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���s� : City of St.Paul COiJNCIL FILE NO. RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT By File No. 1T749 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for (��,�����j], g�0t7r Syatas) eanstr�tating public stox� aa�wr !a ehe tollawi��q straetst HAYLESS A�TB ire� Tar�ritosl+�i Baad to M�nrnl Stre�t CR.O�LL AVE[�tta iraa Eay2es� Zlace Lo 'tearl �tr+�t MA�NEI. l�T�BET �so� Ea�leaa A�ne ta l�±�d A�ane NA4�PDEN A� tra� SQl9 le�t �urta�l�r ot �a�r�on� As�ne to Ra�wrnd Avs�nae IANG AVENqB irom �►�I�su P9.a�e to Eili� Av�nw a'RADFORD STRI�T f re� E2iia Arae+�ts t�a Lo� Awr�a� HAt�'DS�t eVBNtTE �xaw Bradiosd Str�t ta 208 tset Eaat�rl�► BBAD�'O�D ST�ET t'tma H�dan A�n� tm i�jeclilt Aveana 1�RBZ�! �TREBT fraa 811ls AYee�a� to Bbdico�t Straat THRRII�O�RIAL BQAD trt� Rumt ?lsca ta Ra��on� Avea�ae AifNT PLA�B fra� Tarritos�ial. �ad to 4QQ iut �ortlnerl,�► and aa aair�t to bs obtaiaed lr�e Htm,t Plaeze to Ba.yleu Ai�nu• (8-tf�►60G3). under Administrative Order D"83Z approve� l�SOtl�lbas' 4� 19�3 Preliminary Order 263036 approve� Ysb�c�taz"! Zfl� I�75 FinalOrder 263142 approve� Mar�h 11� 1975 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore,by it RESOLVED, That th� said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. RESOLVED FURTHER,That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in �l U� equal installments. COUNCIL EN Adopted b uncil: Date JUL 15 1980 Yeas H zZ Nays ,uL � r� �� �^� C tified Pas by Co cil Secr ary H U t Levine �..�V P. Maddox � In Favor `�'{�'; UX McMahon M C i': :, h Otl Showalter Against �Ch `1 �t@C Tedesco �.yp,��,y Mayor Tedesco Wilson � "M`� � JUL 2 gp City of St.Paul COi1NCIL FILE NO. ������ Office of The Director of Finance By REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT File No. �'77�� In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for (�1���11 =t�YR �lM� �COn��se�tf�a� 1l�t aRennl �ae 1A �1aU loll�wi+�� s�r�aE 'l�1�lt! Avf�Y, ra� T�rritsr3,i�2 1fa�d t�► l+�al ats�+�a�c �+t�t.b 4YElIqE f rww Enrlsss ltaa� to �+�asl �:a�rt MA[�YtL. !�Y'Itt�'!` !� �jl�aai ,A��naa� to �a�ra�r�d ,k� '�11Mt7tE�t �� �ee�r ?QO !�t rsst�slY of IG���d �ir�aw to 'Lrrad �inrswr i.0�i �.� tsaK ]i�rlas M�s� ts 1�11la I�w►�r�e �111111�f�A� S'1'�T l�ais E1.lii j�s�at �s ?� � ; � A�3E i'ras B�adl+a�'d �x�at Le �40 l+�rt Ea�rtarl�r �RA� 3T�"#' trow �d�e A�a� to �ne�.ill � ��1' S'!'�ElT ��+ew 813.3s Ai►�a�a �.e 1�ti�aot� �ttrrrt 7E�IT�IAt IE�D is�ow ibAE Tlaa� to 'l�it� A� !�'i' lLACB i��aw Tanrritosisl taad ta At�4 !�t eon�t�sly �d aa ��L to be �lrtaia�d fro� �t �lic+s to �j1��n � (S-�O+�b�0�3j. under Administrative Order �"`�g� approve� MAt�bst 4, 19�3 Preliminary Order �����' approve� �'��� �Qi 1�75 FinalOrder �gst4Z approveri �!� 11• 19�5 To the Council of the City of St. PauL• The Director of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 141,590.94 Engineering and Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 19,320.51 Valuation and Assessment Services g 1,040.00 PostalCards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 55.50 Finance Accounting Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2��•50 Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 277.5(� Collection Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 555.00 Court costs for confirmation . . . _ - - - - Q --- --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 163,116.95 Charge to HRA Funding 12,503.11 P� 11,534.86 WPAF 72053-537-000 78,088.47 WPAF 72053-537-000 1f3,553.02 Net Assessment 42,437,47 _ �a,u ,.,u �w► rurmer repor s tnat ne nas assesse an evie the total a�nount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $ t{T 3�, u� upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improve- ment, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said � assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Director, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated��J I�� c�RMI�C��hl.. � l�e�.��'� Director of Finance � ��'C� ��� i � �ITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERYlCES ASSESSMENT DIVISION �y CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 ������"/ 2 Z� +�A u�, ;�x�'R..; : June 27, 1980 File 17749 Page The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. on July 15, 1980 to consider ratification of the assessment for the improvement described as the BAYLESS-CRONl4dELL STORM SEWER SYSTEM. This improvement has already been completed at a total cost of $163,116.95. The recoonmended assessment against the property described below is as follows: Within twenty days after the order adopting the assessment, any peraon may appeal to the District Court by filing � aotice of appeal with �h�i City Clerk stating the grounds upon which the appeal is taken. Such noti.ce shall be filed with the Clerk of the District Court within ten days after the filing with the Cfty Clerk. (Charter Sectioa 14.01.4) . Failure to file the required notices within the times specified shall forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment. If you would like more information about this improvement you can telephone 298-5421 for construction information (Department of Public Works) or 298-5241 for assessment inforcaation (Department of Finance and Management Services). In addition, ._the City's Technical Advisors will be available to meet with you and discusa th� improvement in Room 218 City Hall fran 9:30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Formal billing will be made after adoption and publication_.of the. above improvement. J.'WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION & ASSESSMENT ENGINEER . '- � � ' . . . . . _ � . � . . . . . . i.... .. . � . _ , � ' Fivan�e File Nta..:�7749 ` � `. E�SSESSI�dT ROLL� °. : . � � . r� , Re: ., BAY��SS-GROMW�LL STORM SYSTEN! (5-0460G3) : . - , . P.R.D. City of St. Paul (2424 Ter�i�o�ial R��d� , � �315:06 , . E�ccept east 110-:�4,et,�.Lot $, Au�ito,r�s :$ubd�.vision No. 4 -� . - �: P.E.D. Ci�y of St. Pau1�. il(241�3.�errito�ial�Road.}.. ' ' ^ � �285.6Q ; West '6{� feet of ea�t_ i10 feet of Lot 8,� Au��;tat's �ubdiaision No.4 ` � ,_ F , . . ... . . P.E.D. City of S`t. Paul' ; . , $205�I�8+ = Except north 50- feet, the �ast 50 fe�t of Lot 8, Ai�i�or's:S�tb� �` `� division No. 4, '' �� : P.E.D. Citq of St.` Paul ' $100.40 North- 50 feet of east 50 feet of Lot $, ,Aud€tor's Subdfvisd�on No. 4 ` `� ' ' � : Ctt�:of Sair�t Paul {�aker Sc'hool) $417.3Q. Lot 9, Aud�tor's Sut�div�8fon �1a. .4 , . . . , ,- . , v, ,. . , , �. .Mildred E�and A�nd�� �.rAverb�ck (f�e� . $571.34:, .� Midway Froperties (Cf�'?: . - . : Sub�ect ,to pr�:vate easements at�d i1�pt south 1�+0.�85 f��� c�f Lot � � • .° ,•` 27, �asur�d on aad at sight angle, with east.� line th$reof and :ex� , - ::, : �., ' ' , � , • cept sautheast 17.,.l/s `fe�t, mo�e or less,. as in Document 10178$1; of - .� -� � �� � . part;:af.Lot 1�0,` �ou�h o�. extended, north line;�� sai.d -pa"rt of; Lot ` „`°' r " ' �? t1�e fol];o�n;g� Lot 2��fi an� sou�'heaaterly'�ialf of Lot, .1Q, Audi," . I t+�r's:`Subd�nisiim Nv. 4 . Aarold L McC�n: . $969.5t� - `- Except :the southwe�t Z5.feet the fo3.lciw�ng,�;`�o�en�e �t a..pa�t _ �: ' r:, , oi� the sbuth, liae�o# I,ot. 9:0, 121.57:.faet from,tlie aou.thsiaat c�er t�i�reof, then�� northweat� a].otig .t�e �aut� l�a� of �Ls- .i0;���,I�,id '12 ` ; to a,point, 41.9� feet west.'#��,:the .�ast: �ine�b:€'��ot l�t, t�ence ,, � � . � �orthea�tierlq on a line pe�ralle� tt�,and 41.9 feet west of th� e�st . , .�• �k..� � % 13,�e, of Lot I2 to the sout�(e�'!,y l.ine of''Te�r3torial ,i�eail', thex�ce f s '- w . .i:... � : ♦ •4- � ��` � '�sout�'heasterly akdi�g t�te -ab+�t��r�..q:lint o�£`Territc4r�a�. Road.`to a � � '�� � poin't being 109.13 fee�:,w��t �� �he w�st� Iine +bf. '�.ymon� AveSnue, ` '��l�et�tce southwesterlp to°:btagixani.ag, beit�g; �art. of T�ats lU,,.1,1, ,sud . ' ' ,.:; ,. I2,.�1�ud�.tox'�s Subd�.v3sion�..Nt�. 4 r q ; �� Jac'�,D. �Eta�k� �.�i �� � r� �' � ' +$'13.15 ... ,.� ., `. � . ° , � . _� �� , . - , Sub3�ct to p���rat�e- ease+be�«ts'pa�`t of north.32.49 .fe+�t�.t�€; south� �" t - . 140:�5 f eet`af s Lats i0 ait� �2� �easured cm ai�d right ang1� �th '->e�.�tC'Ii.�;i� of Lot 27 .�nd v�t`h .scr+uth �ine. exte�ding to nart�w�gtet�:� f' ,� +..��. '�:�, ��.�1���->.Qk� �u�,[le�tt���" 1{��tiX4 -���i.Qt,,;.•,a+�L. .�l�Q �ia+a� north..�ifa�a mea$���scc� r r � �r Y� n� , ing�5�.��' -��et �e�� •pa�'� of� �bts zy and �0,' �i�ito�'�s �ulydi�`�.'s�o� , , , . ,. , I+Ya `: .:. : . . _ . : _ . . . , ,:._ . . , _4 , �. ,�rthur 1E �ind���o�, Rt��� 'E. �.1�d, �� Sns�i� 3 Anderson , - . $9$.16 � ��lest' 12,Sb' �e�'� of.e���:�6�.�►9'feet �rf I:ot 20, Aud�tor's� Subdiv�.- . ,, ,sina,No�� 4 ' � ' . . , . . . = . . . ' . . '�` ,i' .. � � . , . . . � .. . . . -�lr�� R`�erson,� �� �� .�� R Y - �99:,b44; , ���)esi, 58.10 fest;, c�f'��o� 13,- Aitd'�tor'e S�Biyisfon No. �4. . ; �,. , , . . . _ . .� t i, , . . . : : `'�l�a�t"Inc��ss�rie�s ' � Y, ', , ;- � �41..9a; ` .,, E�ccept aort�e�texly �$�,1-°fe���d °except sai��heast� �i 1..� .f�et lq-' . � ;;: , .�., . �.. * ° °� .i� �crthea�te:�iy ,o� sot��li��e��q 2� fe�t,� Lot l�, Auditio�'e `S�b- ` '' g... ,��, ,di�i��.cm.No. 4<:' ,�;: .� ��.,� t „ z � . , Arthe�r R�Andereon,�.+� al " ' ' : ��•��� ' . � ��''LdtN'�3 s~�'3��M.'est�i"�'�io. '�+ � . �Tw�iii Ci��-,:�ilk:�duc��`s ... , � • � ` ��1,35$.50� , . , Lots �4., �-5�, ��r3 `16, Auud'3.��'�s Sub�iir�.�s�on, No: � . : . ..,,,. _ � ., , . , , .. . . . . , -, . .> ,,. . -:,, , . . . � � � , �n.Ci�q Mil�C'"���ex.�;;; . - :. � �$458�6r+t ,, � � :�: , °� Lat 17, �Aud�tor'.s S�bd�;Y�t��on N�. �:: : . , . _ , . . , ,. . . . , - _ : Y _ . . : , . ; �.. . .. . Ztaim City`Milk Pxo�+lic+ers � ," �` hsE$461.�74 �: �ot 18, A�difi�iE'�; Subdiv�.sian No. �+ �..: _ , , , , . ;, ; . _. ,. ... . . .� x , . . .. �5.4. . .. ;.. ;� ' , . , ', - � ' .. � . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . � . . . . ' ' � . � . . . ' . . ' �.t - ' . .. � . , , . � , _ ... . ��i� . . , _ . .. . .e.�..� .+ a . �. . -., , .�. . � ' , � .Y:. . - . ... .� e� . . • . . , �.. . .. . . � . � : < ... ;� �, ,.�...� .r�.�d. ., , �.�. • .� ,s � :..., .. ,.� . , ,: , , <, :, . ,,y' , ,.:: .. ,. , . . . . . � . ,,, , - • . � .;. � r ' �,t .� . , .. ,z . : 3�'�nat�e� �i�e No. i7�!49, > .. - . .. , , , , .. : s : > _ ; � _ ,n , . , . ��i�,SSESSMEI3�° ROLL . , . . . ., ,. r - ` Re; 3iAYLESS,-�O�IW$�:I� STO�tM 3Y�EM (S-046Q�3-) . . � , , . . , . _ : Y'�� . , . . Rober.t A,;John A, �and ��red�xi'� A ?�or�nce � . ;� , � S'�90.5$i': . . Except �iort�wESterly��A �eet and' except,souCheasCerl.y T5:.Q9 feet, < A . ` �• " °" ' Lot '�9;. �uditor's Subdfviaion`No:' 4 , - , '_ lR��r R Ande�son,� et �1 &799.9��. . y �' � N6rthwesterlq lOQ #eet of ao;n��easter�g 150.99 €eet af�L'ot_�20, � ' .: � . ':; ,' Auditor's Su�ivisiort No. �+ ' ` .::.. . . . -. : ; Arthur R Atxde�scm, et aI ' $2$4.��1., , � .� :;Northwester�y 35 ��e� o� :$Q�ath�easterly 50.99 feet:ra� Lo,t. 20,.Audit�o.r . ' - to�`'s 3,ubdi�risivr��=�io. 4- . � � � . C1air E����Ammen , f �1�D8$.$4 ,. r. . . . . . . , . < <.'.Sou�'�easterYy �'?5..99 'feet�of' Ilot,:19;and �ept southeastex�;� 163.49. :` .. ,', feet, .Lbt�:;=�El; Aud�.tor'st':3ul�d�v�sion M�: 4 _ _ :w ,, . , ;.�hur R Ati�lerson,. et a1 �. '_�` .�4Q6�ti4:; ` 3�ut,hQastexly i5.99 fe�tT'���s'� '20 a�nd a11 -ct�'. I;ot`21,� liiltd'ito�.'s . ",, y,: ` : . . �Subd�:visios}.:�o.. 4 ,. .. . : . . .• . .% _ '};,, ::.y - ... � . . ,. . � . ... . . ... , . . .. p. . t ._ .. . . . , . . . � _ . � , . . . . . .'. :..r . . . ..�.. . . � . C.J,,�.�A�sacfation , : « �$93fi,97i ` .. =:�authw��t ��� `fset of�I,�t 'T� r�►i�:�ccept �outMea�t �2I.57. fee�t; mo�e : �'„� =�`or� l�ss,, tAe souithwest �� �ee�'af Lot lb and. a�1 of I,c�t 2�, Audi= `.. � 'to�r�' Subdivision�No:•. 4 �, � . . . . . - .. . � . � . . ... � . - . � � " R� . .. � �Power'Bra'�� and Equfpmertti Compatip ` � < ; �: ��:,284.86 Cot�►t�ncing"a�C a pbi�t �on the, �+iot��h line:�of I,at 10, 81.57� feet frc�m : � W,` sau�et, �co�a';t, th���!v�., the�ii��s�'northwest along .satd s�uth -3ine `.. � �''` .` ., r.. . , , . , - _ � 4Q fee't,� .t1�ie�t±�� a�i�thea�t', tio � point on:T�err�tor�.a3. Road T09.13 ' ', . , �= . ... . ,: - .; , , . . � .. � � fee� .f��om Raysnond..Ayeatie,; �Yte�C+� �sautheast� alon�:�:sa��[ �oad 40 feet,:. " � �. : = thence �o beginn�rig and "l.ats 2�`and 24, Auditor's :S�bdivfs3on No. � �' �: �` �'.� Russel ;�wei;taer, $7C�8.'i�.� . ` Lots, 25,r 26,, and souttie��. � ��et o'f 4.�� �uditor's Su�idivistan I�o. 4 ` t .'�ial�a� R �i�r6se, et a�. .; °; � _ • �272.Q • '� . . � � ' .. -: `,; 'Exc;��t Che southeaster��'�3°f�t` that pa�t, of Ltat 27 €��id of the >.east���ly `�7�'.:'�4. �eet��of �i►t 10...�.yf.ng south af"a lin� at��ri.ght:angle � :n . �. ' `gngt�a �e�L��:ne o.f°.Raq��Atteriue from.a point on aa#�'�venv�e;. � �- ,. � �� ,, � .� `'a��":'tcQ�tlz��f�om soutFie���:��a'tttet�' of s�id Lot 27, Atsd�.�o�'s Subdivi- , , ,�� � ��';d � '� � � �s,`�i�.c� Na. 4 . '• . � � � '. �f:�� ,.� . :< <i�.: .,��. l , . - ..k;.. . . . +:t . _ � . e.' .. . . . ' . . .. * . . `��►�r;��c�.,i�.� bst atkd°.�lo�is e`'�e��ist:� r-, $�1J6.2�: . f �,,� � �t����� �d� ,�Lpt �.�<and,=�f ��t �asterl.y "17.t4". feet��of �it�10} lying „ � �' � '$ . � � b�t�i�se�€t'taq p�ra�:'1�1 littis� at right angle to westi 'lf�e o� R��rtd � °� -.� : �►ve�i�€e-'f�p��fi� on ���w�e�'� l:ine 56. :£e�e�>:at�td 88 fee� res�iect . �. - ., . ,� . ,: .�. ' �" � t�i�1y ndrt�.�rom ao�tth�l+� �+�er of ea.id ��ot 27,,A+�i�or's: S�b� divi���:.��•.�y T� ' . ,;+ � ' �*`�� A�n�`8�T�1�'t�b�ec�'. , .. l� � "' `� `, $� � � � - 4.4�; �' �. � : � � • . � .. .: „�. , ., . ,'° �:.:,�Suu�r�a�e�t _�o ���eway�eas�aetit, .�it, part -of Lo� a7 �d, a� th�� east— � � ' �. . ' r ��•'tb�-��►��•Lot 1Q 1qim� be�weeri two para�le�. l�i.i�es�:i�t; r�$'h� � ��`;� . � ; , ` , a�i►gl:i� to',�e .+r�e.s� lina�;��'R�pe4ond Avenue �rom poin��e :on: aefd�;west?.. ': � � .,Xin�"��feet� and 1Q$.36 f+eet �e�ect•ively north frc3m �southeast co�t- �.- - ' � �rte�:�f'ieaid Lot 27;. Aud`itid�c's�,9�i�divisioa �Io. ;4' . � . , �,:�" :rxw•}, . - . _ . , � , . . . . . . . . �. . . . ��' ,A�:�ald J��83awik �i^operties _ . �`�523 � :7�x 28., Aud3�a�`s 5ubd�v4�ion No. 4 , .> � � >, 8o�aa�d �,;�d. Annett� Comoa�rs , - - $3,472 62; ,. '� � '` Su��ecf;:;�o ��er easemettz;. the west SO feet of Lot-19, Audi�ar''s � `- a _ , { . , : SuEbd�,aisian� �i. 4 aa�d ��ep� :�a8teacZy 20 fe,et) Lo�. 1; also I;ots 2� �, ''' �d 9'�� 11; Y2, and. v�a�C�d at��y 1pt�hg,between� th��west line bf said . � : '�ot' 12�pr�uced�north�ati� .the �ast�erlq l�ne of said"Lot 2 pxodu�,��: �� t:'��utherly in?Bloak. 1-; C�ct�,i��.1= Fl.sce . �i.� . . . . . . .. . . l . � .. . . . ..�� � - ' �.'L. ..: . �: -� ... . �.� .�-' � . . '1� � � .. � .. . . . .��,It�tj;srx, A, .Tohn A, and Fred�rtck G Loretic�_: x . $228.78= ` . , : ;. . , . ,_ _ . - 9ub��et �Q sewer essentent; Lot 10, Blnck 1, CromweTl P]:ace �.' ' '�•� " � - _ . t. ' =h � . `�a , .. ,. ,: r. . ,. ° , , . . . < . • .-,. ..... r . �.. . . .' �.. . . � �.