274522 N'HITE - CI7V CLERK ��522 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � 1 BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. uncil Resolution Presented By� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF�'AS, the Co�missioaier of Transportation for the Stat�e of Minnesata has prepared: plans, special provisions, a�d specifications for the improv�rent of Zh�nk Highway No. 112 ren�snbered as Trunk Highway No. 3, and Tn,mk Highway No. 392 ren�nbered as Tr�mk Higlzway No. 94, within the vorporate limits of the City of St. Paul, fran 1,000 feet north of Coazoord Street t�o the vicinity of Sev�enth Street (T.H. #212) in St. Paul; and seeks the apQroval thereof: NOW, Tf�T, B� IT RESOLUF�, that said plans and special provi.sions for the inprovement of said Tr�mk Highways within sai.d oo�rporate limits of the City, be ar�d hereby are appraved inclucling tY�e elevations and grades as sYxx�m and oonsent is her�y given to any and all chanc�s in grade occasioazed by said ao�istruction. SE IT ��R RE'SOLUED, that tl�e City cloes here.by agree to require the parking of all vehicles, if such parking is perntitt�ed within the corporate limits of said City, o� said Tr�mk Highways, to be parallel with the curb adja�nt to the highway. an�d at least 20 feet fran any crosswa]ks on all public streets intersecting said trunk highways. COU[VCILMEN Yeas McMAHON Nays Requested by Department of: —� � Public V�brks (Traffic-RHR) H� [n Favor Hunt � Levine _ � __ Against BY • � G� Maddox Showalter Te � b' � Form Approved b 'ty Attorney Ado y Coun 1: Date erlified Yassed by ouncil Secre r BY 1 61p by ;Vlavor: a _ A o ed by Mayor fo u is ' n to Council �, By _ B ��sKEU MAR 1 5 t980 QM O1: 12/1975 ' , Rev: 9/8/76 EXPLF�r1ATIC�1 OF 1�'��INI�TIZ�+TIVF ORI?FI�S, RESOLt�'IC'�?:�, 11?ID ORDL??IaNCI'S ����� ; Febn�ary 22, 1980 � � � � � �� � �� FEB 2 71980 MAYOR'S O� TD: MAYOR GDO� T.�TIl�:R �. Do�a1d E. Nygaard, Director, Public Wbrks Departznent � g�; Lafay�ette Road (T.H. #3) between 1,000 feet north of Couzoord Street and E. Seve�th Street. AGTI� RTXXJF�S"1'ED: Appraval of the attached Council Resolutioai. , F'URPOSE PrID P,ATI�IPZ,E FOR 'I'f?IS AC�['IOTT: � � NIl�TT/DO►r proposes t,o install a coricrete median, ins�a].1 r�v lighting on the madian, repla�e the outside railing on the riv�er bric'k�e and p].�oe bitiunino�as resurfacing � the roadways an�d werlay the Eaton Strcet bridge, the Mississippi River Bridc�e, ar� the I-94 Bridge. . Lafayett�e Bridc�e north of Plato Blvd.� will be closed oacnpletely from May 19, 1980 to about July 4, 1980, when tt� northbound lane will be vper�ed. All work must be c'to�e within 100 working days based on a 16 hour day six days a week. Traffic will be det�oured• to Plato Blvd. and then Robert St. A signal will be installed at Plato Blvd. and I,afay�ette Rd. A7.TACf]h.c'�'�ITS: Camcil Resolution RHI2:�T:oed