275249 WH17E - CITV CLERK /„ f �249 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT. PAUL COUIICII CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE -�MAVOR �r/� File N . C n il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1980 budget: From: General Government Accounts ' Contingent Reserve - General 09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $4,400 To . Department of Community Services Division of Public Health Clinical Programs 03215-219-000 Fees - Other $4,400 Approved as to Funding: - Approved: s , • � Dir. , Dept. o Fi an e Mgmt. Services dget Dir ctor �a� 4�� �a �L,�-PG��-, �:�' ` � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays �' .�_ [n Favor Maddox McMahon (� Showa�ter - -- Against BY — Tedesco Wiison Adopted by uncil: � Date ,�� � p 1g80 Form Approved b City Attorney / Cert�.i�d Passed-��y Co ncil Secretary BY 1 App by Mayor. Dat U�19� Appr by Mayor for bm� si to Council BY - — BY � Pli�11SWED J U N 1 9 i98 . r . .. .. ;., „`, ��4 _ � f � � . �� . - . . . �. . �� � ' _ ' i�.�Fir� �.� 1��$;�5�' � 3 `t , ,. ��:�< 3, ::� 9 9 , , . ,� � ��,m ��� � �`�.;�'�z � � �� _ : � . , }` _ ;�: , ' �EXPLAlifl�i�ON OF ADMiI�,3TRAT�,`'�'E �4 ER�S, �'. �: R$$�(33�U'2�4.I��., .AI+�D' 0►R13Z,�1RN`�E'$ ��,�. ' ,� t � . � REC�fV�� � , �:� � ` � �2 { i � � � , Jt�N 3 8:� �� x 1� �..� . . �, � � �� . � c�r� ar�o����r { �tte�; J�tne 13,•,.I9�Q .- , . , � , . , . .,., , , � �� . . . � , . � : . . . . , __ , .,,. . ; � �- .. . � A � �t �'' ��.'O. 1�4Ay�t�R GEt'�RC��?.�4�"�ME�t ' ' ' • �' .�' � . . . . � � � � ... f � A , . .. . . . . .. , . . :. F�= Rf�cha�d >Schroeder ���'_�� �� � r ,,, .�; � '�''Jl.1N 1 � '�80 , � �; '�� CaunciZ: 8l�aalu�ion T�ansfe�ring F'unds `fr•om .the,.:: . ' � : _ � . ���� � , ��inge�nt i�eserve in :�.he x98�. Budg�t. �. { � � : � � ; � � . x ; �� _ i ' > �i3 �� `� �` # �, ����' �`!��r�� . L,� ,� �`'� . . . ..� f� .����T�; '� � i „ ��arc��:�:�-�f t�e a�ttac�ed �e��r�.ut.�ion. f. _ ,. � � � , E a� � a�;�' , , � � � n _ W . . � . , , , _ . ,, . �.�<; , ., �, � � ' � '. �`� 1:;� ,�.;_ � � , �` � n . _ , . . ` ; �:, t � , � . .. . . .. . . .. � ' . 4 �y _ . . . . . . . ' , � t � y j � . � . . �+., 1 ��x; , r. , �: � f ^Y .s ' : . , : ., . _ �;. � v. . . { ° _ , • ,. r• . � r' . ;. ,. : r � ��� � � � � / r _ . � � �. . . . . . . . .. . � � . '4Y:.�. _ � - {,� � .{:_ .. , . . . � .. ... " . . .;� " .. . ... � . • . , � , . '� ' : .' �. � �. . ... .. . , "k '.; '. �� f � $�'Q� A�F RA�'IONALL� 'FOR T�IIS ACTTE7AT: � -r} ` � , � � � � f a� ,� � "�Y�e ��t�c�ed resoution wi11 provi�e funds' �o :�ty Qr ,� ;�� �� - f'�ianc���l aud3.ts of the operat�ons:of C+am�cr�una��,y;, C in�.t�t` x'� ,� � ::'°� �� ; duri�.c� .13`79. The total co�t i:s,, $8,80t�. The. Ci�y`s � u+ �` x= � �. • �hare f� $4,��0, since funding fczr the cliniC� `is� sh��e�- . ,`� �, � ;equ�:�ly' b� t�e Gi:�y and County. , ' . . . ,: , . ,. . � , � � %�, �� � �.,, �l�"�'34�1��1T�a: � � � � a �� �. . — � ,, I � � Couu�ci�' Reso�.utic�� . . + ! � �; � L�tte�r ���t�.�c��;ci:E�ia C��'o�g�� �4cMaih�t� ' ; � , � � � �r "` �'��� ��.� '�!�+�1�."�'�1 �..'�ril.�l�e1� y � � 1 � - � ':�h � .. � � � �� t ##"�7 :r � . • . � . i* . g . . f s f x;'s . . . � . .. '�'§� � - �� �'�i . � � , , x - . , ..� ._. - .... . :.-, :. . .� .,. . . , � - � .. _... _ . , , i '_c A - . � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TFIE CITY COIINCIL � � ` � � ^��� � � oseeae �e�e�......�a.e J U ti i ��, �:�����, o MAYOR.'S QF,�l�CE GEORGE MCMAHON Councilman June 11, 19 8 0 MEMO TO: Richard Schroeder Budget Director FROM: Councilman George McMahon ��>� Attached is a copy of a letter I received from the Community Clinic Coalition relative to a financial audit of each individual clinic ' s 1979 operation. It is my understanding that the total request is for $8, 800, which I presume would be split between the city and the county, as per the existing formula. Could you identify funds which could be used for this and prepare the appropriate documents for Council action, if necessary, so that we might perform this function. GMcM/jfr Attachment CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 �O � w. . � I I • • f1,,� . ��� ��� , f�mi�y �r�� 1599 Selby Avenue ����#��� St.Paul,Minnesota 55104 (6i2)645-0478 ��� 3� �� May 27, 198Q OFF►G� OF GEQRG� McMANOi�f City Councilman George McMahon City Hall , 7th Floor St. Paul , "�innesota 55102 �ear Councilman "�fcP4afion; As you know, the contract between the �ommunity f;linics an� the �ity and County for 1980 requires a financial auc�it of each clinic's 1979 o�eration. �unc!s for 1979 audits were not included in the clinic's 1980-subsidy from the �ity and County. 4Je have received a proposal from Anfinson, Hendrickson and Company, the accounting firm which completed audits of 1976-7R operations at each clinic, for 1979 audits. Anfinson, Henc�rickson and Company can complete 1979 audits of Face to Face Heattf� and Counseling Service, The Family Tree, �!orth End Health Center and Piest Sid� Health Center for $6,000. We are also requesting $2,80Q (�7�0 per clinic) for these these four clinics to fund implementation of the audits recommendations � from the 1976-78 audits. Implementation funds will cover additional bookkeeping and accounting costs incurred by the clinics in improving their financial record keeping. . Helping Hand Health Center is not included in this request. ��Jhen Anfinson, Hen- drickson anr� Company were conc!uctina the 1976-78 audits, this clinic requested that they also complete an audit of 1979. Funds for th� 1Q79 audit and implemen- tation funds urere paid for by a grant Helping Hand received from the St. Paul �ompanies. In summary, the clinics' total request for 1979 audits anci implementation funds is $8,800. The �ommunity Clinic !'oalition re�uestSthat the �ity Council act on this matter at your earliest convenience. I H�ill be calling you in a few days to answer any questions you have. ?'hank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely yours, �� �, r��.�.�� � Emily F �ste f'linic irector cc: Eda�ard Eberhardt, St, Paul �ivision of Public Health °aymond Cink, Ramsey County Community Health Services Nan Skelton, Face to Face Health and Counseling Service Peter Montgomery, Helping Hand Nealth Center Barbara Lindsay, North End Nealth Genter anc� Gary Sande, West Side Health Center. .:� -1 . .� ,�.._ .;. ' � ` ��T� o� ��.�r�� ��.��L � �� �;;'•, -,�, ��. O�'+Ii�IOE �F THE CITY COUiy�C3L �t�� � -' ;:,;��� '; � •u���.a... � � ss4.K!(�9'�.. . _.,, `n=� . . �'� -- Da t e : July 7, 1980 C 4 �i �l1 i�"T iE � � E P Q F�7 TO : Saint Paui Gity Council _ FROM � Commi��ee on FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL ; George McMahon , chairman, mtikes the following : report on C.F. ❑ 4rdinance (14) Q Resolution . [] Other . TiTLE : . - � The Finance Comnittee, at its meeting of July 3, 1980, recommended approval of the following: 1 . Resolution transferring funds from Contingent Reserve to Mediation Expense Account to provide funding for payments to outside counsel in conflict of ir�terest cases. (11068-GM) 2. Resolution establishing the title of Clinical Program Manager-Physician in Section 3.M (Special Employment) of the Civil Service Rules and estab]ishing in - Section 32 a class specification for title, and abolishing title and specifications for Medical Examiner. (11087-GM) 3. Resolution establishing in Section II B (Special Employments) the rate of pay for new title of Clinical Program Manager-Physician. (11085-GM) 4. Resolution establishing the title of Clinic Physician in Section 3.M (Special Employrr�ent) of the Civi1 Service Rules an d establishing in Section 32 a class • � specification for title, and abolishing title of Medical Examiner (Clinics Only�.. (11088�-GM� 5. Resolution establishing in Section II B (Special Employments) the rate of pay for new title of Clinic Physician and abolishing rate of pay for Medical Examiner (Clinics Only). (11086-GM) 6. Resolution changing grade for Director of Medical Services in Section 3.K (Professional-Administrative Supervisars Group) from Grade 34 to 39. (11089-GM) 7. Resolution transferring $4,400 from Contingent Reserve to pay for city's share of financing audits of operations of CorTanunity Clinics during 1979. (11090-GM) (--COfJTINUED--) CITY FIr1L.L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, i�tIN�IESO;A 5510? � � � ..r '��J .