked the attached petition of Rollie Brown ffled in the matter
of rezoning,
Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, College P�rk Addition,
from an RT-1 district to an I-1 district, and find that said petition if
Yours very truly,
� �ntiL1.���1,
Bernard J. Carlson - Director
Re: X2365
CC: Building Department
Zoning Board
parcels eligible - 22
parcels needed - 15
parcels signed - 15
�� �/
�� �2,6
January 3, 1980
� -r
,��°'����. ���� � �
Current Planning & Zoning Committee ;� 5 � ,
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File No. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 8� 9, 61ock 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
W� dre being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
code by the following industrial and business establishments :
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances. has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
engines, trucks and car transports. The latter doinq a good job of tearing
up our streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cqoperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yq�rs Very Truly� �
� ��
� I
,,; ,;.1 !,
� `��' L'_ i:i] j� � �' �, �J
� � , ���
.Ll�_Y r`t.-`,'
'`''1/�7f '� ., �y•� _ ,oli.i
. � , ,. '�..1
� i
January 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
S�. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File Mo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address ; 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we are being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
Cpde by th� following industrial and business establishments :
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Liqhting Nicholson Co. -
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
�han our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains , fire
en�ines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
up our stre�ts that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
CooperatiV� Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Ypurs Very Truly,
�����.�a ��a.�..���-..
� b � I G� .
January 3, 1980 �,.-�
Current Pl ann i ng & Zoni ng Commi ttee ��'i;,( ;"�?/' � � �
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul . Minnesota 55102 � '
�.�.��i_r u�.l�C�C ; ;��
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File Mo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address ; 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we are being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
code by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains , fire
engines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
up our streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cooperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yours V�ry Truly,
I I Cu�'2.�.���^�-C� ' i
`�'1� 1��g- a�
! (D�� L�fi��'�-GC �G�l�-� ,
l����� G��v �S�d �jL .
1 C�C�� 4
January 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File Mo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we are being discriminated against b,y continued violat�ons of the residential
cpde by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances� has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains , fire
engines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
up our streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cooperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Y�urs Very Truly,
/ L. � � � ���,..°�G�v� .
.. . :� .
, .
, �
., + -
January 3, 1980 :� '
� �AN 141�30
Current Planning & Zoning Committee , �
2� West Fourth Street ' � . �
� St� Paul . Minnesota 55102 �
D�ar Sir: Subject: Zoning File No. 8526 . .
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown �°
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
. Corner Snelling/Carroll �
L'ot 8 & 9. Block 5, College Park
Addition. '
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area� I maintain that
We are being discriminated against by continued violations of the residential
cqde by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors. Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsnwbile Lot Local �f2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned� in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
engin�s, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good �ob of tearing
up our streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Coqperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yours Very Truly.
�. �' � .
ti2 - � .z c5l-,;
1�2�c��1�r,�� ,�. ��2�.�.,�
� ��� (�rr��11
s�� F'au�, /ti1lU
.,��� . � .
January 3� 1980 � :' '
� ,iAlv 141�0
. ,. .
Current Planning & Zoning Committee , .
25 West Fourth Street �
. St. Paul . Minnesota 55102
! Dedr Sir: Subject: Zoning File No. 8526 .
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown �
: _ .
� �
. Address: 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carro]1 )
L'ot 8 & 9� Block 5, College Park
� Addition. '
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
. we are being discriminated against by continued violations of the residential
� code by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Uickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
� noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more .
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
, �ngines, truckS and car transports. The latter doing a good �ob of tearing
; up our sti^eets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I dm not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
�qoperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
, Yours Yery Truly�
. ,,
�. ; ,
� � ���j ' ,�,
m����P�t� � ��z��.�,
� ��� (�t,rr;�l l
s�� F'a ct�, �llU
.. . .;�Yi: i�loM"YF,Y�. . . ,, -
January 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File Mo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address: 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we are being discriminated against by continued violations of the residential
Code by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Gooperative Plating
The dbove mentioned, in some instances. has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. �e have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
engines, trucks and car transports. The latter doinq a good �ob of tearing
up our streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am nqt in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cooperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yours Very Truly,
i � � � C �t����� .
: :�: .
� �
, .
- , .
January 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Comrnittee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul . Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File Mo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park �
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we are being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
COde by the following industrial and business establishments :
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lat Local �2047
Cooperative Plating
The dbove mentioned, in some instances. has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
engines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
up pur str�ets th�t are maintained through our tax dollar.
I �m �ot in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cqoperatjve Plattng Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Y4urs Very Truly,
� ' "' ` 1
i ` �►c�l ` ` �"�.t L
/p;r�,jz �t i2'1�'�� � �.'� • �
January 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File Plo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we are being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
code by the following industrial and business establishments :
Narman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
�reative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
Th� dbove mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
nois� and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
thdn our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
engines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
up our streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cqoperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yqurs V�ry Truly,
�/ tiG�-iG�� ✓-
� ��2��--�.y
���� `L�-e- ,
l���� �Y� �S� d �
January 3, 1980 ,- �"� �
- �.__
Current Planning � Zoning Committee (_,`���(/����� , �
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 ) � /�y �"
�'`�'Y't.1�.!� � 1.
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File No. 8526 �
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address: 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we are being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
code by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local �2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noi5e and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
thdn our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains , fire
en�ines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
up our streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I �m not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
CpoperatiVe Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yours Very Truly,
I i ��..wvd�:a� �
~�-� 1���- a�
January 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 551.02
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File No. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address; 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
We are being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
Code by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creat�ve Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
engines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
up pur streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cooperativ� Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yours Ve�y Truly,
. '/ " `�� (J�v�iv�•.� �J..�.,,.�--a�
I � .� � G� .
January 3, 1980
� -
Current Planning & Zoning Committee �
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File No. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we are being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
code by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Liqhting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
engines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
up our Streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cooperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yo,urs Very Truly, �
� ��
� � �'4 _�: :,''. /.r� �r t .
� '�' � (1 �� f��/
,,;; �� .
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,�irt� ' � , ���, 4 , .
, '. �
January 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul . Minnesota 55102
Dedr Sir: Subject: Zoning File �lo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we are being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
Code by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The dbove mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
ngise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains , fire
en�ines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
up oulr streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
CQOperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yours Very Truly,
'➢�, , ��'h,� . �� (
� �o o J (.° C�.t.� ,
January 3, 1980
Cu�rent Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
S�. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Qear Sir: Subject: Zoning File �lo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
We are being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
cpde by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
�ooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
n0ise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
engines, trucks and car transports. The latter doinq a good job of tearing
up our Streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cooperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
YourS Ve y Truly�
• s
January 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul . Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File No. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
We are being discriminated against by continued violations of the residential
Code by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Liqhting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating s�tua io ue to the trains, fire
engines, trucks and car transports, The latter doing a good job of tearing
up our streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I dm not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Co�perative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yqurs Very Truly.
�,� , �.0"r, b. ��.,�,n�w,..� - l�a S C�.u,�-t.¢. Q+�-�- .
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� � � � � (J
�J�,� - ����
January 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File PJo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we are being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
Code by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical .Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Yickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned� in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
engines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good �ob of tearing
up our streets that are maintained through our tax dollar. �
I �m not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cqqperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yo�rs V�ry Truly,
���� � � �
d� � � ��-
, - .
January 3, 1980
Cu�^rent Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File �lo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we �re being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
code by the following industrial and business establishments :
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local �2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noise dnd dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains , fire
engines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
up our Streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cooperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yours Very Truly,
��, , ��a�,,� . �� �l ��,
J l�01 �°Q C��,�t ,
. �
January 3� 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St, Paul . Minnesota 55102
,..4,y�.. . _ . .
January 3, �ggp
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File No. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, 61ock 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we are being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
code by the following industrial and business establishments :
Norman Chemical .Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Uickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Caoperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort•
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parkin
than our share of these frustrating situations duebtomthewtrains,hfi�re�re�
engines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good �ob of tearin
up our streets that are maintained through our tax dollar. 9
I �m not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existin
Gooperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Coo erati 9
P ve Plat�ng.
Yours Very Truly,
� � �� c
!� �� � � ��—
� .
• ,
` \
;� �� ��
January 3, 1980 �G �'�' �\, �,
�^; t `� ��
,,,� ,�o
�a� �� .
,;.� �t,�'�`�J`�MG�e`'°�+
Current Planning & Zoning Committee .�\�tp`a
25 West Fourth Street
S�. Paul . Minnesota 55102
f)ear Sir: Subject: Zoning File No. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll ) �
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
WQ ,�re being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
Gpde by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Liqhting Nicholson Co. .�
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had r�ore
than pur share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
�ngines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good �ob af tearing
u� our streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
� am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Gooperd�tiVe Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yours Very Truly,
��,r�`: ���-1i�� ���—
��� L= �Z�/.���/
� . I�Q Gpt+�DRD�4 �
January 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir: Subject: Zoning File No. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we are being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
Code by th� following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors� Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
Qngines, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
up our streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I dm not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
C�pperatiVe Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
YpurS Very Truly�
� �
�6/L4�'�G�1 f.`"i1.. r�� d- (?i -
l -'
� � 1 ���'.�t.<<;�. �.�-C:�_
. � L',
y, '
January 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dedr Sir: Subject: Zoning File �Jo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
WQ dre being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
COde by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Liqhting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The above mentioned, in some instances. has contributed to our discomfort;
nGise and dirt pallution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
thdn our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains , fire
�n�ines, trucks and car transports, The latter doing a good job of tearing
up our str�ets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I am not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cppperative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yqyrs Very Truly.
-�,- . � � . .���-�-�'
� � / � �.�.-�-�-,�-,,`.�.(.� '
�dnuary 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
S�. Pdul , Minnesota 55102
R�ar Sir: Subject: Zoning File Mo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
we ,�re being discriminated against by continued violations of the residential
+COde by the following industrial and business establishments:
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
Creative Liqhting Nicholson Co.
; Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline 4ldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Coqperative Plating
Th� �bav� mentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noi�� �nd dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more �
th,�rt our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
en��nes, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
� 1��► p4�r s�r�ets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
, I ,�►� not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
Cpp�erative Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yq�r� Very Truly,
, � �I ,
�+ � � � -� �
January 3, 1980
Current Planning & Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
De�r Sir: Subject: Zoning File Plo. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
Address : 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
Corner Snelling/Carroll )
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
W� �re being discriminated against b,y continued violations of the residential
cOdB by the following industrial and business establishments :
Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors. Inc.
Creative Lighting Nicholson Co.
Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
Cooperative Plating
The abay� mentioned, in some instances. has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
than our share of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
engin�s, trucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
up Our Streets that are maintained through our tax dollar.
I �m not in favor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
CoOper�tive Plating Building and/or provide parking for Cooperative Plating.
Yours Very Truly.
.� �t 1 !�-C�� .-r ;: �- c-�
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adnUary 3, 1980 � `' � �` �
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Gur'rent Pldnning & Zoning Committee ;\�,�pa��'
Y5 West Fourth Street
St. Paul . Minnesota 55102
� t�ar Sir: Subject: Zoning File No. 8526
� Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
' � : " � Address: 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue (Near S.W.
..�, a
`���� ��J���;��;� � � Corner Snel l ing/Carrol l ) �
'� Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park
� �" Addition. '
if' ,:
Reason: As a home owner in a residential area, I maintain that
1�� are b�ing discriminated against by continued violations of the residential
k .��de b,� the fallowing industrial and business establishments:
.. �e,�'y:-_. .
i`;`'}, Norman Chemical Co. Tempel Motors, Inc.
.= k �� Creative Lighting Nicholson Co. ..�.
.� Vickers Gas Station Adeco Mfg. Co.
'" Kline Oldsmobile Lot Local #2047
. Cooperative Plating
�h� �bove tnentioned, in some instances, has contributed to our discomfort;
noise and dirt pollution and a serious parking problem. We have had more
� , �b�1 our sh�are of these frustrating situations due to the trains, fire
�,@r��in�s, t�'ucks and car transports. The latter doing a good job of tearing
a .4�p��our s�r��ts that are maintained through our tax dollar.
,�,.� � not 1n fdvor of rezoning from RT-1 to I-1 to expand the existing
� `�q��ra�iy� Plating Building and/or provide parking fior Cooperativs Pla�ing.
� �
° <Yg�irs Very Truly�
i { � ��� �
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� ' , February 19, 1g80
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i F�
� , i Cit�T Council ct7Y CLE'RK's CFFICE
� 347 City Hall ��� �'�Ui, t�ti��W.
� i ;': St. Pau i,�:innesota 102
,� , 55
r � i Dea_� P�iembers,
� j' .�s a citizen and a t�,xpayer, I feel I have the right to �rro-
' ' tect the value of my property, my health and my welfa-re.
; � � '�' Cooperative Platin� is very definitely a threat to all of
i �� the above-mentioned. The buildin� is alrea�y too close to
�. I our home. If Coopera�ive Platin.� builds on Ca�rr_o1l�venue,
; ' the thrzat to residentiGl prop�;rty value, health and �vel�'are
i ' ' will be r�agnified, heapin� misery and fright upon the residents.
': � �!' Cooperative Platin�; should never have been allovred to build on
` I Igleh�,�^t Avenue in the first place, a.nd age-old residents here
, I� do not recall having any choice in the matter. Tne nei�hbors
i �' do not w�.n.t Cooperative Platin� to remain because tney have
{� �!; be�;n c�.reless about pollution and trie buildin� is terribly
� � "j u��attractive. Anyone v�ho thinks that sueh a building could
i ! �'; enhG.n.ce the nei;hborhood is thinkin� ag��.inst the wind.
� I In the event that Coo�erative Platin� �ov�s to Blaine, which I _
� doubt very much, he can still put 30 men to �vork - then someone
I �' ` else v�rill purchase the existing building �.n,t� put 60 - 70 more
� men to work.
f � If industry forces Merriam Park residents to move, then all
f ' the businesses in the Tv:errid,m Park and Tv7idway are�,s will suffer.
� ; ; �'� It stands to reason; why r�a.�>e several families miserable when
� .1 ;� nothin� �reat i:� being accomplished?.
I �
� Very Truly Yours,
�` � ;�,.
i' ' , t� ��L+�o. �O
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February 1 , 1980
'�. � {�L�.�,4�"�
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� City Council ��"� ��
R om 347 Cit Hall
o y
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Subject: Zoning File No. 8526
Zoning File Name - Rollie Brown
� ' Address: 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue
Lot 8 & 9, Block 5, College Park Addition
Dear Members:
�I Ora behalf of many neighbors who are greatly opposed to rezoning Lots 8 & 9, Block 5,
I , College Park Addition from RT-1 district to I-1 district, I would like to present
'� t4 you two valid reasons why Cooperative Plating should not be allowed to erect an
additional building on the site of 1602-1606 Carroll Avenue.
First, new young families have started to move into this block of old established
, residents. They feel fortunate to have found a good home to buy th�t was within
their means - the same way we felt some twenty odd years ago when we bought our
' house on Carroll Avenue. Not too far down the road, more young people will be
' occupying several of these homes, which, including Mr. Rollie Brown's property, are
sound, well-kept livable homes. Houses are now at a premium. We need homes.
Secondly, from past experience with other business places in this district, we
' neighbors have combated harmful environmental and health hazard problems.
There are six widows, five in this block alone, who are very distressed over the
proposed rezoning. They feel more secure living in a residential neighborhood.
Three of these widows are in the eiqhties.
Neighbors, who use the same alley as Cooperative Plating, have reported to me some
of the problems they have had with Cooperative Plating:
' 1 . Illegal parking in the alley along the side of Cooperative Plating, making it
' extremely difficult to get in or out of their garages. One neighbor accidently
, backed into one Cooperative Plating employee's car. He knew he was illegally
parked, but he told the woman that it was okay because the car was old anyway.
2. Waste water running out of a spout at the top of Cooperative Plating constantly
, keeping the alley wet. In the winter, the water freezes in the alley, building
', up in the low spots to one and a half to two feet thick with ice. This build-
, up of ice cause deep ruts which makes it impossible to use the alley. When
the ice sealed off one neighbor's garage doors, the police were called. It
was at this time the police noticed the seriousness of the problem.
' i
' The �clice sternly w�..rne� Coo�erative Platin� about the condi-
�'� ' , tion of th�: alley and that th�y ��rere �o allovr ten feet access
� for th� fire en�;ines. To this day they are in. violation.
,;; , ��„
'!' 3 ,' Cooper�.tive Platin� �.lso put some cherr�ical on the flat roof of
; ;� said building to melt the snovr. It v�as a foamy type substG.nce
� , th�,t oozed out a spout at thu top of the building, ran down the
� , ,, side cf the building, forrninz�; d deep rut vrhich ran about 5G - 75
' feet down to th� T-alley. Some titnes this substc:.nce w�s �oeach
� ' color, other ti�aes green.. The city �va.s c�:lled by one of the
� � nei�hbors. The city took i�rompt eff�ctiv� action.
4� .�� nei�hbor said she planted a �;arden at thL rear of her back
z �rd - �he whol� ���arden died due to sor�.e white pawc�er-li�e sub-
st�.nce which apparently had blovan c�ff th� to�; of tne cher�ically-
i' lac:ened rocf of Coo�erative Plating. This same substance could
I' ' ; be responsible fcr speckled, h�,rd-to-clean windows which were
�' reported to nze b;yr neighbors.
i; 5 ,. .y previous o�vner attributed th� dea.th of her do� to the che:�iici
;; �il�= treated water t'r�at flo��ved from the roof of Cooperative Plat-
! in�.
6. Childr�n have been seen splashir��; arld running barefoot through
, this "river" of che:,:ically treated w�,ter durin;; w�.rm we�ther.
7�. Cooperative Pl�,ting works 24-hcurs a day, five days �. v�eek.
�;; '; During thE daf we have to contend with the rumblin;�, noisy trucks.
' � - The darkness of ni�ht, which is the restful climax of a bus;� day,
;; is shatt�red by glwrin� bri�;ht li�hts boltin� from several l�.r�;e
shadeless windows.
I� � �
��,; ' �. Cooperative Pla�ing buildin�, drith its gray cement block exterior,
� leaves muc� to be desired. Its drab appea•rance is condusive to
.,��, '"' obscene vrords squirted out of musturd bottles by teenagers leaving
,, the �ed Barn restaurant on C�rroll and Sne�lin� .�venues, �which h�.s
t ; been the case Nvi�L� the Union buildin� at 1598 Carroll. The Union
` �.1 o has had several break-ins - resultin � in the owner �i.avin to
�, s s g
; ", cement up a rear window by which the illegal entries were made.
' � klsa, teena�ers would carry their food from Red B�.m and sit along
the foundation of the Union, leavin;� their mess of paper cups, nap-
'� � �I� kins, straws, etc. behind. } -
�; � �
� I�uis is a residential district ai�d we neighbors war�.t to keep it this
! ` W�y. In �.ddition to the support of approximately sixteen cr seventeen
'� n�i�hbors, �����e have the backing of Merriam P�,rk Comr.iunity Center and the
; ; N�eighborhood Housing Service.
T�iis letter is in lieu of the fact that P�Ir. Rollie Brown has acquired
! 'a,�. �ttorney, postponed the ori�inal meetin�; on Jar�.uary 10 to February
! 7 � and that he has made a personal visit at the City Council Chambers
b;�„�tween these above-mentioned dates, rvhich we, as a �roup, could not do.
� ,i;
� Vnery Truly Yours,
� ;,' �?Z-t.� ����.... �t--� ( /.� ����J
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TELEPHONE <612� 222-1761
HOWARDG.STACKER January 9 � 190�
TELEPHONE C612)330-3000
Mr. Albert Olson
City Clerk
Room 318
Ramsey County Courthouse
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Raleigh Brown -
Petition for Rezoning
Dear Mr. Olson:
This is to confirm that our client, Mr. Rosenblum will pay
the cost of mailing new notices in connection with the
hearing on the petition for rezoning in the above-referenced
matter and that we have notified the "opposition" that the
hearing scheduled for January 10 has been continued until
February 7, l�$0.
Yours tri�ly, � ��
R. J� Tanse��, Jr.
cc. Mr. Victor Rosenblum
��� �������� CI�TY OF SAINT PAUL �
,"T. o:°-�.
� =��• �»* '-�"'; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �
��e :� .
� %� IIi11111L .E .
'+ " ��'L'' �< BUREAU Of RECORDS
, , _
,' �... 386 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
J M+mn�„�...°''``_ . � .
January 8, 1980
N'.r. Bernard Carlson
Director, Finance & Ma.nagement Services
Room 113, City x�l�
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dea.r Sir: •
, The �ity Cour_cil adopted a r�otion today concurring in the request
' of the attorney for petitioner and reschedulino from Janu2sy lOth,
19�0, to �ebruary 7, 1980, a public hearing to consider the
ge�itio*� of Rollie Brown to rezone property at 1602-1h0o Carroll
Avenue. (x2355) w'ill you please send notices to property owners
advisin� then of the rescheduled hea_ring on February 7tn.
Very truly yours,
Rose Mix
City t;lerk
cc: � Plannin� Staff, Zoning Section
- ��"°'^��� C t�TY O F SA l NT PA U L
=;:��T, 0,�,,,
>„ ,;
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_� uu�rum ,; �
�+ "" �p1 �� BUREAU OF RECORDS
,,. _
�°�� �••• 386 Cit Hail,Saint Paul,Minnesoia 55102
�"+mm�.....e�'�``` Y
���� `'� 612-298-4231
GEORGE L/1TIMER , F„�� ��* �?,�
� �
� January 8, 1980
Mr. Bernard Carlson
Director, Finance & Ma.nagement Services
Room 113, City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dea.r Sir:
The City Council adopted a r�otion today concurring in the request
of the attorney for petitioner and rescheduling from January lOth,
19�, to February 7, 1980, a public hearing to consider the
petition of Rollie Brown to rezone �roperty at 1602-160o Carroll
Avenue. (x2365) Will you please send notices to property owners
advising them of the rescheduled hearing on February 7th.
� Very truly yours,
Rose Mix
Cit;,� Clerk
cc:J Planninj Staff, Zoning Section
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, � _ . p�t�iiion of koL'�.�e Braw�t. �o r� prq�rt�► at 1602-�606: Gsrroll•
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TELEPHONE C612) 222-1761
HOWARD G.STACKER January 3� l�pQ
Mr. Albert Olson
City Clerk
Ramsey County Courthouse --
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Raleigh Brown -
Petition for Rezoning
Dear Mr. Olson:
This is to confirm our conversation of today. As I mentioned,
I was contacted today to represent Mr. Victor Rosenblum in
connection with Mr. Raleigh Brown' s petition to rezone certain
property in the City of St. Paul near the corner of Carroll
Avenue and Snelling. Mr. Rosenblum has an option to purchase
Mr. Brown' s property if the property can be rezoned. Mr. Rosen-
blum wishes to expand his business, Co-operative Plating Company,
by erecting a structure on the land which he proposes to purchase
from Mr. Brown.
I understand the petition is scheduled for hearing before the
Council on January 10. I am writing to request that the matter
be continued for approximately 30 days to permit out firm to
become familiar with the situation. Moreover, I will be out
of town both January 8 and January 10 and would be unable to
appear on either day on behalf of the petition. I understand
from our conversation that you will put my request for a
continuance on the Council ' s agenda for Tuesday, January 8.
I will ask one of the attorneys from my office to appear on
January 8 should the Council have any questions.
Yours truly,
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