274508 WHITE - UTV CLERK - -l' J��A�,/ PINK - FINANCE /� t- � �Sf\ ■ . COIIRC 11 n►s r,r�t,� CANARY = DEPARTMENT �J Y OF� SAINT PALTL File NO• BI.UE - MAVOR � ` uncil Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the E�cerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated February 12, 1980, and marked E�iIB2T A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 2/12/80 05-80-H 148 W. George St. C. A. Lindeke (seven units) BOARD ACTION: Granted variance of Section 54.11, St. Paul Legislative Code, to permit occupancy of Apts. �#2 and #3 where tenants share bathroom, effective for either the period of tenancy of Apt. ##2 by the present tenant, Minnie Uschmann, or until there be a change of right, title, or interest from the present ownership by C. A. Lindeke, Sr. , whichever might be firs� terminated, at which time said variance shall be nullified; on con- dition that occupancy of each of the said apart- ments be restricted to no more than one person, that all remaining code violation designated in letter of 1/3/80 be brough t into compliance, and contingent on a decision from the St. Paul Zoning Board of Appeals as to the number of units that may be legally operated on this property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary 'Z''�� � By l�pproved by ll�lavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY wHITE - C�TV CLERK •Y���'Y■!�I PINK - FINANCE COURCIl �� ����J� CANARY= DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � BLUE - MAVOR " � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- Property Description: Nelson Stevens Kings Addition N. 25 ft. of Lot 11 and E. 45 ft. of Lot 4 and all of Lot 3, Block 6 ----------------------------- and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Register of Deeds. COUNC[LMEN Yeas McMAHON Na s Requested by Department of: Y ��' _J'� [n Favor I�e�e- Hunt Levine _ � __ Against BY Maddox Towalter �AR 4 ,�O Form Approved by City Attorney Adopt y Cou cil: Date C tified ;sed by ouncil Secreta �'� �~27+� Ap o e by IVlavor. te � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY --- BY �S�tED MAR 2 5 1980 . _ _ _ . _ -3- �x �-11 ,C�l T �4 �. � " �����,��� � CASE N0. PR�PERTY APPELLANT . 05-80-H 14� ��. Georg� S-�. CoA. Lindeke - (seven un.its) __ SUBJECT: R�quest varia.�c� ot S�k. Paul Legi.slative Code , Section Sh. l�., perta n ng �o requir�m:ent t�at e�ch dwell.�ng uni�k con�ain ba�hroom faciiities �pith�n i�� �a alls , ta permit occupancy o� .A�ts . #t and #3 where �enants sha�°� a bathraom, because ��mplianc� ;�ou1.d cause practical� difficulty, and t�:nants do not object to th� arxax�g�m�nt. APPEARANC�: C.A. L�nd�l�� Alice Bijjani PROCEEI3INGS : �Ir� Lindek� tald the boax3 tha� his mol�he� hacl owned this property slnce 1�35. She had been granted a vara.anc� on tl�.e shared bath- room for the two �anits for so long as she c�w�.ed th� pro�er-�y. She had since died and Nir� Linc3eke and his b�n�hex ir.h�xi�:ed th� building which . C.A. Lindeke managed. He requestPd a conti.nuatio� of the variance. Alice Bzj j ani said there was a zoning problem, but: rhat Mr, 1,indeke liad applied for legal non- con�Urming sta�us . She explained that the building was a standard six-pl�x, two floors , �?:hree units per f�,00x, bu� one firs� floor uni� had been split intq t�ao sma�l apartment�s . h1r. Lindeke said neither uni?�: w �� ever rented ta more than one tenant. Each nad a beautiful kitcheri ar�d there was r�io possible ��ay to instal_1 an additional bathroom because of lack z,f space . It woul�: als�a be wastieful to deconvert the two units back into ene b�acause one kitchen would have to be taken out. One of the occupants had lived there £or 3S years , a birs . Ushman, at a rent of $70 per �r�n.th., and re].ocating i�ratz�d b� traun��tic for her, emoticnaliy and firLaneially , � 6�fi �' -4- y�� � . � �� � m��; 4 BO�RD ACTION : Chairman Wozniak moved that a permanent variance be granted to permit sharing of the bathroom between Apts . #?. and #3 , with the restriction that no more than one person occupy each unit , and on con- dition that all code violations listed ii�, the 1/3/80 Certificate of Occup an cy letter be bxought into compliance , contingent upon a decision by the zoning board that the property may t�e opera�ed as a seven-unit complex. blre Tieso seconded. NI�TI�N FAILED TO CARRY. THE VOTE: Ayes - 2 Nayes - 2 (Naibi, Reiter) Abstentians - Q BOARD ACTION : Mr� Reiter mov�d that a variance be granted for fihe shared bathroom for the lifetime c�f the occuparit af Apt.._-#2 , A�rs d Ushman, provided that all the i,tems �.n the 1/3/80 letter be taken caxe o£, and conditiona�. upon the decision of the zoning baaxd. Cha�.rma.n Wazniak �econded. MOTION FAILED TO CARRY. �� THE VOT�: Ayes - 2 Nayes - 2 (Naibi , Tieso) Absten-Cions - 0 BOARD ACTION: Mr. �Jaibi moved tha-G a variance be g�°anteci to permit the s -�iar� at �ooma effec-�ive for either �h.e period �f tenancy of the presen� occupant or for the period of NIr. Lindeke's owner�hip, whichever termin�te�. first , with the restri,ction that occupancy of �ach unit be c.onfined to ane person, that all code vi�lations be b-rought inta comp�Iianee , and contingent �, upon the decision of the zoning board. I�Ir. Reiter secand�d. MOT7ON GARRIEI? AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 3 Nayes - 1 (Tieso) Ab�tentions - 0 - Chairman Wozniak expressed t'-.e �ginion that the camplication of the motion as passed might pose a proble� of enforcement. � Mr. Reiter explai.ned that he voted in the affirma�iv� nn this mation because �f the long-t�r.� tenancy of Mxs . Ushman, who a� age 75 wo�.ld have difficulty adjusting to relocation. He said he hacl postured his motian in relation to the original waiver gr.anted to the appellan�G` s mother during her ownership. If Mr. Lindeke should return to the baard in the future, th� board would be aware of the reas�ns why the vaxiance was granted tod�y. . � 2/I2'f 80 - Meeting ?�TO. �SR r � � D�INUTES �F THE 1�4FETI�TG ST. PAU'L BO�RU 0� AT�PE�tLS �, ���'IE6V Tuesday, February 12 , 1.98Q City Council Comni_itt:ee I�ocam 7Q7 City Hall anc�. Go�.�rt House lo �Q p.m. �., hiEI�IBERS PRESENT: D.Do Wozniak, Chai.rman ' Arthur Tieso Ae Wali I�ai.bi `Tho�as Rei�er I�fENiBERS ABSENT: �styr B. Peake Ron Glas�man AGENCIES �'R�SENT: Com�un�ty �ervices De�fi . �- Divisi.on af Hatzszng and Bui2di.ng Cade �n£orcement ; �.�ice Bij j ani Ear� ConT�v Sam Blue _ OTHERS PRESENT: Mary Pat i.ee, S�. Ppul Tenants Union. _ LQac:��ine Yunker Fre�l �unk�.r D.J. lwhzn.ra . W�3te�� J. Hans�rr Linda Kohl . K.W. Koo�z . �ar� Metzg�g . STAFF PRES��t'T: Pa�ri.Gia Moxne�s � Chairman Waznial� called t:he ��e�ting to �r�er a� 1 :4Q p.m. � �ii.nutes af the m��ting of 1/8/8Q w�xP �.ppxaved �.� �l.istxibuted. tc� the mzmbers. �� , ,i � , , , y . . . . � . - � . . . , s � . �'t . . . . ., � . . . . %:..: . . : . � . ' � �� . � , . � . . . . � . . � � � ' � ., ;.. .. 1 � . . .. � ' . . . .. . ' . . � . - . , . ' ' . , . . � � . . . .. . � . ��M1Y .�� . � . . . .. . . . . . . ' . ,' .. ' . ' ' � .. - _ � : . . ,. . ,. .. , ' .1�`;� . . . . . . . , . . . .. . . . � � � . � � � � . � . .. . . . , . � . . . . .�. ;� �.. . _ . . . . , . . . . _, . - � , . � � . � � � � . � � - .. . . . - . � . . � � , � . . � ... �� . . , .. .. 1 I ; � " _, " , ,.,, _.. � . . ' � , . � . . . � . . . . . . r. ! . , � . � � . , . � .. , . ., . � . �. . . . � .. . . � . . . . . , . . .. .. . . . � `.M��, � � .. . . � . . . " . . . _ . . . . . `, . . .. - . . , � . . . . . - . � .. �. . � . � �_ . , . . � . . - . ' � . � . . . � � , . . . . 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' �� , Attscbe�d #cr, �iling.in yoeir office ia a cer���ied copy pf �Co�n631 � F3�e No. ;2�4508, adopted'b�c the C�tp Co�Cil;on'I�rr�h �, 19$0. . a F � _ _ _ . ' , � . ;,' .�'. : 9e trul � ,;� i'Y Y: Y'our . , . , . . , , � l � , , - , ,�,� i . •, , � Bose Mi.x ; . . ' � � : G�tyr Clerk ', `:. . . _ � - . . � ,; � ; sc�scb: . , : . , dcr - `� ` J � ' - � , , , . , . , � �:x , , ;�: . -. , � �� , �'. . ; , ,.' a.;� , - _ , _ ,� � •~ . „. � . , � . M ' _ , , � ' . , � ,� t , � - , • . '" ' � ...�.���