275263 WHITE - CITV CLERK C�U�1C11 �52�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT File � NO. BI.UF_ •�MAVOR �`` il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Keith L. Hillstrom applied to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61. 101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to front setback of his property located at 1149 Sherburne so as to permit him to expand his existing house four additional feet into the front yard of his propertya and WHEREAS, Following a public hearing with notice to affected property owners the Board of Zoning Appeals by its Resolution No. 8595 adopted March 25, 1980, denied the request for variance based upon its findings that the request of variance was not based on any physical condition of the site that would preclude recon- struction of the house on the original site, that an_y hardship involved had been self-created, that granting the variance could be a detriment to the public good and could substantially impair the intent and purpose of the zaning ordinance, that the proposed expansion could impair the established property values within the surrounding neighborhood and that the variance request was based primarily on a desire to increase living area and thus increase the value of the property; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64. 204, Keith L. Hillstrom duly filed with the City Clerk his appeal from the denial of his petition by the Board of Zoning Appeals and requested that a hearing be held befare the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Board; and WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Section 64.204 through 64. 207, and upon notice to appellant and other affected property owners, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council where all COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Ixvine __ Against BY Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by i rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, t\pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by or r ubmission to Council BY - — -- BY WNITE - CITV CLERK COUIIC11 �52s� PINK �� - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE lr=.MAVOR File NO. t " + Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, and the City Council having heard the statements made and having consider- ed the variance application, the report of staff, the minutes and findings of the Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby RESOLVE, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby affirm the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter for the reasons as set forth in the findinc�s of the Board of Zoning Appeals and the City Council does hereby concur in the findings made and determined by the said Board; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appeal of Keith L. Hillstrom be and is hereby denied; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Keith L. Hillstrom, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals. COUNCILMEN Requested by Departme�nt of: Yeas Nays � B ler Nunt [n Favor Ho za #'y,.,,, _ Hu t Maddox � __ Against By — Ma x McMahon Sh w lter Showa�ter Te es Tedesco 1�1 � O 1980 Form Approved ity torney Adopte ounc : WilsonDate J �• rtified Y� ed by Council Secret y BY . A► d by :4lavor: �UL 15 1980 Approved by yor fo Submission to Council By - BY �t�susNEO JUN 19 1980 •. 1 . � : ' . �' . . , . . . . � , � . . , ' ... .. . ".. . ����� .� �.. � / . . � . . .. . . . ' � . . � .. '� � . . . , .. . .- ' . � . . . . . . . . . . . . i..-' . ' � � . ' ' �- ... . . � , . .� . . . ., . /' .. ... - �. , ' � � " � . � � � � -. . � . . . � 1 � , � . � . . '� � � . � \- . . . . . . . . • �. . ' . . � . � _ . ' . r . . .. . �' . �1� . / . . . . . � . . • , . r ' _ _ , ' - . 1 ( . \ . , , . . , . s •. • . , _ � � � , � � ' J�1�. Zi; .i9eo , � . : . ,� ; , . _ » _ � , Mr. Reith L. Silistrom ,' , ' � . � : I149 3harburne Avaaas , � . st. Pau}�l Miansaota . ; . � . , �, , . � � �. : : ` Dear Mr. Hille�ra�s _ � , � , , . � Bnclose. ia a copy of a St. Psul Cit� Council �sai�tf„c��n, ;C,F. No. , . 775263, �adopted bq t1�e Council on Julq �0, 1980 dermyiug jro�tit app�al'ta a d�cis�on of t�: Board of� Zoniag Appesis tos p�o�rtp.at '- 1149 S�er�urae Aveaua. ' , . - , Verp tru3.p �ours, , ' - ! I � - � . — , . _ /,, , , . Rose Mix� � - ; , , , , , , City Cleik ` - • � . - - , . _ Attach. . , , � • dcr , , S . - . : � _ - ccs Soniag Adsiniettrator , . ` Pl�naiag Coswission . , � . � , Board o! Zoning App�als , , - , , . _ ` - , � i , � . ,.. . , ; _ , . � , , - . ' . ; . ,., . . , ,, - � , . . , � - � _ .- • , . . . - � . • � + , _R���.�';�,.� CITY OF SAINT PAUL "•'; '"" a``. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ;M Ull'1'1111 �� -a ^` DIVISION OF PLANNlNG ,,. �, ��°"�uU� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR 2�525� June 17, 1980 _ Rose Mix, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 - RE: Appeal of Keith L. Hillstrom - Zoning File No. 8595 _ for City Council Action on June 19, 1980 Dear Madam• Attached is the Renewal Division's response to the City Council 's request of June 5, 1980. Also attached is a copy of the original "packet" that this office sent on May 22. The City Council has laid this matter over until June 19, 1980. I will _ be present at that meeting to answer any additiona� questions the Council may have. ; Sincerely, �V �_aurence ��. �J�n3 , � City Planner - WJ/mb attachments �� _ _._ _ _ _ _ ___,�;_ ._ _ . _ ._ _. . .._. .. .._. , .� ..... � _,.. __... �._ .._. �.____. . , � E : � CITY fl�'`SI�1NT P,�iJl. �` ' ' tNTERCf�PAl�TA+1�!'AL IrAE(�tORANDtJM j, � • � •.. I � �� � � z: ' � � � � � �.�� � ; t; � �.�.� . �� 5� �� ; : . , � � � � � � �: �fl�gl�s Ft�.: Administratcrr =' , .` �� � #t�aMa1 Divfslon � � . . . . r . , . , . . . , � , .. { � f�s ; �e�a�r�i J, Yarn, Princ#pa1 P'tannetr. . ; � f Plarming Division , . : , , , , . . ,. . ; , ,- , ; �. � ,, � f �s_ Zortfttg File Na. 8595 - APRiic�►tt:cu� of IG���t::�L. ��'�3�a � 1 . . _ t ... . :.� . ' . . . � �.. ,. � -� � �la�a �a adY�sed that t.#�e Cfty f.aur��i1 ��tei q�rer �e ��f�►�ee! �� �. �lica�tftri� for two rree�� un�t't June 19, ��98Q, a�d f�sltruc�ed PfQ ' # ; ' _ ., � : s�f �o work witfi M�. Hi l l straa and t►t� �l;��cen� n�i�bors. �� d � s ; , � _ _ ; . . _ . y, : _ ; , : = � - � `T�ia- ts�ing case involves a livit�g �ao� a�d�t�Li,on � t � frc�it af � `; � I�. !f#11s#a�`s hou6e which was b�tit�t witf�tt� a twi�d�ig p+�1t;. T!� ; ; a�d��iort is .fn vit►'fatio» of the front setbaeiC r�equ� s ��. �e ; #ng f�h#nance. t�. !#i 1l strom's �e#ghbc�� to tl�a ��► t lta�'s�g��t ' Q��'t�d 'tt�► �his illegal addition, a�hile ��s rueef�� ;to � �st-s�as ' i ° � � prob�2am witfi it. ' , � . , ,,, r , . . ,. , .,. . .. � , � ; . : , � T�e 2tm�ng �inistr.atoir t�as�irtfarmed Mr. �ti�'�st� #�� w°���. .�tave � ' {� : �1 . ' t�#�#n a v�ri�ce or tear ds�a�n the addit�odrt. : .Ala��� �ta� has � :' �x � �nded against ttre vari at�e a�u# the B�t�d of Z� At�p�}�, x� ; ; _ �! a 7 to 4 v�ate, denied the va�iance. .The :�ity� 'Cv�r ����� '� �' t�t ��Q s�af� t�nrk wit#t l�r. Hillstru� and� his ne�ghb+�s t� c�r�tipe � �� ` t #f �r� �tre any rsn�ra]. progra�a t�af carr assist I�. �t#�lst�: , F � �l� You �lease nssign some�e to this ca�e. I wi11 �e ��gy� tv j q��e ti�t �a�t at�,y addttion�l i�foriaatio� �s rt�+ce��sa�y. � f n h : "t .�., 1ys- +,fi�. � . ��1'M' �MiT/°-��,xMY! . ��V-�V���4� �ir" fti.�i�• �..,�, ' 7�. . � .r �"�tl � - ' .. . . .t'��. � E�/CC � �. � > � � � r. �,: , : � # � ` ��.. ' : . . c�: A1;01��, Ci�jc Clerk Office ; . -�. ' _ � .. i i ''� �'� � � � � � ���� � �� ,s x : < j : . - � • , $ � , � ` �, r � � � � .� � � ?� - � � ,k � ' _ . }�. .t :; , . a f . . � � . � `i�: . r.. ,v t � . '.. - 1�: +. � � . . . . - � .. . 1 r �i i �. . .. �.� � . . ., ... � ,.-� � . ... . . - ..f , _ . , -... t . '.. s ' . , ..'.. e . . ' . � ..'. . .... - : . ...� .. ` ;., ? � . .. �... .. ,. }� 1 2 A j �' �- � �Y. f �. . n . .�., .� � � � . ; . . . . � �. � .. � . .. _ �_ T l . ,. :' ..�• '![ ` . ' '�v� � ti � ' � •. ��� �` ) � 4 ( . . . . � " . "� � �� i E �Y{«�•. . �. . .r. ^�� .�..rw�r�++Y�.+r��www�r�rn!MR'�ew'�Mr' �'M�r� . . �—�r. . �.�� .. . . . . . ... .. �� � � ` � � . � � � ; �emr oF s�ir����►ui ; " ; > � - � . � ��r�taE�a�tT�r�rv��t r�+tt��r�c��l � . � 1 � ' < ' ; �� _ �k�: Jurte i3, 1980 � ; � q , • . . . . �. . � . ._ ,.. . . . � . .. . ; T0. ' Ed �i�rn ` ` ` "1 . , � E � , : _ { . Y �il: Ken �utfi#er � � � : j ,: � `, : t�S- � ��'f: 14e�t�h Hi�str+���4�4 Sherburne _ ! � �: ^ � ` �: � �; � � Pur�ant:to your �emo to Ek�tg'tas �ord of June 5�,� ��r�op�r lGe� 8�th�� au����11 Covk r�et �►i t� the �rer at t�i s_ pl a�e o� re�t#; , �e �,F�i�r s ,�na i�r.: . �: TF� �t�p+�ct#on rer�eals tfiat #.�e addition is a�re1,� in''�e -� �ir�. �I�` �� _� .. �` ` `; � a gh�-1n st.�ge witt�t any acldit�anal w#r�tn+�, #'�o��f g, i�l�atic�t� ar:���t �:: f. y�,�, {� a . . ' ������,: �l� �� �� ����� :� �0� �� .�-��'� ��� • t '� �i�'�'.����� ' � tht��c�st af �e �trewial is ap�ro�i�at.ely �;�. '�7�e �:����ct;#�,� - � f'�11�t� at� app'��c�ation �f` �h�eb��ltatian �ss�`�#�rri�e �� �� t��i�� :�i� 4�r � � tt�r +c��� h�� qu�tt�foatisr� for the variaus �b�lfta� .�t��� � ����:� . ,. , : , : ; ' �t �� st,��'"'.3 . ir�ian as a resul t v� '�e �s1te i�p�t�c� a�;����,�� re�f�� : , , fr�'�#ie;:�����tativn Lc�at� t�Ffi�e as:�fo)ic�s;• ` . , . . s : . .. . : � - _. ; . . . ,; _ #, F ��� 1�3��� �ch add�ticcu[[a1 c�ist, but a lot of a�dc�i���s3 ��, ���, '� ' � . r � . _ . ���-�,au�d�rea�Ye �� addi tlon i n s�u�fi a�'�t�►� � �_� �d�:y��r�.���� , ; � ��..l�ack r��r�esieri� of the zanl�g cod�. � i �. _ � , � `� ��� , .� � . � � , � :.: : : . ". € Y � ,��� T�re �°�ts aua�ie rod� on the::east sicle of.t� p��ty r�i��F� ��#� ` �. ` .x�, � � � r��r�fctfa�s to a+dd a bedraoom �dci�itian. - , ` `� 9 � -� i d F � ���= The .�er is �t eiigi�le #or an�r of t� �gra�s,l fe�ewa�,����� Qr c�� . �. ; .- �rin��t�t�ci t�y tfie Refiabii�tatfor� t3f�i�e. Th�s t c�:�c � #�t t!'i�t l.y, � ` � i�Pe�Y 'is ���her t�a�s#de #.�e C.D. elig���e ��ts ����� �� ; � = � �� ax�e�s �e;�►'�'i:�atbt� '1 imi ts. � , + 3, i � . . . � - ..� . �.� f . - - . . . . 'i . . a ;". ; . . i � {�t}. '�1r� �e�tewal st�€f could prorride th$ Qwner witfi � �i��'�;{�t�t���'���- `�: � _ �; : �t�on�adv3�ce o�'� ti�e best �e#hod to pirovide addf� : '� ���`�����. �` . k' .�. f _.. . ;� _. , . .� ..: .. :... .: � ... :' ; � ,:. ,, : {' . � � � t , {5)F 7"� o�r hais t�en aNdvf s�d b3r the Refi�tri�l i tation 4 � �� ite ��,!Ne ` , ; �: i ` erl��ib�e f�r a loarr to refinance ��s FHA Mort _ ` 9��' i� �►.�! �� t � re�w��lft�t#t�n work �t+er th� St+�t Program. . . :� ! i _ � K�Gfe�t � � - �:� � cc: !�1 as �ord ; - ,° 3 ' Tl�y 1�CN�I1 iS . , �: � ,I * . . - ,;� ! 'i ��; ' � � � � �;�. �_ - � , - _ �x : ; ; t. ; ;. ' . 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Room 61e7, Ci�Gy Iie13 � . ., ; , Stt. Pa�al, Mn. ' , : � .� , ; , • � , Desr Sin: � � �� � � \ . . T�e City Ccunell tr�a�y dented' th�! appeail of I4sith �iill+stro�a to a. ; _ decisior� of tl� Bot�rd af ?oaing Appesls af�ee�iag �l�rty at , � . 1149, Sherburae Aven�e. iFill you pleste p�epare t�het prop�r . . r�iacilutiari�3mplementin$ fihla actiori? � . - � � . Y Vtt`ry .�?'u1Y 3rours� . , ," _ �. � � Rbse.,1�lir, - ' � f , . t ; �i'ty Clerk ' � . ` � � -- �� �� J . , _ 1 . A�30;ls � � , � _ � k - 7 • , y � _ r � , , 4 . . ; � i _ _ , ' .�, . * � , , , , � , ' �, • . i' , : . • - ` r,r. . , _ � , ;, , i • . . � , � .. . , - � - ' , . . ' � . � � .. . . , , . a�� � . {r F . . � , � , . � i . . ' � � _ . . . .. . � � . - � . . l i� . . � . 1 . . � . ' . - � . FB��� .. . . . ' .. . � ,. . - �. / - - \`"\�� ,. . ' . .- . ' � ' � j�,; . � . . . , . . . . . . . . . . �.. � �.t � ii.� �� - � , , a ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . � . , � I • � � ,��i � � . " . . . � � . � � . .. . �_ � . . . � �:: . . _ � . . . r. . . . . . . . j: - � . � ' � . � � � = � . . .. � . . � � ' ' .. � .. - . . . ' a �_ � ' . . � . - . . . .. . � . . . . .. � . . � ' . - . . , ' ' . . . . ' . . . . ' . . . � . � . .. .. f� `� . . ' ' '. . ' . . ' l � . ` .� . � � � , . �. � . � .. . . � . � � � ' . ' - , � . . . . .� - . - ,1 . � . � � . . . , �t `. _ . , ,. ' . . . � � . . . ./' . � . - . , . � . � . � ' . � . � . .. . ,. _. .,.�ii� r ��°,°,T�'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL e`C1T7 o>Sn;' ' ~ '"" '�' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $a ..�.� �= '�� u�umR ,; 3�:�tut !II�f �' "- DIVIS}ON OF PLANNING ''�� � ""'�.',�� 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paui,Minnesota,55102 CEORGf LATLMER . 672-298-4151 MAYOR ^��+ ���s�.) May 22, 19so � Rose Mix, City Clerk - 386 City Hal1 Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 . � RE: Appeal of Keith L. Hillstrom - Zoning File N�. 8595 for City Council Action on May 29, 1980 Dear Madam: � This is written in response to the appeal filed by Keith L. Hijlstrom of a decision m�.de by the St. Paul Board of Z�ninc� Appeals affecting property at 1149 Sherburne Avenue. The property is located on the no�th side of Sherburne bet�veen Lexington and Dunlap and is Tegally described as Lot 19 and west 10 ft. Lot 20, Block 5, Sanborn's Midway Addition. - This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning Appeals on March 11 , 1980, at which time staff recommended denial of the request to rebuild and extend his porch 4 ft. further into the required front yard setback area. :It was noted by staff that the addition was already completed, the addition was built without permit and that the porch was, in fact, an expansion `of the living room. One letter from the abutting owner on the west was received in support and one letter from the abutting owner on the eas� was received in opposition. No opposition or support was present at the hearing. On a unani�n�us 7-0 vote; the Board of Zoriing Appeals denied the reyuest - based on findings that: request is not based on any physical condition of the site that would preclude reconstruction on the original site; that any hardship has been self-created; that there would be a detriment to the public good and would impair the intent and purpose of the ordinance; that property values would be reduced; and that the request is based more on � convenience and the desire to increase the value of the property. _ This matter is scheduled to be heard by City Council on May 27, I980. Si ncerely, t � , ��U����/'�� U aur n e J n� L ec . Jug City Planner Zoning Section LJJ/cc Enc. _ _ , _ __ _ . ,_ _ :. ...... _ .. _�� .�.. ___ _ ,_.,, .... . ...�_�:_o- a _ _ ' ��°���- �s �CITY OF SAINT PAUL �_•�'�d��*• o,"w, . � =�'` � '-�' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ; ,; €a _� �: . s� ,unr�uu ,: %� �"" ""'� �� BUREAU OF RECORDS .• _ ''�a,, ,... 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 "+m�..,...�..�' 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR April 29, 1984 Mr. Paul Desch Finance Dept. Room 218, City Hall • . St. Paul, Mn, Re: Appeal of Keith I,. Hillstrom to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals for proper�y at 1149 Sherburne Avenue. Dear Sir: ' A public hearing date for May 29, 1980, in the above-referenced was set by the City Council at its April 29th, 1980 meeting. Please send notices to property owners as required by law. : , Very truly yours, Rose Mix City Clerk _ ..� , NIFiS:la • cc: �Planning Staff, Zoning Section - .. Housing & Building Code Enforcement Dept. . . �"' Z� /�� �f� �G . ��QQ� _ V" • e� _ . �o � . ,�.. _ _ �__ _.__�...,��......._m��.__._�_�_�. . � , J : -� _ ; . b� .: , :_.,�"� f� - .._a.».....5.�...., �+�e�:_..__,n::Y.r�_.raFdMs.a;c�:p�u- .,...�:. =�lerz�l�1 ;oi0x. ;. _ .. �; _i-��'�': . .t.�)`��/� . �`/'� 1 , . - _�" -����, � f:r, ' __. __.. _ _ ___—._ .__ _ __ --- -------— __ ---------- --__ _.. _ _ , - - - - - , t,.� ;.: _..- ._.____ ___ ._ ___ -----_._ _ _ ._ _ - --------- ____--- .--- .__. _---- - _ ___ � €' '� ` �� ' '�, � •�s. 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HILLSTROM has applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61 .101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to front yard setback requirements in an R-4 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on March 11 , 1980, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203(_a� of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes attached hereto, made the fallowing findings of fact: 1 . That the request of variance is not based on any physical condition of the site that would preclude reconstruction of the porch on the original site. Any hardship involved has been self-created. 2. That granting the variance could be a detriment to the public qood and could substantially impair the intent and pur�pose of the Ordinance. 3. That the proposed expansion could impair established property values within the surrounding neighborhood. . 4. That the variance request is based primarily on a desire to increase living area and thus increase the value of the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that under authority of the City's Legislative Code, Section 64.206, the variance to expand the front of the house four feet closer to the street be denied, for property at 1149 Sherburne Avenue and described in the legal description of the application for variance and the site plan attached hereto. m oved by Mr. Parrish Decisions of the Board of Zoning seconded b _ Appea,S are final subject to appeal y Ms. Summers to the City Council within 30 days in favor 5 by anyone affected by the decision. against � _ _ _ _. . .._ ..__ _ � _ _ . .� • MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APpEAL� �N • • CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA MARCH 11 , 1980 � PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Summers; Messrs. Grais, Kirk, Parrish and Woods of the Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attorney Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman and Mr. Jung of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: Messr. Peterson. The meeting was chaired b,y Ms. Gladys Morton, Chairman. � KIETH L. HILLSTROM (#8595) : A request for variance of the front yard setback regu��t�ons in order to construct an addition to the front of the residence at 1149 Sherburne. The appellant was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. . _ ___ ..Mr..._.J_un� .shnwed._s_].ides. �f..__the .�.ite_ and_review.e�d_his ,staf.f_report _with a. r..eca�nmendatinn ___.� for denial of the variance request. A letter was received in support from Mrs. Parrott stating it was a big improvement to the property. A letter was also received in opposi�ion from Mr. Makky stating his objection to the proposal because it obstructed .__ - - �he view and was quite unsiqhtly. _ . ... _ . Mr. Segal commented that the variance request should be for 4 feet and not 9 feet as stated in the staff report. � Charles Erickson, .repr.esenting Keith Hillstrom �he appellant, reported that they ' did not get a building permit and if they could get the 4 foot variance, they would be willing to go back to the Building Inspector and start all over. They would work with them and follow it through. As far as the steps were concerned, they felt that they could be corrected. He said whatever the procedure would be, they would be willing to work fully with them to resolve the problems and conform as much as they could. Mr, Grais aske� how long th�y have owned the house •and t�uas •informed by Mr. Erickson a couple of years. Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Morton closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Parrish made a motion to deny the variance request because he felt it would hurt the general appearance of the street line and would reduce the property value. Ms. Summers seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 6 to 0. Submitted by: Ap roved by: �5;�� p� i��'� Laurence J. u � Gladys Morton, Chairman .,,� �_ . _...n_. _ � ._ _ . . ____. _ . _..,,_ ._ .,_ � . ,.�.� --. _.._.. ,. nm.. _Y., .. �_,_.___ . , a _ . •• �..;, � �j��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��'?� ��'�~w'�-`'� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: June 5, 1980 T0: Douglas Ford, Administrator Rene�:�l Division FROM: Edward J. Warn, Principal Planner Planning Division RE: Zoning File No. 8595 - Application of Keith L. Hillstrom Please be advised that the City Council laid over the referenced application for two weeks until June 19, 1980, and instructed PED staf� to w�rk with Mr. Fiillstrom and his adjacent n2ighbors. This zoning case involves a living room addition to the front of Mr. Hillstrom's house which was built without a building permit. The addition is in violation of the front setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Hillstrom's neighbor to the east has strongly objected to this illegal addition, while his neighbor to the west sees no problem with it. The Zoning Administrator has informed Mr. Hillstrom he will have to obtain a variance or tear down the addition. Planning staff has recomnended against the variance and the Board of Zoning Appeals , on a 7 to 0 vote, denied the variance. The City Council requested that PED staff work with Mr. Hillstrom and his neighbors to determine if there are any renewal programs that can assist Mr. Hillstrom. _ Would you please assign someone to this case. I will be happy to give that person any additional information as necessary. Thank you for your anticipated prompt action. -- EJW/cc cc: A1 Olson, City Clerk Office .�:�, , _ ,_.__ ,. _....��.._.�_.._ _.._._ .,�.,,,�..__..�....... . �._.. -. ..�,....,_ ... ..... .,_,..- .. ._.,..,_ , ...�.. , ,.,�_.:.w,�.�...���.,.._.�...M.�....,�..�.� .. @. _ _ r • • OGAC OJ7J ZONING STAFF REPORT l . APPLICANT: KEITH L. HILLSTROM DATE OF HEARING 3/11/80 :'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Rezoning ❑ Variance �l Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ Other ❑ �. LOCATION: 1149 Sherburne (North side Sherburne between Dunlap and N. Lexington) . r. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 19 & W. 10 ft. Lot 20, Block 5, Sanborn's Midway Addition. ��. PRESENT ZONING: R-4 ZONING CODE REFEREPdCE: Section 61 .101 -�. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 3/3/80 BY Laurence J. Jung -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. PURPOSE: Applicant requests variance of the front yard setback regulations in order to to construct an addition to the front of the residence at 1149 Sherburne. B. FRONTAGE & AREA: Frontage on Sherburne is 40 feet, with a depth of 122.9 ft. the area of the property is 4916 sq. ft. C. SITE/AREA CONDITIONS: This interior site is level but some 4 to 5 ft. above street grade and contains a 22 story duplex with a garage i�n �tlie rear. A 12 foot wide addition to the front of the house was added during 1979 (without permit� replacing a former 8 ft. wide porch. Part of the roof of the addition is also a deck with access from the second _. _. _stor�. - -The. singl.e front entrance leading direc_tly to, the sidewalk,is situated in such _ . ._._M a way as to create a potential hazard due to the numerous steps involved. Abutting land � uses include a two-family dwelling on the west and a newer single family use on the east. The remainder of the built�up land uses are also a mix of single and older duplex structures. University Avenue is one block to the south and N. Lexington is a block east. _ D. VARIANCE: Under provisions of Section 61 .101 , the Division of Housing & Building Code n�orc^ement has determined the front setback on the block to be 20 feet. Applicant requests a 9 foot variance to retain the current expansion which is ��et from the front lot line. f�� ,� E. FINDINGS: 1 .� The additien was-constructed wathout a �uilding�permit to replace a formpr,.porch �.� which extended up to 15 feet from the front lot line. 2. The addition which the applicant states is a porch appears to be an extension of living space since it is completely enclosed and sided. 3. The request for variance is not based on any ph,ysical condition of the site that would preclude reconstruction of the porch on the original site. Adequate space for extra expansion exists on the east side of the structure as well as the rear. Any hardship involved to the applicant appears to have been self-created. 4. Granting the variance, in this instance, could be a detriment to the public good and could substantially impair the intent and purpose of the Ordinance. 5. While not impairing an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, the expansion could impair established property values within the surrounding neighber- hood due to the nature and quality of construction involved. 6. The variance request appears to have been based primarily on a desire to increase living area and thus increase the value of the property. _ F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on Findings 3 through 6, staff recommends denial of the variance request. � � . . . .. . rt . . . . .. � . � ( ' 1 1 I L I I I I L L l I I 1 � � � � � � _t. . 1 i _-.i i. i 1 1_J ' _. _._ \ r.__._--- _f ` � - E ;.p 000000 �000 0000 , o 00000 �� ^ � ` � � � �A ��./F, __ _ �______e_ _ �' � i ni r� _ - �� � o 000 000 �000000-�- o � � , � �� 00000 o _ � .� . — . . . , _ � .� r�r�'I � �,r, ,,, ''� ' i=1 i Y lJ� SAi�'tiT PAUL '~ �����' �EPA�:T1�iENT O� �����'v!MUNl7Y SERV�ICE5 �......... - �,�..��), 1 �°��-! "� D(b!5(fl:r Qf NOU5ING AhD BUiLt�ItiG ;.OUE ENFORC�;�IENI' � �`� C�cy Hail,Sain; ?aul,Mi�ineuira 55102 t,t�orge iatimer ,�i,-yor fi72-29H-4212 � ;'�e�er�t;�r 26 , 197g _ . .,. . �:e:ith Hells��r�:�r�: i ` '_'+� ;�h�r�urne Ave . �: r. . Pati? , NiI ;�SLU�+ , .. . . .r�ont porch �3ddi'-ion . '.'�eri� Sir : :��'1 3��Ci11.1071 �'1dS �7Cf?il t?il�l. �`. 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".. . . . . ... . . .... . . .. . . . y�Y r " �_ , . . .. ._.. . . ...... . . .... � . .. . . .. .. ...�.,.. �-........-..� _ -. ... _ _ _ � - � .... ., .. ............._ ._._.. . .. .. ..._._....... _..-._. .._.._. _..._. ....._W... . ....,n......._. . ��- ,v..,.... .��.... .,._. .....,__..,`.._.... ............ . ..�........_.. _.-.�...�.,...�... , ���� • �--� � • ��___�__._— � . -� _�:�T��°��, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ':�,� a'F DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 9 4 ��i �y+ i�I�t ll�l� o= '' "� DIVISION OF PUINNING �%,, � �n� �... ._ �"'"`� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota, 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 672-298-4151 MAYOR ������ June 17, 1980 ,� - Rose Mix, City Clerk Roum 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Appeal of Keith L. Hillstrom - Zoning File No. 8595 for City Council Action on June 19, 1980 Qear Madam: Attached is the Renewal Division's response to the City Council 's request of June 5, 1980. Also attached is a copy of the original "packet" that this office sent on May 22. The City Council has laid this matter over until June 19, 1980. I will be present at that meeting to answer any additional-questions the Council may have. ' � Sincerely, � U V L�urencP J. Jung . City Planner ' LJJ/mb attachments � �� °����°��� � CITY 4F SAINT PAUL _`�..�C;T* o►`4r °�'� "'-��"`'= C OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �� Y� :t 111�11111 'i J ;,;.� �; � BUREAU OF RECORDS '9��,,�lm�.•�.�' � 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR r June 5, 1980 Planning Staff, Zoning Section llth Floor, City Hall Annex St. Paul, Mn. Dear Sirs: The City Council today continued for two weeks until June 19th, 1980 a hearin� on the appeal of Keith L. Hillstrom to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals affectina property at 1149 Sherburne Ave. The motion also included a request that the staff of the Economic Division meet with the owner on the possibility of an alternate proposal for the property. �Very trul.y ;�ours, � � Rose '�iix Cit�l Cler}c � ABO:Ia c^: Housin-; � 31�,�. Coc?e incorce�e�., �i�,-. �O � __ .._ _ �, . . �. ���;.,_; , e_ . . . _ . _.__ .._.___.. _._._. _.__......__..r.�.__.,�.�._.__M... _.__.._ . ..... . .._..,. . _ _ .,_ � _ w..__�._ _. _ hardship has been self-created; that there would be a detriment to the public good and would impair the intent and purpose of the ordinance; that property values would be reduced; and that the request is based more on � convenience and the desire to increase the value of the property. This matter is scheduled to be heard by City Councii on May 27, 1980. Sincerely, � , � , ;'a����� � � � Laurence J. Jung City Planner Zoning Section WJ/cc Enc. _ � � ' ���������� �CITY OF SAINT PAUL , _~;``'*�;%,' �� .; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :o -�: . =: nii`i ii'i%' ;' -,,� �� BUREAU OF RECORDS ''�a„ �... � 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ��imnr......°�` . GEORGE LATIMER ���� �8 �23Z MAYOR , , "`'-�%�t?� i , April 29, 1980 Mr. Paul Desch Finance Dept. � .,. -., Room 218, City Ha11 . �.. : .� , . _ . _.._ -„� St. Paul, Mn, Re; Appeal of Keith L. Hillstrom to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals for property at 1149 Sherburne Avenue. Dear Sir: A public hearing date for May 29, 1980, in the above-referenced was set by the City Council at its April 29th, 1980 meeting. Please send notices to property owners as required by law. Very truly yours, Rose Mix � City Clerk _ ., MHS:la � cc: 'Planning Staff, Zoning Section :. Housing & Building Code Enforcement Dept. - !�"" ' Z� /�� ��� �G � �'.�� Uc' . ��-! - . �� � 1� ` : .���'�i.��ee.....wa:�. � #:i= ,._..,�-_.�.,:wC.:v;a'*..L4�...,�.sl M ._�_.,,,. ..a.u"s....a0rrksw-:�..,-.-� �-��� . 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V . . . . . `�'�c'�.��. v�� — .��.�. _. ; _ __ , �--�' J ��tti `i �-v�rt� �- . /L.�..���.a.-�-�-�-r��- . --�/� `f 9 �-�,,-��-�-�.,,-Z U�--�— ; _ _ _ �--�, Q��.. 5 5 /d y._ ._ _ _ __ � _. _ _ _ 6 `�s -� � � � _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ _ a � • � - _ __ — -- -_ � _ _ _ __ � , � ,� _ , ,_ _� . ... .. . ..�. t.�..... . .. .. .. _.... . .... ...�. .. .. . ......... ...... . .. ...�..... ...... .. � . . ..-.. . ... ..,. . . city of sai nt pau I board of zoning appeals resolution zonir�g file number 8595 ._ date March 25, 1980 __i WHEREAS, KEITH L. HILLSTROM has app,lied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61 .101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to front yard setback requirements in an R-4 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on March 11 , 1980, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203(a) of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes attached hereto, made the following findings of fact: l . That the request of variance is not based on any physical condition of the site that would preclude reconstruction of the porch on the original site. Any hardship involved has been self-created. 2. That granting the variance could be a detriment to the public good and could substantially impair the intent and purpose of the Ordinance. 3. That the proposed expansion could impair established property values within the surrounding neighborhood. . 4. That the variance request is based primarily on a desire to increase living area and thus increase the value of the Property. _ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that under authority of the City's Legislative Code, Section 64.206, the variance to expand the front of the house four feet closer to the street be denied, for property at 1149 Sherburne Avenue and described in the legal description of the application for variance and the site plan attached hereto. m0\/e(� b�/ Mr. Parrish Decisions of the Board of Zoning SeCO C�ded b�/ _ Appeals are final subject to appeal Ms. Summers to the City Council within 30 days i n favor 5 by anyone affected by the decision. against � __ � _ . ..�_ _ _ J••-` � � MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APpE�1LS �N CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA MARCH 11 , 1980 � PRESENT: N�nes. Morton and Summers; Messrs. Grais , Kirk, Parrish and Woods of the Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attorney Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman and Mr. Jung of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: Messr. Peterson. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Gladys Morton, Chairman. KIETH L. HILLSTROM (#8595) : A request for variance of the front yard setback regulations in or er to construct an addition to the front of the residence at 1149 Sherburne. The appellant was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. _..:.�:����Nq����}rxiagl=s�irowa�r�:��.f�he�:a:��oad�.:re3ri�d:;�-i��ta�=�'r.�r�pa�+�:�,ri tk���ar:��e�r�da fi����:�� for denial of the variance request. A letter was received in support from Mrs. Parrott stating it was a big improvement to the property. A letter was also received in opposition from Mr. Makky stating his objection to the proposal because it obstructed � _ , � the view and was quite unsightly: : _ -:;_.. : r : ._ ::. Mr, Segal commented that the variance request should be for 4 feet and not 9 feet as stated in the staff report. Charles Erickson, .repr.esenting Keith Hillstrom the appellant, reported that they � did not get a building permit and if they could get the 4 foot variance, they would be willing to go back to the Building Inspector and start all over. They would work with them and follow it through. As far as the steps were concerned, they felt that they could be corrected. He said whatever the procedure would be, they would be willing to work fully with them to resolve the problems and conform as much as they could. . � Mr. Grais asti'�d �how °long they fiave owned the house and was informed by Mr:'frickson � - a couple of years. Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Morton closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Parrish made a motion to deny the variance request because he felt it would hurt the general appearance of the street line and would reduce the property value. Ms. Surr�ners seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 6 to 0. Submitted by: Ap roved by: �S;���� . � i��� Laurence J. u � Gladys Morton, Chairman .� _ _ _ _ _ . � _ _. __ �. "� _ . • . 8595 ' ZONING STAF�' REPORT :� � 1'. APPLICANT: KEITH L. HILLSTROM � DATE OF HEARING 3/11/80 �'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Rezoning ❑ Uariance L�l Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ Other ❑ 3. LOCATION: 1149 Sherburne (North side Sherburne between Dunlap and N. Lexington) . f. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 19 & W. 10 ft. Lot 20, Block 5, Sanborn's Midway Addition. 5. PRESENT ZONING: R-4 ZONING CODE REFEREPJCE: Section 61 .101 ,. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 3/3/80 BY Laurence J. Jung ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. PURPOSE: Applicant requests variance of the front yard setback regulatians in o�der to to construct an addition to the front of the residence at 1149 Sherburne. B. FRONTAGE & AREA: Frontage on Sherburne is 40 feet, with a depth of 122.9 ft. the area of the property is 4916 sq. ft. ��_#e""":S`PT'E°C1fiR�R'`�01�f1�I���f'�'"fih i�""�n�e�'i'b�._s'i"te.i�'`T�+�'��t�t.s am���T-�t�t��ft�:�atiove°-�treet..�..���-,°�� gra e an contains a 22 story duplex with a garage in the rear. A 12 foot wide addition to the front of the house was added during 1979 (without permit� replacing a former 8 ft. wide porch. Part of the roof of the addition is also a deck with access from the second story. The single front entrance leading directly to the sidewalk is situated in such a way as to create a potential hazard due to the numerous steps involved. Abutting land uses include a two-family dwelling on the west and a newer single family use on the east. The remainder of the built-up land uses are also a mix of single and older duplex structures. University Avenue is one block to the south and N. Lexington is a blqck east. D. VARIANCE: Under provisions of Section 61 .101 , the Division of Housing & Building Code n��orcement has determined the front setback on the block to be 20 feet. Applicant requests a 9 foot variance to retain the current expansion which is �feet from the front lot line. � E. FINDINGS: 1 . The addition was constructed without a building permit to repl.ace a former porch which extended up to 15 feet from the front lot line. � 2. The addition which the applicant states is a porch appears to be an extension of living space since it is completely enclosed and sided. 3. The request for variance is not based on any ph,ysical condition of the site that would preclude reconstruction of the porch on the original site. Adequate space for extra expansion exists on the east side of the structure as well as the rear. Any hardship involved to the applicant appears to have been self-created. 4. Granting the variance, in this instance, could be a detriment to the public good and could substantially impair the intent and purpose of the Ordinance. 5. While not impairing an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, the expansion could impair established property values within the surrounding neighbor- hood due to the nature and quality of construction involved. . 6. The variance request appears to have been based primarily on a desire to increase living area and thus increase the value of the property. F. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on Findings 3 through 6, staff recommends denial of the variance request. , �-�� , , _ _ .. . , . _ .. .. z .. p' .- • • ' `,t,�°' t�l i Y lJ� SAiNT PAUL ��ti. � ~ �m,:r.:::� '» ; .�,,..� DEP1�IiTMENT 4� CU�'v1MUNITY SERtii�ES . t2:.r..�• � � °s ^c D(VlSlflvAf HOUSING AND BUiLDItiG vOQE �NFORC��.9ENT '�+ C�iy Hail,Saint Paul,Mi,inew+a 55102 Grorge latimer 612-298-4212 �t,yor Dec:emt�er 26 , �979 r :`•ic�. �eith Hellstrom '__'+9 Sherburne Ave . � t: . Paul , MN 551U�+ ':�:� : :ront pUrch <�ddition Dear Sir: A�i additian has been b�il.�. o.;te �.he ir��r�t c.`. yc:'ir rlwelling *rri;ich �:�;tr-nds bevond the b�..�ildirt� tin� . i'h:is Ie � t�r� i.s to sc�rve as [1C�t1.CE t0 T'o."lOVe ��'ldt �c1T.'y Oi tPE' �C1^C:1 �a�'1? �tl !_'� ':E:V<7!1U tY:�� i..l.Ile J1 r�'l:` Ori�inal COT1S1:2"'UCt10:`l . VC�U i�dVE' t}"�'� r'':_�'t��� �O 2''E'QLl���� 3 .'�7'l.c:ifii:2 ST'OiTI t}l� rY'OI1� S@� �;Ki'}� L , . '_ . ,.')?l . _ ' 'if� ���ii ..7'l� !;V :. .� .L �:lc' . -� �-h� for:r� whi:.h I �:ave giver: �;�u. i:���c��: -:��:�r: �,;�� �.�.il � b:: };;.�� �. �.;: �3i�<?�7dP.Ct� DC�;1�ilTl�; the OUI:CCF�1f? r ��i �}"1t'. t1E�.it''1.;1rT, f;: �_,.�:.'l,�i� '✓�?l. f 1i.±:= y,�tir. a�plicati.on withi.rl 30 c,:,y� oi` rr < < , :,r , - ��' -; � :- �:�_er. l,llr? Ill:lti� f1'l)Ilt .�.��(.'-pS }lc3�it: t)t.'e�'{{ �_Q(`�j� c.'tl i� .. t? .'�?'; �i", i C> _ _"; �F'_ d �":dZc+7'C� clR!1 �OT'7''�Ct 1VE? 1;'_t. ].C�[i .`,:�1�1i � i; ' i: i' 'It ..':�t ' :.�::"°1''!. :r.'yr�_ Ta<.lL'�3T',�l FAOOCl271 StE'T�5 �;.d'� �)E'. l'� ii _ . r•�iC', F' . I ;' ... �� .. , . '�-:•;•:1}". �:Il'j i�:i•_ r)t,tacP�t .�'I.1Q�lt t�::1dCP11 _ t � ". }i� :�< T!: i\` � _ � . , �,/1 -_,.��� i `?3;1 �t''�_1 1�'� in:�t�_�led. :1 . �� _ _�«'C . .ir,�. ;`. !� , , ., . l_. f)F� °�; CO11CaUC�L-'Cj the F1T'St i�7F't?}` c:� � '3?'.) �C> . �i l . i i � � .. � ':iiii l ::!1�_': . r:)�1T`S *?^ll�.y� r � �� � '�'�r ' '�� + '1� .__ . � ` `�?'? .�har�: �,. t1meY ✓��� :.-r. -;���r: ;.,, _ � ,� p � t- ' `;._.,:v _ :�_�:��� f.3uilding Inspec�c�r�, ��, , ,y�,�:�.,,� � ;, ' � �,.��tz�� D:-.a!l�n cc : �+Tally Holrnstrom .,� • • . r , �'f � � �� a, �� �� �� � � _ � _�� � �`°�" , . � � s . 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" � .r , L� . � � • ' �� � ' � . • � • � . • • • a � � � / �� � � � � • • • ' � � � . � - � • � S � � � • � , * 3 ��0��=[�., CITY OF SAINT PAUL �o � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � nui�mu �e �� nu �� � • " DIVISION OF PLANNING 'I���rq, �s a• � 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR ��'���� � � ;�.:;.,+.��� June 17, 1980 Rose Mix, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Appeal of Keith L. Hillstrom - Zoning File No. 8595 for City Council Action on June 19, 1980 Dear Madam: Attached is the Renewal Division's response to the City Council 's request of June 5, 1980. Also attached is a copy of the original "packet" that this office sent on May 22. The City Council has laid this matter over until June 19, 1980. I will be present at that meeting to answer any additional questions the Council may have. Sincerely, �V Laurence J. Jung City Planner LJJ/mb attachments �n . i � '�� . . ,* ��.�±�! .in��rwi ��V� � ' • !t�'ERClEpAR3�Tl�1.ME�1I�OR/k{�iD�M �: - '*�� C .a _ . , , _w. � , • � _ . , ; � . , , , ; , , � _ : � . . . . , . . � � ± � _ � e . l�A�'Es .,ht�e 5, i9�0 � _ � � � -, _ , .: . : . . .. ..: . . � . . . . . .'„'T.: . . . , . . . _ _� -. �, � .,, . T0: t�oug�as ForM, l�darinistt��tor , � ���a� D�v�sian �� � �� � � � � � � � _ . . _ , � ;,: � !�: Edwa�trd J. M�r►, Princfqal Plannar ! - �. ° P1ar�r�tng Dfvis3on ., " ' . � ;: ; ` - _ ; . � . RE: ��ir�g Ff1e �a. $�95 - �pp1 fcatf� ot� i����£. !#f�'�stt�r - ; ; - . - � � �"�ee�� be ul��sed �hat t,1� Ctty Councii la#d`oyer tt�j refe�� - : a��iCBt�ion fc� i�ro weelcs unti] J�me 19, 1�, a�d �n�t�ct�d P�t3 : �'�ff to �rk Ki th Mr. Hi 11 strc� and h�s �ac+en# �i�t6�. . _ _. � . _ . . �::� . . rv � 7'hi�a s�#� ;ca�� i�val�ves a �living rocc�n� a+El�fiti�rt �o �t �� qr� - I�.. Wi'!i sf�rom's tt�se wi�i ch was bu i l t wi t}�ut a b�i id�a� P±eira�t. T!�' �ldlti� is .in viola��on of t.�e front �etback r���re�+�s of the ��ri�ig��rdtn�sce. Mr. t�il't�str�'s neighbc�r �o t� ea�t �s, �t`r�ngl�r�: � t�ec�+ed ta th3s itlega7 �iticm, while ��3 �eig�bor �� ti� �� s�s n� �b�� with it. : � I 'fl� �t�ni�tg �r#�inistr.ator�fias f�tfotmed Mr. Hii'lstro��°h+��i3 h�r� to : obtaf� a �ra�ianca e�r tea�r down t�� a�ldi ti cu�. Rlart�t���aff �as � � r�c�rde� �gainst the variance a� the Boa�rd.�� ��f g A���1s, on A 7 �o {� v�te, den i ed the vari ance. .The Ci�y° �a�►+�#1 r��t�cC � - - - tl�t�E P.�t� sta�f work wi tfi Mr. Hi 11 strom and hi s �� ; �s t� ���e : i� ti�re are srEy rene�al pragra�s t�t can ass f st_:�. 3�'t��. i1ot�'fi�d.y� �r�e�e assign saneone to this case. I w#�1 �e l�a�py t� : g�'�e �tt persen a�,y additional fnfian�datidn as necessa�ry. ` T�ic ,�►t�w for �our� �n�,ic�ipa�ed prc�pt,.�ctivn. ''�. . t�' _ _ . , �.. . ; ;.� . . , ; ,. �I�c � {. � ; , . .. , � _ . . : . _ � cc: `Ay 0'f.son, City Clerk Office . � . , - ,-,- _ . . . _ ;. , , : . , . . , ., . . ,. -_ , , � ; ; _ ; . ; : ; : "- :; . ::�_. � . �-.;: , : �. . . _ i ; - _ - _: . ,. _ . . . � �.. ,, ,.: , : ., ; _ � , ,- .,.�, _ . � , : : _ ;:... .. _ ` : ; - - . . .. ! ; ; ; ; _ ���� _ : � ; , . � ,. . ,=_ , - ,", . . '� ,:. �. ., ,,� �:� f �'��. ....�..... .. .-+.r� ...ww��,..+�.rew„�«�.�..�+.�...,�w w�++-.. _ '.'�'�^'.�!"rr���►.., . . ' ' "` " _ _ ' .._ .�..5.,,.�..��.�.T..,�,.. . . . � s, s L � � � , ; ,, 3, ..�. � � � - � . � . �' �. . . . . . ... . . F.. . � . . � . . `. .�.�.�� � � � . t= - �� � � � � � � _ �� " CITY t1��1tiV'�P1►U! , INl'ERt�€PARi'�NTAt MfMORANQ�lt�t i ' , : . , , ; � ,:; O�Tf: J�ne Y3, 1�0 E . �� , , ,� . ,_ .. , ;, , ..;: T4: Ed Warn - '�:� { � . , Fi�M: ; i� �autfiier , �; . : . .. , ; �, , . , . E�� , � 5���"f: Kei t,ft H1lstxra�1149 Sherrbur�e " . ` ''`: k . ; . � � � , . : r . . Purs�t '!�► yc�r � '�o fk�tas �o� 4f 3un�e�,��: �► p�'a�er�`�, '�t�f.�#t�r . an� $�fil '�Ic.����-�e �er ,at h�� p�a� a�f ;�^esf � yvrr��r��� :du� 6th. �,` : "F#��°�t�s�ect�n r�t;�s that tbe add�tt��nn i$ ��� #r� r��t �. �I� is� � •, � . �3a• ; s a arat�#��:st�.e�=w9tl�ut atty �,itfc�'� r�ir-�n��` f��'�`i ,: ft�tt��� ��d� -: ra�lc�g. �'�e anra�r has invest�d �a '�a#:'����:s�a���ec�uti�jr :t�r ��� � �;��'� . the'c�t�af-� �t�er3a1 is appr�t'���r��8;:�1. 't� �s a�ir��;t� ,� ftil ��:� �pp��i�ation af rehaafilf�a�#on es:sis�ance �t � � �fi��rz�� ��.��de� : ; t� -�ch�c�c�:his qcwt��€.ication for�the �t�trft�ss re#�bil�ta�t�t .,�7a�t�t a� ������. �`.° i `� 4 . . _. ". ., . �' . ,�. �. . . .. .:.: , � . . . •f _. . . '...� ' . � . : ... . 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I: . �� � . � ��} '�e�: �#s`�rle roa� on-the=�ast '�ide of the ,�#,^ro� �r�th#��`�.�er �l�Zg ' ' ,� re�ta+�ictfcrns to add a bed�aam -addition. ..... _.�--.---.;.� __ . . . , , . . _ . , . . : . : , ., � , , : (�� Tt�. t�r. is, �t �1�gible for artl► af.� P?r'a�9ra�� ' j: ��,�;� c�'t�r �. � ad�f�rist��d,.1�=the #tehabi'titativn Ofi��et This ��,�r�#a� :#� -�ac�, �� . , ttre �p�perta► 9s` eith�r out��de t�e C.O. e'i igib��a� c�t� ����.�e�e� : .� . �exc�ds th� a1lt�wabla .1imi�s. � �, ; , �. _ . �, �, ; � . � �.� � � �� . ., _ . � _ -; ,� (4�� '�,'�e;�wnt s�af� cattd provide the.o�er��tt�.a� ����s����'���'if�- �.,� .. tati�t';advice� t�n the �t �ttiod to pr�r#�c1e �l��1�a'�� �����p�, .. _ . � - - , � (5) '� :ow�ar h�s bee� adv#sed by the �tetta��lg�tti��4f�GB �.{�.a��� ` . e�i g�#��'#e,ft� a l s�an t� �e#t�ance hi s kH�:�lc►r^�ge a�� da� �r.���:�n#r�tt =.s�el�ab�'�1ta��Qn �rit un+�er the Si�fR .Arogr�. . ��- x: � . ��� . � . � , .: + , . - -,: . : ? . . . . .. . . .�.: �l .- �- .. s . !CClefw ; - , . . , - : � ;. . � �r , - �, cc: 9a�tgl as Fvrd ; ' Te�rt�y�tokl�e't1 i� �; < � r � �, , r �'., ;r y '� , . . . . . 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CITY OF SAINT PAUL - �;`��'"" 'a�°s DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMtC DEVELOPMENT �� uu��nn� ,: �y:.�nt Ift in A c � � DlVISION OF PLANNING r"^"�'p.�'�� 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paul,Mennesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR May 22, 1980 � - Rose Mix, City Clerk �� - 386 City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 . � RE: Appeal of Keith L. Hillstrom - Zoning File No. 8595 for City Council Action on May 29, 1980 Dear Madam: � This is written in response to the appeal filed by Keith L. HiZlstrom of a deci s i on ma�1� by thp St. Paul B�oard of Zt�n i ng A�►pea1 s affecti ng propQrty at 1149 Sherburne Avenue. The property is located on the north side of Sherburne between Lexington and Dunlap and is legally described as Lot 19 and west 10 ft. Lot 20, Block 5, Sanborn's Midway �lddition. This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning Appeals on March 11 , 1980, at which time staff recommended denial of the request' to rebuild and extend his porch 4 ft, further into the required front ya�d setback area. .It was noted by staff that the addition was already completed, the addition was buili without permit and that the porch wa`s, in fact, an expansion of the living room. One letter from the abutting owner on the west was received in support and one letter from the abutting owner on the east was received in opposition. No opposition or support was present at the hearing. On a unanin�vus 7-� voi�, the Buard of Zoni��g Appeals de��ied tne requ2s�. based on findings that: request is not based on arry physical condition of the site that would preclude reconstruction on the original site; that any hardship has been seif-created; that there would be a detriment to the public good and would impair the intent and purpose of the ordinance; that property values would be reduced; and that the request is based more on - convenience and the desire to increase the value of the property. This matter is scheduled to be heard by City Council on May 27 , 1980. Sincerely, � � :��.�-� . � � Laurence J. Jung City Planner Zoning Sectian � LJJ/cc Enc. o ,_a . .. ._ .. .. ._.... . _... . . ....._..�.... .. ._. . raswiw.. . .. .. . . ... .. 1, . .. .. . . ...._............. ....._ .. _. ._._�...-. ._._ _.. .....-....,. _..�....-._.�`.__.;. . i��.. � � � . . � . '' ..,��������o , � �CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,-�'`���"' °•"'��, =�'` ''� � OFFICE OF THE C[TY CLERK -• �-�. �. •_, S O �S . ?� IIItI�.litit •s � %� j1101'' �� BUREAU 4F RECORDS �-• = �`'�a„� ,... � 38b City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �+mn.......°���`` �� . . . . 612-298-4231 GEORCE LA7IMER MAYOR -'1__ _ _ � - April 29, 1980 Mr. Paul Desch Finance Dept. Room 218, City Hall � St. Paul, Mn. Re. Appeal uf Keith L,. Hil?strom t� a decision of the Board of Zoning Appea7.s for property at 1149 Sherburne Avenue. Dear Sir: � A public hearing date for Ma.y 29, 1980, in the above-refereaced was set by the City Council at its April 29th, 1980 meeting. Please send notices to property owners as required by law. Very truly yours, , Ros� Mix - � City Clerk , MHS:la • _ cc: -�Planning Staff, Zoning Section .. Housin� & Building Code Enforcement Dept. - . . � Z� /�� �f� �G � � - �',�� (.�' - t�l - . �� � _ __._ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _._ _ . _ p.._______._.a.�..�_.,_..T.�...�....�.�..�_�_ __ � � _ r� r • ' � �.:.a....m.:;.v......'.l��• .�W....v,..��:�,�..r:F:-.'�..ww-..7�i�r`�w`...:�,...-„ -s:�.c.,��ii�iYi't�aai�5�w`r ' �-'�it . �!�ri�' . �11� . _-�_�`_��% � - � � ` _ ___ . _ _ -- ---_ - --- --- _.. --...--- — _ _ _ _ _ - -- ._-=------- - - -- - ' � ' ?�� _�_ .---- --_____ _ _. _---- - -------- -------- --- --_ _ __ _ . _. __ .. ._ _ ___ ` ,� - _ ' _ _ .. _> _ _ ' ��. �� -.1_..� \.'�a_..�. 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HILLSTROM has applied for a variance fran the strict application of the provisions of Se'ction 61 .101 of the Saint Pau� Legislative Code pertaining to front yard setback requirements in an R-4 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a pubTic hearing on March 11 , 1980, pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203(a) of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evfdence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes attached hereto, made the following findings of fact: 1 . That the request of variance is not based on any physicaZ conditian of the site that would preclude reconstruction of the porch on the originaT site. Any hardship involved has been self-created. 2. That granting the variance could be a detriment ta the public good and � could substantially impair the intent and purpose of the Ordinance. 3. That the proposed expansion could impa`ir established property values within the surrounding neighborhood. . 4. That the variance request is based primarily on a desire to increase living area and thus increase the value of the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEU, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that under authority of the City's Legislative Code, Section 64.206, the variance to expand the front of the house four feet cToser ta the street be denied, for property at 1149 Sherburne Avenue and described in the legal description of the application for variance and the site plan attached hereto. mQ�/ed b�/ Mr. Parrish Decisions of the Baard of Zoning seconded by ^ ARPea,s ar� final subject to app�al Ms. Summers to the Cit Council within 30 da s i n favor 5 by anyone affected by the dec i s i on. against � . r� . _._ . _ _ _ .._ �_._ _ ___. _� _ _. . .�..._.�� .�M._ , - �� • • f: 8595 iONING STAFF REPORT ` ; `1 . APPLICANT: KEITH L. HILLSTROM DATE OF HEARING 3/11/80 '�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Rezom ng ❑ Variance � Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ Other ❑ '1 I nI`A�'rnsi. l la� Chnrhurnn �Nnrth eie�ic Chnrhurnc hotwcon fl�minn �n� N 1 cv4nntnn� � .. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPE�IL� �N ���, � CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA MARCH 11 , 1980 � +�����v�� r PRESENT: N4nes. Morton and Summers; Messrs. Grais, Kirk, Parrish and Woods of the Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Jerome Segal , Assistant City Attorney Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman and Mr. Jung of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: Messr. Peterson. The meeting was chaired b,y Ms. Gladys �rton, Chairman. _ KIETH L. HILLSTROM (#8595) : A request for variance of the front yard setback - regu ations in order to construct an addition to the front of the residence at 1149 Sherburne. The appellant was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. Mr. Jung showed slides of the site and reviewed his staff report with a reconunend�tion for denial of the variance request. A letter was received in support from Mrs. Parrott stating it was a big improvement to the property. A letter was also received in opposition from Mr. Makky stating his objectir�n to the prop�sal because it obstructed the view and was quite unsiqhtly. - � Mr. Segal commented that the variance request should be for 4 feet and not 9 feet as stated in the staff report. Charles Erickson, repr.esenting Keith Hillstrom the appellant, reported that they � did �iot get a building permit and if they could get t�ie� 4 foot variance, they would be willing to go back to the Building Inspector and start all over. They would work with them and follow it through. As far as th'e steps were concerned, they felt that they could be corrected. He said whatever the procedure would be, they would be willing to work fully with them to resolve the problems and conform as much as they could. Mr. Grais aske� haw long t"ey have owned the h�!�se and was :nforr^�d by Mr. Erickson a couple of years. Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Morton closed the public hearing portion af the meeting. Mr. Parrish made a motion to deny the variance request because he felt it would hurt the general appearance of the street line and would reduce the property vatue. Ms. Sumrners seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 6 to 0. $ubmitted by: Ap roved by: �s,a���v � %G� Laurence J. u � Gladys Morton, Chairman , � � _ _ __ .. .. _.__ _ _ _ _ _ .._ ._. , :. ..._ . _� ...,.�,_. ._. �., _.. �. _., � ._ _Y � __ . . _ __.. __ _ . __.:._. _:..:_._.._ .._.,.. .,_ , .t..__ __�.._�_�: .. .� _...__ - �-1--"'•�,� - — __. . � I � ��o 000000 �0000000 , o 000000 � ---- ; � `� -r'�T,..��... .,S _ � -��-I/� � o �� 0000000000 000 �ooa000—�- o � l � � � � , ��o 000 �00000 � �o ` o � � o00000 ; .�. o SNE'RBURNE � A✓�. F i � .� �, ,�. 1 .. .. ., r� �. 1, ,. ��, �r, n n �,r,rn n ' �-t��.i..I ,,,. . . . r� ,�rp �,����z� ' �����,T, ��, � �fT'� U� SAt�T PAUL ~ '���"�'�'�' DEP�t�TMENT O� 417M"vtUN�TY S�RVS�E5 ' �::._:�� , � , �'y `' DiVI51�C}N Qf HOUSING AND tiUiLC3itiG L�O[}E �NFORCEMFNY ... C.ity Hail.Siin>. Paul,Mi��nes•aa SSS02 Gcorge latimer " �tir:���or 6t2-298-4212 ;�e�eMY�er 26 , �979 , � - `1r:�. !�:eith Hells�trom ;.;.l+9 Sh�rUurne AvQ . � r. . Paul , MN 5 5�04 R�, : �ront parch ac�dit ie�c�� Deai� Sir: :�.r� addition has ��en t�a:1. ` a.�tc 'h�� ir•��:�t �:` yo�ir !1WF�.L11t1� v��'t;ich - E?�:t't"T1CjS bevc�nd ��:P. b1.11�,(i:.It� � 1i1^. �I��ilci �E'�tw.T' �._� tCl j�T`V? c3.:� Cii.�t10E' t0 T'•L'.^.i0`✓Z th�r_ �)c�T'` c7I ril� 7C't'Ctl W�IIC}l !'. I�F_:\J')TlCl �'�':E-'. t1T1E' .�t th�::� original cc�nstrtuctio:� . `!ou ��ave the ri«,t;t t�� Y��a�i��:, � , �,�a��iar�ce fr�m the i'ror;t �et '_-,�=„�}�- t,: ;, ,->*� :�� �. �r� 'r.g bir �; t i_n�; ` t�� {.crn� whic;� i riave giver; �nu. �.�,. ;,� �f r ,. F�i : � ���� 1��-1r� ; �: <3�F?yc1P.Ce DE:I�;�Tl�� t:�'lE �1ii�.C'Cr(lt� t7f i��-i�? (1�? �iY` ::?i? ; �! ��,-jc.,i •�r�t.i ::l.i �'. �1JI.it^ ,3�rJ11Cdt10I� �Jlt�li.`? .jr C;;iti'� Ul T'F � c ��I , ' . '(1 . . ° ' `�'7'. � . li{rt r!E`L+D jt'l)IlC � �.r:.'.JJ`.i' }1-.1�.'t, t7E';�![I .�.�..?C'.'tl •. , .. �. . _ , , : � '? - - - = Ce' a ?�a z�rd ar�d .�orr�ect i���F: =i;:� i c,<i .�!��.�: i , ;- . � ._ _. , r. ; �, , =,:.-._ ;?;_>>''3�'.� s."lcJOderi Sti'DS �:,cl'i .?E' . .1�`_ . Y'�il" , , ? . � .. � ��-.. . i ; . .1:'t C . _ �>I'�,?SE�il� 511.,.°}-l� c�3•":l�C_`Pli _ t � . . tii� .;,, " � . � . �" . . �):�1'...�i. , '�:��:i 'rail is in5t�:.1.Ie�1 . <, . . � ,� � -- .. . .j � ;: . . . �. : i :. ���_ .;or�duc�-� c; .,., , . �_ , � �, , . . , �.C� �},l r . L a .. .�$.:W f:'F_,}'.. +:.; � . �(t f 1� ,.��_; �.',: i�.-.� i't . .. ".I i• , '.�1*`r'`:- • . .�urs �ru1y, r `��� t �� ,,���i/ ' ,�,.r—�'' "—._.__ }�-��+':'�' ,y''' . < . . ..}����.,c: ��. A111:'�y y''r .� ����r_.-r, .;`_�,,'';; �'� _�„" � :��.:��� Bu.ildi.r��; Irisnectc,�:�. °�.� y� ;- �..��..�►� � �u, �;����,. ' `� "s3 ...----"'"'"'..- .°.,,:?!ljh �"� _ c,�-� : 6+Tal:Ly Ho1rn��trorn � � : _ �: -- _ _ ,., _. . ._ _ .._ w. ._ _ - , , . . : . . , '. � _ - �, , - r : �'1:52��� - . , _ - ; , . . _ � , - , : � ; � � . . , . ' . .� .. .. � - . . . . . J . � � . , ' . . . , . . .. - i� - . .. . , . . . . . . . . . . ' .. . , ' � 4' . .. ,. 7 . . � . . . . . . . . � \ � . �: � ' . . ... � � _ . . . i . . . � . . - . . . . . ' -, . . . _ . ` t .�i . � . � . -.. ' . . �. . . ( ' . � . . ' , .- . � . . . ' . .. . . . . . . � . ; . . � ... . . � . . i � . . . ' : . r � . . . . . � ' � 1��. , ' � . . . - 1� . ' ' � .. � � , � � . . ' . . . � , � 5, 19� � ` _ , - ,. � . , � P'laa�aielg st1�''!', '�oasug B�ctLoa � ; . . � 11Lh 8'Loor� ,City A�11 Jl�u�c � Bt� F�tul.,' llt�. . . D�ar 'Sirst " �• � �;' J • t � ,' R9� Gtty �unail toQa�r contiaro�ed tor tMO t�1cr tmtil J� 19th, ` � �s - 1+�9p�a h��ur� on tlw app�al o! �ith L. AiI1�t� to a diets�on . ,' �� os tlN Botrll at Zo . �; . niaa App�� atf�estia�g .pro�rt�r at ll4g: st�b�r A,rs. � � � 'ibt �otina alsc► inalud�d a r�qu�s� �}ie� t.l�e ei�tf!' .o! tbs �onorie �>� , %� ` � 3�viaic�a rst nith t� o�ranc on t2r p,o�al�bi�l�ty af s�n al�t�►t� . � �� p��al !'ar ths prop�rt.y-. . , , ,' �i , , � : \ � , . ,� , , � Y��`Y tru]3► yot�r's� , . � � , , . . , � ,, . . - . � , • . ROad Ni�C � �, `' , City Clark ,• AAQi14 F _ , ' ��'�� cc s Sowiag b B�Ldg. Qro�de, l�q�forceo�nt Div. . . � _ . ` , . � .� ;` � , . . , _ , � i , _ . . , . . . � t _ , , , , . � �: � � . • �� �:. 1 . , . . . . . . , . . - . , . 1f�Y. � . ' . - . ' . ' . ' . ���� . . � ..y ,k, . . . . . . �( . ' , .. . . ' . . . . . . . .,.%„ , . � � . � . . . � . .. � . i . . � x .. r.. / . L; , . . — , • ," � — - � , . . , ., ,,; ' I , . � • . �� s . _ � ;'. ` ',: , � . <. � _ .. ' � ' 8595 � ZONING STAFF REPORT l . APPLICANT: KEITH L. HILLSTROM DATE OF HEARING 3/11/80 '' CLASSIFICATION � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Rezoning ❑ Variance �7 Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ ,.., _ — � • .� -'<'. , . . ' . . � . ,. _ _ r - ✓ t_ . - 4 �J i ' i �0�� �.s CITY OF SAINT PAUL �o �a DEPARTMENT Of PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �,.�� iui�iiun c '%,° " DIVISION OF PLANNING �r iss♦ 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR May 22, 1980 c�.*+�°-���,��+ F� (d Z•K'.°".,�Fr5�; � Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Appeal of Keith L. Hillstrom - Zoning File No. 8595 for City Council Action on May 29, 1980 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the appeal filed by Keith L. Hillstrom of a decision made by the St. Paul Board of Zoning Appeals affecting property at 1149 Sherburne Avenue. The property is located on the north side of Sherburne between Lexington and Dunlap and is legally described as Lot 19 and west 10 ft. Lot 20, Block 5, Sanborn 's Midway Addition. This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning Appeals on March 11 , 1980, at ` which time staff recommended denial of the request to rebuild and extend his porch 4 ft. further into the required front yard setback area. It was noted by staff that the addition was already completed, the addition was built without permit and that the porch was , in fact, an expansion of the living room. One letter from the abutting owner on the west was received in support and one letter from the abutting owner on the east was received in opposition. No opposition or support was present at the hearing. On a unanimous 7-0 vote, the Board of Zoning Appeals denied the request based on findings that: request is not based on any physical condition of the site that would preclude reconstruction on the original site; that any hardship has been self-created; that there would be a detriment to the public good and would impair the intent and purpose of the ordinance; that property values would be reduced; and that the request is based more on ; convenience and the desire to increase the value of the property. . ;� This matter is scheduled to be heard by City Council on May 27 , 1980. Sincerely, ������- � Laurence J. n - Ju g City Planner Zoning Section LJJ/cc Enc. . �O � , , , 1 � � . . . , - - ��� U, �� i � ,;��j[ ilr �� ! L` ��' ;t+r �� , � ZONING BOARD } � 8 � � 4 ' � � APPLICATION FOR ZONING OR13I�ANCE"��ARIANCE ,.� � ; V , , �.� ' CITY OF�AINT f�Rltl'.: _, � �:.; .� . :; I A VARIANCE OF ZONING CODE CHAPTER�,SECTION�PARAGRAPH �� ; IS REQUESTED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE POWERS VESTED IN THE BOARD OF 20NING AP— � �� { � f � PEALS TO PERMIT THE ON PROPERTY #f.�� i DESCRIBED BELOW. ,�n�'t�� ' 3 � ; ��,,: iA. Applicant• NAME•�e�'�^�v',s��4�e, e. [i�'�� ;;��. ADDRESS � y9 �„� .,� [�,� DAYTIME TELEPHONE N0. �c�� �n����_Z�p CODE _ 5! n'1 _�..r 1. Property interest of applicant: owne contract purchaser,etc.) i �i 2. Name of owner (if different) c /�r� ' i-a.�.--Cr ,�� i � �, . U , ._ ..._ ...._. '... .,.B.. ,Prope.►'�X.DescjiptiQn._.AAOR $S ._ t.��C�_ �1r hUlrr'15�� ; ��`"�.( /O'oF�•� S4�"�r"'s .. _ . ...„., „ .....�.-.�.. '... . �.- .},eg��.desoniption�:*-�LQT�. y�LBCY( . . . .� ...,, _. , . .,.,� ...,..,..., .._... ,_._.� .....RDD� �'"" .. � � . ,�.t... _ , d _, ,.. .,. .. _ . ' � .- 2. Lot size: `fif � � �d'�•R t _ �9�10B t . � _ '�....� �� 3. Present Use_ 'TfTi7t Present Zoning Dist.__�� . - - -- - _.._ . .. _. C. Reasons for Request: 1. Proposed use � "" ; . #:.,�-��r � ; `r b Q-�.c.�. _ �•.+ ,,�*. , t �� �� . • . � . . ' � ` 2. What physical characteristics of the property prevent its being used for any of the permitted uses in your zonel (topography,soil conditions,size and shape of lot,etc.► '� -�- �.�.. , ' nl,;�,r� �„� �,�,�,� � �,,a�,ds�..r�°"`a' �"a„� � �.+v+-e_ , ' 3. State the specjfiC.yariation requested,giving distances whereappropriate. r �/7'fOX�G- �. �rOir! �itlioWO��� rv fro.e/T ot � �/� t / Q Q� �tO�IJ � dfitro�PO�t. b�Ot�C �(Q� /�ipgP.f�/�Y /� � (,������nc e C� 9 � . �4. Explain how your case co�forms to each of the following: � a. That the strici application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordiance would result in peculiar �F��; or exceptional practical difficulties,or exceptional undue hardships. x,�� : , "'�'d .�.�..�'�-a- ��•.�.1�. �c��+..�.�-o� o,�,..�.. , �.9�.�,,1,.. -� ��s�` : 1.� r�.,..,.� ,°I.,h:a� � �.�. . ` �e���. y�, �. � T r � • ^� t�3 ' � b. That the granting of a variance will � L U.-��-S�=. !L�,��t��(}�'r'+(1�8 �;2��'�P� � not be a substantial detriment to p� public good or asubstantial impair- LI�JCJ�J� CLI�B �ii.t.t.��� _ ,..___ - � ment of the intent and purpose of � the Zoning Ordinance. . C� �Je�-�-�- � r f�l �- �.,��.x.;v�,-.d.. �so� � � ,, NOTE: THIS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHpUT A COMPLETE SITE PLA�11 , � � ` `l� Signature Date Received ` � � � . . `� �,� ` , �KJ;-.'� I . _ � � ' - • ... .. ... . ... ,�... . . .. .,.�r.. �..., .->�:..��+s>v�:i'e:{76!517.�,=.r.�,..�")T��'h�}crR.-�?i�S�"' tiw., r:. . �. . .. ,... .., . ��..,-. .�,... :,_ , . .. ...-. ..... _. . . :. e • `�TT �� CITY OF SA1NT PAUL ,� ., �, �. � �::::.;� � DEPA�TMENT OF CO�'v1MUNl7Y S�RVICES . �,�__,�x� , � • , � �y ^� DIYlSIL3N Of HOUSING AfvD BUILDING �ODE �f�lFORCE�biENT .. - � City Hall,Saint Paul,Minneso*a 55102 George latimer . - 612-298-4212 Mayor December 26 , �979 ,� . ;�r. 4�eith Hells-trom 1i�+9 Sherburne Ave. '�t. Paul , MI'i 55104 Re : rront porch addition Dear� S ir: . _ : ;�n additi�n, has,_.been .t>tazl.�_ o��to tf�.c, tr•�,�,t c` yo�2r .�3weliin,� .wtyich extc nds bev<�nd the buii dir�g �t.i;�e: �'}i.�s Ie ��.er is tc� serve -as n�t ice to remove that part of the p^i�ch wh i c:t-� ?� beyonci th� i.ine :�t the ori�inal construction. You ��ave tt,P ri�ht to reaue�; t a VdT'].dI1Cc^ frc�m the fT'OIli SEt: �c'�i;}" I!"�:�i`.'�::.i'>Ii . _ i'_ZlE: "I.��271.71� t;V i l L1Tt4; the forn� whi�h ? have given yc,u. i:;�< ��r. ,�;��r:;•.;, - L..I � i b�:� r,��.l �i �.;: - :�b�yance pending the out c cne o f t r��� t�:� _.��:->;��T �;i ,:>��i-�eci voz: E i.I�- � your a;�r�lica.tion withi.n 3�J c.�jvs oi ,,F.,-.�.�:`;,i- ;f r E� ; � -� „�:ter. l�llt'. I7E:4v' f I'i>Il t �' C['_�S �1�`l�i E'_ t�t�e:'1� .�.Cil`�_-i i .. ; i� . . t� .,!�; =s', t �7 � _ _-.' t e' 3 haz�r. d dllC� c�rrectiVP_ 1C:t1C;[l S�"i'2� � f "' i: ='i: . .:"���f : �1~0'j•/, :'�,r.;_ ;,<<� .rary wooderi steps r;a�� bf� c�c r��.�::r ,,�-, ,,,; , .. � :,._ . •.a,�:•��ilf ,:�r� � , :.t:, '�i'PS2Il�' Flight C�l�1C���Pjl± t.� �Fii'' i��. �;if ". [\' F, • . � r.,v����.�.1.':r�(� �{ . . . . . . '.�ia�l��?^a11 ls instalJ.ed. �'� �, � n�;.>� c � �. ;j . i,: .. ��;�.. Y� . 1' �sf-� -- � conducted �he first w�-�F>k ,:,` 1�3�0 �v �: ; ��_� � , .. � �.E�,; �...n•��_ . 'r,�,��irs t L�l1.Ly, j... � �... �-""' � �,.`-�..f� � � • � �: : .:�haru �.. Aniey ���� -- , r��� � -�� .�� rt t;;; '� �►� �>. :�i.c�r �ttildin� Inspec:tor, � �,,,���;�'��;��;;�_'�� � ��► °�' .,� � �} � i�' .Qa, P.:.,A/ljh �' cc : Wally Holmstrom _ ��`�� � ' I O r-t . ,� �� � . ,. _ . � , I . , , . ' ' . y� . � � ' • _as _ -- --, � o� rl 1 z` ` � -�. i 3 � - I a;::� � � �i�u�.; O�o Not�G 8' � }� ----� � NEwJ1AD�7v oatc� ;! ' �i' 1 T�►f�-� � � - - - - - `11 i r � ! . �'�' 'rjl0 ' ��''SL � �P� y V" x ��. z •9� Sca�� ���-'.��p� Sherbuv�e. 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' �Roo��21�� �ity Ii�12 _ ` $t.� Peattlr\�• • - • , . � Re= Appe�l. of Keith L. Hi1lsLrc�� to • �is�on o! t�ht &�rd of � , i Zoaing A$pesl�s �or ProPir�y i�t 1149 9b�erb'urn� Awuue. . De�r .3ir s � - : � , - A, pubiic �earirig �dafi.e !or 1�►y'29, 1980, �.n ths abow�e••rr�sf�naed , Wea se� by Lbe City'. Cvu�il at 3ts :April 29t�h�.'19�t� m�ting. ,, � � � , , - • Pleass sand noticas tb. 9ropeerty oxi»rs ss required by lsx. , . , . � Very trt�ly yours, '� . . . . . . , . ' . . . ' � . . � . 1 �. ROSe Mix � ; Ci#.y A.erk, � � , , . � , , . , , , . '� 1�i8 t].a � ac t PlaAO3bg StstY`,\Zouing 3e�tion ; � . � Ha�ssing b Bul2ding Codt Entbr�ot`Deptx ` , . � , , �. , � . , " � , • ' � . 1 , � , , , _ , • ' : , , : � � ' , _ _ . �. � • , • r,: , � � � . . . .� . , � CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT Of FiNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIViStON 113 CITY HAII ST.PAUI,MINNE507A 55102 May 16,1980 City Clerk 386 City Hall , File X24,'9 Page Zoing File 8595 The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 A.M. � on May 29,1950 on the: Appeal of Keith L. Hillstrom to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals concerning property at 1149 Sherburne Avenue. This property is located on the North side of Sherburne Avenue between Dunlap Street and Lexington Parkway, being legally described as: lot 19 and the westerly 10 feet of lot 20, Block 5, Sanborn's Midway Addition. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Valuation Bureau, Room 286 City Hall or telephone 298-5317. • While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help youu to learn fulfy about any improvem=nt that could affect you or your com- munity. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views about it know to the City Council, whether for or against. J. WILLIAM DONOVAN VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT ENGINEER .. �. � . . /� . . � . ' . � - - - . . . � ' ' � � . . � . � _ ��� � �� � . . . . . . � . . . , - .� - � � . .. � ' � . - � • • . . . .,. . _ . . . � � . � . . \ , , . : r �'15�� � . , , . , � . . , � . ; , . , � - , � . , , , . � . . . � , - . , . , , _ , � ,, , , , . , �i : ` . M�ty,:�9. i9� ` . ,.. � ; � ; . / , , . , • � �� Pl,am►le� Stisft, Zonipg 8�es�iom ` , f 1],th �'l,00r, Ci�r Hr►Ll Ma�ss . . - � , ' St. l�aul, _Mn. , � r� Dear $ir'�t . � ' } ;,� , , . �'!u �ity Oowiail .�aid a�r for onre wr�cf� witil � Sth: 19a0, ' % r a hsariag tut t2N appetl`ot lGt�th L. �8l�U�ra� ^to a �isian of , ; � '� Boare!-ot �n1o,g A�p�1r aana�rai�g Darop�rtt�► st �1149 �lar�� � . Avan�. i , . Yi�r� tr'�Y Y�'+�, � • � , . . , I�oa�t lli�t . Cil�y �rk , . ; �- � . ... , , � � � / � -- - ,, _ f' ABO t].� ; : ' , , , , � cc s 8owting�b B1,dg. � EtYt�rroe�nt Di�. � , _ _ � �' . , - , , , , , � , _ . _ ; _ ; � � � � � . � � � � ;' . , � ;; , , , . ,; . '\ ;% ; j � , i ', . . ' , ',I � � ,\ �y / . . . . . . . . , � . . � .'`, - . � . � - . . . _.. . . . , . . . . /. � � ' . , � . . . . . � . ' . . . . � ' . . . .. . � � ' - .. . . . . . � . . � . � � . . ' . _ /\ ; . . .. � . . . . .. . . . ., , , . . D ISTR ICT F��:� YOUR INFORMATIvtV ,��,,��;����,a�°�3 E LEVE N o�T�__ 6- s- �o � - - RFCCOALITION COUNCiL PRESIDENZ � June 5, 19$o JUN 5 1980 City Council Members c/o Ron Maddox, Presid.ent COU(Ve{LMAN City Council Offices ��N MADDOX City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Agenda Item No. 1, City Council Meeting, June.,.5, 19$0. Ke�th Hillstrom Zoning Appeal for property at 111�9 Sherburne Ave. Dear Cou�cil Members, Representatives of District 11 Coalition are ur�able to appear at the June 5 City Council hearing b�cause of scheduling conflicts. We asl� you to recall we have gon� on r�cord as opposing the zoning variance for the 111�9 Sherburne Ave. property, and we have made statements before the Current Planning and Zoning Committee, the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the City Council on May 29, 19�• We urge you to deny �his appeal. We believe that a dangerous preceden� would be set if you allow this variance. W� are fe�rful our neighborhood'� character �� of single-far�ily homes would be jeopardized. Nor do we want various parties to get �he impr�ss3on that they can succe�sfully �r�n zoning appeals by pleading that constructior� has alr�aci� taken place and they were un�ware of the law. Sincerely, rt� �C' IV Dick Sackett, President District 11 Coalition Serving the Hamline Midway area 1761 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104