274512 WHITE - CiTV GLERK � ,j��A PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl �. i�, +� GITY OF SAINT PAUL � r �, � CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BI.UE - MAVOR RETURN COP�TO VALUATION BUREAU • • � - . l Resolution r Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution C. F. 170767 adopted November 3, 1954, did vacate and discontinue as a public alley certain portions of the alley in Block l, Riverwood Addition, said vacation reserving to the City of Saint Paul and other public instrumentalities the public easements contained therein; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been requested to �aive the said retained easements and the Water Utility and the Public Works Depart- ment (the affected City departments) , Northern States Power Company and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company have filed written certificates of intended nonuse of reserved rights and easements, which certificates are now on file in the office of the City Clerk; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul acting pur- suant to Section 228.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, does hereby waive the retained easements contained in the said resolution C. F. 170767 adopted November 3, 1954 in the following described property: That part of the alley adjoining Lots 9 through 15, Block 1, Riverwood Addition, lying northeasterly of the westerly line of said Lot 15 extended southerly to the southeasterly line of the alley. This includes the following: Al1 of the vacated alley in said Block one (1} in Riverwood Addition lying north of a line garallel with and eighteen (18) feet north of the south line of Lot ten (10) in Block one (1) in Riverwood Addition extended west to the northwesterly line of said alley; COUNCILI4[EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Fi & Ma.na 23t Se2'vices Hozza In Favor � Hunt B �?��----. Director� Levine __ Against — Maddox Showalter TedesCO Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary . "�^/3 ��d sy �1ppr�ved by 1Vtavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY — — BY M/NITE - UTV CLERK •������ PINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO• BLUE - MAVOR � � �� To LUATION B2JRFA uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the above-ment�orced waiver of said ease- ments is for the City of Saint Paul and for those persons for whom the City had reserved easements in said vacated property for the installation, maintenance and operation of any sewer, water, gas or electrical main pipe or conduit of public instrumentality. COUNCILMEN Yeas �(cMAHON Nays Requested by Department of: .�- � FI1� AND NP SERVICES �� [n Favor Hunt � Director��~ Levine _ __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco ��R A t980 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b nci : Date `� 1B� ��3-8p Cer ied Passe y Co cil Secretary Y � p d by Mavor: at _ Approv d by yo Su ion to Council B — BY �IW.1stt�D MAR 1 5 198(.l �.. � • L ' - - �a ' � �~%1�.-�'h.'"� � , r`� � .oL:-'�x.� i Fz� HOtiO.�BI� ?�'AYOR AP�D i�.M3�tS OF TN.r. COU,iCIL OF T� CERTIFICATE Or CITY OF SAIb"T PAUL IrY�*iDED NON-USE . _ The ur.dersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise ' their utility easement rights in the follrnring described realty; That part of the a11ey adjoining Lots 9 through �5, � Block 1, Riverwood Addition, lying nor�theasterly of the westerly line of said Lot 15 extended southerly t�ie foll�auw�ing sterly line of the-.alley. This .in�ludes All of the vacated a11ey in said Block one (1) in . Riverwood Addition lying north o� a line parallel with and eighteen (18) feet north of the south line of Lot ten (10) in Block one (1) in Rivercaood Addition extended west to the northwesterly line of said alley. I}a,t� December 10 , 19 79 � "c c k��4 Ll r � ' Director of li ks City of Sai Pa � General Manager, Water Departaent City of Saint Pau1 Northern States Poker CQrap�z�y � By ��L� � North�estern Bell Telephone Coatnany BY (SEAL) r + . . t • ! T:i. 'r.O:;C?.A3L:. M�YCR Ai� 2�.'��S ��'iIFICATE Or 0: TrJ. COtT:iCII, 0: T� I;:,L;*,-r��p p;0i�-L'S� . CITY OF S.AIh'T PAUL The u.^.dersibned hereby certif� that they do not intend to exercise • the�" utility easesent rights in the follrnring described realty: That part of the alley adjoining Zots 9 tnrough 15, Block 1, Riverwood Addition, 7�ying northeasterly of tne westerly line of said Lot 15 e:�ended southerly �he follou�ng Sterly line of the .alley. This .in�lu3es �i All o° the vacated a11ey in said Block one (1) in � �verwood Addition lying north of a line parallel with and eighteen (18) feet north of the south line of Lot ten (10) in Block one (1) in l�iverc,rood Addition er.tended west to the northwesterly line of said �lley. �t� December 10 , 19 79 • Director of Public Works City of Saint Pau1 ' l- /✓ eneral Manager, Water D°paT �ent City of Saint Pau1 Northern States PoWer Co.npar�Y By (S�"AL) � North�+estern Bell Teleohone Co�oanY � (s�) . . _ , . ' -. T:L. H0;�0�3I,� ?�'AYOR Ai� t�2�3�RS OF Tfi COU�ICIL, 0� T� CERTIrIG'1TE Or CITY OF St1IIr� PAUL Zi�'�*ID;�J' 1;OiV-USE _ The ur.dersioned hereby certify �hat th�y do not inte::3 to exercise ' t�e�.�- utility ease��nt rights in the follaxing described realtf: � That part of the a11e;� adjoining Lots g through 15, � Block 1, Ri�%er;aood Adclition, lying northeasterly of t:�e westerly line of said Lot 15 extended soutr�erly to the sou.�heasterly 1i.ne oi the�.alley. This .in�ludes the followlno: - All of the vacated a�:.ley in said Block one (1) in . _ l�.verwood Addition lying r?�rth of a line parallel t�rith and eighteen (18) feet nortn of the south line of I�ot ten (10) in Block one (1) in River��ood Addition extended west to t�e r_orthwesterly line of said 211ey. � *Provided that existing NSP � ;�� ' Company Gas and Electric � Distribution Facilities are � allowed to remain in their �,�� December 10 , 19 7�_ present locations, until no/ `onger needed. i ' - Director of Public Works City of Saint P�u1 Geners� cianager, t:�s�°r D°p=rt�°^� City of Saint Paul Northern States PoWer CQ;npsr� � By � �t�..r.,� � ^ � � (S�'.,AL) � Northz+estern Bell Telep�one Co�any gY (S�r1L) ., STATE OF riINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAPfLSEY ) On this �'-T/!ti day of �9 ��, 19 , before me, a��no�tja,�y ubli wit�in an or said Cour.ty, persor.ally appaared Y1/� �' • to me personally own, w being b� me �uiy srsorn, did say that . he is th of hTORT�RN STATES PO'�TER CO�iPANY, a corporation, nam in th� f�regoing instrument, an�. tha� t?�e seal affa.xed �o said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrumerit was signgd and sealed in behalf of said co�p�rat"on b authority of its B oard of Directors and said �� 7f'� � _ acknowledged said instrt:ment to be the free act an d de�d o f said corporation. . • � • ..._._.._ Notary.:.. ub elO���t�F'CII .�' � i�iiilii. ; :�-..{,� NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA MY ��������A�g"�����NTY � STATE OF N�INNESOTA ) ) ss, - CO'J'TTY OF RAMSEY ) On th is � day of • 19 , before me, a notary public within and for said ::�',:�t}', persvnally appeared to me . personally known, who being by me duly swarn, did say that he is the of NORiHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CONiPANY, a corporation, namesi in the foregoing instzument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My com.mission expire� _ 2 __ . .:. ,.� - • . , . . � • •. TFi. HO;+O.�ABLE kAYOR AI`m I�MBERS OF TN� COU;ZCII. OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL IP�PI'ENDED NON-USE .._ The undersigned hereby certif`y tha.t they do not intend to exercise , the�r utility easement rights in the follotiring described reaZty: * That part of the a11ey ad�joining I,ots 9 through 15, � Block l, Riverwood Addition, J,y�ing northeasterly of the westerly line of said I,ot 15 extended southerly t the ou heaster]y line of the-.alley. This .includes ;� t�ie fo].��ng: _ All of the vacated alley in said Block one (1) in Riverr+ood Addition lying north of a line paxallel � with and eighteen (18) feet north oY the sauth line •;� of Lot ten (10) in Block one (1) in F�verwood Addition extended west to the northwesterly line oY said alley. * / Provided that existing Northwestern Bell facilities are 1 � allowed to remain in there present location until no longer � ,�needed / Da,ted December l0 , 19 7�_ ' Director of Public Works City of Saint Paul Genera2 ManaBez', Water Departnent City of Saint Pa.u7. � Northern States Pan�er Compar�r By (SEAI,) S Northrorestern Bell Telephone Comoany _ � t�� v . _ y . . • � . • . � ' . , ' • - . STA't'E OF IrINNESOTA j , ' . ' - : . ' .- . . . . . . . � . ) ss. _ _ . covr�- oF ��s�t ) � _ � - . . � - � � � On �his 21st day of January � , 19 80 , before me, a notary public i�ithin and ior said Co�:nty, � . _ - per nso ally aapeared R. E. Luqer � _ to me . persona?ly lcnoain, �vho bzing by me duly sc•�orn, did say traic . - he is the District Manager-Distribution of lv'ORTH��rlES1��aY B�LL TELEPhO� - COI�lPAi3Y, a corpora�ion, nam�d in tre foregoing .ins�runent, and � thar the seal affixed ico said instrun�nz is �he corg�Yai.e sea3. • of said corpoYa�ion, and tha� said ins�r�ment was signed and sealed in behalf of sai.d corpora�:.ion by authority of iLS B�ard . of Directo�s and said Corporation acknacolea�ed - said ins�rLmznt to be the free ac� ar,d deed o� saicl corporaL�on. � - � � . -. -- � Notary Public, Ramsey Coun�y, r1S.nn.. � . �►y cocr�missia:i ex�;ires �-a`�--�� . ti . .. � . z ° ' , . . : ,. ^,' n- • ' Z _ _... ._ _ _ . _. _ .. . __ `:-- t',e\`,,\��`�\\``\\ . I i � � � I�� I I �� � i i � _I._ 1 �� �� �� � � � 1 \��� `t '� � ___. ..-�-;- -- � _ I r � ` \ � \\ I f` -' - - - - r�j__ ��1 ��-- ' �'�r�.a�- .� N - -- � � .., ----- � \ \ , p 13 �_ /G'. � .iLi x 0 ` \\\�\\;\ \ �_� \\.� � .� I � y --iy �-- i. - .: -� �� , \�\ �\ � . �-rt------- � '�v,..r_"" , � \`� `���-�� / \;,1` � � I i i � /� � � ' •`i ---`- • ` � \\ `\ `\ - --�_�/ ' �' ` ' ' ' — 1 '_ `1 � _s:•. 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P� 8 ' � _•` ---• -- � ` � � P /54.8 � /79.3� "' . � i � : ,� U �� - ,� __ - 2�6�07 M � r �� � ` -- 5-..-----__.. h - -a i p ��0.4 � i /93.74� � . h . -- : : � �� . . , �j ti -s �t i 6 P \ _ - . _ h '�.�a� •2�3_- ; ` `t" p � "I M ", � ---. h G ► t -- /2S --- 52.73 � � 208.I�F___�,_ ?° �y t.__-_ ` �J� °{iac. �c-�a-s3 !/vcc�ted ti : _ 7�3G.39 �2 � " � 50 v2.�R7 42 42 ' 42 42 . � .1 ' � �Z�i � *i � � � o° / 2 3 � °o:31F' 2 3 4 5 0° 2'qs.ss . � c .,�,�� . j� � � �; q . � ��d �I� I A��I � � J�d _ � 42.��' � 42 _ SO •.1�R� 4?_ �� " �? __-�.___. . _ - __ ' _-—�S.fr7L_' __�_ __ _.' � _��•_ _ _' _ _ �.22._ _ — _ _ _ _' — _ _. .._' _ — — _ � rn�+ �' 7 7 � � N ��/ "�^ •/ N ���� V —� ' 0_ . 0 M � - 1 � ,� �, . � � - - - - - - -- -. . - - — - - - - - - -- - -- --- - - -- - -- - - , - - - - - -- -- -_�_T__._�/- -- - - - - - - - - - _ - -- n � �� iza.96� co �:so 2o f-- i5o .; . q , � h , 24 � � . ___--------------- ---------� ----- ---- ,- -- - W 2 2 '��' � � � 23 (4� 2 �; �' �� �''� � ' OF THE CITY OF SAINT P'AUL,��4"�'..��_•'�-:1039 bu g ]ine at No. 1074 Colby, said opening and operating to be set up appeal having been withdrawn. in Auditorium Fund 1021. Adopted by tihe Council November S, Adopted by the Council November 3. 1954. 1954. Approved November 3, 1954. Approved November 3, 1954. (November 13, 1934) (November 13, 1954) C. F. No. 170766—By Fran�k D. Mani- C. F. No. 170777—By Bernard T. Hol- telli— land—Severin A. Mortinson—Robert Resoved, That The St. Paul Asso- F. Peterson— ciation for Retarded Children be pe r- Whereas:Fred Zaine desires to with- mitted to inatall a banner at Sixth draw Appllcations C 8146 and 5634 for and Wabasha Street, announcing the Restaurant, Pool Hall 4 Tables, Cigar- National Retarded �Children's Week ette, and Foodstuff-Originai Container from November 14th tihrough Novem- ��nses at 207 East Fourth Street and � ber 20th, 1954, subiect to the applicant requests the return of the license fees obtaining permission lrom the ownera deposited thereon, therefore, be it of buUdings from which the banner Resolbed. That the proper city offi- ie suspended. cers be and they are hereby authorized Adopted by the Council November 3, to refund to Fred Zaine the fees of � $57.00 and to cancel said applications ;; 1�• for licenses. Approved November 3, 1954. Adopted by the Council November 4, ' (November 13, 1954) ig�, �; Approved November 4, 1954. �: C. F. No. 170767—By Frank D. NLarzi- (November 13, 1954) w` telli— - r' Iiesolved, That upon the pe tition of C. F. No. 170778—By Bernard T. Hol- �� Theo. H. Mertens and others, 'the land—Severin A. Mortinson—Robert portion o4 the alley hereinafter de- F. Petersor� acribed be and the same ie vacated and �rhereas, Froper notice has been = discontinued as a public alle : ��ived of change of otficera and That part of the alley ac�joining ���olders in the Chatterbox, Inc. Lots 9 through 15, Blcek 1, Aiver- gg�91 3elby Avenue, holders of On .; wood Addltion, 1ying northeasterly Sale L.iquor I.icenae No. 4427, expiring o! the westerly llne oi said Iat 15 January 31, 1955, therefore, be it "` extended southerly to the south- easterly line of the alley. Resolved. That the new stockholders and officers, Alf E. Soderberg, Presi- subject expressly to the following con- dent, F. Joseph Deuhs, Vice-President - diUons and reservations: and Martin J. Lyden, Secretary and 1. That the foliowing described land Treasurer, be and the same are hereby ''� be dedicated to 'the City for public approved. alley purposes: Adopted by the Council November 4, �:� 1954. • ,- That part of Lot 16, Block 1. �_ Riverwood Addition, lying south Approved November 4, 1954. of a line drawn from southeast- (November 13, 1954) !' erly corner of said Lot 16, thence west to and at right angles with t: the west line of said Lo't 16. C. F. No. 170779—By Bernard T. Iiol- " 2.All the conditions, reservations and land—Severin A. Mortinson—Robert provisions con,tained in Ordinance No. F. Peterson— 3394, as amended, entitled: "An ordin- Whereas, Kenneth P. Moss desires • ance regulating the procedure and to withdraw Applications C 5821 and prescribing the conditlons Yor the va- C 5842 for Restaurant and Cigarette cation of publlc grounds, atreets, alleys licenses at 420 Sibley Street and re- and highwaya in the City of Ssin't quests the return of the llcense fee Paul", approved March 16, 1915. deposited thereon, therefore, be it 3. The bond provided for in said Resolved, That the proper city offi- ordinance, to be Aled by said petition- rers be and they are hereby authorized ers, is hereby flxed at the sum of to refund to Kenneth P. Moss the fees $1,000.00. of�37.00 and to cancel said applications 4. Said petitioners shall pay to the for licenses. City of Saint Paul the sum of �3'75.00, Adopted by the Council November 4. together with the costs of this vacation 1954. proceeding. Approved November 4, 1954. Adopted by the Ciuncol November 3, (November 13, 1954) 1954, �_ Approved November 3, 1934. C. F. No. 170780—By Bernard T. Hol- "°"�� (November 13, 1954) � land—Severin A. Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— R.esolved, That Gas Station 2-Pump C. F. No. 170768— By Severin �ort- �cense No. 4352, expiring June 13. inson— 195,5, issued to Walter Johnson at 1166 Resolved, Upon request of Commis- Rice Street be and the same is hereby sioner Bernard T. Hollend,the free use transferred to Donald H. Tietz at the of Stem Hall in the Municipa1 Audi- same address. torium be granted on Wednesday, AdoDted by the Cbuncil November 4, January 28, 195b, for the Coronation 1954. of the Junior Royalty of the Saint Approved November 4, 1954. Paul Wlnter Carnival, the cost of (November 13, 1954) � �. '�i �; . ' �; , ONt OI: 22/1975 ° - � Rev. : 9/8��6 ����� R � � � � `� � p : EXPLANATION QF ADMINISTRATIVf ORDERS,���2 1J ' , ��� ;; MAYOR S �' �`'� . . �,,� +� � Date: F�bz�nary 19, 1980 . �, T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER c5.� Fit: J. W3113�a Dc,mc�n, �'al. & Assess. 8og�.nesr, l�pe,rt�ea� v�' ace & �nagem�nt �erviae�s '��ct. 53173 RE: R�lee.sing of Utilfty B'�samerx� as set feath ia Cc�nacil �'i}.� 1�. 1?a7�7, ��e� Nt�v�eml�r 3, �95�• ACTION REQUES7EDs � _ 1�3rooc's approval f� subaaissiaai to City Ca�acil. , ,; : � � � , � , .� _'� � � l�tl�'OSt AND (�ATIONALE F4R�THIS ACTION:: � : ' � � Tcr rsle�se a11 utility ee,sements�in a,r�a descri'bed 3a �a�unczil File 2�c. 17tf767• ;'� - , , AiTACtiMERi'S: 1. Res01ut3:c�t : ' . 2. Capy of �auacil F'ile l�o. 174767 3. Ce�rti�'ic�tea of I�tended �ioa Us� f'rcm Nc>rthern Statea Pc�nr,._Iiortlaa►ea�fi�ern 8+�11 �legh�ae Cc., Public Works, and a Water tt�ility, 'r�a �ia ;.