Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, the City of St. Paul supports the attached Bill
for an �►ct relating to City of St. Paul transferred employees
benef its.
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas McMAHON Nays /
��' �� In Favor
Levine _ __ Against BY —
esco Form A oved by ity At rney
Ado d by Coun � . Date —���-.�#�--
ertifie •.sed Council Secr ar B `_
Appr ved by 1 D e _ MAR 14 19Bp Approved hy Mayor for Submission to Council
By — By K
�t.ts�€.� MAR 2� 198�
f �' j .., �d. ���°-0
A bill for an act
relating to the city of St. Paul transferred
employees benef its ; amending Laws 1976,
Chapter 234, Section 4, as amended; Laws
1978, Chapter 788, Section 5.
Section 1: Laws 1976, Chapter 234, Section 4, as amended by
Laws 1977, Chapter 165, Section 2, and Laws 1978, Chapter 788,
Section 4, Subdivision 4a, is amended to read:
Subd. 4a. TRANSFER OF EMPLOYEES. Al1 employees of the housing
and redevelopment authority who become employees of the City of St.
Paul in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 4, hereinafter
called transfer employees, shall be employees of the city of St. Paul
notwithstanding any contrary provision of this law, the St. Paul city
charter or other statute or ordinance, and shall be governed by
applicable provisions of the cit civil service laws and city charter,
except as modified in clauses (1�, (2} and (3) .
(1) Transfer employees shall maintain city seniority from the
effective date of this act; however, for the purposes of determining
.their wages and fringe benefits, except pension benef its, their
seniority shall be computed from the date that they were originally
employed by the housing and redevelopment authority.
(2) Transfer employees shall have promotion rights providing
that they qualify for such rights under the city civil service laws,
- and such rights shall be determined by their combined total length of
service with the housing and redevelopment authority and the city.
(3) Any employee, whether a regular city employee or a transfer
employee, if assigned to the department of planning and economic
development, shall have equal promotional rights with any other such
employee. Any regular city employee assigned to the department of
. planning and economic development and any transfer employee shall have
promotional preference for positions in the division of renewal and
the division of economic development over regular city employees not
assigned to the department of planning and economic development. All
regular city employees, whether assigned to the department of planning
and economic development or any other position in the classified
service, shall have promotional rights over all transfer employees for
any position in the classified service which is not in the department
of planning and economic development. All city employees, whether
assigned to the department of planning and economic development or any
other position in the classified service, shall have equal promotional
rights with all transfer employees for promotions to positions in the
division of planning and the division of community development. The
term "employee" as used in clause (3) means professional, supervisory, "
and confidential employees only. All promotion preferences established
by this� clause shall expire two years after the effective date of
. this act.
. , . . .. . f"�������?
(4) No city employee holding a regular appointment to a
position in the classified service at the time this act takes
effect shall be laid off because of the effects of this act.
(5) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, the
pension plan available to the employees of the housing and
redevelopment authority at the eff.ective date of this act shall
continue in operation until changed in accordance with law, and
all such housing and redevelopment authority employees who shall
become employees of the city shall have the individual option to
rema.in in the present pension and retirement plan provided to
employees of the housing and redevelopment authority with the city
assuming the employer' s obligations under said pension plan or
to become covered by coordinated members of the public employees
retirement association upon election, by ma.king such election
within one year from the date on which they become an employee
of the city of St. Paul.
(6) Neither the transfer to cit em lo ent ursuant to this
section, nor a su se uent trans er to ot er u ic em o ent ased
in an manner u on cit merit s stem emp oyment s a e interpreted
as a termination o ousin an redevelo ment aut-fio�rit or cit- .
em o ent aut orizin wit rawa rom t e ousin an re eve o ment
aut orit ension o ast artici ation contri utions un ess suc
trans erre em o ent a is ase u on ua i ication com etitive
examination un er t e merit s stem roce ures o t e trans er em o er
an commences rom t e irst a o suc trans er em o ent
wit out cre itin rior ousin an re eve o ment aut orit or cit
service in eterminin� senioritv or wa�e an ringe ene it to e
- en�oyed in the trans erre emp oyment.
Sec. 2. . EFFECTIVE DATE. This act shall be effective onl
. after its a roval b the overnin o o t e cit o t. aul
an upon comp iance wit t e provisions o innesota tatutes,
Section . .
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GITY OF SAIN'1 P�3UL � �� I /
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DAVID H. HOZZA Mdi"CIl C, 1980
T0: Members of the City Council
FROM: Councilman David Hozza
RE: Proposed Amendments regar ing CIB Legislation
as it relates to HRA Pension Fund
As I stated at the NRA Board meeting yesterday, I �pologize for not
being able to be at the council meeting today, but I wanted to share my
thoughts with you.
1 . On the questiorr of amending the CI8 bi1T to
strike "for transportation purpose only" , I
oppose this, since this breaks the commitment
the City made with the. conference committee
when the bill nassed. I do not think we
ought to amend the CIB legislation this yea�.
_ _ . -
2. On the question of amending the language per-
taining to HRA pensions, I think this lar�guage
ought to be approved. The HRA Board and the
City Council have a maral obligation to prntect
the integr°ity of the HRA pension fund. What
�re are seeing under the current language is a
substantial erosion of the base of the pension
fund because a� the proposed withdrawa1s. While
I am not speaking ta the cases of the 4 or 5
people who appeared before the Legislation Com-
mittee, I think that in the future, the stan-
dardis of the pension fund ought to be maintairred
and protected. Therefore, I support going to
the Legislature to clarify the ambiguities in
the current language regarding the HRA pension
cc: Mayor Georc�e Latimer
Steve Wellington
i •
A bill for an act
relating to the city of St. Paul transferred
employees benefits ; amending Laws 1976,
Chapter 234, Section 4, as amended; Laws
1978, Chapter 788, Section 5.
Section 1. Laws 1976, Chapter 234, Section 4, as amended by
Laws 1977, Chapter 165, Section 2, and Laws 1978, Chapter 788,
Section 4, Subdivision 4a, is amended to read:
Subd. 4a. TRANSFER OF EMPLOYEES. All employees of the housing
and redevelopment authority who become employees of the City of St.
Paul in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 4, hereinafter
called transfer employees, shall be employees of the city of St. Paul
notwithstanding any contrary provision of this law, the St. Paul city
charter or other statute or ordinance, and shall be governed by
applicable provisions of the cit civil service laws and city charter,
except as modified in clauses (1�, (2) and (3) .
(1) Transfer employees shall maintain city seniority from the
effective date of this act; however, for the purposes of determining
their wages and fringe benefits, except pension benefits, their
seniority shall be computed from the date that they were originally
employed by the housing and redevelopment authority.
(2) Transfer employees shall have promotion rights providing
that they qualify for such rights under the city civil service laws,
and such rights shall be determined by their combined total length of
service with the housing and redevelopment authority and the city.
(3) Any employee, whether a regular city employee or a transfer
employee, if assigned to the department of planning and economic
development, shall have equal promotional rights with any other such
employee. Any regular city employee assigned to the department of
planning and economic development and any transfer employee shall have
promotional preference for positions in the division of renewal and
the division of economic development over regular city employees not
assigned to the department of planning and economic development. All
regular city employees, whether assigned to the department of planning
and economic development or any other position in the classified
service, shall have promotional rights over all transfer employees for
any position in the classified service which is not in the department
of planning and economic development. All city employees, whether
assigned to the department of planning and economic development or any
other position in the classified service, shall have equal promotional
rights with all transfer employees for promotions to positions in the
division of planning and the division of community development. The
term "employ�e" as used in clause (3) means professional, supervisory,
and confidential employees only. Al1 promotion preferences established
by this clause shall expire two years after the effective date of
this act.
. • � �
(4) No city employee holding a regular appointment to a
position in the classified serviee at the time this act takes
effect shall be laid off because of the effects of this act.
(5) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, the
pension plan available to the employees of the housing and
redevelopment authority at the effective date of this act shall
continue in operation until changed in accordance with law, and
all such housing and redevelopment authority employees who shall
become eq�ployees of the city shall have the individual option to
remain in the present pension and retirement plan provided to
employees of the housing and redevelopment authority with the city
assuming the employer' s obligations under said pension plan or
to become covered by coordinated members of the public employees
retirement association upon election, by making such election
within one year from the date on which they become an employee
of the city of St. Paul.
(6) Neither the transfer to cit em lo ent ursuant to this
section, nor a su se uent trans er to ot er u ic em o ent ased
in an ma.nner u on cit merit s stem em o ent s a e inter reted
as a termination o ousin an re eve o ment aut orit or cit
em o ent aut orizin wit rawa rom t e ousin an re eve o ment
aut orit ension o ast artici ation contri utions un ess suc
trans erre em o ent a is ase u on ua i ication com etitive
examination un er t e merit s stem roce ures o t e trans er em o er
an commences rom t e irst a o suc trans er em o ent
wit out cre itin rior ousin an re eve o ment aut orit or cit
service in eterminin seniorit or wa e an rin e ene it to e
en_7oye in t e trans erre emp oyment.
Sec. 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This act shall be effective onl
after its a roval b the overnin o o t e clt o t. aul
an u on com iance wit t e rovisions o innesota tatutes
Section . .
' �r`� ,c°y � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 Telephone: 298-1120
�a '�I, • �� .
March 5, 1980
Dear Council Members:
On behalf of AFSCME members who would have their right to an appeal process, provided
for by the HRA Pension Plan, eliminated or restricted by this proposed legislation, I
ask that you not support the proposal .
The question this morning is simply: Is the proposal an attempt to retroactively define
the right of City employees to withdraw their NRA pension funds? The decision this
morning is not whether those employees may "cash out" their fund, but whether it is
appropriate for this Council and then the State Legislature to narrowly and restrict-
ively interpret original legislative intent at this late date. There is a grievance
procedure provided for by the Pension Committee which then allows further adjudication
in the Courts. It seems that is the appropriate procedure for the decision to be made
regarding this matter.
Some background information may be helpful as you study this issue. First, let me
point out that the affected employees were not involved in the process that lead to
this proposal nor even informed of its development. It was discovered by chance as I
attended the Legislative Committee meeting of Tuesday, February 26, regarding the
mileage proposal . This fact alone has the appearance that someone was attempting to
slip something by �nployees who had selected the PERA Pension Plan.
The employees who are affected immediately are now employed in unrelated positions,
separate from HRA or Planning and Economic Development. They began working in these
positions several months before the official incorporation of HRA into the City in
October of 1978. At least two of the employees are now enrolled in PERA, after exer-
cising their "individual option" under HRA Legislation. They have requested a refund
of their pension account, appealed under the Pension Plan Grievance Procedure, and
have not yet received a decision from the City Council , Finance Personnel P�anagement
Committee. Nancy Eberhart has not yet had a hearing before the committee. It seems
unreasonable to circumvent the procedures provided to employees through the Pension
Committee itself.
Mr. Hart, on behalf of the HRA Pension Committee, has stated before the Council Legis-
lation Committee that the failure to adopt this legislation would have no effect. That
being the case, I trust the Council will not approve this legislation and protect the
appeal opportunities of City employees.
Jerry Serfling
Business Agent
AFSCME Council FJo. 91
A bill for an act
relating to the city of St. Paul transferred
employees benefits ; amending Laws 1976,
Chapter 234, Section 4, as amended; La.ws
1978, Chapter 788, Section 5.
Section 1: Laws 1976, Chapter 234, Section 4, as amended by
Laws 1977, Chapter 165, Section 2, and Laws 1978, Chapter 788,
Section 4, Subdivision 4a, is amended to read:
Subd. 4a. TRANSFER OF EMPLOYEES. All employees of the housing
and redevelopment authority who become employees of the City of St.
Paul in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 4, hereinafter
called transfer employees, shall be employees of the city of St. Paul
notwithstanding any contrary provision of this law, the St. Paul city
charter or other statute or ordinance, and shall be governed by
applicable provisions of the cit civil service laws and city charter,
except as modified in clauses (1�, (2) and (3) .
(1) Transfer employees shall maintain city seniority from the
effective date of this act; however, for the purposes of determining
_their wages and fringe benefits, except pension benef its, their
, seniority shall be computed from the date that they were originally
employed by the housing and redevelopment authority.
(2) Transfer employees shall have promotion rights providing
that they qualify for such rights under the city civil service laws,
. and such rights shall be determined by their combined total length of
service with the housing and redevelopment authority and the city.
(3) Any employee, whether a regular city employee or a transfer
employee, if assigned to the department of planning and economic
development, shall have equal promotional rights with any other such
employee. Any regular city employee assigned to the department of
. planning and economic development and any transfer employee shall have
promotional preference for positions in the division of renewal and
the division of economic development over regular city employees not
assigned to the department of planning and economic development. All
regular city employees, whether assigned to the department of planning
and economic development or any other position in the classified
service, shall have promotional rights over all transfer employees for
any position in the classified service which is not in the department
of planning and economic development. AL1 city employees, whether
assigned to the department of planning and economic development or any
other position in the classified service, shall have equal promotional
rights with all transfer employees for promotions to positions in the
division of planning and the division of community development. The
term "employee" as used in clause (3) means professional, supervisory,
and conf idential employees only. All promotion preferences established
by this� clause shall expire two years after the effective date of
. this act.
(4) No city employee holding a regular appointment to a
posit oi n in the classified service at the time this act takes
effect shall be laid off because of the effects of this act.
(5) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, the
pension plan available to the employees of the housing and
redevelopment authority at the effective date of this act shall
continue in operation until changed in accordance with law, and
all such housing and redevelopment authority employees who shall
become employees of the city shall have the individual option to
remain in the present pension and retirement plan provided to
employees of the housing and redevelopment authority with the city
assuming the employer' s obligations under said pension plan or
to become covered by coordinated members of the public employees
retirement association upon election, by ma.king such election
within one year from the date on which they become an employee
of the city of St. Paul.
(6) Neither the transfer to cit em lo ent ursuant to this
section, nor a su se uent trans er to ot er u ic em o ent ased
in any manner upon city merit s stem emP oyment s a e interpreted
db d LCr1LLlila.L1CJI1"�-Fousin an re evelo ment autfio`rit or cz't- .
em o ent aut orizin wit rawa rom t e ousin an re eve o ment
aut orit ension o ast artici ation contri utions un ess suc
trans erre em o ent a is ase u on ua i ication com etitive
examination un er t e merit s stem roce ures o t e trans er em o er
an commences rom t e irst a o suc trans er em o ent
wit out cre itin rior ousin an re eve o ment aut orit or cit
service in eterminin seniorit or wa e an rin e ene it to e
enjoye in t e trans erre emp oyment.
Sec. 2. . EFFECTIVE DATE. This act shall be effective onl
. after its a roval b the overnin o o t e cit o t. aul
an upon �omp,��ance wit t e provisions o innesota tatutes,
JeCLlOil t�47.ULl.