274509 `NHITE - C�TV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMEN File NO. Bl_UE - MAVOR uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council Legislation Committee has reviewed the laws on vacancies of Ramsey County Commissioners, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council go on record in favor of legislation repealing the 1894 law and place Ramsey County under the State-wide statute which provides for a special election to fill a vacancy on the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas MC AM�N Nays � �� [n Favor Hunt Levine __�__ Against BY — Maddox Showalter Tedesco �� Form Approved by ,Cit ney ----`` Adopted by uncil: Date —!�NR �� _ ,�._. Cer ied Passe y C ncil Sqcretary BY i MAR 6 Approvedby Mayor for Submission to Council Ap d by 14avor: D — g _ By �s�i.lSHED MAR 1 ;, i980 Robert J. Orth ' ' ��.� � q District 1 � � � �� � Chairman � � ��+°��`"� Diane Ahrens � o8rd O District 4 . . Anthony A. Danna ��C Qmse ounf omrnlsslone.t�s Distric[5 � � John T. Finfey o,st,;��3 Suite 316 Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Hal Norgard °;St"°�' Phone (612j 298-4145 Donald E. Salverda Drsbict 2 Warren W. Schaber District 6 � ��� Larry J. Brown � Executive Director s F�a 2 a �gao February 22, 1980 C�tlNCtLi�1AN 4;�N MADDQK Cauncilman Ron Maddox Chairman, City Council Legislative Commnittee 704 City Hall St. Pau1= MN. 55102 beax° Ron: _ __ General Statutes 1894, Chapter 670 provides, in part, �hat a _ varancy in the Office of County Commissianer shall .he. filled by a vote of the City Council for the City within which the district is locate�e The Ramsey Count�r Board is seeking legislation to repeal this law which would place Ramseq County under the state wide statute which provides for a special election to fi11 a vacancy in the Office of County Comt�3.ssioner. . The Ramsey Count� Delegation has askec� us to find out what the municipalitzes �ai.thin the County think of fi�his groposa.I. I have already discussed the matter with �he Ramsey County League of Local Governments and they have indicated no objection. I would appreciate hearing from the City of St. Paul as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, �---� i�\`,��� �'�---_�� Thomas J., TJR:gd ��� � .