275246 WHITE - G�TY CLERK COl1flC1I ��24s P�NK FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Ck OEPARTMENT File NO. BL MAVOR �tj tty/SDM • . o .ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CONCURRING RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO REPLACEMENT OF LOST CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, ACTING BY AND THROUGH ITS HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION REVENUE BOND WHEREA5, Bomatco has notified the City of Saint Paul that a bond sold by the City by and through its Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority and described as follows has been lost: City of Saint Pau1 Acting By and Through the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul fully registered Residential Rehabilitation Revenue Bond No. R-1, 8-7/8�, Dated December 1, 1979 and due September 1, 2011; and WHEREAS, :';Pursuant to statute, MSA 475.70, Saint Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. , on behalf of Bomatco, the owner of said obligation, has requested the issuance of a duplicate bond and the HRA has been furnished a surety bond indemnifying the HRA and its paying agents from any loss in the matter; and WHEREAS, The Trustee of the HRA has been put upon notice by Bomatco to stop payment on the original bond as described above; and WHEREA5, By Resolution No. 80-6/18-8 the HRA has authorized replacement of said bond, now, therefore, be it RE50LVED that the Council hereby adopts and confirms the findings and determinations of the HRA contained in HRA COU[VCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Fina an . Servic -T Hozza Hunt I,evine __ Against Maddox Showalter Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date . � Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy tilpproved by 1�lavor: Date _ App v by Mayor for i Council By _ — B WHITE — CiTV CLERK COUIICll I�52 .8Y PINK INANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL C�Iiny[.,IY DEPARTMENT BLI�E MAVOR File NO. Gty Atty/SDM CO�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. Resolution No. 80-6/18-8; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the issuance of a duplicate bond corresponding with the missing bond described above as to number, date, amount, and said bond �hall be marked "DUPLICATE" , shall be sealed with the facsimile of the official seal of the City and the HRA, shall be signed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor of the City and the Chairman of the HRA, attested by the facsimile signature of the City Clerk and the Secretary of the HRA, and countersigned by the facsimile signature of the Director of Finance and Management Services of the City and the Executive Director of the HRA, and said Bond to be authenticated in the Certificate of Authentication hereon by the manual signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the trustee, and the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services shall keep a record of such duplicate showing the date of issue and the persons to whom issued; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that any and all expense in issuing the said duplicate bond be assumed by the owner thereof or his agent. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays I Requested by Department of: tlr Hunt 1 _ Finance and M t. Services-Treasu Division z a ��. v [n Favor H Maddox � McMahon __ Against BY — Ma ox Showalter Sho alter Te esco Ted �L ,� n � Form Approved City orne Adopted o ncil: SO� Date 1l�— l Cer ied Pas• y Cou Secretary BY . , . � /#ppro Mavor: Da — ,�� 15 198U Ap ro by ayor for mi sion to Council By _ -- BY p�R�,t,SNF.� J U N 1 9 i980 . � w Ql• �Z/1975 . • ev,: � .>; '�/Bll�r : � , ,-%>1�-P�. -�:�'0 -��5' ; i . .. E IQN OF l�DMINISTR'ATI�E, ORDERS ; , .' •- ; , �_ : , . , ,� �S�.t}TIONS, 'AND �D �;_ �S � �'",` ,� . ,,�_�. -: ' � ������ ' ��� � � � �� � �' . � Da�e: Ju�e 24, 19$0 . .lU� � � 19�0�� � � �� � `t , T0: MA�Ox G�iG� LATIl�R ' � �� � _ � � ��: FR: Gary 8. Hos's�rsi, Dept. of Finance & Mgst. Sertrf�a;, '� �� t ,, �; ,;` ; ' �:; CA�I�. �SSO�.�OIQ At�'1'HARI&II�"s XS$UA�B OF II�I3PLxt�l1`� � i V _ _ - ; � _ , �; � i ; � _ . .c-r 1 ACT fl,�i REt?UES1'ED: � ' ^,, ,� � � � , - �; � p�a�t�s •f t�s rasolut3.on wil� �llaa the ��.�it�► ���°�rs to - iHr� �t daP��.ca:i�+e to replaee • bond that ,ws lo�t. . � �:=` - � _ • � .f . . . . - .. . - . . , .. . . � . � •���. : '.'�;• , t , � } ' � :k t .� PjTI�POSE i►�W �tA�IONA��' FO�t 3'$I$ ACTION: �� ..Y -.'�.. .. �� ' � , i �,� Th�; �i�_,of ���+vst bend h�• pro�ridact th� me�e�`�ry de►aur � + � _ . in �r�r T�:f.siue a d�lie+�te t!u +r�ove sctioa is �ae+ceaaa�ag.: k ;: � ° � � � ��' � � � i — i ' ` 4 i �a . .. ' ,;� � � f '�,, , } . ' � A�L�J.�Vi�fi7pi�i . = . 3 , . .. � ' r "'4 i� ,��.. � . �.. � � . . ' �, . � � .. . ' _ . . � .��. - . . . .� . . . . . . . . . xk � . ' �Y@�pilEZ rr01SLC�1 gl�Ol{itfQA. - j • ` r� i . - - � - , a� , . . �: , . } , � �� _ _ < � ,_ ,.. . . . ry _ , . . , . . .. . .. . . . � . . . : . :;�... . . .. , , . J ':S, • ' 1. ..� . ..� . . . . . . . . �. . § �. " . . . � � . .. . . . , ��' . , ' .. . . . . .�} � . � . . . . . . � . . . ,� . � �� . . . � - , . .. ., . 1 �' ,• ' �ITY" O�' S?�3NT �9.T7�. y��'� ���' � �;;: OFI+�ICE OF TH�+' CITY COIIiV'�CIL �����'� � + �.. �°;_;�;�:;. - - '�:�,....,� �, ������� , . . � `° � � Dote : July 7, 1980 _� C4 �'# �1 �T'TEE f� E P � R�' TO : Saint Paui Cit� Councii _ FROM � Comn�+it�e� on FINANCE, P1ANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL , George McMahon , chairman, m�kes the foliowing report on C.F. ❑ Ordinance (14) �[ Resolution , ❑ Ofi h ar � TiTLE : . _ The Finance Corr�nittee, at its meeting of July 3, 1980, recommended approval of the following: 1 . Resolution transferring funds from Contingent Reserve to Mediation Expense Account to provide funding for payments to outside counsel in conflict of ir�terest cases. (11068-GM) 2. Resolution establishing the title of Clinical Program Manager-Physician in Section 3.M (Special Employment) of the Civil Service Rules and establishing in Section 32 a ciass specification for title, and abolishing title and speeifications for Medical ExamTner. (11087-GM) 3. Resolution establishing in Section II B (Special Employments) the rate of pay for new title of Clinical Program Manager-Physician. (11085-GM) 4. Resolution establishing the title of Clinic Phrysician in Section 3.M (Special Employment) of the Civil Service Rules and establishing in Section 32 a class • - specification for title, and abolishing title of Medtcal Examiner (Clinics Only). (11088-GM) 5. Resolution establishing in Section II B (Special Employments) the rate of pay for new title of Clinic Physician and abolishing rate ofi pay for Medical Examiner (Clinics Only). (11086-GM) 6. Resolution changing grade for Director of Medical Services in Section 3.K (Professional-Administrative Supervisors Group� from Grade 34 to 39. (11089-GM) 7. Resolution transferring $4,400 from Contingent Reserve to pay for city's share of financing audits of operations of Community Clinics during 1979. (11090-GM� (--CONTINUED--�) CITY I�ALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, �FI:�tiESOTA SSIO? , 'y_y.J . _. . _ r _. G��� .o� ��.���,� �'�u�+ "' °��^./'�'� � , . .� � . ��c'' OF�+'ICE O�' THE CITY CflU�TCIL _,... �� .. . '�.�. _ •5 . . �11.f^r^ �� ,�� •�J�i/a►�^ " x����s:. ,�., z DQt e : July 7, 1980 � � � ��� C U i1� �f ��"�� � F� � P t� �T _ TO : Soint Pout City Council �ROM � Comm��t�� Of7 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL George McMahon , chaifman, makes the foltowing report on C. F. [� Ordinance � Resolution � ather TiTLE : (Continued from other page) - � 8. Resolution approving Agreements between the City, IUOf Local-s 36 & 967, Cement Masons Local 560, and the Classified Confidential Employees Rssociation amending the City Mileage Article in the respective current Agreement. (11099-GM) 9. Resolution establishing procedures and fees for applications for-Tax .Exempt Industrial , Commercial and Housing Revenue Bonds or Notes. ..(11lOD-GM) 10. �esolution allowing proper City officers to issue duplicate bond to replace lost , bond. (.11101-GM) 1 . Resolution allowing proper City officers to issue duplicate bond to replace lost bond. (11105-GM) " 12. Resolution allowing Trustee of City to provide payment to holder of bond for one coupon that was 1ost. (11107-GM) 13. Resolution approving agreement between City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority which will a11ow HRA to implement certain CDBG Year VI activities. 14. Budget Amendments in CD Years II , III and IV Programs. CiTY HEiL.L SEVENTE�I FLG`OR SAI�iT PAUL, I4IINNESO'I'A 5�102 '�,, .�y �. .. . . . �